Vol. 35, No. 1 - Jan/Feb 2013D-Tales Your Municipal News Source Vol. 35, No. 1January/February 2013 Village of Deerfield 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 847.945.5000 Visit us online at www.deerfield.il.us Meeting Schedule Meeting times/dates subject to change. For a complete list of meetings visit, www.deerfield.il.us January Board of Trustees January 7 & 22, 7:30 p.m. Community Relations Commission January 8, 7:00 p.m. Village Center Development Comm. January 9, 7:30 p.m. Sustainability Commission January 10, 7:00 p.m. Plan Commission January 10 & 24, 7:30 p.m. Appearance Review Commission January 28, 7:30 p.m. February Board of Trustees February 4 & 19, 7:30 p.m. Village Center Development Comm. February 6, 7:30 p.m. Community Relations Commission February 12, 7:00 p.m. Plan Commission February 14 & 28, 7:30 p.m. Appearance Review Commission February 25, 7:30 p.m. check it out! Page 2: • Appointment of Finance Director Page 3: • Snow Plowing Operations Page 5: • Thank You from the Police Department Page 7: • Boards and Commissions Thank You A Message From Deerfield Mayor Harriet Rosenthal Another year has passed, and with it another successful balancing of our Village’s neighborhoods, infrastructure, and finances. We are blessed with activist residents at all levels of public involvement and debate. By pulling together and with intelligent compromise, we have continued Deerfield’s place as a safe and invigorating community in which to live, work, shop and play. This past year marked several major milestones. First, following a positive public referendum, we joined with several neighboring communities in seeking out an alternative to ComEd as our electrical provider. Although still employing ComEd’s wires, the sparks now come from a third- party aggregator, with first year savings to our residents estimated at $2.3 million. Second, reconstruction of our over 60 year-old Wastewater Reclamation Facility is nearing completion. This is the Village’s largest public works project ever, a culmination of many years’ examining alternatives, planning, bidding, and oversight. Large credit goes to our Public Works Department, without whom the consulting and contracting teams engaged for the job would have been nowhere as successful. With special thanks to the efforts of State Senator Susan Garrett, and with appreciation of the Village’s coveted Aaa bond rating, overall financing came in at a very low 2.02% to the Village’s residents. Continued on Page 2 Tax Levy Approved by Board of Trustees Each year local governments must approve a tax levy ordinance in order to receive property taxes the next year. The ordinance must be adopted before the last Tuesday in December. The Board of Trustees approved the 2012 Real Estate Tax Levy Ordinance at their December 17th meeting. Based on fiscal year 2011/2012 year-end results and fiscal year 2012/2013 year-to- date results, the Village was able to abate (remove) $1,361,226 of debt service line items from the levy on December 17th. The 2012 Village levy, including abatements, is $5,101,429. This represents an increase over the 2011 levy of approximately $670,727. The increase in the tax levy is for debt service on the new Wastewater Reclamation Facility. Construction on this $30 million improvement will take place through 2013. Continued on Page 2 HAPPY NEW YEAR! The Village of Deerfield wishes you a prosperous 2013 villageNEWS Page 2 Library Expansion and Remodeling: Annual Cost to Taxpayers Will Be Lower Than Expected On behalf of the Deerfield Public Library, the Village of Deerfield sold the remainder of the building project bonds in December to fund the Library construction. The first series of bonds was sold in 2011. At the time of the November 2010 referendum, Library consultants projected that taxpayers would pay about $88 annually to fund the project. However, thanks to advantageously low interest rates and the Village’s Aaa bond rating, it is now anticipated that taxpayers will pay about $76 to $79 each year (based on a home valued at $500,000). The bond issuance is structured to provide as flat a payback rate as possible over the 20 year life of the bonds. At the current time, the Library building project is on-time and on-budget, and the main Library is expected to reopen in June, 2013. The Library is currently located in a temporary facility at 7 N. Waukegan Road, in Cadwell’s Corners. For more information, please contact the Deerfield Public Library at 847.945.3311 e Appointment of Finance Director At the December 17, 2012, Board meeting Village Manager Kent Street appointed Eric Burk as Village Finance Director. Mr. Burk has served as the Acting Finance Director since July 1, 2012, and was originally hired as Assistant Finance Director in June, 2006. Mr. Burk was born and raised in Rantoul, Illinois. