O-63-11. t � 0 -63 -11 AN ORDINANCE AMENDINrs THE ZONING ORDINANCE Whereas th? question of uclo,j ting the fallowing amendments to the zoning ordinance was referred to the Plan Commission, and that cultimission held a public hearing thereon �3fter due notice as redui =:Ied by law, and made a report thereon to the Bc;a..ca of Trustees; now therefore: Be i. ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield that: 1. Sections XI - R -6 two - family district; Section XII R -7 multiple- family district; Se.etib -h -XVI ;- Off- street parking and loading; and Paragraph B - Conditional. Uses, of Section XXIII •5 amendments and conditional uses are hereby amended to read as follo ws : Section XI - "R -6" Two-family District A. Use Regulations: Permitted Uses are: 1. Any use permitted in the j'R -2" One- family District. 2. Two-family dwelling structures. B. Conditional Uses: As allowed by and subject to the pro- visions of Section XXIII, Paragraph B. C. Height: No building shall be erected or enlarged to exceed a height of two and one -half (2 -112) stories nor shall it ex- Geed thirty -five (1.5) feet in height. 0- 63-11 Page 2. D. Areas: 1,To buildiro shall be. erecf-ed nor any existing structu -re be enlarged or altered unless the following yards and lot areas are provided and maintained in con: ection with such bui -'ding, structure or enlargement. 1. Front Yard: The same regulations shall apply as re- quired in the "R -2" One - Family District. 2. Side Yard: The same regulations shall apply as re- quired in the "R -21' One - Family District as amended. 3. Rear Yard: The same regulations shall apply as re- quired in the "R -211 One- Family District. 4. Lot Coverage: The same regulations shall apply as required in the "R -21' One - Family District. 5. Lot Area - One - Family Dwellings: The same regulations shall apply as required in the "R -2" One - Family District. 6. Lot Area - Two-Family Dwellings: Every dwelling hereafter erected or structurally altered to accommodate two-family dwelling units shall be on a lot having a width at the established building line of not less than seventy-five (75) feet, and an area per dwelling unit of not less than six thousand (6,000) square feet. 7. Accessory Buildings: The same regulations shall apply as required in the "R -2" Ore-Family District. 0-63-11 Page „3. E . D wellird Standards: 11do b u fling or struct u.rF-is containing dwelling units shall hereafter be enacted, st - Lyctura],'J, altered, or maintained unless the following dwelling standards are provided and maintained: 1. Ono-.Family Dwellings: The same regulafions shall apply as required in the "R -2" One- Family Di trict. 2. Two-Family Dwellings: Each family dwelling unit in two - family structures hereafter erected, converted or re- constructed in any "R -6" District shall have a total floor area of not less than eight hundred fifty (850) square feet, measured from the outside of the exterior walls including utility rooms, but excluding cellars, basements, open porches, garages and other spaces that are not used frequently or during extended periods for living, eating or sleeping purposes, except that rooms intended for such purposes which are "roughed in" and are to be com- pleted within a reasonable time may be considered in com- puting such ground floor areas. Section XI.I - IIR -�It Mu.ltiple- FamilY District A. Use Regulations: Permitted uses are: 1. Any use permitted in the "R -6" Two-Family District. 0 -63 -11 Page 4. 2. Row Dwellings containin; three (3) car m_ore family units. 3. Multiple dwellings and apartments. B. Conditional Uses: The following Conditional U:�.es may be allowed subject to the provisions of Section XXIII, Para- graph 3: 1. Those uses listed in Section XXIII as Conditional Uses in all re:;idential districts. 2, Boarding, or Lodging Houses. 3. Nursing or Rest Home. 4. Clubs, Lodges, or Fraternal Organizations, when not operated for profit. C. Height: No buildings shall hereafter be erected or structurally altered to exceed two and one -half (2 -112) stories nor shall it exceed thirty -five (35) feet in height. D. Areas: No building or structure nor the enlargement of any building or structure shall be hereafter erected or mr..in- tained unless the following yards and lot areas are provided and maintained in connection with such structure or en- largem ent . 1. Front Yard: Theme shall be a front yard of not less than twenty -five (25) feet. 0 -63 -11 Page 5. 2. Side Yards: On any lot there shall be a side yard on each side of the main building of not less than ten (10) per cent of the lot width at the building lines On cornea^ lots the side yard on the intersecting street shall be not i less than twenty iive (25) feet: No adcessory building shall project into the required side yards. 3. Rear Yard : There shall be a rear yard of not less than twenty -five feet for interior lots nor less than fifteen (15) &4 for corder lots. 4. Lot Coverage: Not more than thirty -five t3'5) per ce& of the area of a lot may be covered by buildings or structures. 5. Lot Areas: Every building hereafter erected or structurally altered in the "R -7" Multiple- Family District shall provide and maintain lot areas and lot widths not less than the follo wing: a. Single- Family Dwellings: The same regulations shall apply as required in the "R -2'' One - Family District. b. Two - Family Dwellings: The same regulations shall apply as required in the "R -61' Two- Family District. 0- 63-11 Page 6. C. Multiple - Family Dwellings: Not less than twelve thousand (12, 000) square feet of lot area for the first two (2) dwelling units plus two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet of lot area per dwelling unit for each additional dwelling unit on the same lot. Not less than a lot width of seventy-five (75) feet. 6. Courts: No courts completely surrounded on all sides by a building shall be permitted. Outer courts are per- mitted, provided the depth of the court is no greater than the width of the court. 7. Accessory Buildings: The same regulations shall apply as required in the i'R -6_ Two - Family District. E. Dwelling Standards: No building or structure containing dwelling units shall hereafter be constructed, structurally altered or maintained to provide less than the following minimum standards of required usable floor area: 1. One - Family Dwellings: Not less than nine hundred twenty (920) square feet for a one -story dwelling nor less than twelve hundred (1,200) square feet for a dwelling of more than one story. 2. Two - Family Dwellings: Not less than eight hundred (800) square feet per dwelling unit. 0 -63 -11 Page 7. 3. Row Dwellings - Townhouses: Not less than eight hundred (800) square feet per dwelling unit. 4. Other Multiple- Family Dwellings: Not less than six hundred (600) square feet per dwelling unit for the first six (6) dwelling units, nor less than five hundred ($00) square feet per dwelling unit for the next six (6) dwelling units, nor less than four hundred (400) square feet per dwelling unit for all dwelling units in addition to the first twelve (1,?). Section XVI - Off- .Street Parking and Loading; A. Off - Street Parking The following regulations are established to increase safety and lessen congestion in the public streets, to prevent the deficiency of automobile parking spaces associated with the development of land and increased automobile usage, to set standards for the requirement of off - street parking according to the amount of traffic generated by such uses, and to elim- inate the on- street storage of vehicles. In connection with any building hereafter erected or substantially altered or enlarged, or any parking lot hereafter installed, there shall be provided off - street parking spaces meeting all of the 1 0- 63-11 Page 8. minimum requirements of this section. A plan for parking facilities shall accompany each appli- cation for a Building Permit or Certificate of Compliance. The completion of the improvements for parking according to such plan shall be a requisite for the validity of the Per- mit or Certificate. 