Vol. 35, No. 3 - May/Jun 2013D-Tales Your Municipal News Source Vol. 35 No. 3May/June 2013 Village of Deerfield 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 847.945.5000 Visit us online at www.deerfield.il.us Meeting Schedule Meeting times/dates subject to change. For a complete list of meetings visit, www.deerfield.il.us May Family Days Commission May 6, 4:00 p.m. Board of Trustees May 6 & 20, 7:30 p.m. Appearance Review Commission May 7 & 20, 7:30 p.m. Plan Commission May 9 & 23, 7:30 p.m. Community Relations Commission May 14, 7:00 p.m. Fine Arts Commission May 20, 6:00 p.m. Sustainability Commission May 23, 7:00 p.m. Village Hall Closed May 27, Memorial Day June Family Days Commission June 3, 4:00 p.m. Board of Trustees June 3 & 17, 7:30 p.m. Village Center Development Comm. June 5, 7:30 p.m. Sustainability Commission June 13 7:00 p.m. Plan Commission June 13 & 27, 7:30 p.m. Appearance Review Commission June 24, 7:30 p.m. check it out! Page 2: •Budget News Page 3: •Flood Information Page 5: •Be 9-1-1 Ready Page 6: •Village Vehicle Sticker Information Page 7: •Farmers Market Deerfield Residents & Small Commercial Customers Will Save Again on Electricity Rates In the first successful year of a three-year contract with MC Squared Energy Services, LLC (“mc2”), North Shore residents and businesses are projected to realize savings of over $26 million off of Commonwealth Edison (“ComEd”) residential electricity rates, with individual customers saving approximately $366 on average. Beginning last June, mc2 became the North Shore Electricity Aggregation Consortium’s alternative electricity supplier and has supplied power to almost 70,000 Consortium customers since that time. For the second year of the three-year contract, the Consortium has secured electricity rates of 4.990 cents per kilowatt-hour (“kWh”) for June 2013 through May 2014 billing cycles for residential and eligible small commercial customers. In April, ComEd announced that its residential rate for the same period will be 6.047 cents per kWh. The Consortium’s rate represents a modest 3% increase over the current Consortium rate of 4.836 cents/kWh, and results in savings of more than 17% when compared to ComEd’s new rates. Modest cost increases were expected and are represented in the new rate for both the Consortium and for ComEd. However, in addition to a still-lower rate, the Consortium is able to offer additional security to residents and businesses by negotiating with mc2 for the removal of the $25 early termination fee and other changes to the rate structure to minimize increases to consumers. Continued on Page 2 Deerfield Festival of Fine Arts Save the date! The 2013 Deerfield Festival of Fine Arts will be held on June 1 and June 2 from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. on Park Avenue at Deerfield Road. This year’s festival will show- case 100 artisans’ works. Now in its 11th year, the Festival of Fine Arts has proven to be an entertaining, family-friendly community event, and the show’s popularity continues to grow, with several thousand visitors from all over the Chicagoland area in attendance to peruse or purchase art. As in past years, all art media will be represented. This year’s festival will again feature local res- taurants through a partnership with the DBR Chamber of Commerce. Please come and Dine Out in Deerfield! For more information, please visit the Village website at www.deerfield.il.us or contact the Village Manager’s Office at 847.719.7400 e villageNEWS Page 2 Annual Budget The Mayor and Board of Trustees approved an 8-month budget at their April 15, 2013 meeting that will allow the Village to transi- tion its fiscal year to match the calendar year. This transition will increase transpar- ency by aligning the budget cycle to more closely match the timing of the tax levy. The Village provides a wide range of basic services upon which we all depend includ- ing police protection, potable water, sewage treatment and street maintenance, to high- light only a few. A great deal of time, energy and delib- eration was put into the creation of this budget. Staff provided a line-by-line review of the budget for the Mayor and Board of Trustees to ensure that the high quality of services that Deerfield residents rely upon remains unchanged. This budget was prepared with the follow- ing general guidelines: No new major operating program ad-• ditions No new debt• Revenue estimates conservatively • based on the current economic condi- tions