O-61-25S ANNUAL APPRCPR I AT I CN �Y ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE MAKING APPROPRIATICNS FGR CORPORATE PURPOSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 11 1961 AND ENDING APRIL 30, 1%2 BE IT ORDI,INED BY THE PRESIDENT /,ND BLARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF UEERFIELD2 ILLINOIS? thati Section 1. The following sums of moneys or so much thereof may be authorized by law, be and the seine are hereby appropriated for the fiscal year beginning May 11 1961 and ending April 3011 °62 to the several municipal purposes following: A. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION PURPOSES FUND 1. Salaries 125,000.00 2. Temporary Employment 6y300.00 3. Professional Services Printing of Ordinances 19800.00 C.P.A. Services 59200.00 Old Assessment Audit 21500.00 Other 300.00 49 Insurance and Bonds 31500.00 5. Engineering ' Contract.Jlork Library ''dall 31000.00 Partition Changes 750.00 Paint Interior Village Hall 600.00 Grading for Library 'k 850.00 Village Hall Parking Lot Entrance 91000.00 Parking Lot Expansion --Nall 51000.00 6. Advertising, Legal c: Special 11200.00 7. Electricit � 600.00 8. Telephone Telegraph 69000.00 9. Mapsq Periodicals & Printing 3,500.00 10. Postage 750.00 11. Radio Service 500.00 New Radios 27000.00 12. Licenses) Plates' 4: Badges 250.00 13. New Motor Vehicle 31250.00 140. Auto Maintenance 2910000 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 11300:00 16. Equipment and /or Fueniture Public Address System 11500.00 Visual Aids 850:00 Finance Department 19400600 Village Hall 1151040 Village Garage 11500.00 Building Department 570.00 Page L A. GENERAL ADMINISTRAT1L.1 PURPOSES FUi.D ( Continued) 17. Office Supplies, 89000.00 20. Gasoline C. Lubricants 19500.00 21. Fuel and Heat 42000.00 22. Building c: Ground Maintenance 31200.00 23. Wearing Apparel 170.00 24. Dues arid (Memberships 725.00 25. Traveling C: Training Expenses 31650.00 26. Land, Rights of Flay, 75.00 7. Breitling Lot Payments 62000.00 27. Chemicals & Cleaning Materials 375.00 28. Small Tools (: Page 3. B. POLICE DEPARTMIEN <T ( Continued) 17. Office Supplies 1,850.00 189 Meters, Parts & Signs 500.00 20. Ga soline.& Lubricants 41100.00 23. klearing Apparel 11500.00 24. Dues & Memberships 75.00 25. Traveling & Training Expense 11'500.00 28. Small Tools & Sundry Items 200.00 29. Miscellaneous 11600.00 30. Equipment Rental 19300.00 38, Safety Council 750.00 39. Board of F ire C': Pol ice Commissioners 825.00 TOTAL P'1377490.00 C. DEPARTNIEtiT CF Ski I TAT I CON !. Salaries 129000.00 5. Professional Services Engineering Fees 59000.00 90 Maps, Periodicals & Printing 700.00 26. Purchase of Land, Rights of Way & Easement 10,000.00 30. Equipment Rental 40.000.00 TOTAL 77700.00 Page 4,1 D. WATER DEPARTf0ENT 1. Salaries a 31 9000.00 2. Part Time c: Over Time 69500.00 3. Professional Services 4. Insurance and Bonds 29000.00 Engineering Fees 19200.00 5. Engineering c:: Contract :'fork dater Main, Extension -Vli lmot Rd. 39575.00 Raising Hydrants 59000.00 6. Advertising9.Legal ,-': Special ' 75.00 7. Electricity 995G0.00 8. Telephone and Telegraph 19000.00 9. Maps9 Periodicals €c Printing 125.00 10. Postage 850.00 11. Radio Service 750.00 12. License Plates e- Badges 13. New klotor Vehicle 29500.00 Backhoe- frontend Loader Unit 39500.00 14. (Motor Vehicle Maintenance 19200.00 15, Other Equipment I-Alaintenance 19400.00 16. New.Equipment and /or Furniture Orr to 121, fa1ain Tapping Unit 39500.00 Hydraulic Pipe Cutter 475.00 Cold' 'Jeather Equipment 350.00 179 Materials 89000.00 18. M eters9 Parts9 Gauges 179000.00 19. 'dater Purchased 2609000.00 20. Gasoline c. Lubricants 950,,00 24. Dues and Memberships 50.00 25. Travel c Training Expense 350.00 27. Chemicals 225.00 28. Small Tools 6, Sundry 1 terns 425.00 29. Miscellaneous 29200.00 30. Eqquipment Rentals 29500.00 32; Vffice Rental 79400.00 40. Uater Revenue Bond Ordinance Interest Expense 569000.00 Service Charges 850.00 Reserve Charges 199000.00 Depreciation 39000.00 :;452.450.00 P age 5. E. F. SEi,'JER DEPARTI� ENT 1. Salaries 257000.00 2. Part Time e- Overtime 57000.00 3. Professional 500.00 4. Engineering Fees 47000.00 4. Insurance & Bonds 17600.00 5. Engineer ing & Contract Work 87750.00 9. Sewer Cleaning 157000.00 6. Advertising? Legal F_ Special 125.00 9. Maps? Periodicals:; Printing 400.00 10. Postage 350.00 11. Radio Service 600.00 13'. New Motor Vehicle 27500.00 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 950.