O-68-28V I L L AEG E O F D E E R F I E L D
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -68 -28
President and Board of Trustees
the 1st day of Ju1Y ,
A.D. 1968.
Published in pamphlet form by
authority of the corporate
authorities of the Villageof
Deerfield, Illinois, the 1st
day of July , A.D. 1968.
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -68 -28
SECTION That Article II of Chapter -22 of the Municipal Code
ONE: of the Village of Deerfield of 1963, as amended, be
and it is hereby further amended by striking said
Article in its entirety and substituting in lieu thereof the
' As Amended By
' Specifically -
' for single family residences, not over 2 stories and an
attic in height;
for duplex houses (two units side by side), two flats,
1 not over 2 stories in height;
for buildings customarily accessory to the foregoing; and
for any residential portions of office, store and other
business buildings, not higher than the second floor,
subject to such additional requirements as may apply to
such buildings.
' These rules and regulations set forth requirements which are
considered reasonable and are held in every instance to be
' minimum for the promotion of the public health, safety and
general welfare.
Printed by the
850 Waukegan Road
Deerfield, Illinois
Compiled B : Board of Building Appeals—
Vernon p Y i g
' Meintzer
Charles Buccola
Harold Geilman
' Theodore Parker
John Roach
Building Commissioner - -R. E. Bowen
Building Inspector - -C. J. Smalley
December, 1967
General . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Habitable Rooms ........................ 1
Borrowed Light and Ventilation
C. Bedroom Closets ........................ 3
D. Space for Heating Units ................. 4
Between Rooms ........................ 1
Bathrooms and Water Closet Compartments. 1
Open Basements ............. ............. 1
Utility Rooms .......................... 2
Heater Rooms ................:........... 2
Crawl Spaces ......................:.... 2
Attics and Other Enclosed Spaces ....... 2
A. Minimum Room Sizes ..................... 3
B. Additional Habitable Rooms ............. 3
C. Bedroom Closets ........................ 3
D. Space for Heating Units ................. 4
A. Comply with Requirements for'Main
Flo or R o oms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
B. Fl o or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
A. Dimension .............................. 4
B. Guardrails .............................. 4
C. Exterior Steps ......................... 4
A. Ac c e s s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
B. Privacy . ............................:.. 4
A. Minimum ... ......................•........ 5
206. DOORS
A. Exterior Doors 5
B. Interior Doors 5
207. STAIRWAYS .... .........000.0 ................. 5
209. MINIMUM WIDTH OF ROW DWELLINGS. ............. 6
210. FIRE LIMITS .... . .... ........... ... ::....... 6
211. AREAWAYS .... ............................... 6
A. Construction Materials and Methods 0000. 6
B. Loads .............................
C. Special Conditions and Tests 7
D. Vapor Barriers 7
E. Thermal Insulations 8
P -ge
Walls and Piers ...............0000.......
Crawl Spaces ....., ......................
GRADING ..... ...............................
Cement .. ...............................
Aggregate ..............:...............
Water .... ...............................
Lime .... ...............................
Mortar .. ...............................
F .
Br i c k . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Structural Hollow Clay Tile ............
Concrete Masonry Unit ...................
Stone ... ...............................
Flue Lining ............................
Glass Block ............... :0.900.......
General . ...............................
Quality of Concrete ....................
Reinforced Concrete ....................
Forms ... ...............................
Placing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Protection ...:..........................
Loading . ...............................
F o of ing s
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Footing Drain Tile. .....................
Concrete Foundation Walls Cast in Place.
Concrete Floor Slabs on Ground .........
Exterior Wood Stairs ......0000.........
General . .:.............................
Masonry Unit Foundation Walls .....0000.
Dampproofing and Waterproofing .........0
D .
Pi e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . ...
Exterior Walls Above Grade .............
Masonry Veneer .........................
Cavity Walls ...........................
Interior Masonry Walls .................
Chimneys ............... ................
Fireplaces ..............................
Glass Block ............................
A. Structural Steel Construction ..........
Light Guage Cold- Formed Steel
Construction ...........- ..............
Open Web Steel Joist Construction ......
Welding . ...............................
Lumber .. ...............................
Framing, General .......................
Floor Framing ..........................
Ceiling Framing ........................
Roof Framing ..................:........
Wood Siding ...........................
Exterior Wall and Bearing Partition
Framing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 3
Non - Bearing Partition Framing .........
Wall Sheathing ........................
Sheathing Paper .......................
Roof Sheathing .............0006000....
Stair Stringers .......................
Caulking ..............................
Wood Siding ...........................
Wood Shingle Siding ...................
Asbestos- Cement Siding and Shingles ...
Plywood .............:.................
Stucco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,0
Hardboard .............................
General ...............................
Asphalt Shingles ......................
Wood Shingles .........................
Asbestos Cement Shingles ..............
Tile Roofing ..........................
Slate Shingles ........006.9.. ,0....6...
Built -up Roofs ...................060,0.
Metal Roofs .....0600... ,0 ..............
Other types of Roof Coverings .........
Material ..............................
Openings not Protected by Overhang ....
.................. ,00....,0
Valleys ...............0....... ,0. ,0.....
Roof and Wall Intersections ...........
Terrace or Porch Slabs ................
C himne ys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, . . .
4 8
Materials ......................0000...
Basket Strainers ...................:..
Roof Water Disposal ..............0000.
Lath and Plaster ......................
Ceramic Tile ..........................
Bath - Shower Wall ......................
Dry Wall Finish .......................
Heater Room Interior Finish
Cement Floors .........................
Wood F 1 o or s . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . .
Ceramic Tile ..........................
Rubber Tile, Asphalt Tile, Linoleum
and Wall to Wall Carpeting ......0000
Attached and Built -in Garages .........
One -Story Detached Garages and
Accessory Buildings .................
' (a) Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following terms
shall, for the purpose of this code, have the meanings indicated
in this section..
(b) Words used in the present tense include the future; the
singular number includes the plural and the plural the
(c) Where terms are not defined in this section, they shall
have their ordinarily accepted meanings or such as the context
may imply.
Apartment, means one or more rooms arranged for the use of one
or more individuals living together as a single housekeeping
unit, with cooking, living, sanitary and sleeping facilities.
Approved, as to materials and types of construction, refers to
approval by the Building Official as the result of investigation
and tests conducted by him, or by reason of accepted principles
or tests by national authorities, technical or scientific
Approved Agency - is an established and recognized agency
regularly engaged in conducting tests or furnishing inspection
services, when such agency has been approved by the Building
' Building Official - means the officer or other designated
authority charged with the administration and enforcement of
this code, or his duly authorized representative.
' Dead Load - means the weight of all permanent construction
in'cluring walls, floors, roofs, partitions, stairways and of
' fixed service equipment.
Fire resistance rating - means the time in hours that the
' material or construction will withstand the standard fire
exposure as determined by a fire test made in conformity with
the "Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Building Construction
and Materials ". See NBFU- Building Code -55•
A. General
' 1. Install windows in outside walls to provide natural
light and ventilation in all habitable rooms.
2. Windows in habitable rooms, whose areas provide the
' light and ventilation necessary to comply with the
following requirements, are considered required Windows.
All windows in addition to these, and also windows in
' rooms other than habitable rooms, are considered non -
required windows.
3. The area of glazed portions of doors located in exterior
' walls may be included when necessary in determining
compliance with the above requirements.
4. Where window or drain openings are provided below grade,
' protect with metal gratings.
B. Habitable Rooms: Rooms designed to be used for living,
' sleeping, eating or cooking, not including basement
recreation rooms.
' 1. Required light and ventilation in each habitable room
includes windows, glass sliding doors and other exterior
doors with glas area for light and 20% of opening for
' ventilation.
2. Total glass area: Not less than 10Y1- of floor area of
' 3. Ventilating area: Not less than 5% of floor area of
C. Borrowed Light and Ventilation Between Rooms
1. Unless separately lighted and ventilated by windows
' *hich provide the required areas, the floor area of two
habitable rooms may be combined in computing required
light and ventilation area.
' 2. The common wall between such rooms shall contain an
opening, the area of which shall be not less than 60%
of the area of the wall separating these rooms.
D. Bathrooms and Water Closet Compartments
Provide ventilation by one of the following means:
' 1. Window or skylight:
a. Windows or skylights located in exterior walls or
roofs with the light and vent area not less than
' 3 square feet.
2. Vent in or near ceiling with continuous duct connection
to outside air vent protected from weather.
' a. Mechanical exhaust, 1 CFM per square foot.
E. Basements
' Provide light and ventilation by windows or doors, in
exterior walls with both glazed and ventilating area not
' less than 2% of the floor area.
' F. Utility Rooms
Utility Rooms, Room or area, enclosed or un- enclosed where
' the major housekeeping appliances, laundry facilities, and
water heating device are located.
' Ventilate Utility Rooms by:
1. Windows or doors, in exterior walls with ventilating
area not less than 5% of floor area; or
2. Duct or ducts to outside area minimum total free area
2% of floor area.
G. Heater Rooms
Heater Room, enclosed room or area where the central heat
' producing device is located.
Ducts to be screened and to have total free area equal to
1 square inch for each 4000 BTU per hour of input rating of
all appliances in the enclosure when communicating directly
with the outdoors or 1 square inch for each 2000 BTU per
hour of input rating of all appliances in the enclosure
1 when ducts are used to the outdoors.
Other requirements pertaining to heating - see NBFU pamphlet
No. 54 for gas and NBFU pamphlet No. 31 for oil.
H. Crawl Spaces: Area beneath the bottom of floor joists and
the ground below.
1. All crawl spaces under houses and other unexcavated
spaces under porches, breezeways and patios or other
appendages shall be ventilated by openings in the out-
side foundation walls. Such spaces shall be provided
with access panels so that they may be easily inspected.
The vent openings shall have a net area of not less than
1/3 square foot for each 100 square feet of crawl space.
Openings shall be arranged to provide cross ventilation
and covered with corrosion resistant wire mesh, not more
than 1/4 inch in any dimension. No unventilated,
inaccessible spaces shall be permitted.
2. In crawl spaces, ground shall be covered with 4 inches
of coarse granular material (sand, gravel, or stone)
reasonably level under which a vapor barrier of minimum
4 mil polyethylene film or better (or material of equal
per rating) lapped and sealed. Extend up foundation
wall 6 inches. Two (2) inches of rough concrete can be
used in lieu of the granular material.
I. Attic and Other Enclosed Spaces.
1. To eliminate the problem of moisture condensation on
roof framing in cold weather and to permit the escape of
heat in hot weather, screened ventilation of all spaces
is required:
2. For gable roofs, the net area of the screened opening
shall be 1/300 of the area of the ceiling below.
3. For hip roofs there shall be openi.TTgs provided beneath
the eaves and a ventilator near the peak, in which case the
net area of the inlets shall be 1/300, and that of the out-
lets 1/900 of the area of the ceiling below.
' 4. For flat roofs, blocking and bridging shall be arranged to
prevent interference with movement of air. Such roofs may
be ventilated along eaves on the basis of net area of
' opening equal to 17250 of the area of the ceiling below.
Every enclosed space shall be ventilated.
A. Minimum room sizes. Except as otherwise provided by
' ordinance, rooms for the following uses shall meet the
standards specified below.
Min. Area
Square Feet
1. Living, dining, cooking:
a. Living, dining and cooking when in
one room (includes area occupied
byequipment) .......................... 260
' b. Living, dining, when in one room ....... 225
c. Living only in one room, when dining
space is provided in kitchen or
' separate room 190
d. Kitchen, cooking only (including
area occupied by equipment) ............ 90
' Provide at least 40 square feet
additional area, usable for dining
purposes when dining space is included
' in the kitchen.
e. Dining only ............................ 100
' 2. Sleeping:
a. Major bedroom .......................... 120
b. All other bedrooms 100
' 3. Bathroom:
Size: Adequate for water closet, lavatory, and tub or
' shower. The water closet may be located in a separate
compartment adjoining the bathroom.
' B. Additional Habitable Rooms: See 200 -B.
1. Minimum floor area - 100 square feet.
' C. Bedroom Closets:
1. Provide each bedroom with at least one closet or
' wardrobe having a minimum:
a. Depth: 2 Feet
' b. Floor Area: 10 Square Feet
c. Height: 6 Feet
D. Space for Heating Units:
1. Provide space within the building for heating unit or
2. Provide clearances for maintenance and repair.
3. Provide clearances for fire safety, determined by
insulation of heater and combustibility of walls, floor,
and ceiling.
As required by National Board of Fire Underwriters'
Gas and Oil Equipment list.
A. Comply with requirements for habitable rooms with respect
to privacy, light, ventilation, floor area and ceiling
B. Finish floor below the adjoining outside finish grade:
Maximum - 3' -611.
A. Minimum dimension from face of building where there are
more than two risers between grade and first floor - 4 feet.
B. Guardrails to be provided when steps extend more than 16
inches above or below grade.
A. Access:
1. Living units - Each living unit shall be provided with
two means of access, as remote as possible from each
other, without passing through any other living unit.
