Vol. 3, No. 4 - Apr 1983KISSING ZONE April,1983 Vol. 3, No. 4 STATUS REPORT - FLOODING PROBLEMS The following is an update of the various projects and issues relating to our flooding problems: CREEK MAINTENANCE The Union Drainage District awarded a con- tract to Lake County Grading Company, who bid $129,000, to clean the West Fork creek between Duffy Lane and Dundee Road: Work began in early March at the south end of the project area, heading north. The en- tire project should be completed by the middle of April - resulting in a greatly •improved carrying capacity of the creek. MIDDLE FORK The Village has been working to resolve the flooding problems along the Middle Fork creek. Two separate drainage districts are responsible for this creek. That portion lying south of Deerfield Road has an inactive district which we are attempting to reorganize. We're also working with Commonwealth Edison to relocate transformers in order to assure electricity in that area during heavy -rains. FLOOD CONTROL PROJECT The United States Army Corps of Engineers advises that its study is on schedule and should be completed by early summer. Deerfield continues to maintain close contact with our Federal elected officials who have promised to give the Bannockburn reservoir project a high priority. Both Senator Percy and Congressman Porter have acknowledged the large volume of mail from Deerfield residents in support of the reservoir. The Village of Bannockburn is expected to agree to the site which is within their community (at the southeast corner of Duffy Lane and the Tollway) for the proposed 600 acre feet of reservoir. Their support is needed in order for the -Lake County Forest Preserve District to acquire the property in cooperation with the State of Illinois. LOCAL STORM/SANITARY SEWER PROBLEMS Over 1100 residents returned the survey form included in the last issue of D-TALES (not a 90% return, but a respectable 20%). Informa- tion received will'be used by the engineering consultant to be retained by the Village, who will complete an in-depth study of the local- *ized storm and sanitary sewer problems. The Board will then determine the type of improve- ments needed and means of financing them. FLOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE This seven member committee has been meeting on a regular basis to deal with flooding is- sues. They have toured the community, met with Federal and State officials, undertaken specific committee assignments and researched various ideas and suggestions relating to the prevention of flooding. They will soon have a complete report with recommendations to pre- sent to the Village Board. We will continue to keep you informed of our progress in future issues of D-TALES. WE HAVE OUR UPS AND DOWNS TORNADO SEASON IS HERE! You've probably always wondered just how many passenger elevators there are in Deerfield. Well, there are 35 of them, plus six freight or dumbwaiters (nobody you know) and one es- calator. CRIME WATCH Spring provides an excellent opportunity for you to repair and/or improve your property - and it's also the best season for the home re- pair con artist! Be very careful when anyone approaches you with an unsolicited offer to make repairs with "materials left over from another job in the area". Legitimate workmen don't usually solicit jobs in this manner! Ask for his Deerfield license and for refer- ences. DON'T admit anyone into your house until you see the license ... and even then, be careful. Call the Police - 945-2131 - if you are sus- picious (and get the license number if you can). Special care should be given to looking out for the elderly people in your neighborhood. They are very often targeted in advance by con men. Con games include - but are not limited to - driveway and foundation sealing, roof and gutter repairs, tuck pointing and furnace repairs. If you'd like more information, call 945-8636, the non -emergency Police line. L Z1:1.0` ratu Have your car tuned as recommended by the manufacturer. Regular tune-ups extend engine life and improve performance. A poorly tuned car could use as much as 3 to 9% more gas than a well -tuned one. The tune-up will pay for it- self in gas savings and car reliability. ANNUAL TOWN MEETING The annual town meeting for West Deerfield Township will be held on Tuesday, April 12th, at 8:00 P.M., in the Township Hall. Town- ship Officials will present their annual re- ports and answer any questions you may have. MARK YOUR CALENDAR!! Memorial Day, Monday, May 30th, will be a holi- day for the scavenger service. If that's your regular day, you won't have a pick-up but will have a double pick-up the following Thursday. Lake County is at the northeastern edge of the most tornado -prone region in the world, a distinction we could nicely do without! Since 1950, southeastern Lake County has bee hit by at least one tornado annually. You should have a preparedness plan for your family just in case ... and information about tornadoes is available from our Emergency Services and Disaster Agency (ESDA) at the Village Hall. ELECTION DAY - APRIL 12th Here's a list of the candidates: VILLAGE - Three Trustees - (-4 years): Caucus: Cynthia Marty Edwin Seidman J. Robert York Independent: Gerald Bard LIBRARY - Two Board Members (6 years): Charlene Reich Rosemary Sazonoff PARK DISTRICT: Two Commissioners (4 years): Michael Delaney Virginia Hunt Michael Lewitz • William Szydlowski The polls will be open from 6:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. ------BE SURE TO VOTE! THE FINANCIAL PICTURE ... The preliminary budget for 1983-1984 is avail- able for inspection at the Village Hall during normal office hours. At the Board meeting on April 18th, a public hearing will be held on the final budget. You are invited to participate. We'd welcome your input. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE - Family Day is coming and the Family Day Com- mittee is getting ready. As always, they need volunteers to help out with the various events. How about giving an hour or two of your valuable time? Call Nancy Roberts, at 945-4609 and offer your services - be a part • of this terrific celebration! Deerfield was incorporated on June 22, 1903. CALL THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT... RECYCLE THOSE PAPERS! Before you start hammering and sawing, you need to check with them to see whether your b requires a building permit. If so, you t only get the benefit of their expertise but you'll get competent inspections as the job progresses. When the job is finished, you'll get a Certificate of Compliance.... which means the work meets local and State codes. Check with the Building Department as soon as you decide what you plan to do. They'll tell you whether or not you need a permit. RABIES INOCULATIONS Your dog or cat MUST have a current rabies in- oculation. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS to this requirement. Whether your pet is confined to your house or yard and never gets out, you must still have the rabies inoculation. And it's wise to walk your pet on a leash. Dogs are absolutely not permitted to run loose in the Village. As we all know, there have been cases of rabies in several suburbs this year and Deerfield was no exception. Protect your pet, your family and your neighbors... rabies shots are not nearly as painful as they were in the past, but they still are no picnic! PARKWAY TREE PROGRAM It seems only natural to follow with this reminder! We're accepting orders for the Fall planting of parkway trees. You pay I and we'll pay 1. Call the Village Hall for details. AS YE SOW ... We have two community gardens... the original HOE! HOE! HOE! and the newer Southern Plant- ation, which is located east of Forestway Drive. Plots are 20' x 20' and there is no charge for them. We have lots of space left at the Southern Plantation, if you'd like to raise your own vegetables this summer. Call the Village Hall and we'll sign you up. WHAT'S YOUR NUMBER??? Did you know that the Municipal Code requires ,mfivat you have a house number? It should be Ir high, in figures (not script), in a color which contrasts to your house, and must be on the side of the house closest to and parallel to the street. If you ever have an emergency, you'll be glad you complied so the Police or Fire Departments can find you in a hurry! And cans, and oil. Rather than throwing these items away, why not load them up in the car and take them to the corner of Hoffman Lane and Osterman Avenue to the recycling center. Well, not the oil - that goes over to the Village garage on Elm Street. Don't throw things in the garbage - recycle! TELEPHONE SOLICITATIONS We get many inquiries from our residents about groups who solicit by phone trying to sell tickets to a circus or some other event for the benefit of various Police organiza- tions. This has NO connection with the Deer- field Police Department, nor do any of the proceeds end up here. Use your own good judgment, but remember that such solicitations have nothing to do with Deerfield. DEERFIELD CEMETARY ASSOCIATION Mayor Forrest and the Board of Trustees, in 1979, appointed three residents to serve on the Cemetery Association. They are charged with the responsibility of keeping the re- cords and maintaining the cemetery so that it is a credit to the Village (a difficult task since they don't have much money and it costs $60 every time the grounds are cared for). John Willman is the Chairman, and the members are*Karl Berning and Bill Hoyerman. They would welcome any financial help you'd care to offer. Call John at 945-0989. HOW'S YOUR SIDEWALK? If your walk is in need of repair, we'll go 50/50 with you - as long as our budget lasts. All you need to do now is call the Engineer- ing Department and put your name on the list. We'll take bids in May and then measure your walk, figure the'cost and notify you what your half would be. If you decide to have it done, we'll take care of everything (after you give us your check). This is "first come, first served" so don't delay! BE A FRIEND FOR LIFE! Give a pint of blood on June 5th. Volunteer by calling 298-9660. You'll be given an ap- pointment time ... it only takes about thirty minutes to be a part of this community ef- fort. CONSTRUCTION PLANS Motorists can expect some inconvenience this Spring and Summer as a result of road improve- ments which are scheduled within and around the Village of Deerfield! • WILMOT ROAD The section between Deerfield and Lake -Cook Roads will be completely reconstructed. During the construction period, Wilmot Road will be one-way south from Deerfield Road. The detour for northbound traffic will be Sanders Road. Access to all driveways and side streets along Wilmot Road will remain open at all times during construction except when the new pavement is installed at that particular driveway or side street. The improvement will include a newly designed intersection at Deerfield and Wilmot Roads, with fully modernized traffic signals. The project is being funded by 70% Federal monies and 30% Village.- Our share will be paid from Motor Fuel Tax funds. DEERFIELD ROAD Also scheduled for improvement this Summer is Deerfield Road, which will be resurfaced from Wilmot Road east to Chestnut Street. This, too, will be funded 70% by the Federal govern- ment. Although the timing could be better due to the Wilmot Road construction schedule, the Village feels it must move forward in order to take advantage of this outside funding. Included in this improvement will be new traffic signals at Deerfield Road and Chestnut Street. Since the pedestrian signal on Deerfield Road near Maplewood School and the flashing yellow light at Chestnut Street no longer meet State warrants, they will be replaced with a fully signalized intersection. The Police Department will be increasing its enforcement efforts in the residential areas adjacent to these improvements. Every effort will be made to discourage "foreign" traffic and to enforce the speed limits strictly. TOLLWAY The Illinois Toll Highway Authority is planning extensive work along the Tri-State. In ad- dition to road repairs, they will be constructing three additional toll booths in the north- bound lanes at the Deerfield Plaza. Work will begin on or about April 11th and end no later than October 14, 1983. INCONVENIENCE may not be the right word to cover what we'll be experiencing in the coming months .... but when it's all finished, we'1'1 all be happy with the improvement! All we need in the meantime is patience and fortitude. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 Fire Department .....................945-2121 Police Department ...................945 2131 r Village Hall.........................945-5000 BERNARD FORREST, Mayor TRUSTEES Marvin W. Ehlers Edwin Seidman Jerold Heisler Vernon Swanson Cynthia Marty J. Robert York POSTAL CUSTOMER DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 Bulk Rate U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Deerfield, Illinois CARIPRE•SORT Printed at Standard Printing Service, Inc. (312) 498-6126