O-68-17V I L L;A G E .. 0 . F D E E R F I E L D I L L -1 N D I S * ORDINANCE'. NO..' I AN ORDINANCE. AMENDING SECTION V '. OF .THEE .ZONING 'ORDINANCE OF THE . VILLAUZOYDEERFIELD. PASSED'. and APPROVED ' by- the. : 'President, and Board, ;of Truste:&s. the'. :' 156 -day. of Apri*i ...... 'A .D.. 1, 6T,—: Fub1ished in. pamphlet-.. .form: by. authority. pf th6,'Corporate- authorities" ;of the: Village-df Deer:field, -.Illinois,,: th&,:'15th- -day f p . Ap r i, 1 A. D'.: 198.. , ppppp,t V I L L;A G E .. 0 . F D E E R F I E L D I L L -1 N D I S * ORDINANCE'. NO..' I AN ORDINANCE. AMENDING SECTION V '. OF .THEE .ZONING 'ORDINANCE OF THE . VILLAUZOYDEERFIELD. PASSED'. and APPROVED ' by- the. : 'President, and Board, ;of Truste:&s. the'. :' 156 -day. of Apri*i ...... 'A .D.. 1, 6T,—: Fub1ished in. pamphlet-.. .form: by. authority. pf th6,'Corporate- authorities" ;of the: Village-df Deer:field, -.Illinois,,: th&,:'15th- -day f p . Ap r i, 1 A. D'.: 198.. , 'ORDINANCE'. NO..:, :0-­6!8._-17 AN- 'ORDINANCE. AMENDING. SECTION V .OF .THEE IONING ORDINANCE. 'OF THE. VILLAGE 'OF DEERFIELD WHEREAS,,: the., ?Ian .Cbhmission of the" Village. of Deerfield., .pursuant to. propernot1ce*.,: hAs.*. held a p.ub,!,ic hearing upon the.'. 's,tiblect'. inattier. -.of a certain. amendmen.t to. th6, Zoning -Ordinance. of th6. Village: ,of Deerfie.ld;• . and . WHEREAS,,. U6,'said;:Plan. Commission has- redommeridedthat the corporate-. 'authdrittes: amerid, said,, Zoning -Ordinance.,as, hereinafter. -provided.. ! N - THEREFORE. - IT ' BY, THE 'PRESIDENT, ANU.BOARD. OW,!. -BE 'ORDAINED, .OF TRUSTEES. OF THE XILLAGK.OF DEERFIELD..." 'LAKE AND. -COOK -COUNTIES., ILLINOIS.., AS. .FOLLOWS:: 'SECTION That' Setti:oh V -of thei Zoning -Ordinance. For The.. Village. 'ONE: -of Deerfield., pas.sed -Ma '-4; y :1.9531" as, 'amended., be. and .the. same :Ls:. hereby... Xurtheir 'amended by : :adding th6- following nev�.. paragraph •19-: .1119,., � Th&_followihg pub-11a. uti1ity, _uses':shAl1 be" permitte4 within: easements" -or Aedi-cate-.d pub.1J,c.,iqa'ys. in any distr1ct':: po,le-s',- wires'.,:-,cab.lez*,` onduits-. vaults., :- 1aterAls,.,--, pipe mains, -y.alves'..,, and any -other. similar., -transmission and distrIb-titi-.on. e4tkip;- merit *(:5..ut..not 'including distrlbtitton :centers,. and. .. zubst:attons).,,> provided that-, the :installation thereof shall conform, with. the.rule-s'. and xegulatton& of th6-'. applie abler. ` administrati-ve: -`auth.6rit1.es*..` . 'SECTION That ,al-1 -ordinances. and parts: 'of. -ordinances*. iri-.con.f-liet.: f z'uch''confli,et: ;.'Two-: her:ewith are.,: the* ektent. P A he.reby. repealed. 'SECTION -That the., Vill-age. Z.1'erk, .'is', hdrreby; dire.ct.e.d to- publi-sh 'this. - THREE: -Ordinance. in. pamphlet:, -,form,. - "SECTION -That. this.. -Ordinance' :sh-dll b&. '14 ifull,,.:force. and, -e-f feet- '.from tixon as , proe- :FOUR and, d, -after. -its: p as*s age. `:.approval and p.ubii-ea vided by. -1aw..' ABSTAIN: ONE I 'AYES.: F I VE (5) NAYS:' NONE (0) ABSENT.:'. NONE (0) :PASSED thJ:s,:.­j5jh .,d - ay, of . . . 'Apr.; I APPROVED this': 15th - -day -of Apri 1 ;'A. D*.: 19,68., ATTEST':'. Village ?Reslderit, Village:.`.C.lerk, -