O-68-25•cif. '�y'� � .1 ' `f � 1 � �. « t w a . ORDINANCE NO. 0 -68 -25 AN ORDINANCE VACATING A CERTAIN PORTION OF ELMWOOD AVENUE AND APPROVING ROBERT MORAN'S RESUBDIVIS ION OF LOT S Lq THORN HILL RANCH ESTATES IN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD RECITALS THIS BOARD FINDS AS FOLLOWS: A) There has been presented to this Village a certain subdivision plat entitled Robert Moran's Resubdivision of Lot S in Thorn Hill Ranch Estates, a copy of which plat is attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance, and which resubdivision includes therein the vacation of the westerly 100.36 feet of Elmwood Avenue, the creation of a 12 foot walk- way area across the vacated portion of said Elmwood Avenue, to serve as access to Woodland Park School and adjoining park? property, and the constructim of a cul -de -sac at the easterly end of the part of Elmwood Avenue so vacated. B) The said plat of Robert Moran's Resubdivision con- tains a dedication of the following property for street pur- poses, to wit: That part of Lot S in Thorn Hill'Ranch Estates, being a subdivision in the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 12 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Lake County, Illinois lying southerly of a curved line having a 50.0 foot radius, being on the center line of Elmwood Avenue and 150.0 feet East of the West line of said Lot S extended South, and contains a dedication of the following property for a public walkway, to wit: The South 6.0 feet of that part of the North half of vacated Elmwood Avenue, lying East of 1.40021.0 the West line of Lot S extended South and West of a curved line having a radius of 50.0 feet and concave easterly, the center point of said radius being at the center line of Elmwood Avenue 150.0 feet East of the West line of Lot S extended South. C) There has been presented to this Village written dedication documents of Donald G. Wise and Eileen M. Wise, the owners of Lot T in Thorn Hill Ranch Estates, abutting Elmwood Avenue on the south, copies of which documents are attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance, under the terms of which the area lying South of Elmwood Avenue and within the 50.0 foot radius of a curved line drawn from a point in the center line of Lot T extended North is dedicated for public street purposes, and the North 6.0 feet of the South half of that portion of Elmwood Avenue to be vacated is dedicated for public walkway purposes. D) The Plan Commission, upon due notice and public hear- ing, recommends the approval of said Robert Moran's Resubdivi- sion in accordance with the foregoing cul -de -sac and walkway use of Elmwood Avenue, all as shown on the attached Plat, and subject to the construction of a 21 -foot wide concrete street to match the existing pavement in Elmwood Avenue, and the con- struction of a 10 -foot wide concrete sidewalk across the vacated street area, by Mr. Moran. E) It is in the public interest to approve the proposed subdivision and to vacate the portion of Elmwood Avenue as hereinafter described and shown and designated on the attached resubdivision plat. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: -2- 1 0021a UC.TION The Plat of Robert Moran's Resubdivision of ONE: Lot S in Thorn Hill Ranch Estates, being a subdivision in the Northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, and the North half of that part of vacated Elmwood Avenue lying South of and adjoining said Lot S, in Lake County, Illinois, is approved together with easements and dedications thereon, upon condition and subject to the construction of a 21 -foot wide concrete pavement and cul -de -sac upon that part of Elmwood Avenue extending westerly from the East line of said Lot S to the westernmost point of the said cul -de -sac, and the construction of a 10 -foot wide concrete walkway across the center of the vacated part of said Elmwood Avenue as recommended and provided by the Plan Commission. SECTION The dedication of property set forth and TWO: described in the two documents attached hereto, executed by Donald G. Wise and Eileen M. Wise for public street and for public walkway are accepted for the purposes so dedicated. SECTION That portion of Elmwood Avenue, a public street THREE: in the Village of Deerfield, having been here- tofore dedicated for street purposes, and legally described as follows: That part of Elmwood Avenue lying East of the West line of Lot S in Thornhill Ranch Estates, being a Subdivision in the Northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Lake County, Illinois and lying West of a curved line having a radius of 50 feet and concave Easterly, the center point of said radius being on the center line of Elmwood Avenue 150.0 feet East of the West line of said Lot S extended South, and as shown on the attached plat of Robert Moran's