2. Attics - Provide access to attics by means of scuttles,
minimum 24" x 24 ", disappearing or built -in stairways.
3. Crawl spaces - Provide access not less than 30 inches
by 24 inches. Areaway to equal area of access.
4. Basements - Provide direct access to outside by a door
or a window having an openable area at least 2 feet wide
and 30 inches high, stool not more than 3 feet above
floor. Where basement stairway is within 5 feet of
exterior entrance door, this will constitute direct
B. Privacy:
1. Bedrooms:
a. Each bedroom to have access to a bathroom without
passing through another bedroom.
b. Each habitable room to have access to each other
habitable room without passing through a bedroom.
2. Non - acceptable Bathroom arrangements:
a. Sole bathroom opening directly into a kitchen.
b. Bathroom providing sole access to any other room.
c. Bathroom in the basement as the only one serving
a living unit.
A. Minimum Ceiling Heights
1. Basements: 7' -0" clear under joists.
2. Main floor of any living unit :. 8' -0" clear for at
least 75 percent of the total flo.or area.
3. Areas other than main floor: 7' -6" clear; under sloping
ceilings 7' -6" for areas as required in Section 201 -A.
' 206. DOORS
A. Exterior Doors
1. Minimum sizes:
a. Main entrance doors: 2' -10" wide x 1 -3/4" thick.
b. Service entrance doors: 218" wide x 1 -3/4" thick.
c. Height: 6' -811.
B. Interior Doors
1. Provide a door for each opening to a bedroom, bathroom
and toilet compartment.
2. Minimum sizes:
a. All habitable rooms: 2' -8" wide by 6' -8" high.
b. Bathrooms: 21-211-wide by 6' -8" high.
c. Powder rooms: 2' -2" wide and 618" high.
207. STAIRWAYS - See 307 -K
A. Design and Location:
1. Headroom: Continuous clear headroom measured vertically
from front edge of tread to a line parallel with stair
run, minimum 616 ".
2. Width:
a. Main stairs: Minimum, 219" clear of handrail.
b. Basement stairs: Minimum, 216" clear of handrail..
3. Treads: Minimum width, 92 inches, clear of tread above.
4. Rise: 7 -3/4" maximum. All riser heights to be same in
any one story.
5. Winders: Tread width 15" from converging end shall at
least equal tread width on straight stair run unless a
width of tread at converging end is 6" or more.
6. Landings: Width equal to that of stair.
7. Handrail: Install continuous handrail on at least one
side of each run on all stairways extending at grasp
level on lower -floor or landing to grasp level on upper
floor or landing without interruption by any means
necessitating a change of hand -hold while traversing
said stairway run. The grasp level shall remain a
constant height paralleling the stair run and any side
directional change shall not be greater than thirty (30)
degrees from the direction of the stair run viewed
vertically. Maximum width and depth of handrails shall
be 2 -1/2 inches, unless shaped to provide a secure
handhold, except as approved by the building official.
8. Guardrail: Provide guardrail around all stairways of
more than three risers.
Provide one hour fire - resistive wall and /or ceiling without
openings between living units of duplexes and between tiers of
living units.
The width of any duplex dwelling measured between the interior
finished surfaces of party walls or end walls shall be not less
than 15 feet.
Within the fire limits residential buildings shall comply with
the requirements of ordinances relating to construction within
' such limits.
' Minimum width measured perpendicular to face of building wall,
2 feet. Increased 1 inch for every inch of depth over 2 feet.
' Head of window, in all cases, to be at or above top of areawall.
Provide drains for all areaways.
' A. Construction Materials and Methods.
' These.requirements specify minimum acceptable construction
materials and methods. Other materials and methods not
specified herein may be approved for use by the Building
' Official upon the submission of evidence satisfactory to -
him that their performance in use will be at least equiva-
lent to that of the materials and methods specified herein.
' It shall be required that such evidence include adequate
reports and test data from a recognized testing laboratory,
or proven and authoritative service records, or analysis of
performance made in accordance with well established
° principles of mechanics.
B. Loads
1. All partsWf dwellings and accessory buildings and
structures shall be designed, constructed and maintained
to support safely their own weight and all other loads
and forces to which they may be subjected.
2. Assumed minimum live loads (uniformly distributed) for
design purposes.
a. Ceiling or attic floor joists, no storage, none.
Attic floors, limited storage only, 20 lbs. per
square foot. All other floors and stairs, 40 lbs.
per square foot.
b. Girders: Dead loads of floor, partition and ceil-
ing construction plus assumed live loads of floors
plus combined dead and live loads of roof.
c. Roofs, either pitched or flat: 30 lbs. per sq. ft.
normal to the roof surface.
3. Wind Loads
a. On vertical faces: 20 lbs. per-sq. ft. horizontal -
1'�, any direction.
b. Roofs or parts with slopes greater than 30 degrees:
20 lbs. per sq. ft. acting inward normal to surface,
on windward slope only.
c. Lifting force: 20 lbs. per sq. ft. To prevent
sliding or overturning, anchor roofs to walls and
c o lums to foundations..,
C. Special Conditions and Tests
When special conditions exist or arise during construction,
which necessitate additional precautions, the Building
Official may require work in excess of these requirements.
D. Vapor Barriers
1. General
a. Definition: A material having a vapor transmission
rate of 1.0 perms or less. Outside of wall to have
vapor transmission rate of 5.0 perms or more.
Generally acceptable are:
1) 55 pounds per 108 square feet of smooth roofing.
2) Foil or foil backed board.
3) Duplex laminated papers 30- 60 -30.
4) Duplex papers coated with metal oxides.
5) Insulation backup paper- treated.
6) Insulating gypsum wallboard.
2. Ceiling: Where unheated spaces above, install indepen-
dent vapor barrier or one integral with insulating
material immediately above ceiling interior finish.
3.,�, Sidewalls: When exterior coefficient of heat trans-
mission is not more than 0.16 B.T.U. per square foot,
' per degree temperature difference. Install immediately
back of interior wall finish.
4. Crawl Space: See Section 200 -H.
5. Vapor barrier to be applied tightly against any
electrical outlets, registers or framed openings.
' E. Thermal Insulations
1. Unheated crawl spaces
' a. Insulation of floors (any one of the following:)
1) Foil reflective type on both sides between
' joists with 2 inches air space maintained
between bottom of floor and foil. Install so
that there are no openings at ends of joists.
2) 1/2 inch rigid insulation board fastened to
bottom of floor joists. Install so that there
are no openings at ends of joists.
3) Any insulation better than that above. i.e. 1"
' b. Insulation of ducts and pipes located in crawl
' 1) Warm air ducts and plenum shall be covered with
insulation material, minimum thickness.2 inches.
2) Return air ducts shall be covered with insula-
tion material, minimum thickness 1 inch.
3) Sewer and water supply shall be covered with
' insulation material, minimum thickness 1 inch.
2. Heated Crawl Spaces
' a. Install insulation minimum 1 inch thick, on all
surfaces of foundation walls that are adjacent to
crawl space.
' b. Insulation shall be waterproof and non - capillary,
inorganic, and termite and fungi resistant.
' c. Insulation shall be installed to extend up to
underside of sub- flooring, to extend down to 18"
below outside grade and to be securely fastened to
foundation walls.
3. Insulation for exterior perimeters of concrete floor
' slabs.
a. At least 1 inch thickness at edges.
' b. Where heating ducts in floor increase to 1 -1/2" at
slab edge.
' c. Extend insulation down along inside face of
foundation wall for a distance of at least 18 ".
d. Insulation material requirements shall be inorganic,
' waterproof, and non - capillary, or organic, termite
and fungi resistant and saturated with asphalt to
' be waterproof.
4. Ceiling Insulation
a. Ceilings shall be insulated to provide a U value of
' 0.;15 or less for ceilings without heating panels
and 0.06 or less for ceilings with heating panels.
' b. Foil of equivalent rating acceptable.
5. Heating Requirements
' a. Provide heating unit capable of heating dwellings
from minus 10 degrees to 72 degrees Fahrenheit @
15 mph outside wind with heat loss calculated in
' accord with American Society of Heating and
Ventilating Engineers standards.
' b. Heating unit shall be constructed and installed in
strict accord with the applicable current published
standards, requirements and recommendations of the
' National Fire Protective Association, National Board
of Fire Underwriters, American Standards Associa-
tion, and the American Society of Mechanical
' Engineers. Labeling and listing by following shall
be accepted as conforming with equipment design
standards; Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., American
' Gas Association, or American Society of Mechanical
c. Clearance shall be provided for all heating equip-
' went for access, repair and maintenance.
d. Smoke pipes where extreme heat is hazardous to
' human occupancy shall be insulated from furnace to
chimney with a minimum of 1/4 inch of asbestos
I e. Insulation of all heat producing devices shall be
such that temperature rise of surrounding frame
construction will not exceed 160 degrees Fahrenheit.
' A. Excavation
1. Strip all top soil and organic material within the
' confines of the building.
B. Walls and Piers
' 1. Extend to solid bearing. Do not place footing on filled
' 2. Bottom of footings: Not less than 3' -6" below finished
grade, except where placed on solid rock.
I 3. Protect against freezing. No concrete shall be placed
on frozen ground.
' C. Crawl Spaces
1. Ground level at least 24 inches below bottom of floor
joists and girders.' Ground under dwelling to be approx-
imately level.
2. Remove all debris, sod, tree stumps and other organic
' matter within area occupied by dwelling.
' A. Grading or drainage or both shall be performed so that water
will drain away from the building on all sides and off the
' lot in a manner which will provide reasonable freedom from
erosion and pocketed surface water. Construction such as
walks, driveways and retaining walls shall be installed so
' that they will not interfere with drainage.
' Masonry materials described below apply to all masonry and
concrete work. All specifications shall be current editions.
' A. Cement
1. Portland Cement. See ASTM C 150- Current Edition.
' 2. Prepared masonry cement for mortar. See ASTM C 91-
Current Edition.
' 3. Pozzolanic materials, such as fly ash, will not be
substituted for any portion of cement without the knowl
edge and consent of the Building Official. When used as
' a replacement for cement, manufacturer's recommendations
will be followed and subjected to testing by an approved
' 4. Portland Cement, Air Entraining. See ASTM C 175- Current
' 5• Portland Blast- Furnace Slag Cement. See ASTM C 205 -
Current Edition.
' B. Aggregate
1. Sand: Clean, hard and sharp, free from harmful materials;
graded according to intended use.
' a. Concrete Aggregate - See ASTM C33- Current Edition.
b. Masonry Mortar Aggregate - See ASTM C144- Current
' Edition.
2. Coarse Aggregate (crushed stone or gravel):
' Hard, strong crystalline rock, properly graded, clean
and free from shale or other soft material. See ASTM C
33- Current Edition.
' 3. Lightweight aggregate for structural concrete. See
ASTM C 330 - Current Edition.
' -10-
Clean and free of deleterious amounts of acids, alkalies,
or organic materials.
1. Hydrated lime. See ASTM C 207 - Current Edition Type S.
2. Quick lime, slake thoroughly. See ASTM C5 -26- Current
Mortar. See ASTM C270- Current Edition.
1. Face Brick: See ASTM C216- Current Edition.
2. Common Brick: See ASTM C62 -58- Current Edition.
a. Selected hard - burned common brick may be used for
facing of exterior and interior walls.
b. Salmon or soft brick may be used in interior walls
when not exposed, and for back -up work.
3. Fire Brick: See FS- HH- B- 671d.Current Edition.
4. Concrete Brick: See ASTM C 55- Current Edition.
5. Second -hand materials. Masonry units may be re -used
when thoroughly clean, whole, and conforming to other
provisions of this standard, except that the maximum
allowable wall heights shall be limited to 50% of that
permitted for walls of new masonry units, unless approved
by Building Official.
Structural Hollow Clay Tile
1. Sound, kiln - burned units, free from defects that would
impair the strength or permanence of the construction.
2. Load - bearing tile: See ASTM C34 -57.
3. Non load- bearing tile: See ASTM C56 -57..
4. Glazed or unglazed facing tile: See ASTM C126 -61T.
Concrete Masonry Unit. See AST4 C 129-52, ASTM C 145 -52 and
ASTM C 90 -52. Sound and thoroughly cured.
1. Rubble and cut stone: Good quality building stone.
2. Cast stone: See ACI 7C4 -44.
Flue Lining
Glazed fire clay and vitrified tile, free from cracks or
other defects.
Glass Block: See NDFU -Bldg. Code -55.
1. Materials: See 303.
Water content, including moisture in the aggregate, shall
not exceed 6 gallons of water per bag of cement (except
as noted).
Maximum slump: 6 inches (except as noted).
Calcium chloride may be used as an accelerator, but
shall not exceed 2 lbs. per bag of cement, and shall be
.introduced in solution as part of the mixing water.
Calcium'chloride shall conform to ASTM D 98 -59•
All exterior concrete shall be air - entrained, 6% ± 1%.
Air entraining admixtures shall conform to ASTM C7260-
60T .
B. Quality of Concrete
Job Mix: Minimum cement proportions, by volume.
a.' One part Portland Cement, 2 -1/2 parts sand, 3 parts
coarse aggregate (3/4 to 1" maximum size).
