O-59-40D ANNUAL E.P;:)RC6,RI.,TION BILL ORL' IWit'NU i.N Oi:DINANCE ;,lr.KING APPROPRIATIONS FOR CORPORATL PURPOSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MF,Y 1, 1959 AND ENDING in.PRIL 30; 1960. BE IT ORDhINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOi \RD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIkLD, ILLINOIS, that: .Sectidn 1. The following sums of money, or so much thereof may be authorized by laws be and the same are hereby a.)propricted for the fiscal year beginning May 11 1959 and ending April 30, 1960 to the several municipal purposes following: A. GENERAL CORPORATE PUKRO;,ES FUND 1: Salaries 880000.00 2. Temporary Employment 5,400.00 3. Professional Services `\ Printing of Ordinances 1;800.00 \ C.P.A. Services 4,800.00 Old Special Assessment Audit 12,000.00 18,850.00 Other 250.00 4. Insurance & Bonds -700:00 5. Engineering &.Contract U,ork i Sidewalks to Library 420.00 Heating System 11350.00 Paint Interior Village Hall 11000.00 Landscaping 250.00 V Garbage Storage 600.00 Completion of Garage 71000.00 10,620.00 6. Advertising, Legal & SpeciE.l 980.00 7. Electricity 450.00 8. Telephone & Telegraph 5,400.00 9. Maps, Periodicals & ?rinting 3,400.00 10. Postage 540.00 11. Radio Service 90.00 New Radio 11000.00 11090.00 12. Licenses Plates & Badges 250.00 13. New Motor Vehicles 31500.00 14. Auto Maintenance 1,800.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 1,100.00. 16. Equipment and or Furniture Public Address System 1,400.00 Duplicating A4,chine 11200.00 Finance Department 300.00 Village Hall 660.00 Village Garage 8,000.00 Building Department 170.00 11,730.00 A Page 2 A . GLNERAL CORPORi,TE ?URPOSES FUND (CONTINUED) 17. Office Supplies 51500.00 20. Gasoline & Lubricants 1,200.00 21. Fuel & Heat 32500.00 22. Buildings & Grounds ;fiQintenGnce 31500.00 23. bearing Apparel 120.00 24. Dues & Membership 540.00 25. Traveling & Training Expenses 3,360.00 27. Chemicals & Cleaning iMaterials 300.00 28. Small Tools & Sundry Items 750.00 29. Contingent 3,900.00 30. Equipment Rental 240.00 31. Bond & Interest Purchase of Bonds 11,000.00 33. Elections 540.00 34. Legal Fees & Retainer 71600.00 35. Planning Commission 7,900.00 36. Board of Zoning Appeals 420.00 37. Board of Building Appeals 90.00 39. Refunds Presbyterian Church 680.00 Holy Cross Church 1,820.00 Addition to St. Gregory 400.00 21900.00 B. POLICE DEPARTMIENT 1. Salaries 2. Temporary Employment (Including Crossing Guards) 3. Professional Services Examination of Prisoners 4. Insurance & Bonds 5. Engineering & Contract Vvork Complete Pistol Range 6. Advertising, Legal & Special 7. Telephone & Telegraph Radio Console 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 11. Radio Service 12. License Plates & Badges 13. New Motor Vehicle 14. Auto Maintenance TOTAL: 209,170.00 350.00 1,800.00 78,000.00 11,000.00 600.00 2,000.00 500.00 60.00 2,150.00 600.00 540.00 120.