O-72-224 ' I I ORDINANCE NO. 0 -72- 22 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING AN ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE VILLAGE OF_DEERFIELD..FOR THE FISCAL YEAR; 'MAY' '1',' 1972 TO APRIL 30',' 1973 WHEREAS, the Tentative Annual Budget for the Village of Deerfield for the fis.cal year, beginning May 1, 1972 and ending April 30, 1973, as prepared by the Budget Officer for the Village and submitted to the President and Board of Trustees, was placed on file in the office of the Village Manager on April 14, 1972 for public inspection, as provided by statute and ordinance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly published, a public hearing was held by the President and Board of Trustees on said Tentative Annual Budget on April 24, 1972, as provided by statute and ordinance; and WHEREAS, following said public hearing, said Tentative Annual Budget was revised by the President and Board of Trustees and a copy of said Tentative Annual Budget, as so revised, is attached hereto and made a part hereof and is before the President and Board of Trustees for'consideration and adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the Tentative Annual Budget for the Village ONE: of Deerfield beginning May 1, 1972 and ending April 30, 1973, as revised, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby approved and adopted as the Annual Budget for the Village of Deerfield for said fiscal year. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and TWO: effect from and after its passage and approval, as provided 75y law. AYES: FOUR (4) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: TWO (2) PASSED this 26th day of . . April. .. . . . . .. A.D. 1972. APPROVED this 26th day of .. pril. ... ...... A.D. 1972. 1 VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK I i VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD BUDGET FISCAL 1972.- 1973 The pages that follow make up the Budget of the Village of Deerfield for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1972 and ending April 30, 1973. Due to the adoption of the Budget Officer system, this budget is not only the operating guide as in the past, but now becomes the official financial document of the Village. A considerable degree of restructuring has been done with the goal of making it more understandable. While certain limitations are imposed by State Statute, it is my conviction that we can continue this process toward greater clarity, ease of rapid review, and meaningful cost information. To speed this work, we have provided the sum of $2,000 in the budget to engage a consultant to work with us in accomplishing this goal. I am happy to say that this is a. balanced budget which requires no in- crease in taxes or fees of any sort. Indeed, it is our hope that by care» ful fiscal planning, we can continue our gradual reduction in the General Corporate Tax Levy that we began several years ago. While this is a balanced budget, it is not a bare bones budget that fails to provide the level of services which a growing community requires. Provision has been made for two additional Patrolmen, apart time Dispatcher, and two additional School Crossing Guards inthe Police Department. Also pro- vided is a clerk, truck driver, and maintenance man as additional staff for our Public Works Department. Our administrative departments have been augmented by a part time intern, part time secretary and a full time Secretary. This additional personnel will enable us to provide the high level of services of the past and to improve them to some degree. A sub- stantial part of this increase is due to the increased work load that has developed from the continued growth of Deerfield. Community growth is of considerable concern to us, as locally shared taxes collected by the State are distributed on a per capita basis. Be- cause of this, we have provided $5, 000 in this budget to enable a Special Census to be conducted this summer. We anticipate that this will show a population of over 20,500 up from the 18,949 that were counted during our 1970 decennial census. Thus, the cost will be recaptured in in- creased revenues during the first few months after the certification of the new census figure to the Secretary of State of Illinois. Employee salaries have been increased in accordance with labor contract (in the case of the Police Patrolmen ) and in general accord with the Phase II Guidelines in most other cases. It is may belief that we have reached a level of salaries where, given any degree of economic stability, we will taper off on the rate of increase that has prevailed during the past few years. Not only have we continued the outstanding training opportunities provided for our personnel in the past, but we have budgeted funds to provide mid career training for our department head level managerial people. . Your Board of Trustees and I have broadened our concerns for the environ- ment, our Senior Citizens, and our Youth during the past year. It has been a year or progreac in all of these areas and we plan to continue. to increase our involvement. We have adopted a questioning stance regarding practices and customs of the past in the hope that, by innovative approaches, we can improve our services and reduce our costs. One area where we have made a significant change is in the removal and disposition of diseased elm wood. Where the Street Department has done this work in the past, we have placed this out for bid and have just accepted a most advantageous contract from a private firm. By this move, we will reduce costs and free our Street De- partment people to increase their maintenance effort on our streets. We are also looking at the Spring Clean Up and leaf removal as other types of vrork that might be handled less expensively by adopting new procedures. . Recodification of your Municipal Codes was last done in 1963. Since that time, so many changes have taken place that the Code is now very unwieldy. Funds have been provided in this budget to enable a complete recodification and updating of these laws that govern the Village. The result will be a code that will be easily used by citizens, Village Officials, and staff alike. Last year, we began a study of our storm and sanitary sewers to determine areas of inadequacy. This year, we are expanding this work to isolate. sources of heavy storm water infiltration. Because the cost of such a study is great, and because it is likely to develop information that is badly needed by other communities, we have applied for a Federal Grant In Aid. Approval is likely; however, even if we do not obtain the Grant, we still have made provision to implement portions of the study. We must press forward with the resolution of these problems since we are about to begin the design studies for the expansion and improvement of our Sewage Treatment Plant. We have no choice in this matter as we must bring our plant effluent to Federal and State standards or be severely fined. The Village of Deerfield remains in excellent financial condition with sufficient funds to begin the implementation of portions of our Comprehensive Plan. Some properties have already been acquired, and we will continue this effort in the months ahead. Difficult though it will be, I am confident that we can make Deerfield an ever finer community and still not burden the taxpayer With increased taxes. Growth and change bring problems, but they also bring opportunities. These we intend to grasp for the con- tinued growth and improvement of this fine community. BERNARD FORREST Mayor - - - - 0000...- -- - - -- .. ... -- - . 0000. ,..� �. �. ,.�,.,..�:. �...�. - ....,,:.._._....._..2,:� • „�.. t�..� EXPENDITURE CHART OF ACCOUNTS Account No. Account Classification .01 . ............................... Salaries 0011 . • . • • • • . . • 0 . . . • • 0 • . • 0 • • • • . . • 0 • 0 0 Incentive Program .02 . •0....•.0..•0•.00.....•0..•••.0 Temporary Help .021 . .......•..•..•...•o•...•..•.•.. Part Time Help .022 ....................... • ........ TO�vertime ; .03 0 • 0 • • • . • . . • • • 0 . . . 0.• 0 0 0 • 0 . 0 0 • 0 . • . Medical & Psychological Services ices .031 . ........•............•.••••..•• Consultant Services: .04 . . . • . . • • 0 • • . • • • • • . . . 0 • • . 0 • 0 • . • . • Insurance .041 . ...............••.....•.•...•.. Bonds 9042 • .. • . • .. • • . • • ...... • • ...... • • . • • Health and Hospitalization Insurance. 005 •..•.....••.•..•.•••.00.0000000 Engineering Services 0051 . . . • • . . . • • • • . • 0 00 0 0 . . • • 0 • • 0 . . • • . Contractual Work •06 .. •.••..•.•...••.••••....•.