Water, Sewer and Refuse Rate Increases The budget reflects a 2.5% increase in the water and refuse user charges. It also reflects a 5% increase in the sewer user charge. These rate adjustments are to keep pace with contract and personnel costs. Expenditures The budget totals $36,080,006 which is a 38.64% decrease over the FY 2012/13 amended budget. The decrease is caused mainly by the shortened fiscal year (8 months vs. 12 months) which allows the Village to transition to a calendar year end, and less capital spending as the Wastewater Treatment Plant has been substantially completed. The Capital Improvement Plan for next year totals approximately $6 million, a decrease of 68% from the 11/12 budget. Most of this reduction is due to the fact that a construction cost of $14 million for the replacement of the sewage treatment plant was issued last year and no debt will be issued this year. Approximately $1.9 million of the CIP budget is allocated for the Street Rehabilita- tion Program. Questions about the budget may be directed to the Finance Department at 847.945.5000 e Electric Aggregation Continued from Page 1 A new online customer portal is also available at www. northshoreelectricityaggregation.com where new customers (those who have moved into a Consortium community, or may want to change providers) can register. Letters will be sent to potential new customers twice per year as well to ensure that they are aware of the lower Consortium rate. As before, residents may also call mc2 directly at 888.808.7731 or email at NorthShore@MC2energyservices.com for more information. 100% Green Power Program Under the Consortium’s rate pricing in Year 2, customers will retain the opportunity to support renewable energy resources through voluntary participation in a 100% Green Power Program that purchases renewable energy certificates. To learn more about mc2, please visit www. mc2energyservices.com For more information about electric aggregation please contact mc2 at 888.808.7731 or the Village Manager’s Office at 847.719.7400 Visit www.NorthShoreElectricityAggregation. com to register a new account or learn more about the 100% Green Power Program e Emerald Ash Borer The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is a metallic green beetle native to Asia. The beetle is 1/2 inch long and 1/8 inch wide and its lar- vae bore into the tree and feed on the inner bark and phloem. In time, this cuts off the flow of nutrients and water, causing the tree to display signs of stress, weaken and perish. In the summer of 2011, EAB was discovered in the Village of Deerfield’s southwest quadrant. Trees infested with EAB will start with a slow decline and then can die very quickly. This causes trees to become brittle and start to lose their limbs. Since this discovery, the Village has worked with an Arborist to complete a parkway Ash tree inventory. During this inventory, trees were rated on a scale of 1 – 6, with a 1 being a healthy tree, and 6 being a dead or dying tree. To date, the Village has removed over 200 infested Ash trees. This spring, the Village will be inspecting Ash trees throughout the Village for signs of decline. The Village plans on removing 200-250 Ash trees this year. The Village is not treating any public Ash trees due to the cost and limited success of treatment. If a homeowner is interested in treating a parkway tree with their own certified arborist, they must fill out a permit application. The application and permit fees are waived for Ash tree treatments or removal. Homeowners may treat the parkway tree, but if the tree becomes a hazard the Village still has the right to remove the tree. Ash trees on private property are the responsibility of the homeowner to maintain. If your tree is found to have EAB and is starting to decline, the Village may require you to have the tree removed for safety reasons. Please report any known infestations of EAB to the Village. For more information please visit www. deerfield.il.us, email publicworks@deerfield. il.us or call the Engineering Department at 847.317.2490. Additional resources are also available from www.IllinoisEAB.com or www. emeraldashborer.info e publicWORKS Page 3 Lake Cook Road Construction Project The Lake Cook Road Re- construction and Widening Project spearheaded by the Cook County Department of Transporta- tion and Highways (CCDOTH) is under- way. The scope of work for the current portion of the project is to widen and reconstruct Lake Cook Road between Deerlake