O-72-54ORDINANCE NO. 0 -72- 54 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A VARIATION FROM THE OFF- STREET PARKING PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE WITH RESPECT TO THE DEERFIELD' COMMONS WHEREAS, LANDAU, HEYMAN AND CLAY INC. has petitioned for variations from the strict provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield, passed May 4, 1953, as amended; and WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly published, as required by statute, a public hearing on said Petition was held and con- ducted by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals has filed with the President and Board of Trustees its written findings of fact and recommendations. NOW,,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the findings of fact and recommendations ONE of the Zoning Board of Appeals are hereby con - curred in and adopted as the findings of'fact of the President and Board of Trustees. SECTION TWO: the strict letter Village of Deerf ii legally described hereof. That there are practical difficulties and particular hardship in the way of carrying out of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the ald, as applied to Petitioner's property which is on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part SECTION That variations from the strict provisions of THREE: Sections XVI,F,d,10 and XVIII of the Zoning Ordinance of tTe Village of Deerfield with respect to the property described on Exhibit A hereto are hereby granted so as to permit the structural alterations of the Jewel Food Store with a total availa- ble off- street parking spaces of 445 in lieu of the required 472 spaces, all in accordance with plans presented and filed with the Zoning Board of Appeals. SECTION That the variations hereby granted are subject 'FO'UR: to compliance by Petitioner with all other i applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable ordinances of the Village. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and FIVE: effect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. AYES: FIVE (5) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: ONE (1) PASSED this ' 18th day of September A.D. 1972. APPROVED this 18th day of, September A.D. 1972. i VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK y, EXHIBIT A PARCEL ONE Lot: 19 29 4 and 3s Lot 3 (except the West 27 feet thereof) and Lot ' 9 (except that part of aai.d Lot 9 described as follows: Corr!ex�cin� at the North East corner_ of said Lot 99 thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said Lot 9. a dis -ante of 49.1.2 feet to a place of begiixuiing4 thence continuing along* the last descri t ;ed course, 33.0 feet to a point; thence South 26 degrees 57 minutes 46 seconds Eas•i;9 a distance of 140.76 feet to s point on the Southerly line of said Lot 9 that is 50.69 feet Westerly of the Soivth Easy, corner of said Lot 9v measured. al.oing the Southerly lane thereof; .thence North 79 degrees 38 minutes 41 seconds Eanst alor.. the Southerly line of said Lot 99 a distance ox 27.45 feet to a point; thence North 25 degrees 37 minutes 37 seconds Viesti, a di.stoonce of 1"3.68 feet, to the place of begi.nnZing), all in Deerfield Commons, being a consolida- tion of parts of Lots A and 5 in Phileman. Cadwells Addition to Deerfield in Section 33 and part of "a;he North East quarter of Section 32p all in `.township 43, North, Range 12, East of the 3rd P.M.9 according to 'he plat of said Deerfield Commons recorded imi ary 27, 1959 as Document 2018813, in Hook 34 of Plats 9 page 99g in Lake County, Illinois. PARCEL TWO - Easement for the purpose of ,parking passenger %r,.ehicles9 drives and walks s over 9 thrdugh or upon .-that part of Lot 5 in Deerfield Commons aforesaid, lying i:o the rear of the i mpro*%rements racing Waukegan road existing- on said Lot 5 on December 11,'1957 as created by ass Agreement, made by and Vetween Bruce Frost and Beatrice F est9 his wife, with M. 'Em Cede dated DecerCber lly 1957 and recorded March 12., 1A58 as Document 993680 and Amendment thereto dated May 12, 1958 and recorded May 229 1958 as Document 994722, in Lake County. 11.1inots. PARCEL THREE - Such easements and covenants for ingress which Mortgagor may have acquired under Agreement dated dulty 319 1960 and recorded Augwt 92 1960 as Document 10782939 in and to Lot 7 of Bleimehl"s Subdivision, in Lake County, Illinois. P?UZCBL FOUR A Tact of land. in the North East quarter of Section 329 Ta!,r eohiu 43 North. ReAge -12,. East of the -3rd Po M. s, described as f'oll.ovis Commenoiiz�g at the North East corner of the Depot t rc+unds of tiia Cliieego, !Ul,via4.kee and St. Paul. Railroad (now �-�ovm as t;h:!. _ ti°^Jg. Yd liyaWke�e, S , Pail a- Pacific iias,l�°oa.Cl Company). be -In.a also ', a_ S o th Ea3t c u- .ner of lat 2 i;x Deerfield C oiwons mod, w a con-so, la � ion. of pants of Lot 4 and 5 in Phi.leman Cadwel.?s Addition. to Doarficvls' re —orded :same -y-y 270 1959-1 as Document 101881.3 "tY.e >s � Sc�,, �h 89 ��- egy.,e- 17 me.:,:t':s 00 seconds West 129.4 9 -feet to � ;•hs South Wy'„ot c: o7., ex od "': said Lot 25 thence So -oth ti5 &.,grew 51 mi raur ;s �7 .5 s�;cojy,dia Fat-it 109:.200" feet, alrx.^.g The �a. "'ou :�. ' Easterly terly x-ters .on. r the SovJ..; •x �Ilcste -&° Iy line of oaid Lot 2 `;o thhe point Oa: intersection iii th the ►S7t3'. t.h We n Lerl extension of 'the, South .iJ a>l !'!'Ci r%.y ..... :ne of Lot 9 said Sl C. e,f,'.], i e .L.d 4•fjmr;.l oiJJ , thence !iy.: .uh 79 degrees, 38 Ta3i-n� -ytGs 41 sal".' -oiids East 125.575 eet to the South `last �:orn r 'o:� sa.i.d. Lot 99 �ilhi=- r4orth :15 ll.;�gr°ees 51 minutes 07.5 seconds Wss i 870A-25 �. ., . feet � the South �e�terlJ line of sa,.d Lot 0. be. nz also t l� North Easterly line � of said Depot Grcurid3 Of 1 1�c C'1112,e.,got � arxd S Paul. Railroad (now lm.own as Ghicc ga, hri- i14ie.uk-e q St. Paul Ea-zd Pacific nail_L7oad Co spas ) a to the p?.:.rfe, of bsgir�;,si.:.g� in iral e Coimty9 Illinois; said property commonly kn.ov%,n as 748 `!VauJ- .e*ga.n road or' Deer-f! eld �::'lwiiriC�_2� �. t1�" � .r,��:.? ".,r_r,TL'�'•�:i`��::"a '. ... �... .. _ -- ._.._._�._...,.��