1. Use: Required off- street parking spaces accessory to principal uses shall be solely for the parking of passen- ger automobiles of occupants, patrons, or employees. Each required space shall be kept available at all times for the storage of one automobile. 2. Location: Parking spaces required for all types and classifications of uses shall be located on the same site as the use served. In any residential district parking spaces shall not occupy any part of any required front yard, but where open may be included as part of a required open space for side or rear yard subject to other requirements of this ordinance. On lots with two street frontages, parking space may not be included as part of required yards lying adjacent to either street. 0- 63-11 Page 9. 3. Collective provisions for Non - Residential Uses: Parking spaces required for separate buildings and uses may be provided collectively, if the total number of spaces so provided is not less than the sum of the separate re- quirements for each such building and use and if all re- gulations governing the location of accessory parking space in relation to the buildings and uses served are observed. No parking space, or portion thereof, shall serve as the required space for more than one use, unless otherwise specifically authorized in accordance with this ordinance. 4. Repair and Service: No motor vehicle repair work or sales or servicing incidental thereto shall be per- mitted in required parking spaces except of an emergency nature. No gasoline or motor oil shall be sold in con- junction with any accessory parking facility located in a residential district. 5. Size and Access: All off - street parking facilities shall be provided with appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or alley in a manner which will least inter- Pere with traffic movements. No driveway across o -6� -ss Page 10. public property shall have a width exceeding twenty - seven (27) feet at the property line. Each required parking space shall open directly upon an aisle, a driveway or a public alley of such width and design as to provide safe and efficient means of vehicular access to such parking space at all times. In no case shall the dimensions of such parking space or means of access be less than the following: 6. Design and Maintenance: a. Open and Enclosed Parking Spaces: Accessory parking spaces located on the same lot or building as the use served may be open to the sky or en- closed or partly enclosed Parking Angle b. Surfacing Minimum Dimensions 450 60 ° 900 Stall Width 9' 9' 9' Width of Stall Parallel to Aisle 12I 91/ 101 611 9' Depth of Stall Perpendicular to Aisle 19' lit 20' 1 it 18, Aisle TiTdth lit 17' 27' Unit Parking Depth 1. Parking against walls 49' 2" 57' 2" 63' 2. Parking with inter - meshing stalls 42' 10" 521 811 3. Parking head -in to curb 43' 81I 51' 101' S9' 2" 6. Design and Maintenance: a. Open and Enclosed Parking Spaces: Accessory parking spaces located on the same lot or building as the use served may be open to the sky or en- closed or partly enclosed in a structure. b. Surfacing and Drainage: All open parking areas 0-63-11 Page 11. or lots, except one, two or three parking spaces accessory to a single- family or two - family dwelling shall be improved with a compacted macadam base, or equal, not less than four (4) inches thick, sur- faced with asphaltic concrete or comparable all- weather, dustless material. Such parking areas shall be pitched and drained so as to prevent the flow of water from such areas onto acjjoining pro- perty or unpaved streets or alleys, or onto paved streets or alleys which do not have sewer and drainage structures installed. C. Parking Spaces and Access Driveways: Required in one- and two-family residential districts when used in compliance withe the provisions of this ordinance, shall be paved or otherwise surfaced with an all- weather, dust -proof material. That part of the driveway connecting from the curb line to the property line shall be paved with concrete or asphaltic materials to the satisfaction of the village. d. Screening, Landscaping and Wheel Stops: In or adjacent to all residential districts all open auto- mobile parking areas or lots containing more than 0._63-i 1 Page 12. three (3) parking spaces shall be effectively screened on each side adjoining or fronting on any property situated in a residential district by a densely - planted, compact hedge, a wall or solid fence, each of which shall be not less than five (5) feet in height. In all districts wheel stops of masonry, steel, or heavy Umber shall be placed near all interior parking lot lines to protect abutting property and also along street lot lines so as to prevent protrusion d vehicles into street rights -of -way. e. Illumination: Where a parking area or parking lot is illuminated, direct rays of light shall not beam into adjoining property or into a street. 7. Number of Spaces: The following required off - street parking spaces appertain to the particular use being made of the property, and shall be considered the minimum re- quirem ent. a. Banks, businesses, or professional offices, and buildings not specifically mentioned elsewhere in this section shall be provided with one (1) parking space per two hundred (200) square feet of floor area. b. Boarding, rooming, or lodging houses shall be 0-63-11 Page 1,3. provided with one (1) parking space per resident. C. Churches shall be provided with one (1) parking space per four (4) seating spaces. d. Commercial recreation uses including but not limited to bowling alleys shall be provided with one (1) parking space per three (3) patrons, based on the design capacity of the facility in terms of the number of patrons to be served at one time. e. Commercial and trade schools shall be provided with one (1) parking space per five (5) students, plus two (2) parking spaces per three (3) employees. f. Convalescent, nursing, and other health homes and institutions shall be provided with one (1) visitor parking space per four (4) patient beds, plus two (2) parking spaces per three (3) employees, plus one (1) parking space per staff doctor. g. Hospitals shall be provided with one (1) visitor parking space per two (2) patient beds, plus two (2) parking spaces per three (3) employees, plus one (1) parking space per staff doctor. h. Hotels shall be provided with one (1) parking space per room or suite, plus two (2) parking spaces per three (3) employees. 