R-21-40VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD RESOLUTION NO. 2021- R-21-40 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD PURCHASING MANUAL WHEREAS, the Village is a home rule municipal corporation in accordance with Article VII, Section 6(a) of the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 9-24(b) of the Deerfield Code of Ordinances ("Village Code') provides the Village Board shall approve a Purchasing Manual providing rules and procedures for the issuance of purchase orders, awarding of contracts, and the disposal of surplus property; and WHEREAS, from time to time the Village Board reviews the Purchasing Manual and approves amendments thereto to ensure that the Purchasing Manual and its procedures and rules remain consistent with the law and efficient; and WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined that it will serve and be in the best interest of the Village and its residents to amend the Village's Purchasing Manual NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION ONE: RECITALS. The foregoing recitals are incorporated into, and made a part of, this Resolution as findings of the Village Board. SECTION TWO: APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO THE PURCHASING MANUAL. The Village Board hereby approves and amendments to the Purchasing Manual as provided in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein. SECTION THREE: EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution will be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in the manner provided by law. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] {00123083.1) 1 AYES: Benton, Jacoby, Jester, Metts-Childers, Oppenheim, Seiden NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None PASSED: November 1, 2021 APPROVED: November 2, 2021 RESOLUTION NO: R 2.1— 4O Daniel C. Shapiro, Mayor ATTEST: A Kent . Street, Villad Clerk {00123083.1} 2 EXHIBIT A PURCHASING MANUAL {00123083.11 DRAFT PURCHASING POLICY TABLE OF CONTENTS General Rules far A ll Pur ha es 3 General Rules for Requisitions and Purchase Orders 3 Exceptions to Requisitions and Purchase Orders 4 Purchases in excess of $25.000 S.70.888 5 Purchases in excess of $10.000 $5080 but less than $25,000 $28:880 5 Furch gses in excess of S5.000 but less than S I Q.M 5 Purchases in excess of ,S2.000 but less 6 Jahrmal Burin g, — Purchases 2 6 Special Items 7 The Bidding Process 8 Chan a Order to a Public Contract 9 Co Qj2 erati ve Sate Purch asing 9 Manual Checks 10 Held and Hand Delivered Checks 10 Year End Purchases 10 Use of Sales Tax Exemption Number 11 Petty Cash 11 Disposal of Surplus and Obsolete Property 12 Sustainable Purchasing 13 Purchasing Thresholds Table 14 2 General Rules for All Purchase Should there be any question about the purchase of an item or service, the Finance Officer should be consulted for advice. Requisition approval shall be sought for as many items as possible so that purchases go through a proper review process. If the price and item and/or service is the same, the local Deerfield vendor shall be the preferred vendor. The Village's Personnel Polices and Procedures outlines specific policies that impact the purchasing process such as the code of ethics, gift policy, and travel policy. The PeFsanni Manua! i nail b r-efer-eaeed f questions bet4 4iese ,,elieies All purchasing shall be --done in accordance with State law if &u3Ahing in this policy is contrary to State law at the time of purchase. General Rules for Requisitions and Purchase r er An approved requisition should be sought prior to ordering a good or service from a vendor. However, a requisition is mandatory for any of the following types of purchases: 1. Any purchase in excess of $5,000 2. Any purchase from a source determined by a formal bid, bid waiver, or formal quote. 3. When a vendor requires a purchase order. 4. Any purchase that a supervisor determines should go through an approval process prior to purchase. When a requisition is required, the requesting department shall enter it into the financial management software so it moves that it goes through the proper approval process (details regarding the proper approval process begins on page 5 of the purchasing policy). Following approval of the requisition, it will be converted into a purchase order and the department can move forward with the purchase. From time to time, a purchase may be made prior to submitting a requisition for approval. Departments can request a "confirming" requisition following the purchase of an item in order for the vendor to be paid. This should only be done in the following circumstances: A purchase from a source previously approved through the Village Board, formal bidding, or bid waiving. 2. A purchase under $5,000 not required by a supervisor to go throu h the requisition process. 