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Page 3 B. POI.ICL. DEPiiRTiALNT ( CONTINUED) 16. Other New Equipment Camera (2) 180.00 2 -3 Section Lockers 120.00 Shelves for Storage Room 65.00 Shelves for License Books 65:00 Oxygen Aid 80:00 Riot Gun (4) 250.00 Pistols (2) 150:00 Other Equipment 350.00 Drapes & Rods for Squad Room - - -- 70.00-- 17. Office Supplies- 18. Meters, Parts & Signs - 20. Gas & Lubricants - - -- 23. V ,jearing E,ppsrel - -- 24. Dues & Memberships - - - - -- 25. Traveling & Training Expenses--- 28. Small Tool & Sundry Items. — - - 29. Contingent - - -30. Equipment Rental - - - -- - 38. Safety Council 39. Board of Police Commissioners TOTAL: C. DEPi2TMENT OF SiNITATION Maintenz•nce & Operation of Sanitary Landfill 1,330.00 900.00 420.00 3,900.00 1,800.00 - -_ 60.00 1,200.00 200.00 - -1,200.00 1,400.00 600.00 790.00 115,980.00 1. Salaries~ - - -- - -- - -- - - 129000.00 5. Professional Services Engineering Fees — - - - 51000.00 9. ivia ps, Periodicals & Printing - __ — - 700.00 26. Land Right of P,uys & Easements To Secure Option on Purchase 10,000.00 30. Equipment Rental 35,000.00 TOTAL: 62,700.00 w \' Page 4 D. DATER DEPARTMENT 1. Salaries 20,000.00 2. Part Time & Over Time 3,500.00 3. Professional Services Engineering Fees 11200.00_ 4. Insurance 400.00 5. Engineering & Contract hvork Lower Miaple Court V,ater Main 62500.00 Plumbing E,t Mieter koom 350.00 6,850.00 6. Advertising, Legal & Special 60.00 9. Maps, Periodicals & Printing 90.00 10. Postage 300.00 11. Radio Service 900.00 13. New Motor Vehicles 3/4 Ton Dump Body 32000.00 14. I1►otor Vehicle i,l�,intenance 1,200:00 15. Other Equipmenti.laintennnce 250.00 16. New Equipment and or Furniture Meter Tester (2 Station) 600.00 Steam Thawer 1,-400.00 Eater Pump 420.00 Addressograph 1,200.00 Generator 420.00 Vjork Benches 450.00 Pipe Locator 450.00 Cold Vaeather Equipment 350.00 52090.00 17. Materials - Operrting 42800.00 18. Meters, Parts & Gauges 19,000.00 19. VYater Purchased 130,000.00 20. Gasoline & Lubricants 960.00 24. Dues & Memberships 30.00 25. Traveling & Training Expenses 350.00 27. Chemicals 240.00 28. Small Tools & Sundry Items 350.00 29. Contingent 12800.00 30. Equipment Rentals 480.00 32. Office Rental 12400.00 40. tVater Revenue Bond Ordinance Vuater Bond Ordinance Interest Expense 10,900.00 Viater Bond Ordinance Service Charges 50.00 tauter Bond Ordinance Reserve Charges 4,500.00 15,450.00 TOTAL: 217,700.00 Page 5 E. SEINER DEPARTMENT 1. Salaries 2. Part Time & Over Time 3. Professional Services Engineering Fees 4. Insurance & Bonds 5. Engineering & Contract G:ork Sewer Cleaning Hazel Avenue Storm Sewers 6. Advertising, Legal & Special 9. Maps, Periodicals & Printing 10. Postage 11. Radio Service 13. New (Motor Vehicle 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 16. New Equipment Roto Rooter 4001 Sewer Flushing Hose 17. Materials & Supplies 20. Gas & Lubricants 23. Wearing Apparel 24. Dues & (Memberships 27. Chemicals & Cleaning Supplies 28. Small Tools & Sundry Items 29. Contingent 31. Bond & Interest (Revenue) Principal Interest 32. Equipment Rental F. SE4vER TREATMENT PUINT 15,000.00 3,000.00 15,000.00 480.00 5,000.00 4,135.00 TOTAL: 18,000.00 3,500.00 5,000.00 250.00 18,000.00 120.00 480.00 220.00 750.00 3,000.00 800.00 480.00 15,480.00 1,800.00 540.00 180.00 30.00 240.00 350.00 1,400.00 9,135.00 1,200.00 80,955.00 1. Salaries 9,500.00 2. Part Time & Over Time 11800.00 3. Professional Services 600.00 4. Insurance & Bonds 100.00 5. Engineering & Contrast Work 700.00 7. Electricity 3,000.00 9. Maps, Periodicals & Printing 60.00 Page 6 F. SEVvER TREATMENT PLF.NT ( CONTINUED) 15. Other EquipmentiMaintenznce 16. New Equipment Chlorinator Drip -Trap Testing Equipment Bar Screens Sewage Pump Alternator Sewage Sampler 17. 