O-67-18OI 'D.E 1\7� dti7.. 0-67- 18 aS agrapg Aznendmo BZJ XT PleDA.9N.La:D by $he Nbyor t-and Board of Trudees of the Ville of Deerfield o that: ORDXNANCE, 000, entitled "AN ORDXNANC.E Cr ASSXFYXNG AND GRADING POSITXONS Fill THE VXl✓LAGE OF DEERFXbMD AND ESTABLISHXNG CORRESPONDIIVG SAL.,ARY RANGES TO BE PAXD THESE POSXTIONS11 is hereby amended as follor2ya: 1, Section X.X.X of the s &id ordinance is amended to road as foYlows : "XXX - X'ncreaaes : Xnereasea reathin a selary range s►hoJI ba made on the basis of merit and service., All salaries shall be reviewed annucjly att tho beginning a each fiscal year and increases may be. authorized� The VWQge Manager shall have the authority to effectuate increases within 029 established salary range and at the steps provided, as shown on the a - tached ,schedule and made a paw of this ordinance: 2. Section VII of the said ordinance is amended to mead as follows: 'IVzXI 4 SALARIES, Ungraded and Unclassified: The annual salaries of the following ungraded and unclassified positions shall be as follows: Villiige' Manager Chief of Police E.xev. utive Sec.r°atary, Building Commissioner Building Xnapector Treasurer, Finance $17,.500 $'11,,500 $ 6,800 D $ 8,400 Director $100200 Supt, a Public Works $11,500 Village Clerk $ 1,500 . F�'ire . Marshals 6t530o - 4374--5--per hour Casual lr,abor $1.79 to $3.50 per hour Crossing Guards $1, 75 to $2, 50 per hour Matrons $5.25 per hour, minimum $10050 3, This ordinance shall be effective May.1, 1967, .PASS=: ATTEST: Clerl� This 17th day of APPROVE -37- • 2 F •y \ ' i . 1 li . ;�I' I r Y ' I �� � � J1I1 .•f P •:. 5 1 , i l� 7 .� � � .___.111 ..' .� • � • • It � j ♦ -• 1 .� I � - I St .• � � \ � .� � � 46' I � Sid t �'. .' 11 u,�.. • � • • •. I it it i � j1 1 oil !1 1 1 - f - _ -- -- _ �- _- •_ __'— _ • I ; i _ . 1 ♦ I •' �` I �? �.' 1 .,� !-•• I �,� 1 f � .P _ �y _ N• 1. I '�. � 1 , �� 1 _r ; s 7 — -_1 ' L I :�� � . -I� a ,, ,>: �.: j �.� .. . i • : I r- - -� t � c � i' i t � �. j 7 J � —7 � J• i � I —7 ; ', u'1 � i I try , I i,. y� ' .. � .,. �_. [ �, ORDINANCE 0-67-18 Salary Amendment BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, that: ORDYNANCE #Zoo, entitled "AN ORDINANCE CLASS%F'YTNG AND GRADING POS%T%ONS ZN TPE V%LLAGE OF DEERF'.IELD ,AND ESTABLISHING CORRESPONDING SALARY RANGES TO BE PAID THESE FOS%T%ONS" is hereby, amended as follows: 1, . .Section III of-the said ordinance is amended to read as follows: X'hcraasea: %ncreases within a salary range shall be rhade on the basis of ; werit and service. All se2ories ,shall be reviewed annually at. the - beginning of each fiscal year and inc:' eases mey be authorised, The Village Manager shall have the atthorii7 to effectuate increases within the estiablish64 sekrF ramie and at the steps provided, as shown on the attached schedule and made apart of this odiaaanoe: R. Section V%% of the said ordinance is mended to read as foHows: "V%% o SALAR %ES, Ungraded and Unclassified: The annual salaries of the following ungraded and uncla mpitied positions shall be as follows:' Village Manager Chief of Police :Ex�ec�atave Secre¢�� B' 1dkgg C'gmtnissionar B.uilding %napector �'S°fz�id�8br @K'D - inance D11r, Supt, of Public Worley Village Clork Fire marshws Casual Labor Cko psing Guards Mai-Ono ..*17,,500 4.1.1"500 s 6"'600 $12"200 c9 80400.- $10,200 $11,.500 * 4 500 $3.00 per *B o 79 to $3.50- pea^ hour $1.75 to $2.50 per hour *5025 per hoar, aaaWanum $10.50 ,3, -I'Al s opdinQnoe ®heB be eifecUve May 2, 1967, PASSED: A.TTE ST: Thin 17th daF ef Apriln 1 9690 A PPRO VELA Jamaa N. wetael, moror P�06 Tom catherdne B � Price, Village Cler&- SAr-,ARY RANGES ZN MONTH KY AMOUNTS ;Pmn,mrn ,��w A � �R -c-Ann C Si2�fl 1:) Sk &n R+' _S Qn J' man G ANNUAL S�,a,r4 Tnn E am -♦ + • - -- -�-- -y -' -- :�4 � � � — - --- I -, - - - - — - iii' `' � - I � a I :. / • 1 1 4 I - 1� 4 i L/ ai ~y � • Y —• — _,_ ' � • � _ —_ — _ _— ��� f _ — —_ _ — — � — w _a1 I f r , . � (.J • 1 ail : `.I iti i �•1 I � � J � � �f f , . � ` •' 1 I I I �