Vol. 35, No. 2 - Mar/Apr 2013D-Tales Your Municipal News Source Vol. 35, No. 2March/April 2013 Village of Deerfield 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 847.945.5000 Visit us online at www.deerfield.il.us Meeting Schedule Meeting times/dates subject to change. For a complete list of meetings visit, www.deerfield.il.us March Community Relations Commission March 12, 7:00 p.m. Plan Commission March 14 & 28, 7:30 p.m. Sustainability Commission March 14, 7:00 p.m. Appearance Review Commission March 18, 7:30 p.m. Board of Trustees March 18, 7:30 p.m. NW Quadrant Unified Task Force March 19, 7:00 p.m. Appearance Review Commission March 19, 7:30 p.m. April Family Days Commission April 1, 4:00 p.m. Fine Arts Commission April 1, 6:00 p.m. Board of Trustees April 1 & 15, 7:30 p.m. Village Center Development Comm. April 3, 7:30 p.m. Community Relations Commission April 9, 7:00 p.m. Plan Commission April 11 & 25, 7:30 p.m. check it out! Page 2: • Voting Precinct Map Page 3: • Street Rehabilitation Program Page 4 & 5: • NW Quadrant Unified Task Force Page 7: • Spring Storm Tips Page 8: • Deerfield Park Foundation Scholarship Page 9: • Senior/Disabled Transportation Services Lake Cook Road Reconstruction Project The Lake Cook Road Reconstruction and Widening Project is spearheaded by the Cook County Highway Department (CCHD). This is the second part of two individual projects, the first part was completed during the 2010 construction season. The overall scope of work for the first project was to rehabilitate Lake Cook Road between Wilmot Road and Pine Street and to reconstruct and widen Lake Cook Road between Pine Street and Deerlake Road. The first project also included water main construction, as mandated by the CCHD, along Lake Cook Road within the project limits. The scope of work for the second portion of the project, which will be occurring during the 2013 construction season, is to widen and reconstruct Lake Cook Road between Deerlake Road and Ellendale Road, rehabilitate Lake Cook Road between Ellendale Road and the east limit of the Village, and rehabilitate Waukegan Road between Chestnut Street and the Cadwell’s Corner’s intersection. At this time the Village has the opportunity to install water main, sidewalk along the north and south sides of Lake Cook Road, sidewalk along the east side of Waukegan Road, landscaped medians throughout (sidewalk and landscaping is a 50/50 cost share with the CCHD), and perform point repairs on sanitary sewer mains. The Village of Deerfield water main is currently located beneath Lake Cook Road via permit, therefore the cost to relocate will be borne by the Village. The work to be performed this season will be constructed in three stages, as was reported by the CCHD during the January 31 public meeting held at Village Hall. Continued on Page 2 General Consolidated Election: April 9, 2013 The General Consolidated Election will be held Tuesday, April 9, 2013. The following is voting information for the West Deerfield Township. Voter Registration Are you registered to vote? If you are new to Deerfield, have moved within the Village - even just across the street - or have changed your name, you must re-register to vote. It takes just a few minutes at the West Deerfield Township Office, 601 Deerfield Road. Bring two forms of identification, one of which has your current address. No appointment is necessary to register to vote. March 12 is the deadline to register to vote for the April, 2013 election. Grace period registration takes place at the Lake County Clerk’s Office March 13 - April 6. If you register during the grace period and want to vote in the Consolidated Election, you must vote at the time of registration. Continued on Page 2 villageNEWS Page 2 Voting Options Go to www. LakeVoterPower.info to find your site for early voting or election day voting. • Early in-person voting begins March 25 and continues through April 6. You must present valid government-issued identification containing photograph and name. Weekday early voting hours are 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. On Saturdays, early voting ends at 2:00 p.m. There is no voting on Sundays. • Request a ballot by mail. To request a ballot by mail, contact the Lake County Clerk by email at VotingByMail@lakecountyil.us, or 847.377.2406. Voting by mail begins March 15. Remember, if you request a ballot by mail you may not vote on Election Day. • Election Day voting takes place Tuesday, April 9. Polls are open 6:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. All polls are handicap accessible. You may confirm your voting site, check your voter registration status, get a list of acceptable forms of identifica- tion and view a sample