Resubdivi- sion of Lot S in Thorn Hill Ranch Estates and designated by the -3- 1400210 4 words "vacated portion of Elmwood Ave. ", is hereby vacated and closed; the same being no longer required for use as a public street. SECTION The Village of Deerfield reserves its FOUR: interest in all existing easements for public utilities in the vacated portion of Elmwood Avenue. SECTION The President and Clerk of this Village are FIVE: herein authorized and directed to sign the attached plat of Robert Moran's Resubdivision and to file the same together with this Ordinance and attachments in the Office of the Lake County Recorder of Deeds. SECTION This Ordinance shall be in full force and SIX• effect from and after its passage, approval and filing for record in the manner herein provided. AYES: SIX (6) NAYS: NONE ( 0) ABSENT: NONE ( 0) PASSED this _ 3rd day of ,tune A.D. 1968. APPROVED this 3rd day of ,tune A.D. 1968. ATTEST: Village Clerk -4- Village Preside 1400210 STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD SS The undersigned hereby cerrifies that she is the duly elected and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the foregoing is a true add accurate copy of Ordinance No. 0 -68 -25 entitled "AN ORDINANCE VACATING A CERTAIN PORTION OF ELMWOOD AVENUE AND APPROVING ROBERT MORAN'S RESUBDIVISION OF LOT S IN THORN HILL RANCH ESTATES IN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD", passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village at a regular meeting thereof held on the 3rd day of June, A.D. 1968, all as appears in the records and files of my office. Dated this 6th day of June, A.D. 1968. Catherine B. Price Village Clerk o - -4®02 U 61LED FOR RECORD IN RECD RD W OFFICE LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS NOV 7 M -12 Pg pit D E D I C A T I O N DONALD G. WISE and EILEEN M. WISE, his wife, of the Village of Deerfield, County of Lake, State of Illinois, for value- received, hereby dedicate to the Village of Deerfield, for street purposes the following described premises, to -wit: That part of Lot T in Thornhill Ranch Estates, being a Subdivision in the North West quarter of Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Lake County, Illinois, lying Northerly of a curved line having a 50 foot radius being on the center line of Elmwood Avenue and 150.0 feet East of the West line of said Lot T extended North. HEREBY releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Illinois. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties have set their hands and seals, this 1,p day of � 1968. FILED FOR RECORD IN RECORDERS OWICE �AKF COUNTY, ILLINOIS NOV 7 968- 12 30 PM J STATE OF ILLINOIS) COUNTY OF L A K E) SS. DONALD G. WISE EILEEN M. WISE I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that DONALD G. WISE and EILEEN M. WISE, his wife, personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the fore- going instrument appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that they signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument as`their:,.free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes't4e; - rei'n',::-set`. "forth, including the release and waiver of the right�.;of homeat•ead ,:,' GivQli••undeemy, hand'and seal, this _1 it day of -A968. . NOTARY PUBLIC My Goi iss -.ori . pines ININ D E D I C A T I O N DONALD G. WISE and EILEEN M. WISE, his wife, of the Village of Deerfield, County of Lake, State of Illinois, for value received, hereby dedicate to the Village of Deerfield, for walkway purposes, the following described premises, to -wit: The North 6.0 feet of that part of the South half of vacated Elmwood Avenue, lying East of the West line of Lot T extended North and West of a curved line having a radius of 50.0 feet and concave Easterly the center point of said radius being on the center line of Elmwood Avenue 150.0 feet East of the West line of Lot T extended North. HEREBY releasing and waiving all rights under.and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Illinois. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties have set their hands and seals, this day of 1968. DMA 1400212---- .EILED FOR RECORD IN RECORDERS OFFICF, (AKF COUNW, ILLINOIS NOV 7 '68 -12 30 PM .