O-71-05ORDINANCE NO. 0 -71 -5 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN OFFICIAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD,' ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Deerfield and its residents, for more than 35 years, have been concerned with land use in the Village and have planned for the orderly growth and development of the Village, as evidenced by the following: (a) The Village of Deerfield was one of the first municipalities to adopt a Zoning Ordinance regulating land use in 1924. (b) In 1954 a Comprehensive Plan for the development, redevelopment and growth of the Village was prepared with the assistance of Kincaid and Hutchinson of Chicago, Illinois, professional land planners and zoning consultants. (c) In 1958 with the professional assistance of Stanton and Rockwell,. city planners of Chicago, Illinois, a Jurisdictional Plan was developed. (d) In 1959 and 1960 an extensive review of the Village's Comprehensive Plan was conducted under the guidance of Stanton and Rockwell. WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield requested the Village Plan Commission in 1967 to prepare a current Official Comprehensive Plan, pursuant to the authority of Section 11 -12 -1, et seq., of the Illinois Municipal Code (Chapter 24, Ill. Rev. Stats. 1969) and recommend the same to the Corporate Authorities; and WHEREAS, for more than three years the Village Plan Commission with Carl L. Gardner and Associates, Inc., as planning consultant, diligently engaged in an analysis of all aspects of the Village of Deerfield, including making a complete inventory of existing land use; a study of population and housing characteristics; a study of community facilities and transportation facilities; a study of the Village's economic base; and an economic survey and market analysis of the business district; and following such analyses and studies the Village Plan Commission formulated a series of long - range growth goals and planning policies, and did thereafter develop a Land Use Plan, a Thoroughfare Plan and a Community Facilities Plan and accompanying maps and exhibits; and WHEREAS, the Village Plan Commission held numerous public meetings with respect to said plans and the various parts thereof and, as directed by the President and Board of Trustees, after published notice did, on December 17, 1970, hold a public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan, as submitted, and has recommended the same to the President and Board of Trustees for adoption as the Official Comprehensive Plan of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trsutees have determined that it is in the best interest of the Village to adopt an Official Comprehensive Plan and, in particular, to.adopt the Comprehensive Plan, as recommended by the Village Plan Commission, it being understood that such Official Comprehensive Plan may hereafter be supplemented and augmented by additional plans and maps,.and that said Plan may hereafter be implemented by various ordinances which may be considered and adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION Short Title. This Ordinance shall be known and ONE: may be cited as the Official Comprehensive Plan Ordinance. SECTION Pur ose. It is the purpose of this Ordinance TWO: to a adopt an Official Comprehensive Plan, and (b) provide for the amendment thereof, the filing of copies of the Plan in the office of the Village Clerk for the information of the public, and the filing of notice of adoption of said Plan. SECTION Plan Adopted. The Comprehensive Plan Report, THREE: including the Statement of Growth Goals and Planning Policies, the Land Use Plan, the Thoroughfare Plan and the Community Facilities Plan and attached exhibits and maps, dated November, 1970, and including an Addendum of Amendments and correc- tions affixed to the cover of said Report, a copy of which Report and Addendum, marked Exhibit "A ", is attached hereto and made a part hereof, prepared by the Deerfield Plan Commission with the assistance of the Planning Consultant, Carl L. Gardner and Associates, Inc., is hereby adopted and designated as the Official Comprehensive Plan of the Village of Deerfield. SECTION Amendments. Either the Plan Commission or the FOUR: Board of Trustees, in the manner provided by statute, may initiate