ballot by calling 847.377.2410 or visit www.lakecountyil. gov/countyclerk. If you have any questions, please call Town Clerk Kristen Scott at 847.945.0614 e For a map of all voting precincts in West Deerfield Township, visit http://gis2.co.lake.il.us/output/ districtmaps/twppcts/wdflpcts.pdf For a map of all voting precincts in Moraine Township, visit http://www.morainetownship.org/ MorTwpPrecincts_b_w.jpg e Lake Cook Road Continued Continued from Page 1 The first stage of construction will include the installation of temporary traffic signals and the demolition of median islands. During the second stage, construction Elections Continued Continued from Page 1 activity will be limited to the southern half of Lake Cook Road. Traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction and will be shifted to the northern half of Lake Cook Road. The final stage will shift traffic back over to the newly constructed southern half of Lake Cook Road while the northern half of the road, and the Village of Deerfield water main, is constructed. The CCHD has committed to keeping at least one lane in each direction and left turn lanes available at all signalized intersections along Lake Cook Road for the duration of the project. The work is expected to begin in April and be completed by the end of October 2013. In an effort to enhance communication, the Village created a project-specific website, www.LakeCookRoad.com where residents and businesses can receive up-to-date informa- tion, report a problem, view project maps, and sign up for a project newsletter. For more information, please visit www. LakeCookRoad.com or contact Village of Deerfield Department of Public Works and Engineering at 847.317.2490 e Precinct 391 Congregation B’Nai Tikvah 1558 Wilmot Road Precinct 392 Deerfield Village Hall 850 Waukegan Road Precinct 393 St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church 815 Wilmot Road Precinct 394 St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church 815 Wilmot Road Precinct 395 Deerfield Village Hall 850 Waukegan Road Precinct 396 Deerspring Pool 200 Deerfield Road Precinct 397 Deerspring Pool 200 Deerfield Road Precinct 398 St Gregory’s Episcopal Church 815 Wilmot Road Precinct 399 Patty Turner Center 375 Elm Street Precinct 400 Patty Turner Center 375 Elm Street Precinct 401 Patty Turner Center 375 Elm Street Precinct 402 Patty Turner Center 375 Elm Street Precinct 218 (Moraine Township) Red Oak School 530 Red Oak Lane Fire Hydrant Flushing During the week of April 15th, the Village of Deerfield Department of Public Works will begin flushing all fire hydrants within corporate limits. Opening fire hydrants and flushing out water on an annual basis allows Public Works to ensure that hydrants are in proper working condition and helps to flush sediment out of the distribution system. Signs will be posted in each area before flushing begins. The work is typically performed between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and takes approximately 2 weeks to complete the entire Village. Do NOT do laundry on the day hydrants are flushed in your area. Flushing may stir up rust that can enter washing machines and cause discoloration to certain types of cloth- ing. Additionally, there may be discoloration in the water coming from the faucets in your home after hydrant flushing is complete in your area. It is recommended that residents flush water from their interior residential system through a tub spout for a few min- utes to clear out sediment. The water from the tap is safe to drink at all times. If you have any questions, please call the Village of Deerfield Water Department at 847.307.7245 (M-F 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.) or email publicworks@deerfield.il.us e publicWORKS Page 3 Wastewater Reclamation Facility Reaches Substantial Completion On November 1, 2010 the Village Board awarded the construction contract for the renovation of the Wastewater Reclamation Facility to Joseph J. Henderson and Son of Gurnee, IL. Construction has been ongoing since January of 2011, and is expected to reach final completion by May of 2013. Though the project was extensive in scope, service to Village residents has continued uninterrupted through the duration of the project. Some of the most visible aspects of the project included demolition of the large trickling filter domes, elimination of the sludge drying beds, reconfiguration of Hackberry Road including the addition of angle parking to better serve users of Shepard Park, and construction of a public restroom. Plant staff is currently operating the facility as designed and it will provide improved efficiency, safety, and reliability. The project was declared substantially