Road and Ellendale Road, rehabilitate Lake Cook Road between Ellendale Road and the east limit of the Village, and rehabilitate Wauke- gan Road between Chestnut Street and the Cadwell’s Corners/McDonald’s entrance. The CCDOTH has committed to keeping at least one lane in each direction and left turn lanes available at all signalized intersec- tions along Lake Cook Road for the dura- tion of the project. The work is expected to be completed by the end of October 2013. In an effort to enhance communication, the Village created a project-specific website, www.LakeCookRoad.com, where residents and businesses can receive up-to-date information, report a problem, view project maps and sign up for a project newsletter. The Village and the CCDOTH wish to remind you that all businesses are open and accessible during construction! As part of the project, there will be additional signs in place providing clear direction to motorists regarding revised driveway approaches and business accessibility. In efforts to promote business within the limits of the project, the Village has implemented a Business Directory at www. LakeCookRoad.com. Please be sure to sup- port your community by frequenting these places of business during construction! For more information, please visit www. LakeCookRoad.com or contact Village of Deerfield Department of Public Works and Engineering at 847.317.2490 e Deerfield Flood Information: Installment 1 of 3 Flood Hazard Areas Special Flood Hazard Areas (100-year floodplain) in the Village of Deerfield are located near the Middle Fork and West Fork of the North Branch of the Chicago River. The eastern portion of Deerfield is in the Middle Fork floodplain, while the western part of town is in the West Fork floodplain. For a detailed map visit the Village of Deer- field website www.deerfield.il.us under maps and information. Information on whether your property is in the 100-year floodplain can be obtained by visiting the Engineering Department and having a staff member help you. Maps and other flood-related information are available for viewing, as well. Contact the Engineer- ing Department at 847.317.2490 for further assistance. Flood Safety The following common sense guidelines can help protect you from the dangers of flooding: Do not drive through a flooded area. • More people drown in cars than any where else. Do not drive around bar- riers. Do not walk through flowing water. • Currents can be deceptive. Six inches of water can knock you off your feet. Deerfield Flood Recommendations Stay away from power lines and electri-• cal wires. If your house is about to be flooded, turn off the power at the ser- vice box. Electrical current can travel through water. Electrocution is the 2nd leading cause of death during floods. Be alert to gas leaks. Turn off the gas • to your house before it floods. If you smell gas, report it to a Village official or your gas company. Do not use candles, lanterns or open flames if you smell gas or are unsure if your gas has been shut off. Keep children away from the flood wa-• ters, ditches, culverts and storm drains. Flood waters can carry unimaginable items that have dislodged themselves Clean everything that has been wet. • Flood water will be contaminated with sewage and other chemicals which pose severe health threats. Look out for animals, especially snakes. • Small animals that have been flooded out of their homes may seek shelter in yours. Do not use gas engines, such as genera-• tors, or charcoal fires indoors during power outages. Carbon monoxide ex- haust can pose serious health hazards. Property Protection Measures If your property is susceptible to flooding, there are many flood damage reduction measures you can employ. Watertight seals can be applied to brick • and block walls to protect against low- level flooding. Utilities such as heating and air con-• ditioning systems, water heaters and other major appliances can be elevated to higher floors in the structure or on raised platforms. Temporary measures such as moving • furniture and other valuables to higher floors or sandbagging exterior openings will also help. Elevating or relocating the entire struc-• ture may also be a feasible option. If you should require further or more detailed information regarding flood-related issues in Deerfield, here are some additional sources: FEMA.gov website• Village of Deerfield Engineering • Department 465 Elm Street Deerfield, IL 60015 847.317.2490 Floodplain FAQ page on the • www. deerfield.il.us website. Deerfield Library • e boardREPORT communityCALENDAR Page 4 deerfield park district May 5 – Deer Dash (5k, 10k & 1-mile Fun Run) at Jaycee Park 5 – Old Fashioned Band Concert at Patty Turner Center 11 – IL Jr. Golf Assoc. Spring Kick-Off 11, 12 – Rhythmic Gymnastics Meet at Sachs Rec. Center 18 – Deerfield Dance Studio Recital at Jewett Park Community Center 19 – Hershey Track and Field Meet at DHS 22 – Deerfield Park Foundation & War- riors Wrestling Alumni & Friends NEW Golf Outing at Deerfield Golf Club 31 – Middle School Students Pool Party at Mitchell Pool (June 7 Rain date) June 1 – Mitchell Pool Opens 6 – Illinois PGA, Illinois Open Qualifier 8 – Triathlon at Deerspring 8 – Deerspring Pool Opens 15, 17 – Weekly Public Swim Lessons Begin 16, 23, 30 – Summer Sampler – free mu- sical entertainment – at Mitchell Park 21 – Longest Day Golf Event at Deerfield Golf Club Visit www.deerfieldparkfoundation.org for information and to register now for: Spring golf outing – co-sponsored by Deerfield Park Foundation & Warriors Wrestling Alumni & Friends Open to all adults 21+ Location: Deerfield Golf Club, River- woods Date & Time: Wed., May 22, 1 p.m. Tee Off Cost: $550 per foursome. Includes contests, prizes, after-golf food and more. Registration Deadline May 15. Deer Dash – #363301 / Sect. 01 Open to families or to individuals 8 years and up. Sect. 01: 10K Run; Sect. 02: 5K Run; Sect. 03: 1-Mile Fun Run Location: Jaycee Park Cost: FEES APPLY Date & Time: Sunday, May 5, 7 a.m. Check-in; 7:45 a.m. Pre-race instruc- tions; 8-10 a.m. Race Hershey Track & Field #333302 /Sect. 01 Open to all students, 9-14 years of age as of 12/31/13 Location: Deerfield High School Track Date & Time: Sunday, May 19, noon-3 p.m. Cost: FREE For more information or to register for Park District programs, call 847.945.0650, or visit www.deerfieldparkdistrict.org deerfield public library Have Book, Will Travel! Adult Summer Reading Program Sunday, June 23 - Sunday, August 18 Celebrate the Library’s Grand Reopen- ing by signing up for the 2013 Summer Reading Program, Have Book, Will Travel! Participants who read, watch, or listen to five Library titles this summer can enter to win a Kindle Fire, or other travel- related prizes. Attendance at any of the adult Library programs can count as one of your five titles. Registration forms will also be available on the Library website beginning Sunday, June 23. Have Book, Will Travel! Youth Summer Reading Program Sunday, June 23 – Sunday, August 18 Children ages birth through 6th grade Excitement and fun await those who journey to the Deerfield Public Library and participate in our summer reading program, Have Book, Will Travel! Children will get a prize just for signing up, and those who meet their reading goals will receive a paperback book of their choice and be eligible for a variety of wonderful raffle prizes. Family Drop-In Activities Picnic Stories Thursday, June 27, noon Children and their parent or caregiver Bring a bag lunch and enjoy stories for the whole family in the Storytime Room at the Library. Family Times Saturday, June 29, 10 a.m. Children and their parent or caregiver Come to the Youth Services department for a drop-in storytime! Note: Please register in advance for all programs by calling 847.945.3311. For more information and a full listing of events, please visit the library on the web at www.deerfieldlibrary.org west deerfield township Township Board meetings will be held May 21 and June 18 at the Township Offices, 601 Deerfield Road. Visit www.westdeerfieldtownship.org The following is a synopsis of actions taken by the Village Board since the last issue of D-Tales. For complete sets of minutes for Village Board meetings or to watch meetings on demand, please visit the Village’s website at www.deerfield.il.us. village board action Approved resolution authorizing the first amendment to the power supply agreement between the Village of Deerfield, Illinois and MC Squared Energy Services, LLC Authorized request to submit joint purchasing requisition to purchase salt under the State of Illinois Joint Purchase Contract Approved ordinance authorizing a special use to permit the establishment of an office on the first floor in the C-1 Village Center District at 700 Osterman Avenue Authorized request to renew GIS service provider contract Awarded a contract for the Heather Road/Lake Eleanor Drive Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project to