O-68-29ORDINANCE NO. 0-68=29 ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINA AN ORDINANCE 111AKING AlnPROPRIATIONS FOR CORPORAL ATE PURPOSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING hfAY 1, 1968 AND ENDING APRIL 30, 1969. ESi - &� BE IT ORDAINED BY THE � AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS, TPAT : Section 1. The following sums of money, or so much thereof as may be authorized by law, be and the same are hereby appropriated for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1968 and ending April 30, 1969, to the several municipal purposes following: A. GENERAL ADMINISTP..ATION PURPOSES FUND Amount of Appropriation 1. Salaries $110, 000.00 2. Temporary Employment 15,000-00 3. Professional Services - faster Plan Preparation 22, 000.00 C. P. A. Services 5,000-00 Investigations and Studies 5,000-00 Other 1,000.00 4. Insurance and Bonds 7,000.00 5. Zngineering and Contract Work Village Hall Improvements and Repairs: Parking Lot Improvement 7,000-00 Partition Changes I)-000.00 Air Conditioner Repairs 2)1000.00 Painting 500.00 6. Advertising: Legal and Special 2P500.00 7. Electricity - Lighting 1, 000.00 8. Telephone and Telegraph 5,000-00 9. _Maps, Periodicals, Printing 500.00 10. Postage 2,500-00 11. Radio Service 200.00 12. License Plates$ Badges 200.00 13. New ?'Motor Vehicle 1,400.00 14. Automobile .'Maintenance 800.00 15. Other Tquipment (Maintenance 10000.00 16. Equipment and /or Furniture Purchase Public Address System 750.00 Furniture 500.00 File Cabinets 250.00 16. equipment and /or Furniture Purchase: Tape Recorder 375.00. Typewriter 800.00 Carpeting 500.00 Chairs 100.00 Desk 400.00 17. Suppl ies 4,000.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricanta 400.00 21. Fuel and Heat 1,500.00 22. Building and Ground Maintenance 800.00 23. L1,1earing Apparel 100.00 24. Dues and . ",AFrnberships 1, 200.00 25. Travel 2$200.00 26. Land Acquisitions 1,50, 000.00 27. Chemicals and Cleaning ',faterial 500.00 28. 'mall Tools and ,Sundry Items 300.00 29. Rriscellaneous 500.00 30. Equipment Renta.' 500.00 31. Election Expenses 2, 000.00 34. Legal Fees and Retainer 35, 000.00 35. Planning Com.niss on Expense .Planning Consultant Fees and Retainer 10, 000.00 36. Board of Zoning Appeals Legal Advertising 400.00 Reporter Fees 400.00 37. Board of Building Appeals -Ad v*Aising 300..60 Reporter Fees 200..0.0 38. Dog mound Operation 300.00 39. Yo uth Co un cil Secretarial Services 30'0.00 "Ieeting Expenses 300.00 Postage 400.00 40. Sister City Committee - Supplies and wervices 200.00 41. Puman Relations Commission :77ecretarial 200.60 Supplies 200.00 42. Real Estate Review 3oard Advertising 400.00 Court Reporter 300.00 .Secretarial Services 300.00 43. Employee In Service Training Tuition Costs 2.000 06 TOTAL $409,475.00 -2- M C. POLICE, DEPARTI' -ENT 1. Salaries 290, 000.00 2. Temporary M--riployment 25,000-00 3. - rofessional Services 1,000.00 4. Insurance and Bonds 8,000.00 5. Contracts 500.00 6. Advertising Notices 600.00 7. Telephone and Telegraph 3, 000.00 9. I, ,Taps, Periodicals, Printing 1, 000.00 11. Fadio Service 2$000.00 12. License .dates, Badges 300.00 13. New ATotor Vehicles 9,000.00 14. Automobile .�laintenance 4,000-00 15. Equipment 1\ aintenance 600.00 10. Postage 500.00 16. Other New Equipment Purchase Photographic Equipment 2,000.00 Desk Chair 80.00 Dual Amplifiers, Control 800.00 Ne w Radio 1,,500-00 Radar Unit 1,200.00 Training Supplies 3,000-00 17. Supplies 210800.00 18. Signs 200.