AVENUE SUB,NLY 5.18',SLY 180.06',SW 23.13',NLY 35.72',SW 293.86',NW 96.75',NE
331.87',NLY 83.36' TO POB
P.I.N. 16-33-102-127-0000
Commonly known as: 711 Waukegan Road, Deerfield, Illinois
1. The Architectural Site Plan prepared by RWE Design Build, identified as Sheet A-.1
consisting of one sheet.
2. The First Floor Plan prepared by RWE Design Build , dated June 5, 2020, identified
as Sheet A-1.1 consisting of one sheet.
3. Window film to be used in the building windows identified Window Film for Private
Areas consisting of three sheets images and one sheet of the location of the window
4. The Sign Plan prepared by Sign Central, dated June 5, 2020, consisting of three
5. Traffic and Parking Summary prepared by Gewalt Hamilton Associates, dated July
7, 2020.
INOUTINOUTINOUTScaleProject numberDateDrawn byChecked by16W361 S. Frontage Rd. Suite 106Burr Ridge, IL 60527(630) 734-08831/4" = 1'-0"A-.1ARCHITECTURALSITE PLAN711 WAUKEGAN RD. DEERFIELD, IL 60015RIVER TRAILS ANIMAL HOSPITALSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLANNo. Description DateNOT TO SCALE
EXISTING STORAGEEXISTING RRSTAIRSEXAM 1EXAM 2EXAM 3EXAM 4OPEN OFFICEEXAM 5RESTROOMOFFICESURGERYPREPBREAKROOM9' - 6"7' - 0"9' - 0"10' - 0"6' - 6"15' - 0"10' - 0"CAT WARDX-RAYDENTALTREATMENTBATHINGISODOG WARD12' - 0"9' - 0"RECEPTIONWAITING/LOBBYPHARMACY6' - 6"9' - 6"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"6' - 6"9' - 6"5' - 0"8' - 8"LABScaleProject numberDateDrawn byChecked by16W361 S. Frontage Rd. Suite 106Burr Ridge, IL 60527(630) 734-08831/4" = 1'-0"A-1.1FIRST FLOOR PLANPRELIM FLOOR PLANDEERFIELD VILLAGE CENTER6.05.2020LADSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"FIRST FLOOR PLANNo. Description Date
Window film for private areas
The interior of the animal hospital will have many rooms that will need to be kept private from
outside view, such as treatment and surgery. To accommodate this we propose to apply a
mirror film to all windows with an opaque film behind it at the areas that need privacy. This will
provide a uniform look from the outside during the day and at night the opaque sections will
appear like the room is dark.
711 Waukegan Rd
Example of mirror film in the same shopping center - 775 Waukegan Rd.
Exterior example (Chicago): Mirror film with opaque backing
Interior example (Chicago): Mirror film with opaque backing
Traffic and Parking
July 7, 2020
Prepared by:
Justin Opitz, AICP
Transportation Planner
Bill Grieve, P.E., PTOE
Senior Transportation Engineer
River Trails Animal
Deerfield, Illinois
Traffic and Parking Summary
To: Ken Just
RWE Design Build
From: Justin Opitz, AICP
Transportation Planner
Bill Grieve, P.E., PTOE
Senior Transportation Engineer
Date: July 7, 2020
Subject: River Trails Animal Hospital
711 Waukegan Road
Deerfield, Illinois
Part I. Introduction and Project Context
Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. (GHA) has conducted a Traffic and Parking Summary for the proposed Animal
Hospital within the Deerfield Village Centre (DVC) development located at the southeast quadrant with the
intersections of Deerfield Road and Waukegan Road (IL 43). The proposed Animal Hospital will occupy a vacant
building (previously a Mattress Firm) located at 711 Waukegan Road in Deerfield, Illinois. The site contains a 4,079
square-foot building, served by 258 parking spaces, which are shared amongst all tenants located within the DVC.
Access to the site is provided via three driveways: signalized access off of Waukegan Road and Deerfield Road and
a right-in-right-out access off of Waukegan Road.
As proposed, the development consists of redeveloping the 4,079 square-foot vacant building into an Animal Hospital.
The animal hospital would be open Monday-Friday from 8:00AM – 6:00 PM, Saturday from 8:00AM – 2:00PM, and
closed on Sundays. The full service, general practice veterinary hospital conducts business by appointment only and
does not board animals overnight. The animal hospital will see emergency visits during regular business hours;
however, all after hour emergency visits are referred to local emergency veterinary hospitals.