••••.. Legal Advertising . .061 .... • . • ... • • . • .. • .... • • ..... • ... Help Wanted Advertising .07 . . • . • . . • • • . . . . . • . • . • . • .. . . 0 . . . . . Electricity., .08 ............................... Telephone, Telegraph .09 . •••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••• Printing .091 . ............................... Periodicals .10 . ............................... Postage .11 0000 .. .......................... Radio Service 9111 Radio Supplies .12 . ............................... Licenses .121 . .........:..................... Badges .13 . ............................... New Motor Vehicles .14 . ............................... Motor Vehicle Maintenance .15 . ............................... Equipment Maintenance .16 . ............................... New Office Equipment. 161 • ............................... Other New Equipment 17 . ............................... Office Supplies .171 . ............................... Construction Materials .172 . ............................... Janitorial Supplies .173 . ............................... Aggregates „ •18 . ............................... Meters 0181 . ......••.......0...•.•••.•.•.0• Meter Repairs 9182 . •..........a ................... Meter Repair Parts .183 . ............................... Street Signs 19 Water Purchases 0191 . ............................... Sewer Service Charges •20 . ............................... Gasoline .201 . ............................... Lubricants .21 . ............................... Heating .211 . ............................... Heating - Annex .22 Building Maintenance . 221 ....... •••••••• Grounds Maintenance .23 . ............................... Uniforms and Apparel •24 . ............................... Dues .25 . ............................... Travel Expense .251 . ............................... 9252 . ............................... 926 . ............................... .27 . ............................... .271 . ............................... .272 . ............................... .28 . ............................... .29 . ............................... .30 . ............................... . 3 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .311 . ............................... .312 . ............................... .32 . ............................... .33 . ............................... .34 . .....................:......... 9341 . ............................... .343 .............................. 935 . ............................... .351 . ............................... .36 . ............................... .37 . ............................... .38 . ............................... Registration Fees School Expense Open Item S alt Chlorine Sewer Chemicals Small Tools Contingent Equipment Rentals Bond Payments Interest Payments Bank Agency Fees Building Rentals Election Board Expense Legal Retainer Prosecutor Fees Recording Fees Plan Commission Professional Service' Plan Commission Expense Board of Zoning Appeals Expense Board of Building Appeals Expense ' Safety Council Expense .39 . ............................... Board of Police Commissioners .40 . ............................... Youth Council Expense .41 . ............................... Sister City Committee Expense .42 . ............................... Human Relations Commission .43 . ............................... Environmental Commission ' 44 Breitling Property .45 . ............................... Microfilming Records .46 . ............................... Dog Pound.Expense .47 . ............................... Plumbing Inspection .4$ .. ............................... College Program Tuition Reimbursement .50 . ............................... Scavenger Service Recodification 051 . ............................... .52 . ............................... Special Census .53 . ............................... Transfer to Depreciation Fund 954 . ............................... Transferto Bond Interest Reserve 4/17/72 TA?3LE OF CONTENTS Letter of Transmittal. .9..9.... ••..•.•.•••••.•••...•.•.••.Page 1 Firuznce Directors Summary ....• 994.4••••••••••..•...••••Page 2_2E Explanation o f . Contingencies. • • • • 4 9 . • •,* • 9 • . so**** • • . • .....Page 3 Budget Summary Sheet .••4.... .....••.•••..........•.•..•Page 4 Personnel Cost Summary Sheet. .. • . • • ****so* • • 9 9.a*** a • .. Page 5 Staffing Schedule ....... .•••.. •.•.....•..••.•......•.....Page 6 General Fund Revenues 9 . • *ease so oo**oo .................. Page 7 Village Board and Clerk...•..• 000 ........................Page•8 Village Board aid Clerk, Personnel 4.••••••9•.•••••.••0000Page 9 General Offices , Expenditures • • • • . • 0 4 0 . 0 • • • • 0 0 0 0 • • . 0 • • • 4 • Page 10 General Offices and Finance, Personnel* • 9 9 0000.. • 9 .. 4 • • • *Page 11 Finance Department, Expenditures • • . 4 4.4.9 0000.4 0.0 • ...... Page 12 Police Department, Expenditures. * 9.00 09 4 • • .. • • . • 0 0 0 0 .. 4 • . Page 13 Police Department, Personnel *06 • • ....................... Page 14 Village Hall and Annex, Expenditures ...................... Page 15 Village Hall, Personnel . 0 0 • 9 0 9 • 9 9 . • . • • • . 9 . 4 • 0 0 • 4 9 0 • 0 • • . • t Page 16 Village Garage, Expenditures.* 0 17 Village Garage, Personnel s e e s • . • ........... " Page 18 Building Department, Expenditures 9 •9 •9 . • . 9 9 4 . • • • • .. Page 19 Building Department, Personnel.. 9 4..... 9.0 0 0 0 0 ........... Page 20 Water Department, Revenue..•• •.•.•.••••.•.....•..•••••••Page 21 Water Department, Expenditures .. • 9 4 4 9.9.4 . • ... • .. • . 4 9 • • . Page 22 Water Department and Treatment Plant, Personnel ....... 9 • . Page 23 Sewer Department, Revenue ..Page 24 General Fund Assistance to Sewer Department 9 4 9 9 4.4 • • • ... • Page 24A. Sewage Treatment Plant, Expenditures .................... Page 25 Sewer Maintenance and Operation, Expenditures . • .. 4 4 • • 9 • • . Page 26 Sewer Department, Personnel ............................ Page 27 :scavenger Service, Expenditures ••••••••••.:..•••••••••••Page 28 Scavenger Service, Personnel ..0•••••00000a••••••900000 •Page 2]99 Street and B rid. ge , Revenue • 9 0 0 *0000000 • . 0 9 . 9 0 • . 0 • • 0 .....Page 30 Street and B ridge. Expenditures • 4 • 0 0 9 a 9.9 4 ... 0 ... 9 9 . • 9 • . • Page 31 Street and Bridge, Personnel.• ••••.•.•94.•9•.9.•........aPage 32 Civil Defense, Expenditures and Revenue .................. Page 33 . General Obligation Sewer and Library Bonds. . Page 34 IMRF, Public Benefit, Police Pension, Special Tax Fund ... Page 35 Capital Outlay ............ ............................... Page 36 Deerfield Public Library .. ............................... Page 37 Salary Ordinance, .. *so *so so so *-*so **** so o* so Page 38 Items Selected for Cost Accounting Study .................. Page 39a -b Other Expense 141.031 - 149.031 Consultant service 4,500. 141.051- 141.052 - 141.341 Engineering and New Equipment -Other 141.342 - 142.051- 143.03 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELb 147.051 Services 40,465. 141.34 Legal Retainer OPERATING BUDGET - ADt!XI STRATIVE DEPARTMENT 141.42 - 141.43 - 141.35 1972 - 1973 Advisory Boards 8,200. 141.17 - 142.17 - 143.17 147.17- 149.17- 414.17 1972 -73 1971 -72 INCREASE % OF ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET DECREASE) CHANGE 142.01 Manager 27,000. 26,000. 1,000. 3.8 143. -0 1 Finance Director 17,400. 16,500. 900. 5.5 149.01 Building Commissioner16,352. 15,550. 802. 5.1 142.01 Youth Worker 13,500. 13,500. 142.01 Manager's Assistant 10,550. 10,000. 550. 5.5 149.01 Building Inspector 10,550. 10,000. 550., 5.5 147.01 Custodian 8,820. 8,400. 420. 5.0 . 142.01 149.021 Planner 5,342. 9,500. (4,158.) (43.8) 141.01 Village Clerk 3,000. 3,000. 142.021 Intern 2,700. 3,450. (750.) (27.8) 142.01 & 149.01 & 414.01 Secretaries 21,639. 11,250. 10,389. 92.3 142.01 & 143.01 & 149.01 Accounting Clerks 15,453. 10,000. 5,453. 54.5 141.021 >i 143.02 b 147.02 149.021 Part Time & Overtime 5,061. 275. 4,786. Total personnel 157,367• 137,425. 19,942. 14.5 Other Expense 141.031 - 149.031 Consultant service 4,500. 141.051- 141.052 - 141.341 Engineering and New Equipment -Other 141.342 - 142.051- 143.03 Professional 142.13 - 149.13 147.051 Services 40,465. 141.34 Legal Retainer 6,000. 141.36 - 141.40 - 141.41 141.42 - 141.43 - 141.35 141.351 Advisory Boards 8,200. 141.17 - 142.17 - 143.17 147.17- 149.17- 414.17 Supplies - Office 5,025. 147.172 Supplies - Janitorial 1,475. 141.16- 142.16- 143.16 2,250. 2,250. 27,000. 13,465. 6,000. 8,100. 4,375. 1,500. 149.16- 414.16 New Equipment- Office 5,435. 2,600. 147.1E New Equipment -Other 400. 350. 142.13 - 149.13 New Motor Vehicles 3,000. 1,500. 