O-71-17ORDINANCE NO. 0--;/1- .17 AN ORDINe'!,NCE TO ESTABLISH THE COMPENSATION OF OFF CERS AND EMPLOYEES FOR THE FI SC Y YEAR? 1971 -197 BE XT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF T2LIE VILLA1,3E OF DSERFSELD, LAKE AND COOK COWTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That effective May 1, 1971, aand until April -0, ONE: 1972, the compensation of the officers and em- ployees of the Village of Deerfield shall be as set forth in the Personnel Schedule attached hwre1:o and made a mart hereof. SECTION That the Village Manager may employ persons TWO: to serve in any employment positions provided for in the attached Schedule which, upon the effective date of this Ordinance are unfilled, provided that the compensation for Euch new employees shall not exceed the amount provided for in said attached Schedule for the respective positions for which such persons are employed. In the event of the severance of employment of any employee named in the attached Schedule during the effective period of this Ordinance, the Village Manager is authorized to employ a re- placement therefor; provided that such new employee shall not receive conm,pensation in an amount exceeding that provided for the replaced employee. From time to time during the effective period of this Ordinance, the Village Manager may employ such part time employees as may be necessary to properly conduct the affairs and operations of the Village, at hourly wage rates from $1.75 to $5.00, provided that in no event shall the total compensation of all employees of a designated department exceed the total amount appropriated in the annual Appropriation Ordinance to pay the compensation of employees of such Department. SECT InN THREE: SECTION FOUR: AYES: FOUR (4) All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. NAYS: "UNE- W A.'SENT : ONE (1) PA ;;HE'D this 21st- _ day of June , A. D. 1971. APPROVED this 21st day of J VWPI e , A.D. 1971. ATTEST: 70 1 Village P esident �_� Village Clerk VILLAGE BOARD AND CLERK PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 1-970-71 1971-72 Position TkIe Pro osad Remarka am village Clerk Mrs. Catherine Price 3.000-00 3,175, 00 Xncdudes $175 to cover replecoment daring vacation PERSONNEL SCHED UrIE GENERAL, VYLL,AGE OFFICES 1970-71 1971-7? Position Title - Emnloyoe Salg�r froAosad Remal*s 26,000.00 Village Manager Norris W, Stilphen 24, 000, 00 Planning Aid 9....W. DO Assistant to theManagerl ..4 d'dzLrjoa^ae Emery Ov Clerk Anna Smalley Receptio82le- Sacretary P4ip cla Ha roski 13j 000, 00 10,000.00 8,957.00 j3,e,15`0 ®,00 2� 865, 00 ;3 „99 5� 9D4 0.00 �,. 1;��e0D 54,688000 .15 hour wnsk 314 Ge?ner,�R 1/4 Eaaild „,rg FXNANCE DEPAI TME,,71 ” C�,� Finance Directoo M, Clevren 14,400.00 16, 500,, 00 Clerk - Accounting Machimo Operator Patricia Rogge 6,,0 75 o O0 0,4000.00 Pant Time quad OvPezOne 100,00 100000 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE POLXCE 'DEPARTMENT Position TRIe Employee 1970• -71 Salary .8995 =7,9 Saalmry, chg4 of Polico Warren M. Whitton $17,500 $19.1300.00 Lac: en&mt George Hall 15,000-00 15 750" 00 Lai -- tenant Thomas Rogge 15, 000"00 15,750-00 Lieutenant Robert Charles 15,000-00 15,750.00 aore�geant Jeffray McDermott 13,000-00 a4, 000, 00 Sex�geant Larry Tour gnant 13,000-00 14, 0000 00 So- -geant Robezt Davenpoat 13, 0000 00 14, 0000 00 S5ergeant Donald Tiffany 13,000-00 14, 0000 00 Paa Tolman Robeirt Hamilton 11, 880, 00 1R, 500.00 Patrolman William Bdler 11,880.00 12,500-00 Pzm�rolmaian Larry Kick 11, 880" 00 12,500-00 00 Pa~rolma =an Gordon Cooper 11, 8800 00 12,500,00 Ps,z'rolman Royce Lacy 10, 692, 00 11,856.00 Pc;,'rolmgan Thomas Hall 10, 692, 00 '11,856.00 Prrolman Fames Kinnee 10, 69,2" 00 11,856.00 P�. , :- olman Maglfn QuiRy 10, 692.00 .11,,856"00 Pr : olx -Rrn William Dunn 10 ,,104 a 00 11, 2w 0 00 Pa•~'s::;,olman David Ebaxt 10, 104,00 11, RRO" 00 Pia }Tolman - James Roche 10,104, 00 11, RRfl, 00 P&: zrolma n David Turnbaugh 10,104.00 11, RZ0, 00 Pa,.'rolmasan John Bruce 9850 ,, 00 10, 6080 00 Pa 89olmaan Goorge Hoffman 9,504-00 10,608"00 Pc,;rolman Wallfam Behnke 9,504-00 10, 608, 00 Pa ^Tolman Gary aryker 9,504-00 10, 608" 00 Paerolman Thomas