complete at the February 4, 2013 Board of Trustees meeting and was partially funded through the help of former Illinois State Senator Susan Garrett. Senator Garrett was honored at a recognition ceremony at the facility’s new Administration Building in December. e Heather Road/Lake El- eanor Road Infrastruc- ture Rehabilitation Project The Village of Deerfield Engineering De- partment has completed the design phase of the Heather Road/Lake Eleanor Road Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project. The design for the project began in January 2011 when the Village contracted with consulting engineers for the preparation of contract plans, specifications, and bidding docu- ments. Final design documents have been completed and the project will go out to bid in late February allowing for construction to begin in May of 2013. The work will take approximately 12 weeks to complete. The purpose of the project is to reconstruct and rehabilitate the existing Village road- way and utilities on Heather Road between Deerfield Road and Manor Drive and on Lake Eleanor Drive between the court and Wilmot Road. Improvements will include complete replacement of the existing water main, storm sewer improvements, and com- plete removal and replacement of the exist- ing roadway. The landscaped island on Lake Eleanor Drive will remain. A bid opening will be scheduled in March, after which the Village will provide additional scope and schedule information to residents. e 2013 Street Rehabilitation Project The Village of Deerfield 2013 Street Rehabilitation Project will be going out to bid in May of 2013. In addition to routine maintenance items, the contract will include the reconstruction/rehabilitation of 7 streets within the Village. The project will be substantially complete by October 31, 2013. The streets that will be focused on this year are listed below: Street Name Starting Ending Bayberry Lane Appletree Lane Pine Street Timberhill Road Charing Cross Road Bayberry Lane Carriage Way Fox Hunt Trail Deerfield Road Springfield Avenue Jewett Park Fair Oaks Avenue Stratford Road Hazel Avenue Greenwood Avenue Bent Creek Ridge Carriage Way Carriage Way Hackberry Road WRF Frontage Locust Place villageNEWS Page 4 Northwest Quadrant Unified Task Force The Northwest Quadrant Unified Task Force plans to hold a public open house on March 19th at 7 p.m. in the Robert D. Franz Council Chambers on the second floor of the Deerfield Village Hall located at 850 Waukegan Road to obtain input on the developing Master Plan for the Northwest Quadrant of the Village Center (see map on page 5). Residents are encouraged to attend the open house. Background In late 2011, the Board of Trustees authorized the creation of the Northwest Quadrant Unified Task Force. Village Trustee Thomas Jester was appointed as Chairman. The Task Force is made up of all of the major stakeholders in the quadrant including the Deerfield Park Dis- trict, Deerfield Public Library, Village of Deerfield, Presbyterian Church, AT&T, the commercial property owners along Waukegan Road, and Chairman of the Plan Commission, Village Center Development Commission, Appearance Review Commission, and the Sustain- ability Commission. The Northwest Quadrant of the Village Center currently suffers from a lack of pedestrian friendliness, disconnected parking lots, a disjointed roadway/circulation system, a lack of adequate space for safe drop-offs for children’s day care, and a general lack of a unified campus feel. The purpose of the Northwest Quadrant Unified Task Force was to bring together the stakeholders to study the Northwest Quadrant and work together to develop a Master Plan for the entire quadrant to benefit the community. As the majority of property in the Northwest Quadrant is public lands, the Task Force believes that property lines should not be a consideration in developing a Master Plan. The goal is to create a campus setting with amenities that will foster increased pedestrian use and community pride. Pedestrian comfort and safety would be at the forefront and cars would still be accommodated. The Village retained the consultant team of Teska Associates, Hitchcock Design, Gewalt Hamilton and Bondy Studios to help the stakeholders create a Master Plan for the Northwest Quadrant of the Village Center. The Task Force also stayed within the current Comprehensive Plan that advises no further commercial development be allowed in the Northwest Quadrant. Vision Sessions In the winter and spring of 2012, three visioning sessions were held with the Task Force to determine the goals and visions for the quadrant. The Task Force engaged in long-range thinking and brainstorming about the future of the quadrant. They looked at the