Vol. 8, No. 3 - Jun 1987KISSING ZONE June,1987 Vol. 8 No. 3 . WE THE PEOPLE In honor of the 200th anniversary of -the framing of the Constitution, the theme of this year's Family Day celebration is "WE THE PEOPLE". It all gets into high gear on Friday evening, July 3rd, with a musical return to the "Oldies but Goodies" days of the 50's and 601s, featur- ing the area's leading interpreter of songs from that era, RONNIE RICE AND HIS BAND. Things get hopping - literally - on the high school football field at 6:00 P.M., Friday, with an hour-long old-fashioned Record Hop. Two rock bands from.the high school then bring the music tempo more up-to-date, followed by door prizes. isRONNIE RICE comes on at 8:00 P.M. for 90 minutes of his special music. By the time he's done, it's dark - and time for the annual fireworks display to close out the evening. To add flavor to the evening's festivities, concert -goers especially, and all spectators, are urged to wear clothing from the 50's and 601s. Search your attic for that poodle skirt!!! Saturday's events start with the 7:00 A.M. Pancake Breakfast. The Mini -Marathon runs away at 8:00 A.M. Games, rides, contests, prizes and a variety of foods and refreshments round out the Jewett Park activities. `m THE PARADE IS AT NOON ON SATURDAY FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 3rd DEERFIELD HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL FIELD 6:00 - 7:00 P.M. "Songs of the Past" Record Hop 7:00 - 7:30 P.M. High School Rock Groups 7:30 - 7:50 P.M. Door Prize Drawing 8:00 - 9:30 P.M. RONNIE RICE 9:30 - 9:45 P.M. Fireworks ALL DAY SATURDAY, JULY FOURTH JEWETT PARK - FROM 7:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Turn to the back page for more information about our big two-day celebration! SOMETHING NEW HAS BEEN ADDED EVERYONE WANTS A PIECE OF THE PIEIII We have two new Police Officers ... Dani Firfer was sworn in as of April 12th and has com- pleted her training at the Illinois State Police Academy in Springfield. Dani is now working with our Training Officer. Mike Silvola, who was sworn in on May 26th, is attending the Police Training Institute in Champaign. This is a 10 week course, so Mike is about half way through with this phase of his training. On May 4th, Officers Ken Anderson and John Sliozis were promoted to Sergeant with the Department. We congratulate all of these Officers..... you might do the same if you happen to run into them (figuratively speaking, of course): ON THE STREET WHERE YOU LIVE??? If you live on one of the following streets, you'll be pleased to know they're next on the Street Rehabilitation Program and will be done this year.... - Carlisle from Deerfield Road to the Car- riage Way bridge - Hazel from the tracks west to Wayne - Hackberry from Pine to Wilmot - Sheridan from Hazel to Fair Oaks Also, streets torn up by the installation of the new sewer lines will be redone..(we waited to get the sewers in before doing some streets so we wouldn't have to tear them up twice). Bids for the street work were opened in May and the project is well underway. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT Picture a juicy cherry pie... here's the portion the Village gets out of the tax rinl l a rc ,W And here's how the rest of your tax dollar is divided up: THERE'LL BE SOME CHANGES MADE 0 Heinz Erken retired from the Public Works Department in late April, after over ten years as our electrical genius. In July, John Robinson will retire. He's been our custodian and cabinet maker since 1980. Also in July, Charlie Schier is retiring, and he's been with us for 25 years. Heinz and his wife moved to Door County where they are operating_a Bed -and -Breakfast Inn. John and'Velma are moving back to West-V'ir ginia. Charlie and Margot will be moving up to Marshfield, Wisconsin. We will miss all these family members, but we wish them a long and happy well -deserved rest! Work is continuing on the excess flow treatment facilities at Wilmot and Greenwood, at Deer- field Road and the creek and at the treatment plant: Together with new sewer lines connecting them, these facilities will reduce or eliminate sanitary sewer back-ups in homes. It's hard to explain in simple terms how the process works but we'll give it a shot. These "mini -pumping stations" work in heavy wet weather to treat sanitary waste quicker, releasing the treated product back into the creek. The process has been approved by the EPA, and the buildings were designed to fit into the residential neighborhoods. We're continuing to press for the major retention basins (in Bannockburn and on Lake -Cook Road) Congress will decide the funding for these basins this year. Hopefully, construction on the Bannockburn basin will begin in Spring, 1988. is • SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE ... FROM OUR BRANCH OFFICE One unhappy offshoot of the warm weather is an increase in the number of bicycle accidents. he Police Department responded to 13 such ac- idents in 1986...and, in an effort to reduce or -•even better - eliminate them from•the 1987 statistics, they offer the following ad- vice. FOR MOTORISTS... those 