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ORDINANCE NO. 0 -67 -45 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN LAND TO THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS WHEREAS,, the following described territory contains less than sixty (60) acres and is wholly bounded by the corporate limits of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, said territory is not included within the corporate boundaries of any other city or village and is contiguous to the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, the corporate authorities of the Village of Deer- field have determined that the annexation of said territory to the Village of Deerfield is in the best interests of said Village. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the territory described as: ONE: Lots 2 and 3 in Derrland Park Unit No. 1 Sub- division, Section 30, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, Lake County, Illinois, an accurate map of which territory is attached hereto and made a part hereof, which territory contains less than sixty (60) acres and is wholly bounded by the corporate limits of the Village of Deerfield, be and it is hereby annexed to the Village of Deerfield. SECTION That the Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield TWO: is hereby directed to file in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lake County, Illinois, a copy of this Ordinance, together with an accurate map of the territory hereby annexed. 2 SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and THREE: effect from and after its passage and approval, as provided by law. AYES: FIVE (5) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: ONE (1) PASSED this 7th day of August , A.D. 1967. APPROVED this 7th . day of August , A.D. 1967. r Village President ATTEST: Village C erk P LR.T O'F AMNEXATION Q� i� C, 0° G7— 45 PA S � August 7, 1967 - I®TS 2 AND . 3' IN ®9PPLNWb PA�P.V .UNI -r di SVMV151W �e�® Pm -j j LkWE COVE JTY mLLPJO(S. V8 L -C ,' i O'F ®EEPF WELb /ZAe Y /'d ire . �eB O V � b � 4 a E R K E lea E Y .070, 0®• NN lg `,,T DRAW Owl LY 4 -1 19 47 6 y Y Owl 2 STATE. OF I LLI N01 S ) COUNTIES OF LAKE.AND COOK } SS VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) The undersigned hereby certifies that she Is the duly elected and actl'ng V1 l lage -Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake, and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the foregoing ordinance No. 0 -67 -45 entitled "AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN LAND TO THE-VILLAGE OF DEERFI.ELD, ILLINOIS" 'Is a true•.and accurate copy of an ordinance passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the -said Vi 1 -lags . at a regular meeting .thereof,held on the 7th day of August, 19679 all as _appears in the records and files of my office. Dated this 9th day of-August, 1967. Catherine 5..', Price Vii lags •Clerk, SEAL ORDINANCE NO. 0 -67- 45 AN ORDINANCE AMNEXING CERTAIN LAND TO THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS LAW OFFICES PEDEI3 EN .8c ROUPT 135 SOUTH -'LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, 60603 OkDINA14C4,,NO:.O -67- 45 AN ORDINANCE ANNiXING CERTAIN LAND l'O THE VILLAGE OF DEERVIELD, TLLINOit WHEREA�, the'following described territory contains less than sixty 06) acres and is wholly bounded by the corporate limits of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS# said territory Is not included within the corporate boundaries of any other city or village and is contiguous to the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREA, the coMorate authorities of the Village of Deer- field have determined that the annexation of said territory to the Village bk Deerfield is in the best interests of said Village. NOW, T�hREFORE, BE IT ORIfAIN9b BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 0i THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTIOA That the territory described as: Lotb 2 and 3 in Derrland Park Unit No. 1 Sub - diVision, Section 30, Township 43 North, Rahqe 12# East of the Third Principal .Meridian, Lake Coiifity, Illinois, An accurate man of which territory is attached hereto and made a part hereof, Which territory contains less than sixty (60) acres