entire quadrant and their scope was large and comprehensive. The Task Force desires for the Northwest Quadrant include: • A more pedestrian friendly and well landscaped public space. • A vibrant public campus – a public space like no other in Deerfield. • An extremely attractive, hospitable, safer, walkable, and environmentally friendly atmosphere. • Retain the cluster of civic assets, and incorporation of new features. The Task Force believes the Northwest Quadrant has much to offer and they are very proud of Jewett Park, the Farmers Market, and the public facilities in the quadrant and they believe with a campus Master Plan, the Northwest Quadrant can be transformed into the civic and cultural centerpiece of Deerfield. Master Plan In the fall of 2012, the Northwest Quadrant Unified Task Force began to develop a Master Plan that will serve as a comprehensive design plan for the Northwest Quadrant. The Master Plan is an opportunity to make the Northwest Quadrant a more attractive public campus and an opportunity to correct several issues in the quadrant. The Master Plan is a long term plan looking many years into the future and comes to fruition over time. Some improvements may take place in the near future, and other improvements may be accomplished 15 to 20 years from now. The Task Force is still in the process of working through the creation of a Master Plan at this time. Three workshop meetings have been held to date on October 2, October 23, and November 28. Meetings are currently being held with the stakeholders to obtain more input on the Master Plan. At the public open house, the design alternatives and the preferred Master Plan will be presented. The open house attendees are encouraged to share their comments and provide input on the Master Plan for the Northwest Quadrant of the Village Center. All related planning materials are available on the Village’s website at www.deerfield.il.us. Continued on Page 5 villageNEWS Page 5 Northwest Quadrant Unified Task Force Continued from Page 4 For more information, please contact Principal Planner Jeff Ryckaert at 847.719.7482 or visit www.deerfield.il.us e boardREPORT communityCALENDAR Page 6 deerfield park district Kid’s Flea Market, March 2 Casimir Pulaski Day - School’s Out Program, March 4 Golf Lottery at Deerfield Golf Club and Learning Center, March 6 Mom/Son Activity Night at Sachs Recre- ation Center, March 8 Theater D Performance at Patty Turner Center, March 8-10 & 15-17 “Polkas & Pierogis!” at Patty Turner Center, March 22 Spring Flings at Jewett Park Community Center, March 25-29 District-wide Art Show at Patty Turner Center, April 21 COHO Park District Invite, April 27 Register now - Deer Dash: 5k, 10k, 1-mile Fun Run (ages 8+), May 5 For more information or to register for Park District programs, call 847.945.0650, or visit www.deerfieldparkdistrict.org deerfield public library Adult Programs: Voter Registration courtesy of the League of Women Voters, March 2, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (Please bring two forms of identifica- tion, at least one of which shows your name and current address.) Introduction to Zentangle, March 9, 1-3 p.m. Paper Quiling 101, March 16, 1-3 p.m. Library Talks e-books, March 14, 5-7 p.m. at Sachs Center, 455 Lake Cook Road Poems While You Wait, April 6, 1:45-4:45 p.m. Thinks and Drinks Trivia Night, April 24, 7:30 p.m., Trax Tavern & Grill, 833 Deer- field Road, please register in advance. S&P Capital IQ NetAdvantage Seminar, April 25, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at the Library, 7 N. Waukegan Road and 6:30-8:30 p.m., at the Patty Turner Center, please register in advance. Book Discussions: Nightwoods by Charles Frazier, March 14, 10:30 a.m. State of Wonder by Ann Patchett, March 21, 7:30 p.m. Defending Jacob by William Landay, April 11, 10:30 a.m. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, April 18, 7:30 p.m. Drop-in Activities: Family Times, Saturdays, March 2 - April 27, 11:00 a.m. Storytime, Milk & Cookies at Panera Ban- nockburn, Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m., March 5, March 19, April 2, April 16 Drop-in Craft, Wednesday, March 20, & Tuesday, April 16, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Storytimes: Baby Lapsit Storytime, Fridays, March 8, 22 & April 5, 19, 10:30 a.m. Fun for Ones, Tuesdays, March 5, 12, 19 & April 2, 9, 16, 10:30 a.m. Time for Twos, Thursdays, March 7, 14, 21 & April 4, 11, 18, 10:30 a.m. Preschool Pals, Mondays, March 4, 11, 18 & April 1, 8, 15, 10:30 a.m. Ready to Read, Wednesdays, March 6, 13, 20 & April 3, 10, 17, 10:30 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. After School Stories, Thursdays, March 7, 14, 21 & April 4, 11, 18, 4:30 