A-Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. Approved ordinance adopting the budget of the Village of Deerfield for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2013 and ending December 31, 2013 Approved ordinance amending the wage and salary plan Approved resolution adopting a consolidated fee schedule for Fiscal Year 2013A Approved resolution adopting the 2013 MFT Street Rehabilitation Project Authorized purchase of police vehicles Awards And Proclamations Proclaimed the week of March 18-24, 2013, Youth Appreciation Week Proclaimed April, 2013, Fair Housing Month Honored Jonathan Kogen, 2013 I.H.S. State Chess Champion Proclaimed April 28, 2013, Breathe Deep North Shore Day Proclaimed April 26, 2013, Arbor Day Proclaimed the week of April 14-20, 2013, National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week Proclaimed April 22, 2013, Earth Day policeDEPARTMENT Page 5 Curfew & Teen Driver Safety Curfew is a law. It is applicable to those ages 17 and under: Sunday-Thursday: 11p.m. – 6 a.m. • Friday-Saturday: 12 a.m. – 6 a.m.• Drivers under the age of 18 may not operate a motor vehicle between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., Sunday through Thursday, and between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m., Friday and Saturday. For the first twelve months of licensing or until the driver turns 18 (whichever occurs first) the number of pas- sengers is limited to one person under the age of 20, unless the additional passenger is a sibling, step-sibling, child, or step-child of the driver. Exemptions in the law allow new drivers to drive to and from employment or school- sanctioned activities outside the restricted times. Underage drivers convicted of violat- ing the new driving curfews may have their driver’s license suspended. Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for people ages 15 to 20. To this end, the Illinois Secretary of State has created tools to assist parents and guardians in help- ing their teens become and remain safe and responsible drivers. The parent/legal guardian of a person under age 18 who holds an instruction permit or graduated driver’s license may access the minor’s driving record free online. The Secretary of State also has an emer- gency contact database that allows Illinois driver’s license and ID cardholders to enter emergency, disability and special needs contact information into a voluntary, secure database. In the event of a motor vehicle crash or other emergency situation where a person is unable to communicate directly, law enforcement can access the database to help reach the person’s designated contacts. For more information about these tools and for additional tips and hints, see the Secretary of State’s website at: www.cyberdriveillinois. com e Burgers & Badges On Saturday, June 22nd, uniformed officers from the Deerfield Police Department will be serving customers at Tom & Eddie’s restaurant. This will be the third annual fundraiser titled “Burgers & Badges.” Tom & Eddie’s will donate ten percent of net sales for the day in addition to all tips to Special Olympics Illinois (SOILL). SOILL memorabilia will be for sale along with raffle tickets to win a Midnight Pearl 2013 Harley-Davidson Street Glide FLHX. Come out and join us for a delicious meal and a great cause. For more information, please contact Deer- field Police Communications Director Mary Anne Glowacz at 847.945.8636 or e-mail mglowacz@deerfield.il.us e Police & Fire Grill Off On Saturday, June 15th, the Deerfield Po- lice Department will again participate in the Deerfield Whole Foods Market Grill-Off Challenge. They will be fighting to retain their crown as they have been victorious over the Deerfield Bannockburn Fire De- partment for the past two years. This year, to spice things up, the Deerfield Police will pair with the Highland Park Police to compete against their respective fire departments. The agencies will show off their grilling skills at Whole Foods Market Deerfield to raise money for Special Olympics Illinois. All customers, for a cost of $6 per plate, will be able to vote for their favorite burger based on following criteria: taste, appear- ance and team spirit. The winning team will be awarded a catered meal for their department and an entire year of bragging rights. For more information, please contact Deer- field Police Communications Director Mary Anne Glowacz at 847.945.8636 or e-mail mglowacz@deerfield.il.us e Be 9-1-1 Ready Use a Landline: Whenever possible, use a landline