O-70-26ORDINANCE 0-70-261. ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR COR- PORATE PURPOSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1, 1970 AND ENDING APRIL 30, 1971. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The following sums of money, or so much thereof as may be authorized by law, be and the same are hereby appro- priated for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1970 and ending April 30, 1971, to the several municipal purposes following: I. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND Amo unt of A. ADMINISTRATION AND Appropriation VILLAGE HALL 1. Salaries $147,000-00 2. Temporary Employment 20, 000.00 3. Professional Services Revision Zoning Ordinance 5, 000.00 Master Plan Completion 5,000-00 Investigations 5,500.00 Studies 2,000.00 Planning Consultant 6o000.00 4. Insur.ance and Bonds 9,500.00 5. Contract Work Village Hall Improvements and Repairs: Parking Lot Curb Replacement 1,500.00 Partition Changes 10000.00 Air Conditioner Repairs 500.00 Painting 500.00 6. Advertising: Legal and Special 3,200-00 7. Electricity - Lighting and Power 750.00 8. Telephone and Telegraph 6,500.00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 2,300.00 10. Postage 3..000.00 11. Radio Service 300.00 12. License Plates, Badges 150.00 13. New Motor Vehicle 2, 400.00 14. Automobile Maintenance 1, 200.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 3,500-00 16. Equipment and /or Furniture Purchase Copier 1,575-00 Furniture 500.00 File Cabinet 500.00 1 r 16. Equipment and /or Furniture Purchaje: Sboncil Cutter Typewriter Carpeting Adding Machine Drapes 17: Office Supplies 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 21. Fuel and Heat 22. Building and Grounds Maintenance 23. Wearing Apparel 24. Dues and Memberships 25. Travel 26. Land Acquisitions 27. Chemicals and Cleaning Material 28. Small Tools and Sundry Items 29. Miscellaneous 30. Equipment Rental 31. Election Expenses 34. Legal Fees and Retainer 36. Board of Zoning Appeals Legal Advertising Reporter Fees 37. Board of Building Appeals Legal Advertising Reporter Fees 36. Dog Pound Operation 39. Yo uth Co un oil Secretarial Services Meeting Expenses Postage 40. Sister City Committee Supplies and Services 41. Human Relations Commission Secretarial Services Supplies 42. Real Estate Review Board Advertising Co urt Reporter Secretarial Services 43. Employee In- Service Training Tuition Costs SUB TOTAL B. POLICE DEPARTMENT 1. Salaries 2. Temporary Employment 3. Professional Services 4. Insurance and Bonds -2- 1,800.00 800.00 500.00 800.00 300.00 7,500-00 600.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 100.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 80,000.00 300.00 550.00 500.00 500.00 2,400.00 40,000.00 350.00 600.00 200.00 200.00 500.00 250.00 500.00 450.00 175.00 125.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 150.00 2.500.00 $380,625.00 415,000.00 45,000.00 -3,000-00 11,000.00 $; Contral is : Traffic Safety Survey Id entiKit Rental Northern Illinois Crime Laboratory 6. Advertising Notices 7. Telephone and Telegraph 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 10. Postage 11. Radio Service 12. License Plates, Badges 13. New Motor Vehicles 14. Automobile Maintenance 15. Equipment Maintenance 16. New Equipment Purchase Typewriters File Cabinets Two Way Radio Radar Unit Bulletin Board Shot Gun 17. Supplies 18. Signs 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 23. Wearing Apparel 24. Dues and Memberships 25. Travel and Training 28. Small Tools and Sundry Items 29. Miscellaneous 30. Equipment Rental 38. Safety Council Secretarial Services Professional Training 39. Board of