141.06- 141.09- 141.10 142.09 - 142.091- 142.10 143.06 - 143.09 - 143.10 147.08- 149.09 - 414.06 414.09 - 414.10 Postage, Printing, Telephone, Maps and Periodicals 8,975. 9,020. -2- 100. 100.00 49.9 r 1.2 650. 14.8 (25.) (1.7) 2,835. 109.0 50. 14.3 1,500. 100.0 (45•) VILLAGE OF DEE_RFIELD OPERATING BUDGET - ADMINISTRATIVE DEPART11ENT 1972 - 1973 1972 -73 1971 -72 INCREASE % OF ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION BUDGET _ BUDGET DECREASE CHANGE Other Expense - continued 141.04 - 142.04 - 143.04 147.04 - 149.04 Insurance 2,840. 3,100. .(260.) (8.4) 142.041- 143.041 Bonds 385. 385. 142.OLt-2- 143.042 147.042- 149.042 Hospitalization Ins. 3,493. 2,301. 1,192. 51.8 . 141.24 - 141.25- 142.24 142.25 - 143.24- 143.25 Dues, Memberships 149.24- 149.25 and Travel 3,975. 4,125. (150.). (3.6) 141.251- 143.251 Registration Fees 150. 150. 142.15 - 143.15 - 147.15 149.15 - 414.15 Equipment Maintenance 1,125. 1,025. (700.) (38.3) 142.14- 149.14 Motor Vehicle Maint. 350. 300. 50. 16.6 147.22 Building Maintenance 1,300. 11000. 300. 30.0 147.221 Grounds Maintenance 600. 600. 141.12- 141.121- 141.343 142.11- 142.12- 142.20 147.19 - 147.23 - 149.11 149.12- 149.20- 149.201 Miscellaneous 890. 575. 315. 54.8 147.31 Municipal Bonds 10,000. 10,000. 147.311 Interest Payments 900. 1,200. (300.) (25.0) 147.312 Bank Fees 25. 25. 141.33 Election Board Expense 2,000. 1,200. 800. 66.6 141.252- 149.252 Employee Education 4,600. 4,600. 141.44 Breitling Mortgage 5,393. 5,393. 142.48 College Tuition 2,000. 2,000. 143.45 Micro - filming 1,000. 700. 300. 42.8 147.07 Electricity 575. 550. 25. 4.5 149.47 Plumbing Inspection 2,000. 3,450. (1,450.) (42.0) Reclassified 13,130. (13,130.) PER CAPITA COST 14.59 284,443. 244,994. 39,4+9. 166 l -2A- ACCT. NO. 144.01 144.01 144.01 144.01 144.01 144.01 144.021 144.021 144.022 144.011 144.13 144.161 144.30 144.17 144.23 144.20 144.201 144.14 144.15 144.39 144.25 144.251. 144.252 144.08 144.10 144.051 144.03 144.04 144.042 144.06 144.061 144.09 144.091 144.11 144.12 144.121 144.24 144.22 144.38 Total Personnel 507,788. 428,724. 79,064. 18.4 New Motor Vehicles VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 1,500. 11.5 OPERATING BUDGET - POLiCE DEPARTMENT (1,000.) (40.) Licenses and 1972 - 1973 14,166. (5,966.) (42.1) 1972 -73 1971 -72 INCREASE % OF DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET DECREASE CHANGE Chief 20,361. 19,300. 1,061. 5.5 Lieutenants - 2 32,918. 47,250.(3) (14,332.) (30.33) Sergeants - 4 60,300. 56,000.(4) 4,300. 7.7' Patrolmen- 24 286,012. 224,036. (2` }) 61,976• 27.7 Communications -4.5 33,750 34V630.(4-5) 34,630.(4.5) (928.) (2.7) Clerks -1.5 12,155. 7,632.(1) 4,523. 59.3 Cadets -3 8,764. 8,764. Crossing Guards -11 22,000. 13,300.(7) 8,700. 65.4 Overtime 25,000. 20,000. 5,000. 25.0. Incentive Program 6,520. 6,520. Total Personnel 507,788. 428,724. 79,064. 18.4 New Motor Vehicles 14,500. 13,000. 1,500. 11.5 New Equipment and 2,500. (1,000.) (40.) Licenses and Rental of Equipment 8,200. 14,166. (5,966.) (42.1) Supplies 7,000. 6,OUJ. 1,000. 16.7 Apparel 7,835• 6,000. 1,835. 30.6. Gasoline and 250. Lubricants 6,500. 6,500. - Vehicle Maintenance 8,000. 8,000. Equipment Maintenance 400. 400. Bd. of Police Comm. 1,500. 19100. 400. 36.4. Travel Expense and Registration Fees and School Expense 6,000. 6,000. Telephone,Telegraph and Postage 3,400. 3,400. Contractual Work 15,500. 5,200. 10,300. 198.1 Professional Services 2,400. 2,400. Insurance 100000. 8,000. 2,000. 25.0 Hospitalization Ins. 13,500. 9,400. 4,100. 43.6 Advertising and Help Wanted Advert. 8 Printing and Periodicals 1,100. 1,150. (50.) (4.3) Radio Service 1,500. 2,500. (1,000.) (40.) Licenses and Badges and Dues 450. 475. (25.) (5.3) Building Maintenance 300. 300.. Safety Council 250. 250. Total 616,123. 522,665. 93,458. 17.9 -2B- i VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD OPERATING BUDGET - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1972 - 1973 1972 -73 1971 -72 INCREASE % OF ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET DECREASE) CHANGE 214.01 341.01 342.01 541.01 Director 19,200. 18,000. 1,200. 6.6 541.01 Clerk 7,500. 7,500. 214.01 341.01 Billing Clerks 17,590. 16,600. 990: 6.0 214.01 Draftsman 3,660. 3,500. 160. 4.6 214.01 341.01 Supervision b 342.01 541.01 Foremen 48,825. 46,500. 2,325., 5.0 148.01 214.01 341.01 342.01 541.01 Salaries -Other 145,431. 1.24,326. 21,105. 17.0 214.02 214.022 341.022 34.022 541.02 541.022. Part Time r; Overtime 41,500. 36,024. 5,476. 15.2 . Total personnel 283,706. 244,950. 38,156. 15.8 )they Expenses: 214.05 214.051 341.05 Engineering 341.051 342.05 342.051 and 541.05 541.051 Professional 72,675. 69,300. 3,375. 4.9 214.031-341.031 342.031 541.031 Consultant Services 5,875. 600. 5,275. 214.03 342.03 541.03 Medical b Psychological 150. 50. 100. 214.19 Water Purchases 275,000. 270,830. 4,170. 1.5 214.171 341.171 Construction 342.171 541.171 Materials 39,600. 36,500. 3,100.. 8.5 214.173 341.173 . 342:173 541.173 Aggregates 28,000. 28,000. :48.172 342.172 Janitorial Supplies 1,750. 1,250. 500. 140.0 541.27 Salt 15,000. 15,000. 214.271 342.271 Chlorine 10,100. 8,350. 1,750. 21.0 341.272 Sewer Chemicals 700. 700. 148.161 214.161 341.161 342.161 541.161 New Equipment 44,050. 28,300• 15,150. 55.1. ' -2C- VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD OPERATING BUDGET - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1972 - 1973 1972-73 1971-72 INCREASE % OF PCCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET DECREASE CHANGE Other Expenses - continued; 214.18 214.181 214.182 Meters and repairs 17,000. 17,000, 214.07 342.07 541.07 Electricity 36,900. 32,000. 4,900. 15.3 148.21 214.21 342.21 Fuel 3,500. 3,575. (75.) 148.04 214.04 341.04 342.04 541.04 Insurance 11,700. 10,200. 1,500. 14.7 148.042 214.042 341.042 Health and 342.042 541.042 Hospitalization 8,465. 6,031. 2,434. 40.4 148.15 214.15 341.15 Maintenance of 342.15 541.15 Equipment 15,000. 22,400. (7,400.) (33.0) 214.14 341.14 Maintenace of 342.14 541.14 Vehicles 6,700. 6,400. 300. 4.7 214.20 214.21 341.20 341.21 342.20 342.21 Gasoline 541.20 541.21 and Oil 3,025• 2,595. 430. 16.6 148.19 214.08 214.09 Printing, 214.091 214.10 341.09 Postage, 341.10 342.08 342.09 Water and 342.091 541.09 541.091 Etc. 541.10 4,150. 4,140. 10. 214.24 214.25 214.251 Dues, 341.25 341.251 342.24 Memberships 342.25 342.251 Travel 1,050. 650. 400. 61.5 148.46 Dog Pound Operation 2,000. 1,800. 200. 11.1 !48.22 148.221 342.22 Building Grounds 2,000. 1,000. ....1,000. 100.0 214.30 341.30 42.30 541.30 Equipment Rental 2,600. 2,600. 214.32 541.32 Village Hall Facilities 21,000. 6,000. 15,000. 250.0 214.31 214.311 Bonds - Principal 341.31 341.311 and Interest 55,475. 55,820.. (345.) -2D- 148.23 148.28 214.06 214.061 214.11 214.12 214.23 214.28 214-312 341.06 341.061 341.11 341.12 341.23 342.06 342i061 342.11 342.12 342.23 342.28 541.06 541.061 541-11 541.12 541.23 541.28 Miscellaneous 2,985. 2,645. 340. 12.9 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD Total. OPERATING BUDGET - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 119,475. 14.0 1972 1973 1972-73 1971-72 INCREASE % OF ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET (DECREASE CHANGE Other Expenses Continued: 341.53 341-54 Bond Ord.Transfers 1,110. 1,105. 5. 541.183 Street Signs 3,000. 3,000. N 148.23 148.28 214.06 214.061 214.11 214.12 214.23 214.28 214-312 341.06 341.061 341.11 341.12 341.23 342.06 342i061 342.11 342.12 342.23 342.28 541.06 541.061 541-11 541.12 541.23 541.28 Miscellaneous 2,985. 2,645. 340. 12.9 Total. 974,266. 854,791. 119,475. 