Commercial Ready -Mix. See ASTM C 94 -61.
a.' Minimum Portland Cement content :' 5 bags /cu.yd.
b. Mixing period shall not extend beyond 1 -1/2 hours
per batch.
Exposed Concrete (driveways, sidewalks, curbs and gutters,
patios, stoops, etc.)
6 bags /cu.yd., for
a. Minimum Portland Cement content:
3/4" to 1" maximum size aggregate.
Maximum slump: 4 inches.
c. Maximum water content, including moisture in the
aggregate: 6 gallons per bag of cement.
Hardened Concrete
a. To determine the quality of hardened concrete, the
water- cement ratio for a tested compressive strength
shall be found in Table 5, "Compressive Strength of
Concrete for Various Water- Cement Ratios" of
"Recommended Practice for Selecting Proportions for
Concrete (A.C.I. 613 -54) published in the Proceed-
ings of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 51.
The water- cement ratio thus established will deter-
mine whether or not the concrete meets the code
C. Reinforced Concrete
The design and construction of reinforced concrete shall
be in accordance with the provisions of the "Building
Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" (ACI 318 -63).
D. Forms
Double forms required for all basement concrete founda-
tion walls.
Side forms required for footings where soil conditions
prevent sharp -cut trenches'.
3. Build tight, straight, plumb, and brace rigidly.
E. Placing
1. Place continuously unless otherwise allowed by Building
2. When not placed continuously, clean, score and wet the
top surface of the concrete before continuing. Key all
vertical joints.
3. Spade and rod thoroughly.
F. Curing and Protection
1. Concrete shall be protected from drying for a minimum of
6 days by use of a membrane curing compound (ASTM C 309-
58) burlap kept continuously wet, heavy waterproof paper
(ASTM C 171 -60T), or other approved method.
2. Concrete shall be maintained at temperatures of not less
a• 700 for 3 days or 500 for 5 days for normal concrete.
b. 700 for 2 days or 500 for 3 days for high early
G. Loading
Allow sufficient time for strength of concrete to develop
before subjecting to loads or traffic.
H. Footings
1. General:
a. Design for proper distribution of superimposed loads.
b. Material: Cast —in —place concrete.
c. Bear on solid, unfilled ground.
d. Reinforce with steel bars where footings cross or
bear,on filled trenches or other unstable soil.
e. Footing dimensions listed below are based upon soils
of average bearing capacity (3,000 lbs. per sq. ft.)
For soils of lesser bearing capacity or where unusual
loading conditions exist, larger footings will be
2. Wall Footings:
a. Minimum dimensions for spread footings shall be 8"
deep by 18" wide, except that masonry veneer on
frame and solid masonry walls shall be 10" deep by
20" wide.
3. Pier, Post and Column Footings
a. Dwellings: Minimum area 6.25 sq. ft.; thickness
minimum 12 ". (Not permitted under exterior walls.)
4. Chimney Footings:
a. Dwellings: Minimum thickness, 12 "; minimum projec-
tion each side, 611.
b. Pour integral with wall footing when chimney occurs
in outside wall or inside bearing wall.
I. Footing Drain Tile. See ASTM C4 -55 (54T)
1. Required outside or inside of basement footings. (If
inside, at least 2 feet from footings). Minimum diameter
4 inches.
Cover tile with 12" gravel, or crushed stone, (95%)
passing 3/4" mesh, less than 5% passing 3/8" mesh.
Connect with tight -joint glazed tile to storm sewer, dry
well, or other outlet.
J. Concrete Foundation Walls Cast in Place. (For masonry unit
foundation walls, see 305 -B)
a. Materials. See 303.
b. Walls supporting frame construction: Extend concrete
not less than 6" above adjoining outside finished
c. Walls supporting masonry veneered wood frame: extend
foundation so that wood portion of wall is not less
than 6" above outside finished grade.
Minimum thickness;
a. Not less than that of wall supported.
b. Supporting porch slabs, steps and one -story wood
frame structures without basement, minimum 811.
c. Interior walls not subject to lateral-pressure, 6"
d. All other walls 10" minimum.
Girder pockets. Provide 4" end bearing on main wall for
girder. Form pocket for wood girder 1" wider than girder.
Sill anchor bolts to be installed:
a. Diameter, 1/2" minimum.
b. Minimum length, 10 ".
c. Provide washer under nuts on bolts.
d. Spacing, not more than 5 ft. on center; minimum, 2
bolts in each piece.
Anchorage for intersecting walls and slabs. Provide
dowel bar anchorage for porch and terrace slabs, concrete
or masonry steps and area walls, which adjoin foundation
walls. For basementless portions and attached garages,
embed four 1/2" round hooked bars 4 ft. long in
wall, two near top and two near bottom of attached wall.
Chimney foundations: Start at level of lowest adjacent
foundation wall footings.
7. If special or unforeseen soil conditions warrant, the
Building Official may require either reinforcement of
wall or increased thickness.
8. Dampproofing and waterproofing: See 305 -C.
Concrete Floor Slabs on Ground.
No floor slab to be placed in water or on a soft wet sub -
grade. Basements must be pumped dry at least twenty -four
hours before floor is poured.
1. Construction:
a. Fill under slabs: Gravel, sand, limestone screen-
ings, or crushed rock, minimum thickness 4''. Earth
underfill thoroughly leveled and free from vegetable
matter; thoroughly compacted.
b. Wire mesh reinforcing: When required, minimum weight
40 pounds per 100 square feet.
c. Bottom of slab: Not lower than top of footing.
2. Cement floor finish:
a. Finish basement slab with steel trowel.
b. Integral finish on concrete slab.
3. Slabs on ground used as a base for floors or as a finish
floor in habitable rooms.
a. Minimum thickness, 4 inches.
b. Provide membrane water proofing directly under slab,
at least 4 mil polyethylene film, lapped 4" and
c. Provide perimeter insulation. Insulating material
shall be non - capillary waterproof not subject to
deterioration by termite or fungi. See Section
300 -E.3.
4. Basement floor slabs: Minimum thickness, 4 inches.
5. Garage floor slabs: See 315 A or B.
6. Terrace and porch floor slabs:
a. Minimum thickness, 4 inches.
b. If reinforced, fill may be omitted.
c. Install metal flashing between slabs and all wood
construction. See 311 -F.
7. Slabs on ground used to support interior bearing walls
or partitions: Thicken to at least 10" for a width of
8. Exterior steps and platforms shall have a non -slip
Exterior Wood Stairs
Wood construction shall be at least 2" above walk or
finished grade.
A. General
' 1. Materials. See 303.
2. Mortar:
' a. Masonry below grade, Portland Cement mortar; 1 part
Portland Cement, 3 parts sand by volume. Lime, not
more than 25% of the cement by volume, may be added.
' b. All other masonry:
1) Portland Cement mortar. See (2a) above.
' 2) Cement -lime mortar: 1 part Portland Cement, 1
part lime putty, 6 parts sand by volume, or
' other ratios as approved.
3) Prepared masonry cement mortars; 1 part masonry
' cement, 3 parts sand by volume; add no materials
other than sand and water.
c. Re- tempering of mortar: Mortar that has stiffened
on the mortar board due to evaporation should be re-
tempered to restore its workability by thorough
remixing and by the addition of water as required.
' All mortar shall be used within 2 hours after
initial mixing.
3. Jo
Maximum thickness 5/811. Joints for decorative stone
work may be increased 1/411.
Solid masonry units: Fill joints solid.
Hollow masonry units: No through mortar joints.
Fill all joints,including head joints, solid.
4. Bonding.
' a. Walls of solid masonry units. Solid masonry bearing
and non - bearing walls shall be bonded in accordance
' with one of the following methods:
1) Bonding with headers.
The facing and backing shall be bonded with a
' header course consisting of alternate through
header and stretcher every seventh course, or
one through header in every 24;square inches,
' uniformly placed throughout wall.
2) Bonding with metal ties.
' The facing and backing shall be bonded with
corrosion - resistant metal ties conforming to
requirements of Section 305 -G -4 for cavity walls.
' There shall be one metal tie for not more than
each 4 -1/2 square feet of wall area. Ties in
alternate courses shall be staggered. The
' maximum vertical distance between ties shall not
' —16—
exceed 1811, and the horizontal distance shall
not exceed 36 ". Walls so bonded shall conform
to the thickness (excluding cavity), height and
mortar requirements for cavity walls.
b. Masonry Walls of Hollow Units
Where two or more hollow units are used to make up
the thickness of a wall, bonding shall be in accord
with recommendations of American Standard Building
Code Requirements for Masonry M.P. No. 211 (Current
c. Stone Walls
1) Ashlar Masonry:
Ashlar Masonry, bond stones uniformly distribu-
ted shall be provided to the extent of not less
than 10% of exposed faces.
2) Rubble Stone Masonry:
Rubble stone masonry 24" or less in thickness
shall have bond stones with a maximum spacing of
3 feet vertically and 3 feet horizontally, and
if the masonry is of greater thickness than 2411,
shall have 1 bond stone for each 6 square feet
of wall surface on both sides.
d. Intersecting concrete and masonry walls shall be
bonded together in an approved manner.
5. Closed cell hollow units: Use for rough openings,
corners, and wall intersection. Filling exposed ends of
cells not acceptable.
6. Protection: Provide frost protection acceptable to
Building Official when temperature falls below freezing,
except that no masonry work shall be done in temperatures
below 200 F. (Protection as outlined by American Stand-
ard Building Code Requirements for Masonry M P -211 shall
be considered acceptable practice.)
7. Loading: Allow sufficient time for strength of masonry
to develop before subjecting to loads.
8. VIVetting Clay Masonry Units: All clay brick having
absorption rates (determined in accordance with ASTM
Specification C67- Current Edition) in excess of 0.025 oz.
per-sq. in. per min. shall be wetted sufficiently so
that the rate of absorption does not exceed this amount.
Masonry Unit Foundation Walls. (For cast -in -place concrete
foundation walls, see 304 -J.)
1. General
a. Materials: See 303.
b. Walls supporting wood frame construction: extend
not less than 6" above adjoining outside finish
c. Walls supporting masonry veneered wood frame:
Extend foundation so that wood portion of wall is
not less than 6" above outside finish grade.
d, Walls of hollow masonry units: Cap with minimum of
4" of solid masonry or concrete. Hollow units
filled with concrete not acceptable.
e. Concentrated loads under ends of girders bearing on
_ hollow masonry unit foundation walls: Support on
minimum of 4" solid masonry or concrete.
2. Minimum Thickness of Masonry Unit Foundation Walls:
a. Foundation walls shall be of sufficient strength and
thickness to resist lateral pressures from adjacent
earth and to support their vertical loads. Founda-
tion walls or their footin s shall extend below the
level of frost action (4211� and shall be not less in
thickness. than 1011.
b. Foundation walls of coursed stone shall be at least
16" in thickness.
c. Solid foundation walls of solid masonry units that
do not extend more than 5 feet below the adjacent
finished ground level may be 8" in thickness. The
combined height of the 8" foundation wall and the
wall supported shall not exceed 30 feet.
3. Girder pockets: Provide 4" end bearing for girder. For
wood girder, leave 1/2" space each side.
4. Sill anchor bolts to be installed..
a. Diameter: 1/2" minimum..
b. Minimum length in masonry unit walls: 15 ".
c. Provide washer under nuts on bolts.
d. Spacing: Not more than 5 feet on center, minimum
2 bolts in each piece.
5. Anchorage for intersecting walls and slabs: Provide
anchorage for porch slabs, concrete or masonry steps and
areawalls, which adjoin foundation walls.
6. Chimney foundations: Start at a level of lowest adjacent
foundation wall footings.
7. If special or unforseen soil conditions warrant, the
.Building Official may require either reinforcement of
wall or increased thickness.
C. Dampproofing and Waterproofing.
1. Dampproof basement or cellar walls on exterior from
finish grade to outside edge of footing:
a. Masonry unit walls: Apply 1/2" thick Portland
Cement plaster coat forming a cove at the footing,
over which apply at least one heavy coat of undiluted
hot tar, asphalt or compound acceptable to the
Building Official.
b. Concrete walls cast in place: Apply at least one
heavy coat of undiluted hot tar, asphalt or compound
acceptable to the Building Official.
D. Piers.
Piers only acceptable for open porches and car ports.
Materials: Masonry units or cast -in -place concrete.
See 303.
Minimum sizes in inches:
a. Masonry: 12" x 12 ".
b. Plain concrete: 10" x 10" or 12" round.
Minimum height above grade, 611.
When of hollow masonry units, cap with at least 4" solid
masonry or concrete. See 305- B -1 -e.
Sill anchor bolts to be installed.
Piers shall be poured to roper grade so that required
12". Only
shims shall not exceed metal plates and
asbestos shims shall be used.
E. Exterior Walls above Grade:
Materials: All materials shall meet the requirements
of Section 303.