0 -63 -11 Page 14 . i. Industrial, manufacturing, and wholesale establish- ments shall be provided with two (2) parking spaces per three (3) employees based on the greatest number of employees at work at one time. j. Libraries shall be provided with one (1) parking space per four hundred (400) square feet of floor area. k. Medical and dental clinics shall be provided with three (3) patient parking spaces per staff doctor, plus two (2) parking spaces per three (3) employees, plus one (1) parking space per staff doctor. 1. Mortuaries or funeral parlors shall be provided with ten (10) parking spaces per parlor or chapel unit. m. Motels and tourist courts shall be provided with one (1) space per guest unit plus two (2) parking spaces per three (3) employees. n. Private clubs and lodge halls shall be provided with one (1) parking space per three (3) persons based on the design capacity of the facility. o. Residential structures: One - family and two-family dwellings shall be provided with one (1) parking space per dwelling unit; Multiple- family dwelling 0-63-11 Wage 15. units shall be provided with one and one -half (1 -112) parking spaces per dwelling unit or efficiency unit. p. Restaurants shall be provided with one (1) parking space per one hundred (100) square feet of floor area. q. Retail stores, supermarkets, department stores, and personal service shops shall be provided with one (1) space per one hundred (100) square feet of basement and first floor sales area, plus one (1) parking space per two hundred (200) square feet of sales area on upper floors. r. Schools shall be provided with parking spaces as per the following schedule: (1) Elementary, Junior high, and the equivalent private or parochial schools shall be provided with two (2) parking spaces per three (3) teachers and employees normally engaged in or about the building or grounds. (2) Senior high schools, colleges, universities, institutions of higher learning, and the equi- valent private or parochial schools shall be provided with two (2) parking spaces per three (3) teachers and employees normally engaged 0- 6.3 -11 Page 16. in or about the building or grounds, plus one (1) parking space per five (5) students. (3) Kindergartens, day schools and the equivalent private or parochial schools shall be provided with two (2) parking spaces per three (3) teachers and employees normally engaged in or about the building or grounds, plus one (1) off - street loading space per eight (8) pupils. (4) Where a school has an auditorium or assembly hall which maybe used by persons other than students of the school, the parking requirements set forth under "theaters, auditoriums, and places of assembly" shall be used to fulfill the parking requirements of the school provided that they are located in proximity to both such uses. S. Theaters, auditoriums, and places of assembly with fixed seats shall be provided with one (1) parking space per three people as per the design capacity of the structure. 8. Joint Use of Facilities; For the purpose of meeting the parking requirements provided by this section for churches, auditoriums and other places of public or privates assembly, 0 -63 -11 Page 17. parking spaces already provided to meet off - street parking requirements for stores, office buildings, and industrial establishments, or off - street parking facilities provided by the municipality, lying within three hundred (300) feet of the place of public assembly as measured along the lines of public access, and that are not normally in use between the hours of 6:00 P.M. and midnight, and are made available for other parking, may be used to meet up to seventy-five (75) per cent of the total requirements for parking space. B. Off- Street Loading Facilities. On the same lot with every building or part thereof, erected hereafter to be used for other than exclusive dwelling pur- poses, or as an accessory use for dwelling purposes, there shall be provided on the lot, adequate space for motor vehicles in order to avoid undue interference with the public use of streets or alleys. Such space, unless otherwise adequately provided for, shall include a ten (10) foot by twenty-five (25) foot loading space, with fifteen (15) feet height clearance, and one such space shall be provided for each twenty thougand (20, 000) square feet or fraction thereof of floor or lot area used for other than residence purposes. 0-63-11 Section XXIII - Amendments and Conditional Uses B. Conditional Uses 1. Purposes Page 16. This ordinance is based upon the division of the Village into districts, within any one of which the use of land and buildings, and the bulk and location of buildings or structures as related to the land are essentially uniform. It is recognized, however, that there are buildings and uses which, because of their unique characteristics can not be properly classified in any particular district without consideration, in each case, of the impact of those buildings and uses upon neighboring property or consideration of the public need for the particular buildings or use at the proposed location. Such Conditional Uses fall into two categories: a. Buildings and uses entirely private in character but of such a nature that their construction and operation may give rise to unique problems with respect to their impact upon neighboring property or public facilities and b. Uses traditionally associated with a public interest or uses operated by a publicly regulated utility. 0 -63 -11 Page 19. 2. AAplication Applications for conditional uses, as defined in this ordinance, shall be considered at a .public hearing before the Plan Commission, pursuant to the requirements of this ordinance. Said Plan Commission shall make its findings of fact and recommendations to the Village Board of Trustees within thirty (30) days after the public hearing. The Board of Trustees may then authorize a conditional use as defined herein by specific ordinance. 3. Standards The Plan Commission shall not recommend a Conditional Use unless it is deemed necessary for the public interest or convenience at that location or, if private in character: a. It is so designed, located, and proposed to be operated that the public health, safety, and welfare will be protected; and b. It will not cause appreciable izVury to the value of other property in the neighborhood in which it is located; and c. It is one of the Conditional Uses specifically listed in this ordinance for the district within which its establishment is proposed. 0 -63 -11 4, Conditions Page 20. The Plan Commission may recommend, and the Village Board of Trustees may provide, such conditions and restrictions upon the construction, location, and opera- Lion of a Conditional Use, including but not limited to provisions for off - street parking and loading, building height and bulk, signs and accessory uses, and access drives as may be deemed necessary to promote the general objectives of this ordinance and to minimize Wury to the value of property in the neighborhood. 5. Uses The following uses of land or structures, or both, are Conditional Uses subject to the provisions of this Section: a. In all zoning districts: Cemeteries, Crematories or Mausoleums. Golf Courses, Public or Private. Municipal or Privately Owned Recreation, but non - commercial, Building or Community Center. Police Stations, Fire Stations or Place for Storage of Municipal Equipment. Parking Area, Public. Public Administration Building or any other Publicly Owned Structure. 