Vol. 9, No. 4 - Nov 1988iE
November,1988 Vol. 9 No. 5
On election day - November 8th - Deerfield residents will be asked to vote on the following
"Shall the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, impose a surcharge of up to $.50
per month per network connection on telecommunication carriers, which sur-
charge expense will be added to the monthly bill you receive for telephone
or telecommunications charges for the purpose of installing a 9-1-1 emer-
gency system?"
This very formal wording is required by State law. What it means is ... are you willing
to pay a maximum of 50t per month per line ($6.00 per year) to fund the 911 emergency
number in Deerfield?
You'll find lots of information about the 911 system in the "Police Beat" section of
this issue of D-TALES. We just wanted to get your attention up front! Regardless of
how you feel on this issue, we urge you to vote on November 8th.
The Burglar Alarm Ordinance was amended by
the Mayor and Board of Trustees due to the
significant number of false alarms re-
sponded to annually by the Police Depart-
ment. Effective January 1, 1989, all false
alarms in a given year will be assessed a
service charge as follows:
1 to 3 alarms ..... $25.00 each
4 to 6 alarms ..... $50.00 each
7 to 9 alarms ..... $75.00 each
10 or more ........ $100.00 each
It seems like a good time to check your
system and make certain there are no prob-
lems with it ... might be cost effective!
Work has been completed on the new Excess
Flow Treatment Facility on Deerfield Road
west of the creek. Hopefully, you will
agree that we were successful in blending
into the residential character of the area.
If you live in the Southwest Quadrant of the Village, gear up for the annual
raking party! We'll be vacuuming in your section beginning on October 26th.
The schedule is on the back page!
Here are the new businesses which opened
in the past few months (and some which are
about to open):
Car-A-Phernalia - Cadwell Corners
Chili's - Lake Cook Plaza
Commons Cleaners - Commons (soon)
Homemaker s - Deerbrook
Laserland - Deerbrook
Picolo Mondo - Deerbrook
The Coat Company - Cadwell Corners
The Coat Rack - Lake Cook Plaza (soon)
Tobia - Cadwell Corners
Keep that sales tax in Deerfield!
Following the tremendous success of last
year's evens:, the Deerfield Park District
and PTO's from School Districts #106, #109
and Holy Cross are once again hosting a
party for the children of Deerfield.
Where: Jewett Park Community Center
When: Saturday, October 29th ----
11 A.M. to 3 P.M. for pre-
school and elementary ages.
8 P.M. to 10 P.M. - Junior
High dance.
WHAT: Games, clowns, haunted house,
prizes ..... and more!
COST: $2.00 per child in advance or
$2.50 at the door (food is
This is a great way to make sure your
kids enjoy the Halloween fun!
Recently, the Village Board granted a two
year extension to its contract with Laidlaw •
Waste Systems, Inc., for scavenger service
in Deerfield. At the same time - antici-
pating an eventual statewide mandate for
recycling, the Village is trying to plan ahead,
so the Energy Advisory and Resource Recovery
Commission was directed to explore alter-
natives for implementing curbside recycling.
Future issues of D-TALES will include articles
on our progress.
All questions regarding scavenger service
should be referred to Laidlaw, at 945-5558.
Here are the basic provisions governing the
Containers must be out by 7:00 A.M. on
Tuesdays and Fridays, but no earlier than
sundown of the day preceding the pick up.
Brush is limited to four tied bundles per
pick up.... not to exceed 4' in length and
30" in curcumference.
Construction debris (wood, concrete, bricks,
lumber) is not part of the regular service.
To arrange for a special pick up, call them
at 945-5558.
In weeks which include holidays (New Year's •
Day, Memorial Day, July Fourth, Labor Day,
Thanksgiving 'Day and Christmas Day), service
will be delayed one day.
If this doesn't answer your particular ques-
tion, give them a call .... 945-5558.
And,remember, you can recycle papers, cans
and bottles at the North Shore Ecology
Center on Kates Road... or cans at the Deer -
brook Jewel.