3. Emergency purchases. Requisitions for emergency purchases shall have an explanation of the emergency nature of the purchase attached. "Confirming" requisitions may be rejected by the Finance Officer or designee if these conditions are not met. The Finance Officer may reject a requisition for other reasons which can include: 1. Purchase request from an unauthorized source. 2. Purchase in excess of Village Board approved amount. 3. Purchase is unbudgeted or over budget with no justification attached. Exceptions to Requisitions and Purchase Orders The requisition process is most useful for purchases in which funds are encumbered for a specific expense that the organization will incur within the fiscal Year. When these purchases are approved through the requisition process, a purchase order is created to obligate these funds from a specific account.. The 12urchase order is then reduced as these encumbered funds are spent. This _process helps ensure that approved future expenses are properly accounted for and reduces the risk of funds accidentally being committed more than once An examnle of encumbered funds is a contract for services or materials in which a portion of the obligated funds is paid on a monthl • basis r per delivery. Ex. Cleaning contracts in which the Village is invoiced once a month. Or. _bulk purchases of construction materials in which materials are delivered and invoiced via multiple shipments. However. this process may be overly cumbersome for immediate purchases. Examples of immediate purchases include services and materials that are immediately acquired and the entire approved expense is paid in full up n receipt of the sole invoice for the services or materials. Ex. Construction materials in which all materials are delivered and invoiced via one Since invoices for immediate purchases are paid in full, and the total approved funds are immediately spent. there's no need to require a purchase order to be entered and matched with the sole invoice. Department Heads_ should re rain om utilizing this exception to avoid securia& services or materials in advance by ❑nl acquiring services or materialy when immediatel needed. In instances in which Department Heads are able to forecast future services or materials needed for a specific project or departmental operations, the be vailable services or materials at the best value should be acquired in advance, rather than defaulting to attaining services or materials on an as needed basis. As such, immediate urch s excess -of $5,000 but less than $25,000 are exem t from the requisition and pure s order requirement, but must follow the pre -approval process. For immediate purchases. Department Heads are still required w rti all necessary a rovals obtain quotes, and write a recommendation for the lowest responaiblQ quotation, according to the purchasing threshold level as outlined in this policy. However, entering -a requisition and urc r into the financial mana ement software is not required. Upon receiving the invoice for the services or materials received the invoice quotes, recommendation and a roval should e entered into the financial manaizement software f ment a royal. Purchases in excess of $25,000 S20.000 Village Ordinances require that all purchases made from a single vendor for a particular item or like types of items exceeding a cost of 25 000 $20,000 must be accomplished through formal bidding procedures or by a bid waiver approved by the Village Board. Questions regarding the need for the formal bidding process should be directed to the Finance Officer. The splitting of a purchase into two or more purchase requisitions for the purpose of avoiding the bidding process is in violation of the Village's Code of Ordinances. Each department will be responsible for the preparation of its formal bids. Procedures for formal bidding are outlined on page 7 of the purchasing policy. In certain circumstances it may be felt that it is in the best interest of the Village to make a purchase in excess of 25 000$20,000 without going through the formal bidding process. In such cases, a bid waiver request must be approved by the Finance Officer. Following approval by the Finance Officer, the request shall be forwarded to the Village Board for review. The request must contain justification for the waiver and why the formal bidding process is not in the best interest of the Village. If an emergency condition exists and a purchase in excess of 125. 