p.m. Teen Tech Week, March 10-16 Note: Please register in advance for all programs by calling 847.945.3311. For more information and a full listing of events, please visit the library on the web at www. deerfieldlibrary.org west deerfield township Township Board meetings will be held March 19 and April 16 at the Township Offices, 601 Deerfield Road. The Annual Town Meeting will be held April 16 prior to the Board meeting. The following is a synopsis of actions taken by the Village Board since the last issue of D-Tales. For complete sets of minutes from Village Board meetings or to watch recorded meetings on-demand, please visit the Village’s website at www.deerfield.il.us. Village Board Action Approved ordinance establishing the fiscal year of the Village of Deerfield Approved ordinance authorizing text amendments to the C-2 Outlying Commercial District to strengthen retail Approved ordinance authorizing a ground lease between US Bank National Association and the Village of Deerfield Appointed Donald Anderson as Chair of the Sustainability Commission Approved ordinance authorizing construction and demolition debris diversion Approved resolution to the First Amendment to the North Shore Electricity Aggregation Consortium Intergovernmental Agreement Approved ordinance authorizing a text amendment and special use for the Joy of the Game facility at 158 S. Waukegan Road in Deerbrook Shopping Center to allow additional programs and services Approved ordinance amending Chapter 3 of the Municipal Code of the Village to create the Class L liquor license classification Authorized request for declaration of substantial completion for the Wastewater Reclamation Facility Approved ordinance amending the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield to license the keeping of fowl within the Village Approved ordinance amending Article 12 of Chapter 2 of the Municipal Code of the Village regarding Sustainability Commission Approved ordinance providing for the filing of a tentative annual budget of the Village and for public inspection and hearing thereon Authorized contract for construction of Pfingsten Road lift station improvement project to Marc Kresmery Construction, LLC Authorized Intergovernmental Agreement for the Lake Cook Road Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project awards and proclamations Presented the Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Award to Finance Director Burk Proclaimed April, 2013 as Autism Awareness Month Page 6 policeDEPARTMENT Page 7 Outdoor Warning Systems 1. What should I do when I hear the sirens? When the sirens are heard go inside and tune to local media for more information. 2. Why can’t I hear the sirens in my house? Sirens are an outdoor warning system designed only to alert those who are outside that something dangerous is approaching. 3. How can I get alerts when I’m at work or in my house? For alerts indoors, every home and busi- ness should have a NOAA Weather Radio. A NOAA Weather Radio is like a smoke detector for severe weather and it can wake you up when a warning is issued for your area so you can take appropriate action. Cable television also carries extreme weather alerts that can be useful. 4. When are sirens tested? Sirens are tested the first Tuesday of every month at 10:00 a.m. 5. Why don’t the outdoor warning sirens sound an all-clear signal? People should be indoors and monitoring local media for updates on the storm. 6. Will the sirens warn me of every dangerous storm? The safest approach is to be proactive and use all of the information available to protect yourself and your family from threatening weather. Nothing can replace common sense. If a storm is approaching, the lightning alone is a threat. Sirens are only one part of a warning system that includes preparation, a NOAA Weather Radio, and local media. For more information regarding the outdoor warning system please contact the Deerfield Police Department at 847.945.8636 e National Telecommunicators Week: April 14 - 20, 2013 Each year, the second full week of April is dedicated to the men and women who serve as Telecommunication Officers. In October, 1991, Congress made a formal proclamation to recognize this week as National Telecommunicators Week. Deerfield has 8 full-time and 2 part-time Telecommunicators. Telecommunicators serve as an indispensable link between the officers and the public, as well as a vital support service in the public safety community. They provide radio, telephone and dispatch services with dedication and professionalism. The Deerfield Telecommunicators are proud to serve the Deerfield community and thank you for the opportunity to make a difference each and every day. The Village will celebrate