Police Commissioners Legal Advertising Secretarial Services Examination Costs Applicant Testing SUB TOTAL C. WATER DEPARTMENT 1. Salaries 2. Part Time and Overtime 4. Insurance and Bonds 5. Contract Work Professional Cathodic Protection on Water Main Extensions Reservoir Construction Leakfinder Service -3- Water Tank Completion 4,325.00 175.00 5,000.00 900.00 31900.00 1,$00.00 1,000.00 2,500-00 300.00 14,500.00 7,500-00 900.00 $00.00 250.00 1,400.00 1, 600.00 2$0.00 1$0.00 4,000.00 200.00 6,500-00 5,800.00 250.00 4,500.00 1$0.00 $00.00 300.00 200.00 200.00 $00.00 400.00 600.00 500.00 $545,250.00 55,000.00 8,500.00 4,000.00 20,000.00 750.00 32,000.00 800.00 5,900.00 D. SUB TOTAL $584,950.00 SEWER DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE 1. 1 1 65, 000.00 6. Advert sing, Legal and Special 150.00 7: Electricity 11, 000.00 8. Telephone and Telegraph 750.00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing ,300.00 10. Postage 1,000.00 11. Radio Service 150.00 12. License Plates, Badges 50.00 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 1, 200.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 4,500.00 16. New Equipment Purchase 600.00 11. Centrifugal Pump 500.00 17. Materials and Supplies 9,500-00 18. Meters and Parts 20, 000.00 19. Water Purchases 350,000-00. 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 850.00 24. Dues and Memberships 100.00 23. Wearing Apparel 300.00 25. Travel and Training 250.00 27. Chemicals 3,500-00 28. Small Tools and Sundry Items 200.00 29. Miscellaneous 1,000.00 30. Equipment Rentals 10000.00 32. Office Rental 5,000.00 40. Water Revenue Bond Ordinance Principal and Interest 46,500.00 Bank Agency Fees 200.00 SUB TOTAL $584,950.00 SEWER DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE 1. Salaries 65, 000.00 2. Part Time and Overtime 9,000.00 3. Professional Services Engineering Fees 15, 000.00 4. Insurance and Bonds 3,000.00 5. Contract Work TV Inspection 3o500-00 County Line Syphon Augmentation 19,500-00 6. Advertising,. Legal and Special 100.00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 200.00 10. Postage 600.00 11. Radio Service 150.00 12. License Plates, Badges 50.00 13. New Motor Vehicle Purchase -- 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 800.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 20000.00 16. New Equipment Purchase Centrifugal Pump 600.00 Fire Hose 500.00 Mobile Radio 600.00 -4- 17. � r Materials and Supplies ' 6, 000.00 20. Gasoline and LLubricCnn1.z 300.00 23. Weari.,-2g App�..rc l 400.00 25. Travel and Training 100.00 27. Aggregzta 12,000.00 28. Small Tools and Sundry Items 200.00 29. Sewer Repl1tca- mcnt 25, 000.00 30. Equipment Renal 2, 000.00 32. Bu:.'cting and Office Rent -5,000.00 33. Sewer Revenue Bonds Principal and Interest 10o-500.00 17. Depreciation Fund 11000200 SUB TOTAL $173,100.00 E. SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT 1. Salaries 48, 000.00 2. Part Time and Overtime 9,000.00 4. Insurance and Bonds 2,700.00 5. Engineering Contracts 25,000-00 7. Electricity 11, 000.00 8. Telephone and Telegraph 200.00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 100.00 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 300.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 6, 000.00 16. New Equipment Purchase Two Stage Sludge Pump Replacement 5,000.00 17. Materials and Supplies 5,000-00 18. Gauges 200.00 19. Water Purchases 600.