0-63-11 Page 21. Public or Private Park or Playground. Public Utility Facilities: Filtration Plant, Pumping Station, Heat or Power Plant, Transformer Station or Water Storage Reservoir. Railroad Passenger Station Railroad Right -of -Way. Schools, Public or Private. b. In Residential and Business Zoning Districts: Churches and Accessory Buildings used for Religious Teaching. Hospitals or Sanitariums. Institutions for the Care of the Insane or Feeble- Minded. Nursery Schools, Day Nurseries, and Child Care Centers, provided there is a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet of outdoor play area for each child to be cared for, and that the play area is fenced and screened with planting from any adjoining lot in any "R" District. C. In Manufacturing Zoning, Districts: Outside Storage of Raw Materials, Products and Equipment. Radio and Television Antenna Towers, Commercial, 1 0 0- 63-11 Page 22. d. Such other Conditional Uses as allowed by the n Regulations of Specific Zoning Districts. 2. The definition "Conditional Uses" in Section III is hereby amended to read as follows: "Conditional Uses: Those uses defined as such and permitted in accordance with Section XXIII of this ordinance. Section V - General Provisions 1. All streets, alleys and railroad rights -of -way, if not other- wise specifically designated, shall be deemed to be in the same zone as the property immediately abutting upon such alleys, streets, or railroad right -of -way. Where the center line of a street, alley or railroad right -of -way serves as a district boundary the zoning of such street, alley, or railroad right -of -way, unless otherwise speci- fically designated, shall be deemed to be the same as that of the abutting property up to such center line. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and, publication, as required by law. PASSED this 1st day of April, 1963. APPROVED this 1st day of April, 1963. APPROVED: David C. Whitney ATTEST: Catherine B. Price Village President Village Clerk Published in Pamphlet Form by Order of The President and Board of Trustees Village of Deerfield, Illinois AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE Whereas the question of adopting the following amendments to the zoning ordinance-was referred to the Plan Commission, and that commission held a public hearing thereon after due notice as required by law, and made a report thereon to the board of trustees; now therefore: Be it ordained.by the president and board of trustees of the Village of Deerfield that: 1. Sections XI - R - 6'two- family district; Section XII - R - 7 multiple- family district; Section XVI - Off - street parking and loading; and paragraph B - Conditional uses of Section XXIII amendments and conditional uses are hereby-amended to read as follows: Section XI - "R -6" Two - Family District A. Use Regulations; Permitted Uses are: 1. Any use permitted-in . the "R -2" One- Family District. 2. Two - Family dwelling structures. B. Conditional Uses: As allowed by and subject to the provisions of Section XXIII, Paragraph B. C. Height: No building shall be erected or enlarged to exceed a height of two and one -half (2 1/2) stories nor shall it exceed thirty -five (35) feet in height. D. Areas: No building shall be erected nor shall any existing structure be enlarged or altered unless the following yards and lot areas are provided and maintained in connection with such building, structure or enlargement. 1. Front Yard: The same regulations shall apply as required in the "R -2" One- Family District. 2. Side Yard: The same regulations shall apply as required in the "R -2" One- Family District as amended. - 1 - 3. Rear Yard: The same regulations shall apply as required in the "R -2" One`Family District. 4. Lot Coverage: The same regulations shall apply as required in the "R -2" One Family District. 5. Lot Area - One- Family Dwellings: The same regulations shall apply as required in the "R -2" One- Family District. 6. Lot Area - Two - Family Dwellings: Every dwelling hereafter erected or structurally altered to accommodate two - family dwelling units shall be on a lot having a width at the established building line of not less than seventy -five (75) feet, and an area per dwelling unit of not less than six thousand (6,000) square feet. 7. Accessory Buildings: The same regulations shall apply as required in the "R -2" One- Family District. E. Dwelling Standards: No building or structures containing dwelling units shall hereafter be erected, structurally altered, or maintained unless the following dwelling standards are provided and maintained: 1. One - Family Dwellings: The same regulations shall apply as required in the "R -2" One-Family District. 2. Two - Family Dwellings: Each family dwelling unit in two - family structures hereafter erected, converted or reconstructed in any "R -6" District shall have a total floor area of not less than eight hundred fifty (850) square feet, measured *'from the outside of the exterior walls including utility rooms, but excluding cellars, basements, open porches, garages and other spaces that are not used frequently or during extended periods for living, eating or sleeping purposes, except that rooms intended for such purposes which are "roughed in" and are to-be completed within a reasonable time may be considered in computing such ground floor areas. - 2 - Section XII - "R -7" Multiple - Family District A. Use Regulations: Permitted uses are: 1. Any use permitted in the "R -6" Two- Family District. 2. Row dwellings containing three (3) or more family units. 3. Multiple dwellings and apartments. B. Conditional Uses: The following Conditional Uses may be allowed subject to the provisions of Section XXIII, Paragraph B: 1. Those uses listed in Section XXIII as Conditional Uses in all residential districts. 2. Boarding or Lodging Houses. 3. Nursing or Rest Home. 4. Clubs, Lodges, or Fraternal Organizations, when not operated for profit. C. Height: No buildings shall hereafter be erected or structurally altered to exceed two and one -half (2 1/2) stories nor shall it exceed thirty -five (35) feet in height. D. Areas: No building or structure nor the enlargement of any building or structure shall be hereafter erected or main- tained unless the following yards and lot areas are provided and maintained in connection with such structure or enlargement. 1. Front Yard: There shall be a front yard of not less than twenty -five ( 2 5 ) feet. 2.. Side Yards: On any lot there shall be a side yard on each side of the main building of not less than ten (10) per cent of the lot width at the building line. On corner lots the side yard on the intersecting street shall be not less than twenty -five (25) feet. No accessory building shall project into the required side yards. 3. Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard of not less than twenty -five (25) feet for interior lots nor less than fifteen (15) feet for corner lots. - 3 - 1� 4. Lot Coverage: Not more than thirty -five (35) per cent of the area of a lot may be covered by buildings or structures. 