Allowable Heights and Thicknesses:
a. In residence buildings not more than two stories in
height, walls other than coursed or rough or random
rubble stone walls, may be of 8" thickness when not
over 30 feet in height from grade to ridge at gable
ends, and when the roof is designed to impart no
lateral or horizontal thrust. When the roof imparts
a horizontal thrust such walls shall have a minimum
thickness of 12 ".
b. Rough or random or coursed rubble stone walls shall
be not less than 16" in thickness.
c. Hollow walls of masonry units shall not exceed 30 ft.
in height from grade to ridge of gable ends except
that 10" cavity walls shall not exceed 25 feet in
height above the support of such walls. The facing
and backing shall each have a thickness of at least
a nominal 4" and the cavity shall be not less than
2" (actual) nor more than 3" in' width. The facing
and backing of cavity walls shall be bonded with
metal ties. (See Section 305- A- 4 -a -2.)
Maximum height for 8" thickness: 22 feet from grade to
eaves;. or 30 feet from grade to ridge in gable ends. For
heights, minimum thickness 12" except top 22 ft.
Backing, when used, solid or hollow masonry units,
minimum thickness:
a. Bonded to facing, 4 ". See 305 -A -4 -a 1 and 2.
1 —19—
Furring when interior finish is applied: Not less than
1" wood strips. Spacing as permitted for interior
finish. See 313. Bituminous waterproofing materials on
masonry not acceptable for plaster base. Install hori-
zontal furring strips at ceiling and floor to form fire
stops and prevent convection.
Lintels. Size to be determined by span in each case. No
concentrated loads over nonreinforced lintels.
a. Lintels may be:
1) Precast concrete, reinforced brick, reinforced
structural hollow clay tile and reinforced
concrete block.
2) Stone.
3) Masonry arch.
4) Steel. See ASTM A7 -56T.
b. Support on not less than 4" of solid masonry.
Rafter plate anchor bolts to be installed.
a. Diameter, 1/2" minimum.
b. Minimum length in masonry unit walls, 15 "; poured
concrete walls, 10 ".
c. In masonry walls, washer and 3" square plate on
d. Spacing, not more than 5 feet on center.
Radiator recesses:
a. Construct at time wall is built.
b. Maximum recess depth, 4" in 8" walls,'8" in 12" walls.
c. Back and sides of recess to be waterproofed and
d. Width under windows not greater than rough opening.
Vertical chases:
a. Construct at time wall is built.
b. Maximum length for chases where net wall thickness
is 8" or less, 4 feet.
c. Maximum chase depth, 4 ".
d. Back and sides of chase to be plastered with 1/2" of
Portland Cement mortar.
Horizontal chases:
a. Not acceptable unless wall thickness is at least 4"
greater than thickness required under 305 -E -2.
b. Maximum depth, 4 ".
' F. Masonry Veneer.
1. Minimum thickness of material:
ta. Architectural terra cotta (cellular).........,. 3"
b. Architectural terra cotta (flat slabs) ..... 1 -1/4"
' c. Brick ....... ............................... 201
d. Stone (natural) 2"
e. Stone (cast artificial) ............6960.... 1 -1/2"
f. Clay tile (structural) 1 -3/4"
' g. Clay tile (flat slab) ....................... 1/4 -1"
h. Marble slabs ............................... 1"
i. Precast stone facing 5 8"
j. Structural glass "
11 32
2. Masonry veneered wood frame construction. Veneer
' applied over sheathing with air space between.
a. Air space: 1" minimum between masonry veneer and
b. Base flashing: Copper,or approved equal, extending
over top of foundation wall from outside face of
' wall and not less than 12" up on sheathing.
c. Apply water resistant building paper or saturated
' asphalt felt over sheathing. Lap base flashing at
least.:'-4" .
d. Bonding: Corrosion - resisting metal ties spaced not
' more than 16" vertically and 32" on center horizon-
tally: When other than wood board sheathing is used
secure ties through to studs with corrosion- resist-
' ing nails of length sufficient to penetrate wood at
least 1".
' e. Lintels: Size to be determined by materials and
span in each case. Bearing, at least 4 ". Arches
' f. Weep Holes: See Section 305 -G -6.
G. Cavity Walls.
' 1. The minimum thickness of the inner and outer wythes of
cavity walls shall not be less than a nominal 4 ", and
the nominal out to out dimension of the wall shall not
' be less than 10 ".
2. The maximum height of 10" cavity walls and the width of
' the cavity.shall conform to the requirements of Section
305- E -2 -c.
3. All masonry units shall be laid in a full head and bed
' mortar joint. The mortar used in cavity wall construc-
tion shall conform to the requirements of "Portland
Cement- Mortar" or "Cement -Lime Mortar ". (See Section
' 305 -A -2 -a and b.)
40 The facing and backing of cavity walls shall be bonded
' with 3/16" diameter non - corrosive steel rods or metal
ties of equivalent stiffness embedded in the horizontal
joints. There shall be one metal tie for not more than
each 4 -1/2 square feet of wall area. Ties in alternate
courses shall be staggered, the maximum vertical dis-
tance between ties shall not exceed 1811, and the maximum
horizontal distance shall not exceed 36 ". Rods or ties
bent to rectangular shape shall be used with hollow
masonry units laid with the cells vertical; in other
walls the ends of ties shall be bent to goo angles to
provide hooks not less than 2" long. Additional bonding
ties shall be provided at all openings, spaced not more
than 3 feet apart around the perimeter and within 12" of
all openings.
5. Non - corrodible flashing shall be placed over the top of
all openings, at window sills and at the bottom of the
6. Weep holes shall be provided in the head joints in the
first course immediately above all flashing. The weep
holes shall be spaced not more than 36" on centers and
every effort shall be made to keep the cavity clean of
mortar droppings. When wicks of 1/4" fiberglass rope or
similar materials are used, weep holes shall be spaced
not more than 24" on centers.
7. Furring: See Section 305 -E -5.
H. Interior Masonry Walls.
1. Material: Masonry or cast -in -place concrete.
2. Pipe recesses: Construct at time walls are built.
3. Party walls :.
a. Minimum thickness: Cast -in -place concrete, 611;
masonry units 811. Chases or recesses not permitted.
b. Build masonry solid to underside of roof sheathing
unless carried above roof.
4. Bearing partitions:
a. Minimum thickness of plain concrete or unit masonry
wall shall be not less than a nominal 811.
b. Sections of walls with distance between openings 2
feet or less: Solid masonry units or hollow units
filled with concrete.
c. Lintels: Steel, reinforced concrete, reinforced
concrete block, reinforced structural clay masonry or
masonry arches. Not less than 4" bearing upon solid
d. Joist bearings: Solid masonry at least 4 ".
e'. Girder bearing: Solid masonry at least 811.
5. Nonbearing partitions:
a. Minimum thickness., 411.
b. Lintels: Steel, reinforced concrete or masonry, or
masonry arches.
I. Chimneys
1. Provide masonry chimney, or other type as approved.
a. Separate flue required for each fireplace.
b. Separate flue required for each appliance fired with
natural -draft oil burner. Separate flues required
for all other equipment, depending upon sustained
chimney draft for proper operation, unless combined
flue is specifically approved by the Building
2. Materials: Solid masonry; footing concrete cast -in-
3. Effective flue area: At least as recommended by the
manufacturer of equipment connected to chimney and at
least equal to area of outlet (smoke or vent) of equip-
ment connected to it, minimum diameter for house heating
flue, 8'!. For fireplaces, effective area not less than
1 /10 of fireplace opening.
4. Chimney linings, wythes and walls:
a. Glazed fire clay flue lining required in all
chimneys for liquid and solid fuels. When gas is
used as fuel, provide flue lining of metal or
composition acceptable to the Building Official, or
glazed fire -clay lining or vitrified tile lining,
bell and spigot- type, bell end up, all with joints
made with acid - resisting mortar. Provide drainage
to dispose of condensation.
b. Two flues may be grouped without a wythe of masonry
between them provided the joints of the linings are
staggered at least 7 ".
c. Wythes separating flues or s of flues with
linings not staggered, 3 -3�" minimum thickness.
d. Walls, minimum thickness, 3 -3/4" in addition to
5. Height of chimney: As recommended by equipment manufac-
turer. Chimney shall extend at least 2 feet above
highest ridge or point of roof where it passes through
the roof of a building and not less than 2 feet above
the highest ridge within 15 feet of the chimney.
6. Cap chimney to form wash from flue to outside edge,
minimum thickness, 3 -1/2" of concrete or other materials
as approved.
7. Metal thimbles and clean -out doors to be built in at the
time chimney is constructed. Clean -out doors not
necessary for approved prefabricated chimneys.
J. Fireplaces - Masonry
1. Smoke chamber and damper required in all fireplaces.
2. Minimum wall thickness: 8" in addition to the lining.
3. Ash dump: When provided, empty into concrete or masonry
chamber provided with metal clean-out door.
4. Lining: 2" fire brick or other material acceptable to
Building Official.
5. Hearth:
a. Support independently on masonry or concrete.
b.' Projection from chimney breast, at least 18 ".
c. Width: At least 8" wider than fireplace opening on
each side.
d. Material, incombustible.
e. Combined minimum thickness of hearth and support 611.
6. Fireplace opening lintel: Use brick arch, concrete,
stone, steel or reinforced clay masonry.
7. Facing: masonry, no combustible material closer than
3 -1/2" to fireplace opening.
JJ. Fireplaces - Prefab: As approved.
K. Glass Block.
1. May not use as load - bearing units.
2: Maximum size of unsubdivided panel: area 144 sq. ft.;
length 25 feet; height 20 feet.
3. Provide for expansion.'
A: Structural Steel Construction
1. The design, fabrication and erection of structural steel
for buildings shall conform to the requirements of the
Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection
of Structural Steel for Buildings of American Institute
of Steel Construction adopted (Current Edition).
2. Bearing: On walls, minimum, 411.
3. Bearing Plates:
a. Design to distribute load, minimum thickness, 5/16 ".
b. Bed in Portland Cement mortar.
c. Plates may be omitted under wideflange type steel
beams if width of flange provides sufficient bearing
area so that allowable compressive stress of
supporting material is not exceeded.
Be Light Gauge Cold- Formed Steel Construction
1. The design of light gauge cold- formed steel construction
shall conform to the Specification for the Design of
Light Gauge Cold- Formed Steel Structural Members of
American Iron and Steel Institute, Current Edition.
' 2. All individual structural members and assembled panels
of light gauge cold- formed steel construction, except
where fabricated of approved corrosion - resistive steel
' or of steel having a corrosion - resistive metallic or
other approved coating, shall be protected against
corrosion with an acceptable shop coat of paint, enamel,
' or other approved protection.
C. Open Web Steel Joist Construction
' 1. The design, fabrication and erection of open web steel
joist construction shall comply with the following
' specifications:
a. "Standard Specifications for Open Web Steel Joists,
J- Series" adopted by the Steel Joist Institute,
' Current Edition.
b. "Tentative Specifications for Open Web Steel Joists
' H- Series" adopted by the Steel Joist Institute,
Current Edition.
c. "Standard Specifications for Open Web Steel Joists,
' Longspan or LA- Series" adopted by the American
Institute of Steel Construction and the Steel Joist
Institute, Current Edition.
' d. "Standard Specifications for Open Web Steel Joists,
High Strength Longspan or LH- Series ", adopted by the
' American Institute of Steel Construction and the
Steel Joist Institute, Current Edition.
D. Welding
' 1. Details of welding technique, inspection of welding and
qualification of welding operators shall conform to the
' recommendations of the "Standard Code for Arc and Gas
Welding in Building Construction" of the American Weld-
ing Society, Current Edition.
' A. Lumber
1. Stress -Grade Lumber: Except as otherwise specifically
provided in this code, "National Design Specifications
' for Stress Grade Lumber and its Fastenings NLMA,Current
Edition, shall be accepted as good engineering practice
covering design and use of stress -grade lumber, of glue-
' laminated timber and of their fastenings.
2. All plywood used structurally shall bear the identifica-
tion of an approved testing agency as to type and grade
of plywood, species of veneer, and conformance with the
appropriate U.S. Commercial Standard.
' 3. Lumber dimensions:
a. Wood structural members shall be of sufficient sizes
t to carry the dead and live loads without exceeding
the allowable working stresses hereinafter specified.
1 -25-
b. Computations to determine the required sizes of
lumber members shall be based on the net dimensions
(actual size) and not on the nominal sizes.
c. Where minimum sizes of lumber members are required
by this code, they shall be construed as meaning
nominal sizes. For sawn lumber, the dressed sizes
established in American Lumber Standards shall be
accepted as the minimum net sizes conforming to such
nominal sizes. For glue - laminated timber, the net
sizes established in the National Design Specifica-
tion shall be accepted as the minimum sizes conform-
ing to such nominal sizes.
d. The sizes and the allowable unit stress, or the
species and the grade of lumber, used for structural
design purposes shall be shown on the plans or given
in a statement filed therewith. If rough sizes or
finished sizes greater or smaller than the American
Lumber Standard dressed sizes are to be used, the
actual sizes shall be specified.
Framing - General.
Except as specifically provided for herein, compliance with
Wood Construction Data Series NIM shall be acceptable as
good engineering practice.