or originate proposed amendments to this Ordinance. SECTION Availability of copies of Ordinance. The FIVE: Village Clerk shall keep in the Village Hall for inspection by interested persons, copies of this Ordinance, including the Comprehensive Plan Report and any amendments thereof. The Clerk shall also make available copies of the Ordinance for purchase at cost, either through duplication in advance of contemplated demand or upon order as required. The foregoing copies of the Ordinance shall be in addition to the original copy which the statutes require the Clerk to keep as part of the official record of enacted ordinances. SECTION Severability. SIX: held invalid the remaining provisions. Any provision of this Ordinance shall not affect the validity of SECTION Repeal. All ordinances or parts of ordinances SEVEN: in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION Procedure 'for Adoption - Effective Date. This EIGHT: Official Comprehensive Plan Ordinance shall become effect v upon its passage and approval, the filing of a notice of adoption of such Comprehensive Plan with the County Recorders of Lake and Cook Counties, which notices the Village Clerk is hereby directed to file, and upon the expiration of ten (10) days following the filing of such notice. AYES: FOUR (4) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: ONE (1) PASSED this 2nd day of APPROVED this ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK 2nd day of February A.D., 1971. February A.D. , 1971. ADDENDUM OF AMENDMENTS AND CORRECTIONS TO THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REPORT The Comprehensive Plan Report dated November, 1970 and prepared by the Deerfield Plan Commission with the assistance of the planning consultant, Carl L. Gardner and Associates, Inc., is hereby amended in the following respects: A. The Comprehensive Plan Map is amended as follows: 1. The gold coloring of that area lying north of North Avenue as extended between Telegraph Road and the Illinois Tri- State Toll Highway is deleted and is to be considered as shown in white. 2. The extension of Carriage Way westerly to Carlyle Avenue is to be shown as a dotted line. 3. The four (4) parcels owned by School District 109 (the legal description of which is shown on the attached Exhibit A) and located on the North side of Deerfield Road adjoining the Maplewood School site to be shown in green color. i 4. The triangular shaped parcel bounded by the Chicago- St. Paul- Milwaukee Railroad right -of -way, Central Avenue, Elm Street, and that parcel known as the Kottrash property be shown as Medium- low density (single - family) in plain gold color. 5. The green color of the Red Oak School site lying outside of the corporate limits of the Village be deleted and shown in white color. 6. The site of the Berkley Prairie be labeled "Berkley Prairie." 7 � Th ' the ollo ng escri 1 s c rrhonly know 52 , 52 , 53 , 535 541 nd 5 Deerfie Road b�sown. s Medium i,gh den ty (m lti e- family: Lo s 2, 3, 4-i""5, 6 and-7 in Old Mill SAite bein a subdivision % of part of4he NE/1 /4 of the" NW 1/4 .of Section 33, T43N, R 12, / �r East of'' the 3rd' P . M. in .take County, Illinois, according to the Platy recordealas Document No. 588452 in Lake County, Illinois. WOOD 8. That the green color indicating the site of the Briarhi±-1 /}NP h D -TO IAl1,V6_ (PA-P-)-- School Vbe limited to the property actually owned by the- " P11 District s e./ -oG. Qd S'riZt C7' at that location and the balance thereof be shown as Medium -low density (single - family). - 2 - 9. That Lot 85 as subdivided and the east 1/2 of Lot 84 as subdivided in J. S. Hovland's First Addition to Deerfield be shown as Medium -low density (single - family) in plain gold color. 10. That the Teeter and Rudolph properties commonly known as 678 and 717 Wilmot Road respectively be shown as Medium- low density (single- family) in plain gold color. 11. That the parcel lying north of Wilmot Junior High School and owned by the Deerfield Park District be shown in green color. ,-,.-f2. That 1 of the- 'grope -ty of the Tr -inity United C/hur�ch- o Chr ' s on North Avenue be �i w/ n -� "// '_' s ' o a Churches I� nstituti,ons i the map ropriate gn tion. o B. The text of the Comprehensive Plan Report be amended as follows: 32: 1. That the following be added to Paragraph 1 on page "The proposed widening of Deerfield Road be undertaken only at such time as the Milwaukee Road viaduct be widened and that such widening of Deerfield Road not be commenced prior to - 3 - � y the second biennial review of the Comprehensive Plan by the Plan Commission." 