O-60-11Ordinance 0 -60 -11 AN ORDINANCE calling a special Election to submit to the voters the question of issuing bonds of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois. WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable and necessary, and for the best interests of the Village of Deerfield that there be constructed .improvements and extensions to the sewer system of said Village, including the enlarge- ment of the existing sewerage treatment plant at a cost of $525,000; and WHEREAS, plans and specifications for said improvements have been heretorlore approved by this Board of Trustees and funds are not available for such construction and it will, therefore, be necessary to borrow money and in evidence thereof issue bonds of said Village, and before bonds can be ! issued the question of authorizing said bonds must be submitted to the voters of said Village and approved by a majority of the voters voting on said question at an election called for that purpose: NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, as follows: Section I. That for the purpose of submitting to the legal voters of said Village the question of issuing $525,000 Sewer Improvement Bonds; Issue of 1960, all according to p7.an.s therefor heretofore approved and as described in the preamble hereto, there is hereby called a special election to be held in and for said Village on May 7, 1960, between the hours of 6 o'clock A.M. and 6 o'clock P.M. of said day, and the Village Clerk of said Village be and is hereby ordered and directed to cause notice of said election to be given by publication of notice thereof once in the Deerfield Review, the same being a newspaper published and of general circulation in said Village, at least once not more than thirty (30) days nor less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date set for said special election, and said notice as published shall be in sub- stantially the following form: NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election will be held in the Village of Deerfield, ..Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, on May 7, 1960, at which time there will be submitted to the electors of said Village the following question: Shall bonds in the amount of $525,000 be issued by the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, for the purpose of constructing improvements and extensions to the sewer system of said Village, maturing serially on June 1 in each of the years and in amounts as follows: $ 5,000 - 1962 10,000 - 1963 and 1964 15,000 - 1965 and 1966 20,000 - 1967 and 1968 25,000 - 1969 through 1971 $30,000 - 1972 and 1973 35,000 - 1974 40,000 - 1975 and 1976 45,000 - 1977 through 1980 and bearing interest at not to exceed the rate of 5% per annum? ,:.r. That for the purpose of said election the Village is hereby divided into six (6) election precincts, the boundaries thereof and polling places therefor being as follows: Precinct Number 1: That part of the Village of Deerfield lying South of the center line of Central Avenue and West of the West Drainage Ditch. Polling Place: South Park School, 1331 Hackberry Road, Deerfield, Illinois Precinct Number 2: That part of the Village of Deerfield lying South of the center line of Deerfield Road and East of the West Drainage Ditch. Polling Place: Masonic Temple Basement, 711 Waukegan Road, Deerfield, Illinois. Precinct Number 3: That part of the Village of Deerfield lying East of the center line of Waukegan Road and North of the center line of Deerfield Road. Polling Place: Walden School, Essex Court, Deerfield, Illinois. -2- Precinct Number 4: That part of the Village of Deerfield lying West of the center line of Waukegan Road and East of the center line of Stratford Road and the southerly extension thereof to the West Drainage Ditch and Southeasterly along said Ditch to Deerfield Road. Polling Place: Deerfield Village Hall, 850 Waukegan Road, Deerfield, Illinois. Precinct Number'5: That part of the Village of Deerfield lying West of the center line of Stratford Road and the Southerly-, extension.thereof, and North of the West Drainage Ditch. Polling Place: Woodland Park School, Crabtree Lane, Deerfield, Illinois. Precinct Number 6: That part of the Village of Deerfield lying North of the center line of Central Avenue and West of the West Drainage Ditch. Polling Place: Wilmot School, Wilmot and Deerfield Roads, Deerfield, Illinois The polls for said election will be opened' at 6 o'clock A.M. and will be closed at 6 o'clock P.M. of the date of the election, and all persons qualified to vote at regular Village elections are qualified to vote on said question, but each person mustvote at the polling place established for the election precinct wherein he resides. By order of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois. Dated this 20th day of April, 1960. Joseph W. Koss, President Catherine B. Price Village Clerk -3- Section 2. That for said special election the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed judges: (5 for each voting place) Precinct Number l: Ada Moen Eleanor C. Bengston Marcella C. Koss Marjorie H. Andresen Patricia H. Gustie Precinct Number 2: William A. Haggle Lucille D. Untilis Bertha M. Nickelsen Grace S. Ward Loretta Willman Precinct Number 3: Gwendolyn J. Neyendorf Jeanne Wait Spriggs Olive Nelson Christy Lois C. Norris Nelle K. Hall Winters Precinct Number 4: Ruth Greenslade Rose Cahill Nellie K. Schwab Hazel Connolly Ruth L. Mitchell -4= ' w Precinct Number 5: Nadine C. Evans Lempi Warner Suzanne M. Rogers Ruth Connolly Naomi S. Clampitt Precinct Number 6: Jane C. Rudolph Marjorie Anne Ei si nger Jeanne L. Case Florence Rantz Virginia V. Kloote Section 3. That the ballot to be used at said election for the purpose of submitting the question to the electors shall be on plain white paper and in substantially the following form: (Instructions!-,to Voters: To vote on the proposition appearing on this ballot place a cross (X) in the square to the right opposite the word indicating the way you desire to vote,) Shall bonds in the amount of $525,000 be issued by the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, for the purpose of constructing Improve- ments and extensions to the sewer system of said Village, maturing serially on June 1 in each of the years and in amounts as follows: $ 5,000 - 1962 $30,000 - 1972 and 1973 10,000 - 1963 and 1964 35,000 - 1974 15,000 -1965 and 1966 40,000 - 1975 and 1976 200000 - 1967 and 1968 45,000 - 1977 through 1980 25,000 - 1969-through 1971 and bearing inter &st at not to exceed the rate of 5% per annum? 1� -5- YES NO � I On the back of the ballot shall appear the following: OFFICIAL BALLOT Special election held May 7, 1960, in and for the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, Ballot for voting on the question of issuing $525,000 Sewer Improvement Bonds, Issue of 1960. Precinct Number: Polling Place: (facsimile signature) Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois. Section 4. That the Village Clerk is hereby ordered to cause a sample of the ballot to be published once in the Deerfield Review, the same being a newspaper published and of general circulation within said Village, not less than five (5) days prior to the date set for said election, and procure and prepare all necessary election material for holding and conducting said election. Section 5. That this Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. Passed April 20 , 1960. Approved April 20 , 1960 P e ident Attest: 70• -7/12 — ' Village Clerk V