The Caucus is holding regular meetings, all of which are open to the public. If you're in-
terested fn becoming a candidate for Mayor or Village Trustee, contact LOU STADLER at
945-8785, for an application. Candidates are interviewed by the Caucus for a slate to be
presented,at the Town Meeting.
YOU'RE AN OLD TIMER IF ...... you used to meet your friends at Duffy's Pond. For those of •
you who missed this part of growing up, Duffy's Pond is where the new retention basin is
being built in Bannockburn.
Two roadway projects that were in the planning stage for many years and under construction
•this past summer, will soon be opened to traffic!!! v
ACCESS AVENUE: Phase I of this improvement involves
a new signalized intersection at Deer-
field Road, which will eliminate the non-aligned Peter-
sen/Hoffman intersection (pause for sigh of relief!).
Petersen Lane will be closed at Deerfield Road and that
section of road converted to a parking lot. Hoffman
Lane will remain open due to the insistence of the
Commons Shopping Center owners, who have an easement
agreement with the Village involving that access.
Efforts continue to secure the necessary right-of-way
from the Commons and to resolve the easement problem
so that Phase II of Access Avenue (from Deerfield
Road to Osterman Avenue) can proceed in the near future.
In addition to a safer intersection and smoother traf-
fic flow, other benefits of the Phase I improvement are
two-way traffic on Park Avenue, a kiss-n-ride (drop-off)
area just north of Deerfield Road on Park Avenue, and
an intersection improvement at Hazel and Park Avenues.
to Hazel Av.
IL Bell
Deerfield Rd.
to Osterman Av.
Few municipalities undertake such massive
capital projects as major street extensions
and railroad overpasses. These are generally
left to County, State or Federal authorities.
Yet, Deerfield followed through on its original
traffic plan adopted years ago, and is now in
the process of completing the Pfingsten Road
extension and the new Kates Road bridge over
the Milwaukee Railroad tracks. Both projects
are being funded through developer contributions,
a State grant and tax increment financing (a
unique funding mechanism that allocates real
estate taxes generated by Lake -Cook Road develop-
ment for specific public improvements in that
In addition to serving new buildings north of
Lake -Cook Road, the new Pfingsten extension to
Waukegan Road should help alleviate traffic con-
gestion at the Lake-Cook/Waukegan Roads inter-
section. It will be of great importance during
the construction of the Lake -Cook Road underpass
at the Milwaukee Road tracks. Cook County has
not announced a schedule yet but work on that
project may begin as early as next year.
,Whe next Blood Drive is December 4th, at the Community Center. Call 298-9660 to make an
appointment, or just go to the Community Center before noon on the 4th.
Nominations for the 1988 Human Relations Awards are due by November 7th...drop yours off at
the Village Hall before then. If you would like more information on the criteria for the
recipients of this award, either call or stop by the Village Hall.
Remember how happy we were to see those little green leaves appearing last Spring? Well,
they've done their job and those same little green leaves are waiting for you out on the lawn!
Unlike last year, it appears that there will not be a problem this Fall with bagging •
leaves for pick-up by the scavenger. Landfills are not restricting the volume of leaves
this year, as they did at the last minute in 1987, so you can put bagged leaves at the
curb for your regular pick up days. No special Saturday pick ups will be necessary this year!
If you'd rather rake your leaves to the parkway, Public Works crews will make -ONE sweep
down each street to vacuum leaves piled on the parkways. Please....don't put sticks or
stones or other foreign material in the piles since these things damaqe our equipment.
Keep the leaves on the parkways..... NOT IN THE STREET!!! We remind ,you that the vacuum
hose reaches in about W from the curb line so rake the leaves into high rather than
wide piles (what we can't reach with the hose will be left behind).
The map indicates the FIRST DAY we'll be in your area. Put your leaves out by or before
the date shown .... we might not make it that day, but we'll be there as soon as possible,
depending on how the work goes. And remember.... we'll only be able to make ONE SWEEP.