1. Structural framing members:
a. Splicing between bearing points not permitted.
b. When structural strength is impaired by cutting,
drilling, or by inherent defects, replace or rein-
force members in manner acceptable to Building
2. Framing at chimneys.
a. Bearing of framing members on minimum required
chimney masonry not acceptable. Piers built integral
with chimney may be used for girder bearing provided
end of girder is at least 2" away from minimum
required chimney masonry.
b. Framing members: Not closer than 2" to minimum
required chimney masonry. Space may be 1/2" if
asbestos board 1/4" thick and same width as framing
members is used between masonry and framing.
3. Firestopping.
a. Firestop all furring, partitions and outside stud
walls at level of each floor or ceiling, and at
juncture of roof rafters and wall.
b. Wood or masonry, tightly fitted, or other methods
acceptable to Building Official may be used.
Floor Framing.
1. Columns and posts:
a. Structural steel or iron. See 306.. Shims, metal -
loose shims not acceptable. Maximum of 2 -1/411.
b. Wood posts: Bear on and fasten to concrete base
resting on footing, top of base 3" above finish
floor; securely fasten top of post to girder. If
necessary for bearing, install bearing plate or cap
secured to both post and girder.
2. Girders:
a. Material: Structural steel, reinforced concrete,
solid wood, or built -up wood.
b. Spans for wood girders: Determine in accordance
with sound engineering practice and subject to
approval of the Building Official.
c. Joints of solid and built -up wood girders to be made
over pier or column supports only.
d. Air space each side of wood girders framing into
masonry or concrete, 1/21I .
3. Sills :.
Level and grout with Portland Cement mortar. Wood
shingles, chips, or similar material are not acceptable
for permanent shims.
4.. Maximum spans for wood joists:
Except for stress -grade lumber of an assured quality,
designed in accordance with the National Design Specifi-
cations, NLMA, all wood joist shall be limited as
a. Lumber, properly identified as to species and grade
by an agency approved by the American Lumber Stand-
ards Committee, shall be limited to the spans given ;
in the NLMA publication "Maximum Spans for Joists
and Rafters ".
b. The following table is for utility grade Douglas Fir..
For all other grades use "Maximum Spans for Joists
and Rafters ".
Nominal Spacing
Size C to C 40 lb. Live Load
Inc es Inches Ft. In.
2 x 6 12 8 8
16 7 6
24 6 2
2 x 8 12 13 6
16 11 9
24 9 6
2 x 10 12 16 9
16 15 4
24 13 0
2 x 12 12 19 11
16 18 3
24 15 6
' c. Framing into headers or side of wood girders. Use
steel joist hangers, metal framing anchors or wood
t .bearing strip at least 2" x 3". Notching of joist
more than 1/4 of depth not permitted.
d. Framing into side of steel girders. Allow 1/2"
' clearance over top of top flange. Secure to girder
or to opposite joists, or bridge joist firmly at
' girder ends if other ends are fixed. Notch for
bearing not more than 1/4 of joist depth.
e. Framing into masonry.
' 1) Minimum bearing, 3 ".
2) Fire cut or bevel, 211.
3) Second -story floor joists parallel with masonry:
Tie to masonry with metal straps extending over
' and secured to at least 1 joist and not more
than 8 feet on center.
f. Butt or lap joists over girders and bearing parti-
1) Butting: Center and tie with metal straps or 1"
' thick wood ties at least 2 feet long.
2) Lapping: At least 411; spike together; maximum
projection beyond bearing, 1 foot.
' g.. Double Joists:
1) Under all bearing partitions and under plaster
' finished non - bearing partitions when parallel to
floor joists.
' 2) Where piping or duct work occurs block joists
apart at 4 foot intervals.
3) Under heading partitions, more than two joists
' may be required by the Building Official,
depending upon loading conditions.
' 4). Support of furnace unit: Double the floor joists
framing each side of floor opening for plenum of
furnace, spike joists together.
' 5) Support of hot water heater, washing machine or
special loading conditions. Double the floor
joists supporting unit, especially where the
' equipment is aligned on both sides of a partition
' h. Headers and trimmers:
1) Headers 4 feet or less in length may be single;
headers receiving three-or more tail beams,
' support in steel hangers, or on ledger boards
not less than 2" x 3 ". If header is over 7 ft.
in length, secure ledger to trimmer with lag
' screws.
2) For openings at end of joist span with headers
' 4 ft. or less, trimmers may be single.
' 3) Use double framing under all other conditions.
i. Cutting of floor joists:
' 1) Notching top or bottom for piping and duct work
is permitted to not more than 1/6 minimum
required joist depth except no notching in
' middle third of span; otherwise install header.
2) Holes may be bored through joists, maximum
' diameter 2 -1/211; edges not nearer than 2" to top
and bottom of joists.
j. Cross - bridging:
' 1) Maximum spacing, 8 feet; minimum size, 1" x 3"
double nail at each end; bridging split in nail-
' ing not acceptable.
2) Rigid metal bridging may be used when acceptable
' to Building Official.
k. Cantilevered construction: submit detail drawing.
' 1. Framing on steel: Provide minimum 2" continuous
plate bolted to steel. Framing to be anchored to
' 5. Subflooring.
a. Wood Boards:
' 1) Thickness, 111; maximum width, 811, unless triple -
nailed. Maximum joists spacing: 16" on center.
2) No two adjoining boards to break joints over same
' joist space; each board to bear on at least two
3) Other spacings may be used when subflooring is
designed according to leads to be imposed.
' b. Plywood.
1) Apply with face grain perpendicular to supports
and panels continuous over two or more spans.
' 2) Minimum thickness, for indicated joist spacing -
Douglas Fir, Western larch, or Exterior C -C or
' Structural Interior C -D grades of Western
Softwood Group 1.
1/2" (3 ply or 5 ply) 16" o.c. 2411 o.c.
' 3/48 " () " 7 ply 48 o.c.
1 -1
' 3) Minimum Thickness, for indicated joist spacing -
Western Softwood Group 2 and Western Softwood
Group 1 in grades other than C -C and C -D.
' 5/8" (5 ply) 16" o.c.
3/4" (5 ply) 24" o.c.
1 -1/8" (7 ply) 48" o.c.
4) Minimum Recommended Width of Girders, supporting
floor loads for 1 -1/8" plywood at 48" o.c. is 411.
Recommended sizes and spans for girders are:
4 x 6 8'0"
4 x 8 1110"
4 x 10 1410"
4 x 12 17'0"
5) Under nonstructural finish flooring, when used
as a base for parquet wood finish flooring less
than 25/32" thick, linoleum, composition, rubber
or ceramic tile or similar materials; install
solid blocking under all edges at right angles
to floor joists.
6) Nailing: Nail securely to joists and blocking
with nails 6" o.c. on edges and 10" o.c. at
intermediate framing members. Use 6d common
nails for 1/2" plywood, 8d for 5/8" and 3/4" and
10d common or 8d ring shank for 1 -1/8" thick
7) As underlay, when used for leveling purposes
over all subflooring, minimum thickness 1/4"
3 -ply. See 314 -D -2.
8) Tongue and groove and plywood, minimum thickness
3/4" when spanning 16 ".
Clearance: Provide 1/2" clearance between all sub -
flooring and all masonry walls, chimneys and parti-
Floors finished with any material other than hardwood
see 314 -D -2.
t D.' Ceiling
Framing. See 300 -D.
1. Joists:
Maximum spans for ceiling or attic floor joists are
as follows:
1) For no attic storage, maximum access opening is
600 square inches.
2) With larger access opening, design for limited
attic storage.
3) With permanent or disappearing stair, design
according to floor joist table in 307- C -4 -a.
Maximum spans for wood joists:
Except for stress -grade lumber of an assured quality,
designed in accordance with the National Design
Specifications, NLMA, all wood joist shall be limited
as follows:
1) Lumber, properly identified as to species and
grade by an agency approved by the American
Lumber Standards Committee, shall be limited to
the spans given in the NLMA publication
"Maximum Spans for Joists and Rafters ".
2) The following table is for utility grade Douglas
Fir. For all other grades use "Maximum Spans.
for Joists and Rafters ".
Nominal Spacing 20 lb. Attic No Attic
Size C to C Storage Storage
Inches Inches Ft. In. lit. In.
2 x 4 12 4 10 8 5
16 4 2 7 4
24 3 5 5 11
2 x 6 12 .11 .3 16 4
16 9 9 14 11
24 8 0 13 0
2 x 8 12 17 5 22 4
16 15 1 20 3
24 12 4 17 9
2 x 10 12 22 6 28 3
16 20 5 25 9
24 16 10 22 5
c. Use ceiling joists as ties for rafters whenever
d. Bridging: Solid, 2" thick full depth of joists,
staggered for end nailing. Joists 8" and over,
1" x 3" cross bridging or rigid metal bridging may
be used; when acceptable to Building Official;
maximum spacing, 8 feet on center.
e. Framing of ceiling joists over girders and bearing
partitions; as required for floor joists. See
307- C -4 -e.
2. Hung ceilings, flat roof construction:
a. Minimum size 2" x 4" on edge separated by wood or
metal hangers, not more than 10 feet on center.
b. Ceiling joist bridging not required.
E. Roof Framing.
1. General
a. Headers and trimmers:
1) Headers 4 feet or less in length may be single.
2) When chimney is at ridge or eaves and header is
4 feet or less, trimmers may be single; use
double framing under all other conditions.
3) Dormer windows not supported on partitions:
Double headers and rafters.
b.. Anchor wall plates for rafters and roof joists on
masonry wall. See 305 -E -7.
c. Mill Construction: As approved by the Building
2. Pitched Roofs:
a. Minimum pitch. See 310 -A -1.
b. Maximum rafter spans are as follows:
Maximum spans for wood joists; except for stress -
grade lumber of an assured quality, designed in
accordance with the National Design Specifications,
NLMA, all wood joist shall be limited as follows:
1) Lumber, properly identified as to species and
grade by an agency approved by the American
Lumber Standards Committee, shall be limited to
the spans given in the NLMA publication "Maximum
Spans for Joists and Rafters ".
2) The following table is for utility grade Douglas
Fir. For all other grades use "Maximum Spans
for Joists and Rafters ".
3 in 12 or less
Supporting Not Supporting Greater
Nominal Spacing finished finished than
Size C to C ceiling ceilipg_ 3 in 12
nc e s Inches —FT.—In. Ft . In. ?T In.
2 x 4 12 5 8
16 4 11
24 4 0
2 x 6 12 10 5 11 3 13 2
16 9 0 9 9 11 4
24 7 4 8 0 9 3
2 x 8 12 16 2 17 5 20 4
16 14 0 15 1 17 7
24 11 5 12 4 14 4
2 x 10 12 22 1 23 10 27 10
16 19 2 20 9 24 2
24 15 7 16 10 19 9
2 x 12 12 26 1 31 1
16 22 7 24 5
24 18 6 19 11
c. Rafters: Cut for level bearing and spike to wall
plate; no portion of cut end of rafters to project
beyond inside edge of wall plate; frame rafters
opposite at ridge; provide tie for rafters to pre-
vent thrust and uplift.
d. Collar beams:
1) Minimum size 1" x 6" or 2" x 411; maximum spacing
4 feet on center.
2) When ceiling joists do not serve as tie at plate
line or are not below lower third of rafters,
install ceiling joists (collar beams) same size
as rafters on each pair of rafters, and make
special provisions for tying the lower end of
rafters to the floor or wall construction.
e. Ridge boards: Not required for simple gable roofs
where rafters frame opposite each other. All other
types, use 2" member with depth not less than cut
end of rafter.
f. Valley rafters:
1) Minimum thickness, 211: minimum depth, not less
than cut end of jack rafters.
2) Maximum unsupported length of single valley
rafters, 8 feet; double rafters, 12 feet.
3) May be omitted when jack rafters of one roof
frame on sole plate on top of roof sheathing of
adjoining roof.
g. Provide crickets or chimney saddles at upper side of
all chimneys not in contact with ridge.
3. Flat Roofs:
a. Roof joist spans. See 307- E -2 -b.
b. Cross- bridging: Minimum size, 1" x 3" maximum
spacing, 8 feet on center.
c. Joists supporting hung ceilings. See 307 -D -2.
d. Framing of roof joists over girders and bearing
partitions: as required for floor joists. See
307- C -4 -e.
4. Trussed rafters: Trussed rafters may be used in construc-
tion of roofs for residence and buildings of similar
size and design, when designed according to generally
accepted good engineering practices.
F. Exterior Wall and Bearing Partition Framing.
1. Studs:
a. Continuous lengths without splicing.
b. Minimum size, 2" x 4 ".
c. Maximum spacing for all construction, 16" on center;
one -story detached accessory buildings, 24 ".
d. Maximum length for balloon frame, 20 feet; notch
studs at second floor to receive 1" x 4" ribbon.
Nail joists to studs.
■ 2. Corner posts: Not less than three 2" x 4 1's set to
receive interior finish.
