Vol. 6, No. 2 - Apr 1985I am I'm) rMII JCIIQ� April,1985 Vol. 6 No. 2 MEET YOUR NEW TRUSTEE... Mrs. Harriet Rosentha Village Board member 1 was sworn in as a on April 15th. She and her husband, Stan, have two daughters.... Elissa and Marnie, and have lived in Deerfield for 17 years. Harriet served on the Plan Com- mission for 8 years, 2 of which she was the Chairman. She has also been active in other Village matters, includ- ing Home Rule and the Ad Hoc Committee which studied the Deer Run Subdivision emergency accesses. We welcome Harriet to the Board of Trustees. AND THE CHAIRMAN OF NORTRAN... Bob Benton, our Trustee to urban Mass Transit District recently elected Chair- man of that group. Bob has been our Trustee to NORTRAN since 1975. If you aren't familiar with NORTRAN ... it's a public municipal corporation... composed of 24 north and northwest suburban com- munities, responding to the transportation needs of the area. Bob has served as Vice Chairman and as Chairman of the Bus Operations, Marketing mittees. We congratulate as Chairman. HERE'S THE STORY ON OUR CONSTRUCTION PLANS the North Sub- (NORTRAN) was and Planning Com- Bob on his election ACCESS AVENUE The Village Board has elected to delay this Village Center im- provement for one year in order to seek Federal funds to help finance it. We have acquired a key piece of property needed for the project and have hired a consulting engineer for design work. Construction will begin in the Spring of 1986. STREET In early May, work will begin in the North Trail Subdivision. IMPROVEMENTS All streets in that area will be completely reconstructed. The project will take all Summer and will be completed in stages. Due to the extent of repairs, traffic restrictions will be imposed. Street repair work is also scheduled this summer on: King Richards Court, the Westgate/ incanton intersection and Carriage Way Drive between Bent Creek'Ridge and the bridge. veral other streets will be resurfaced later this summer. Details on those improvements ill be in a future issue of D-TALES. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused by this work and ask for your coopera- tion in complying with detours relating to it!!! SPRING IS HERE! OVER THE BACK FENCE What are you planning to build, remodel, add? Don't make a move until you show your plans to the Building Department AND GET YOUR PERMIT, if necessary. The Building Department person- nel will make regular inspections as the job progresses and - when the project is finished, they will issue you a Certificate of Compliance which means the work meets all local and State codes. Check to see whether a permit is re- quired ..... call 945-5000, X 234 or 237. AND WITH THE SPRING... Come the con men who will offer to resurface your driveway (with oil) since they happen to have material left over from a job in your neighborhood---hah! Don't fall for that one or any othertoo-good-to-be-true offer.... be- cause they are just that! If in doubt, call the Police. You may save yourself and a lot of other people some grief. DON'T let anyone in your house unless you know them. Con games include, among other things, driveway and foundation sealing, roof and gutter repairs, tuck pointing and furnace repairs. Reputable contractors don't usually go door-to-door soliciting business! MORE GOOD NEWS!! This is the tornado season. Have you worked out a preparedness program for your family just in case? Lake County is at the north- eastern edge of the most tornado -prone region in the world, and southeastern Lake County has been hit by at least one tornado every year since 1950. Information about tornados is available at the Village Hall from our Emergency Services and Disaster Agency (ESDA). FOR CABLE TROUBLE... If you're having trouble with cable.reception- (or, worse, have NO reception), call this number to report it - 831-5906, night or day. Capital Cities Cable needs to know that the problem is area -wide, not just one isolated case. Unless you call, they have no way of knowing there's a problem. BE A FRIEND FOR LIFE The next blood drive will be on June 2nd, at the Community Center, from 8:00 A.M. to noon. You can make an appointment by calling Patti Moore at 948-1365 - or you can just pop in! Take 45 minutes to save a life. ********** There will be no scavenger service on Monday, May 27th....that's the Memorial Day observ- ance. One of the survey replies was a suggestion that our "back fence 11 lady" ask that you instruct you lull I�i landscaper not to blow your old leaves over on your neighbor's yard. It seems your neighbor has spent hours cleaning his leaves out, only to find yours have been blown over to him. That is not habit forming! Where's your dog? As usual, that's the big complaint.... dogs who are not kept at home. And some dogs who are at home are put out in the morning so they can bark all day long. It's a toss up as to which is more annoying to the people in the neighborhood. Are YOU the one causing the problem? GRANNY WENT VISITING Our Granny Sign was used as part of an exhibi- tion at the Museum of Contemporary Art during the month of April. The exhibition was en- titled "Man and Trout: The Manners Project" and the sign was an example of good manners, naturally. CONGRATULATIONS, GEORGE! • Finance Director George Valentine has been given the Award of Financial Reporting Achievement and the Village was awarded the Certificate of Conformance in Financial Re- porting. This all means that our financial reports are terrific..... and can be under- stood by anyone. Deerfield is the 42nd out of the 6,500 governmental units in the State of Illinois to receive these awards. THANKS -TO YOU..... Our Senators and Congressman were flooded with letters (that pun was intentional)) about the need for action on the North Branch Floodwater Management Plan. Over 100 of you sent copies of our form letter to our legislators. We sent a letter to each of them explaining that, while the letters were identical, this in no way detracted from the sentiments expressed by our residents. We want to keep this pro- ject at the top of their priority lists! YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE If you're looking for young people for part • time, after school or vacation jobs, call Y.E.S. at 433-4090 or 441-5514. Office hours are weekdays (except Wednesday)from 10:00 AM to 5:00 P.M. The Village Center Development Commission (VCDC) has prepared the following questionnaire. The objective is to assist in the further development and revitalization of the Central Business District/Village Center, which is generally defined as