O-62-42� 1
Ordinance No. 62- LIZ
Whereas the question of adopting the following ordinance
was referred to the Plan Commission which held a public
hearing thereon after. due notice as required by law; now
BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees
of the Village . of Deerfield that:
Section 4 of ordinance no. 0- -61 -39 relating to manu-
facturing districts under the zoning ordinance, be and the
same is.hereby amended by adding to the list of permitted
uses following sub- paragraph "y" thereof, the following:
"z. Trade and service schools
"Al. Outside storage of new. finished products IAl cont,v E«a 0JITri
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ready for sale uncrated or not packaged,-----,,_
where effectively enclosed by a solid wall or
NB.T LE s5 Tt- AW 10 Fa Er N 16 v
f ence Kb not c o ser than five hundred
feet to a residence district
"Bl Storage Warehouses
"Any other use compatible with or similar to the
uses described as permitted in this section that
comply with the general regulations applicable
to the manufacturing district and are not prohibited
by any section of this zoning ordinance or any other
ordinance of the Village."
PASSED this 1 day of , 1962.
Attest: Village President
Village Clerk
Published in the Deerfield Review on the f % 6A day of