Vol. 5, No. 5 - Oct 1984KISSING -it ZONE October,1984 Vol. 5 No. 5 DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENS IN NOVEMBER? Last year we wrote you a poem to remind you about getting your Village stickers and your dog licenses. While the poem was of questionable literary worth, the results were outstanding! Each year, less and less tickets are written for failure to purchase licenses, which is our main reason for nagging you every October.* Your computer forms will be arriving in the mail soon after the first of November. Either mail the forms back, with your check, or bring them in to -the Village Hall or drop the forms and your check in the depository on the south side of the Village Hall. If you've moved in •recently or for some reason you don't get the computer forms, let us know and we'll see that you get them. EVERY vehicle must have a sticker displayed on or before January 1, 1985. This includes your moped, the RV, that little sports car you only use on perfect days during the summer AND THE CARS YOUR COLLEGE STUDENTS HAVE AWAY AT SCHOOL, if those cars are registered here in Deerfield. We've capitalized that because college students are lax about getting stickers and getting a $25.00 ticket, plus the penalty charge of 50% causes them to be less than pleasant customers! You really did read that right! Failure to purchase and display the stickers by January 1st will mean that your sticker will cost $37.50 (instead of the regular $25) and*you run the risk of getting a $25.00 ticket, too. The 50% penalty applies to all mopeds, RV's - what- ever! Now about the dog ..... you must furnish proof of rabies inoculation before you can get the license, which is due on January 1st, regardless of when the rabies inoculation is dated. The fee for dogs is $5.00. If you mail the form and the rabies certificate, we'll mail it back to you with the license. CATS must have a rabies inoculation but do not need a Village license. All dogs and cats have to have the Lake County rabies tag. These are $1.00 a year and can either be purchased at the Village Hall or you can mail the forms to the Lake County Health Department with your check. Dogs end up with three tags - the veterinarian's, ours and Lake County's. Cats only get two tags. The information on your computerized forms was taken from your 1984 sticker applications. If there are any changes, just make those changes in the shaded area of the form. If you don't need to change anything, write your check (or bring in the cash) and get it back to us! You may not believe this, but we really don't want to see you get a ticket and have to pay a penalty .... why spend more than you have to? Don't put it off .... do it when you get the forms! HERE IT IS, FOLKS!!! HAVING A PARTY? The news you've been waiting for!!! The pro- gram of FAMILY FEUD on which our Deerfield family presented the Kissing Tiles will be shown on Channel 5 on November 1st at..... 1:30 A.M. Really! One thirty in the morn- ing! This will certainly dampen your en- thusaism but we hope some hardy souls will either stay up late to watch it or set the alarm for 1:29 A.M. STREETISEWER IMPROVEMENTS The Village Board is continuing to make plans for funding various public improve- ments throughout the community. Initial projects will include storm sewer im= provements to resolve localized flooding problems as well as street construction work. Some street work had been sche- duled for this Fall but this has been delayed since asphalt prices are ex- pected to be lower next Spring. Our engineering consultant will complete the sanitary sewer study in late Decem- ber. The Board will then consider recom- mended improvements to the system and how they will be funded. JOGGERS - TAKE NOTE jogging is a popular pastime which is be- coming more popular every day. Joggers find the Autumn season one of the most re- warding times of the year to run. Unfor- tunately, this time of year presents some serious safety problems that.should be considered by all joggers. Please remember to: - wear light colored or fluorescent clothing - avoid running on the street before dawn or after dusk - use off -roadway areas whenever pos- sible - when using the roadway, run AGAINST traffic and as far over to the edge' of the road as possible. Yield to vehicles when required and anti- cipate the fact that some drivers are not paying attention and may not be aware of your presence... even when obvious. By following these tips, you'll not only benefit from jogging, but you'll preserve the life you're working to improve! Autumn and early winter are traditionally party months on the North Shore. Home- coming and tailgate parties are common events - and Halloween brings masquerade parties, then the Christmas season soon follows. During this festive season, some of this Village's greatest tragedies have occurred --- and alcohol abuse has been the common denomina- tor. Parties and assemblages are now covered by both State and local laws. In Deerfield, property owners must provide supervision and must refrain from.serving alcohol to minors. Teenage parties can quickly get out of con- trol as the twenty invited guests become one hundred. DON'T WAIT ---immediately notify the Police Department that you need assistance! Damage to your property and that of your neighbor's.can be -prevented andyouur legal liability can be reduced. The Police Department has a policy for deal- ing with upcoming parties and will be glad to visit with you prior to the event in order to explain your legal responsibilities or to visit with a neighbor who is about to host a party. Remember, State law holds that if ou serve alcohol to a minor (or to an adult you be- gin to assume responsibility for the actions of that person. If you serve to the extent • of intoxication, a Court may hold you com- pletely and totally responsible for the actions of the person you served! As questions arise, contact the Deerfield Police