to call 9-1-1. Cell phone calls aren’t always routed to the closest call center and it takes time to transfer your call to the call center. Even the best technology available right now can’t tell us a caller’s exact loca- tion, which is why 9-1-1 telecommunicators rely on the caller to be sure they provide exact information about their location so the police, fire or EMS team can find and help them. Know Where You Are: Where are you right now? Could you tell 9-1-1 exactly where to find you? Don’t Text to 9-1-1: Your local 9-1-1 may not be able to accept text messages, photos and video. A voice call continues to be the best way to reach 9-1-1. Stay Calm & Ready to Listen: 9-1-1 is here to help you until help arrives. Be ready to listen and follow directions. When calling 9-1-1, one of the first things you’ll be asked to provide is the location of the emergency you’re reporting. The call taker may not automatically know your location or may ask you to confirm it. Tell the call taker the location of the emer- gency. Provide landmarks such as cross streets and mileposts. Always be aware of your surroundings. Try to stay calm, listen carefully, give infor- mation and follow all instructions. In an emergency, seconds matter, so being knowledgeable and prepared can make all the difference. Knowing when to call and what to expect when you dial 9-1-1 can help reduce fear and feelings of helplessness in an emer- gency. For more information, please visit www. know911.org, the website of “9-1-1: The Num- ber To Know” developed by the National 9-1-1 Education Coalition e Community Info Page 6 3 GUYS & NO TRUCK Farewell Event June 2 at West Deerfield Town- ship Building After 11 years of serving the Deerfield com- munity with their impactful 3 GUYS & A TRUCK food drive, the 3 GUYS are chang- ing course and saying goodbye to the event. For more than a decade, they ran the high school track each first Sunday in June, lead- ing the Deerfield community in an all-day fitness and food drive event benefiting the West Deerfield Township Food Pantry. The 3 GUYS - Carl Berg, Doug Bruss and Paul Zavagno - and the event commit- tee - Julie Morrison, Alyson Feiger, Russ Krochock, Mary Bruss, Bill Hansen, Eliza- beth Ury, Suzy Klein, Jeff Shaw and Amy Charlson - would like to thank the Deer- field community, the sponsors and in-kind donors who have helped shape and sustain the 3 GUYS & A TRUCK event over the last 11 years. Even though the GUYS won’t be taking to the track anymore, the need continues. The Pantry, which serves 220 individuals in West Deerfield Township, is grateful for your past and future support, and will continue to accept donations of non- perishable food, cleaning supplies, personal care items, paper towels, toilet paper, grocery store gift certificates and monetary gifts (checks may be payable to West Deerfield Township Food Pantry). Please bring a donation for the Pantry and join the 3 GUYS as they thank the community and say goodbye to the 3 GUYS event on Sunday, June 2, from 1-3 p.m. at the West Deerfield Township building, 601 Deerfield Road. The Village of Deerfield’s Hunger Awareness Week is May 26–June 2. The June 2 celebration will culminate this week of hunger awareness. If you’d like to take the torch from the 3 GUYS, or want more information about the West Deerfield Township Food Pantry, please call West Deerfield Township at 847.945.0614 e Village Vehicle Sticker Registration The applications for 2013 vehicle stickers will be mailed to all currently registered ve- hicle owners in mid-May. By July 1, stickers must be displayed on all vehicles registered in Deerfield. If you purchase your sticker by June 30, the sticker fee is $30. After June 30, the fee includes a 50% late penalty. Seniors may purchase one sticker for $1 per household; additional stickers are regular price. Residents may purchase vehicle stickers in person at Village Hall or may return their renewal forms via mail or in the drop box located in the median just south of Village Hall on Jewett Park Drive. Remember: The deadline to display a new 2013 sticker is July 1. Stickers will be sold beginning in mid-May. For more information, please contact the Finance Department at 847.945.5000 or visit www.deerfield.il.us e Watersense Environmen- tal Tip Make it a full load! The average washing machine uses 40.9 gallons of water per load. If you buy a new washer, shop for a high- efficiency washer that needs less than 28 gallons of water per load. To achieve even greater