The following provides a summary of site traffic characteristics and the analysis conducted, which includes a
qualitative analysis of the development’s impact on the surrounding roadway network and a parking analysis. Exhibits
and Appendices referenced are in the Technical Addendum at the end of this document.
Part II. Background Information
Site Location Map and Roadway Inventory
Exhibit 1 provides a location map of the site vicinity. Exhibit 2 depicts traffic operations on the streets serving the
site, including the lane geometry, and traffic control (traffic signal and stop control). Appendix A provides a photo
inventory of current traffic operations.
Area Land Uses
The building is currently vacant and is situated within the DVC, which is a mixed-use shopping center that
supports both commercial and residential uses. Deerfield Square, which supports a large amount of commercial
space is located just west across Waukegan Road, while various smaller commercial parcels are located
River Trails Animal Hospital
Deerfield, Illinois
Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc.
north/northwest across Deerfield Road. Generally, residential land uses are located to the south and east of the
Animal Hospital, with Kipling Elementary School about a quarter of a mile directly east. Note: Many
retail/restaurant uses may be temporarily closed or running reduced operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pedestrian / Bicycle Facilities
Sidewalks are provided, generally along both sides of all study area streets.
Pedestrian signals are provided at the nearby intersection of Waukegan Road
Deerfield Road, Waukegan Road and Deerfield Centre, and Deerfield Road
and Rosemary Terrace.
Standard-style pedestrian crosswalks are maintained at all study area
The Skokie-Valley regional bike path is located just over a mile and a half east
of the Animal Hospital along Deerfield Road. This path generally traverses
north/south along the Skokie Highway (US 41).
Public Transportation
PACE, the Chicagoland regional bus transit agency, operates the following existing bus route in the site vicinity:
o Route #471 (Highland Park – Northbrook Court), which operates north/south along Waukegan Road and
east/west along Deerfield Road near the site. It provides connections to the Highland Park Metra Station
(Metra UP-N Line) and the Deerfield Metra Station / Lake Cook Road Metra Station (Metra MD-N Line), as
well as the Deerbrook and Northbrook Court shopping centers.
The Deerfield Metra Station (Milwaukee District North Line) is located just under a third of a mile north and west
of the site along Chestnut Street.
Existing Traffic
Due to abnormal conditions in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, no new traffic data was collected for this
summary. GHA and the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) have observed that traffic volumes have
decreased as much as 40% in some cases throughout Chicagoland. Due to this, it is counterproductive to conduct
new traffic counts as the data would not represent normal travel patterns. Fortunately, GHA had previously conducted
traffic counts at two of the three study intersections. Peak period turning movement counts were conducted by GHA
in July 2017 at the intersection of Waukegan Road and Deerfield Road along with Deerfield Road and Rosemary
Terrace. Based on these counts, the weekday morning and evening peak hours at the Waukegan Road and Deerfield
Road intersection occurred from 8:30 to 9:30 AM and 5:00 to 6:00 PM, respectively. The morning and evening peak
hours at the Deerfield Road and Rosemary Terrace intersection occurred from 8:30 to 9:30 AM and 4:45 to 5:45 PM,
respectively. Summaries of the GHA traffic counts can be found in Appendix B.
Part III. Traffic Evaluation
Proposed Plan
The preliminary Site Plan is provided in Appendix C. As currently proposed, the development consists of
redeveloping the vacant 4,079 square-foot building into an Animal Hospital. The building will largely remain the same,
with access to the site maintained via three driveways – signalized access at the intersection of Waukegan Road and
Deerfield Village Centre, signalized access at the intersection of Deerfield Road and Rosemary Terrace, and a right-
in-right-out access off of Waukegan Road.
River Trails Animal Hospital
Deerfield, Illinois
Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc.
Trip Generation
Trip generation rates published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) in the 10th Edition of the Manual
Trip Generation were used to determine the anticipated traffic from the proposed animal hospital (see Appendix D).
Additionally, the table provides a comparison to the previous site uses and if the site were occupied by general retail.
The number of vehicle trips anticipated during the weekday morning peak hour (one hour between 7:00 and 9:00 AM)
and weekday evening peak hour (one hour between 4:00 and 6:00 PM) are displayed in Table 1.