850 Waukegan Road
Deerfield, Illinois 60015
Fire Department..........................945.2121
Fire Department Non -Emergency ............945-4066
Police Department........................945-2131
Police Department Non -Emergency ..........945-8636
Village Hall..............................945-5000
James L. Marovitz Edwin B. Seidman
Cynthia J. Marty Vernon E. Swanson
Harriet Rosenthal J. Robert York
Bulk Rale
Permit No. 1
Deerfield. Illinois
Robert D. Franz, Village Manager
Marjorie Emery, D-Tales Editor
Printed at Standard Printing Service, Inc. (312) 498-6126
November 1988 A Newsletter Presented By The Deerfield Police Department
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What's the most frequently asked question of the police
department? WHY DON'T WE HAVE 911 IN DEERFIELD? On
election day November 8th you will have the opportunity
to vote for 911 emergency dialing. Residents will be
asked to vote on a SO cent per month surcharge on your
telephone bill for the 911 system. We wanted to take this
opportuni.ty to explain the benefits of 911. Our fear is
that voters will see a referendum that asks for an additional
surcharge and will vote no simply on the basis of cost. We
believe that the surcharge is nominal when compared with
the benefits of this system. The enhanced 911 system has
many advantages.
Speed and ease of dialing.
One emergency number fot both the police and fire department.
911 is nationally known.
It's easier for children and adults to remember.
The 911 system also provides police with the correct address
and telephone number in the event of a disconnection or a
panicked person hanging up.
The cost of the system cannot exceed SO cents
per month and is anticipated to actually decrease
after the initial setup.
We have waited a long time for the benefits of
911 in Deerfield. DON'T FORGET TO VOTE
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Neighborhood Watch
A special thank you to those people who called about Neighborhood Watch, and a reminder to
anyone still interested, we're interested. We would like to talk to you and your neighbors
about ways we all can work together to fight crime.
Everyone could use extra money around the holidays. If you were a crook who wanted some
quick cash how would you get it? Steal purses and wallets of holiday shoppers? Solicit
donations for a fake charity? Use other people's credit card numbers or charge accounts?
All of these are good holiday fund raisers for crooks. Don't make it easy for thieves!
Keep your purse close to your body and don't di.splay large amounts
of cash. Don't overburden yourself with packages that may make
it difficult for you to keep track of your purse or wallet.
Remember not to leave packages or other valuables on the car seat
where they can be seen. Lock them in the trunk.
When you use your credit card to make purchases, keep your eye on
it to be sure that it's used to print one slip only. Always
tear up the carbons after si.gni.ng a credit card sli.p. A crook
could take the carbon from the trash, copy the number, and use i.t
for mail-order or telephone purchases.
Nobody would fall for a fraud if it looked li.ke a fraud. A con arti.st has the opportuni.ty
to practice a con many times, you only hear i.t once. Around the holidays, watch out for
charity frauds.
When someone asks for a donation on the street, ask to see official identification for the
organi.zat.ion. Soli.ci.tors who go door to door in your neighborhood must be registered by
t:he Village. Ask how your donation is goi.ng to be used and i.f the donati.on is tax deducti.ble.
If your not: satisfied with the answer don't give!
Be suspicious of charit:ies that only accept cash, and remember not to gi.ve credit card numbers
over the phone. Legitimate chari.ti.es will gladly accept a check sent to them.
Occasionally a resident: will call and tell us they received a telephone call from someone
soli.citing on the police department's behalf, or for a charity we support. The police
department has never solicited for funds or endorsed any organization to solicit for us.
If you go away for the holi.days, get automatic ti.mers for your li.ghts. Have a neighbor watch
your house, shovel the snow, pick up the mail and newspapers, and park hts car in your
driveway from time to ti.me.
Don't display gi.fts where they can be seen from a window or doorway. Store gifts before
you go away on a holi.day trip.
Cut up appliance boxes rather than setting them out on the curb for garbage pick up.
Have you tested your smoke detector lately?
Even a small amount of alcohol can i.mpair a persons drivi.ng abili.ty, please don't drink
and dri.ve.
Published by: Deerfield Police Department. Chief of. Police Richard Brandt
850 Waukegan Road
Deerfield, I1. 60015
"Police Beat" edited by Officer Eric Lundahl \J