►4). J rMo Oa NUSM REC'ORUM STATE OF ILLINOIS) COUNTY OF L A K E) SS. DONALD G. WISE EILEEN M. WISE I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that DONALD G. WISE and EILEEN M. WISE, his wife, personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that they signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument as their free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth, including the release and waiver of the right of homestead. Given under my hand and seal, 1968. j.: Y I . ,.MY.. onnMissrcmt-�xr JULY.,? My Commiss on,`YExp� es* ` 4 V this J,Q.L day of NOTARY PUBLIC Nl_. D E D I C A T T 0 N DONALD G. U71SE and EILEEN ,i. WISE, his wife, of the Village of Deerfield, County of Lake, State of Illinois, for value received, hereby dedicate to the Village of Deerfield, for walkway purposes, the following de3cribed - premises, to -wit: The North 640 feet of that part of the South half of vacated Elmwood Avenue, lying East of the West line of Lot a extended North and West of a curved line having a radius of 50.0 feet and concave Easterly the center point of said radius being on the center line of E1,-,gwood Avenue 150.0 feet East of the West line of Lot T extended North. HEREBY releasing and waiving all rights under and by. virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Illinois. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties have set their hands and seals, this 1 day or _}. 1968. DONALD G. WISE J r EILEEN M. WISE STATE OF ILLIMIS) COi7WrY OF L A X E) SS. I, the undersigned, a tiotary Public in and for said County, in the'State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that DONALD G. WISE and EILEEN M. WISE, his wife, personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that they signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument as their free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth, including the release and waiver of the right of homestead. Given under my hand and seal, this j.a: day of 222 1968. . 1 MY GOMM135PC9iTM4' DULY. 2a. 190% NOTARY PUBLIC my Co=tlissimrl Explrf.T. a T 1 C N DQUALD G. WISE and EILEEN Flo tiSE, his wife, of the Village of Max- field, County of Lake, State of Illinois, for value received, hereby dedicate to the Village of Deerfield, for street purposes the following described premises, to -wit: That }part of Lot T in Thornhill Ranch Estates, being a Subdivinion in the North West quarter. of Section 29, Township 43 27orthp Range 12, East of the Third principal Ineridi.an, in Lake County, Illinois, lying Northerly of a cured line having a 50 foot radius being on the center line of Elmwood Avenue and 150.0 feet East of the West line of said Lot T extended Forth. HEREBY releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Lags of the State of Illinois. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties have neat their hands and seals., this day of , DONALD G . WI S E EILEEN P:. i i ORDINANCE NO. 0 -68 -25 AN ORDINANCE VACATING A CERTAIN PORTION OF ELMWOOD AVENUE AND APPROVING ROBERT MORAN'S RESUBDTVIS ION OF LOT- 19, IN THORN HILL. RANCH ESTATES IN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD RECITALS THIS BOARD FINDS AS FOLLOWS: A) There has been presented to this Village a certain subdivision plat entitled Robert Moran's Resubdivision of Lot S in Thorn Hill Ranch Estates, a copy of which plat is attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance., and which resubdivision includes therein.the vacation of the westerly 100.36 feet of Elmwood Avenue, the creation of a 12 foot walk- way area across the vacated portion of said Elmwood Avenue, to serve as access to Woodland Park School and adjoining park property, and the construct cn of a cul -de -sac at the easterly end of the part of Elmwood Avenue so vacated. B) The said plat of Robert Moran's Resubdivision con- tains a dedication of the following property for street pur- poses, to wit: That part of Lot S in Thorn Hill'ARanch Estates, being a subdivision in the. Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 12 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Lake County, Illinois lying southerly of a curved line having a 50.0 foot radius, being on the center line of Elmwood Avenue and 150.0 feet East of the West line of said Lot S extended South, and contains a dedication of the.following property for a public walkway, to wit: The South 6.0 feet of that part of the North half of vacated Elmwood Avenue, lying East of 14 the West line of Lot S extended South and West of a curved line having a radius of 50.0 feet and concave easterly, the center point of said radius being at the center line of Elmwood Avenue 150.0 feet East of the West line of Lot S extended South. C) There has been presented to this Village written dedication documents of Donald G. Wise and Eileen M. Wise, the owners of Lot T in Thorn Hill Ranch Estates, abutting Elmwood Avenue on the south, copies of which documents are attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance, under the terms of which the area lying South of Elmwood Avenue and within the 50;0 foot radius of a curved line drawn from a point in the center line of Lot T extended North is dedicated for public street purposes, and the North 6.0 feet of the South half of that portion of Elmwood Avenue to be vacated is dedicated for public walkway purposes. D) The Plan Commission, upon due notice and public hear- ing, recommends the approval of said Robert Moran's Resubdivi- sion in accordance with the foregoing cul -de -sac and walkway use of Elmwood Avenue, all as shown on the attached Plat, and subject to the construction of a 21 -foot wide concrete street to match the existing pavement in Elmwood Avenue, and the con- struction of a 10 -foot wide concrete sidewalk across the vacated street area, by Mr. Moran. E) It is in the public interest to approve the proposed subdivision and to vacate the portion of Elmwood Avenue as hereinafter described and shown and designated on the attached resubdivision plat. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF ,TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: -2- aZC.TI N The Plat of Robert Moran's Resubdivision of ONE: Lot S in Thorn Hill Ranch Estates, being a subdivision in the Northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, and the North half of that part of vacated Elmwood Avenue lying South of and adjoining said Lot S, in Lake County, Illinois, is approved together with easements and dedications thereon, upon condition and subject to the construction of a 21 -foot wide concrete pavement and cul -de -sac upon that part,of Elmwood Avenue extending westerly from the East line of said Lot S to the westernmost point of the said cul -de -sac, and the construction of a 10 -foot wide concrete walkway across the center of the vacated part of said Elmwood Avenue as recommended and provided by the Plan Commission. S.EC,TION The dedication of property set forth and TWO: described in the two documents attached hereto, executed by Donald B. Wise and Eileen M. Wise for public street and for public walkway are accepted for the purposes so dedicated. SECTION That portion of Elmwood Avenue, a public street THREE: in the Village of Deerfield, having been here- tofore dedicated for street purposes, and legally described as follows: That part of Elmwood Avenue lying East of the West line of Lot S in Thornhill Ranch Estates, being a Subdivision in the Northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Lake County, Illinoisand lying West of a curved line having a radius of 50 feet and concave Easterly, the center point of said radius being on the center line of Elmwood Avenue 150.0 feet East of the West line of said Lot S extended South, and as shown on the attached plat of Robert Moran's Resubdivi- sion of Lot S in Thorn Hill Ranch Estates and designated by the -3- Y words "vacated portion of Elmwood Ave. ", is hereby vacated and closed; the same being no longer required for use as a public street. SECTION The Village of Deerfield reserves its FOUR: interest in all existing easements for public utilities in the vacated portion of Elmwood Avenue. SECTION The President and Clerk of this Village are FIVE: herein authorized and directed to sign the attached plat of Robert Moran's Resubdivision and to file the same together with this Ordinance and attachments in the Office of the Lake County Recorder of Deeds. SECTION This Ordinance shall be in full force and SIX: effect from and after its passage, approval and filing for record in the manner herein provided. AYES: six (6) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT:. NONE ( 0) PASSED this 3rd day of June A.D. 1968. APPROVED this 3rd day of June A.D. 1968. ATTEST: y� Village Clerk -4- Village Preside � r Village of Deerfield Deerfield Village Hall Deerfield, Illinois 60015 CONSENT TO REZONE AND PLAT OF SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HIGHLAND PARK is the holder of a Note in the amount of Nineteen Thousand and no /100 dollars ($19,000.00), secured by a Trust Deed dated November 10, 1954 and recorded November 16, 1954 as Document 845457, made by ROBERT D. MORAN and JACQUELYN W. MORAN, his wife, on the following described property: Lot "S" in Thorn Hill Ranch Estates, being a Subdivision in the North West quarter of Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof, recorded December 13, 1949, as Document 686957, in Book 32 of Plats, page 8, in Lake County, Illinois, and WHEREAS, ROBERT D. MORAN and JACQUELYN W. MORAN, his wife, desire to have the premises which are the subject of the aforementioned Trust Deed rezoned and resubdivided, THEREFORE, BANK OF HIGHLAND resubdivision and said rezoning and DATED THIS IT IS HEREBY AGREED that the FIRST NATIONAL PARK, will agree to said rezoning and to said will sign all documents necessary to further resubdivision. O DAY OF MAY, 1968. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF -e a e n t ATTEST: J Secret PARK 4 u �� Or VER SIZE R"OCUMEN, T (.P"U-LL,'E,D- M-'GMTrHSL0CA7T0,N) , r F< i ROBERT MORANI'S RESU,BDIVISION ze -5, ;.;eo e^e filiit 29 - TO w,vsy /.°. 3� /�r/ ,E' 7.y _ ,'�i',�►.,rc ! ,,y► s a- �,6 -*5y c.3.�"''gt//' , �✓`i. .�..fD a/ �i Q.2 7. "/� <a. Ty'.s! 7" .!✓.� 9 4::FLM'woot.+ /'91/x. 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