the area east of the rail- road tracks, north of Central Avenue, south of Hazel Avenue and west of Rosemary Terrace. Your input will be very helpful in identifying the improvements which are so important to • the development of a vibrant, healthy Village Center. PLEASE HELP US EVALUATE OUR CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT/VILLAGE CENTER Circle the response which accurately reflects your opinion regarding the following state- ments: 1. Strongly Agree 4. Disagree 2. Agree 5. Strongly Disagree 3. No Opinion GENERAL APPEARANCE 1. Would you say that Deerfield's Village Center is: a. Very Attractive b. Attractive c. Ordinary d. Unattractive e. Very Unattractive 2. The building styles work well together.....................................1 2 3 4 5 3. There is adequate landscape planting and green space.......................1 2 3 4 5 4. The building exteriors are well maintained.................................1 2 3 4 5 5. The aesthetics of the signs need improvement ....................... ••.....1 2 3 4 5 6. Which buildings exhibit the type of design and landscaping which you would like to see continued? 7. Which buildings detract? TRAFFIC AND PARKING 1. The parking lots are kept free from trash and litter.......................1 2 3 4 5 2. The parking lots are laid out safely and are well maintained...............1 2 3 4 5 3. There are enough bicycle racks available in parking areas..................1 2 3 4 5 • 4. There are parking areas that should be connected. If agree, where? 1 2 3 4 5 5. There are adequate numbers of parking spaces in the various parking lots at 1 2 3 4 5 the times you shop. If disagree, what areas and what times? PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES 1. Foot traffic should be encouraged throughout the Village Center ............ 1 2 3 4 5 2. Pedestrians feel safe from vehicles while walking along Deerfield and WaukeganRoads.............................................................1 2 3 4 5 3. Pedestrians feel safe from vehicles while walking through parking areas .... 1 2 3 4 5 4. Sidewalks are kept clean and well maintained...............................1 2 3 4 5 5. There should be mini -parks with tables and chairs in the Village Center .... 1 2 3 4 5 6. Right -turn -on -red should be e1iminated.at Deerfield and Waukegan -Roads ..... 1 2 3- 4 .5 MERCHANDISING 1. The window displays are attractive and interesting .........................1 2 3 4 5 2. The stores have a good selection of competitively priced merchandise ....... 1 2 3 4 5 3. The merchandise and/or services I need are available in our Central Business District, but I go elsewhere to shop. If agree, why? 1 2 3 4 5 4. The merchandise and/or services I need are not available in our Central Business District. -If agree, what types of stores would you like to see? 1 2 3 4 5 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS The Village Center Development Commission thanks you for your interest and cooperation! PLEASE RETURN TO THE VILLAGE HALL BY MAY 15th ANOTHER NEW DEERFIELD TRADITION 'THAT'S SHOW BIZ... "CARING FOR OTHERS DAY ....... and what a wonder- ful day it was! Valentine's Day took on a new dimension this year. Senior Citizens enter- tained the Police and Fire personnel; Girl and Boy Scouts entertained the Seniors; valentines and special treats to residents in area nursing homes; donations of all kinds to area agencies concerned with the needs of others .... person - to -person caring and sharing... that's what it was all about. The idea originated with Ann Covey and Bea McAbee ... Mayor Forrest issued a Proclamation, the Human Relations Commission endorsed the idea and offered assistance, the Chamber of Commerce spread the word. Then the community made the event a huge success ... so thanks to everyone for making the first annual "CARING FOR OTHERS DAY" a huge success. Now a coalition is forming to research ways to improve and coordinate this event for 1986. It's amazing what the Village accomplished in such a short time - and we're looking toward an even better result next year. You're in- vited to become involved! For details, call Ann Covey (948-7546) or Cathy Fiorillo (our Human Relations Commission Chairman, 948-9428) or write the HRC, 850 Waukegan Road. BACK TO THE BLOOD DRIVE ITEM We have received word from The Blood Center that Deerfield's contributions during 1984 were 1,469 units of blood, representing 8.4% of our total population. While this is good, we can probably do a lot better --- if YOU help! You're just in time to make the auditions for AMERICAME....the July 3rd musical and talent showcase for Family Day!!! Call this number THIS MINUTE - 945-5880, and talk to . Jon Simon. Auditions are being held at the high school April 28th, 29th and 30th. This is your chance - the world is waiting to see you perform. And if you're too shy to perform, you can still help out with costumes, scenery, and props. Get your act together and volunteer! WE REALLY RATE! The Insurance Service of Illinois (ISO) re- cently graded Deerfield on its fire protec- tion services. This grading is based on the operations of the Fire District and our water system capabilities. While the Village main--- tained its excellent rate of 5, it appears that an improved rating is possible with minor changes in the fire protection system. The Village and Fire Protection District hope to make these improvements in the next six months and then request a reevaluation at that time. SANITARY SEWER STUDY • We've received the final report from our engineering consultants on their study of the sanitary sewer system. Staff is cur- rently reviewing the document and will be scheduling meetings with the Flood Advisory Committee and the Village Board. The next issue of D-TALES will have more specific in- formation on improvements planned and when they will be started. If you're interested in part time employment taking minutes for various Boards and Commissions of the Village, please call Village Planner Barbara- Ruffino, at 945-5000,for more -de -tails!!! VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 Fire Department .....................945-2121 Police Department ...................945-2131 Village Hall.........................945-5000 BERNARD FORREST, Mayor TRUSTEES James L. Marovitz Edwin B. Seidman Cynthia J. Marty Vernon E. Swanson Harriet Rosenthal J. Robert York POSTAL CUSTOMER DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 Bulk Rate U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Deerfield. Illinois CAR/PRE-SORT Printed at Standard Printing Service, Inc. (312) 498-6126