savings, wash only full loads of laundry or be sure to choose the appropriate load size on the washing machine. For more information, visit www.epa.gov/ watersense/pubs/res.html Podcast: http://www.epa.gov/earthday/pod- casts e Deerfield Historic Village Opens June 2 The Deerfield Historic Village, 517 Deerfield Road, is open Sundays from 2 - 4 p.m., June through September. Visit the oldest building in Lake County, the Caspar Ott log house (1837), to see how Deerfield’s earliest settlers lived. The village also includes a farmhouse, carriage house, visitor center and a one- room schoolhouse that has been a favorite with children for many years. The Deerfield Area Historical Society, a donor-supported, nonprofit organization, created and maintains the Historic Village. Admission is free. Donations are appreciated. For more information call 847-948-0680 or visit www.deerfieldhistoricalsociety.org e Household Electronics Collections In cooperation with SWALCO, the Village will sponsor four household electronics collections. Events are held at the Deerfield Public Works Facility, 465 Elm Street, from 9 a.m. - noon on the following Saturdays: May 18• June 15• August 17• September 21• No commercial, institutional or govern- mental materials will be accepted. The 2012 Illinois Electronic Products Recycling and Reuse Act banned certain electronic devices from landfills. Elec- tronic items such as televisions, monitors, computers and printers are some of the most common items that will no longer be allowed in the regular trash. Other recycling or reuse options include: donation of working equipment to a chari- table organization, using an at-home col- lection service or bringing them to a retail store that accepts electronics for recycling. For lists of acceptable and unacceptable mate- rials for recycling, please contact SWALCO at 847.336.9340 or visit www.swalco.org e communityINFO Page 7 Farmers Market The Deerfield Farmers Market’s 19th season begins June 8th and continues every Saturday through October 12th, from 7 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., rain or shine. The market offers the finest locally grown fruits, vegetables and specialty items such as freshly baked breads and cookies, fabulous flowers, tasty maple syrup and honey, salsas, and a variety of hand- crafted cheeses. Over the years the market has become a fun communal gathering spot for Deerfield residents and a destination point for those in neighboring communities. Visit the Village of Deerfield website at www.deerfield.il.us to see Farmers Market updates e Flower Planter Program Brightens Downtown The Village of Deerfield and Moore Landscapes are offering the Flower Planter Program for the fourth year. This program allows merchants and property owners in the Village Center to purchase handsome clay planters and have them filled with colorful flowers and plantings for all four seasons of the year. As of early April, this year’s participants in the Flower Planter Program are: Elizabeth Arden Red Door Salon & Spa, Deerfield Village Centre, Shopper’s Court, One Deerfield Place, the West Deerfield Township, the Deerfield Cem- etery and Village Hall. It is not too late for downtown businesses and property owners to sign up to participate in this year’s program. For more information or to sign up, please contact Associate Planner Kathy LéVeque at 847.719.7480 e Upcoming Events @ PTC For a complete listing of programs or to register to be a member, please contact the Patty Turner Center (PTC) at 847.940.4010 or visit www.pattyturnercenter.org May 2, Movies for Members May 4, American Heart Association CPR Course May 5, Old Fashioned Band Concert May 7, “Arthritis and You” Seminar May 8, Dominick’s Lecture Series May 10, “The Romanticism Movement” with Debra Levie May 13, “60 Minutes” with Barry Bradford May 14, PTC Women’s Club Luncheon/ Program May 16, Hummers and Strummers Ice Cream Social May 17, Game Connection for Members May 20, Hula-Hooping into Good Health Class May 21, Opera in Focus program May 22, Fiesta De La Casa Special Event May 24, Ping Pong for Members May 28, Men’s Club Car Show June 3, Library Men Group June 4, Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Testing June 10, Social Bridge June 11, Open Poker June 12, ACES June 13, 4-Hands Chicago Excursion June 14, PTC Book Club June 17, Mah Jongg for Members June 18, Men’s Club June 19, Hatha Yoga June 20 and 21, AARP Driver’s Course June 28, “Jazz Before Sunrise” Morning Breakfast