O-61-04ORDI NANCI . NO AN GRi31 HANCE- PROV i D i NG OR CONSTRUCTION Of THE CREENWOW AVENUE STORM. IHTERCEPTOR SEWER , Y Seg.lAh ASSESS BE IT oRDAENEO by the PresWoot .and hoard of Trustees.'0 thek Vi 1 lags of trfi:tid that; A loco' i+aproviele�snt tih' I l be *ado 'in the Vi i Nays of Deearf i t 1 d, LAke County: ! i l i not s the nawre, charra cter, Iona I i ty and description of vhI ch shay i l be ss: , qi lows: An imnrovamont of Wayne Avenue f -rom the north edge of the wart fork of the north branch 'of tho Chicago Rivor to the horth edge of the rIgit-- of-,wayt on Hazel Avenue; on Hazel Avenua from the west edge of the right: "of -way *a Wayne Avenue to the oast edge of .'the right- of�*way cat Hi I! side' Avenue; on . Ni 11 $1 de. Av*6ua froze the nor th adge of the r t ght-#of -way o'n Nazei AvtnO to the north. edge of the : ri gita•o; -way ore Somor$et Avenue; on S*"rs*t -Av*o0* frog► the west edge of t pM right -*af way on Hi1isIde Avenue to the vast ed of the right =of »way on Oakley Aveove; on..Oaklsy Avenu6 from tho south edge of the right -of -way can Somerset Avenue to the north edge of they right- of -way on Greenwood Avenue 'on Greenwood Avenue from the center 11"o of W4syne Avenue as extended to the west fine of Wood Avonme f by the installotion of storm sewer,. manholos, inlets and appurtebnance +s, all as shown. on the attached plans and spoci fi* Conformance to Plans: Wherever "erein in the description Of the local: ions of this improvement there is any duplication of IG-cations, no duplication of the improvement is intended, or shall he made and the said improve- ment shall be constructed in a good and workmanlike manner to conform to the plans therefor as shown ort tiro blueprints of the plans attached hereto and made a part hereof. All materials used in the construction of this improvement not specifically herein described shall be of good quality and suitable for the purpose for which they are to be used. All of the above described improvemonts shall be constructer. under the direction and supervision and to the satisfaction of the Board of Local Improvements, and all the necessary labor and work shall be performed in a good and workmanlike manner. Engi need ngand Inspection: For the purpose of constructing this improvement in accordance with the elevations, dimensions and positions as herein provided for, the grados and lines of construction shall be given by use of stakes and other necessary devices as the work progresses; and to protect those benefited by this improvement from the use of improper material and poor workmanship, all material used shall be inspected, and all labor performed shall be superintended. To this end, the Board of Local Improvements shall employ the necessary competent engineers, inspectors and superintendents during the construction of the work. All work in connection with the improvements herein provided for shall be e"cuted in a good and workmanlike manner and under the sapar- intendence of the Board of Local Improvements. -2- ./ Section 2. That the recownendation of the Board of Local Improve- ments and the estimate of the cost thereof, both hereto attached, be and the same are hereby approved. Section 3. That said improvement shall be made and the whole cost thereof, which is estimated to be $58,422.21 shall be paid for by special assessment in accordance with Article 84 of Chapter 24 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, as amended. An amount not exceeding six percent (604) of the estimated whole cost, to -itit $3,429.64 is hereby provided for to apply toward the payment of all lawful costs and expenses incurred in m.3king, levying and collecting the assessment for said improvements. Section 4. That the aggregate amount-herein ordered to be assessed and each individual assessment shall be divided into ton (10) install - monts which shall bear Interest at the rate of six percent (6 %) per annum until paid, all in the manner and in accordance with the pro- visions of the aforesaid Article 84 of Chapter 24 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, as amended. Section 2. That for the purpose of anticLpating the collection of the second and succeeding installments of said assessment for improve- ments, bonds shall be issued payable out of such installments, bearing Interest at the rate of six percent (67.) per annum, payable annually, and signed by the President of the municipality, and attested by its Clerk, under the corporate seal of the said municipality. Said bonds shall be issued in accordance with, and shall in all respects conform to the provisions of Article 84 of Chapter 24 of the Illinois Revised Statutes,, as amended. 3- Section 6. That THOINAS A. IIATTHEWS, attorney for the Village, be and he is hereby directed to mile a petition in the County Court of Lake County, boing the County in which the territory to be affected is situated, as provided by law in the name of the municipality, praying that steps may be taken to levy a special assessment for said improve- ments, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and in the mannor prescribed by law. Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage. PASSED: This Y day of FCIMUA9% , 196/. ATTE M. Village Clerk APPROVED: Vi l l ge President -4-