000 $20,000 must be made to remedy the emergency condition, the Department Head may make said purchase if authorized either formally or verbally by the Village Manager. An emergency condition is described as a condition where the health and/or welfare of the Village and its residents is affected. An emergency condition is not defined as common occurrences that happen throughout the year such as an average snowfall or annual event. Following the emergency, a report shall be sent to the Village Board for their action as may be required. Purchases in excess of $10 000 SE&W but less than $25 000 52%W Purchases in this category de-iietTequir-e Village Baafd ap„rE),,, ��require formal quotes before the purchase is made and an approved requisition that has gone through the approval process. Approval by the purchaser's supervisor, the purchaser's Department Head, the Finance Officer and the Village Manager is required. The Department Head shall seek formal written quotations or proposals from prospective vendors for the purchase. A document including information about the quotes and a recommendation shall be attached to the requisition request in the financial management software. The purchase request shall be made from the lowest responsible quotation. In the event the Department Head determines the purchase under this category should be made from one specific vendor rather than through formal quotations, a recommendation to this effect is required to be attached to the requisition and go through the approval process. Emergency purchases in this category shall be handled the same way as purchases in excess of 25 000 $20,000; however, Village Board notification is not required. Purchases in excess of S5.000 but less than �10.000 Purchases in this category require formal quotes before the purchase is made and an approved re uisition that has one through the approval process. Approval by the purchaser's supervisor, the purchaser's Department Head and the Finance Officer is 0 required. The Department Head shall seek formal written quotations or proposals from prospective vendors for the purchase. A document including information about the quotes and a recommendation shall be attached to the requisition request in the financial management software. The purchase request shall be made from the lowest res onsible quotation. In the event the Department Head determines the purchase under this cate or should be made from one specific vendor rather than through formal quotations, a recommendation to this effect is re wired to be attached to the re uisition and go through the approval process. Emergency urchases in this category shall be handled the same way as purchases in excess of $25,000; however. Village Board notification is not required. Purchases in excess of 52,000 but less than $5.000 Purchases in this category ale- not r-equi.-e the p6er appr-oval of the Village R^.d of ahe Village Manager- and formal biddinor— orrmal—"E)tmieits--w7e not ,-eel rec�ulre informal quotations. Requests for purchases in this category shall be appfovad thfo,,g ,.o,,,,: sit o and shall be approved by the pur-Aser's super -vise , the ptffehaser-'s Pepa.tr ent Head andthe F;ra�o O of the urchaser's Supervisor and Department Head. Department Heads are responsible for purchase within this threshold_ how h they may delegate "ubordinates to make the purchase. Every effort should be made to secure at least three quotations before deciding on a suggested vendor. Quotations may be either written or verbal. In the event the purchaser's Supervisor Depaftmef * Head feels that a purchase under this category should be made from one certain vendor and does not secure quotes, the requisition request should describe why this is the case for review by the Department Head Fina ee O f Upon receiving the invoice for the services or materials received. the invoice guotes, recommendation and approval should be entered into the financial management software for payment approval. Informal Buying-- Purchases less than $2.000 Informal buying is best described as those day-to-day purchases necessary to perform a job or service in the short-term and is limited to purchases under $2,000. Department Heads are responsible for purchases made under informal buying, though they may delegate subordinates to make the purchase. Department Heads or supervisors may require formal or informal approval by a supervisor prior to making a purchase. Informal buying should be made through that vendor who offers the best usable product at the lowest price. When receiving an item purchased under informal buying, a receipt or packing slip must be obtained. The staff member receiving the i em s should sign the receipt or packing slip upon receipt and turn this documentatio This ,.o eipt is to be tumed into the department head or designee who is responsible for ensuring that the receipt or packing slip has the appropriate account number and vendor number. 