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Illinois State University and received an M.B.A., from Northern Illinois University. Mr. Burk is a Certified Public Accountant and a Certi- fied Public Finance Officer. He previously worked as Accounting Manager at the Village of Palatine. For more information, please contact the Finance Department at 847.945.5000 e From school PTOs, to youth sports programs, to Village advisory boards and commissions, to religious congregations, to scout leaders, to DHS School Chest, to medical and service providers, to service clubs…Wow! To every community minded volunteer, thank you for making Deerfield the wonderful community that we are. From my family to yours, best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Harriet Rosenthal Mayor e Tax Levy Continued from Page 1 To date, the Village has issued $7.5 million of Build America Bonds (35% of the interest refunded by the Federal government) and $12.5 million of Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (70% of the interest refunded by the Federal government) to finance the construction improvements. The Village diligently explored alternative funding sources and maintained its Aaa bond rating to minimize borrowing costs. A Truth in Taxation hearing was required since the increase from the 2011 levy was greater than 5%. Notice of the hearing was published in the Deerfield Review and it was held during the December 3, 2012, Village Board meeting. Individual property tax bills, payable in June and September, are comprised of levies from multiple taxing districts. The Village receives approxi- mately 4% of the total property tax bill. Property taxes, along with other sources of revenue, allow the Village to provide services such as police protection, public works and administration. For more information, please contact the Finance Department at 847.945.5000 or visit www.deerfield.il.us e Message from the Mayor Continued from Page 1 Third, the wheels are in motion for redevelopment of the Deerbrook shopping center. Owners, owner representatives and developers all have had a hand in the mix of ideas currently on the table, and they alone will determine when information is to be made public. Be assured that the Village staff and I are staying close to the talks. There is a fine balance between quality of planning, construction and tenants, and financing of the risk capital required for this and the Cadwell’s Corners project to come. Rest assured that public hearings will be held as plans solidify, and Deerfield interests become more definable. In addition to these milestones, the Village has continued my initiative of reaching out to elected officials of the School Districts, Park District, and other local and township taxing authorities to better coordinate financing and operations. This allows us to better know and cooperate with one another as opportunities arise for overall benefit to the Village’s residents. Our ongoing schedule for infrastructure maintenance and renewal continues at a planned pace. Roads, sidewalks, bridges, and sewers all require continual upkeep. Our annual budgeting process is designed to prioritize the load so that no one year is overly burdened, with our General Fund reserve available to smooth the effects of abnormalities. We welcomed a number of new businesses into the Village this past year. In addition, we recognized 28 downtown businesses operating here for over 20 years, and plan to extend this recognition program to the balance of our business districts. Overall, we compare well with our neighboring communities during this period of a slow and very competitive national economy. Finally, please join me and my Village Board colleagues in thanking the many other Deerfield residents who continue to volunteer their talented efforts. publicWORKS Page 3 Snow Plowing Operations The Village’s Public Works Department is prepared for snow and is able to effec- tively clear Deerfield’s 70 miles of roadway quickly to make safe travel possible for all who use our streets. To assist your neighbors and Village staff this winter, please remember the following: One way to assure that street plows • do not fill a cleared driveway entrance with snow is to follow this simple guideline: Shovel the snow to the side, along with the direction of traffic, and clear a pocket of snow on the opposite side of your driveway (see the illustra- tion above). The accumulated snow in the plow will dump into the pocket and not on your driveway. This simple procedure will reduce the amount of snow being plowed from the street into your driveway. Keeping vehicles off the street assists • plows and salt trucks in clearing the streets more effectively. As a reminder, vehicles cannot be parked on the street for 24 hours after 3 inches of snow have fallen, per Village Ordinance. The illustration above highlights the best area to place snow to keep your driveway as clear as possible during Village plowing- operations. By Village ordinance, you • may not deposit snow from your property onto the street or sidewalk. This