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 500.00 21. Fuel and Heat 2P200.00 22. Building and Grounds Maintenance 1,000.00 23. Wearing Apparel 300.00 25. Travel and Training 175.00 27. : Chemicals 12, 000.00 28. Small Tools and Sundry Items 200.00 29. Miscellaneous 1,000.00 30. Equipment Rental 1.000.00 SUB TOTAL $131s475-00 TOTAL GENERAL CORPORATE FUND $1,855; 400.00 I.T. SPECIAL TAX FUNDS A. Civil Defense 5. Contracts Warning Equipment Purchase 8,000.00 Installation of System 2,500.00 29. Miscellaneous 800.00 SUB TOTAL $11,300.00 -5- C. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND Village's Contribution S� 65,000.00 r r B. STREET AND BRIDGE 1. Salaries 60, 000.00 2. Part Time and Overtime 25, 000.00 4. Insurance and Bonds 6,500-00 5. Contract Work Sidewalk Repairs 10P000.00 Dangerous Branch & Tree Pruning 3,500.00 Curb Reconstruction 10, 000.00 Street Resurfacing 40..000-00 Dutch Elm Disease Control 5, 000.00 Street Paving 80000.00 60 Advertising 150.00 7. Electricity, Street Lighting 18, 000.00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 1,500.00 11. Radio Service 250.00 12. License Plates, Badges 100.00 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 4,000-00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 3,500.00 16. New Equipment Purchase Snow Blo wer 8,000.00 Sidewalk Snow Plow 8, 000.00 17. Materials and Supplies Street Maintenance 35,000-00 18. Signs 3,500-00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 3,500.00 23. Apparel 300.00 24. Dues and Memberships 100.00 25. Travel 250.00 27. Chemicals 25,000-00 28. Small Tools and Sundry Items 250.00 29. Miscellaneous 4,500.00 30. Administrative Expenses & Rental 5,000-00 48. Improvements Overlayment of Oxford, Carlisle, Cumnor, and Warwick 50, 000.00 Reforestation - tree replacement 4,500-00 Street Light Renovation 6,000.00 WeGo Storm Sewer 35,000-00 Traffic Lights (Hoffman & Deerfield) 10, 000.00 Arterial Street Maintenance 20, 000.00 Union Drainage Ditch Assessment 10P000.00 High School Crossing Lights 20, 000.00 49. Equipment Rental 1.500.00 SUB TOTAL $445,900.00 C. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND Village's Contribution S� 65,000.00 D. BOND AND INTEREST F UND General Obligation - Sewer Improvement Bonds Principal & Interest, 1954 44, 000.00 Principal & Interest, 1960 44, 200.00 Municipal Building Bonds - 1956 Issue Principal 10, 000.00 Interest 1,500-00 Village Library Bonds, 1969 Issue Principal and Interest 144 550, 00 SUB TOTAL $244,2 &.00 F. POLICE PENSION FUND Retirement Payments 5,820-00 Disability Payments 5,500.00 Refunds 5,000-00 Reserves 8.680.00 SUB TOTAL $25o000-00 F. PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND Payment of Public Benefits 25,000-00 G. VILLAGE LIBRARY FUND 1. Salaries and Employee Expense Professional 35,000-00 Non Professional 37,000-00 Hospitalization 500.00 2. Library Materials Books 40, 000.00 Periodicals & Services 3,550.00 Audio Visual 4,000-00 Binding and Repair 3,000-00 3. Building Repair and Maintenance Repair and Maintenance of Present Buildings 2, 000.00 Custodial Services 2,000.00 4. Equipment and Supplies Equipment Purchases 8,000.00 Equipment Maintenance and Rental 500.00 Library Supplies 3,000-00 Postage and Freight 500.00 —7— zPleaae ,9049atate this ¢ orrecied sheet for the incorrect page a the -,,Appropriation Ordinance, X did not .retype Page 7, bast :the Total of the Bond. Pmd Xntereob FL ;nd should be $1509500.00, R � i; a I 5. Utilities Ind Fuel Water 100.00 Telephone 800.00 Electricity 250.00 Fuel 500.00 6. Miscellaneous Insurance and Surety Bends 19000.00 Legal Fees 2,500-00 Printing 1P000.00 Convention and Meetings Professional Dues and Travel 1, 000.00 Miscellaneous and Petty Cash Fund 800.00 Contingencies 2, 500.00 7. Reserve Fund - Accumulation per Plan 1.000.00 SUB TOTAL $150o500-00 H. MUNICIPAL AUDIT TAX F UND 1. Village, C. P.A. Services 5,000.00 2. Library Audit 500.00 SUB TOTAL $5,500.00 SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS I. General Corporate Fund A. Administration and Village Hall $,380, 625.00 B. Police Department 545, 250.00 C. Water Department 584,950-00 D. Sewer Department Maintenance 173,100.00 E. Sewage Treatment Plant 131,475.00 II. Special Tax Funds A. Civil Defense Fund 11,300.00 B. Street and Bridge Fund 445,900.00 C. Illinois Municipal Retirement 65, 000.00 D. Bond and Interest Fund 244, 250.00 E. Police Pension Fund 25, 000.00 F. Public Benefit Fund 25, 000.00 G. Village Library Fund 150,500.00 H. Municipal Audit Tax Fund 5.500.00 TOTAL AMOUNT APPROPRIATED $2, 7879 850.00 Section 2. All unexpended balances of any item or items of any general expense appropriation made by this ordinance may be expended in making up any deficiencies in any item or items in the same general appropriation and for the same general purpose or in alike appropriation made by this Ordinance. !9= w . , r 5. Utilities Ld Puel Water 100.00 Telephone 800.00 Electricity 250.00 Fuel 500.00 6. Miscellaneous Insurance and Surety Bonds 1$000.00 Legal Fees 2,500-00 Printing 1,000.00 Convention and Meetings Professional Dues and Travel 1,000.00 Miscellaneous and Petty Cash Fund 800.00 Contingencies 2,500-00 7. Reserve Fund - Accumulation per Plan 1, 000.00 S UB TOTAL $150,500-00 H. MUNICIPAL AUDIT TAX FUND 1. Village C. P.A. Services 5,000-00 2. Library Audit _500.00 SUB TOTAL $5,500.00 SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS I. General Corporate Fund A. Administration and Village Hall $ 380, 62,5.00 B. Police Department 545,250-00 C. Water Department 584.,950.00 D. Sewer Department Maintenance 173,100.00 E. Sewage Treatment Plant 131,475.00 TOTAL GENERAL CORPORATE FUND $1,815,400.00 II. Special Tax Funds A. Civil Defense Fund 11,300.00 B. Street and Bridge Fund 445,900.00 C. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 65, 000.00 D. Bond and Interest Fund 244, 250.00 E. Police Pension Fund 25, 000.00 F. Public Benefit Fund 25,000-00 G. Village Library Fund 50,500.00 H. Municipal Audit Tax Fund 5,50 .00 TOTAL AMOUNT APPROPRIATED $ $2,787,85.0.00 Section 2. All unexpended balances of any item or items of any general expense appropriation made by this ordinance may be expended in making up any deficiencies in any item or items in the same general appropriation and for the same general purpose or in a like appropriation made by this Ordinance. . � 1 w � Section 3. All unexpended balances from the annual appro- priations of previous years are hereby re- appropriated. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in accordance with the law. PASSED: This 6th day of July , 1970. APPROVED: ATTEST: I§ERNARD FORREST, President Catherine B. Price ~ ^� Village Clerk PUBLISHED in the Deerfield Review July 13, 1970. M ORDINANCE 0-70- 2 . ANNUAL APPROPRIATIO.q ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR COR- PORATE PURPOSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1, 1970 AND ENDING APRIL ,30, 1971. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The following sums of money, or so much thereof as may be authorized by law, be and the same are hereby appro- priated for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1970 and ending April 30, 1971, to the several municipal purposes following: I. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND Amo unt of A. ADMINISTRATION AND Appropriation VILLAGE HALL 1. Salaries $.147,000.00 2. Temporary Employment 20, 000.00 3. Professional Services Revision Zoning Ordinance 5,000-00 Master Plan Completion 5,000-00 Investigations 5o500-00 Studies R'000.00 Planning Consultant 6,000.00 4. Insurance and Bonds 9,500.00 5. Contract Work Village Hall Improvements and Repairs: Parking Lot Curb Replacement 1,500.00 Partition Changes 1,000.00 Air Conditioner Repairs 500.00 Painting 500.00 6. Advertising: Legal and Special 3,200-00 7. Electricity - Lighting and Power 750.00 a. Telephone and Telegraph 6..500-00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing Z'300.00 10. Postage 3,000.00 11. Radio Service „300.00 12. License Plates, Badges 150.00 13. New Motor Vehicle 2,400.00 14. Automobile Maintenance 1,200.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 3,500.00 16. Equipment and /or Furniture Purchase Copier 1,575-00 Furniture 500.00 File Cabinet 500.00 16. Equip , ent and Furniture Purch e: Stc,incil Cutter Type writer Carpeting Adding Machine Drapes 17. Office Supplies 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 21. Fuel and Heat 22. Building and Grounds Maintenance 23. Wearing Apparel 24. Dues and Memberships 25. Travel 26. Land Acquisitions 27.- Chemicals and Cleaning Material 28. Small Tools and Sundry Items 29. Miscellaneous 30. Equipment Rental 31. Election Expenses 34. Legal Fees and Retainer 36. Board of Zoning Appeals Legal Advertising Reporter Fees 37. Board of Building Appeals Legal Advertising Reporter Fees 38. Dog Pound Operation 39. Yo uth Co un cil Secretarial Services Meeting Expenses Postage 40. Sister City Committee Supplies and Services 41. Human Relations Commission Secretarial Services Supplies 42. Real Estate Review Board Advertising Court Reporter Secretarial Services 43. Employee In- Service Training Tuition Costs SUB TOTAL B. POLICE DEPARTMENT 1. Salaries 2. Temporary Employment 3. Professional Services 4. Insurance and Bonds -2- 1,800.00 800.00 500.00 800.00 300.00 7,500.00 600.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 100.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 80,000.00 300.00 550.00 500.00 500.00 2,400.00 40,000.00 350.00 600,00 200.00 200.00 500.00 250.00 500.00 450.00 175.00 125.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 150.00 2.500.00 $38o,625.00 415,000.00 45,000.00 3,000-00 11,000.00 C. 5. Contr cts : Traffic Safety Survey 4,325.00 IdentiKit Rental 175.00 Northern Illinois Crime Laboratory 5,000-00 6. Advertising Notices 900.00 7. Telephone and Telegraph 3,900-00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 1,500.00 10. Postage 1,000.00 11. Radio Service 2,500.00 12. License Plates, Badges 300.00 13. New Motor. Vehicles 14,500.00 14. Automobile Maintenance 7,500-00 15. Equipment Maintenance 900.00 16. New Equipment Purchase Typewriters 500.00 File Cabinets 250.00 Two Way Radio 1,400.00 Radar Unit 1, 600.00 Bulletin Board 250.00 Shot Gun 150.00 17. Supplies 4,000-00 18. Signs 200.00 20. Gasoline and L ubricants 6,500-00 23. Wearing Apparel 5,800-00 24. Dues and Memberships 250.00 25. Travel and Training 4,500-00 28. Small Tools and Sundry Items 150.00 29. Miscellaneous 500.00 30. Equipment Rental 300.00 38. Safety Council Secretarial Services 200.00 Professional Training 200.00 39. Board of Police Commissioners Legal Advertising 500.00 Secretarial Services 400.00 Examination Costs 600.00 Applicant Testing 500.00 SUB TOTAL $545,250.00 WATER DEPARTMENT 1. Salaries 55, 000.00 2. Part Time and Overtime 8,500.00 4. Insurance and Bonds 4,000.00 5. Contract Work Professional 20, 000.00 Cathodic Protection on Water Tank 750.00 Water Main Extensions 32,000-00 Reservoir Construction Completion 800.00 Leakfinder Service 5,900.00 -3- D. 6. Advertising, Legal and Special 150.00 7. Electricity 11, 000.00 8. Telephone and Telegraph 750.00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 300.00 10. Postage 1,000.00 11. Radio Service 150.00 12. License Plates, Badges 50.00 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 18200.