' 3. Corner Bracing:
a. Braces at external corners; 1" x 411; let into out-
' side face of studs and plates, set approximately at
45 degrees, extend from sill to plate. Attaching
' —33—
ends of braces to blocks nailed to studs or plates
not acceptable. May be omitted only when wood
sheathing boards are laid diagonally, or lywood,
minimum 5/16" x 4' x 8' (see Sec. 307 -H -25 is
applied vertically.
b. Openings near corner: Use 1" x 4" knee braces,
extending from corner post to sill and to top plate.
Extend over not less than three stud spaces.
c. Openings at corner: Brace as in (a), set as near
opening as possible.
4. Sill Construction:
a. Sill anchorage: See 304 -J -4 and 304 -B -4.
b. Sills and girders on top of foundation walls and
piers; level and grout with Portland Cement mortar;
wood not to be used for permanent shims.
c. Other methods may be used if detailed on drawings
submitted with application and acceptable to Build-
ing Official.
5. Window and door openings:
a. Inner stud on jambs: Extend in one piece from
header to bearing and nail to outer stud.
b. Headers for usual loading conditions:
Two 2x4s on edge
Two 2x6s on edge
Two 2x8s on edge
Two 2x1 0s on ed e
Maximum Span
41 -6
6' -0"
g 7' -6
c. Where headers support concentrated loads or are
subjected to other unusual loading conditions, the
header shall be specially designed.
d. If desired, truss construction may be used.
6: Plates:
a. Top plates, two 2x4s. Zap at corners and intersect-
ing partitions. Single 2x4 acceptable for bearing
partitions when studs occur directly under joists or
rafters. When plates are cut for piping or duct work
install steel angles on each side of plate not less
than 1 -1/2" x 1 -1/2" x 1/811, to serve as plate ties
and bearing for joists. Spike angles to joists and
plates, using not less than 3 nails at each end.
Alternate method for reenforcing cut lates: solid
full depth 2" header and metal tie 1�" x 12 gauge
with three heavy nails or screws at each end.
b. Where headers support concentrated loads or are sub-
jected to other unusual loading conditions, header
shall be specially designed.
c. Sole plates, minimum thickness, 211; exterior wall
studs may bear on the sill or on a sole plate on top
of subfloor.
7. End studs of bearing partitions-connecting to masonry
walls. Anchor with bolts or spikes. Make allowance for
shrinkage of floor joists.
8. Wood bearing partitions in cellars or basements are not
G. Non - bearing Partition Framing.
1. Studs:
a. Use continuous lengths without splicing.
b. Partitions exceeding 6 feet of unsupported length
containing openings: size and spacing same as bear-
ing partitions.
c. Partitions less than 6 feet unsupported length with
Minimum Size Maximum Spacing
2x4s (2" thickness) 16" on center
2x4s (4" thickness) 24" on center
2x3s (3" thickness) 16" on center
d. Partitions 6 feet or over in length without openings.
Minimum Size Maximum Spacing
2x4s (2" thickness) 16" on center
2x3s (3" thickness) 24" on center
2x4s (4" thickness) 24" on center
2. Openings:
a. In 211 thick partitions: Inner stud on jambs, size
2" x 2" extend in one piece from header to bearing
and nail to outer stud; or single frame with 2" x 6"
jambs continuous from top plate to sole plate with
header notched 2" into each jamb.
b. In 3" and 4" thick partitions: Single framing per-
mitted provided opening does not exceed 3 feet in
.width and header is secured by spiking through jamb
c. Headers.
Opening width, 3 feet or less:
2" thick partitions, 2" x 4" on edge.
3" thick partition, 2" x 3" flat.
4" thick partition, 2" x 4" flat.
Opening width, over 3 feet (not to exceed 6 ft.):
2" thick partition, 2" x 4" on edge.
3" thick partition, two 2x3s flat.
4" thick partition, two 2x4s.
Opening width over 6 ft. as approved by Building
' 3. Top and sole plates: Minimum thickness, 211; lap top
plate at outside walls and at bearing partitions.
4. Wardrobes, cabinets or casework acceptable as non - bearing
' 5. Solid plaster partitions.
a. Maximum unsupported length 16 feet.
b. Core: 3/8 or 1/2 inch gypsum lath continuous from
floor to ceiling and full width of door frames. Set
in grooves of wood sill and plate members and of
' jambs and heads of*door frames. Grooved member not
required at intersection of walls to be plastered.
' At masonry wall intersections, tie or lace cornerite
through lath core with wire. Butting units may be
fastened as recommended by manufacturer and as
approved by the Building Official. _.
c. Sill and plate members :. Finished thickness, 1 -1/4"
minimum. Securely nail to floor and structural
' framing.
d. Door Frames: Mill built as finished frame. Thick-
' ness 1 -5/8" minimum. Prime coat all sides. Secure
to floor framing and sill members. Provide anchor
for plaster by driving 8d nails on each side of lath,
' 3/8" out from groove, at 300 angle with plane of lath
on 12" centers staggered, then bend back against
' e. Pipes and conduits: Plumbing pipes, not permitted.
Moisture resistant electrical conduit, tie securely
to face of lath. Use shallow outlet box.
' f. Coat core both sides with gypsum plaster to overall
thickness of 211, three coat or two coat double -up
' work.
6. Solid gypsum wallboard partitions.
' a. Maximum unsupported length:
12' partition height - 12' maximum length
11' partition height - 18' maximum length
' 10' partition height - Unlimited length
b. Core - 1" thick gypsum coreboard either single or
multiple layers of 2' or 4' widths.
' c. Face panels - 1/211, 5/8" or multiple laminations of
regular or type "X" gypsum wallboard of 4' widths.
' d. Runners - 20 to 26 gauge metal or construction grade
' e. Laminating Adhesive - Gypsum wallboard joint compound
for tape embedment, complying with ASTM C475; or as
recommended by wallboard manufacturer.
' 7. Gypsum wallboard hollow partitions.
a. Maximum unsupported height:
' 12' maximum height for 2 -1/4" thick partition
14' maximum height for 2 -5/8" thick partition
b. Ribs - 1" thick gypsum coreboard, or multiple layers
of 1/211, 5/8" or 1" thicknesses laminated to the
required core thickness, in 6" or 8" widths and
' lengths of approximately 6" less than partition
c. Face panels - 1/2119 5/8" or multiple layers of regu-
lar or type "X" gypsum v+allboard of 4' widths.
d. Minimum thickness - hollow wallboard partitions shall
' be not less than 2 -1/4" thick (1" core and two 5/8"
face panels).
e. Runners - construction grade lumber of thickness
' equal to partition core or 20 to 26 gauge metal
f. Laminating Compound - Gypsum wallboard joint compound
for tape embedment, complying with ASTM C475, or as
otherwise recommended by wallboard manufacturer.
H. Wall Sheathing. Wall sheathing shall be provided except that
sheathing may be omitted on detached accessory buildings not
containing habitable rooms.
' 1. Wood boards:
a. May be used under any exterior finish material.
' b. Minimum thickness, 1/211; maximum width, 8" unless
triple nailed; maximum stud spacing 24" on center.
' c. Break joints over center of studs unless end - matched
(T &G) boards are used; no two adjoining end - matched
boards to break joints over same stud space and each
' board to bear on at least two studs.
d. Application: When laid diagonally, extend at 450 in
' opposite directions from each corner; apply horizon-
tally under stucco finish.
2. Plywood.
' a. May be used under any exterior finish material.
b. Minimum thickness Maximum stud spacing
' 5/16" 16"
3/811 24
' c. Types of finish which affect the minimum thickness of
plywood used:
1) Under wood shingles: If 5/16" plywood is used,
' apply shingles over 1" x 2" nailing strips using
copper or galvanized nails for attaching shingles.
Nailing strips may be omitted if annular ringed
nails are used for attaching the shingles.
' -37-
2) Under asbestos - cement shingles and siding, if
5/16" thick plywood is used apply siding or
single material with annular ringed nails. Do
not apply over wood nailing strips.
3. Fiberboard: Structural. See FS -LLL -I -535.
a. Under wood shingle siding: Apply 111 x 211 nailing
strips over sheathing, spaced according to shingle
spacing. Wood shingles may also be applied over
fiberboard shingle backer and fiberboard sheathing
with annular grooved nails at least 211 length.
b. Asbestos - cement siding or asbestos - cement shingles
shall be attached with special metal fastening
c. Minimum thickness Maximum stud spacing
1/211 1611,
3/411 24 ►►
d. Wood thingles and asbestos - cement shingles may be
applied over fiberboard nail -base sheathing with
annular grooved nails with minimum length of 1 -3/4"
for wood shingles and 1 -3/8" for asbestos- cement
4. Gypsum Sheathing Board. See ASTM C 79 -54.
a. Asbestos - cement siding or asbestos - cement shingles
shall be attached with special metal fastening
b. Minimum thickness, 1/211; maximum stud spacing 16 ".
c. Under wood shingle siding: Apply 111 x 211 nailing
strips over sheathing, spaced according to shingle
Sheathing Paper
1. Material
a. 30 lb.- ,asphalt saturated felt, or approved equal.
b. Vapor resistance shall be less than that of vapor
barrier provided on inside of wall.
2. Application
a. Use over all types of sheathing except as noted in
I -3.
b. Apply shingle fashion, 411 lap. Lap 4" over paper
strips around openings.
c'. Use 611 wide strips behind exterior trim of all
exterior openings.
3. Paper not required over gypsum or fiberboard, factory
treated to be moisture resistant (except when used
behind masonry veneer and stucco] provided:
a. Necessary corner and opening cuts are caulked with
elastic waterproof caulking material. Corner joints
' may be protected with 18" widths of wheathing paper
applied shingle fashion.
' b. At heads of openings, bottom edge of board is
located to permit head flashing to be extended under
and turned up behind sheathing, and joint between
' head flashing and board is caulked.
J. Roof Sheathing.
' 1. Wood boards:
a. May be used under any roofing material.
' b. Minimum thickness, 1" (5/8); maximum width 8" maximum
rafter spacing, 24" on center.
c. Break joints over center of rafters unless end-
' matched (tongue and groove) boards are used; no two
adjoining end - matched boards to break joints over
t same rafter space and each board to bear on at least
two rafters.
d. Application: Lay closed under all roof material
' except wood shingles. Under wood shingles, use
1" x 411 shingle lath spaced according to shingles
exposure, except as other approved methods.
' 2. Plywood:
a. May be used under any roofing material.
' b. Apply with face grain perpendicular to supports and
panels continuous over two or more spans.
' c. Minimum thickness:
Plywood Minimum Plywood Minimum
' Rafters Thickness (Inches) Thickness(In's.)
Maximum D. Fir, Western Larch Western
Spacing or Western Pftwood Softwood
' Roofing Material (Inches) Group 1 Group 2e
Wood and Asphalt 16 1/2 1/2
Shinglesf 24 1/2 1/2
' Slate, Tile and 16 1/2 1/2
Asbestos - cement
tShingle 24 5/8 5/8
Flat Roofsg 16 1/2 1/2
' 24 1/2 1/2
d. Exterior C -C or Structural Interior C -D unsanded or
touch - sanded grades of Group 1 Western Softwood only.
' e. Also standard grades of Western Softwood Plywood of
Group 1 species except the C -C and C -D grades
' covered by footnote d.
f. Edges of 3/8" thick plywood shall be blocked or ply
clips used.
Flat roofs used for walking traffic or decks shall
be designed as floors.
t h. Nailing: Nail securely to rafters with 6d nails for
1/2" thickness and less, 8d nails for 5/8" thickness
and greater. Space at'6" O.c. at edges and 12" o.c.
' at intermediate supports.
i. Protect exposed edges of sheathing along eaves and
' rake of roof with mouldings or sheet -metal flashing.
Flashing along eaves may be integral with gutters.
If gutters are not installed, form the flashing to
provide a drip.
' 3. Fiberboard acceptable for roof sheathing, 1 -1/2" minimum
thickness for regular density and 3/4" for high density,
' when installed at rafter and purlin spacings in accord-
ance with manufacturers recommendations.
K. Stair Stringers. (Also see 207)
' 1. Provide solid bearing at top and bottom.
2. Effective depth of wooden stringers, minimum, 3 -1/211.
' 3. Open basement stairs: Minimum stringer thickness, 2!'.
4. Third stringer: Install if treads are less than 1 -1/8"
tthick and stair is more than 2' -6" wide.
L. Caulking.
' 1. Caulk around exterior openings in masonry or masonry
veneer walls.
' 2. Caulk at intersections of wood and masonry except when
flashed. This does not apply to tops of foundations.
' 3. Caulking shall remain elastic non - hardening and firmly
A. Wood Siding.
1. Use well- seasoned material.
2. Nail at each bearing with hot - dipped galvanized or
cement - coated nails.
3. Bevel siding:
a. Finish dimensions to comply with the following limi-
tations as to minimum top and butt thickness:
Nominal Thickness Thickness
Width (in.) at Top (in.) at Butt (in.)
49 6 & 8 3/16 7/16
10 & 12 3/16 9/16
b. Minimum headlap: 1" for 4" width; 1 -1/4" for widths
over 4".
c. Nail near butt only.