can hinder safe passage of vehicles and pedestrians and make it harder for Village plow crews to keep streets clear. Adopt a fire hydrant! • Remember, when you shovel your sidewalk and driveway, do not forget to clear snow from fire hydrants in front of your property to ensure that they are accessible if needed. Please remember to shovel an • extra area on your driveway apron or parkway to properly stage your refuse and recycling bins for pick-up by Waste Management. e Prevent Damage to Mailboxes During the winter months, mailboxes are sometimes damaged when snow storms affect Deerfield. If your mailbox has been damaged this winter, or if you are planning to install a new one, please be aware of how to properly install a mailbox that meets Postal standards. The majority of mailbox knockdowns result because the post supporting the mailbox has deteriorated or because the mailbox was installed too close to the roadway. A mailbox must be at least 12 inches away from the back of the curb or the roadway edge. The mailbox post must be mounted at least 18 inches away from the back of the curb or roadway edge. The post should be strong, but should be able to break away if struck by a vehicle that leaves the pavement. If you decide to install a new mailbox, contact JULIE by dialing 811 before you dig. This will allow you to know where buried utilities are located. If you have questions regarding your mailbox installation, please contact the Public Works Department at 847.317.7245 e Sidewalk Snow Removal Residents are asked to please be considerate of pedestrians and school children by clearing sidewalks of snow and ice. Trash bins should be placed on the driveway apron or parkway to keep the sidewalk unobstructed. Thank your neighbors for shoveling their sidewalk, or remind them to do so with a friendly smile and cup of coffee or hot chocolate. e boardREPORT communityCALENDAR Page 4 Deerfield Park District Holiday Happenings at Jewett Park Com- munity Center & Sports Camps at Sachs Recreation Center, January 2 & 4 Half Day Happening at Jewett Park Com- munity Center, January 16 Four Hands Piano Concert at PTC, January 18 MLK Day - School’s Out Program at Jewett Park Community Center, January 21 AARP Tax Aide Assistance begins at PTC, February 5 Deerfield Fireman’s “Chili Bowl” at PTC, February 7 Daddy Daughter Dinner Dance at PTC, February 10 Spring Golf Mixer at Deerfield Golf Club, February 12 Half Day Happening at Jewett Park Community Center, February 15 President’s Day - School’s Out Program at Jewett Park Community Center, February 18 Institute Day - School’s Out Program at Jewett Park Community Center, February 19 Chinese New Year Luncheon at PTC, February 22 For more information or to register for Park District programs, call 847.945.0650, or visit www.deerfieldparkdistrict.org Deerfield Public Library Children Baby Lapsit Storytime, January 11 & 25, and February 8 & 22 Fun For Ones, January 8,15, 22, 29, and February 5 & 12 Time for Twos, January 10, 17, 24, 31 and February 7 & 14 Preschool Pals, Mondays, January 7, 14, 21, 28 and February 4, & 11 Ready to Read - Four and Fives, Wednesdays, January 9, 16, 23, 20 and February 6 & 13 After School Stories, Thursdays, January 10, 17, 24, 31 and February 7 & 14 The Yuckiest, Stinkiest, Best Valentine Ever, Friday, January 18 Adult Programs Guess the Grammys Contest, January 2 - February 9 Got e-reader questions? Tuesday, January 8, 2 - 6 p.m., Tuesday, January 15, 6-8:30 p.m. Great Decisions, Tuesdays, January 22 - March 19, 7:30 p.m. Blind Date With a Book, February 1 - 16 Thursday Book Discussions All book discussions will be held at 7 N. Waukegan Road. Faith by Jennifer Haigh, January 10, 10:30 a.m. The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh, January 15, 7:30 p.m. Wench by Dolen Perkins-Valdez, February 14, 10:30 a.m. Behind the Beautiful Forevers by Katherine Boo, February 21, 7:30 p.m. Adults and Children What Are Friends For? 2012 Rosemary Sazonoff Writing Contest sponsored by The Friends of the Deerfield Public Library Note: To register call 847.945.3311 For more information and a full listing of events, please visit the library on the web at www.deerfieldlibrary.org West Deerfield Township Township Board meetings will be held January 15 and February 19 at the Township Offices, 601 Deerfield Road. For more information, visit www.westdeerfieldtownship.org The following is a synopsis of actions taken by the Village Board since the last issue of D-Tales. For complete sets of minutes for Village Board meetings or to watch meetings on demand, please visit the Village’s website at www.deerfield.il.us. Village Board Action Approved ordinance authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds, Series 2013, of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois Approved ordinance adopting residential composting regulations Authorized installation of energy efficient exterior and interior lighting at the Public