441e Department Nead should initial the r pt f payfnefA.'Receipts and packing slips shall be matched with the invoice and entered for payment. m In those instances when a large number of smaller items are purchased from a vendor during the course of a month, the department shall reconcile the list of charges with the receipts. If monthly charges are in excess of $3,000, then it must be determined if the product is biddable and if an alternate source should be utilized. Special Items Some items are difficult to handle and as a result there is different direction on how the purchase of these specific items will be handled. q4tese items —Elonot require for -Mad Village Board appizava4 btA will be listed an the bill list thet is appfaved by the Village The purchase of these items is subject to annual budget constraints and must follow the pre -approval proeess i rdance with the proper 12umhasingthreshold level. Gasoline Concrete Asphalt, Dirt Seed d & Aggregates — Public Works shall handle the purchase of gasoline aPA other vehicle fuel and operational materials as listed. The department will endeavor to obtain three prices from responsible bidders for the product and order from the lowest responsible bidder. Or. use a broker to ac uire igices from multi 1 u , Tiers_and secure the best available price for the product. This —ehase requires the signatufe of the de Yaftm nt head -ffid the F;,,, nee O ffiee Such 12urcha.ses must follow the re -a roval process in accordance with the proper purchasing threshold lever. Rock Salt — Rock salt is acquired through joint bidding ventures, such as the State of Illinois or Lake County. Per the established rock salt bidding -process. rock salt orders are placed by the Village a year in advance, prior to rock salt prices being. secured through the bid process. In accordance with this process, the Villa e of Deerfield and other surrounding municipalities must submit their rock salt needs for the subsequent year IQ the joint bidding venturQ. jhQ joint bidding venture than combines the needs of all the municipalities in the surrounding area and laces a bid for rock salt prices. Once the bid is awarded the joint biddjn&jLnjjne informs the Village of the price of rQck salt for t7he subsegue ear. As the process for urchasin rock salt is atypical, the following Village procedures must be followed to ensure trans arenc and ro er review. Public Works is responsible for forecasting and securing the V' a rock salt needs for the following winter. Following the submission of the Village's rock salt order to the joint bidding venture, Public Works is responsible for notifying the Board of the Village's rock salt commitment for the subsequent year. Upon receivin the rock salt prices from the joint bidding venture Public Works must return to the Board for final costa royal. Other items — Items which may not require a purchase order but are handled under a contract include water purchases, utility usage, insurance, debt service payments, IMRF and social security payments, continuing software contracts, corporation counsel fees, and special courses. These purchases and continuing VA contracts also require the signature of the department head and the Finance Officer. The Bidding Process Having recognized the need for a formal bid letting, this process should be followed: 1. The requesting department shall prepare the specifications for an item to be let for bid and shall submit the specifications to the Finance Officer or designee for advice and consent. 2. The bid invitation package should include the following items: a. Cover Letter b. Notice to Contractors c. Special Provisions d. Instructions to Bidders e. Prevailing Wage Form (where applicable) £ Specifications g. Maps, Drawings, etc. h. Documents Special to the Bid i. Bid Proposal Form j. Bidder Certification Form k. Tax Certification Form 1. Certificate of Non -Collusion in. Certificate of Non -Discrimination 3. The bid opening date shall be arranged with the Manager's Office (Deputy Clerk). The date must be at least 15 days from the published notification date, but no more than 45 days. All formal bid openings are to be conducted by the Department Head or designee at a prearranged location at Village Hall. 4. The Department Head or designee shall be responsible for placing a legal notice concerning the bid in a local paper of general circulation or as otherwise required by law. 5. The Department Head or designee shall send bid invitations to all known responsible vendors. Bid packages shall be made available on the Village's website. And when =1icable, bid 12ackages will be posted on IDOT Counties specific biding websites, etc. 6. After the bids have been opened and read by the Department Head or designee, the Department Head or designee shall prepare a tabulation and recommendation for the Village Manager. Following concurrence with the Village Manager, the bid award shall be prepared by the Department for Village Board approval. 