Vol. 2, No. 4 - Apr 1982KISSING Lo ZONE April, 1982 Vol. 2 No. 4 THE SCAVENGER SERVICE IS CHANGING ON MAY FIRST H! We're going back to a six -day week for scavenger service, effective May 1st. This is a step toward the ultimate four -day week which will eventually eliminate Wednesday and Saturday pick ups ... but first things first! Study the map so you'll be able to adjust your schedule without too much inconvenience. If you have any questions, call the Village Hall. One other change is the start- ing time, which will be changed to 7:00 A.M. rather than 6:30 A.M. Once a week service is Wednes- day, Thursday or Friday, depend- ing on your location. TOLLWAY INTERCHANGE _� No�oar ADD WcONCSOAV AND SA1� tNuRcoA = ti 9L 110 wci "Sr oP Moe1lS WEST OF WAUKEGnN ROAD, }R yJAUKE&FUV ROAD N00.4N of DEERFIELO ROAD - 9 (etcar 6AIApow-D J�SL WCLUDiNb 601A f�00 OP i"CLU0416 W"-f Boa of OEERF-%LO O.OAD Qo WAJKEMm QD. W9UK(4AN NORM OF GRee"W000 Avenue 146011ELD RDAD 1 t1iESOA ►,®6 fad Mo�� A 0!D N014L% wCaf of WAUKEGAN ROAD 0 9 rtlu SOufN oP OEERGIELD ROAD - tf-U WING OEERAELD 'QOAe) W( 1weiUau6 L... 6RIARH1oo0 Visor a DAY wo I ZDAy Deerfield has launched a campaign to get an interchange constructed on the Tollway at Lake -Cook Road. Projected development along Lake -Cook Road and the problems with "foreign" traffic using our residential streets have prompted this effort. We have met on several occasions with neighboring communities and private firms in a cooperative venture to gain approval of this interchange. Our problem is that, in a study done in 1980, he Tollway Authority added this project to its ten year capital improvement plan .... but with a priority of tenth out of ten (or about 1990). We believe it should have a higher priority! It's expected that we'll meet with the Tollway Authority this Spring to request a higher priority for this interchange. MORE ON BUILDING PERMITS ... Now that the weather is better, you'll be getting the urge to have some home improve- ments done (or do it yourself). The first step is to consult with the Building Depart- ment and get a permit if necessary. There seems to be some misunderstanding about this so we'd like to clarify the reasons we re- quire permits. . This is for YOUR benefit! Our personnel will make certain the job you're doing is done correctly and won't result in your getting a poor job or that it won't create a hazard for you. Securing a permit assures you of com- petent inspect ions and a Certificate of Com- pliance, assurina that the job meets local and State codes without creating a potentially dangerous situation for you. SURVEY RESULTS ... We only received 28 replies to our WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND? portion of the December D-Tales, so the logical conclusion is that everyone else is happy. There was a variety of subjects, and we have corrected some of the minor problems al- ready. We did find out that our YOUR NEIGHBORS ASKED US section is the most popular part of D-Tales..... and, just as we thought, neighbors are reluctant to create hard feelings by speaking directly to -the people next door about problems. Here are some requests we have been asked to relay: ... Please ... move that compost pile away from your fence so your next door neighbors can enjoy their patios during the summer months without smelling your compost. ... Please ... trim your shrubs at corners and side- walks! ... Please ... don't block the intersections in the Briarwood Vista area when traffic is backed up! ...AND NOW FOR THE BIG ONE ... it's your dog again. Now that the snow has melted, your neighbors are finding deposits left by your animal - and this doesn't endear you to them (nor do they feel kindly toward your dog!!). We have complaints about tot lots, sidewalks, people's yards, and on and on. Not only are you annoying a lot of people, you're violating an ordinance. Either keep your dog at home or clean up after him! EVERYONE WANTS A PIECE OF THE PIE! Just to put the tax picture into proper perspec- tive, here's the portion of the pie chart which goes to the Village of Deerfield: 12% VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD And here's how the rest of your tax dollar is divided up: YOU'RE AN OLD TIMER IF ..... you remember when the post office was located in the old building which was torn down when Harry's Grill moved to its - sent location... orwhere the State Bank's par ls now. BE A FRIEND. FOR LIFE. Give a pint of blood! Everyone who is in good health, between 17 and 65, and weighs more than 110 can donate. The Village is a member of the North Suburban Blood Center, which is the sole supplier of blood