5. Lot Areas: Every building hereafter erected or structurally altered in the "R -7" Multiple - Family District shall provide and maintain lot areas and lot widths not less than the following: a. Single - Family Dwellings: The same regulations shall apply as required in the "R -2" One- Family District. b. Two - Family Dwellings: The same regulations shall apply as required in the "R -6" Two- Family District. c. Multiple - Family Dwellings: Not less than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet of lot area for the first two (2) dwelling units plus 0 two thousand (2,000) square feet of lot area per dwellin unit for each additional dwelling unit , two undyed 2 0 0 of area per dwell- img Not less than a lot width of seventy -five (75) feet. 6. Courts: No courts completely surrounded on all sides by a building shall be permitted. Outer courts are permitted, provided the depth of the court is no greater than the width of the court. 7. Accessory Buildings: The same regulations shall apply as required in the "R -6" Two - Family District. E. Dwelling Standards: No building or structure containing dwelling units shall hereafter be constructed, structurally altered or maintained to provide less than the following minimum standards of required usable floor area: 1. One- Family Dwellings: Not less than nine hundred twenty (920) square feet for a one -story dwelling nor less than twelve hundred (1,200) square feet for a dwelling of more than one story. 2. Two - Family Dwellings: Not less than eight hundred (800) square feet per dwelling unit. - 4 - 3. Row Dwellings - Townhouses: Not less than eight hundred (800) square feet per dwelling unit. 4. Other Multiple - Family Dwellings: Not less than six hundred (600) square feet per dwelling unit for the first six (6) dwelling units, nor less than five hundred (500) square feet per dwelling unit for the next six (6) dwelling units, nor less than four hundred (400) square feet per dwelling unit for all dwelling units in addition to the first twelve (12) . - 5 - Section XVI - Off- Street Parking and Loading A. Off- Street Parking The following regulations are established to increase safety and lessen congestion in the public streets, to prevent the deficiency of automobile parking spaces associated with the development of land.and increased automobile usage, to set standards for the requirement of off-street parking according to the amount of traffic generated by such uses, and to eliminate the on- street storage of vehicles. In connection with any building here- after erected or substantially altered or enlarged, or any parking lot hereafter installed, there shall be provided off- street parking spaces meeting all of the minimum requirements of this section. A plan for parking facilities shall accompany each application for a Building Permit or Certificate of Compliance. The completion of the improvements for parking according to such plan shall be a requisite for the validity of the Permit or Certificate. 1. Use: Required off - street parking spaces accessory to principal uses shall be solely for the parking of passenger automobiles of occupants, patrons, or employees. Each required space shall be kept available at all times for the storage of one automobile. 1 2. Location: Parking spaces required .`or all types and etas -•. sifications of uses shall be located on the same site as the use served. In any residential district paarking spaces , shall not occupy any part of any required front yard, but where open may be included as part of a required open space for side or rear yard subject to other requirements of this ordinance. On lots with two street frontages, parking space may not be included as part of required yards lying adjacent to either'street. Xv(=ZT shall not.. occupy any part of any ,required -- front yard, but where open may be included_as --part of a required open 'space '"9—s_ide or rear_ yard subject to other requirements of _th-rss or3'i��u e. On corner or through lots, p � ng space may not be included as par of required yards lying adjacent to either street. 3. Collective provisions for Non - Residential Uses: Parking spaces required for separate buildings and uses may be provided collectively, if the total number of spaces so provided is not less than the sum of the separate requirements for each such building and use and if all regulations governing the location of accessory parking space in relation to the buildings and uses served are observed. No parking space, or portion thereof, shall serve as the required space for more than one use, unless otherwise specifically authorized in accordance with this ordinance. 4. Repair and Service: No motor - vehicle repair work or sales or servicing incidental thereto shall be permitted in required parking spaces except of an emergency nature. No gasoline or motor oil shall be sold in conjunction with any accessory parking facility located in a residential district. 5. Size and Access: All off - street parking facilities shall be provided with appropriate. means of vehicular access to a street or alley in a manner which will least interfere with traffic movements. No driveway across public property shall have a width exceeding twenty -seven (27) feet at the property Line.. Each required parking space shall open directly upon an aisle, a driveway or a public alley of such width and design as to provide safe and efficient means of vehicular access to such parking space at all times. In no case shall the dimensions of such parking space or means of access be less than the following: Parking Angle Minimum Dimensions 45 degrees 60 degrees 90 degrees I . Stall Width 9 9' 9' Width of Stall Parallel to Aisle 12' 9" 10' 6" 9' i Depth of Stall Perpendicular to Aisle 19' 1" 20' 1" 18' Aisle Width 11' 17' 27' Unit Parking Depth 1. Parking against walls 49' 2" 57' 2" 63' I 2. Parking with inter- meshing stalls 42' 10" 52' 8" 3. Parking Head -in to Curb 43' 8" 51' 10" 59' 2" vehicular access to.such parking space at all times. All off - street parking fac\U71 ies shall b� provided with appropriate means of cular access \,o a street or alley ina manner which least interfe e with traffic moveme s. No driveway a ross public pr erty shall have a width xceeding twent� five (25) fee , exclusive of curb returns. ,. Design and Maintenance: a. Open and Enclosed Parking Spaces: Accessory parking spaces located on the same lot or building as the use served may be open to the sky or enclosed or partly enclosed in a structure. b. Surfacing and Drainage: All open parking areas or lots, except one, two or three parking spaces accessory to a single- family or two - family dwelling, shall be improved with a compacted macadam base, or equal, not less than four (4) inches thick, surfaced with asphaltic concrete or comparable all- weather, dustless material. Such parking areas shall be pitched and drained so as to prevent the flow of water from such areas onto adjoining property or unpaved streets or alleys, or onto paved streets or alleys which do not have sewer and drainage structures installed. C, Parking Spaces and Access Driveways: Required in one - and two - family residential districts when used in compliance with the provisions of this ordinance, shall be paved or otherwise surfaced with an all- weather, dust -proof material. That part of the driveway connecting from the curb line to the property line shall be paved with concrete or asphaltic materials to the satisfaction of the village. 