Table 1: Estimated Trip Generation
Land Use / Size ITE Land
Use Code
Weekday AM
Peak HourA
Weekday PM
Peak HourB Weekday Daily
In Out Total In Out Total In Out Total
Previous Land Uses (Blockbuster & Mattress Firm)
Shopping Center (General Retail) /
4,079 SF 820C 2 2 4 7 9 16 77 77 154
Proposed Land Use
Animal Hospital / 4,079 SF 640 9 5 14 5 7 12 44 44 88
Net Change in Site Trips D +7 +3 +10 -2 -2 -4 -33 -33 -66
A One hour between 7:00 and 9:00 AM. B One hour between 4:00 and 6:00 PM.
C ITE average rates used in the calculations due to the small building size.
D Proposed use less previous site use.
As shown in Table 1, it is expected that the proposed animal hospital will generate approximately 88 total trips on a
typical weekday (44 entering and 44 leaving). During the peak hours, the development is expected to generate
approximately 14 bi-directional vehicle trip (9 entering and 5 exiting) during the weekday AM and 12 bi-directional
trips (5 entering and 7 exiting) during the weekday PM. As previously indicated, the site formerly was occupied by a
Blockbuster and Mattress Firm. Therefore, a comparison was made between what the site would generate if it were
operating as the former versus proposed site use. It is anticipated the proposed animal hospital would generate 10
more trips during the weekday AM peak hour and 4 fewer trips during the weekday PM peak hour than the former
site uses. On a daily basis, the proposed development would generate 66 fewer trips than the former site uses.
Overall, the respective change in trip generation is nominal and is not expected to affect the study area intersection
operations, as is explored in more detail below.
Traffic Increases
As shown in Table 1 above, the total (including both entering and exiting traffic) weekday AM and PM peak hour
vehicle trips of 14 and 12, respectively, are expected on the roadways leading beyond the study area. The breakdown
on the following page in Table 2 compares the expected peak hour vehicles trips of the proposed Animal Hospital to
the existing traffic of the Waukegan Road and Deerfield Road intersection along with the Deerfield Road and
Rosemary Terrace intersection.
As can be seen, the amount of site-generated traffic is less than a one percent increase during both the weekday AM
and PM peak hours at both intersections. Accordingly, the slight increase in traffic is expected to have minimal effects
on the operations of the intersections and external street network.
River Trails Animal Hospital
Deerfield, Illinois
Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc.
Table 2: Traffic Impact
Intersection Peak
Total Trips through
Site Generated
Waukegan Road (IL 43) and
Deerfield Road
AM 3,360 14 .04%
PM 3,991 12 .03%
Deerfield Road and Rosemary
AM 1,863 14 .07%
PM 1,973 12 .06%
Part IV. Parking Evaluation
Due to abnormal conditions in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, no new parking data was collected for this
summary. The decrease in traffic activity has undoubtedly led to decreases in parking demand. Due to this, it is
counterproductive to conduct parking demand counts as the data would not represent normal travel patterns.
Back in 2017, 711 Deerfield Road was then proposed to be redeveloped into a Massage Heights. The petitioner at
the time submitted a comprehensive shared parking study conducted by Walker Consultants. Due to the COVID-19
pandemic, GHA confirmed with Village of Deerfield staff that utilizing the comprehensive shared parking study data
is acceptable in this summary. Accordingly, this parking evaluation will examine parking requirements per Village of
Deerfield Code of Ordinances and the projected parking demand based upon three different sources: the Walker
comprehensive shared parking study, the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Parking Generation Manual 5th
Edition, and local data provided by River Trails Animal Hospital.
Parking Supply
Table 3: Parking Supply
Parking supply within the Deerfield Village Centre is shared amongst
all the commercial businesses. Exhibit 3 depicts the parking
designations by location within the surface lot of the DVC. It should be
noted that the residential units located within the DVC are in an
enclosed parking garage and due to them being separated from the
surface lot, those residential spaces were excluded from this analysis.
Table 3 to the right tabulates the amount of parking spaces designated
and GHA has confirmed the Walker study parking surveys. The eight
“Residential Guest” parking spaces located just to the east of the
parking garage are not included in the parking supply used for this
analysis as they do not provide available supply for the commercial
businesses within the Village Centre. Similarly, the loading spaces
within the lot (one in the northwest and four near the parking garage
entrance) are also not included in the available supply. Additionally,
according to the Walker study, there are seven office parking spaces
available within the parking garage, which brings the total available
supply for the parking lot to 249 spaces.