8 7. Following a successful award of bid by the Village Board, the Department Head or designee shall prepare and send a purchase order to the successful bidder if the bid was for a one-time item. If the bid was for several items or materials to be purchased over a period of time, the Department Head or designee shall notify the successful bidder by letter with a copy to the Finance Officer and create a purchase order. The Department will draw down the purchase order as goods and services are received. Bids received after the due date and time are to be returned unopened to the bidder with a cover letter stating the date and time the bid was received. Change Ord r to a Public Contract A change order is defined as a change in a contract term that authorizes any additional costs under such contract. Previously unforeseen circumstances arid variables ma result in the necessitv of certain services/materials to be subsequently added to a contract post Board approval. Such contract additions are often necessar to address issues t is in the field. As such,the Village Manager ha theauthority to approve any change to a contract. previously =roved by the Village Board. not to exceed the lesser of �25.000 or 10% of the original contracted amount. Any changes exceeding 25 000 must be approved by the Vill e Board. Cooperative ate Purchasing Aiiy �+nit of goveffflmemat in- *-:-he State may a-vail themselves of these bid p4ees. Pur-ehasing thfough the State Pufehasing preeess satisfies the r-equkemePA for- bidding by loeal r,ainan e for- p,,,.ehases of any amount. The Illinois State Inter overnmental Cooperation Act and the Illinois Government Joint Purchasing Act allows for governmental entities to participate in cooperative procurement. Joint procurement cooperatives -offer governmental agencies opportunities to participate in cooperative purchasing agreements, in which a more economical rate for services or goods is acnuired throup�h collective buying ower. A cooperative agency facilitates the formal bid process, selects the lowest responsible quotation, and enters into a formal agreement with the selected vendor that allows for other governmental agencies to participate in the agreement: Department Heads are responsible for researching and recommending cool2erative urc in r agreements that could benefit the Village through si ificant financial and potentially time savings. Per the aforementioned acts int purchasing a Bement that the Village enters into must have been awarded through a competitive bid process. Sta�e vendor-, the PepaftmepA Head shall pr-epafe a pufehase order- as they nor-mally would •.a sib fft4 , eopy to the State-. The same to ply for- p f..1,. ses Under the Nefthwest Murrieipz• fer-eneQ joint Pufehasi g Pr-eg am. Prior to entering into a purchasing agreement through a cooperative agency, the Finance Officer shall be consulted to assist in determining if the price is fair and formal approval must be granted by the Villa e 6 Manager. For cooperative purchasing -agreements over $25,000, Village. Board a royal must be granted prior to entering into the agreement. The t es of organizations that the Village of Deerfield could potentially participate in a cooperative purchasing agreement with, includes but is not limited to the Procurement Division of the State of Illinois. other local municipalities, local counties state agencies, agencies that facilitate governmental joint ur hasin or local cooperatives such as the Northwest Munici al Conference Joint Purchasing Program. When items are purchased through coo ratio vendor, the Department Head shall prepare a purchase order as they normally would and submit a copy to the cooperative agency. Manual Checks Checks issued between normal accounts payable cycles are labor intensive and time consuming; therefore, their use as a method of payment shall be limited to emergency circumstances. Emergency circumstances include situations where it is impractical to process the payment outside of the normal accounts payable cycle. Manual check requests shall be processed in accordance with the purchasing policy. All approvals, bids, quotes, etc. are still required. The Finance Department must be notified of the manual check request prior to the check date. The notification should include an explanation as to why the check could not be processed within the normal accounts payable cycle. The Finance Department will not issue manual checks in instances where reasonable steps or measures could have been taken to process the payment following normal payment methods. Held and Hand Delivered Checks Generally, the payment process for invoices received shall not be initiated until such time as the goods or services are received and accepted by the department initiating the purchase. Invoices should not be approved for processing with the intent of holding the check until final approval. Exceptions to this practice may include pre -payment of dues and subscriptions, expenses associated with conferences or training seminars, insurance premiums, certain service contracts and other purchases where pre -payment is approved by the Village Manager. Checks will generally be mailed to the vendor address on file in the Finance Department. In rare cases, vendors will be allowed to pick up checks during normal business hours at the Finance Department front desk. The person picking up the check will be asked to show proper identification. Employee reimbursement checks are delivered to the employee via interoffice mail unless the employee rtXwests the check to be ma*led to their home address. Year End