14.0 ?ER CAPITA COST - 49.96 W CONTINGENCY FUNDS EXPLANATION The contingency funds in this budget are established to provide the flexibility to meet unforeseen occurrences. Prior to the adoption of the Budget Officer system, this flexibility was provided by inflating the Appropriation Ordinance by approximately 25% in each account. While this created an unrealistic Appropriation Ordinance figure,' it did achieve the desired goal. The present budget is very realistic as to provision of funds to meet these unforeseen emergencies that might arise. All line items that might fluctuate due to their nature have a 10% contingency provided. All items that are firmly predictable have no contingency provided whatever. No contingency funds in this budget may be utilized without prior approval of the Mayor and Board of Trustees. For this reason, if for no other, contingency amounts are in no way a slush fund to care for sloppy budgeting. These have not been included in the totals of operation for the particular department as the likelihood that they will be spent is slight indeed. Should any of these funds be approved for expenditure by the Mayor and Board of Trustees, they would come from the fund surplus.. PER CAPITA EXPENDITURE EXPLANATION This is based on the Departmental Expenditure divided by the decennial census figure of 18,949 corrected to present population by use of the number of new water accounts as of December 1971, multiplied by the average number of persons per household, to arrive at a figure of 19,500 people. -3- GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Village Board and Clerk General Office Finance Department Village Hall and Annex Police Department Building Department Village Garage Inter Fund Transfers from General Fund. Surplus.. Assistance to Sewer Department Assistance to Street and Bridge Department -4- ti Budget Budget 1971 -72 1972 -73 91,818 81,378 34,725 31,119 522,665 39,904 15,175 76,343 92,858 28,400 33,328 616,123 48,814 14,210 $816,784.00 $9109076.00 27,329.00: 9,400-,00. , VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 1972 - 1973 Estimated Estimated BUDGET SUMMARIES Reverme Expenditure Contingency . General 935,083 910,076 12,457 Water 4831700 479,745 129775 Sewer 208,529 208,529. 91625 Street and Bridge 271,800 271,782 239100 IMRF 542000 542000 -- . Bonds and Interest 259,550 270, 000 - Public Benefit 271,000 27,000 - -. Police Pension Fund 389168 139000 -- Special Tax Fund - Yous Property 3,281 31281 -- Civil Defense -- 9,000 900 Municipal Audit Reserve 5v400 51400 -- Scavenger Account 2929800 289,700 -- $2, 579, 317.00 $29541v513.90 58, 857.00 . GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Village Board and Clerk General Office Finance Department Village Hall and Annex Police Department Building Department Village Garage Inter Fund Transfers from General Fund. Surplus.. Assistance to Sewer Department Assistance to Street and Bridge Department -4- ti Budget Budget 1971 -72 1972 -73 91,818 81,378 34,725 31,119 522,665 39,904 15,175 76,343 92,858 28,400 33,328 616,123 48,814 14,210 $816,784.00 $9109076.00 27,329.00: 9,400-,00. , PERSONNEL COST SUMMARY SHEET - Part Over % Department Regular Temporary Time Time Total Expense Village Board & Clerk 39000 175 39175 4.1 General Office 76,728 21700 799428 85.5 Finance Department 24,150 100 24,250 85.3 ' Village Hall 8t820 1, 640 10, 460 31.0 Police Department 445,504 30,764 25,000 501,268 81.4 Building Department 29, 077, 72377 36t454 74.7 Village Garage 4, 200 41200 29.5 Street and Bridge 807977 6,500 10,000 97,477 3.5.8 Sewer Department 100, 094` 149000 114M4 54.7 Water Departraent 56, 935 4, 000 71000 67, 93 14.1 Scavenger Billing 3,600 3,600 S829,485.00 $12,240.00 S44,1616.00 S56,000.00 5942,3 41.00 37.1 a STAFFING SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT PRESENT 1971 -72 'ADDITIONAL BUDGET 1972 -73' Full . Part . Full Part Full Part Time Time'. Time Time Time Time Village Board & Clerk 1 (vacation repl.)- 0 0 l (Vacation .i replacement) General Office 4 1 1 1 5 2 Youth Worker - vacant 1 Finance Department 2 (vacation repl.) 0 0 2 (Vacation a replacement) Scavenger Billing 0 1 0 0 0 1 Building Department 2 2 0 2 2 4 Village Hall 1 1 0 0 1 1 Police: Chief 1 0 0 0 1 0 Lieutenants 3 0 -1 0 2 , 0 � Sergeants 4 0 1 0 5 0 Patrolmen 20 0 2 0 22 0 Community Relations Officer 0 0 1 0 1 0 Communications & Office 5 1 0 1 5 2 Police Cadets 0 3 0 0 0 3 j Crossing Guards 0 7 0 4 0 11 :. �. Civil Defense 0 1 (unpaid) 0 0 0 1 (unpaid Village Garage 0 1 0 0 0 1 Street and Bridge 6 3 3 0 9 3 Sewer: Maintenance 5 0 0 0 5 0 Treatment 4 0 0 0 4 0 Office 1 0 0 0 1 0 ' Water: Operating 4 1 0 3 4 4 Office 1 0 0 0 1 0 65 22 7 11 72 35 Beth. Ev. Church 500 333 131 Licenses GENERAL FUND r Beer, Liquor 41500 REVENUE - 61000 91250 54.2 ' Dog 41168 4,407 1,114 41250 42500 5.9 ACCOUNT NUMBER 1969-70 1970 -71 1971 -72 1971 -72 1972 -73 % Increase ..j AND CLASSIFICATION Received Received 8 Months Budget Anticipated (Decrease) _ -j_ 130'. .05 Real Estate 280 610 240 300 650 ;j .01 Tax Levy 194, 870 1992713 1712530 `- 200, 000 - 120,000 _ (40.0) . =1 .02 State Income Tax 62,124 1249620 912537 130,000 155,000 19.2 .03 Municipal Sales Tax 2072815 389,654 239,006 3909000 4762000 22.1 .04 Interest Earned. 6,761 91716 5,398 8,000 10,000 25.0 Beth. Ev. Church 500 333 131 Licenses •P611 Beer, Liquor 41500 7, 350 7,458 61000 91250 54.2 'j .02 Dog 41168 4,407 1,114 41250 42500 5.9 .03 Contractors 950 11300 950 17100 11500 36.4 .04 ' Food 11071 1.172 628 11000 19300 30.0 .05 Real Estate 280 610 240 300 650 .06 Taxicab 470 345 121 400 300 .07 Scavenger 225 200 225 200 200 .08 Solicitors 59 45 10 50 -- .09 Miscellaneous 137 268 21092 150 250 , .09A Tree Spraying 325 175 100 200 200 132 Permits .01 Building 14,530 18,452 197221 202000 20,000 -- .02 Electrical 29355 2,516 2,174 29500 31000 20.0 .03 Certificate of Occupancy 494 746 528 250 700 .04 '. Heating 1,020 11203 945 11000 11100 10.0 65Mb Driveways 665 825 800 750 800 .07 Wreckers 56 30 10 200 50 .08 Signs 367 309 94 750 400 .09 Miscellaneous and Tank 157 -- 48 100 50 133 Fees .01 Fixture 12760 1,259 1,590 11200 1,800 50.0 .02 Appeal 1,190 475 100 750 500 .03 Maps and Books 1,403 1,589 910 12200 1,500 25.0 .04 Bicycle 122 258 356 150 350 .06 Impounding P g 462 11058 604 800 1,000 25.0 .07 Property Inspection 130 74 128 100 200 GENERAL FUND REVENUE: ACCOUNT NUMBER 1969-70 1970 -71 - 1971 -72 1971 -72 .1972 -73 % Increase AND CLASSIFICATION Received Received 8 Months Budget Antici ated (Decrease) 09 S sion Review - -- .12 Plan Commission Hearings 200 175 200 150 250 .13 Recording 107 268 92 100 100 134 Other - .01 Ordinance Violation 339358 399928 337674- 40,000 559000 37.5 .04 Reimburse Police Clothing -- -- 52 50 50 .05 Rental Income 29580 39075 7 69100 219000 244.2 .06 Special Police Details 19180 11200 59975 62000 109000 66.7 a'J7 Refuse Collection -- -- -- 109000 109000 .09 Miscellaneous 39180 49281 39307 3,000 .39500 16.7 I. L. E. C. Grants to Police Dept. 229889 Bannockburn Radio Contract 900 5499624.63 818,599.68 5929607.85 8379550.00 9359089.00 11.6 Ir. VILLAGE, BOARD AND CLERK EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 141 1969-70 .1970-71 1971-72 1971-72. 1972-73 % li-icrease AND CLASSIFICATION Expended - ded - Expen 8 Months Bud et 9 Pro s ed e (Decrease) .01 Salaries 3,000 3,137 2,000 3,175 3,000 .021 Part Time Help 90 175 .031 Consultant Services 75 29553 366 21000 49000 100.0 .04 Insurance 87 263 43 350 350 .051. Contractual Work -- -- 3,897 35,450 12,500 (64.7) .052 Special Census 5,000 'M - Legal Advertising 89 172 255 200 300 .09 Printing 21 55 23 150 150 .10 Postage 250 250 120 320 325 12 Licenses -- -- 35 50 15) .121 Badges 35) .16 New Office Equipment 225 -- — 350 500 .17 Office Supplies 526 1,300 417 Boo 1,000 25.0 .24 Dues 692 579 681 1,000 1,000 .25 Travel Expense 541 997 107 1,000 900 .251 Registration Fees 100 .252 School Expense 4, 400 .33 Election Board Expense 856 11416 17200 22000 66.6 .34 Legal REtainer 6,000) .341 Legal Fees 259823 25,838 161643 259000 11,800) 8.5 .342 Prosecutor Fees 9M0) Board of Zoning Appeals Ex. 656 551 86 750 750 .36 Board of Building Appeals Ex. -- -- 21 100 100 i .40 Youth Council Expense 738 316 71 1,000 1,000 i 41.' Sister City Committee Ex. -- 50 so .42 Human Relations Commission Ex. 232 200 200 .43 Environmental Commission Ex. -- -- -- 100 .44 Breitling Property 5,392 5, 392 3.5.95 5.3931. VILLAGE BOARD AND CLERK EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 141 1 9 -70 1970 -71 1971 -72 1971 -72. _ 1972 -73 % Increase AND CLASSIFICATION Expended Expended 8 Months Bud et Pro sed (Decrease) .35 Plan .Comm. Professional 121 842 13, 771' 51469 69000 51300). 1 .351 Plan Commission Expense 700) -- -; .343 Recording Fees . 200 Brickyard Expense 11264 -- -- 4,000 -- Misc. Exp -Park Ave. Lot -- -- 17996 -- -- Contract Payments -Park Ave. -- 1,470 3,1280 39 280 -- 539316 58,067 409201 919818.00 769343.00 16,7) . i �1 .29 Contingent 11530 i `! PER CAPITA COST = 3.92 i 00 rn PERSONNEL SCHEDULE _ DEPARTMENT- VILLAGE BOARD AND CLERK =` Position Title Employee 1971 -72 1972 -73 Salary Proposed. /Increase Village Clerk Mrs . Catherine Price 3, 000 3, 000 Deputy Clerk 175 17.5 rn 3 x ; GENERAL OFFICES. EXPENDITURES _ ACCOUNT NUMBER 142 1999-70 1970 -71 1971 -72 1971 -72 1972 -73 o Increase AND CLASSIFICATION Expended Ex ended 8 Months Budget Pro sed (Decrease) " .01 Salaries 37,786 38,861 29,783 65,188 76,728 17.6 :.021 Part Time 21582 29834 2,162 3,000 2,700 (10.0) .04 Insurance 537 548 248 700 565 .041 Bonds 10 I .042 Hospitalization Insurance 468 462 625 995 11785 29.4 .051 Contractual Work 196 -- 165 4Q6 Printing 897 620 100 900 725 `j .091 Periodicals 25 'j .10 Postage 19211 1,263 1,235 1,600 1,700 6.3 .11 Radio Service 19 21 101 50 50 .12 Licenses 17 15 9 20 20 .13 New Motor Vehicle -- 500 =- 500 500 .14 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 104 139 117 100 150 .15 Equipment Maintenance 579 433 298 300 450 0 .16 New Office Equipment 120 787 786 1,650 635 .17 Office Supplies 2,561 3,450 2,234 3,000 3,250 8.3 .20 Gasoline 140 137 37 125 150 .24 Dues 202 203 103 250 250 .25 Travel Expense 614 816 584 11000 19000 -- .48 College Program Tuition Reimb. 