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V I L L A G E Q F ' U E* E R F I E L'D I L L I N D I S 'ORDINANCE. NO- -0-!6Z= 15 AN 'ORDINANCE APPROVING A DEVELGPMENT. - (11OVLAND. LOT' -pas,s�ed.:and%: approved .by- the* -' - -President, -and .Board: -of Trustee's' the, ' 15th,-, day, pf APHI` 'A*. D.: .PublIshed In, pamphlet', :form; by. auth6ri ' ty: pf the. 'zorporate' .authdr-itles'. pf. the, Village 'pf Deerfield, :.Illinois,- th . e- .15-t'h'- • ,day -P f ... A ij A:.'D771-9-6T,. 'ORDINANCE. NG.: .AN-DRIDINANCE -'APPROVING. A 'PLANNED. DEVELOPMENT' '(HOVLAND LOT '%a,6')'. I . ..WHEREAS,. the. Plan Commission of th&, Village.:: ;of D.e&r:field, haa. hdret�ofore., held a publi*a; hearing. .on the, -appl-1cation of STEVE. E... 'SABOL, for th6. -*approval. pf a single:,, .family residential, planned. .development. !of certain: real :estate hdreihafter : dez'crib&d.lo-cated -in, the'. Hovland -Subdivision and :classified in. the R .. 1-'R District'.,. -of the'!'Zoning -Ordinance'. `of the., Village "of Deerfie1d;,. and . WHEREAS,,',.said; hearing, wa:s. held"pursuant -to. duly, publ1shed noti:ce:th6r'eot -and" was, -in..all� resp-ect's: h6ld'according to'. -law;-. and WHEREAS.,.,, the. Plan- Commission pf. the: Village: ,of De-6rf•eld-, after cohs.ideftng, th6. '.e Videirice . adduced,- Tv C�omme ride d. that .S'ai' d -1 merit. be. 'approved. *s. planned. , de.Ve op tibj'ect.., . certain, conditions and , -restricUons,. .NOW,t' THEREFORE.,' BE. 'IT, 'ORDkINED_ BY THE. 'PRESIDENT. ANU, BOARD OF TRUSTEES: "OF THE. VILLAGE 'OF DEERFIELD, :LAKE. AND. COOK.C.0-UNTIES, -ILLINOIS.,'. AS FOLLOWS:: SECTION -That, the.- 'proposed single, family ..planned-'- residential. de-' ONE.: velopment, of the, real -estate: ie,gally: destrib,ed.as- :follows.: -on of J.'. 'S.:ovld. First' Addition lin: the'. �s.ubdivis-i H an Addition to: Deertieal:d.,,",a Subdivision -of the Zouthp= west- Quarter,`.:.(e'kcept:. th6-.No.rthvie]stQuart-e'r. of the. Northwest- Quarter_ th6r.*e-.d.,f).,,qf Seetton 32.,', Td-wriship: J .42.' North., Range: '12,,1. -East,- ".of the Third; -Principal Meridian, in:,Lake�. "County ".:.Illinois:,- and as zet:,'.-forth. .'and dez:-Cribed. on the, attached:* plan Pf development and preliminary, plat. ;of res.ubdivis.ion., wh1ch.plan. and, plat. of re-'. .subdivision are':made- a part..,of this: Ordinance," be and dt-is.-, h6r.eby*. approved -subject. to: th6..'cohditions-and r.estr.ictions; hdr:eih.a•ter. .set:, "forth.'. 'SECTION That the -.'approval ,of -said.planned de,v.*eldpmerit,,is...,conditi:oned -TWO.: -upon the,, "following.: : l.', -That. th6, ..Steve' E.' -Sabo'.l,., dedi-cate. 'the, West- thl:rty! -feet. Of .Lot' :86 to. the' Village e ' ;of. Deerfield as and for .street: purposez -and, that-, prior to: the'dssuance..of a bui,-lding permit. -; ;2 !_ 8 ma be`. re, for Lot- 6 nor any thereof as thj6,'zAme . y s In-'accordance'. with th.6. -.proposed,* 'planned de.Vel.opmenti he*• 'shall. Suff icient,, X.unds 'in; es:.crow With th6, Village., 'or. make, 'other: provision 'satisfactory. ' to. thd Village to- Insure: 'of his. propor- t,i:onate-. sh-are.of th.6,Ins,t-allatIon of, full-. .*Stre&.t* Improvements-,- . including pavement,,` zdrbl,'.. gutter., .,st-otm, sewer :,-• street. igns, and street. AightIng,.,: in, ,Accordance* with, the.'applicabIe- 'provision& of the'. Village '.Code.'. 2.1. '.That th6, de.veloper:,'.: .' St'e,.-Ve' E." Sabd.l,'.- ..cohstr�uct�. andl (including :all appurtehAnces" - install:, :full storm. ze,4er. lmprovemeritsi� and connections, ne.cessa ' ry: to* -cohnect.'