Do not nail through board
4. Rustic and drop siding: Minimum thickness, 3/4"
(finished); maximum width 8" (nominal). -
5. Shiplap or matched siding:
a. Minimum thickness, 25/32" (finished); maximum width,
12" (nominal).
b. Triple -nail all boards over 8" in width.
c. When boards are applied vertically, set edges in
white lead.
Wood Shingle Siding.
1. Shingle grades.
a. Single course siding, No. 1 or No. 2.
b. Double course siding, No. 1 for exposed shingles;
under course may be No. 1 or No. 2.
2. Minimum size:
Length (Inches) Thickness
16 5 Butts in 2"
18 5 Butts in 2 -1/4"
24 4 Butts in 2"
3. Maximum exposure:
Shingle Single Course Double Course
Length - In. Exposure - In. Exposure- In.
16 7 -1/2 12
18 8 -1/2 14
24 11 16
4. Nailing:
a. Nails: Noncorrodible.
b. Butt nail double coursing: Exposed nails may be
small- headed.
Asbestos - Cement Siding and Shingles. See 307- H- 2- c -3 -b.*
1. Material. See SS- S -291c.
2. Apply clapboards and shingles in accordance with manu-
facturer's recommendations.
3. Nails, noncorrodible.
1. Each sheet of plywood shall bear an approved trademark
identifying the material as Exterior type.
2. Plywood to have a minimum 3/8" nominal thickness.
3. Installation:
a. Protect edges prior to erection with paint, mixed
100 lbs. white lead paste, 1 -3/4 gallons raw linseed
oil and 1 pine dryer, applied without thinning, or
b. Vertical..joints: To occur over studs.
c. Horizontal joints: Install solid blocking between
studding for nailing.
d. Butt joints of square -edge material, whether exposed
or covered by battens, fill with mastic.
e. Corner boards: Apply over plywood or butt plywood
against boards at all corners.
f. Nails: Cement - coated or hot - dipped galvanized, flat
head or casing. Minimum size 6d for plywood 112"
thick or less, 8d for plywood thicker than 1/211.
Nail spacing 6" at all panel edges and 12" at inter-
mediate bearings.
E. Stucco. See 307 -F -9 and 307- H -1 -d.
1. Lath for stucco. See FS- QQ- B -101c; wood lath not
a. Expanded metal lath, painted; with large openings.
1.8 lbs. per square yard.
b. Nails: Electrolytic zinc - coated furring nails.
c. Metal lath, held at least 1/4" away from sheathing
by furring nails. Furring strips and self - furring
lath not permitted.
2. Stucco:
a. Materials. See 303.
b. Mixture: 1 part Portland Cement, 3 parts sand, and
hydrated lime equal to 10% of cement by volume; or
prepared Portland Cement stucco used in accordance
with manufacturer's recommendations.
c. Thickness: 3 coat work, l" total, 2 coat work,
5/8" total.
d. Application:
1) 3 coat work, over wood frame.
2) 2 coat work, over masonry surfaces.
3) Finish coat may be trowel coat of prepared
exterior Portland Cement stucco.
4) Thoroughly cover and embed lath in stucco.
5) Keep wet 2 days after application of each coat.
6) Drying time before application of finished coat,
7 days.
7) Stucco not to be applied when temperature is
lower than 400F.
F. Hardboard
1. Material.
2. Grade: tempered, exterior shall be of a type specially
manufactured for siding purposes.
3. Hardboard 1/411, 5/1611, 3/811, or 7/16" in thickness may
be used over sheathed walls.
4. Application: hardboard siding shall be applied in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations
provided they are not in conflict with these regulations.
A. General
1. Roof Slope:
a. Shingle and tile roof, 4 in 12 minimum.
b. Single roofs less than 4 in 12 but not less than 2
in 12 shall be applied in strict accordance with
Specification Index B -1 -a, of the-Asphalt Roofing
Industry Bureau. In lieu of cementing the individ-
ual tabs Self Sealing Shingles listed by the Under-
writers' Laboratories in carrying their "Wind
Resistant" Label may be used,.
c. Built -up Roofs (gravel or slag surface). 2 in 12
d. Built -up Roofs with mineral surfaced cap sheet, 3 in
12 maximum.
e. When materials and method of application provide
precautions in excess of these 4 minimum requirements
to assure a weather -tight roof, above roof slopes
may be reduced subject to acceptance by Building
Application and materials as outlined by "Manufac-
turers Selection and Application of Asphalt Roofing
and Siding Products" published by A.R.I.B. shall be
considered as acceptable good practice.
2. Either a g" wide or wider strip of Mineral Surfaced Poll
Roofing or a row of inverted shingles may be used as a
starter course.
3. Nails for attaching roof covering, copper or hot - dipped
galvanized nails. Staples not permitted.
Asphalt Shingles
1. Fire Underwriters' Class C Label on each bundle.
2. Approximate shipping weights per square:
a. Square butt strip, 235 pounds.
b. Hexagon strip, 200 pounds.
c. Irregular shaped shingles manufactured in conform-
ance with the Underwriters' Laboratories minimum
weight requirements.
3. Exposure as required for Underwriters' Class C label.
4. Headlap as recommended by manufacturers; minimum 211.
5. Underlay:
a. Asphalt saturated felt; weight approximately 15 lbs.
per 100.
b. No underlay required on roof slopes of 7 in 12" or
more; or when triple thickness is obtained at all
points on roof slopes of 4 in 12" or more.
c. One layer of 15 lb. Asphalt saturated felt shall be
required under all double thickness shingles on roof
slopes between 4 in.12 and 7 in 12.
d. On roof slopes less than 4 in 12 but not less than
2 in 12 all double thickness shingles shall have all
tabs cemented down with quick - setting cement, or be
Wind Resistant self - sealing shingles, with an under-
lay of two layers of 15 pound asphalt saturated felt
by commencing with a 19" width strip laid along the
eaves followed by a 36" sheet completely overlapping
the first 19" sheet and continuing with 36" sheets
each overlapping the preceding sheet by 19 ". A
continuous layer of plastic roof cement shall be
applied at the rate of two gallons per 100 sq. ft.
between the two layers of asphalt felt on the roof
area starting from the eaves to a point on the roof
24" inside the inside wall line of the building.
The cement shall be applied with a comb trowel and
the overlying sheet shall be pressed firmly into the
cement over the entire cemented area.
C. Wood Shingles.
1. Edge - grain, tapered shingles (No. 1 grade).
2. Minimum size:
Length (Inches) Thickness
16 5 Butts in 2"
18 5 Butts in 2 -1/4"
24 4 Butts in 2"
3. Maximum exposure:
Slope of Roof Exposure for Shingle Length -- Inches
Rise Run 16 18 24
3 to 7 12 4 4 -1/2 6
7 to 18 12 5 5 -1/2 7 -1/2
4. Underlay not permitted. (See Section 307- J -1 -d.)
D. Asbestos Cement Shingles.
1. Quality: Dense, hard structure and thoroughly seasoned.
See FS- SS- S -291c.
2. Fire Underwriters' Class.-.A or B label on each bundle.
3. Underlay: One layer asphalt- saturated felt, approximate-
ly 30 lbs. per 100 square feet.
4. American Method:
a. Standard Shingle: Minimum weight per square, 470 #.
Length of Shingle Maximum Exposure.
161, 7 "
15" 6 -1/2"
1211 5 "
b. Strip shingle: Minimum weight per square, 285 lbs.
5. Dutch Method:
a. Minimum weight per square, 265 lbs.
b. Minimum headlap, 3"
c. Minimum sidelap, 4 "'
6. French or Hexagonal Method:
a. Minimum weight per square, 250 lbs.
b. Minimum overlap 2 edges, 3 ".
E. Tile Roofing.
1. Quality: Hard - burned roofing tile.
2. Underlay: One layer asphalt saturated felt approxi-
mately 30 lbs. per 100 square feet.
3. Shingle tile, American Method.
Length of Shingle Maximum Exposure
16" 7"
15" 6 -1/2"
1411 61►
1211 511
4. Interlocking tile and curved tile: Lay in accordance
with manufacturer's recommendations.
F. Slate Shingles:
1. Quality: Free from knots or knurls and of reasonable
smooth cleavage. See FS -SS -S -451.
2. Underlay: Asphalt saturated felt approximately 30 lbs.
per 100 square feet.
3. Laid American Method.
a. Minimum thickness, 3/16"
b. Length of Shingle Maximum Exposure
18" 7 -1/2"
16" 6 -1/2"
14" 5 -1/2"
12" 4 -1/2"
10" 1 -1/2"
G. Built -Up Roofs.
1. Asphalt or tar and gravel coverings, including €lash-
ings: Comply with requirements of Underwriters'
Laboratories, Inc.,'Built -up roof coverings, minimum 3-
' 2. Apply according to manufacturer's directions.
3. Each ply of felt: Minimum weight, 15 lbs. per 100 sq.ft.
4. Surface with:
a. Roofing gravel or crushed stone: Approximately 400
' lbs. per 100 square feet; or
b. Crushed slag: Approximately 300 lbs. per 100 sq.ft.
c. Other material approved as to quality and weight by
Building Official.
5. Top ply of felt and crushed stone or slag surfacing may
' be replaced with one layer of mineral surfaced cap sheet
minimum weight 85 lbs.. per square.
' H. Metal Roofs.
1. Materials.
a. Galvanized sheet metal; 26 -gauge sheets, 1.25 -ounce
' (total weight both sides) zinc coating per sq. ft.
b. Copper: 16 -ounce soft (roofing temper).
' c. Roofing tin: 40 -pound coating.
d. Lead: Sheet lead, 2 -1/2 lbs. per sq. ft.
2. Nails:
a. Hard copper or copper alloy, for copper roofs.
' b. Hot - dipped galvanized, for galvanized, sheet metal
' 3. Seams, flat or standing; flat seams, locked and soldered.
4. Provide for expansion.
' I. Other types of roof coverings.
Roof coverings such as metal shingles, canvas or roll roof-
' ing: may be used when the type and weight of material, and
method of application are acceptable to the Building Official.
Flashings, a lap joint or a turned up flange, usually of metal
to make a water -tight connection between two _different materials.
' A. Material.
1. Copper: 16 -ounce soft (roofing temper).
2. Galvanized sheet metal: 26- gauge, 1.25 -ounce (total
' weight both sides) zinc coating per square foot.
3. Lead: Hard lead, 2 lbs.; soft lead, 4 lbs.
' 4. Tin: 40 lb. coating-, painted both sides.
5. Membrane waterproofing material acceptable to Building
6. Copper and zinc flashings, gutters and downspouts not to
be used in conjunction with each other.
' -46-
' 7. Aluminum, stainless steel or other metals of suitable
weight acceptable to Building Official.
' B. Openings not suitably protected by overhang.
1. Heads of openings, wood frame walls:
a. Sheet metal extended behind finish siding material
and turned down over outside edge of head trim
unless drip cap extends behind and above bottom of
finished material; or
b. Three -ounce copper- coated building paper may be used
provided flashing is not exposed to weather more
than 211. Extend behind siding. Blind tack at out-
side edge of drip cap, 1" on center.
Heads and sills of openings, masonry - veneered wood
frame walls.
a. Material: Sheet metal or membrane waterproofing
material acceptable to Building Official.
b. Head flashing: Extend from front edge of lintel, up
and over top of lintel and up on sheathing under
building paper.
c. Sill flashing: Extend under masonry sill, up on
sheathing and under wood sill.
Heads and sills of openings, masonry walls.
a. Material: Sheet metal or membrane waterproofing
material acceptable to Building Official.
b. Head flashing: Extend from front edge of lintel, up
and over top of lintel, through wall and turn up 1"
on inside surface.
Sill flashing: Extend behind
c-. under and masonry sill.
Heads of openings, stuccoed wood frame walls:
a. Material: sheet metal.
b. Drip: Form drip on front edge of drip cap and
extend flashing up behind building paper underneath
C. Intersections.
Provide sheet metal flashing for all horizontal and
vertical intersections of stucco with other materials.
All flashing in connection with masonry walls shall have
flashing or counter - flashing built into masonry not less
than 1".
D. Valleys.
Rigid shingle roof covering:
a. Flash with sheet metal.
b. Flashing on:
1) Roof slopes less than 7 in 12, width 18 ".
2) Roof slopes 7 in 12 or more, width 12 ".
2. Asphalt shingle roof covering:
a. Flash with sheet metal; or
b. Two thicknesses of mineral surfaced roll - roofing
material cut from rolls weighing not less than 85#
per square. Bottom strip, 18" wide, tip strip at
least 36" wide, lapped 12 ".
E. Roof and Wall Intersections.
1. Sloping roof: Sheet metal flashings.
2. Flat roof: Sheet metal or same material as roof cover-
ing. When sheet metal is not used, install 450 cant
strip at roof and wall intersection.
F. 'Terrace or porch slabs. Suspended (reinforced) type or
bearing on the ground, which abut wood construction at
exterior wall.
1. Flashing material: Sheet metal.
2. Extend flashing at finish floors of terrace or porch
from 1/4" outside exterior face of finish, turn up 4"
behind exterior finish, thence turn down and extend 4"
below top of outside of foundation.