June 29, Jack Diamond Presents, “Jeanette McDonald and Nelson Eddy” Special Events Old Fashioned Band Concert Sunday, May 5th, 2-3:30 p.m. Event is free. Please contact the Patty Turner Center at 847.940.4010 to register. Fiesta De La Casa Wednesday, May 22nd, 5:30 - 8 p.m. $18.00 for members and $25.00 for non-members. Event is at Patty Turner Center. Advanced registration is required. e Celebrate the Library’s Grand Reopening on Sunday, June 23 Celebrate the Grand Reopening of the renovated, refreshed and refurbished Deer- field Public Library on Sunday, June 23, starting at 1 p.m. Library tours, refreshments, entertainment and surprises will follow the ribbon-cutting ceremony and brief welcoming remarks. The Library’s parking lot will be closed during the brief ceremony, so please plan to park at the train station or at the Linde- mann lot. More information about the best available parking options will be posted on the Li- brary’s website and in Patch and TribLocal. In the interim, here’s an overview of what you can expect while we’re making the move back: We’ll close our doors at 7 N. Waukegan • Road at 6 p.m. May 24 and reopen in our renovated Library at 920 Wauke- gan Road on June 23. Some online features such as the • website, online databases, and ability to register for programs online will be available during the transition. MyMediaMall, the catalog features of • “My Account,” phone service and email will be temporarily unavailable. No returns will be accepted at either • location until we reopen June 23. Fine Forgiveness! Items can be • returned June 23 – June 30 at 920 Waukegan without incurring fines. Be the FIRST TO KNOW by sub-• scribing to our e-newsletter at www. deerfieldlibrary.org e lastPAGE Village Officials: Mayor: Harriet E. Rosenthal - 847.945.3545 Email: harrietrose@comcast.net Trustees: Robert L. Benton - 847.945.1570 Email: bobbenton@prodigy.net Alan L. Farkas - 847.374.9592 Email: alfafoxtrot1@gmail.com Thomas L. Jester - 847.945.6489 Email: tapjester@yahoo.com Robert Nadler - 847.948.5131 Email: rnadler@kimcorealty.com William S. Seiden - 847.945.2442 Email: wss5@comcast.net Barbara J. Struthers - 847.940.0917 Email: bjstruthers@bjsltd.net Village Manager: Kent S. Street - 847.719.7400 Email: kstreet@deerfield.il.us Village Hall/Police Department 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 847.945.5000 (Switchboard and Finance) 847.719.7484 (Community Development) 847.945.8636 (Police non-emergency) Public Works and Engineering 465 Elm Street 847.317.7245 847.317.2490 (Engineering) Save the Date! Deerfield Family Days 2013 July 3 & 4 July 3- Brickyards Park: Fireworks, Food for Sale & Live Entertainment! The Park will open at 5:00 p.m. July 4 - Jewett Park: All-day (8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.) Activities including: Pancake Breakfast, Dog Show, Arts & Crafts Fair, Parade, 10K Run, Bike Parade, Flower Show, Games & Rides! Questions?: Contact Barb Reich, Family Days Co-Chair, at 847.945.1955 or John P. Coughenour, Family Days Co-Chair, at 847.366.7554. e 2013 Yard Waste Collection The cost of landscape waste stickers is $2.60 each. Stickers may be purchased at Village Hall, Jewel, Dominick’s, Wallgreens, Craftwood Lumber and Home Depot. Residents north of Deerfield Road will have yard waste collected on Tuesdays; those south of Deerfield Road will be collected on Wednesdays. Yard waste must be placed in a 30-gallon paper bag and placed at the curb with a sticker affixed for collection. A sticker is also required for each bundle of brush not exceeding 4 feet in length, 30 inches in circumference and 50 pounds in weight. Collection runs through December. Questions regarding refuse collection may be addressed to the Finance Department at 847.945.5000. e Sign Up for Village E-News Notifications Stayed informed! Sign up for the Village’s electronic newsletter to receive email notifications such as road closures and special events. Visit the Village’s website at www.deerfield.il.us and click on the Connect CTY logo to register. It is important to keep your contact information up-to-date because this is the same database used to reach residents in the case of an emergency. Please note your information is safe, secure, never shared and only used for Village purposes. e PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Deerfield, Illinois D-Tales 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 POSTAL CUSTOMER DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015