the week by issuing a proc- lamation from Mayor Rosenthal and the Village Board. Please take the time to thank this group of heroes. e National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day The Deerfield Police Department will again be participating in the Drug Enforcement Agencies National Prescription Drug Take- Back Day on Saturday, April 27 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at the Deerfield Police Department, 850 Waukegan Road. Take this opportunity to drop off unused or expired prescription medications for de- struction. Unused or expired prescription medications are a public safety issue and can lead to accidental poisoning, overdose and abuse. Most abused prescription drugs are obtained through family and friends. The Deerfield Police Department’s partici- pation in both the Take-Back program as well as the Save-a-Star program demon- strates the commitment to our mission to provide professional and ethical service to our citizens while proactively identifying risks to Deerfield’s quality of life. For more information, please contact the Deerfield Police Department at 847.945.8636 or www.deerfield.il.us e Spring Storm Tips A NOAA weather radio can provide advance warning of a storm or tornado. There are also applications for smart- phones that can alert you of severe weather, such as Onguard Weather Radio or Simple Weather Alerts. A “Watch” means that conditions are pres- ent in which severe weather or a tornado could develop. A “Warning” means that severe weather or a tornado has been sighted. In either case, action to protect yourself and your family is necessary. The sirens in the Deerfield area will sound continuously for three minutes to signal a Tornado Warning. They will sound again in five minutes to signal anyone who may not have been present for the first siren. In the event of a tornado: • In homes or small buildings, go to the northeast corner of a basement. If a basement is not available, go to the smallest, most interior room on the lowest floor, such as a closet or bath- room. Cover yourself to protect your body from flying debris. • In schools, hospitals, offices or shop- ping centers, go to the smallest, most interior rooms and hallways on the lowest floor. Stay away from glass enclosed places or areas with wide- span roofs such as auditoriums and warehouses. Crouch down and cover your head. • In cars - abandon them immediately! Cars provide no protection from tornadic winds, leave them and go to a substantial structure or designated tor- nado shelter. Do not attempt to seek shelter beneath an overpass or bridge. They provide little or no shelter and have proved to be deadly options. • If caught in the open, lie flat in a culvert, ditch or depression and cover your head. These simple steps could save your life. For more information, visit the National Oce- anic Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Severe Weather Awareness page at www. noaa.gov e communityINFO Page 8 Are you a Swiffer Flusher? Dry/wet cleaning cloths and wipes, such as Swiffer and Lysol, are gaining popularity in the marketplace especially with flu season upon us. When people flush these cloths down toilets they cause problems in your sewer line and in the Village sewer system. These wipes are not biodegradable; they do not dissolve in the sewer pipes. They do, however, get caught on debris such as roots in the sewer lines. One or two cloths may not stop the flow of sewage out of your residence but the cloths could build up over time necessitating a call to a plumber. Additionally, these cloths do not tear easily and can clog the sewage lift station pumps and cause backups in the sewer system. The directions on the containers of these products state that the cloths are to be disposed of in the trash and are not to be flushed down the toilet. Please dispose of these cleaning and disinfecting cloths in the trash. e Deerfield Historical Society Hosts Annual Spaghetti Dinner The Deerfield Area Historical Society will host a spaghetti dinner on Thursday, April 18, at 6 p.m., at the Patty Turner Center, 375 Elm Street, Deerfield. The dinner, provided by the Italian Kitchen, includes salad, spaghetti and meatballs, bread, bever- ages and dessert for $11 per person.  Fol- lowing the dinner, there will be a talk by a guest speaker. Proceeds will benefit the Deerfield Historic Village.  Reservations are required.  Pay at the door.  Please call 847.948.0680  by April 12.   