623 556 686 2,000 2,000 -- s 48,468.86 517651.22 39,313.69 81,378.00 921858.00 14.0 i .29 Contingent 11172.00 PER CAPITA COST = 4.76 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE t -, DEPARTMENT - GENERAL VILLAGE OFFICES- .' Position Title Employee 1971-72 1972 -73 �. :r Salary Proposed %Increase 4 Village Manager Norris W. Stilphen 269000 27, 000 3.8 7 . Assistant to the Manager Marjorie Emery 10, 000 10, 550 5.5 ! Planning Aide Stanley Steadman 9,500 4, 750 (hourly) 5.5 i Part Time Clerk 3,000 -- Youth Worker 13,500 13,500 .1 Board & Commission Secretary Christine Dowdall -- 7,200 Part Time Intern -- 2,700 Receptionist - Secretary Patricia Haroski (3/4) 61188 6,528 5.5 Secretary -- 7,200 ' 68,188.00 79,428..00 ' FINANCE DEPARTMENT Finance Director Albert M. Cleven 16, 500 172400 5.5 Clerk- Accounting Machine Operator Patricia Rogge 6,400 6,750 5.5 Part Time and Overtime 100 100 23,000.00 24,250.00 FINANCE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 143. AND CLASSIFICATION 1969 -70 Expended 1970 -71 E ended 1971 -72 8 Months 1971 -72 Bud et 1972 -73 Proposed o Increase (Decrease) .01 Salaries 189192 18,927 14,811 .22, 900 249150 5.5 o02 Temporary Help 17 -- -- 100 100 .03 Medical & Psychological 100 .04 Insurance 372 372 22 450 25) I .041 Bonds 375) - .042 Health and Hospitalization. 168 223 192 250 300 1" Legal Advertising 166 377 871 400 400 ..l j .09 Printing 172 115 19 100 500 ' .10 Postage 65 50 -- 100 100 .15 Equipment Maintenance 125 43 -- 75 75 .16 New Office Equipment -- 570 362 150 400 .17 Office Supplies 89 162 101 125 350 .24 Dues 45 45 48 50 50 a .25 Travel Expense 123 78 80 475 425) .251 Registration Fees 50) , cv .45 Microfilming Records -- -- -- 500 19000 100.0 Data Processing Study -- -- 35 500 -- ': Professional Audit Services 31447 3,595 31985 31700 Scavenger Service 4 1 850 i 22,984.23 24,562.57 20,529.93 34,725.00 28,400.00 4.9 .29 Contingent 225, PER CAPITA COST= 1046 MUNICIPAL AUDIT RESERVE (Separate Fund) i Expenditure 59400 Revenue 52400 PER CAPITA COST = 0.28 . POLICE, DEPARTMENT - �: EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 111+ 19 9 -70 1970 -71 2972 -72 1971 -72 1972 -73 o lincrease AND CLASSIFI Expended 6 Months Budget P=osed (Decrease) .0 Salaries 258, 499 3301038 2589870 402,204 445,504 10.8 .011 Incentive Program 21260 61520 69520 - .021' Part Time Help 19, 259 32, 514 27, 384 30t764 100.0 .022 Overtime 20, 000 259000 25.0 i ,03 Professional Services 11558 21106 280 .27400 29400 - .04 Insurance 7,327 6,735 10,004. 8,000 10,000 25.0 Hospitalization Insurance 4,400 51199 59629 91400 139500 43.6 . 77 Contractual Work 5,454 51161 51106 59200 15,500 198.1 .06 Advertising 32 115 260 300 50 !.061. Help Wanted Advertising 250 - = . .08 Telephone, Telegraph 29205 11771 11241 31000 39000 - .09 Printing 781 543.. 979 850 750 - .091 Periodicals 50 .10 Postage 442 301 18 400 400 - .11 Radio Service 29008 11157 217 29500 1,500 (40.0) .12 Licenses 125 256 245 300 40 .121 Badges 260 - - .13 New Motor Vehicles 71056 91312 150 139000 14,500 11.5 .14 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 69448 8,915 49409 81000 81000 - .15 Other Equipment Maintenance 72 541 143 400 400 - ...161 New Equipment 21627 19599 10,171 13, 966 8, 000 (42.7) Rearrangement P. D. 19915 i ,17 Supplies (Office) 39967 52252 3,673 6,000 71000 16.7 .20 Gasoline 51589 59892 21213 6,500 6,050 (6.9) ... i . ,201 Lubricants 450 - .23. Uniforms and Apparel 49814 61081. 41278 67000 79835 30.6 i .24 Dues 47 140 96 125 150 - ,22 Building Maintenance 76 218 300 - ' I .25 Travel Expense 4, 099 3, 777 1, 711 6, 000. 1, 000) - .251. Registration Fees 3, 000) .252 School Expense 2, 000) 1' y Contingent 71 600.00 PER CAPITA COST = 31.60 Indicates Grant: Cadets Grant = $5,764.00 Salaries include $12,775 grant for Community Relations Officer New Motor vehicles includes $2,100 grant New Equipment includes $2,250 Grant ACCOUNT NUMBER 144 1969-70 1970 -71 1971 -72 1971 -72 1972 -73 % Increase _ AND CLASSIFICATION Expended Expended 8 Months Budget Proposed (Decrease) .� 30 Rental of Equipment. 140 253 -- 200 200 = 38 Safety Council Expense 149 80 79. 250 250 39 Board of Police Commissioners 1,701 878 1,885 1,100 1,500 36.4 3409725.87 428,702.38 342,376.41 522,665.00 616,123.00 17.9 Contingent 71 600.00 PER CAPITA COST = 31.60 Indicates Grant: Cadets Grant = $5,764.00 Salaries include $12,775 grant for Community Relations Officer New Motor vehicles includes $2,100 grant New Equipment includes $2,250 Grant :i .01 Sergeant William Behnke 102608 800 i Sri Patrolman Robert Hamilton 12,500 13,250 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE William Butler 12,500 13,250 ' -01 DEPARTMENT'- POLICE DEPARTMENT, 12, 500 13,250 1 .01 Patrolman 144 - Position Title Employee = 1971 -72 Salary 1972 -73 Proposed % Increase 11,856 139250 .01 Patrolman Thomas Hill 11,856 .01 Chief of Police Warren M. Whitton 192300 209361 5.5. ! .01 .01 Lieutenant George Hall, 15,750 -- Patrolman �{ .01 Lieutenant Thomas Rogge 159750 169459 4.5 "{ .01 Lieutenant Robert Charles 159750 16,459 4.5 Patrolman .01 Sergeant Robert Davenport 149000 149875 6.25 10,608 .01 Sergeant Jeffrey McDermott 14,000 14,875 6.25 .01 Sergeant Larry Tousignant 14,000 149875 6.25 .01 Sergeant Donald Tiffany 14,000 14,875 6.25 :i .01 Sergeant William Behnke 102608 800 i Sri Patrolman Robert Hamilton 12,500 13,250 .01 Patrolman William Butler 12,500 13,250 ' -01 Patrolman Larry Kick 12, 500 13,250 1 .01 Patrolman Gordon Cooper 129500 139250 .01 Patrolman Royce Lacy 11,856 139250 .01 Patrolman Thomas Hill 11,856 13,250 .01 Patrolman James Kinnee 11,856 13, 250 ! .01 Patrolman Martin Quilty 112856 13,250 .01 Patrolman William Dunn 11,220 129444 .01 Patrolman David Ebert 11, 220 12,444 .01 Patrolman James Roche 11,220 12,444 .01 Patrolman David Turnbaugh 11,220 12,444 .01 Patrolman John Bruce 10,608 11,772 _ .01 Patrolman George Hoffman 10, 608 11,772 Additional compensation if Patrolman is promoted to Sergeant to replace Lt. Hall i I i r� . Patrolman William Behnke 102608 11,772 :01 Patrolman Gary Stryker 10, 608 11,772 .O1 Patrolman Thomas Potter 10, 608 11, 772 i .01 Patrolman Michael Downar 91972 111136 .01 Patrolman John Elofson 91360 10,464 .01 Patrolman Thomas Skrabala 9,360 10,464 1 .01 Communications Kenneth Anderson (new) 82290 7,175 .01 Communications David Moon 71700 89124 .01 Communications . Terry Bentley 7; 416 71824 Additional compensation if Patrolman is promoted to Sergeant to replace Lt. Hall i I i r� . !1� DEPARTMENT - POLIC Position Title Employee . 1y11-7L 1. 1972 -73 Salary Proposed Communications Faith Jongewaard 6, 800 Dispatcher, Clerk, Matron Lois Kemp 8,000 Half Time Clerk- Matron Vacancy Patrolman Vacancy - - Patrolman Vacancy -- Patrolman (replace Patrolman funded and assigned to school) Patrolman (replace Patrolman promoted to Sergeant) -- Communications - half time Vacancy 39380 Police Cadet Jeff Spivak Federal Grant Police Cadet Gene Rydzinski Federal Grant Police Cadet Vacant Federal Grant Crossing Guard Ruth Hani ch 1,900 Crossing Guard Dominic Gintner 1,900 Crossing Guard Ruth Pluskowski 19900 Crossing Guard Margaret Dunn 1,900 Crossing Guard Rose Ann Citti 11900 Crossing Guard Wallace Thayer 1,900 Crossing Guard Joyce Charles 19900 Crossing Guard Edward Caulfield -- Crossing Guard Therese Gastfield -- Crossing Guard Replacement Janet Seul _- Crossing Guard Replacement Arthur Peterson -- Crossing Guard Vacancy Crossing Guard Vacancy _- Overtime All Personnel 20,000 $4222204.00 71175- 8, 440- 3,715 9,828 9,828 9,828 9,828 32460 $445,504 2,922 , 21921 21921 8,764 2,000 21000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 22,000 25,000 25,000 S501,268.00 Incress e 5.5 5.5 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 4 Contingent PER CAPITA COST = 1.71 M 820 VILLAGE HALL AND ANNEX EXPENDITURES rs - ACCOUNT NUMBER 147 19 9 -70 1970 -71 1971 -72 1971 -72 . 