13 accidents occurred as a result of... - Vehicles turning at an intersection, not seeing a bicyclist. - Vehicles backing out of driveways or parking spots. - Vehicles exiting parking lots without stopping prior to a sidewalk. They recommend extra care around intersections, business districts acid other places youths fre- quent, such a,s parks and schools. FOR BICYCLISTS... here are the chief causes of accidents.. , - Bicyclists riding through stop signs or red traffic signals. - Bicyclists not walking the bikes across busy intersections. - Bicyclists riding through congested busi- ness areas. Drive defensively, whatever your transportation method! Never assume the other person is aware of you. Remember - a bike generally weighs the same as ONE CAR BUMPER. NO, SIR ... THAT'S NOT MY B•B!! This is the time of year when the Police deal with vandalism and injuries associated with B-B guns. You should know that B-B guns are illegal, with this exception - they can be used legally only on an indoor range with adequate protection to prevent escape of the B-B. The wise parent will heed this friendly reminder! • I Jed. . 1�.�t IT'S ALL ON CHANNEL 31 Cable Channel 3 is the Government channel. We use it to keep you informed about local news ... but do you ever watch it? We have a hunch that our audience rating is in the minus column! We're taking orders for parkway trees ... until the end of July. This is a 50/50 program, You have a choice of 1.5 varieties, and you pay half the cost plus $10 for.planting the tree. `L They're balled in burlap, guaranteed fora year and we do the planting. Such a deal! If you're interested, call 945-5000 and we'll put you on the list. SPEAKING OF LANDSCAPING ... How about trimming your bushes which over- hang the public right-of-way? Joggers, bike riders, walkers (both sighted and un- sighted) need your help. Trimming is good for shrubs - and even better for those who use the sidewalks! Check yours ... it could be that you're causing a problem! 7 IT'S PARTY TIMEH Get your block organized and set a date for the Block Party. This is a terrific way to meet and greet the newcomers in the neigh- borhood (and maybe the people next door whom you really don't know very well). Call the Village Hall for a permit and that's all you need to do except ENJOY! WHO'S THAT KNOCKING AT MY DOOR?? It may, indeed, be Barnacle Bill the Sailor, but it's much more probable that it's a solicitor. If you don't want them ringing or knocking, use the No Solicitors or Ped- dlers sign reprinted below. Tape it inside the glass on your door - then call the Police if they ignore the sign. NO SOLICITORS OR PEDDLERS ... INVITED- FAMILY DAY INFORMATION FAMILY DAY TICKETS: Ticket prices and terms for this year's Family Days will be the same as last....$4.00 for adults, $2.00 for children (13 and under) and seniors (55 and over),at the gate. Discount tickets ($3.50 and $1.50 respectively) go on sale June 26th at Village banks, the Jewel and the Village Market. MINI -MARATHON ENTRY FORMS: Entry blanks for the Mini -Marathon, open to all of ; any age wishing to participate, will be available beginning the week before Family Days ... at Shelby's, the Sports Huddle and the Village Hall. PHOTO CONTEST: The Family Days Photo Contest, threatened with can- cellation due to lack of participation, is back with a new wrinkle and a new sponsor: Deerbrook State Bank. In contrast to years past, this year's contest will feature judging and award of prizes for pictures taken during the past .year. Previously, the contest was of pictures taken during Family Days. with winners announced a month later. Contest categories are: People.... Places (and).... Things, in color or black and white. Entries must be prints, in a 5" x 7" format or larger, and matted. Deerfield subjects are not required. POSTER CONTEST wi 11 be hel d as i n years past. SPECIAL NEEDS: In keeping with Family Days' sub -theme of the 50's and 60's, a request has gone out for automobiles from that era for display on the high school grounds on Friday evening, July third. There is room for a total of 14 cars. Also, a concession wagon is needed for the sale of snow cones, popcorn and cotton • candy on the 3rd and 4th. Those wishing to donate cars and/or a concession wagon should call Rob Cowan of the Deerfield Lions Club, 940-7433. i REMEMBER HOW MUCH FUN YOU HAD LAST YEAR? BETCHA IT'S EVEN BETTER THIS YEAR!!! MItam>u116loou NC11111 M11L 9 �uun" IIOiIIiiYIIryNMIB IYI'lll�l'IIIII01pp -+� Jnlu. . VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 Fire Department .....................945-2121 Fire Department Non -Emergency .......945-4066 Police Department ... . ............945-2131 Police Department Non -Emergency .....945-8636 Village Hall.........................945-5000 BERNARD FORREST, Mayor TRUSTEES. James L. Marovitz Edwin B. Seidman Cynthia J. Marty Vernon E. Swanson Harriet Rosenthal J. Robert York Printed at Standard Printing Service, Inc. (312) 498-6126 POSTAL CUSTOMER DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 Bulk Rate U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Deerfield. Illinois CAR/PRE-SORT