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 4,500.00 16. New Equipment Purchase 200.00 10. Centrifugal Pump 500.00 17. Materials and Supplies 9,500.00 18. Meters and Parts 20, 000.00 19. Water Purchases 350,000-00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants. 850.00 24. Dues and Memberships 100.00 23. Wearing Apparel 300.00 25. Travel and Training 250.00 27. Chemicals 3,500-00 28. Small Tools and Sundry Items 200.00 29. Miscellaneous 1,000.00 30. Equipment Rentals 1,000.00 32. Office Rental 5,000-00 40. Water Revenue Bond Ordinance Principal and Interest 46,500-00 Bank Agency Fees 200 00 SUB TOTAL $584, 950.00 SEWER DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE 1. Salaries 65, 000.00 2. Part Time and Overtime 9,000.00 3. Professional Services Engineering Fees 15, 000.00 4. Insurance and Bonds 3,000.00 5. Contract Work TV Inspection 3,500-00 County Line Syphon Augmentation 19x500-00 6. Advertising, Legal and Special 100.00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 200.00 10. Postage 600.00 11. Radio Service 150.00 12. License Plates, Badges 50.00 13. New Motor Vehicle Purchase -- 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 800.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 20000.00 16. New Equipment Purchase Centrifugal Pump 600.00 Fire Hose 500.00 Mobile Radio 600.00 -4- 17. Materiels and Supplies 20. Gascllne and Lubricants 23. Wearing Apparel 25. Travel and T_ ain ng 27• AggV0gz.te 28. Small fools and Sundz-7 Items 29. Sewer Replacement 30. Equipment Rental 32. Bu 11 ing and Office Rent 33. Sewer Revenue Bonds Principal and Interest Depreciation Fund SUB TOTAL E. SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT 1. Salaries 2. Part Time and Overtime 4. Insurance and Bonds 5. Engineering Contracts 7. Electricity 8. Telephone and Telegraph 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 16. New Equipment Purchase Two Stage Sludge Pump Replacement 17. Materials and Supplies 18. Gauges 19. Water Purchases 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 21. Fuel and Heat 22. Building and Grounds Maintenance 23. Wearing Apparel 25. Travel and Training 27. Chemicals 28. Small Tools and Sundry Items 29. Miscellaneous 30. Equipment Rental SUB TOTAL TOTAL GENERAL CORPORATE FUND II. SPECIAL TAX FUNDS A. Civil D fence 5. Contracts Warning Equipment Purchase Installation of .system 29. Miscellaneous SUB TOTAL -5- 6,000.00 300.00 400.00 100.00 2,000.00 200.00 25,000.00 2,000.00 5,000-00 10,500.00 1.000.00 $173,100.00 48,000.00 9,000.00 2,700.00 25,000.00 11,000.00 200.00 100.00 300.00 60000.00 5, 000.00 5,000.00 200.00 600.00 500.00 2, 200.00 1,000.00 300.00 175.00 12,000.00 200.00 1,000.00 1.000.00 $131,475-00 $1,815,400.00 8,000.00 2,500-00 800.00 $11,300.00 F C. STREET AND BRIDGE 1. Salaries 60, 000.00 R. ['art Time and Overtime 25, 000.00 4. Insurance and Bonds 6o500-00 5. Contract Work Sidewalk Repairs 10$000.00 Dangerous Branch & Tree Pruning 3,500-00 Curb Reconstruction 10, 000.00 Street Resurfacing 40, 000.00 Dutch Elm Disease Control 5o000-00 Street Paving 8,000.00 6. Advertising 150.00 7. Electricity, Street Lighting 18, 000.00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 1,500.00 11. Radio Service 250.00 12. License Plates, Badges 100.00 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 4,000-00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 3,500.00 16. New Equipment Purchase Sno w Blo wer 8,000.00 Sidewalk Snow Plow 80000.00 17. Materials and Supplies Street Maintenance 35,000-00 18. Signs 3,500-00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 3,500.00 