Works garage Approved ordinance levying taxes for corporate purposes for the current fiscal year, commencing on the first day of May, 2012, and ending on the thirtieth day of April, 2013, for the Village of Deerfield, Illinois Approved ordinance abating all of the 2012 tax levy requirements for the Series 2008 General Obligation Bonds Approved ordinance abating a portion of the 2012 tax levy requirements for the Series 2010 General Obligation Bonds Approved ordinance abating a portion of the 2012 tax levy requirements fot the Series 2011B General Obligation Bonds Approved ordinance abating all of the 2012 tax levy requirements for the Series 2011A General Obligation Bonds Approved resolution amending the personnel policies and procedures of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois Authorized sanitary sewer assessment system by RedZone Robotics Awards and Proclamations Proclamation honoring the public service of State Representative, 58th District, Karen May and proclaimed the week of December 2nd through December 9th, 2012, as Karen May Week in the Village of Deerfield Proclamation honoring the public service of State Senator, 29th District, Susan Garrett and proclaimed the week of December 16th through December 23, 2012, as Susan Garrett Week in the Village of Deerfield policeDEPARTMENT Page 5 Snow Squalls: Brief, intense snow showers accompanied by strong, gusty winds. Accu- mulation may be significant. Snow squalls are best known in the Great Lakes region. Sleet: Raindrops that freeze into ice pellets before reaching the ground. Sleet usually bounces when hitting a surface and does not stick to objects. However, it can ac- cumulate like snow and cause a hazard to motorists. e Yellow Pages Opt-Out Consumer Choice Developed in partnership between the Local Search Association and the Association of Directory Publishers, www. YellowPagesOptOut.com provides an easy and secure way for residents to control the number of Yellow Pages telephone directories they receive or to stop directory delivery entirely. It is a completely free service. The Internet-based tool is specifically designed to prevent directories from being delivered to anyone who doesn’t want one while ensuring that they are delivered to the majority of consumers who continue to rely upon and use the print Yellow Pages to make purchases supporting the local business community and economy. It is a significant and unified commitment on behalf of directory publishers of which the positive impacts are already being realized in many communities around the country. Girl Power! 7th grade girls are invited to attend a fun support group on Wednesdays in January. The first Wednesday meeting will be on January 16, from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m., and will continue for 10 weeks. Meetings are held at Village Hall, 850 Waukegan Road. This support group is sponsored by the Social Services Program of the Deerfield Police Department (no fee). For more information and registration, contact Stephanie Locascio, LPC at 847.945.3120 ext. 2 e Know Your Winter Weather Terms With Old Man Winter just around the corner, the National Weather Service urges residents to keep abreast of local forecasts and warnings and familiarize themselves with key weather terminology. Winter Storm Warning: Issued when a combination of heavy snow, heavy freezing rain, or heavy sleet is expected to begin. Winter Storm Watch: Alerts the public to the possibility of a blizzard, heavy snow, freezing rain, or heavy sleet. Winter Storm Watches are usually issued 12 to 36 hours before the beginning of a winter storm. Winter Storm Outlook: Issued prior to a Winter Storm Watch. The Outlook is given when forecasters believe winter storm con- ditions are possible, and are usually issued 48 to 60 hours in advance of a winter storm. Blizzard Warning: Issued for sustained or gusty winds of 35 mph or more with falling or blowing snow creating visibilities at or below 1/4 mile; these conditions should persist for at least three hours. Lake Effect Snow Warning: Issued when lake effect snow is expected to occur. A Lake Effect Snow Advisory also cautions for the possibility of snow. Wind Chill Warning: Issued when wind chill temperatures are expected to be less than 34 degrees below zero. communityINFO Thank you - From the Police Department The Police Department would like to thank the community for its generosity and support throughout 2012. With your help, the Deerfield Police Department raised over $3,000 for the American Cancer Society, over $15,000 for the Illinois Special Olympics, gathered and donated a truckload of toys for the Marine’s Toys for Tots, and collected dozens of bags of food for the West Deerfield Township Food Pantry. We look forward to the year ahead and our role in community charity endeavors. On March 2, 2013, the Police Department will be participating in the Law Enforcement Polar Plunge, which will be held at Sunrise