O-61-26�11 ORDINMCE Noe ER IT ORDAIATED by the resident and Board of Mrasteas of the Vi lap of Deerfield that. the following ordinatnoo be and the same is heroby adoap �hata L, A • CU&MBI7 RPUTIOWS AIMS COMNICATION S COV24ITM be appointed by the Preaidint:. eaith the advico and cones nt of the board of Tmatese., sold Community Rslatibns and Coir mnicatioFns Commits to ;consist of (5) five wMbar s, Said members to bz chosen on the basis of Knowledge of the Commannity; and training or experience in tho pu lic information field., In addition they rust ba residents of Dearfield,,;. 20 NMI OF PPOINVENT Initially Wo mamber s ehe2l be appointed for threa years, two mmWxre for two yearn,, anal on9 ma:abzr for ore year, AU ,eppoirstmegnto thareaf-Vrr chaall be for a; period of thrao yQasa'So Br The Bogard of T'na to s shall in the event of a vacancy on tl,- Comitt'so appoint a roplacomegnt to fil). out the umxpirad par ioxa of the poaition vs@axnta Co NL-mbers of the Committee mV be, removod by the Board of Trustees by a ma jori ty voto at a Z1.10g lab moe'ting if in their judgem -ant such, av;tion io required for the good of the Village. D. Members may be ro -appoi ntsid for such additional teams of offics ae the Board feels desirable, 3, PM41 POSE AND PURE i',IOIN OF THE C a `1`iM A, 11e purpori-i o� the Oonmiittpo shall be - WofoldF, Tlhe firet to pgovido oonaf6oxQd reco.mmandabrions as to proper pro(t�eard s to 080M.re inweaaged knat4l.edge on the part of citi =a of t ba Wa +vi nity of th(a activities and gopJLo of visiar Villaga Gavot =rite The aecog& to prqvide Qonaidered rocom, a nflatiotns as to thosa courses oS' a*tion whien Will blvUld a propar public Image in -the eyos of neighboring coma na•ties and sta3toso B. A: chairman ag•d Vice-chairman slall be erected by the fivo (5) axis -era: one Chairman al-hall provide at the maotings of the ConnAttea and direc i its functions. In the absegnea of the Chairman the Vice- Chairman shall preside avid o2corciee all of the pegars of the Cheirmaga, .41 members and officers have one vota eaoh. C" Three m -ambers of the Crrua•? ttoe ,hall const$tu o a quoxw,', When e a quorm is present; official action of the COriuuttee shall b�_- determined by a majority of the mmbsrs proseat, i 4, OBJECTIVES A. The primary objective of the Committee is to assure that all prudent means are employed to a -sur€a an inforaed eitizorury in the co=unity in ragards to governm3ntal goals and activt.ties. B. The secondary ob je dive is to strengthen and improve the paublia -image of the Village of Deerfield in the eyes of the people of oug° stag and nation, 5,, GENERAL OPERATIM POLICIES A. This Committee shall operate in a anon-profit ard noak-political manner devoted exclusively to public Information.. B. This Commi.ttse shall at all times og orate in the general public interest reporting to the Board of Trustees their findings ancl recometdp ationso In no case will they work with public Information media in a dire manner instead they will work as an advisory axm of the Board d of Trustees and take such steps only as have the full, approval of the Board? r P'ASSM s This le � day of $ 1961 APPROVED �C Village Pftsfda nt Attests � . Cath®as B. Pr.ice- 1.1lago Clerk