1972 -73 a Iincrease AND CLASSIFICATION Expended Ex ended 8 Months Budget Proposed (Decrease) :1 .01 Salaries 7,910 72632 51600 81400 81820 5.0 .02 Temporary Help , __ __ 11517 -- 19640 .04 Insurance 747 589 465 600 900 .042 Health and Hospitalization 156 168 136 204 408 .051 Contractural Work 143 91 -- 500 19900 280.0 .07 Electricity 524 516 290 550 575 .08 Telephone, Telegraph 31186 29640 10 49000 49000 -- ai5 Equipment Maintenance 109 214 19 1,000 200 (80.0) , .161 Other New Equipment 441 34 77 350 400 .17 Office Supplies 25 .172 Janitorial Supplies 11218 1,198 12089 12500 1,475 -- .19 Water Purchases 81 59 47 100 100 .22 Building Maintenance 5,215 11383 11023 11000 11300 . .221 Grounds Maintenance 600 .23 Uniforms and Apparel 29 32 -- 40 60 .211 Heating -Annex 14 12650 -- .21 Heating 422 522 153 -- .31 Municipal Bonds 109000 109000 109000 102000 109000 - - .311 Interest Payments 12800 12500 1,200 1,200 900 .312 Bank Fees 21 22 22 25 25 327008.10 269604.82 21,668.37 312119.00 33,328.00 7.1 Contingent PER CAPITA COST = 1.71 M 820 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE .01 Custodian. .021 Summer Help '1 -I Joseph Venturi 8,400 8,820 5.0 -- 1,640 r, VILLAGE GARAGE EXPENDITURES ,I ACCOUNT NUMBER 148. 1969 40 1970 -71 1971 -72 1971 -72 1972 -73 % Increase. `j AND CLASSIFICATION Expended Ex ended _ 8 Months Budget Proposed (Decrease) .� .01 Salaries -- -- - 29666 . 4, 000 49200 5.0 .04 Insurance 730 522. 634. 600 800 33.3 .042 Health & Hospitalization (1) -- -- -- -- 200 .15 Equipment Maintenance' 301 225 -- 500 2,000 .161 Other New Equipment -- 590 4,287 4,600 700 .172 Janitorial Supplies 1,199 807 692 1, 250 1, 250 -- .19 Water Purchases 93 105 93 125 200 q" Heating 899 815 483 19200 19200 -- . 22 Building Maintenance 714 12096 812 500 500) .221 Grounds Maintenance 11000) 200.0 .23 Uniforms and Apparel 59 -- -- -- 60 ' .28 Small Tools 97 100 -- 100 100 .46 Dog Pound Expense 290 11656 12099 1,800 2,000 11.1 Water Main Installation -- 844 -- -- -- Portable Library Building 3y436 Enginering Contracts 1,927 -- 102 500 6,310.92 62763.94 149306. 1 ,17 .00 149210.00 (6.4) .29 Contingent 600 PER CAPITA COST = 0.73 I. 1 , PERSONNEL SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT VILLAGE GARAGE 1971-72 1972-73 Position Title Employee Proposed % Increase: ' - BUILDING DEPARTMENT Y; EXPENDITURES N ACCOUNT NUMBER 149 1969-70 1970 -71 1971 -72 1971 -72' 1972 -73 °Increase AND CLASSIFICATION Expended En ended 8 Months Budget Proposed (Decrease) .01 Salaries 27,368 269463 19,731, 31,012 29,Q77. (6.2) ..1.45 Microfilming Records 801 94 -- 200 - -.. .:.� .021 Part Time Help 71377 .031 Consultant Services 240 467 282 250 500 .04 Insurance 395 612 728 12000 19000 -- .042 Health and Hospitalization Insurance 351 378 441 852 19000 17.4 1 .09 Printing 190 456 49 600 300 .ice Radio Service 12 19 103 25 100- .12. Licenses 10 10 10 15 10 .13 New Motor Vehicles 700 12000 -- 19000 21500 150.0 . .14 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 139 287 75 200 200 '; .15 Equipment Maintenance 250 100 ,16 New Office Equipment 146 776 395 400 32750 837.5 .17 Office Supplies 275 309 100 150 200 �+ . .20 Gasoline 250 274 102 150 125 . .201 Lubricants 25 .24 Dues 47 35 15 50 50 j .25 Travel Expense 408 27 6 300 300 .252 School Expense 200 29 Contingent * 510 .47 Plumbing Inspection 610 3,450 2,000 (42.0) 31,335.99 31,211.97 22,651.63 39,904.00 48,814.00 22.3 Not included in total. i PER CAPITA COST = 2.50 .01 Building Commissioner .01 Inspector .01 Secretary - Receptionist 021 Engineering Aid Plumbing Inspector 021 Planning Aide .021Par-t Time Secretary Charles J. Smalley 15,550, Jake Repholz 10,000 Patricia Haroski 2,062 (4) Craig Root 3,450 (-D Robert Prenzler 39450 Stanley Steadman -- Sue Is'sel (22 hrs. /wk. @ $2.75 34,462.00 16,352 5.5' 10,550 5.5 21175 5.5 3,639 5.5 592(-4L) 5.5 3,146 369454.00 ,' WATER DEPARTMENT REVENUE f ACCOUNT NUMBER 213 1969-70 1970 -71 1971 -72 1971 -72 : 1972 -73 %Increase AND CLASSIFICATION Received " Received 8 Months Bud et Anticipated' ntici ated (Decrease) .01 Water Consumed 353t�3_ 81_ 57-__— 3Q4,612 437. QQO_.__ .__7_.6 . =__.� —1�7Q, QQ2� fiJ .02 �1 .03 :.� .04 ' .06 j' .09 �i Penalties Permits Acreage Development Fees Water Service Charges Interest Miscellaneous 39346 5,538 50 540 41689 78 367,876.65 32774 2,249 42000 4,000 61022 69301 6,000 61000 12150 3,025 500 500 405 580 400 500 41071 12446 21600 29200 (15.4) 736 393 500 500 397,616.75 318,608.34 451,000.00 4832700.00 7.3 N MUNT NUMBER 214 'LASSIFICATION Salaries Temporary Help Overtime Medical & Psychological Consultant Services Insurance Engineering Services Health & Hospitalization Contractual Work Legal Advertising Help Wanted Advertising Electricity Telephone and Telegraph Printing Periodicals Postage Radio Service Licenses Motor Vehicle MaintenancE Equipment Maintenance Other New Equipment Office Supplies Construction Materials Aggregates Meters Meter Repairs Meter Repair Parts Water Purchases Gasoline Lubricants New Motor Vehicle . 34,229 6,167 1,380 751 442 49304 49 7,530 246 157 656 19 15 1,515 1,744 1,440 5,513 15,666 2237417 314 42,416 7,968 1,469 1,357 843 4,518 8,905 60 523 635 20 15 1,541 2,880 240 8,247 12,840 253,940 437 30,033 5,650 12438- 19281 762 5,098 29 4,527 54 68 491 108 15 1,938 6 , 240 11,216 10,171 1,459 174,811 146 54,700 7,200 1,600 1,000 11465 5,300 25 8,500 300 300 1,000 5o 15 1,500 122400 1,500 7,500 12,000 5,000 270,830 300 3,500 569935 49000). 7, 000) 25 200 1,600 300 1,580 7,475 1'5) 15) 8,500 300 275 25 1,000 100 15 1,500 2,500 13,150 11,000) 4,000) 12, 000 4, 500) 500) 275,000 300 25 3.9 52.7' 7.8 N N t 100.0 (79.8) 776.6 108.0 1.5 r WATER DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 214 1969-70 1970 -71 1971 -72 1971 -72 1972 -73 o Increase .. AND CLASSIFICATION Expended Expe nded 8 Months Budget Proposed (Decrease) .21 Heating 403 449 41 375 300 023 Uniforms and Apparel 158 208 ` 126 225 225 .24 Dues 64 64 60 50 100 .25 Travel Expense -- 57 -- 100 100 .251 Registration Fees 150 .271 Chlorine 291 213 475 350 100 ,1 .28. Small Tools 71 -- 5 100 100 .30 Equipment Rentals 725 224 65 200 200 6T.1 Bond Payments 47,381 46,412 301296 459445 20, 000) (.02) .311 Interest Payments 24, 475) .312 Bank Fees 155 152 64 160 160 32 Building Rentals 500 500 - 5,000 20,000 333.0 355,313.96 397,146.86 2869677.91 4472990.00 4799745.90 7.0 N i .29 Contingent 122775 .i PER CAPITA COST = 24.60 , PERSONNEL- SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT- SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT 342 Position Title Employee 1971 -72 Salary 1972 -73 Proposed ; / Increase .01 Chief Operator. Roland Charlier 12,500 _ . 13 125 5.0 .01 Operator Jon Kaeding 9,400 91870 5.0 ..01 :. Trainee Alan Nelson 7,488 7,862 5.0 ' .O1 Trainee Augustus Watts (new employee) 7,300 71500 .Ol Supervisory Edmund ,Klasinski (4) 4, 500 4,800 6.6 .021 Overtime - All Personnel 7,000 7, 000 1 i Started 5200 higher as a result of having Operator's Ticket. 214 WATER DEPARTMENT N .01 Foreman Albert Bernardi 12,500 13,125 5.0 .01 Water Mechanic Henry Englund 9,600 109260 8.0 .01 Maintenance Man Kenneth Swieton 89000 81560 7.0 .01 Meter Reader Robert Wilson (new) 8,000 7,500 (6.66) .l� Supervisory Edmund Klasinski (4) 4,500 4,800 6.6 .01 Account Billing Bertha McGath 81600 9,030 5.0 .01 Draftsman Craig Root 3,500 3,660 54, 700.00 5.6,935.00 .02 Temporary Help 119000 4,000 x.021 Overtime 79000 j i . Was Part Time; will now be full time. - SEWER DEPARTMENT... REVETTUE ACCOUNT NUMBER 330 1 9 -74 1974 -71 1971 -72 1971 -72 1972 -73 % Increase AND CLASSIFICATION Received Received 8 Months Budget Antici ated (Decrease) 01 ewer Service Chgrgp--, 47 _ — O . Z :I J .02 Penalties 11259 11372 812 11500 19500 .03 Permits 828 1, 7061. 985. 5, 000 1,000 (80.0) .031 Sanitary Tapping Fees -- -- 1,411 -- -- .04 Acreage Development Fees -- 685 600 600 600 .06 Interest Earned 22011 -- -- 300 -- .091 Reimburse Sara Lee 39,287 50,481 7,185 12,000 22000 (83.3) .092 Miscellaneous 119 -- 20 100 100 N General Fund Assistance 27,329 190,856.73 204,111.51 121,121.77 194,500.00 2082529.00 7.2 This assistance is provided to the Sewer Department due to the unusually high non- recurring expenses occasioned by the sewer system upgrading studies and design work required on our sewage treatment plant by the new State and Federal Water Quality Standards. GENERAL FUND ASSISTANCE TO STREET AND BRIDGE DEPARTMENT Assistance to Street and Bridge Department $9,400-00 i c� This assistance is provided to augment street maintenance work effort. F' SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT EXPENDITURES - :� ACCOUNT NUMBER 342 1969-70 1970 -71 1971 -72 1971 -72 1972 -73 o Increase 1 AND CLASSIFICATION Expended Expended 8 Months Budget Proposed (Decrease) yi .01 Salaries 339158 352827 25t964 412000 43,157 5.2 .021 Overtime 51309 109136 41005 71000 7,000 .03 Medical & Psychological 25) .031 Consultant Services 33 31 18 200 175) .04 Insurance 850 1,217 803 19300 12300 .042 Health & Hospitalization 612 701 653 1, 200 890 (25.8) .05 Engineering Services 13,517 28, 553 12, 592 8Y000 19000 '!M51 Contractual Work 119000 .06 Legal Advertising 94 29 -- 100 10) .061 Help Wanted Advertising 30) .07 Electricity 91008 99931 7, 064 99500 12,400 30.0 .08 Telephone, Telegraph 90 288 216 300 375 .09 Printing 5 -- 6 15 . 