Beach in Lake Bluff. More than a dozen personnel have committed to jumping into the frigid waters of Lake Michigan, all in the name of raising funds for the Special Olympics. Each participant must raise a minimum of $75 in sponsorship funds. If you would like to contribute, please contact Communications Director Mary Anne Glowacz, at 847.945.8636 or via email at mglowacz@deerfield.il.us e Unsolicited Chari- table Donations The Deerfield Police Department historically has taken the position to not endorse any organization that so- licits funds or services over the phone. The Police Department urges people interested in donating to any group or charity to research the group and then contact the organization by calling known and published phone numbers and addresses. It is advisable to not donate funds, agree to services or give personal information to any call that is unsolicited. e As the industry’s official website to manage requests, all Local Search Association and Association of Directory Publishers member companies are committed to honoring requests made through the Opt-Out web portal. Information gathered through the site will not be sold to third-parties and will be used solely to update publishers’ delivery information. Simply go to www.YellowPagesOptOut. com, enter your zip code and follow the prompts to make your choice. Once complete, you will be sent a confirmation email. Click the link embedded in the email to confirm your request. Notes from the Sustainability Commission This year, the Sustainability Commission has worked on three important Village policies: 1. Composting Regulation—The Village of Deerfield now has a comprehensive ordinance that lays out specific guidelines for backyard composting. This ordinance protects residents from unsightly or poorly managed compost piles while supporting best practices for managing residential yard waste at home. 2. Commercial Waste Hauling—The Village is working hard to create a more cost-effective and environmentally responsible program for waste hauling for its commercial sector. The Commission recommended that the Village Board direct staff to move forward with a request for proposals to hire a single waste hauler for the commercial sector. Assuming prices come back favorably, within the next two years Deerfield will be able to contract with a single waste hauler for its businesses as it does for its residences. The anticipated advantages include increased recycling levels and lower costs to our businesses. 3. Construction Debris Recycling—A large percentage of the debris from home-building and remodeling of commercial facilities can be recycled. A proposal will go to the Village Board in January that will require builders of projects of a certain size to recycle at least 50% of the construction debris with the requirement moving to 75% in the second year. Recycling construction debris is a win-win; it is cost-effective for contractors and reduces the burden on our landfills. For more information about the Sustainability Commission, please contact Andrew Lichterman at alichterman@ deerfield.il.us or 847.719.7400 e Upcoming Events @ PTC For a complete listing of programs, or to register to be a member, please call the Patty Turner Center (PTC) at 847.940. 4010 or visit www.pattyturnercenter.org January 8, PTC Woman’s Club Dessert with Christian Ketter January 9, Dance Workshop, “Sizzling Ballroom” January 11, PTC Book Discussion January 15, Opera in Pop Culture with Bob Levi January 25, Ping Pong for Members February 3, Wedding Dance Workshop February 4, Everyday Gourmet with Jennifer Noone February 7, Deerfield Fireman’s “5-Alarm Chili Bowl” February 18, CLC Discovery Program with Barry Bradford February 21, Knitting Group February 22, Chinese New Year “King’s Buffet” February 23, American Heart Associa- tion Health Care Provider CPR Refresher Course February 27, “Be-Well” Lecture Series with Dominick’s Pharmacy The Patty Turner Center offers many wellness-focused programs and services including. Podiatry appointments• Blood pressure/cholesterol testing• Massage therapy• Lending closet• CPR and healthcare provider courses• AARP driver’s safety• Fitness classes• Dominick’s Pharmacy “Be-Well” Series• communityINFO Page 6 Measure Your Carbon Footprint A carbon footprint is a measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of green house gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide. During the winter season heating costs can take a toll on your pocketbook, as well as on the environment. Following these simple steps can save you money and help lessen your carbon footprint. Turn off unused lights and • electronics. Use compact fluorescent light • bulbs. Use a programmable thermostat • to lower temperatures when no one is at home. Take a shorter shower, use a • low-flow showerhead, and turn down your water heater by 1-3 degrees. Increase wall, window, and roof • insulation as much as possible. Decreasing your carbon