and blood components to 13 neighboring hospitals. You, your family and all Deerfield residents are assured of blood when you need it, thanks to those who don te. How about you? The next drawing will be on Sunday, June 6th, from 8:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. at the Jewett Park ____Community Center. If you have any questions, call them at 298-9660. SPRING THINGS The Police Department wants to make sure you know that ALL bikes (including Mom's and Dad's) must be licensed... cost only $1.00 and can be done anytime at the P. D. They also want to stress bicycle safety. The laws for bikers are almost exactly the same as for cars. You must have a light if you ride afte dark. We don't want you to get a ticket OR 16 become a statistic! Chief Brandt would also like to remind you that certain types of crime increase when the weather warms up. If you aren't in the habit of locking your doors, now would be a good time to start! Homes have been entered by "gypsy" type women during daylight hours and even when the homeowner was out in the yard working! Fortunately, we've had great suc- cess in solving recent burglaries... thanks to information provided by alert residents. Report anything suspicious... better too much information than not enough! Help us to help you ... and LOCK THOSE DOORS! WHERE'S THAT DEPOSITORY??? On the south side of the Village Hall, just below the windows, there's a silver depository where you can drop your water bill (and the payment) or whatever. We have so many people who make an extra trip to pay the water bill because they forget about this convenience. And we like to get mail, too! WE NEED THAT SALES TAX MONEY ...• Shop in Deerfield! The Village receives it out of every dollar that you spend. That money helps to keep your real estate taxes down. Why contribute to another community's general fund? Every penny helps us to help you... right at home in Deerfield! leore Qe ve expanded the Hoe! Hoe! Hoe! Garden this year to 288 plots. There are only a few left for Deerfield residents who are interested in growing vegetables and/or flowers. The plots are 20' x 20'....there is no charge for them, and all we ask is that you keep your plots in good condition ... NO WEEDS!! For more informa- tion, call the Village Hall. ANNUAL TOWN MEETING The Annual Town Meeting for West Deerfield Township will be held on Tuesday, April 13th at 8:00 P.M. in the Village Hall. This is your chance to hear reports from Township Officials and ask all those questions you've been saving up. WE'LL SPLIT IT WITH YOU ... We're in the process of taking bids for the parkway trees ... are you interested? This is a 50/50 arrangement - trees are balled in bur- lap, planted by our personnel and guaranteed for a year. You'll have your choice of about 5 varieties, to be planted on your parkway. is is a first -come, first -served offer or ntil the budgeted amount is spent. Over the years, we've planted 1200± new trees ... just to make sure we have lots of leaves for the Fall! You can recycle CANS now, in addition to bottles and newspapers! The recycling center is located on Osterman Avenue between Hoffman Lane and the railroad tracks. AND, if you're one of the people who have been searching for the Good Will boxes for the past year or so ... we now have two new ones at the recycling center. PLUS WHICH, you can take your used oil over to 465 Elm Street (Village garage) and recycle it, too. IT'S YOUR MONEY We're well into the budgeting process for the next fiscal year (May 1st to April 30th) but here's still time for your input. The pro- *osed budget will be placed on file for review O-y the public on April 2nd, at the Village Hall. Then, on April 19th, the Board will hold a pub- lic hearing, make any changes approved at that hearing and adopt the final budget. You're all welcome to participate! ENERGY TIP If every household in the United States raised air-conditioning temperatures 60, we'd save the equivalent of 36 BILLION kilowatt-hours of electricity each year! Overcooling is expen- sive and wastes energy (and wears your sweaters out). Don't use or buy more cooling equip- ment than you actually need. The members of the Energy Advisory Council will be happy to answer any questions you may have. The entire V.illage family was saddened by the death of our good friend, John Blumberg, last month. John served on the Safety Council from 1975 and was Chairman from 1977. He was truly a gentle man, in every sense of the words, and we will miss him. We all extend our sympathy to Elyse, Kirsten and Kenny. YOUTH COUNCIL There are 12 members of the Youth Council, who are appointed for three