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 5,000-00 23. % ✓earing Apparel 5,000-00 24. Dues and lvlemberships 200.00 25. Travel and Training 4,500-00 28. ,small Tools and Sundry Items .150.00 29. lvmiscellaneous 500.00 30. Equipment Rental 200.00 38. Safety Council Survey Expense 150.00 Professional Training 200.00 39. Board of Police Commissioners Legal .Advertising 500.00 Secretarial Services 400.00 Examination Costs 600.00 TOTAL $374,480-00 CIVIL DEFENSE 5. Contracts Warning Equipment Purchase Installation of System 29. kfiscellaneo us TOTAL -3- 60000.00 2,000.00 -_- 750.00 $10,750-00 D. T,JATER DEP.AR TNIENT 1. Salaries 40, 000.00 2. Part Time and Overtime 7,000.00 4. Insurance and Bonds 2,500.00 5. Engineering and Contract Work Professional 30, 000.00 Cathodic Protection on tiTater Tank 750.00 Water Main Extensions 40, 000.00 Reservoir Construction Completion 200, 000.00 Leakfinder ,service 5,000.00 6. Advertising, Legal and Special 100.00 7. Electricity 9, 000.00 8. Telephone and Telegraph 800.00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 200.00 10. Postage 800.00 11. Radio Service 150.00 12. License Plates, Badges 50.00 14. Motor Vehicle ?-faintenance 700.00 15. Other Equipment -Maintenance 10000.00 16. New Equipment Purchase Earth Auger 2$000.00 17. 11aterials and Supplies 8,800.00 18. T ireters and Parts 20, 000.00 19. Mater Purchases 275, 000.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 500.00 24. Dues and 1-Temberships 50.00 23. Wearing Apparel 200.00 25. Travel and Training 200.00 27. Chemicals and Aggregate 1, 000.00 28. Small Tools and Sundry Items 200.00 29. 1'fiscellaneous 1,000.00 30. Equipment Rentals 1,000.00 32. Office Rental 5,000-00 40. VZater Revenue .Bond Ordinance - rincipal and Interest 45,000-00 Bank Agency Fees 200300 ._ TOTAL $698, 200.00 E. SEDER DEPAI2TI' ,:ZNT 114AINTENANCE 1. Salaries 2. Part Time and O verti m e 3. Professional Services Engineering Fees 4. Insurance and Bonds 5. Contract TtJbrk TV Inspection -4- 60,000.00 7,000.00 6,000.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 F. 6. � r .Advertising, Legal and Special 100.00 9. -Yaps, Periodicals, Printing 100.00 10. Postage 600.00 11. Radio Service 100.00 12. License Plates, Badges 25.00 13. New Motor Vehicle Purchase 4,500.00 14. 1' -lotor Vehicle -4aintenance •575.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 2, 000.00 16. New Equipment Purchase 4,500-00 16. Diaphragm Pump 600.00 17. 11faterials and Supplies 10$000.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 200.00 23. gearing .Apparel 200.00 27. Chemicals and .Aggregate 2, 000; 00 28. Small Tools and Sundry Items 200.00 29. Sewer Reconstruction 50i 000.00 30. Equipment Rental 1,500-00 31. Bonds and Interest (Revenue) 10, 994.00 32. Building and Office Rent 10, 000.00 33. Sewer Revenue Bond Ordinance 150.00 25. Depreciation Fund Expense _ 2,000.00 TOTAL $175,194.00 SEblAGE TREATMENT PLANT 1. Salaries 38, 000.00 2. Fart Time and Overtime 7,500-00 4. Insurance and Bonds 2,000.00 5. Engineering Contracts 6)1000.00 7. Electricity 10, 000.00 8. Telephone and Telegraph 200.00 9. flaps, Periodicals.. Printing 100.00 14. IV otor Vehicle Maintenance 250.00 15. Other Equipment -;'faintenance 4,500-00 16. New Equipment Purchase Gear Box 750.00 Odor Control Equipment 40, 000.00 Construction of Drying Beds 8,000.00 17.. Materials and Supplies 5,000-00 18.. Gauges and Signs 200.00 19. Later Purchases 500.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 400.00 21.. Fuel and Heat 1,500.00 22. Building and Grounds I- Maintenance 2, 000.00 23. Wearing .Apparel 150.00 25. Travel and Training 150.00 27.. Chemicals and Cleaning Supplies 11, 000.00 -5- G. 28. Small Tools and Sundry Itei �3 100.00 2,0. 14iscellaneous 500.00 30. .0quipment f2ental 500.00 35. Filter Dome Construction 110.000.00 TOTAL $249,300-00 STREET AND BRIDGE G 1. :salaries 45,000-00 2, Part Time and Overtime 20, 000.00 4. Insurance and Bonds 5,000,00 5. Contract L -Tork Side walk Repairs 10, 000.00 Dangerous Branch & Tree Pruning 4,000.00 Curb Reconstruction 1,000.00 Street Resurfacing 15,000-00 Dutch Elm Disease Control 3,000-00 Street Paving 15,000-00 6. Advertising 100.00 7. Electricity, Street Lighting 12, 000.00 9, I'Iaps, Periodicals, Printing 1,500.00 11. �7adio Service 200.00 12. License J'lates, Badges .100.00 14. 