Purchases When purchases are made near the end of the fiscal year, departments shall be responsible for ensuring that purchases are expensed against the fiscal year in which they 10 were received. The date goods are received or services are performed determines the fiscal year to which they are charged. Goods and services will be expensed in the current fiscal year only if they are received or performed by the last day of the fiscal year. This is true regardless of when the purchase requisition is processed or the purchase order is issued. Items not received by the last day of the fiscal year will be expensed in the next fiscal year. Open purchase orders for the fiscal year will be liquidated at some point after year end. The purchase orders will be left open in order to post appropriate expenses against them. Purchase orders for projects that overlap fiscal years will have to be entered in each year. Use of Sales Tax Exemption Number Village purchases are not subject to sales tax; therefore, employees shall make efforts to inform vendors of the Village's tax exempt status and to ensure that sales tax is not paid for purchases made with petty cash or credit cards. Sales tax exemption letters may be obtained from the Village Accountant in the Finance Department. Use of the Village's sales tax exemption number is restricted to purchases made on behalf of the Village. State law prohibits use of the Village's sales tax exemption number to secure exemptions for personal purchases. Petty Cash Petty cash boxes are located in the Finance, C n i ffi nit- Development,- and Police and n, bli W& Es Departments. Each department is responsible for ensuring that the total amount of receipts and cash equal the beginning petty cash balance. The Administration, Community Development and Public Works Departments receive all petty cash reimbursements from the Finance Department's petty cash box. The Petty Cash box is subject to audit and the responsible individuals will be accountable for any non- compliance with this procedure or shortage of funds. The following policy and procedural guidelines have been established to promote a more efficient and accountable petty cash operation. All departments within the Village are responsible for abiding by this policy. There are no exceptions. Petty Cash Disbursements a) Requests for changes to a petty cash fund may be made to the Finance Director. b) There is a 100 W limit per petty cash request per employee per day. Any amount above 100 W must be submitted through the accounts payable process. Reimbursable expenses under 100 W incurred by an employee should be reimbursed from petty cash rather than through the accounts payable process. c) No one is allowed to take money from petty cash without a petty cash request form and a cash receipt which must be signed by the appropriate supervisor. The petty cash request form must also be signed by the employee who will receive the money. If a petty cash request form is submitted without a receipt, the employee must bring back a receipt before they are reimbursed. If the employee did not 11 obtain a receipt for submittal with the petty cash request form, supervisory approval MUST be noted on the petty cash receipt form. All receipts must be original. Employees may make copies for their own records, but the original receipt must be given to the respective person responsible for petty cash. d) All petty cash request forms must contain the following information: • Date • Detailed description of the expenditure with account(s) to be charged • Name of person(s) to receive the money • Department • Receipt signed by the supervisor Petty Cash Box Reimbursement Policy a) The person responsible for the petty cash box is the person designated by the Department Director to maintain the fund. They not only disburse petty cash to various employees, they must reconcile the petty cash box and request petty cash reimbursements by the payables deadline. b) If the amount is not sufficient to meet the needs of the department, the Department Director can request an increase in the petty cash allotment. This request must be approved by the Finance Officer. c) Petty Cash will be subject to periodic announced and unannounced audits to determine compliance with these procedures. Any discrepancies with compliance or cash balance shall be immediately reported to the Finance Officer. Disposal of Surplus and Obsolete Property 44ie Village Mi*ag „4 zedto dispose of A! surplus per-so� eq�ripmetA of the-Village-ha�v' edvaitte not in exeess f r� n ($ i n nnnn nm if ., r epa f+,. e ftt has ty �t, i„e c f i�vxrccrs� , cpurcm�n—rraTpi-vp crc� `c �'rcrrc�v=ccra w 1 •., is deemed no loi+ger- neees of,, for- Village pufposes, the Depa Ele4ermina4ien abetA the r eto aispose of said property. Village personal property is deemed surplus or obsolete when items are no longer necessary practical or economical to retain. Department Heads are res onsible for identifying