and is wholly bounded by the corporate limits of the Village ok Deerfield, be and it is hereby annexed to the Village of Deerfield. SECTION That the Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield TWO: is hereby dirdcted to file in the oftioe of the Recorder of Deeds of Lake County, Illihois, a Eopy of this dkdinance# together with an accurate map of the territory herAy annexed. c 2 §ECTIOI That this Ordiftandd shall be ih iUli t6rb and TFIREM effedt from aid after its passage ah8 ap4rovaip as provided b� law, AYES: FIVE NAYS,., NONE (U) ASSENT: ONE (1) PASSED this _10 - -clay of August A, D. 190 - APPRr)vgb this _Lth day of August A&Da 190". villaq-e - President ATTEST: Villaqg fteig PLAT DOE ANNEX- TION 0 q L) I N O N C. E. 40-G7- 45 P A SSE D _ August 7, 196 D wr c - -:LOTS 2 AND 3 N ®.ERR_LAN b PARVC UN �-r 'k I BbIVISW/ SEC,710N 30, -ro WNSj4%P 45 W opTJ4 RAKJc e 1-4a 1: *, ,T OF -nAE Sao P, M, 1 LAKE COUQTY ILLI rJO(s. N tLtAt� c D "AU-VELD B E R KELEY CT M AW N 8%( RObE RT C. BOWEN , (>X, V t L LA 4 6 OF i*>Ctkr- LEL.b JULY Q , t 9 67 a , �i. Q; �I 4 r STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK ) SS VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) w The undersigned hereby-certifies that she is the duly elected and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the foregoing ordinance No. 0 -67 -45 entitled "AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN LAND TO THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD , ILLINOIS" - i s -'a` "true and accurate -copy, of an ordinance passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village at a regular meeting thereof held on the 7th day of August, 1967, all as appears in the records and files of my office. Dated this 9th day of August, 1967. ,i t��Ifl''A�4 !x* �,ffy4 ti p ol''� S €ALA o 73 Catherine B. Price Village Clerk DOC.........13�48596 FILED FOR . .RECORD IN RECORDERS OFFICE LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS AUG 2 3 '67,— 3 3o.pM I/ -k" g.92�w FRANK J. NUSTRA RECORDER July 25: 1967 To: Board of Fire C oak) Is:,I one rs OeerfIaId Bannockburn Fire - Protection 3i'4tr.ict 700 beerfleld Road Oeerfleld. Illinois. 6001$ ��ursuant to eho provisions of Sbction 7-1-i of the i llinois Municipal Code, as amended, (Chapter 24, il1inots Revised Statutes 1�65) you are hereby notified that' at - their regular meeting to be held on August 7. 15=57, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village Qf Deerfield, pursuant to and in accordance with the pro- visions of Section 7 -1 13. Illinois Municipal Codn, as amended; propose to adopt an ordinance annexing the following described real estate to the Village of Beerfleid. Lots 2-and 3 in Oerrland Park Unit No. 1 subdivision',' Section'30i Township 43 - North, Fangs. 12,. 'East of �the' Third Principal Meridian, ip Leke County, Iliinois Lot 2 is located an.the northwest corner of Wli,rot Road and Berkeley Court. lot •3 Is located on the north- side. of Berkeley .Court and abuts on said Lot 2., Catherine B, ?rime VI-I lag* Clerk Village of Deerfield AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF I LLI NOI S ) SS COUNTY OF LAKE ) CATHERINE B. PRICE, Village Clerk, Village of Deerfield, being first duly sworn upon oath, deposes and sa.ys that she served the attached notice on the Board of Fire Commissioners ' of the Deerfield Bannockburn Fire Protection District, by mailing a copy of said notice to said Board of Fire Commissioners, by certified mail, in an envelope properly stamped and addressed, a-nd placing said envelope in a U.S, mail chute on July 25, 1967. SUBSCRIBED and SWORN to before me this 25th day of July, A.D. 1967. Notary blic U Catherine B. Price Village_ Clerk Village of Deerfield Doc:. 1348595 FILED FOR REC6'6 IN COR R OFFICE LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS MG 23 '67,-.D 30:pM "'RANK r NUSTRA RECORDER I AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF I LLI NOI S ) SS COUNTY OF LAKE ) CATHERINE B. PRICE, Village Clerk, Village of Deerfield, being first duly sworn upon oath, deposes and sa.ys that she served the attached notice on the Board of Fire Commissioners ' of the Deerfield Bannockburn Fire Protection District, by mailing a copy of said notice to said Board of Fire Commissioners, by certified mail, in an envelope properly stamped and addressed, a-nd placing said envelope in a U.S, mail chute on July 25, 1967. SUBSCRIBED and SWORN to before me this 25th day of July, A.D. 1967. Notary blic U Catherine B. Price Village_ Clerk Village of Deerfield Doc:. 