O-62-06i x
BS IT OADAIN:D by the President and Board of Trustees
of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois,
As used_in this ordinance the following terms shall be
construed as indicated below:
1. A. P3SON includes an individual, a corporation, or
other legal entity, a partnership, and any unin-
corporated association, and shall include both
singular and plural.
E. GsIRWIG2 shall mean all animal and vegetable waste
and all putrescible matter.
C. R3FUSL shall mean all waste substances including
garbage as well as combustible and noncombustible
D. COMBUSTIBLE WAST3 shall mean all waste substances
capable of incineration or burning, but excluding
explosive or highly flammable material.
3. NON -C 01-13USTIE)LE WASTE shall mean all other waste
substance not capable of incineration or burning,
including ashes, ,lass, metal, earthenware and the
F. SANITARY LANDFILL shall moan a type of operation
in which refuse is deposited by plan in a pit or
excavation of opon land, is compacted by force
applied by mechanical equipment, and then is cover-
ed by a layer of earth, ashes, or suitable covering
material to a depth of at least two foot.
2. CONSENT Or VILLAGE.) No liconse or permit to oporato
a sanitary land fill or otherwise place or dump garbage not
originating in tho Village, within the Village or within one
Milo of. %tho Village limits shall be issued unloss the pro-
visions of Illinois Rovised Statutos, Chaptor 1002, Par. 27,
are complied with. No such contract shall be entered into or
consent givon by the Board, nor shall such permit bo issued,
until after a public hearing, as - herinaftor provided.
The Village Manager and Plan Commission shall hold a
joint public hearing, after giving due notice thereof, on
the question of whether such a permit should be issued.
A transcript of this hearing shall be transmitted to the
Board of Trustees.
Thereafter, the Village Manager and Plan Commission
shall submit their reports-and recorim --ndations to the Board
of Trustees, including the above mentioned transcript, stating
their reasons why they recommend thattho application be
granted or denied and shall send a copy thereof to the ap-
plicant. The Board of Trustees shall then consider the re-
ports and rocormiendations -so transmitted by the Village Manager
and Plan Commission and if the Board of Trustees finds that
public convenience and necessity, as well as the public health
and general welfare of the people of the Village will not be
injured, shall issue a pormit to the applicant; othorwiso,
the application shall be denied and the applicant shall bol
so informed.
3. LICENSE REQUIRED.) It shall be unlawful to maintain
or operate a sanitary land fill, or any place for the disposal
of garbage or refuso, anywhere in the Village or within one
mile of the Village limits without first receiving a license
therefor; and it shall be unlawful to maintain, operate, or
pormit the maintenance or operation of any such place in
violation of any provision of this ordinance.
The annual fee for such license shall be FIVE THOUSAND
DOLLARS ($5,000.00); no such license shall be issued except
on direction by the President and Board of Trustees.
4. BOND.) No such license shall be issued, or effective
unless there is on file with the Village a cash bond or a
bond with a corporate surety in penal amount of $23,000 to
assure that;
a. That the licensee, his agents and servants, will
comply with all of the terms, conditions, provision require-
ments and specifications contained in this ordinance.
b. That the licensee, his agents and sorvants, will
faithfully operate the sanitary landfill for which the permit
is issued in accordanco with the provisions of this ordinance.
c. That the liconsoo, his agents and sorvants, will
save harmless the Village from any expense incurred through
tho failuro of the pernittoo, his agonts and sorvants, to
operate and maintain tho sanitary landfill as roquirod by
this ordinance including any oxponso the Village may be put
to for correcting any condition or violation of this ordin-
anco by the Villagots own labor and oquipmont, whonovor the
Villago Managor dotori -Ands it is neeossary for the Village
to correct any condition in violation of this ordinance,
or from any damages ,growing out of the nogligoneo of tho
pernittoo or his agents or servants.
d. Bofore acceptance, all bonds shall be approved by
the Board of Trustees. If a corporate bond is offered, it
shall be executed by a company authorized to transact business
in the State of Illinois as a surety. If a cash bond is
offorod, it shall be deposited with the Treasurer of the
Village of Doorfiold, who shall give his official receipt
therefor, reciting that said cash has boon depositoc' in
compliance with and subject to the provisions of this or-
5. ::PPLICIC, ION - INVESTIGATION. ) Applications for
such licenses shall be filed with the Village Manager and shall
contain a description and plat of the land on which the dis-
posal of refuse is proposedd; a description of the sequence
and plan of operation; availability of the equipment for water
supply; typo and capacity of oquipmont to be user for opera-
tions; plans for fire, nuisance and: vermin control; exist-
ing and proposod roadways and oasomonts; existing topography
and water courses, together with a diagram and written state-
ment explaining proposed location and extent of earthwork
and fill operations, proposed equipment and estimated daily
or wookly volume of garbage and refuse, and such other in-
formation as may be required by the Board of Trustees.
Copies of the application shall be forwarded by the Village
Hanagor to the Plan Commission for its study and rocomssond-
The Villago Mana,;or shall examine the premises and shall
also coordinato his investigation with the Lake County Health
Department to determine whothor the granting of the permit
to the applicant would or would not violate the health rogu-
lations of Lasso County or would, in any way, create a hazard
or Menace to tho public health or would, in any way, create
a nuisance to the people of the Village of Deerfield, and
shall make a report giving, his rocommondations to the Board
of Trustees and shall submit a copy of his report to the
Plan Commission for its study and rocommondation.
