O-62-27ORDINANCE No. 0,-662-27 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS TO BE PAID FOR BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TAE °IMPROVEMENT KNOWN AS THE GREENWOOD PARK STORM INTERCEPTOR SEWER BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, that: Seotion 1, That a local improvement shell be made in the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, the nature, characters locality and description of which shall be as follows: The proposed improvement consists of a storm sewer beginning at Wayne Avenue extended and the Union Drainage Ditch (west fork of the Chicago River), thence runs northerly along Wayne Avenue 5 feet east of the west property line, crosses Hazel Avenue and runs along the west side of Hazel Avenue 5 feet south of the north property line to the east side of Hillside Avenue. The center line of the pipe on Hillside Avenue is 21 feet west of the east property line and continues up Hillside Avenue to the north side of Somerset Avenue. It runs along the north side of Somerset Ave- nue 10 feet south of the north property line to the intersection of Oakley Avenue, where the center line of the pipe is located 12 feet west of the east property line, and continues up Oakley Ave- nue and crosses Greenwood Avenue to the north side of the street where it is looated 25 feet south of the.north property line, The proposed storm sewer on Greenwood Avenue, which ran: to the east, continues 25 feet south of the north property line to a point on Mood Avenue where a connection is run south from the existing manhole on Wood Avenue to proposed Manhole 13. The storm sewer running westwardly on Greenwood Avenue conneoti to Manhole 11 by a line from Manhole 14 which is 15 feet south of the north property line. A line proceeds westwardly from Manhole 3.49 15 feet 1. south of the north property line, where it connects with an existing 18" storm sewer. This 18" storm sewer is to be replaced with a 10" con Crete storm sewer, and all existing stubs are to be connected to the new storm sewer. The existing headwall is to be removed., and the 10" line extended to the edge of the open ditch 500 feet east of Manhole 3.40 The storm sewer shall be a 30" concrete sewer pipe laid at a gradient of 0956% beginning at the headwall and running to and in- oluding.Manholes 19 2, 3 and 4 along Wayne Avenue to the north side of Hazel. Manhole 3 to Manhole 4 is along Hazel Avenue. From Man - hole 4 along the east side of Hillside Avenue to Manhole 7 the pipe becomes a 27" concrete sewer pipe laid at 0.68%, :ft.om Manhole 7 to Manhole 9 the line runs along the north side of Somerset Avenue and becomes a 27" concrete sewer pipe laid at 0090%* From Manhole 9 to Manhole 10 the line continues as a 24" concrete sewer pipe laid at 10099 'From Manhole 10 to Manhole 11 the 24" concrete sewer pipe is laid at 0680 %. The connection between Manhole 11 and Manhole 14 is a 24 "_oonorete sewer pipe paid at 0040%. The line manning from Man- hole 11 to Manhole 13 eestwardly along Greenwood Avenue is a 15" con- crete sewer pipe laid at 0080 %. The line running from Manhole 14# westwardly along Greenwood Avenue, is a 24" concrete sewer pipe laid at 0.40% to Manhole 15 at the intersection of Woodruff Avenue. The lime running from Manhole 15 to Manhole 16 is a 10" concrete sewer pipe laid at 0040%. All of the above, as shown within the Plans and Specifications entitled, "Greenwood Park Interceptor Storm Sewer Special Assessment No. 10f', inoluding pipe sizes, inverts, profiles and appurtenances. consisting of manholes, inlets and headwalls as revised May 319, 19629 hereto attached as Exhibits.No. 1 and No. 29 2,, ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION For the purpose of constructing the improvement in accojPd- w oe with the elevations, dimensions and positions as herein pro- vided for, the grades and lines of construction shall be given by use of stakes and other necessary devices as the work prgresses; and to protect those benefited by the improvement from the use of improper material and poor workmanship, all material used shall be inspected, and all labor performed shall be superintended. To this end, the Board -of Local Improvements shall employ the neces- sary competent engineers, inspectors and superintendents during the construction of the work. All work in connection with the improvement herein provided for shall be executed in a good and workmanlike manner and under the superintendence of the Board of Local Improvements, Section 2, The recommendation of the Board of Local Improve- ments and the estfAate of cost thereof, both hereto attaohed, be, and the same are hereby approved. Section 3. The said improvement shall be made and the whole cost thereof, which is estimated to be FIFTY EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND TWO DOLLARS AND FORTY CENTS ( X58, 502 ekO) shall be paid for by special assessment in accordance with Article 9, Division 2 of Chapter 2k of Illinois Revised Statutes as amended. An amount not exceeding six percent (6 %) of the estimated total whole cost, to -wit, THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND TEN DOLLARS AND FOURTEEN CENTS ($3,510024) is hereby provided for to apply toward the payment of all lawful costs and expenses incurred in making, levying, and collecting the assessment for said improve- Mont. Section ,. The aggregate $count herein ordered to be assess- ed and each individual assessment shall be divided imto ten in- stallments which shall bear interest at the rate of six percent (6 %) per annum until paid, all in the manner and in accordance with the provisions of the aforesaid Article 9, Division 2 of Chapter 24 of Illinois Revised Statutes as amended* OA - Section 5 ., For the purpose of anticipating the collection of the second and succeeding installments of said assessment for said improvement, bonds shall be issued payable out of such in- stallments, bearing interest at the rate of six percent (6 %) per annum, payable annually, and signed by the-President of the muni- cipality and attested by its clerk, under the corporate seal of said municipality. Said bonds shall'be issued in accordance with, and shall in all respects conform to the provisions of Article 9, Division 2 of Chapter 24 of the Illinois Revised Statutes as amended. Notion 6s The attorney for the city, be and he is hereby directed to file a petition in the County Court of said County, as provided by law in the name of the municipality, praying that steps may be taken to levy a special assessment for said improvement, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, and in the manner prescribed by law. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and approval, PASSED this 91h day of 'July , 1962, ATTEST: APPROVED-2 4. DENT