G. Chimneys.
1. All chimney and roof intersections, sheet metal flashing.
2. Cricket or saddle covering: Sheet metal.
Install gutters and downspouts unless omission is specifically
permitted by Building Official.
A. Materials.
1. Copper, 16- ounce, hard (cornice temper).
2. Galvanized sheet metal: 26 -gauge sheets, 1.25 ounce
(total weight both sides) zinc coating per square foot.
3. Solid wood gutters: Paint inside with two coats pitch
or three coats lead and oil after installation.
4. Aluminum or other metals of suitable weight acceptable
to Building Official.
B., Basket strainers..
1. Material: copper wire for copper gutters, heavily
galvanized wire for all other gutters.
2. Install strainers in all gutter outlets to down- spouts.
C. Roof water disposal: Provide outlet acceptable to Building
A. Lath and Plaster.
1. Wood Lath:
a. Maximum stud or furring spacing, 16" on center.
b. Lath, No. 1, 5/16" thick.
c. Space lath 1/4 to 3/8" apart. Break joints every
seventh lath, nail at each bearing.
2. Expanded metal lath:
a. Painted or galvanized lath.
b. Minimum weights; maximum spacing of supports.
Use Pounds per Yd. Stud Spacing
All dwellings 3.4 16"
x3.4 2011
x4.0 24"
xx3.0 24"
Joist Spacing
Ceilings: 3.4 16"
xx3.4 24"
x Flat Rib
xx High Rib
3. Gypsum Lath:
a. Minimum thickness, 3/811.
b. Size 16" x 4811.
c. Maximum stud or joist spacing, 16" on center.
d. Apply in accordance with manufacturer's directions.
4. Lathing:
as Heads of openings: Install lath so vertical joints
of first course of lath above head will not occur
on jamb studs.
Corner beads: Galvanized metal, for all external
Corner and joint reinforcing: Metal lath 2 -1/2"
lap on each surface.
Over solid wood surfaces: Install metal lath on
strips or use furring nails. Lap metal lath on
adjoining lath surfaces.
Stagger all joints.
5, Plaster:
Mix all plaster (lime and prepared) according to
manufacturer's recommendations.
' b.
' dry
B. Ceramic
Quick lime, slake thoroughly.
Minimum thickness, 1/2" over lath base, 3/4" over
metal lath. Finish all ceilings level and walls and
corners, plumb and straight.
ing Period: Allow sufficient time for plaster to
thoroughly before application of trim.
' Waterproof all surfaces prior to the application of the
setting coat of adhesive.
C. Bath - Shower Walls.
' 1. Surface materials: Dense, smooth and water - repellent.
Walls of showers and bath enclosures with shower heads
' shall be so surfaced to a height not less than six feet
above shower bases and not less than four feet above lip
` of tubs.
2. Backing Materials: Backing materials shall be suitable
for application of tile or other approved surfaces. If
plaster is used, Portland Cement shall be used.
' 3. Installation: Installation of backing materials, and
required waterproofing shall be in accordance with
' manufacturer's recommendations. All joints and other
openings.shall be caulked or otherwise protected from
infiltration of water.
' D. Dry Wall Finish.
1. Minimum Thickness: Actual Inches
Type of Wall Finish Spacing of Studs or Furring Strips
16 20 24
Wood Boards 3/8 1/2 1/2
' Plywood 1/4 3/8 3/8
Gypsum Board 1/2 5/8 3/4
' 2. Other types of boards, including compressed dense comp -
psition board less than 1/2" thick, may be used when
acceptable.to the Building Official. Maximum stud
' spacing 16" on center.
1 —50—
E. Heater Room and Utility Room Interior Finish.
1. Materials: 1 -hour fire - resistive construction. See
NBFU - Building Code -55.
2. Installation.
a. Apply over all combustible materials, including
ceiling area, within 4 feet of unit and flue pipe.
A. Cement Floors.
1. Mix: See 304 -B and 304 -K -2.
2. Heater room floors where solid or liquid fuel is used:
a. Minimum thickness, 411.
b. Use sheet metal over tops of joists for concrete
forms or cut in 1" boards flush with top.of joists.
If wood boards are used, remove after the slab has
c. Reinforce slab with wire mesh weighing not less than
30 lbs. per 100 slq. ft., or with 1/4" bars spaced
1 foot on center each way.
3. Heater room floors on wood construction where gas
burning equipment raises temperature of floor to above
1600, comply with the provisions of 2 above. See
American Gas Association specifications.
B. Wood Floors. See 307 -C -5.
1. Materials.
a. Flooring: Kiln -dried materials.
b. Strip flooring, hardwood or softwood, minimum
thickness 25/32", maximum width 2 -1/4" for hardwood,
3 -1/4" for softwood. 3/8" thickness may be used
where laid directly on a subfloor. Wider widths
(plank flooring) and parquet flooring may be used
when precautions are taken to prevent warping or
c. Nails: Maximum spacing, 16" on center.
d. Building paper, deadening felt or other approved
materials: Apply under all finish flooring unless
floor is insulated.
2. Installation.
a. Finish flooring over subflooring: Apply at right
angles to subflooring except when subflooring is
laid diagonally.
b. Finish flooring on strips; wood strips, minimum size,
1" x 211; maximum spacing, 16" on center. Apply
strips over building paper or deadening felt on top
of subflooring.
c. Strip flooring on concrete: Apply on not less than
2" x 2" sleepers embedded in.concrete.
d. Wood block floorings on concrete: Set blocks in
mastic and install in accordance with flooring
manufacturer's directions. Concrete slabs shall be
waterproofed and insulated as approved by the
Building Official.
C. Ceramic Tile. See 307- C -5 -f.
1. Materials. See ASTM C 126 - Current Edition.
2. Grade: Not less than Standard grade.
3. Setting bed.
a. Mix 1 part Portland Cement, 4 parts sand; or 1- -part
Portland Cement, 2 parts sand, and 4 parts pea -size
b. Minimum thickness: 1 -1/4 ", if reinforced with wire
mesh; 3" when installed below top of chamfered
joists, with finish tile surface at least 1 -1/2"
above tops of joists.
4. When applied over wood subfloor: Install asphalt satu-
rated felt over sub -floor underneath the wire mesh.
5. Thin set mastic method: To be applied as per manufac-
turer's recommendations.
D. Resilient Flooring and Wall to Wall Carpeting.
1. Do not apply rubber tile or linoleum on slabs resting on
the ground. Resilient tile, except rubber tile and
linoleum, may be used on slabs bearing on the ground
provided water proof cement is used.
2. Hardboard, plywood or similar underlayment leveler
having a nominal thickness of 1/4" shall be used over
wood sub - floors to provide a smooth, flat surface for
the finish floor covering, except where 3/4" tongue and
groove flooring has been.used (including wall to wall
carpeting.) Apply in accordance with manufacturer's
3. Adhesive for flooring to be waterproof; type as recomm-
ended by manufacturer of the floor covering.
A. Attached and Built -in Garages.
1. Construction same as required for the dwelling.:;
2. If door opening occurs between garage and dwelling:
Provide 6" curb at the service door, or construct garage
floor 6" lower than adjoining floor.
3. Installation of house heating unit or other fuel burning
appliance in garage space not permitted. Install parti-
tion between space containing house heating unit and
garage space. Doors are not permitted common to heater
room and garage.
4. Wood frame walls and doors common to dwelling and
garage: Finish on garage side to be 1 -hour fire resis-
tive construction. Where gable -type breezeway connectior
is used, a 1 -hour fire resistive bulkhead may be
established in the attic space directly above and
continuous from the interior 1 -hour fire resistive
garage._wall. Where rooms occur over garage area, ceil-
ings and all walls shall be of 1 -hour fire resistive
construction. Service doors common to dwelling are to
be 1 -hour fire resistive. 1 -3/4" solid wood will be
considered in lieu of a rated door.
B. One -story Detached Garages and Accessory Buildings:
1. Comply with construction requirements for 1 -story
dwellings with the following exceptions:
a. Footings, minimum.6" deep and 16" wide not less than
18" below finish grade.
b. Foundation wall, minimum 8" of poured concrete or
solid masonry.
c. Grade beam construction permitted consisting of a
4" concrete floor on minimum 4 11.of crushed stone or
gravel poured monolithically with a minimum 10"
thickened outer edge a width of 20" around perimeter
of building, said 20" grade beam to be of equal
depth and on undisturbed soil.
d. Studs, maximum spacing 24" o.c. Doubling of studs
not required on jambs of openings less than 3'5"
e. Wall sheathing and building paper may be omitted if
corner bracing is used. Each corner is to be braced
from top outward in two directions to a minimum of
72" from corner at sill plate, and may be applied on
the inside surface of studs, minimum 1" x 4 ".
f. Corner post may be two 2" x 4 1's or one 4" x 4 ".
g. Top plate may be single, provided rafters occur
directly over studs and plate at corners is lapped
to provide tie.
h. Rafter ties at eaves not less than 2 "'x 4 1's, maximum
spacing 6 feet o.c.
i. Flooring may be gravel if foundation is in accord-
ance with 315 -B -1 a and b. If concrete, minimum
4" on minimum 4" of crushed stone or gravel and
sloped to drain.
1 -53 -
' Abbreviation and Name of Standard -- Address
' A. C. Is .................. American Concrete Institute
18263 W. McNichols Rd., Detroit, Mich.
A. H. A. American Hardboard Association
20 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago 6, Ill.
A. I. S. C. ............... American Institute of Steel Constructioi
' 100 Park Ave., New York 17, N. Y.
A. I. S. I. American Iron and Steel Institute
' 150 E. Forty- Second Street
New York 17, New York
' A. S. T. M . ............... American Society for Testing Materials
206 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa.
F. S .. ......0..........0... Federal Specifications
' U. S. Department of Commerce
General Service Administration
219 S. Clark St., Chicago, Illinois
' G. A. Gypsum Association
201 N. Wells Street, Chicago 6, Ill.
' I. B. I* .................. Insulation Board Institute
111 W. Washington St., Chicago, Ill.
' N. B. F. U. ............... National Board of Fire Underwriters
85 John Street, New York, New York
N. L. M. A. .o.o.o......... National Lumber Manufacturing Assoc.
' 176 W. Adams Street, Chicago, Ill.
S. J. I. Steel Joist Institute
' 1346 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D. C.
Aggregates, Concrete
Aggregates, Lightweight, Structural
Block, Glass
Board, Sheathing
Board, Fiber
Brick, Common
Brick, Concrete
Standard and Specification
Number of Volume
ASTM C 33 -61T
ASTM C 330 -60T
National Building Code -
55 (NBFU)
ASTM C 79 -54
FS- LLL- F -321b
ASTM C 6262
ASTM C 55 -55
Brick, Face
ASTM C 216 -62
Brick, Fire
FS- HH- B -67ld
Cast Stone
ACI 704 -44
Cement, Portland
ASTM C 150 -62
Cement, Prepared Masonry
(for Mortar)
ASTM C 91 -60
Concrete, Masonry Units,
Hollow Load
ASTM C 90 -59
Concrete, Masonry Units,
Solid Load
ASTM C 145 -59
Fire Resistance Ratings
NBFU -55
Lime, Hydrated
ASTM C 207 -49
Lime, Quick
ASTM C 5 -59
National Design Stds.
1962 (NLMA)
Shingles, Asbestos Cement
FS- SS- S -291c
Shingles, Slate
FS -SS -S -451
Steel, For Bridges and Buildings
ASTM A 7 -61T
FS- QQ- B -101c
Tile, Ceramic
ASTM C 126 -62
Tile, Facing, Glazed and
ASTM C 126 -62
Tile, Footing Drain
ASTM C 4 -62
Tile, Load Bearing
ASTM C 34 -62
Tile, Non Load Bearing
ASTM C 56 -62
Note: All Standard Numbers shall be referred to as the
latest current edition.
SECTION That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict
TWO: herewith, are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby
SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish
THREE: this ordinance in pamphlet form.
SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect
FOUR: from and after its passage, approval and publication
as provided by law.
PASSED this lst day of July, A.D. 1968.
APPROVED this lst day of July, A.D. 1968.
Catherine B. Price
Village Clerk
H. Ross Finney
Village President
Published in pamphlet form by authority
of the corporate authorities of the
Village of Deerfield, Illinois, the lst
day of July, A.D. 1968.
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -68 -28
SECTION That Article II of Chapter 22 of the Municipal Code
ONE: of the Village of Deerfield of 1963, as amended,
be and it is hereby further amended by striking
said Article in its entirety and substituting in lieu thereof
the following:
SECTION That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in
TWO: conflict herewith, are, to the extent of such
conflict, hereby repealed.
SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to
THREE: publish this ordinance in pamphlet form.
SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and
SOUR: effect from and after its passage, approval and
publication as provided by law.
AYES: S 1 X (6) ,
PASSED this 1st day of July , A.D. 1968.
APPROVED this. 1st day of July , A.D. 1968.
W, 4Qz'-Z-- Z
illage President
Village Clerk