Potter 9,504"00 10, 6080 00 Z-'d.rolman Michael Do was r 8,916.00 91,972.00 Communications Mabel Harraaman 7,823-00 8, 990" 00 CoA;,im u nica Lions Lois Kemp 7, 441 " 00 8,000.00 Co,-; 8'1wnicatlone David Moon 7,063 40 j , 200'" 00 Communications Lions Cheater^ Splft 6,864.00 7, •416" 00 Diapatche.r, Clerk,Mtrn. Gloria DeBasolo 7, 6,3,8" 00 79632.00 Temporary, Vacation, Crossing Guards 32,000-00 , �o''&e'' red Educohion Benefits 2,, 100" 00 $ 341, 68-', 00 PERSONNEL SCHED ULE. POLXCE DEPARTMENT (CozAIn ued) PorjT on Title Employee 1970 °71 salary, 1971-72 Swart' Pa�,"rol m an Pcteolma n TPio.o M v,4 Communications -112 Timm Vacant Cvonsing Guard Ruth Ha rich Crossing Guard D. Ginter Cz'ozsing Guard Ruth Pluskowski Cr=ossing Guard M. Dunn Crossing Guard R, CA Cn sling Guard E. Pa Waon C��,ssing Guard W. Thayer P &A Time and Ovextime 9,360000 9,360000 .� 3,280.00 $2. 751hra. 1,900-00 ($ 31hr. 2. 751hr. 1,900.00 2.50 1hr°. 1,900.00 2.501hr. 1,900.00 2.50 1lams. 1,900.00 R.501hr°. 11900.00 2.501hr°. 10 910.00 a $402,204-00 ° 20,000.00 PERSONNEL SCHED ULE VXLLAGE HALL Position Ville Employee 1 1-M Pro osed Custodian Joseph Venturi $78 6320 00 81400,00 am VXLLAGE GARAGE PERSONNEL SCHED UL. Titles frnploy2o Salary Proposed Remarks Mi- Ichanic Vacant — 1s, 000, 00 Z/,? Garage y� I/2 St, &13z°< a 8 PERSONNEL, SCHEDULE t B U%L,DXNG DEPARTMENT 1970 -7a -1971-7R Posd$aoaa a"eide Em do Ge SadBr .Z Pr® ozed Remeird�s Bu lding Commissioner Charles J. Smalley 13,750-00 15,3'00, 00 Z%spector Take Rephola Secretary, Receptionist Patricia Haro,ski Erngineering Aid Craig Root Plumbing Inspector Rob(PA Prenaler 9,350,00 10,000,00 1,968000 2,06 "a, 0 1/4 BU11 314 Goa oral 3,000000 ..3,4 0,00' 2,000-00 14502. 00 -31, o68. 00 00 0 C PER :: ONNEL SCPI.,: ;D r!/AGE TREATMENT PLANT 3970 -71 9971 =7C115 Pcy.gaion TAle Em to ee 'Salary Pr® osod R�marlss Clx'c?f Operator Roland Charliar Op -:z?rator ,Toga KaedBng T;-,21nee ,Joseph Roehr T.E eanee Jeffrey Krase S&,,;ervmovy Edmund Klasanska O v° ,xtim e - All Porm onnel �T. 'TER DEPARTMENT 11,064000 8,208.00 6, _300,00 6,300-00 4, 000, 00 6,908.00 37,780,00 12'.5,20"00 91,400.00 7,300.00 7,300.00 4 ,:a 00 a 00 41,000,00 7,000.00 Fo.•,aman Albez -t Bernardi 11,256.00 12,5x0, 00 rvla-or Mechanic Henry Englund a 77 -P0 00 ,�� �, 6CiYU o 00 W s_?enanc a Man Dovglas Quinn ?,,,200 (7,, 500) 8,000.00 Mc?; �r Rc ader BeNam n Bowes 7,44 0 . 00 8,000,00 Suj.;1Rrvasory Edmund Klasanskf 4, 000, 00 4,:,,',00.00 Ac, .oun, BRlIF89F? BexO � ^R- t nth', 8,208.00 ��, &d00 00 D,- Azm&n Craig Rook -3,000.00 _ 3,_5QQ._Q.Q_ 54, 700.00 Pa .� Tuns and Overcame 0000 00 /, leUV, vas 49, 876.00 f PERSONNEL, SCHED UL,E SEW.IZ DL-'-,-' la- ?'L'�`1L•'N.T a 970-71 9 97a -7'a .P'osklon Tale Em to ee salm�x Proposed Remarks Foreman Larry Zdexander 1vsain&enance Main Kenneth •5wieton ^Rpervisory Edmund Klasinski .'account Billing Grace Clerk Laborer -Truck Driver .lack Lund Laborer -Truck Driver William Gasi field Laborer -Truck Driver William Koxaneck8 9,156,00 00 10, 500 0 00 7,440-00 8, 00, ., 00 4,000-00 4,x"00, 00 7,632-00 8, 000 e OO 7,056.00 8,000000 6� 000 0 00 (7,500) 8,000.00 7.638.00 8 o l- i0-, 00 48, 9160 00 5,5'4700('00 -Part Time said Overtime 7,632-00 61, 0000 00 r r' PERSONNEL, SCHEDULE ::STREET AND BRIDGE DEP�,IRTMSNT "'1970-71 1971 -7� Position Title E.- n2loZee Salargr >r cs d RPmar s T'ublie Works Director Edmund Klasinski Mechanic Harold .Seiler Assistant Mechanic George TLArman F oreman Charles Sch', er Treick Driver Russell Redmord Maintenance Mafia Kenneth :3chlapa Mechanic Pat Time, Overtime, Summer Help 4,000.00 4, 0,000 00 8, ?-u. 00 10, 000 � 00 aim 8,160 � 00 8,500,00 10,1? -6.00 u, 0,300 00 8 ,, 9014 , 00 9, 0 0.00 X00000 �6,�0 ®� 8,000,00 A. /�//�� 4"000.00 46 y 6344 c 00 5,5 050. 00 1F'000.00 15, 000, 00 A Clerk and additional Truck Driver were requested bLd eliminated in the light of presenting (m bslanced Lea -awt, The only way we can see to finance these additional people is to increase the vehicle tag rye t0 $15,,00 for mdl cars over 35 H. P. Ukimately, this will probably have to be done; however, to do ago in tho seine ,rear ;hz water and sewer rates are increased is probably highly undesirable,