1 8 _ d. Screening, Landscaping and Wheel Stops: In or adjacent to all residential districts all open automobile parking areas or lots containing more than three (3) parking spaces shall be effectively screened on each side adjoining or fronting on any property situated in a residential district by a densely - planted, compact hedge, a wall or solid fence, each of which shall be not less than five-(5) feet in height. In all districts wheel stops of masonry, steel, or heave timber shall be placed near all interior parking lot lines to protect abutting property and also along street lot lines so as to prevent protrusion of vehicles into street rights -of -way. e. Illumination: Where a parking area or parking lot is illuminated, direct rays of light shall not beam into adjoining property or into a street. ? . Number of Spaces: The following required off- street parking spaces appertain to the particular use being made of the property , and shall be considered the minimum requirement. a. Banks, businesses, or professional offices, and buildings not specifically mentioned elsewhere in this section shall be provided with one (1) parking space per two hundred (200) square feet of floor area. b. Boarding, rooming, or lodging houses shall be provided with one (1) parking space per resident. C. Churches shall be provided with one (1) parking space per four (4) seating spaces. d. Commercial recreation uses including but not limited to bowling alleys shall be provided with - 9 - one (1) parking space per three (3) patrons, based on the design capacity of the facility in terms of the number of patrons to be served at one time. e. Commercial and trade schools shall be provided with U one (1) parking space per five (5) students, plus two (2) parking spaces per three (3) employees. f. Convalescent, nursing, and other health homes and institutions shall be provided with one (1) visitor parking space per four (4) patient beds, plus two (2) parking spaces per three (3) employees, plus one (1) parking space per staff doctor. g. Hospitals shall be provided with one (1) visitor parking space per two (2) patient beds, plus two (2) parking spaces per three (3) employees, plus one (1) parking space per staff doctor. h. Hotels shall be provided with one .(1) parking space per room or suite, plus two (2) parking spaces per three (3) employees. i. Industrial, manufacturing, and wholesale establish- ments shall be provided with two (2) parking spaces per three (3) employees based on the greatest number of employees at work at one time. j. Libraries- shall be provided with one (1) parking space per four hundred (400) square feet of floor area. k. Medical and dental clinics shall be provided with three (3) patient parking spaces per staff doctor, plus two (2) parking spaces per three (3) employees, plus one (1) parking space per staff doctor. 1. Mortuaries or funeral parlors shall be provided with ten (10) parking spaces per parlor or chapel unit. 10 - m. Motels and.tourist courts shall be provided with one (1) space per guest unit plus two (2) parking spaces per three (3) employees. no Private clubs and lodge halls shall be provided with one (1) parking space per three (3) persons based on the design capacity of the facility. o. Residential structures: One- family and two - family dwellings shall be provided with one (1) parking space per dwelling unit: Multiple- family dwelling units shall be provided with one and one -half (1 1/2) parking spaces per dwelling unit or efficiency unit. p. Restaurants shall be provided with one (1) parking space per one hundred (100) square feet of floor area. q. Retail stores, supermarkets, department stores, and personal service shops shall be provided with one (1) space per one hundred (100) square feet of basement and first floor sales area, plus one (1) parking space per two hundred (200) square feet of sales area on upper floors. r. Schools shall be provided with parking spaces as per the following schedule: (1)- Elementary, junior high, and the equivalent private or parochial schools shall be provided with two (2) parking spaces per three (3) teachers and employees normally engaged in or about the building or grounds. (2) Senior high schools, colleges, universities, institutions of higher learning, and the equivalent private or parochial schools shall be provided with two (2) parking spaces per three (3) teachers and employees normally engaged in or about-the building or grounds, plus one (1) parking space per five (5) students. - 11 - (3) Kindergartens, day schools and the equivalent private or parochial schools shall be provided with two (2) parking spaces per three (3) teachers and. employees normally engaged in or about the building or grounds, plus one (1) off-street loading space per eight (8) pupils. (4) Where a school has an auditorium or assembly hall which may be used'by persons other than students of the school, the parking requirements set forth under "theaters, auditoriums, and places of assembly" shall be used to fulfill the parking requirements of the school provided that they are located in proximity to both such uses. s. Theaters, auditoriums, and places of assembly with fixed seats shall be provided with one (1) parking space per three (3) people as per the design capacity of the structure. 8. Joint Use of Facilities: For the purpose of meeting the parking requirements provided by this section for churches, auditoriums and other places of public or private assembly, parking spaces already provided to meet off - street parking requirements for stores, office buildings and industrial establishments, or off- street parking facilities provided by the municipality, lying within three hundred (300) feet of the place of public assembly as measured along the lines of public access, and that are not normally in use between the hours of 6 :00 P.M. and midnight, and are made available. for other parking, may be used to_meet'up to seventy -five (75) per cent of the total requirements for parking space. - 12 - B. Off- Street Loading Facilities.' On the same lot with every building or part thereof, erected hereafter to be used for other than exclusive dwelling purposes, or as an accessory use:for dwelling purposes, there shall be provided on the lot, adequate space for motor vehicles in order to avoid undue inter= ference with the public use of streets or alleys. Such space, unless otherwise adequately provided for, shall include a ten (10) foot by twenty -five (25) foot loading space, with fifteen (15) feet height clearance, and one such space shall be provided for each twenty thousand (20,000) square feet of fraction thereof of floor or lot area used for other than residence purposes. - 13 - Section XXI'II Amendments and Conditional Uses B. Conditional Uses 1. Purposes This ordinance is based upon the division of the Village into districts, within any one of which the use of land and buildings, and the bulk and location of buildings or structures as related to the land are essentially uniform . It is recognized, however, that there are buildings and uses which, because of their unique characteristics cannot be properly classified in any particular district without consideration, in each case, of the impact of those buildings and uses upon neighboring property or consideration of the public need for the particular buildings or use at the proposed-location. Such Conditional Uses fall into two categories: a. Buildings and uses entirely private in character but of such a nature that their construction and operation may -give rise to unique problems with respect to their impact upon neighboring property or public facilities and b. Uses traditionally associated with a public interest or uses operated by a publicly regulated utility. 