Designation Supply
Customer (Total) 148
N/A (No Time Limit) 61
2 Hour Limit 76
30 Minute Limit 8
15 Minute Limit 3
Office 64
Office Garage 7
Bank Customer 19
TSMGI Reserved 4
Accessible 7
Sub-Total (Total Available) 249
Loading 5
Residential Guest 8
Total Parking Spaces 262
River Trails Animal Hospital
Deerfield, Illinois
Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc.
Parking Demand Requirements
Currently within the Deerfield Code of Ordinances there is no specific requirement for an animal hospital or veterinary
services. However, the two most comparable uses within the zoning ordinances would be medical offices and general
retail. The parking requirements for these comparable uses are summarized in Table 4 below.
Table 4: Village Parking Requirements
Use Employees
/ Size Parking Requirement Parking Spaces
Medical Offices
3 Doctors
+ 7
4 patient spaces for each staff
doctor + 2 parking spaces for
each 3 employees + 1 space for
each staff doctor
Retail 4,079 SF 1 space per 200 SF floor area 21
Parking Demand Projections
In order to project the peak parking demand for the proposed Animal Hospital, GHA referenced the following sources
providing peak parking demand:
Walker Consultants 2017 Comprehensive Shared Parking Study (see Appendix E)
ITE Parking Generation, 5th Edition (see Appendix F).
Local employee and patient data provided by River Trails Animal Hospital
Walker Consultants 2017 Comprehensive Shared Parking Study
The Walker Consultants 2017 Comprehensive Shared Parking Study methodology for projecting parking demand can
be found in Appendix E. The parking demand data found within their study will be used as the base demand data
for this analysis. The Walker study concludes that weekday peak demand will likely occur during the month of August
around 12:00 PM and weekend peak demand will likely occur during the month of May around 5:00 PM. A myriad of
sources were utilized to comprise the shared parking model referenced in the study. Keep in mind that the projected
parking demand numbers provided below do not include Massage Heights parking demand, as the intent is to remove
and replace the Massage Heights demand with the proposed Animal Hospital demand. The numbers below also
replace the Fanny May demand and incorporate General Retail demand in its place because the commercial space
is currently vacant.
Weekday (projected) Parking Demand = 195 spaces (78%)
Weekend (projected) Parking Demand = 157 spaces (63%)
ITE Parking Generation, 5th Edition
The ITE Parking Generation, 5th Edition publication provides a compilation of parking demand surveys from across
the country for a wide variety of land uses – animal hospitals included. ITE Land Use Codes 640 (Animal Hospital)
was referenced for the proposed development (see Appendix F).
Local, River Trails Animal Hospital Data
Additionally, according to River Trails Animal Hospital, the maximum number of employees working at one time is
seven and even during the busiest times of the day there is usually four or less clients at the hospital for a total
demand of 11 parking spaces.
River Trails Animal Hospital
Deerfield, Illinois
Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc.
Parking Demand Summary
Using the Walker Study parking demand data as a base and calculating the projected Animal Hospital demand with
both ITE data and local data, Tables 5A/5B below present a summary of the projected peak parking demand for the
proposed development on a weekday and weekend.
A Peak parking demand based upon Walker Shared Parking Study
(excluding Massage Heights demand and replacing Fanny May demand with General Retail)
Based on the above analysis, the ITE parking demand rates constitute a more conservative analysis scenario as
compared to the local data provided by River Trails Animal Hospital. Accordingly, the peak parking demand for the
entire Deerfield Village Centre parking lot, including the proposed Animal Hospital, is not anticipated to exceed 209
spaces during the weekday peak hour and 171 spaces during the weekend peak hour. The parking space surplus
during the weekday and weekend peak hours is projected to be 40 spaces and 78 spaces, respectively.
Part V. Recommendations and Conclusions
A Traffic and Parking Summary was conducted for the proposed River Trails Animal Hospital redevelopment located
at 711 Waukegan Road within the Deerfield Village Centre. Overall, the development is anticipated to have minimal
effect on the operations of the study area intersections and area roadway network. The existing site access driveways
are adequate to accommodate the proposed site traffic. And, based on the parking analysis, it can be concluded the
available parking supply will effectively accommodate the anticipated parking demand for the proposed Animal
Part VI. Technical Addendum
The following Exhibits and Appendices were previously referenced. They provide technical support for our
observations, findings and recommendations discussed in the text.