To learn more about the Deerfield Area Historical Society visit www. deerfieldhistoricalsociety.org e College/Post- Secondary Institution Scholarships by Park Foundation for 2013 The Park Foundation announces, thanks to contributions from a number of donors to date and to the generous support through funds raised at the Whole Foods Market Deerfield “5% Community Giving Day,” two (2) $1,000 College/ Post-Secondary Scholarships are being offered to be used toward the 2013-2014 term. With a deadline this year of Friday, April 5, the Foundation’s Scholarship Committee is now in the process of accepting materials. The Linda Gryziecki Scholarship applica- tion form and related information may be found at www.deerfieldparkfoundation.org. The Foundation’s Scholarship Committee plans to review submitted materials later in April, select candidates in May and present awards at the Deerfield Park Foundation meeting set for Monday, May 20, 2013. The Scholarship is named after Linda Gryziecki, retired Deerfield Park District Executive Director who served the community for 38 years. Anyone interested in contributing to the Linda Gryziecki Scholarship Fund may visit www. deerfieldparkfoundation.com. For more information about this scholarship, please contact the Deerfield Park Foundation at 847.572.2611 e Web Streaming - Watch Village Board Meetings Village Board meetings can be watched live or afterwards on-demand on the Village’s website. On the first and third Mondays of the month at 7:30 p.m., Village Board meetings will stream live on the Internet. The morning after each Village Board meeting, the video will be indexed to the meeting’s agenda and posted to the website for easy viewing. Residents can select the section of the meeting they are interested in and the video will jump right to that section of the meeting. Watch meetings at www. deerfield.il.us. e digital Household electronics collections Do you have any household electronics like televisions or old computers that you would like to dispose of? In cooperation with SWALCO, the Village will sponsor 5 household electronics collections this year. Events are held at the Deerfield Public Works Facility, 465 Elm Street, from 9 a.m. - Noon, unless otherwise indicated. Visit one of SWALCO’s 2013 Electronics Collection events: • April 19 (Walgreens Corporate 7-11 a.m.) • May 18 • June 15 • August 17 • September 21 For a listing of items accepted, please visit the SWALCO website at www.swalco.org. If you have questions, please contact SWALCO at 847.336.9340 or Deerfield Public Works at 847.317.7245 e Save Money on Home Energy Efficiency Projects The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP), in partnership with Energy Impact Illinois is now offering free or low-cost home energy efficiency assessments and a 70% rebate (up to $1,750) on insulating and air sealing improvements to Illinois residents for their homes. Assessments may take between 2-3 hours and energy repairs may take between 1-2 days. Applications can be submitted online or over the phone. Energy Impact Illinois is an organization that helps homeowners retrofit their homes with energy-efficient upgrades that save money and make homes more comfortable, while simultaneously creating jobs, helping the environment, and increasing energy independence. To sign up for the program or for more information, call 855.9.IMPACT or visit www.energyimpactilliois.org. e Page 9 communityINFO Page 9 Upcoming Events @ PTC For a complete listing of programs or to register to become a member, please call the Patty Turner Center (PTC) at 847.940.4010 or visit www.pattyturnercenter.org. March 11, CLC Discovery Program with Barry Bradford March 12, PTC Women’s Club Luncheon March 15, Abstract Artists with Art Educa- tor Debra Levie March 15-17, Theater D’s production of “Leading Ladies” March 19, Opera in Pop Culture March 20, Dominick’s Be-Well Lecture Series March 26, SHIP Assistance April 28, Knitting Group April 1, GLEE for grown-ups April 9, Women’s Club Dessert Event April 10, Beginner Quilting Class April 12, Ping Pong April 17, Spicy Salsa Dance Workshop April 19, Senior Citizens Assessment Freeze Homestead Exemption Seminar April 26, Mah Jongg April 30, NorthShore Health Systems and the Patty Turner Center present “Falls Screening Clinic, Are You at Risk of Fall- ing?” The Patty Turner Center offers many wellness focused programs and services including: • Podiatry Appointments • Blood Pressure/Cholesterol Testing • Massage Therapy • Lending Closet • CPR and Health Care Provider CPR Courses • AARP Driver’s Safety • Dominick’s Pharmacy “Be-Well” Series • Fitness Classes e Lending Closet The Patty Turner Center lends, on a short term basis, wheelchairs, walkers, canes, bath benches, commodes, grabber sticks, etc. e Senior/Disabled Transportation Services Providing reduced fares to senior & disabled riders courtesy of the Village of Deerfield, West Deerfield Township and the Deerfield Park District Village of Deerfield Taxi Subsidy