ORDINANCE No. _ 6 )" / 0
BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of
the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, that:
Section 1, No connection shall be permitted to the water
system of the village of Deerfield, Illinois, of any property
except property which has been assessed for a share of the cost
of the main serving it, property where the owner has paid a part
of the cost of the adjacent water main through a special connec-
tion charge, and property in a subdivision where the subdivider
has installed water mains to serve said property under the re-
quirements of the Subdivision Ordinances of the village, unless
a special connection fee is paid in addition to all other fees
and charges required by ordinance. Said special connection fee
shall be determined in accordance with the following schedule:
A. Business Zoned Properties (B -1)
Shall be charged $50.00 per acre, or frac-
tion thereof, plus $100.00 per inch size
of tap or extension..
B. Business Zoned Properties (B -2)
Shall be charged $50.00 per acre, or frac-
tion thereof, plus $100.00 per.inch size
of tap or extension.
C. Business Zoned Properties (B -3)
Shall be charged 50:.00 per acre, or frac-
;,ttion thereof, plus 0100.00 per inch size
of tap or extension.
D. Office and Research Zoned Properties (0 &R)
Shall be charged $75.00 per acre, or frac-
tion thereof, plus 0100.00 per inch size
of tap or extension.
E. Manufacturing Zoned Properties (M)
Shall be charged $75.00 per acre, or frac-
tion thereof., plus $100.00 per inch size
of tap or extension,
Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and
effect from and after its passage and approval as provided
by law.
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