2. Application Applications for conditional uses, as defined in this ordinance, shall be- considered at a public hearing before the Plan Commission, pursuant to the requirements of this ordinance. Said Plan Commission shall make its findings of fact and recommendations to the Village Board of Trustees within thirty (30) days after the public hearing. The Board of Trustees may then authorize a conditional use as defined herein by specific ordinance. - 14 - STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS COUNTY OF LAKE - ) The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Village Clerk of theVillage of Deerfield and that ; the foregoing is a true and correct copy of an ordinance duly passed by the President and Bmard of Trustees of the said Village at a _ regular meeting thereof held on the 1st day of April, 1963. Dated this 2nd-Day of April, 1963. Village Clerk SEAL AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SALE AND ASSIGNMENT OF JUDGMENT LIENS FOR CERTAIN OVERDUE AND UNPAID INSTALL- MENTS OF CERTAIN SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS HELD BY THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY,ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the Village of Deerfield is the holder and owner of judgment liens for certain installments of certain special aseessments levied against certain parcels of property within said Village; all of which are more particularly described in the schedule hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the said liens of said special assessments of the Village of Deerfield heretofore levied against certain parcels of property described in the schedule hereinafter set forth are overdue and have been either returned delinquent to the County Collector and forfeited to the State of Illinois, or are past due and delinquent on the books of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, the collection of said liens against the said par..ce:ls of property more particularly described in the schedule hereinafter set forth by 16gal proceedings will necessitate the expenditure by the Village of Deerfield of a large amount of- money; and WHEREAS, it is deemed by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield that the said sale and assignment of said special assess- ment liens are for the best interests of said Village; and WHEREAS, the special assessment bonds hereinbefore mentioned are all long past due and this Village in its capacity as Trustee for said bondholders should liquidate such liens and distribute to the bondholders their pro rata share of such liquidation; and WHEREAS, Sub - section 56, Paragraph 84, Chapter 24, Illinois Revised Statutes, 1947, provides, "The municipality on behalf of which such lien is created may sell and assign the lien," NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield: Section One: That said Village of Deerfield does hereby order a sale to be made of the liens of the special, assessments heretofore levp & against the parcels of real estate described in the schedule hereinafter set forth in Section Two of this Ordinance which are forf0 t(A.to the STate of Illinois or withdrawn from collection or are delinquent on the books of the Village Collector of the Village of Deerfield. Section Two: The following described real estate, to -wit: k Lot 13, Block 10, Branifar Bros. Woodland Park, A Subdivision of parts of the North Half (N 1/2) of Sec. 32, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Lake County Illinois on which liens of special assessments levied by this Village under the Local Improvements Act are delinquent on the books of the Village Collector or withdrawn from collection or forfeited to the State of Illinois for non - payment as shown by the Village Collector and the County Clerk of Lake County, Illinois. Section Three: That the Village of Deerfield has been offered the sum Of Four Hundred Seven t Four ar purchase price for the purchase ments heretofore levied against schedule set forth in Section Ti the Village of Deerfield having of all parties concerned, finds ,H RR /inn Dollars as and for a complete of all the installments of said special assess - the said parcel of real estate described in the No of this Ordinance of the Vi 1 lage Board and duly considered, finds that in the best interests that the'.'said- offer: to :pur.chase be accepted, and that said liens be sold and assigned to Robert D. Newell and /100 said person submitting the said bid in the amount of Four Hundred Seventy Four.8x8gil Section Four: That the President of the Village of Deerfield and the Village Clerk thereof are hereby authorized and directed to execute an instrument of sald aewk assignment covering each and all of said liens of all of the installments of said special assessments heretofore levied against the said parcels of real estate described intthe schedule set forth in Section Two of this Ordinance and according to the schedule heretofore filed in the office of the Village Clerk of this Village. Section Five: Said Assignment shall be in substantially the following form, to -wbt: NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEVTS that the Village of Deerfield by its Village President and Village Clerk, pursuant to the power granted them in an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE providing for the sale and assignment of special assessments judgment liens for certain overdue and unpaid 4 installments of certain special assessments held by the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois," passed by the President and Board of Trustees of said Village on the Ist day of Apri I , A.D. 1963, for and in consideration of the sum of Four Hundred Seventy Four and 88/106 474.88 ) Dollars, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby sell, transfer, assign and deliver to Robert D. Newell of the Village of Deerfield , Lake ;ounty, Illinois, all of its rights, title and interest in and to the judgment liens of the following installments of the following special assessments heretofore levied by the Village of Deerfield under the Local Improvement Act, as follows, to -wit: Lot 13, Block 10, Branigar Bros, Woodland Park, A Subdivision of the North Half of Sec. 29, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Lake County, Illinois, under Warrant No. 27, covering installments number six through ten, Warrant No. 28, installments number six through ten, Warrant No. 46, inst311ments four and five, and Warrant No. 49, installments number four through ten, and covering the principal amount due plus all the interest, penalties and costs which may have accrued or will accrue thereunder. IN WITNESS THEREOF the Village of Deerfield has caused this instrument to be signed by its Village President and attested by the Village Clerk and the seal to be thereto affixed this lst day of April , A.D. 1963. ATTEST: Village Clerk Vi l l�age�Prressiident (SEAL) Section Six: The Village Collector shall and is hereby orderdd to mark the proper records of the Village of Deerfield in his care, custody and control showing that the liens of all the installments of the various special assessments which have been included in said sale and which are still delinquent upon his books and have not been returned to the �'ounty Collector or have been withdrawn from collection or