year terms, to study, investigate and recommend solutions to problems of general juvenile conduct. They also co- ordinate between the Board of Trustees and other agencies concerning problems and welfare of youth, working closely with Youth Director Tom Creighton. Mr. Gerald Bard is the Chairman of the Youth Council. The members are: Darrell Ehlert Neil Samuels Dona Henderson Rosemary Sazonoff Sandra Harris Alvin Silvian Scott Kamber Patricia Stryker Andy Marovitz Barbara Waldschmidt Judy McCallister The Youth Council meets on the first Tuesday of each month. HAPPY HOLIDAYS That's what we wished for and that's just what we got! All of the red lights on the Christ- mas wreaths at the Fire Station and Village Hall stayed red .... which means that there were no fires caused by holiday decorations. That's two years in a row.... shall we go for three? GUESS WHAT??? There are 952 telephone poles in Deerfield. Haven't you wondered about that? We found out from OMNICOM when they did their walk- through with the telephone company and we knew you'd want to know!!: SOUTH OF THE COMMONS At the February 15th Board meeting, the Mayor and Board of Trustees adopted a set of amend- ments to the Comprehensive Plan and to the Zoning Ordinance. The intent of these amendments is to encourage the redevelopment of the area knowns as "South of the Commons,' located south 0 of the Commons Shopping Center and north of the Kitchens of Sara Lee, between the railroad tracks on the west and Waukegan Road on the east. The most significant changes from past Village policy regarding this area are: 1. The restriction of the area south of Osterman Avenue to multiple family housing. 2. The restriction of the area north of Osterman Avenue and west of Hoffman Lane to multiple family, office buildings or buildings with a mixture of commercial uses on the lower floor and office and/or multiple family above. 3. The area to the west of Hoffman Lane is also designated as an area in which free standing commercial uses will be permitted. In order to facilitate and encourage these uses, development incentive provisions were also enacted to allow the Village more flexibility in considering developers' proposals for the area. It should be noted that these amendments in no way change the current zoning of any property in the area. MORE ON CABLE TV PROGRESS OMNICOM has begun construction work in Deer- field. Crews are installing the primary cable within Village easements. Once this has been installed throughout the Village, crews will return to each area to make individual con- nections to those residences subscribing to the service. The Village will closely monitor this,construction work. It's important that residents understand, however, that cable con- struction crews have a legal right to work in these easements. OMNICOM will be contacting you sometime this Spring with specific infor- mation on programming and rates. One parti- cular point we wish to call to your attention is that if you subscribe to the service within a thirty -day period from the time the service is available to your home, there will be no installation charge. We hope that service will be available to some residents by mid -June, with all areas connected to the system by the end of this year. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 Fire Department .....................945-2121 Police Department ...................945-2131 Village Hall.........................945-5000 BERNARD FORREST, Mayor TRUSTEES Marvin W. Ehlers Edwin Seidman Jerold Heisler Vernon Swanson Cynthia Marty J. Robert York ISN'T IT YOUR TURN? Even though it's only March, planning is well underway for the annual Deerfield Family Day celebration. We saw YOU there last year with your family, having fun ..... now it's time for volunteers to sign up for this year. As you know, the entire operation is done by volun- teer organizations, groups and individuals and they need your help! Most activities in Jewett Park start after the• big parade and end about 5:00 P.M. Plans are in the formative stage .... now is the time for you to contact the 1982 Family Day President, Nick Nelson, at 945-5523. We'll have details in D-Tales in June about the program for Family Day. We can tell you now that the activities at the high school will be held on Sunday, July 4th. The parade and all of the park actitivies will be on Monday, July 5th. Call Nick and offer to help out. Bulk Rate U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Deertield. Illinois CAR/PRE-SORT POSTAL CUSTOMER DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 Printed at Standard Printing Service, Inc. (312) 498-6126