1348595 FILED FOR REC6'6 IN COR R OFFICE LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS MG 23 '67,-.D 30:pM "'RANK r NUSTRA RECORDER .w y !� s 1 �. , � r J �� . �. 3 , August 21, 1967 MV. Frank Nustra Recorder of Deeds 26 North Mica Street Waukegan, Illinois Dear Frank: Enclosed are the following documents to be recorded, the bi l l to be sent to the Village of Deerfield: 1. Notice (to Fire Protection District, with Affidavit attached. 2. Ordinance No. 0 -67 -45 with certification, annexing Lots 2 and 3, Derrland Park Subdivision, with plat of annexation attached. Thank you. Sincerely, Catherine B. Price Village Clerk jig RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL -30¢ S T TO � C� '"'� ^- POSTMARK OR DATE �� 16 riJ•J STREET AND NOP, TATE, AND P C E RA SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES Re m Receipt Deliver to Shows to whom Shows to whom, Addressee Only and date date, and where delivered delivered ❑ 500 [4 10¢ fee ❑ 35¢ fee. fee POD Form 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERASE PROVIDED— (See other stde) Mar. 1966 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE X Show to whom and Show to whom, when, and Deliver ONLY when delivered ❑ address where delivered ❑ to addressee (Additional charges required for these services) RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must alwaysbefrlledin) CERTIFIED NO. 311637 SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY 1VSURED NO. s DATE DELIVERED I SH0 WHERE DELIVER (only rJrer�ueste� o55 16 71548 7 OPO V-1 V-1 00 M E 0 u. POST OFFICE OFFICIAL rD M 1967 dn�l5 INSTRUCTIONS: Show name and address below and complete instructions on other side, where applicable. Moisten gummed ends, attach and hold firmly to back ' of article. Print on front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. NAME OF SENDER Village Clerk PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE. SW RETURN TO JREET AND NO. OR P.O. BOX Village Hall, 850 Waukegan Road -ITY, STATE, AND ZIP CODE Deerfield, Illinois 6 July 25, 1961 To: Board of Fire Commissioners Deerfield Bannockburn Ftre.Protection .District 700 Deerfield Road Deerfield, Illinois 600,1.5 Pursuant to the provisionvof. Section -7 -1 -1 of the 1111nois Muni'clpal Code, 'as amended, (C64pier.24, I'111nols Revised Statutes )965).you are hereby notified that at their regular meeting to be held on'August 7, 1967, the Prestdont.and Board of Trustees of*the Village of D©erfield, pursuant to and in accordance with the pro-• vislons•of ection' 7-1 -13, 111inois Municipal Coda, as amended, propose 'to adopt an ordinance annexing the folloWiing described real estate to the Village of Deerfield. Lots 2 and 3 -In Derrland Park-Unit No. 1 Subdivision, ✓action 30, Township 43 North, Renge'121 fast of the Third Princl.pal Meridian, in Lake County, Illinois lot 2'is toceted on the northwest corner of Wilmot Road and Berkeley Court. lot 3 Is located on'the north slde of Berkeley Court and abuts on said Lot 2. Catherine B. Price. Village Clerk Vi l lags 'of- Oeerfield. P L 4? F A P�1�l� X AfTIO Ki 0RnIIV4NGE 4O -Gi- P6a S � ED -- XOTS 2 AND. 3- IN DEPRLAMb PWRX -UNI -r 61 St MV151W SeCriow 301 T0WQU4%P 45 MORT4i MNI�4ep 0x,1��`�,�i Vl L L X , G OF MERLF M,.,�b p70.I0l i, �,ERKELEY w, t rim- a 6 C 1 B" 0 6®c)° PLAT bF A ORnINANCE 40 -G7- PA 5:� Gee- ow 30, -rowN swsb 43 momTR i R.Atj(� T vj' E;k %y ®F -rmc lab P.M.1 04kE C®up5TY `LLIN)0(4. 4/000VILL&IIS OF ®EEZF �E:Lb /cos ,/ 11 jsr,roA 170-pal wk im V16"IE EN 'rq 8 R- Vt t LA 419 Or MM�4Lb JVLY �7 %1567 {.i ► Ir 4 s � 0 0 cq� wk im V16"IE EN 'rq 8 R- Vt t LA 419 Or MM�4Lb JVLY �7 %1567 {.i ► Ir 4 s Pl. AT �r ANNEXAIT'loNt 02DIPlA�CE �0 -G7- .O-r,S 2 AND. 3- IN bTPRUWb PAQX .UNI -r d I SUMVISI 3Q® P.m..) Lk%CE C®V "Ty 6LLIN)O(S. o L U � !-, E Of DE EZIF gE:Lb E R K E L E Y CT RobE PT a. vilsN ; P. r, VI�LA4E Emer (AMR, Vtt.LA 4 9 ®r- R:,M` b X,.. LY 17,13 47 i ski 9 n 1 ►� F 0 I