Program Seniors (65+) and disabled Deerfield residents are offered reduced taxi fares courtesy of the Village of Deerfield. Register at Deerfield Village Hall to receive 50 taxi ticket vouchers per month, free of charge. Each ticket is valid for a reduced fare on a one-way trip. When traveling to destinations within Village limits, present the ticket and your fare will cost only $1.00. When traveling to destinations outside the Village limits, present the ticket to receive $5.00 off your fare. Tickets are only accepted by American Taxi and 303 Taxi. Phone numbers to participating taxi companies and complete program details are included on each taxi coupon ticket. For more information about this program please call Management Analyst David Fitzgerald at 847.719.7400 e West Deerfield Township - Going Places The West Deerfield Township and the Deerfield Park District have joined forces to provide more cost-efficient senior transportation options. Going Places - is an appointment-based program that provides independence to those who might otherwise find it difficult to get to physician or dentist appointments. Going Places is a transportation service for West Deerfield Township residents who have mobility challenges that may restrict their ability to meet their health care needs. The Township minivan accommodates wheelchairs, walkers, and companions. How do I apply? Mobility-challenged residents from West Deerfield Township must pre-register with the Township Transportation Department. Riders must also complete a form, signed by a physician, indicating the rider is able to ride in a sitting position. Where does the van go? Trained drivers will pick up riders and deliver them to appointments at local medical offices and hospitals as well as the V.A. Hospital in North Chicago and even non-medical appointments when time and space permit. How do I make an appointment? Rides may be scheduled directly with the Transporta- tion Secretary at 847.945.0614 ext. 310. Medical riders, who can book up to 30 days in advance, are given first priority. Call to make your request for non-medical transporta- tion three days in advance. Requests will be granted if scheduling allows. What does it cost? The fee is $5.00 round-trip, or $2.00 for veterans. For more information about this program visit www.westdeerfieldtownship.org e lastPAGE Village Officials: Mayor: Harriet E. Rosenthal - 847.945.3545 Email: harrietrose@comcast.net Trustees: Robert L. Benton - 847.945.1570 Email: bobbenton@prodigy.net Alan L. Farkas - 847.374.9592 Email: alfafoxtrot1@gmail.com Thomas L. Jester - 847.945.6489 Email: tapjester@yahoo.com Mary Meirose Oppenheim - 847.948.9423 Email: mmoart@comcast.net William S. Seiden - 847.945.2442 Email: wss5@comcast.net Barbara J. Struthers - 847.940.0917 Email: bjstruthers@bjsltd.net Village Manager: Kent S. Street - 847.719.7400 Email: kstreet@deerfield.il.us Village Hall/Police Department 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 847.945.5000 (Switchboard and Finance) 847.719.7484 (Community Development) 847.945.8636 (Police non-emergency) Public Works and Engineering 465 Elm Street 847.317.7245 847.317.2490 (Engineering) PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Deerfield, Illinois D-Tales 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 POSTAL CUSTOMER DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 reminders: Earth Hour 2013 On Saturday, March 23, from 8:30-9:30 p.m., households, organizations and businesses across Illinois will turn off their lights and turn their attention towards the need for sub- stantial, long-term action to raise awareness about energy efficiency and global climate change. Last year, more than 2.7 million Illinois residents helped the lights in communities across the state go dark for one hour — Earth Hour. e Daylight Savings Time Remember to turn your clocks ahead one hour– from 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.– on Sunday, March 10. e Fine Arts Festival The 2013 Festival of Fine Arts will take place from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 1, and Sunday, June 2. e Village Board Meetings are the first and third Mondays of the month and are held at 7:30 p.m. in the Robert D. Franz Council Chambers at Village Hall. If a meeting falls on a holiday, it is scheduled for the following business day. The Village Board agenda and agenda packets are posted on the Village’s website at www. deerfield.il.us and cable channel 10 on Friday prior to the Village Board meetings. e Dine out in Deerfield is a partnership of the Village of Deerfield and the DBR Chamber of Commerce For more information visit the DBR Chamber of Commerce website at www.dbrchamber.com, or call 847.945.4660 e