4" "otor Vehicle ilaintenance 2,500-00 15. Other 7quipment 11aintenance 3,000-00 16. New Equipment 1-Purchase Street Sweeper 15,000-00 Salt Spreader 5,000-00 17. 11.1aterials and Supplies Street Maintenance 30o000-00 18. Street Signs 3,000-.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 3..500.6o 23. Apparel 200.00 24. Dues and !Wlemberships 50.00 25. Travel 200.00 27. Chemicals 12, 000.00 28. Small Tools and Sundry Items 200.00 29. TATiscellaneous 4,500.00' 30. Administrative Expenses 10#000.00' 48. Hazel Avenue Bridge Construction 45,000-00 Village Reforestation - Tree Replacement 2,000.00 Street Light Renovation 62000.00 Deerfield - LYaukegan Intersection Redesign 15,000-00 Arterial Street 14aintenance Work 32, 000.00 North Avenue .storm Sewer 12, 000.00 Overlayment Project 85, 000.00 49. .equipment Rental "_. __ 600.00 TOTAL $416,650-00 IM H. ILLINOIS 1,Y UNICIPAL RETIREM ENT FUND Villagers Contribution $36.1000.00 .FOND AND INTEREST FUND General Obligation - ,Sewer Improvement Bonds Principal and Interest, 1954 $45,750-00 Principal and Interest, 1960 40, 850.00 Municipal Building Bonds - 1956 Issue Principal 10, 000.00 Interest 2.100.00__ . TOTAL $98, 700.06 J. POLICE PENSION FUND Village's Contribution $25,00101,00 K. PUBLIC BENEFITS TAX FUND .payment of Public Benefits $10,000.00 L. VILLAGE LIBRARY 1. Staff Salaries 51,500.06 2. Books and Other Library Materials Books 12, 000, 00 1"'eriodicals 1,,500; 00 Recordings 500.00 Binding ,3,,500; 00 3. Building Costs and Maintenance Service and Repairs on Building 2,000.00 Custodial Service 2, 000.00 Building and Equipment Reserve Fund 20, 000:00 Architectural & Consultant Fees 5 00.0; 00 4. Equipment and Supplies Equipment 4,.000,.:00 Library Supplies, rentals & repairs 2,000,00 Postage 500.00 5. Utilities Telephone 1, 000.00 Electricity 1,000.00 Fuel 700.00 6. -!14iscellaneo us Surety Bonds and Insurance 400.00 Legal and .Audit. Fees 3,000-00 Petty Cash 500.00 Convention expense, Professional dues, travel �Wowance .1.000.00 TOTAL $132,100.00 St1!lMARY OF .A.t ?ROP .ATION.s A -3. General Administration Purposes Fund C. Civil Defense D. T,7ater Department E . Sewer Department F. Sewage Treatment Plant G. Street and Bridge E.T. Illinois 1'•:- unicipal ,t::etirement Fund I. Bond and Interest Fund General Obligation, Sewer $86, 600.00 Municipal Building Bonds 12,100.00 J. Police Pension Fund K. Public Benefits Tax Fund L. Village Library TOTAL A114OUNT .APPRO?RIATED $783,955.00 10,750.00 698,200.00 175,194.00 249,300-00 418,650-00 .36, 000.00 98, 700.00 25,000.00 10,000.00 .112, 100.00 $2,617,849. 00 Section 2. All unexpended balances of any .item or items. of any general expense appropriation made by this ordinance may be expended in making up any deficiency in apy item or items in the same general appropriation and for the same general-purpose or in a like appropriation made by this Ordinance. Section 3. All unexpended balances from the- annual appro- priations of previous years are hereby re- appropriated. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, publication in accordance with the law. PASSED: This 15th ATTEE T: Catherine B, Price Village Clerk day of July , 1968. AFL ROVED : - _% '/ Z�W� F-- __ H. ROSS-" FINNEY, P%?FS I hE /'r- r I� 'J 4 k r July 1968, Highland Park News 1238 Old Skokie Road Highland Park, Illinois 60035 Dear Sirs: Please publish the enclosed Appropriation Ordinance in the July 24th issue of the.Deerfieid Review. Dili the Village of Deerfield and send me an Affidavit of Publication. Thank you. Very truly yours. Catherine B. Price Village Clerk