Department at 945-8636. HAVE A SAFE AUTUMN AND WINTER!!! UPCOMING PUBLIC HEARINGS The Village has scheduled two public hearings which may be of interest to you. On October 23rd, the Cable Advisory Board will conduct a public hearing as part of a three year review of our cable operations. Residents interested in commenting on this system are encouraged to attend the hearing and/or submit comments in writing to the Village Hall. On October 29th, the Village Board will con- duct a public hearing on its plans to issue jft $4 million in bonds. This money will be used for various capital projects, including storm and sanitary sewer improvements and street repairs. Residents are invited to attend and partici- pate in the hearing. JOB MATCH UP PROGRAM STUDENT GOVERNMENT DAYS We started this program in September to try to match people who needed jobs done with young Qople willing to work. So far, we have more eding than we have willing! There are a lot of baby sitting jobs where a girl is specified (and we have no girls volunteering). We furnish three names to the person who needs help. All other arrangements (salary, hours, chores) are up to those involved. If you're interested, call us and we'll try to help. COULD YOU POSSIBLY BELIEVE THIS? Someone evidently was working on a home.pro- ject and needed 16 bricks - which they STOLE from the train station platform. That's the cheapest trick of the month and, whoever you are, we hope you're ashamed of yourself! You can buy bricks for 50Q each. TRICK OR TREAT NIGHT will be October 31st. Take every precaution to protect your little ones so that they can enjoy this holiday. REMEMBER - there won't be any scavenger ser- vice on Thanksgiving, Christmas Day or on New Year's Day. If that's your regular day, you'll get a double pick up on your next day. NASTY BUSINESS If every dog owner in Deerfield permitted his or her.dog to use the same property as a bath- room, and assuming that each dog were walked twice a day, this would be the result: 1,283 dogs x 2 = 2,566 x 365 = 936,590 bath- room calls per year. Isn't that something? How can some of our nicest, most thoughtful residents permit their dogs to defecate on somebody's property or, as is usually the case - in the parks, tot lots, parkways, the gardens. How disgusting! Don't they know that children walk in that stuff? And it often kills people's grass - not to mention their appetites. ANkYour pet is your responsibility. You clean p after him! The next blood drive will be on December 2. Call Patti Moore, 948-1365 and sign up! Student elected officials from the eighth grades will join their counterparts for lunch on Thursday, November 8th. Holy Cross students will tour the various Village, Park and Fire facilities during the afternoon of the 8th, and Wilmot and Shepard Junior High students will take the toues on November 9th. Then all student elected of- ficials will attend the Village Board meeting on November 19th. This is an opportunity for the students to learn a little more about the way Village government works - and it's an enjoyable ex- perience for Village officials and Staff. NOW THAT YOU'RE REGISTERED... It's time to vote! November 6th - from 6 A.M. to 7 P.M. - and this is the big one! Be sure to vote! Here is a list of the polling places (check your registration card for the precinct number): Precinct: 359 Walden School 360 Zion Lutheran Church 361 Zion Lutheran Church 362 Kipling School 363 Wilmot Junior High 364 Wilmot Junior High 365 Woodland Park School 366 Woodland Park School 367 Walden School 368 Glenkirk School 369 Glenkirk School 370 Shepard Junior High 371 Kipling School 372 Kipling School 373 Wilmot School 374 Wilmot School 375 Deerfield Day Care'Center 376 Deerfield Day Care Center Remember - if you don't vote, you don't have any right to criticize for the next four years. LET'S TALK RECYCLING... As you know, we moved the recycling center down near the water tower on Kates Road. You can take your bottles and newspapers there to be recycled. BUT, would you please put the papers inside the container? The wind has a habit of re -distributing them when they are left on the ground outside the container. And you can take your old used unwanted oil to the Village garage, 465 Elm Street. BAG ALL YOU CAN - THEN LEAVE THE REST You have two ways to get rid of your.leaves. We prefer that you bag them and put them at the curb for the scavenger service. They will take unlimited bags of leaves, both now and • in the Spring when you clean up the yard. This is included in the cost you pay for scaven- ger service, so take advantage of it. The Public Works Department will make one sweep down each street to pick up loose leaves on the parkways. PLEASE, no sticks or other junk - just leaves. The map below will show you what day we expect to be on your street. We won't be there before the date shown but we may be a day or two later. Get your leaves on the parkway (not in the street!) before the date shown. Remember, if you miss us, you can still bag the leaves for the scavenger. We get complaints about the way we schedule the pick up but we hope you understand that we do the best we can. Some areas have more trees than others - hence, more leaves. Since we are limited to only one sweep, we try to set the dates so -that we can pick up as many leaves as possible. And once the snow flies, leaf pick up is over for that year! 10 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 Fire Department .....................945-2121 Police Department ...................945-2131 Village Hall.........................945-5000 BERNARD FORREST, Mayor TRUSTEES Stephen O. Jackson Edwin B. Seidman James L. Marovitz Vernon E. Swanson Cynthia Marty J. Robert York Bulk Rate U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Deerfield. Illinois CARIPRE•SORT POSTAL CUSTOMER DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 • Printed at Standard Printing Service, Inc. (312) 498-6126