. th.6. - same: :to: a -trunk, 'st-orm, sewer U* be'InstalledAn: Laurel. Avenue)',: st.r.eet* light'ingand street. signs, :in,'acc*ordance. with the. applIcabIe* provision& pf the :Village I Code In, the:, following. ztreet.s'l -or pottIons. thereof :. That p-ortIon of Rozew.o.od Avehue: -..upon whI-ch..'Ldt �front•,.;-. That portion of Birchvao.od Avenue., 'upon: much-Idt ,86,frontz-.;:,or ..contribute: his. proportionate: share. 'of th-ei_-Costl- .of. such. 'imp rovement s. in. the:..e.,Veht, :such.Impr.ovements, are. Installed by. oth,6rz:.- That 'in: the d 'everit -,all. other.. owrier.s-. of prope-rty fronting on the', or portions the're f des:crib.&d in. Paragraph, '2. 'cohtri"., bute: their: proport.i:onate:'sh-dres.' -of the'. .'.Cost: 'of street" Imp.r.o.veiyients,,- then the.. 'dev.eloper.,'.. Ste.Ve'. E... Sabdl.,., shAll..,cons-truct-*. -and,dns,tall• *full- street'. Improveiiierits:,- Incl4ding- pavement ,,: :curb, and :gutter. in; said. -streets -or port,lons, th6r..e.df.. 4., :.That -in: the' . verit, that the, Village: Hof Dee'r�,field,shAll.,, e thr-ough special .,assessment, proce.ed:Lngs-,*.-..cohstr-uct,-. and install, :im-- pr.ovements: In. the'.'str-eet'a. -or port.lonst th6redf. des:Crib6d. in, paragraph, 2 :the' developer :,, Ste.-Ve", E. -Sabdl,-,,:shdll :contribute : .and pay. to: the*.' pub-11c.. benefit-;, :fund pf the', Village '-.,of Dee'xTield the*. sum. -of .$11,:00.0. ', for 6ach'..'street'. Inter.se-ctIori .,constructed. and- Installed through.' special .-assessment, proceedingz-.- ! 5-+ . The',approval � * of said planned development•. which' As, - hereby: given :reflects: in. parti-cular the 'minimal Iot- area variation from the-, 'standard. of th-6 -Drdin6nce". whlch*. 'does'. not: -'.-ekcebd.18- 1sq-qare. .feet', :for any of :the .'lots: in. the, proposed. planned -dev'elopment,.: _. 3 '!- .'SECTION That the. approval --of said, planned. de.'Vel"opmerit 'is. h6reb ' y- - THREE.: giveri with th6. 'under'standing that -in, the' * bVerit -.all: 'of the.:owriers: ;of property; -.fronting. on the. streets, -or .por -. tions. ther,epf- deistribe4- In: ,paragraph'12 Se'cti:on Two: hereof. do h t e -h-c, -.,pf street'. ,not. _,cohtribtite theA:r. proportiona . -*s ire. -*.of. thd. .'Cost. Impro.Veterits., or make : :other: provision with.."respect. th6reto: ac.ceptable- to. the'.Ue.Veloper.,., th6 Village. ".of De6 * rfie-1d-,,.,.to. th.6. extexit It Is - t onstruct,''and install -said .legally auth-6riz6d., Will. undertake. - G..0 Ztre6t'.Improvemerits'. -.by.' special aszez'smerit. pro.ceedings..- 'SECTION-Z, That. the. -approval of the- ,planned dev.e1opmerit: heY.eby' -given FOUR:: Is. -siibSect. tathe turthdr cohditi-on that thd.developer..,.. . St.e.Ve' E.*. -S.abdl,.". subniit,, tor approval a, final plat ,of re!.-'. 'subdivision of th.6, real- estate: ,destribe'd.1n: SectiDn One her.eo f and, 'ekaept,_,as :oth6rwite- provided. in: th1s.. -Ordinance toinply'. with.', all', requirenierita ,of th6. Village, bode. of the.. Village: 'of Deerfield he.cessa.ry-,.:for th6,approval ,of said, final, :p-lat SECTION That. the.. Village: -Clerk.1a; h6r.eby. direct."e.d.tapub,11sh- 'FIVE.:' this: 0rdinance'. In: pamphlet; :form:.- SECTION ThAt this. -Ordina -nee' hall. :be: Irk: :full. :force. and effect: from -and, after. Its:. SIX!:, pass'a'ge:,' .:approval and pub-Iicatkon as -provided by. 1aw.' AYES.: six (6) .;WAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT.:. NONE (0) .PASSED- this'.- ..15th . -day, -of , 'Apri I -,A*.'D'.. 19,68.. APPROVED- this: � '15th -ATTEST: Village,.- .C.1--erk, -day. ,,of - - -1 -1 .April 'K. D'.. 1:96.8.. Village.- P.resIderit,'.