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BONING AMENDMENT WHEREAS , the question of amending tho Zoni nG Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield a It aaffeots th® `p � ®inafto� dosol�ed ems ��h� r referred to t hel Plasm ' Comomissidnn of the 'ViI,I.FaGe off' Doi erf161,d 'to hold a public he aringg d nd WHEREAS the Plana Cd r�ainission' 'after diL:e ,-nott oa'as''rdq- u.-�.red by* law ,'6 hold a publ$o ' ho. x ris ng on Jd nanam y 5 c 29610 on th© quesii na as d-made 1,t o report to ' the ?Ijr�osldant anad Board of Trui staess NOW0 tiHEREFOREO BE' IT ORDAINED by tkid `Frssxde nt . and Board of Trustees os. the V1111age of Doerfiteld.9 that: 'rf..e Vlll.age of Dderfieid 'Zoi nina Ordiennagnc(b -.-19' 3 amended.. Sao.. and said Ordinance Is - .Preby ff'uafrther anended by' ' reclal 9* Sif ying tha fal i ng doscribed property as an ' -N -T aanaaf'a0ttiritta D• s F ri-1 t A' t6-V4 t Lot 19 Inn 0- vn,eO.s First Adaition to DearrfLiel.d.9 in Sact:lon 33fl Township 43. -Noir.tl,n9 Range 129 East cif . the 3rd Pale ® r��c ptlga described a's -.f6l1ows: Beginning at- tihe South, ast'Corn®r.. of .1. in Block 5 inn llal.l. -& Osterman 3 Addition' to. - ;the;-Tovma o of Dee$field9 Ill:lnno'Aa (ae"c6 rdiang" to '•ths putt lzn the `Recorcde r° s office on Jeanne 20 1874'� In Book ®t� Pl.�tsQ. itaii Page 16) Bald ' SQauthwast. corn* or be iha 20f t.1, oath of the Souathea.st. corner Of Woodman,, s Rebubdilrisio n of Lots' bs 3m .40 5o 59 ast4 in Block 3 and Lots 19 ,2a •annd 3 in: Block 4 of aforesaid d Ha�sll. & Os�6- rams° s Add�Iti ms the�nc6 Sousth 15 degraeaq 46° East .5 ftoq :��a��ic® East 66 rt. to tho' most Soutthorrly Brost corner. of Block 5e Hall & O6'steraanOs Addition; thence 14093th 13 W.bsst. 30 ft alonZ the boundary li na of Bald Lot .a' .; Block 58 thence 1dgr -t `aIon g the boundary of vaiid lot 19 Block 59 3O ft© tto the beginning, also Gncdptting' ' ff"From ` said Lot 29 the f ®l l ®u .r G dt ®tz o propartys BeeAnnnnind at a pointy lni the South ll n®:: *g L6t.1.0 ' Lisa UoodiAana s Rdsaabd$vlslon of parts of BIm�1��.., , and .3 :gis l,ll :.. ®fit.® aaannts Addit iona aforesaaiidg saiEd Poi nt boina ..: 80 ft o.. Ea.i$. ;dff teas .. S'buthwGst corner of said Lot lO g thence South paasrali Gl to.: t#e .:f edi - flane of l,ot .1.0 oxt a nded, 1l0 a 3 f t o g thenoe So�t�k 23 'o9.5 fto '`bo a poilant vd-A ch its 305 ft, Eaast;;er1y r�: *:. the tho Tirh� of way of tho Chicago, 11"U ,rau koo,, . St. Pa u Ca' P�so9 f�. ®, 'Rabiiilw ay Compasny mvc zured att ri t aasnal. es the - op tag thdnee ..S,o,uthdT!y :. para.l lel to t he Easterly ri gh t cuf way Ura -mpg said Rai19.4fQy..3 0 fta 8 thence Westerl.y� aat ri Ght aangles to the las,� described lila.�_ 5. gto. to they Eaasterly Unn® of said Rallim'y ; than oo:: Nox1hei ryl,y ' ong..,saaid Eastorly ri ght of way Limo 300 ft, g .th,;nco Ea�tePIly. � ipi it : anal es to' saaid Eastt®rrly , rilght of Bray l im, 125 thence .Norrtherly .an .a our-,a concentslc to t42e aenater line of saiLd , ri ght of way. And 173:.fta Easterly thersefrom 42905 fto to '.him NoTth -. Brost c6me.r. of.. J8.&Id Last 1198 thence Easterly 247,9 ff't, tv the. piaaQ . off begin nianag : and €also encep' ting. thereff rom fth at part described as folle4f'so Bb&1°nn i n &.mt the Inntersecti on of thG eentor iigne of Waau ksaaaan -Rapid aand the East and Vest centb"° 'limo of Se:stion 33g theance Nortiho 'Gstc rl-je aSlcang said ce nto r line off' Waanko&ann Road $212.9 ft, ?': , the noe est par all el to spaiid Ns`zt. -Vest tioctiion line � 9.90 •-"rtoj 4baoanoa Southeastterly pa'aral.lel to said cennt?er limo of Waunkegana Road 121.2,.9 ft0 more or l ess tto vaaild Eaact -1dcot section 1lilaneg thande East along said Eaast -Went oanter li no of sa id Seoatlon 33 Igo ff°t, to t he ' plaace of bog3l nnnl ng$ Ian Lake Covmty9 Ills nods f g,, �y, Staid. ®rdinana� �� �a�8'eby fBE$'$�a ®r amended �y areolca.SS�.fying the following deacrlbed property to ®' and. R Office and Research Distri ®t0 That part of the aforesaid Lot 19® Owner's First .,ddition to Dearfleld0 ian Section 330 Township 43 North® Range 12 Bast of than Third Principal Meridian within ,the following bou ndariess Usainding at the intersection of the canter Sine of . tfauk®gan Road and th® east and west cantor tine of Section 3% thence Northw6starly along said center lime of Waukegan Road 1212 ®9 Ft,; thonnce tfest. paraallel to s4id east-ifest section line' 190 Me thence Southeaastorly parallel to ' sasid, center line of tdaaukegan Road. 1212 ®9 ft. more or less to than east-west section line® thou® cast. acng #t1d oast-west center line of said Section 33� 190 ft, to the place of boaInning® in Lake County Illinois. The Zoning PYap of the Village of Deerfield is hereby a mandod to effootuaato these d aaanaoso This ordinnaanca shall b® in full forte and effect from and after Its passaage® approval and publication, PASSUDa Thin day of , ATTEST-. Village Clark ® 1.961. U APPR®V Village ®sidenat Published: ®2-