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 17600.00 16. New Equipment Sewer Cleaning Machine 67000.00 17. Materials ec Supplies 37200.00 20. Gasoline('.: Lubricants 950.00 23. Wearing Apparel 210.00 24. Dues e, Memberships 40.00 27. Chemicals e: Cleaning Supplies 17250.00 28. Small Tools (c Sundry Items 375.00 290 Miscellaneous 17800.00 314 Bond l.. Interest (Revenue) Principal 107000.00 Interest 57500,00 30. Equipment Rental 27000.00 32. Building Co.' Office Rent 59500.00 33. Sewer Revenue Bond Ordinance( ^: Depreciation Fund Expense x,750 -00 95,700.00 SE::1ER TREATMiENT PLANT 1. Salaries 247000.00 2. Part Time & Overtime 47000.00 3. Professional Services 500.00 4. Insurance & Bonds 900.00 5. Engineering C Contract ::ork 500.00 7. Electricity 87750.00 9. Maps, Periodicals CC Printing 50.00 14, Motor Vehicle Maintenance 500.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 21000.00 Page 6. ' 1 F. SE'lER TRE06ENT PL%N7 (Continued) 16. New Equipment Gas Lights for Station Grinders Uilmot Lift Station Vaccuum Pump Filter Sand for Beds 17. Materials - Operating Pipes e.. Valves 18. Gauges & Signs 19. :rater Purchases 20. Gasoline �: Lubricants 21. Fuel & Heat 22. Building e: Grounds Maintenance 25. Traveling & Training Expense 27. Chemicals & Cleaning Supplies 28. Sma l Tools & Sundry Items 29. (tiliscellaneous 30. Equipment mental Apparel TOTAL G. STREET AN:D BRIDGE :a 250.00 79500.00 100.00 600.00 250.00 175.00 150.00 475.00 19050.00 600.00 250.00 49500.00 175.00 800.00 200.00 200.00 589475.00 1. Salaries 309500.00 2. Part Time a Overtime 99500.00 4. Insurance 29750.00 5. Engineering Contract 14ork Breitl.ing Lot Construction 159900.00 Frost Lot Construction 129500.00 Sidewalk Repairs 59000.00 V'lalnut Street Construction 209000.00 Waukegan Road Sidewalk 29000.00 Harmony Builders Repairs to Install. 19500.00 Deerfield Road Pedestrian Signal near Wilmot School 19800.00 Dutch Elm Disease Control 49000.00 7. Electricity 59000.00 9. Nlapss Periodicals & Printing 200.00 11. Radio Service 700.00 13. New Motor Equipment Bulldozer with Plow 39600.00 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 49800.00 15. Other Equipment klaintenance 49200.00 16. New Equipment Snow Plow with Attachments 19800.00 Compact - Roller 49500.00 Advertising - Dutch Elm 50.00 License Plates & Badges 100.00 Page 7, G. STREET AND BRIDGE (Continued) 17. Materials & Supplies Asphalt Cement - Concrete Cravel Other 18, Street Sims 20. Gasoline �-c Lubricants 27. Chemicals 28. Sma11 Tools & Sundry Items 29. Miscellaneous 30. Rentals & Administrative Charges /apparel Travel 47. Paving Not Covered By,Special Assessments9 Village Share TCTAI_ N. ILLINOIS f:9UP I�1PAL RETIREvIlEPT FUND Village's Contribution: TOTAL I. BOND AND 1I,141TEREST FUND General Obligation - Sewer Improvement Bonds Principal and Interest Municipal Building Bonds Principal Interest 69500:00 49000.00 29500.00 29000.00 19900.00 29700.00 29000.00 850.00 19500.00 69800.00 250.00 100.00 „- 10„,9,000.00 ,071,500.00 20.000.00 5-209000.00 719387.00 109000.00 4,800.00 X869187:00 Page 8. J. POLICE PENSICN FUND Village's Contribution To: �20,�000_._00 TOTAL ;20000.00 K. PUBLIC BEPEFITS TAX FUND Payment of Public Benefits X38:000.00 TOTAL ;38000.00 SUMMARY OF APPROPR I AT I LNS A-B General Administration Purposes Fund z ";395,5 15.00 C. Department Of,Sanitation 67970040 D. !`later Department 4529450.00 E. Sewer Department 959700.00 F. Sewer Treatment Plant 589475.00 G. Street,': Bridge 1719500.00 H. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 209000.00 1. Bond �' Interest Fund General Obligation - Sewer 719387.00 'Municipal Building Bonds 149800.00 869187.00 J. Police Pension Fund 209000.00 K. Public Benefit Tax Fund 3$,000.00 TOTAL AitW,1T APPROPRIATED (ALL FUNDS) -'A 4059527.00 `+ • I+ Page 9. Section 2. All unexpended balances of any item or items of any general expense appropriation made by this ordinance may be expended in making up any deficiency in any item or items in the same general appropriation and for the same general purpose or in a like appropriation made by this Ordinance. Section 3. All unexpended balances from the annual appro- priations of previous years are hereby re- appropriated. Section 41 This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passageq approval, publication in accordance with the law. P /33ED: This 16 day of V. /,PPRCVED: David C. !h i they Village President ATTEST: Catherine Price Village Clerk