Tho Plan Comnh ission shall mako a report to the Board
of Trustoos as to wilethor or not the granting of the permit
in tho location described in the application would be a
violation of the zoning, rogulations of the Villago and shall
submit a copy of the roport to the Village Manager. Tho
Plan Commission shall also report to the Board of Trustoos
as to the effect of such proposed use upon tho character of
tho noighborhood, the traffic conlitions, public utilities
facilities, and othormattors portaining to the gonoral wolfare.
6. IEGULATIONS.) In the oporation or maintonanco of
any placo for the disposal of garbage in the Village or
within one milo of the Village limits, all of the following
rules and ro�ulations shall be complied with:
a. All garbago and other refuse shall be thoroughly
compactod by oquip:iont of a size and freight capable of pro-
ducing a downward or ground prossuro of at least five pounds
per squaro inch. Such equipr_ient shall have sufficient weight
and capacity to carry out all nocossary oporations to the
satisfaction of the enforcement officer. Sufficient auxi-
liary oquipmont shall bo maintainod on the sito or othorwiso
available to pormit oporation in case of a 'oroakdown.
b. Tiinod refuse material shall bo spread out on tho
working face of tho landfill so that the dopth does not ea-
coed a maximum ?opth of two foot prior to its compaction.
c. The areas shall be continually policod to provont
firo and the blowing of papers; shall bo neat and sanitary
at all timos; and shall be covorod at tho end of each dayts
operation, as well as whon wind conditions warrant it through
the day, with sufficient matorial to prevont blowing papors
and unsiGhtly conditions. The sizo of the active face on
which rofuso is being currently deposited shall be kept to
a minimum.
d. Cover material will consist of earth, loam, clay,
sand, etc., or a mixture of at least 304 earth and other
inert materials, such as ashes, cindors, or gavel. A
minimum depth of 121' of compacted cover and spread cover mater-
ial shall be kept on all inactive faces of the landfill at
all tirios. Tho active faces of the landfills should
be coverer at tho and of oach dayss operation, with at least
611 (before compaction) of cover material.
o. :Ikon the fill has been brought up to two (2) feet
below the desired finished grade, it shall be covered with
at least twonty -four inches of compacted cover materials
graded and soodod in such a mannor as to provent orosion.
f. 'There the "Trench Systom" of sanitary landfill is
used, successive parallel trenches must be at least two foot
garbage and refuse material oxisting on the site
at the time tho permit is issuod either in the form of an opon
dump or any other form, shall be colloctod, compaetod, and
covorod with cover material at least one foot in dopth if
bolow tho dosirod finished grado, or with inert material at
least two feet in depth at the finished yrado. This cover
operation shall be conpl of od within fifteen working clays after
the issuance of a spocial pormit for the sanitary land fill.
h. The licensee or operator shall oroct such temporary
or permanent fences or take such other moasuros as may be
necessary to control blowing of papor and other materials
fron the landfill.
i. Iny materials salvaged from the fill :gust be stored
in a building on or off tho site in such a manner as to
prevent rat harborage and permit proper operation of the land-
fill. Such storago building must bo at least two hundred
foot fron the workin- surface so as not to intorfero with the
compacting and covering. .Ul salva :ged material rust be daily
placed within the building providod so that none is loft un-
covorod during the night or on woelconds.
j. No matorials deposited in tho landfill shall be
burner: there or anywhoro in the Villaao.
k. ::doquato firo - fighting oquipmont shall bo available
at all times on the situ or the operator of the landfill
shall furnish the managor with proof of a fire - fighting agroo-
mont botwoon the oporator and the Doorfiold- Bannockburn Fire
District, if Cie area is not within the Fire District.
1. 1,Io sanitary landfill operation shall be placed whore
s oopago, drainago, or pumpag material of any at erial from the fill
of such a nature as would constitute an odor nuisance or
health hazard flows into a water course unless provision is
mado to treat such effluent in such a manner as to purify it
to acceptable standards as sot forth by the State ;Sanitary
Water :Soard.
m. The licensee shall provide an access road, approvod
by the Village Kanager that is passable in all typos of
weather conditions to the landfill site.
n. The license holder shall also have available nocos-
sary equipment to assure that traffic may be maintained on
the access road or roads during periods of heavy rain or
snowfall. The permit holder shall also take precautions to
eliminate excess dust in dry weather, during operation of the
o. Insects and rodents on the landfill site shall be
controlled and oxtorminatod as directed by the Village M
7. DUMPING R2PUSy OR GlaWS.) It shall be unlawful
to dump or dispose of any rcfuso or garbage except in a
properly constructed incinerator, or in a licensed landfill,
within the Village or within one mile of the Village limits.
3. ENFOaCEMENT.) The Village Managor shall be charged
with tho enforcement of this ordinance and shall make any
inspection necessary to that end.
9. REVOCATION OF LICENSE.) ..ny license issued under
the provisions of this ordinance may be revoked by the
Village President or Village Manager for any violation of
any law or ordinance pertaining to the operation or wain -
tonanco of such establishment.
10. P I Al *LTY.) :':ny porson, fire or corporation violating;
any provision of this ordinance shall be fined not loss than
Twonty -fivo -dollars ($25.00) nor poro than Two Iiundrod dollars
0,200.00) for each offonso, and a soparato offense shall
be doomed comAttod on each day during; or on which a vio-
lation occurs or continuos.
P.:SSED: This 5th day of r-larch, 1962.
.T T
PUBLISHED March 15, 1962