50) .091 Periodicals 25) .11 Radio Service -_ __ -- 50 50 .12 Licenses -- 5 10 10 10 N .14 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 155 154 315 200 200 .15 Equipment Maintenance 39708 2, 984 41341 4,000 59000 25.0 .161 Other New Equipment -- 71370 11365 3, 000 3, 700 23.3 .171 Construction Materials 21275 21919 2, 014 41000 2, 500) 12.0 .172 Janitorial Supplies 500) . .172 Aggregates 2, 000) Z9 Water Purchases 351 478 393 450 500 .20 Gasoline 266 123 34 125 195 .201 Lubricants 5 921 Heating 12817 22331 1, 024 29000 29000 .22 Building Maintenance 392 565 -- 500 500 .23 Uniforms and Apparel 116 173 94 190 150 .24 Dues -- 26 25 50 50 .182 Meter Repair Parts 75 Sewage Treatment Plant Sewer Maintenance Total Sewer Department 105,797.00 102,732.00 208,529.00 N SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT Expenditures ACCOUNT NUMBER 342 1999-70 1970 -71 1971 -72 1971 -72 1972 -73 o Increase AND CLASSIFICATION Expended E ended 8 Months Budget Proposed (Decrease) - .25 Travel Expense 121 134. 31 100 100 'i .251 Registration Fees 200 " .271 Chlorine 11,120 79865 91097 81000 10,000 25.0 .28 Small Tools 82 -- -- 100 100 .30 Equipment Rentals 382 199 -- 600 600 ;a 83,469.93 112,052.03 70,072.46 929065.00 1059797.00 14.9 ' .29 Contingent 21225 PER CAPITA COST = 5.43 Sewage Treatment Plant Sewer Maintenance Total Sewer Department 105,797.00 102,732.00 208,529.00 N SEWER MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION _ EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 341 1999-70 1970 -71 1971 -72 1971 -72 1972 -73 a Increase AND CLASSIFICATION Expended Expended 8 Months Budget Proposed (Decrease) .01 Salaries 44,818 47,782 35,872 559000 56,937 3.5 .021 Overtime 7,117, 11,597 61461 62000 71000. 16.6 .031 Consultant Services 25 20 42 400 59000 .04 Insurance 19365 1,659 29258 1,900 22500 31.6 j .042 Health & Hospitalization 989 11025 11112 19638 1,865 13.8 .05 Engineering Services 864 21669 11,500 132000 400 .2JI Contractual Work 5,000 ? .� Legal Advertising 43 131 35 150 50) ' .061 Help Wanted Advertising 100) .09 Printing 103 267 -- 200 200 .10 Postage 305 308 259 500 500 i .11 Radio Service 19 -- 11 50 50 .12 Licenses 10 10 20 20 20 .14 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 903 1,043 11369 700 12000 42.8 I .15 Equipment Maintenance 619 628 966 1 500 1,500 .161 Other New Equipment 12587 -- 522 1,000 900 N j .171 Construction Materials 4,641 61561 3,471 59000 42000 20.0 .173 Aggregates 2,000 .20 Gasoline ' 198 188 41 170 175 .201 Lubricants 25 i .23 Uniforms and Apparel 116 144 158 200 200 Travel Expense 15 62 15 100 25) .2 1 Registration Fees 75) l .272 Sewer Chemicals 916 288 607 700 700 028 Small Tools 68 17 -- 100 100 .30 Equipment Rentals 300 75 -- 300 300 N SEWER MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 341 1969-70 1970 -71 1971 -72 1971-72.. 1972 -73 Increase = AND CLASSIFICATION Expended Expended 8 Months Budget Proposed (Decrease) ,f .31 Bond Payments 10,746 10,498 102870 1M75 10, 000) - .311 Interest Payments 1, 000) • .53 Trans. to Deprec. Fund 19000 19000 -- 19000 19000 .54 Trans. to Bond Int. Res. 108 104 -- 105 110 .32 Building Rentals 1,000 11500 -- -- -- East Side Interceptor '61631 .- 849516.76 87,584.87 759594.72 100,108.00 1029732.00 2.6 .29 Contingent 794-00 PER CAPITA COST = 5.27 N PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT'- SEWER SCHEDULE. J 341 Position Title Employee 1971 -72 Salary.. 1972 -73 Proposed ., % Ir..reuse .01 Foreman .Larry Alexander 10,500` 11,025 5.0 .01 Maintenance Man Gordon Mills 79494. 79868 5.0' .I .01 Laborer -Truck Driver William Gastfield 8, 000 8, 400 5.0 :. .01 Laborer -Truck Driver Jeffrey .Krase 79494 79884 8.0 j .oin I Laborer -Truck Driver Jack Lund 81000 8,400 5.0 . .01 Supervisory (4) Edmund Klasinski 4,500 49800 6.6 .01 Account Billing Grace Clark 89000 8,560 7.0 53,988.00 56,937.00 N .021 i Overtime 67000 7,000 V . AND CLASSIFICATION .01 Salaries .06 Advertising .09 Printing .10 Postage .15 Equipment Maintenance .16 New Equipment ARPY Supplies .051 Contractual Work Transfer to General Fund ACCOUNT NUMBER 413 .01 Refuse Billing .02 Penalties SCAVENGER SERVICE EXPENDITURES 1969-70 197071 1971 -72. 1971 -72 1972 -73 Expended Expended 8 Months Budget Proposed -- 2,045 19604 39600 3,600 -- 17 -- 5o 50 -- 137 -- 150 150 -- 152 151 Soo 250 -- 200 233 200 300 -- 29526 382 50 150 -- 77 3 300 200 _- 1402091 178,301 -- 2759000 ___ 10.000 145,248.62 180,677.60 41850.00 289,700.00 • REVENUE -- 145,913 1901685 102000 2909000 -- 725 1,797 50 2,800 146,638.43 192,482.36 102050.00 2922800.00 Increase )ecrease)' PERSONNEL SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT- SCAVENGER SERVICE 414 N i now s STREET AND BRIDGE REVENUE .< ACCOUNT NUMBER 530 1969-70 1970 -71 1971 -72 1971 -72 1972 -73 7 Increas AND CLASSIFICATION Received Received 8 Months Budget Anticipated (Decrease j _.01 Tax1���►: Z1,56Z___ :_,53 }653 --91 t978 -- _- 60 yoga. __— _ }g53g8g_�Y_: 25.0 .� .Ol Vehicle Licenses (531) 75, 636 76, 669 20, 228 78, 000 80, 000 2.5 .04 Interest Earned -- -- 108 -- 400 .02 Highway Maintenance - State 59001 42934 6P753 7, 000 79000 x!.08 50/50 Sidewalk 19237 17098 19821 12500 2,000 33.3 .081 Safety Sidewalk Program -- -- 11102 39500 29000 (42.9) ' .09 Motor Fuel Tax Maintenance 34, 230 39,110 62, 428 50, 000 65, 000 30.0 .09 Miscellaneous (includes 1,034 1 758 12000 10,400 - $9, 400 from General Fund) 188, 708.10 175, 508.82 185,179.3 7 201, 000.00 271,800.00 35.2 now 4,r _ STREET AND BRIDGE EXPENDITURES -.- ACCOUNT NUMBER 541 19 9 -70 1970 -71 1971 -72 1971 -72 1972 -73 o Increase AND, CLASSIFICATION Expended - Ex ended 8 Months Budget Proposed (Decrease) .01 Salaries 40,347 45,364 31,223 55,050 80,977 47.1. .02 Temporary Help 18, 278 16,231 12,011 159000 4, 000) .022 Overtime 10,000) .03 Medical & Psychological 114 30 7 50 100 .031 Consultant Services 5.00 .04 Insurance 4,265 49514 5,440 4,800 5 500 14.6 i J!'�t' +2 Health & Hospitalization 742 869 1, 031 1, 728 3, 9�0 127.4 005 Engineering Services 22, 893 30,187 329358 209000 5.00 .051 Contractual Work 479000 Curb Replacement . 42103 -- -- 5,000 ' Wilmot Road Storm Sewer 11,704 39826 -- -- Orchard Street Storm Sewer 4,917 -- -- -- Deerfield & Waukegan Road -- 81900 -- -- .06 Legal Advertising 131 28 4 100 50 .061 Help Wanted Advertising 50 .07 Electricity 13,013 14,586 89723 14,000 161000 14.3 .09 Printing 428 751 349 750 725 .091 Periodicals 25 .10 Postage 162 171 182 400 450 .11 Radio Service 34 136 86 150 200 . .12 Licenses 60 40 30 75 75 14 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 21946 52720 32428 41000 4,000 .15 Equipment Maintenance 49682 52222 41722 49000 4,000 .161 Other New Equipment 4, 455 12,128 1,146 14, 700 25, 600 74.1 .171 Construction Materials 25,643 17,915 222472 20,000 14,000 (30.0) .173 Aggregates 20,000 .183 Street Signs 22909 11722 11523 3,000 31000 .20 Gasoline 12402 21359 640 29000 29000 .201 Lubricants 300 .23 Uniforms and Apparel 145 218 197. 200 250' STREET AND BRIDGE ^ 4 EXPENDITURES A COUNT NUMBER 41 1 9 -70 1970 -71 1971 -72 1971 -7 1972 -7 Increase t. CLASSIFICATION E ended E eded 8 Months Budget PseAND (Decrease .24 Dues 23 41 30. 75 75 .25 Travel Expense 59 204 46 175 100 .251 Registration Fees 75 .27 Salt 23,417 24,293 2,775 15,000 15,,000 .28 Small Tools 152 135 397 200 200 .30 Equipment Rentals 2, 503 11694 -- 1P500 11500 .32 Building Rental 19000 12000 -- 12000 19000 ` 50/50 Sidewalk Repairs 21055 32447 6t598 33,000 Safety Sidewalk Program 939 2,009 2,402 2,500 Street Lighting Program 21206 41632 6,503 92000 50/50 Tree Planting 1,558 1,964 - 2,000 197, 297.50 210, 351.45 144, 334.30 199, 453.00 271, 7 82.00 36.2 29 Contingent ` 237100 ; A. 1 . PERSONNEL SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT -'STREET AND BRIDGE 541 Position Title Employee 1971 -72 1972 -73r - Salary Proposed % Irti.rease .: .01 Public Works Director (4) Edmund Klasinski 4, 500. 49800 6.6 .01 Mechanic Harold Seiler 102000 10, 500 590 .01 Maintenance Man George T urman 89500 81925 5.0 a01 Foreman Charles Schier 11,000 11,550 5.0 .01 Truck Driver Russell Redmond 91050. 91502 5,0 C, "I Assistant Mechanic Kenneth Schlapa(i) 4,000 4,200 5.0 .01 Maintenance Man Gene Stringfellow (new) 8, 000. 