footprint will help contribute to a healthier environment. Deerfield is a proud member of Clean Air Counts, a coalition of governments and private businesses in the Chicagoland area committed to promoting the environment. These simple steps can help you to do your part to make a visible difference in Deerfield! For more information on energy saving tips, visit www.cleanaircounts.org e communityINFO Page 7 THANK YOU! Our sincere thanks to these residents who volunteered their time on the Village’s various Boards, Commissions, and Committees in 2012. Appearance Review Commission Richard Coen, Ch. Beth Chaitman ~ Tom Dahlberg* Sean Ehlke ~ Sherry Flores Jim Hollis ~ Jeremy Kanter Robert Milani* ~ Peter Whitaker Board of Building Appeals David Feinberg ~ Ted Galvani Walter Hallford ~ Richard Osman Berton Ring Board of Police Commissioners James Marovitz, Ch. Paul Blakey ~ Rick Hilton John Hueberger ~ Dave Bennett, ex officio Board of Zoning Appeals Robert Speckmann, Ch. Leonard Adams ~ Jeff Auerbach Karen Bezman ~ Herbert Kessel Theodore Kuczek ~ Karen Scott Cable & Telecommunications Commission Paul Diambri, Ch. Alan Barasky ~ John Chaput Neil Charak ~ Gregory Lapin Steven Robinson ~ John Sanner Adam Simon ~ Ken Urbaszewski Cemetery Association Maynard Grossman, Ch. Michael Cramer ~ Paul Meintzer Daniel Ziemba ~ John Zobus Community Relations Commission Chris Foltz, Ch. Gil Antokal ~ Veronica Boyajian Martin Friedman ~ Eric Hogberg Neil Samuels ~ Lois Shane** Lawrence Tracey ~ Lori Zwart Electrical Commission James Brown ~ Ted Galvani Richard Osman ~ James Quinn Michael Rouse Family Days Commission Barbara Reich, co-chair John Coughenour, co-chair Philip Bettiker ~ Angie Butera Judy Geuder ~ Barry Gray Judy Nelson ~ Victoria Street* Ed Seidman Farmer’s Market Committee Andi & Alan Berkowitz Pat & Tom Jester Joanne Kunz Joan & Brian Reed Fine Arts Commission Jeffrey Marks, Ch. Dorothy Fiedler ~ James Golding Allyson Harris ~ Sharon Laney* Ed Seidman ~ Barbara Weisskopf Manpower Commission Susie Wexler, Ch. Nick Alex ~ Jules Crystal* Jennifer Davis ~ Susie Kessler Plan Commission Dan Shapiro, Ch. Larry Berg ~ Alan Bromberg Elaine Jacoby ~ James Moyer Robert Nadler ~ Stuart Shayman Police Pension Board Mark Anfenson ~ Robert Davenport Ken Urbaszewski Safety Council William Keefe, Ch. Marc Brown ~ Dorothy Collins John Holland ~ Frank Karkazis Philip York Sister City Committee Else Kuerten ~ Kenneth Nyland Ruth Schiffels Storm Water Management Committee Bill Davis, Ch. Franklin Kulhanek ~ Lee Rose Sustainability Commission Matthew Wylie, Ch. Donald Anderson ~ Laurie Leibowitz Mike Loeffl ~ Robert Milani* Amy Parker ~ Glen Schwartz Elizabeth Ury* ~ Jerry Witkovsky Brian Wolkenberg Village Center Development Commission Alan Garfield, Ch. Oscar Adler ~ Douglas Banzuly Gary Cooper ~ Garo Emerzian Ernst Kaufmann ~ Joan Reed Janice Shaw ~ Jannes Zobus (* No Longer Serving) (**Deceased) If you are interested in volunteering on a Board or Commission, please contact the Village Manager’s Office at 847.719.7400 for an application. e lastPAGE Village Officials: Mayor: Harriet E. Rosenthal - 847.945.3545 Email: harrietrose@comcast.net Trustees: Robert L. Benton - 847.945.1570 Email: bobbenton@prodigy.net Alan L. Farkas - 847.374.9592 Email: alfafoxtrot1@gmail.com Thomas L. Jester - 847.945.6489 Email: tapjester@yahoo.com Mary Meirose Oppenheim - 847.948.9423 Email: mmoart@comcast.net William S. Seiden - 847.945.2442 Email: wss5@comcast.net Barbara J. Struthers - 847.940.0917 Email: bjstruthers@bjsltd.net Village Manager: Kent S. Street - 847.719.7400 Email: kstreet@deerfield.il.us Village Hall/Police Department 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 847.945.5000 (Switchboard and Finance) 847.719.7484 (Community Development) 847.945.8636 (Police non-emergency) Public Works and Engineering 465 Elm Street 847.317.7245 847.317.2490 (Engineering) PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Deerfield, Illinois D-Tales 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 POSTAL CUSTOMER DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 Village Voice The Village of Deerfield is committed to providing superior services to its residents. Therefore, we are pleased to respond to your individual questions, thoughts, suggestions, or concerns. Simply return this form to Village Hall or email us at deermail@deerfield.il.us Please provide an address so that we can respond directly. Name: Address: Please return to : Village Manager’s Office 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 Village Board Meetings are the first and third Mondays of the month and are held at 7:30 p.m. in the Robert D. Franz Council Chambers at Village Hall. If a meeting falls on a holiday, it is scheduled for the following business day. The Village Board agenda and agenda packets are posted on the Village’s website at www.deerfield.il.us, and cable channel 10 on Friday prior to the Village Board meeting.