forfeited to the People of the State of Illinois for non - payment with the following legend: "Sale of Special Assessment lien and assignment thereof to of the of , County of and State of Illinois. Dated 1963. By Village Collector' Section Seven: The Village Collector of the Village of Deerfield 'shall .turn all monies received at the hereinbefore mentioned sale over to the Village Treasurer in the regular course of business, and the Village Treasurer shall deposit said monies in the special assessment account of the Village of Deerfield for pro rata distribution to the holders of the special assessment bonds issued to anticipate the collection of the special assessment judgment liens heretofore ordered sold by the terms of this Ordinance. Section Eight: The Village Clerk of this Village shall be and is hereby 4,nstrudted to furnish a certified copy of this Ordinance to the Village Collector and also to the County Clerk of Lake County, and to the County Treasurer and ex- officio County Collector of Lake County. Section Nine: The Village Collector of this Village shall be and is hereby appointed the proper official of this municipality in accordance with Sub - Section 72,,Paragrpph 84, Chapter 24, Illinois Revised Statute 1947, to direct the County Clerk to set aside all of the withdrawn and forfeited installments of the respective special assessments levied against the real estate hereinbefore described which have been included in this sale. Section Ten: Said Village Collector shall direct the County Clerk to set aside all of the withdrawn and forfeited installments of said special assessments shortly after this sale. Section Eleven The County Clerk and County Treasurer and ex- officio County Collector of Lake County, Illinois, be and they are hereby authorized and directed, upon the written direction of the Vi 1 lage Collector of this Village, to set aside all of the withdrawn and forfeited installments of the respective special assessments levied against the real estate hereinbefore described which have been included in this sale. An appropriate entry shall be made on the Collector's warrant and also upon the tax sale, judgment, forfeiture, and redemption records showing that each and all of the installments of special assessments in the various warrants against the real estate hereinbefore described were withdrawn from collection by the Village of Deerfield and returned to the said Village for collection. I 2 Section Twelve: The Village Collector shall be and is hereby authorized ` and directed to enter on the proper records of the Village of Deerfield, now in his custody and control the following legend, when so requested to do by the holders of the Certificate of Sale and Assignment or their assignee to recite that all installments of the various special assessments shown upon the Certificate of Sale and Assignment are: Lien satisfied, discharged and cancelled of record at direction of assignee. Dated 1963. By Section Thirteen: The Village of Deerfield hereby covenants with the buyers mentioned herein to pass any ordinance or ordinances subsequent to said sale which in the opinion of the officials of said Village of Deerfield are necessary to complete the sale and assignment of the hereinbfifore mentioned liens in the office of the County Clerk of Lake County or any other public official whose statutory duties require him to keep records of the special assess- ments judgment liens of the Village of Deerfield. Section Fourteen: All Ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith shall be and the same are hereby repealed. Section Fifteen: This Ordfinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval according to law. This ordinance was passed and deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, this lst day of April , A.D. 1963. Village Clerk This Ordinance was approved by me according to law this 1st day of April , A.D. 1963• SEAL M �rr" Village President 3. Standards The Plan Commission shall not recommend a Conditional Use unless it is deemed necessary for the public interest or convenience at that location or, if private in character: a. It is so designed, located, and proposed to be operated that the public health, safety, and welfare will be protected; and b. It will not cause appreciable injury to the value of other property in the neighborhood in which it is located; and c. It is one of the Conditional, Uses specifically listed in this ordinance for the district within which its establishment is proposed. 4. Conditions The Plan Commission may recommend, and the Village Board of Trustees may provide, such conditions and restrictions upon the construction, location, and operation of a Conditional Use, including but not limited to provisions for off- street parking and loading, building height and bulk, signs and accessory uses, and access drives as may be deemed necessary to promote the general objectives of this ordinance and to minimize injury to the value of property in the neighborhood. 5. ' 'Us'es The following uses of land. or structures, or both, are Conditional Uses subject to the provisions of this Section: as In all zoning districts: Cemeteries, Crematories or Mausoleums. Golf Courses, Public or Private. 15 - Municipal or Privately Owned Recreation, but non-commercial,-Building or Community Center. Police Stations, Fire Stations or Place for Storage of Municipal Equipment, Parking Area, Public. Public Administration Building or any other Publicly Owned Structure. Public or Private Park or Playground.. Public Utility Facilities: Filtration Plant, Pumping Station, Heat or Power Plant, Tranformer Station or [mater Storage Reservoir. Railroad. Passenger Station, Railroad Right -of -Way. Schools, Public or Private. b. In Residential and Business Zoning Districts: Churches and Accessory Buildings used for Religious Teaching. Hospitals or Sanitariums. Institutions for the Care of the Insane or Feeble- Minded. Nursery Schools, Day Nurseries, and Child Care Centers, provided there is a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet of outdoor play area for each child to be cared for, and that the play area is fenced and screened with planting from any adjoining lot in any "R" District. c. In Manufacturing Zoning Districts; Outside Storage of Raw Materials, Products and Equipment. Radio and Television Antenna Towers# Commercial. d. Such other Conditional Uses as allowed by the Regulations of Specific Zoning Districts. - 16 - w 2. The definition "Conditional Uses" in Section III is hereby amended to read as follows: "Conditional Uses: Those uses defined as such and permitted in accordance with Section XXIII of this ordinance. 3. Para ra h 1 of Section V is hereby amended ,b��g W M IE PASSED this day of 1963 APPROVED: Village President ATTEST: Village Clerk Section V - General Provisions. 0 st Para ra h only-) 1. 1411 streets, alleys, and railroad rights -of -way, if not otherwise specifically designated, shall..be deemed to be in the same zone as the property immediately abutting upon such alleys, streets, or railroad right-of—way. Where the center line of a street, alley or railroad right -of -way, serves as a district boundary the zoning of such street, alley, or railroad ri ht -of -wa I otherwise specifical_l'y designated, 'shali be' deemed to be the same as that of the abutting property up to such center line. Lk 1­4_� �i - 17 -