1. Location Map
2. Existing Traffic Operations
3. Existing Parking Locations
A. Photo Inventory
B. Traffic Count Summaries
C. Site Plan
D. ITE Trip Generation Excerpts
E. 2017 Walker Consultants Comprehensive Shared
Parking Study
F. ITE Parking Generation Excerpts
070720 TPS Deerfield Animal Hospital.docx
Table 5A: Project Peak Parking Demand (ITE Data)
Table 5B: Project Peak Parking Demand (Local Data)
Surplus / Deficit
Surplus / Deficit
157 11
Available Supply
Peak Demand Available Supply
Peak Demand
Projected DVC Peak
Parking Demand A
Projected Local Data Site
Peak Parking Demand
195 11
Projected DVC Peak
Parking Demand A
Projected ITE Site Peak
Parking Demand
195 14
TO: The Village of Deerfield, Illinois (“Village”):
WHEREAS, Nordstrom & Associates, P.C., an Illinois Professional Corporation d/b/a
River Trails Animal Hospital (“Applicant”), is the lessee of the property located at 711
Waukegan Road in the Village (“Property”); and
WHEREAS, DVC 2 LLC, an Illinois limited liability company (“Owner”), is the
record owner of the Property; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant desires to develop and operate an animal hospital
(“Proposed Animal Hospital”) on the Property; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 13.11 of the "Deerfield Zoning Ordinance 1978," as
amended, the Applicant, with the consent of the Owner, has filed an application with the
Village for a special use permit to operate the Proposed Animal Hospital on the Property
(“Special Use Permit”); and
WHEREAS, Ordinance No. __________, adopted by the Village Board on _______,
2020 (“Ordinance”), grants the Special Use Permit; and
WHEREAS, Section 7.A.3 of the Ordinance provides, among other things, that the
Ordinance will be of no force or effect unless and until the Applicant has filed, within 30 days
following the passage of the Ordinance, its unconditional agreement and consent to accept
and abide by each and all of the terms, conditions, and limitations set forth in the Ordinance;
NOW, THEREFORE, the Applicant and Owner do hereby agree and covenant as
1. The Applicant and Owner hereby unconditionally agree to, accept, consent to,
and will abide by each and all of the terms, conditions, limitations, restrictions, and
provisions of the Ordinance.
2. The Applicant and Owner acknowledge that public notices and hearings have
been properly given and held with respect to the adoption of the Ordinance, has considered
the possibility of the revocation provided for in the Ordinance, and agree not to challenge any
such revocation on the grounds of any procedural infirmity or a denial of any procedural right.
3. The Applicant and Owner acknowledge and agrees that the Village is not and
will not be, in any way, liable for any damages or injuries that may be sustained as a result
of the Village’s granting the Special Use Permit or adoption of the Ordinance, and that the
Village’s approval of the Special Use Permit does not, and will not, in any way, be deemed to
insure the Applicant or Owner against damage or injury of any kind and at any time.
4. The Applicant and Owner hereby agree to hold harmless and indemnify the
Village, the Village’s corporate authorities, and all Village elected and appointed officials,
officers, employees, agents, representatives, and attorneys, from any and all claims that may,
at any time, be asserted against any of such parties in connection with the Village’s adoption
of the Ordinance granting the Special Use Permit.
Dated: ______________________, 2020.
d/b/a River Trails Animal Hospital
By: By:
Its: Its:
Dated: ______________________, 2020.
DVC 2 LLC, an Illinois limited liability
By: By:
September 10, 2020
Mayor Harriet Rosenthal and Board of Trustees
Village of Deerfield
850 Waukegan Road
Deerfield, IL 60015
RE: River Trails Animal Hospital
Dear Mayor Rosenthal and Trustees,
Thank you for your support of the River Trails Animal Hospital’s move to the
downtown Deerfield location. We are very excited to become a new member of
the Deerfield downtown community.
We would respectfully request the Board waive the second reading of the proposed
ordinance. This request is based on the need to; (i) prepare construction drawings,
(ii) apply and procure a building permit and (iii) complete the necessary Tenant
improvements to allow River Trails Animal Hospital to open and operate as soon
as possible.
We are under a timeline based on our current lease expiring due to the acquisition
of King’s Kennel facility (current location) being sold to an outside party who has
given us notice (attached) in a letter to vacate.
Thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter.
Jamie Root
President, River Trails Animal Hospital