property within their respective department that is no longer necessaryoful for Village purposes. Such property should be specifically identified as surplus or obsolete. Surplus items are still useful, but no longer needed by the Department. Whereas, obsolete prol2erty is no longer useful due to obsolescence or dama e. Unon identifving surplus or -obsolete nronerty, the Department Head shall send a request to the Villa e Manager that includes a description and estimated value of the items, identifies the items ass lus or obsolete,d recommend5 the most economical means to dispose of the property. Disposal methods include, but are not limited to sealed bids public auctions, trade-ins recycling and discarding.. or- equipment sha 12 soldor-disposed o "AS !S", with the it 1 e folly. gK :r-a*tees o � �iuxciirg iz `f^vir--'irmir��-sr'r b .. .,,, an ies of ry k r'. The disposition of sly surplus property shall be by means of a sale to be conducted pursuant to a public bidding or auction process, or by recycling the property or disposing the property as scrap or refuse if the Manager- dete .mine a determination is made that the time and expense of a sale of the property on the secondary market is not economically warranted given the likely return from such a sale. Surplus or obsolete property and equipment shall be sold or disposed of "AS IS,,, with the Village making no express or implied puarantees or warranties of any kind. The 1,411age Manager- shall notify the Village Boa-r-El not less than thirty (30) days befbi:e any aEhdisposition is made of the s rape, y- i4entifying the pr-ot,:,rty to be dispesed of and whether- the pr-epeitty w411-be-dispesed of b3sale, etior r-eeyeling or- athef m et-h ,,1 The Village Manager is authorized to dis ose of all sumIus or obsolete personal property or equipment of the Village having an estimated value not in excess of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). For all surplus items with an estimated value in excess_ of Five Thousand Dollars ($5.000.00) but less than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10.000.00), the Village Manager is required to notify the Village Board not less than fifteen 15 days before the disposition of the property. This notification must include a description and estimated value of the prop= to be disposed of. as well as identify specific disposal method that will be utilized i.e. sale auction trade-in recycle. discard or other method). If no objections are made by the Village Board within this 15-day. period. the Village Manager is authorized to move forward with diwQ*ink, of the property. The disposal of surplus items with an estimated value in excess o 10�000 re wires Village Board approval via a resolution. Sustainable Purchasing, The Village of Deerfield is committed to being socially responsible through takin positive environmental actions. Sustainable purchasing is one way in which the Village strives to have a positive impact on the environment by considering the potential environmental impact of products and service a part of its purchasing decision making when possible. Such sustainable purchasing may result in financial savings. resource conservation, reduced waste, improved efficiency and other social, financial and environmental benefits Examples of sustainable_ purchasing includes using products that have been specially formulated to reduce or eliminate volatile or anic compounds (VOCs) emissions such as low VOC cleaners,. is and pavement sealers. Another sustainable purchasing practice may include the use of environmentally preferable nailer products with a high percentage of post -consumer recycled content that are manufactured without chlorinated bleaching agents. As buying. local has the potential to positively i=act the environment through reduced vehicle emissions from transporting products over less distance, if the price and item and/or service is the same, the local Deerfield vendor shall be the preferred vendor. When possible. Village staff should consider purchasing sustainable products and servicel in order to positively contribute to the environment. 13 �s bs a b s_9 69 0 bs 0 -d 0 �d .� o `n o RDD A � v' O CCDD (�D cNli f�D (�7 � CD A � N y UQ O O 00 O O N 00 25 � C 0 r cr G -* C• O o O i� x 1�.0[ i� .0 C fD '% R �• 'Q A A eD tD W OD CD �c yC o C eD ee AD ft M ti m O �e x C y , CDeb a p .p C O O It R N rGA o CD 9 CD C)r Cr k r O O CP O c �• FA A o ¢, o rx o � CD .� x w C C 0 0 CD o 0 x x O cD c C ^ 64 N CD CD O CD C. CD CD CD CD 00 O O CD n C O CD CD vJ O CD ¢ x x O � CD r-r CD CD x = 0. d � o xd pl• � B d, n G � p. ' ►ems � �0,1 � Z O O � O z o 0 ar g 0 0 G��r Cr"bCr c CD CD ID CD O �xco R CD v N d O O C N Z CD O � G� r" o - (D CD CDD 81 CD CD J= M o ��h '� °' 'O,� CDCD Cali o b° �•o� � � ° �' o �° CD o x - d O CD CD N (D 2. .rL o ° CD c(nCD CD O ° � V1 C ¢ cu"CD O y Q 0 o+ N x Cd fit O c� x C7 0 CD CD t CD a b9 x 0 CD y4 c b C CD P o CD x 5 CD GJ o 0 0 0 CD CD CD x w x 0 d rA W