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a_ eo0 --; 9G O R D I N A N C E BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board. of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake ,and Cook Counties, Illinois, than: The action taken by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village on February 10, 1960 in en- acting "an ordinance creating an issue of $125,000 Water Revenue Bonds, Series of 1960, of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois" be and the same is herbby confirmed and ratified. The President and Clerk of the Village are here- by authorized and directed to proceed with the issu- ante of the said bonds described in said ordinance in accordance with the sale of said bonds entered into be- tween the Village and the purchasers thereof. Passed this 14th daft of December , 1960. ATTEST: t APPROVED: VILLAGE CLERK V LLAGE PRESIDENT is STATE OF MaNOZS ) COUNTY OP Lake SS Wei, the undersigned.. being t1ho duly qualified and acting Preeident, 'Village Clerk and Village Treasurer, reape etivelyt of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Coo' Couatl.es, Illinois, do hereby certify as follows: - 1903 1, That said. ` illage was organized on or about April 14. __ under the proviaiono cif *tie General .w of they to e f ' n4 a verning cities and villages, and we do further certify than said Village is pr::sently operattriS under the provi- sion* of the Oencra.l Law,, that said Village bas net adopted the c©mmiosion. form of Zovernment, the City : 1ection 14wj nor the Managerial Form or Municipal Government. 2. That the des and dates of election or appointment and dates of expiration or torms of office of tno President and Board of 'Pxastees, Village Cl.crlt and Village Treasurer are as follows: JAujMt3 Ithgat st charge in t'hc: boundaries of said Village w4a made on and the nature of such change was +aw That part of the South-Half of Section 20, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3rd P.M., which lies east of the Easterly right -of-way of the Chicago, R1lw*ukA0j!ISt. Paul and Pacific Railway Company and Bast of Waukegan Road, e1s1P known as Rt. 42 A; in lake County, Illinois 4j.2 SAW the present population of said Village Is approxi- mately That the Deerfield Aeview is a newspaper published and haves a general eiroulation in said Village.. I gate of ate of election or Expiration of Name Office Appolntm6t Office Term: Joseph W. Koss , President November i$, 1960 May, 1961 John F. Aberson , trustee''. AprI 1, 1959 May, 1963 Havold L. Peterson , Trustee Apri 1, 1957 May, 1961 Maurice C. Petesch Trustee April, 1 1959. May► 1963 Winston S.' Porter Trustee Apr[ 1, 1959 May,. 1963 Arno D. Wehle ��tistee April,. 1957 May, 1961 .r,."k Frank Curio f Truat�;e March 9, 196tI! ( Nov. 9, 1960 Resigned (Moved out of town, Catheei:ng B. Prue Vlw•�b M .i1 M M,.IIM W tl .t- Village Clerk Apri 1, 1957 May, 1961 Ann S. Olesak Village Treasum.r Nov. l6, 1959 JAujMt3 Ithgat st charge in t'hc: boundaries of said Village w4a made on and the nature of such change was +aw That part of the South-Half of Section 20, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3rd P.M., which lies east of the Easterly right -of-way of the Chicago, R1lw*ukA0j!ISt. Paul and Pacific Railway Company and Bast of Waukegan Road, e1s1P known as Rt. 42 A; in lake County, Illinois 4j.2 SAW the present population of said Village Is approxi- mately That the Deerfield Aeview is a newspaper published and haves a general eiroulation in said Village.. I -Ab. That no petition has ben f . e nor is any petition now n -nding praying the disconnection of any territory from the present' corporate limits of said Village, and that there l no litigation pending , or threatened affecting or questioning in any manner what- soever the corporate organization or existence of said Vill.aze, its boundaries or the right or title of any of its officials to their respective terms of office., `�. -That said Vi.11.a o now oT4ns and oporates its atswteru*0rks s +3 v:3i i as a mwii.cipally-owned utility, and that said Village Ims od a -id marl:G' uabl o title to all propertyj. real,# personal and mi7.cd, and comprising said system. That the .income and revenue derived from the operation of said system, and t'7 4� derived thev," Trom, arc not pledv;ed or i bypothecated or enoum4ered for any uric or purpose whatsoever, ex- cept for the payment of tine oxpenses legally ineurred for economl oal. operation and mai riteriaance of said o;rattm, and for the paymnt f'q 1.t M e i� ci►aaat (ct1 @* thjW ltaftdg A-4terf I a Id A Lake and cook countt es, 111 i not s, dated Aprl 1 1, 1959 and maturing as fol lows; $5,000 1962 through 1964 $25.00 • 1979 through 19$3 10,000 « 1965 through 1968 30000 - 1984 through 1986 " 15,000 -.1969 through 1974 35000 - 1987 through 1989 209000 1975 through 1978 ;bat thorn has been had nor is there now pending or threatened any litigation affectinS or questioning in -any manner' whatsoever the title of said Village to all ,properties, real., personal and mixed, comprising said system, or-the power'and authority of said Village to own and operate said system, or the power and authority of said Village to charge, ' mai.ntain and collect;. rates,, tolls and charges for.tho use of said ayotem. 19th WITNESS oftce Watures and the sca.l, of said Vi,llaeo this � day of i Frosident a Z3 Cleric 4 41 age e-RUre r �