R-69-18RESOLUTION NO. k) -69- 18 A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE CONSENT TO THE VACATION OF THE PARK VIEW SUBDIVISION IN THE VILLAGE OF DEERF IELD, ILLINOIS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: SECTION This Board does hereby consent to allow the follow- ONE: ing described Subdivision, entitled, "The Park View Subdivision" to be vacated in accordance with the requirements of law for vacating the same: "The Park View Subdivision, being a Subdivision of the East ten (10) acres of the West twenty (20) acres of the South 1/2 of the North 1/2 of the Southeast Quarter of Section 30, Township 40 North, Range 12; East of the Third Principal Meridian (except for that part condemned by the Illinois State Toll Highway Commission in Case No. 14089 in the Circuit Court of Lake County, Illinois) in Lake County, Illinois ". SECTION The President of this Village and the Village Clerk TWO: are herein authorized to execute the Consent of this Village upon any plat of vacation or other written instrument sub- witted in accordance with statutory requirements for the vacation of the above mentioned Subdivision. AYES: FOUR (4) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: TWO (2) PASSED this 6th day of October 1969 APPROVED this 6th day of(—,) October 1969 ATTEST: Village President Village Clerk