2. That the following be substituted in lieu of Paragraph 2 on Page 17: "In addition to the other aesthetic considerations contained in this report, it is proposed that there be established a Building Review Commission to review architectural plans to provide a forum for the interchange of ideas between the developers and the Village." - 4 - P-F-ucol 1. That par,`, of the Sou-,,h- 11-:Pa*.S&'� u a, x, tez, of section 2911 To;vnxh_-,',p 43 Noxv,:! Rz4n-e 1P East of the llvd P.M., desc-;:'Ibed as r ��0110 T,%rz; Cox-.1-mercing a� a poIlut in' the Sout,"h ?inn of Said. Sout u Z, re, e.t, 151-3.0 Lee& F the SovLb Bas-,� cor-ner t' es thb-mce • o__ No-vih 190'.,0 .� eet; thance. T,,7e•t 12R,o eeon �; t,12c_.nce S d U2 I 6o 0 feet, .9 SOLO_'2 line Os Haot quartet- and 'hence '.Eastl 1,23* . 0 Fee,!, to &he p1a e. or b e,,,,, in 1n g, felwoc—tin- theret.roln peon, ui�:eG, f0v Dee.vh'eld R ad), kna Q. `: the S 1 12 • OU-6 9L »b- i- of Sec'lon ship 4.✓ Noz-41P Revue 'eas! of L e a poirit in the South Jih ; srud:So uz4h ZaL-!, 0 -hence No:.-L-h ;?10.0 feet,-* h en c e -Fe * ' __ E.'as-&*cOrnez, :� . et �Vez' of th e So u� .1, Wei# 68.0 iaet-; th 0 r_- C e L S o z i t h 210 0 reel t, 'add --,ou�,h e of 'he Sj-)'Ltr12 e 0 Ej ill t u d h e n c e I'Da 6 8 � 0 e .to the Place o*_r beginP_L,2,v (e- *.r, ther o.m paxt t<-__Fcen o-- usted XOP. -Oeezt. teld 1?0 'd) in Ea' k e C 0 ue 1 -2 t v _L3: T h a 6 p e;.:, z; o. f Sov),h .1"East qvart'er o.;.,7 Sec';6:2 R9, To ih Nozih Ranger ZP jFaBb of V e 3. r d P.M.J de.scvibed as f-olla wz COM' m encing at a pohm` Or- V-2 e So L?(,h cc. z_aid South Z*ast jp .,4,,8.0 ke'• TWez", of the So 14h Bast Z,7Leice No.vth 190O feet;.' ihen"C'e. Weat ✓3 O fe6e4-; thence Soulth Igo, o ,ee, -6 Said S-,v,'h 11'r-'e oF the Sovih _F3,nat qv,-x4'e2- and the-mce 33.o fee F ;'.he pJace. or be Inning, (ezcep��fhg .h;---, v ed fop Beenfieid R—cad) sa1d ­ Pa-7-ce- beinpr%� o' h = the Sast-33 f e e of te -ood Terv,tce as per opdi�,,-anoe lvou lag, -ds 19-56 as Docvr_,2ai.:.z1 e95.221.9 in Book 1AZ13 of Reco-z , .P-'.Se 444, in L-ake Cowazl 17. 11.11hols .. P EZMC_�ft-UL: .1 r u That of U:?e O?A I .2ile_z GL 1'4C?.?' section 29, Town- shl'.0 _R a r,- ,, e 12, lTaz F � 1�3 t OX -12 e 3zd P�M, describe as CO 7c7.'G'i3C1_ rL 2t. I c2 03121 j1 on ha SOut-h dire of seid, soz�t7l F�es .' quarte' Of- tLle Z-;-tjv_ ce G ­;.re 1he-2- INIort2b �95, o &.e�L the n c e So u'h _196u0 feet and th-e)-Ice 7 P-,as& 20. 0 fee4 to' Pizice, 0-F 2 C) 21 p .- or wseci' for. JDeez�i�'i;e* Road') L"'k-e COUIL,•;' SCHEDULE A 4: b5T 9 °19 APR 2.1 AM 9 47 45 �t - APR-21-t1 z z J. 0 6 V 1-151 'U" 5' Rr4- 5.00 N:0 T'I C NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield,,Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, did, at their regular meeting on February 2, 1971, by Ordinance No. 0 -71 -5 duly enacted, adopt a Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the provisions of Division 12 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code (Chapter 24, Ill. Rev. Stats., 1969), which Plan consists of the Comprehensive Plan Report, including the Statement of Growth Goals and Planning Policies, the Land Use Plan, the'Thoroughfare Plan and the Community Facilities Plan and attached exhibits and maps,.dated November, 1970, and includ- ing an Addendum of Amendments and corrections affixed to the cover of said report, prepared by the Deerfield Plan Commission with the assistance of the Planning Consultant, Carl L. Gardner and Associates, Inc., and copies of which Comprehensive Plan are GL on file with the Village Clerk of the Village'of Deerfield and are available for inspection by the public. I 5 .d VILLAGE CLERK,. Village of .Deerfield Lake and Cook Counties,.Illinois give Plan covers the following sections and parts of section: 4, R 12, E of 3rd.P.M.: +, Section 6. d, R 12, E of 3rd P.M.: )n 28; Section 29 ;'. East )n 32; Section'.33; West North 1/2 Section 4; North 1/2, Section 5; South 1/2, Section 20; SW 1/4 Section 27; 1/2, Section 30; East 1 /2,.Section 31; 1/2, Section 34..