81000 .01 Office Clerk* Vacancy -- 72500 � .01 Truck Driver Vacancy -- 8,000 N co .01 Maintenance Man Vacancy -- 89000 55,o5o.00 80,977.00 .02 Temporary Help 61,500 .022 Overtime 15, 000 10,000 CIVIL DEFENSE EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 870 1999-70 1970 -71 1971 -72 1971 -72 1972 -73 °° Increase . AND CLASSIFICATION Expended. Expended 8 Months Budget Pro osed (Decrease) .16 New Equipment (Includes: Siren Purchase Siren Installation a Attack Warning REceiver -- -- 159 9,000 82000 .17 Supplies -- -- 2 500 300 .25 Travel -- -- -- 200 200 1 Re 'stration Fees -- -- - 500 500 .j i j ACCOUNT NUMBER 875 .01 Special Tax Levy Calendar Year 1970 31000 j Calendar Year 1971 4, 000 .02 Interest Income Available Cash: i April 30, 1970 10,406 April 30, 1971 31269 162.35 102200.00 9,000.00 REVENUE 369 400 600 (11.1) (40.0) (12.0) co co Ail It GENERAL OBLIGATION SEWER BONDS 931 1954 Issue: 932 Principal and Interest, 1972 $40,500 941 .1960 Issue: 942 Principal and Interest, 1972 46, 800 GENERAL OBLIGATION -BONDS PUBLIC LIBRARY 951 1969 Issue 952 Principal and Interest, 1972 172,25o MUNICIPAL BUILDING BONDS 912 Principal and Interest, 1972 10, 450 (To be abated at the time the Tax Levy is passed) s` fir r t+ ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND 1 813 Revenue - Tax Levy 54,000 814 Expenditures 54, 000 PUBLIC BENEFIT 851 Revenue - Tax Levy 27,000 854 Expenditures 27,000.11 , POLICE PENSION FUND 610 REvenue - Tax Levy 38 168 615 Expenditures 13, 000 SPECIAL TAX FUND .. Revenue - Tax Levy 3, 281 430 Expenditure 3, 281 -35- CAPITAL OUTLAY ACCOUNT FROM GENERAL FUND Account Number 125.03 REVENUE From Unappropriated Surplus in General Fund. EXPENDITURES Sewer Improvements X60, 000.00 • Special Storm Sewer Contribution ( Deerbrook) $30,000 Oversize Sewer Contribution for Waukegan Road 3,950 Chestnut Sidewalk Improvement - 109000 Park Avenue realignment 150,000 Commuter Parking Development (Favelli property) 15,000 Union Drainage District Assessment . 225 Purchase of Incinerator for Diseased Elm Wood, and installation cost 20,000 $289,175 . CAPITAL OUTLAY ACCOUNT FOR MOTOR FUEL_ TAX FINANCED PROJECTS Waukegan Road Widening by Deerbrook, MFT'32 -CS $150,000 Right Turn Lanes at Lake -Cook and Waukegan Roads 35,000 Overlayment : Hackberry, Pine to Wilmot Kenton, Margate to W oodvale Linden, Chestnut to west end Beverly from Deerfield to Margate 36,000 Wilmot Road: School Street to North Avenue, base removal along curb and BAM replacement plus overlayment 10,000 $231,000 -36- } �♦ t•i r I ! r ..t` 4 4'' + e �I., A� � 1 }.t{. ?i Ly ,$ i; tip. 1. , .. '� ' I � w.: �I h• rh�., '�L �� . ' DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARYt`' v M WAUKEGAN ROAD • DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60013 • WI 5-3311. r q' 11 Suzanne Whetstone, Libwlas Budget 72 -73 , r Totals I. Salaries 741,01. A. Professional. $43,093.00 741.n2.. B. Non- professionals 61,813.00 741.51 C. Hospitalization 1,000.00 $105,906.00 . II. Books and other library materials 741.11 A. Books $51,000.00 741.n9 B. Periodicals 3,800.00 ,,' ,'• 741.20 C. Audio- visual _ 5,000.00 , 741.18 D. Binding 1,000.00 $. 59 , 800: 00'. , III. Building & grounds maintenance. ' 741.n5 A. .Custodial Services $ 7,400.00 71,1.22 B. Repair & supplies, services 7,600.00 $15,006'.00,' IV. Equipment & supplies 741.16 A.. New equipment 1. 1. Furniture $ 5,300.00 'i rr ; 2. Office equipment 800.00 i 3. Audio- visual equipment 4,300.00 ($10,400)•' 741.15 B. Equipment maintenance & rental 800.00 C. Library supplies 4,500.00 ., D. Postage & freight 1,000.00 $16,7Q0:(N1 :� 1 V. Utilities 71,1.n7 A.. Electricity 200.00 741.nA B. Telephone 2,000.00 $2,2001.06 , .- "r -� `. 1 .' 'iF"'. r"f „1, ', yr,,,,(• y'L�y`5y�t �,y�ety µ{y 17; " \ 1 -{' Y' 1'. kT ,:.• ,.. (•+ r. .; a A H( DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY y M aAU[BOAN ROAD • DHERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60013 • WI S'.fSl l .i . �h y L. 1 .,i � 'Y - . .41Qm:10 WI1tUi0A0, LOr+rfm VI. Miscellaneous 741.04 A. Surety bonds and insurance $ 5,000.00 741.03 B. Legal fees 1,500.00 741.09a C. Printing 400..00 741.25 D. Convention expense, pro- 1,000.00 fessional dues, travel P. +. allowance, etc. 741.12 E. Miscellaneous 400.00 $ 8,300.00 i < l VII. Completion of children`s.room 1,000.00 +?' VIII. Contingency Fund 1,000.00 Operating expenses $209,906.00 IX. To complete construction $35,000.00 Grand Total $244,906.00 1 1 rq; T 1 j t114t - — -- ---'--------- RARY REC0101ENDED SALARIES PROFESSIONAL Suzanne Whetstone, $15,000 Peggy McCabe 10,158 Judy Rohr 9,010 Jane Wade 8,925 Cere Bartoli $3,276.00 part time Dorothy Bixby 5,202.60 part time Myrle Brinkman 3,468.40 part time', Ann Coffey 4,615.00 part time Noreen Curulewski 6,142.50 Mary Alice Esselstyn 405.60 part time ime Donna Flax 811.20 part t Betty Reschke 5,850.00 Betty Reimer Johanna Riske 3,317.60 part time Susan Roman 575.58 part time, Alys Trenchard 2,756-00 part time Grace Tynan .5,029.92 part time Pages Monitors 1,344.00 .New Position I clerk-typist me Temporary help &.extra time .2,000.00 Total Grand Total $104,906.00 ORDINANCE NO. 0-72- AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH THE COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1972 -1973 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That effective May 1, 1972, and until April 30, 1973, the :.• ONE: compensation of the officers and employees of the Village of Deerfield shall be as set forth in the Personnel Schedule attached hereto and made a part hereof. SECTION That the Village Manager may employ persons to serve in any TWO: employment positions provided for in the attached Schedule which, upon the effective date of this Ordinance are unfilled,'' provided that the compensation for such new employees shall not exceed the amount provided for in said attached Schedule for the respective positions for which such persons are employed. In the event of the severance of employment`. of any employee named in the attached Schedule during the effective period, of this Ordinance, the Village Manager is authorized to employ a replacement therefor; provided that such new employee shall not receive compensation in an amount exceeding that provided for the replaced employee. From time to time during the effective period of this Ordinance, the Village Manager may employ such part time employees as may be necessary to properly conduct the affairs and operations of the Village, at hourly wage rates from $1.75 to , $5.00, provided that in no event shall the total compensation of all employees of -a, designated department exceed the total amount appropriated in the annual, Budget to pay the compensation of employees of such Department. SECTION All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith• THREE: are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from FOUR: and after its passage and approval as provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED this day of , A. D. 1972. APPROVED this day of , A. D. 1972. ATTEST: VILLAGE PRESIDENT Village Clerk Ord ITEMS SELECTED FOR COST ACCOUNTING STUDY The following items have been selected for cost accounting development during the 1972-1973 fiscal year. Shown here is the list, together with pertinent data as extracted from this budget, Account Number Project Title Amount Budgeted 541.1 Salaries Spring Clean Up $5.,000 541.051 Contractual Work 2t000 541.14 Vehicle Maintenance 200 S71200.00 541.1 Salaries Leaf Removal 9,000 541.051 Contractual Work 294-00 .54.1.15 Equipment Maintenance 600 12,000.00 541.1 Salaries Elm Tree Removal and 360 541.2 Temporary Help. Disposition 500 541.051- Contractual Work 13,500 14, 360.00 214.05 Water Engineering Fees 300 M 341.05 Sewer 400 342.05 Treatment Plant 1,000 541.05 Street. and Bridge 500 2,200.00 541.1 Salaries Street Maintenance 14,000 541.2 Temporary Help 59500 541.171 Construction Materials 139000 541.175 Aggregates 15,000 47v000.00 144.01 Salaries Police Patrol 35306 353,966.00 144.01 Salaries Police Youth Activities 34t937 34,937.00 541.1 Salaries Snow and Ice Control 3,000 541.15 Equipment Maintenance 1,000 541,27 . Salt 151000 199006.00 rn co Account Number Project Title Amount Budgeted 342.1 Salaries Treatment Plant Operating 389000 Costs Other Costs 59,500 97, 500.00 341.1 Salaries Sewer Maintenance (Cleaning) 22,000 341.171 Construction Materials 39500 341.15 Equipment Maintenance 12000 26, 000.00 21461 Salaries Repair of Water Main Breaks 2,640 214.171 Construction Materials 2,090 214,173 Aggregates 11320 60050.00 541.1 Salaries Tree Purchase and Planting 19400 541.171 Construction Materials 20000 3,400.00 rn co