23. Apparel 300.00 24. Dues and Memberships 100.00 25. Travel 250.00 27. Chemicals 25o000-00 28. Small Tools and Sundry Items 250.00 29. Miscellaneous 4,500.00 30. Administrative Expenses & Rental 5,000.00 48. Improvements Overlayment of Oxford, Carlisle, Cumnor, and Warwick 50,000-00 Reforestation - tree replacement 4,500-00 Street Light Renovation 6,000.00 We Go Storm Sewer 35,000-00 Traffic Lights (Hoffman & Deerfield) 10, 000.00 Arterial Street Maintenance 20, 000.00 Union Drainage Ditch Assessment 10, 000.00 High School Crossing Lights 20, 000.00 49. Equipment Rental 1.500.00 SUB TOTAL $445,900-00 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND Village's Contribution 65,000.00 D. BOND JD INTEREST FUND General Obligation - Sewer Improvement Bonds Principal & Interest, 1954 44, 000.00 Principal & Interest, 1960 44i200-00 Municipal Building Bonds - 1956 Issue Pr.in. cipal 10, 000.00 Interest 1,500-00 Village Library Bonds, 1969 Issue Principal and Interest 1144.556,,00 $244, 250.00 SUB TOTAL+ F. POLICE PENSION FUND Retirement Payments 5,,820-00 Disability Payments 5,500-00 Refunds 5,000-00 Reserves 8,680 00 SUB TOTAL $25,000.00 F. PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND Payment of Public Benefits 25,000-00 G. VILLAGE LIBRARY FUND 1. Salaries and Employee Expense Professional -35,000.00 Non Professional 37,000-00 Hospitalization 500.00 2. Library Materials Books 40, 000.00 Periodicals & Services 3,550.00 Audio Visual 4,000-00 Binding and Repair 3,000-00 3. Building Repair and Maintenance Repair and Maintenance of Present Buildings 2, 000.00 Custodial Services 2,000.00 4. Equipment and Supplies Equipment Purchases 8,000.00 Equipment Maintenance and Rental 500.00 Library Supplies 3,000.00 Postage and Freight 500.00 -7- 5. Utilitie4 and Puel Water Telephone Electricity Fuel 6. Miscellaneous Insurance and Legal Fees Printing Convention and Professional Miscellaneous Contingencies Surety Bonds Meetings Dues and Travel and Petty Cash Fund 7. Reserve Fund-Accumulation per Plan SUB TOTAL H. MUNICIPAL AUDIT TAX FUND 100.00 800.00 250.00 500.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 800.00 2,500-00 1,000.00 $150,500.00 1. Village C.P.A. Services 5,000-00 2. Library Audit 500.00 SUB TOTAL $5,500.00 7 S UMMAR Y OF APPROPRIATIONS I. General Corporate Fund A. Administration and Village Hall $ ,380, 625.00 B. Police Department 545, 250.00 C. Water Department 584,950.00 D. Sewer Department Maintenance 173,100.00 E. Sewage Treatment Plant 131, 475.00 Total general corporate Fund $1,815,400.00 II. Special Tax Funds A. Civil Defense Fund 11,300.00 B. Street and Bridge Fund 445, 900.00 C. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 65, 000.00 D. Bond and Interest Fund 244,25P.00 E. Police Pension Fund 25,000 , .00 F. Public Benefit Fund 25, 000.00 G. Village Library Fund 150,6500.00 H. Municiapal Audit Tax Fund 5,500.00 TOTAL AMOUNT APPROPRIATED Upw6paofteo $2,787,850.00 Section 2. All unexpended balances of any item or items of any general expense appropriation made by this ordinance may be expended in making up any deficiencies in any item or items in the same general appropriation and for the same general purpose or in a like appropriation made by this Ordinance. Section 3. All unexpended balances from the annual appro- priations of previous years are hereby re- appropriated. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and alter its passage, approval, and publication in accordance with the law. PASSED: This 6th ATTEST: day of '3uly , 1970. APPROVED: ERNARD F ORRE ST , President -6, -PA -tee- _ Catherine B. Price -~ Village Clerk PUBLISHED in the Deerfield Review the 13th day of July, 1970.