14&terials - Operating Pipes & Valves 18. Gauges & Signs 19. beater Purchased 20. Gasoline & Lubricants 21. Fuel & Heat `2. Building & Grounds w1z.intenance 25. Traveling & Training Lxpenses 27. Chemicals &Cleaning Supplies 28. Smell Tools & Sundry Items 29. Contingent 30. Equipment Rental G. STREET PND BRIDGE 1. Salaries 2. Part Time & Over Time 4. Insurance 5. Engineering Contract Work Replace Curb Deerfield Road Alter Telegraph Pole Line Dutch Elm Disease Control 7. Electricity 9. Maps, Periodicals & Printing 11. Radio Service 13. New Motor Vehicle 2� Ton Dump Truck 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 15. Other Lquipment Maintenance 16. New Equipment 1- 500 Gal. ;:!iaintenance Unit 7,000.00 60.00 90.00 132.00 200.00 60.00 TOTP,L: 1,200.00 450.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 7,542.00 350.00 60.00 150.00 .110.00 1,400.00 300.00 240.00 6,700.00 180.00 600.00 1:0.00 36,022.00 23,000.00 7,600.00 1,800.00 6,650.00 4,500.00 240.00 850.00 4,560.00 5,000.00 3,500.00 10,000.00 Page 7 G. STREET E.ND BRIDGE ( CONTINUED) Improvement Bonds 17. Materials & Supplies 13,000.00 Judgement Funding Bonds Asphalt 51000.00 31500.00 500.00 Municipal Building Bonds Cement Principal 1,200.00 Interest 5,150.00 Gravel 2;000:00 Other 840.00 71540.00 18. Street Signs 900.00 20. Gasoline & Lubricants 1,800.00 26. Land, Right of V ;.ays & Easements Gastfield or Frost Property 40,000.00 27. Chemicals 3,000.00 28. Small Tools & Sundry Items 350.00 6" Vise & Bench Grinder & Drill 180.00 530.00 29. Contingent 11500.00 30. Rentals 1,600.00 TOTAL: 124,570.00 H. ILLINOIS i`AUNICIPiL RETIREMiLNT FUND Village's Contribution To: 15,000.00 TOTAL: 15,000.00 I. BOND & INTEREST FUND General Obligation — Sewer Improvement Bonds Principal 25,000.00 Interest 13,000.00 Judgement Funding Bonds Principal 51000.00 Interest 500.00 Municipal Building Bonds Principal 102000.00 Interest 5,150.00 TOTAL: 58,650.00 Page 8 J. POLICE PENSION FUND. Village's Contribution To: 10,000.00 TOTALS 10,000.00 K. PUBLIC BENEFITS TAX FUND Payment of Public Benefits Judgements against Village 15,000.00 TOTAL: 15,000.00 L. iviISCELLPNOUS 45,000.00 TOTAL: 45,000.00 SUMMjl Rf OF APPROPRIE.TIONS A —B. General Corporate Purposes Fund 325,150.00 C. Department of Sanitction 62,700.00 D. t,rater Department 217,700.00 E. Sewer 80,955.00 F. Sewer Treatment Plant 36,022.00 G. Street & Bridge 124,570.00 N. Illinois :E4unicipal Retirement Fund 15,000.00 I. Bond & Interest Fund General Obligation— Sevver 38,000.00 Judgement Funding Bonds 51500.00 Municipal Building Bonds 152150.00 58,650.00 J. Police Pension Fund 10,000.00 K. Public Benefits Tax Fudn 15,000.00 L. liscellanous 45,000.00 TOTAL kmOUNT APPROPRIkTED (ALL FUNDS) $ 990,747.00 Page 9 Section '2. All unexpended balances - °of any item or items of any general ex -)ense appropriation made by this ordinance may be expended in making up any dificiency in any item or items in the same general appropriation &nd for the same-general purpose or in a :like appropriEtion made by this Ordinance. Section 3. All unexpended balances from the annual appro- priations of previous years are hereby re— appropriated. Section 4. This Ordinance she..11 be in full force and effect from and after its passage; approvel, publication and recordation in accordance vith the law. PNSSED.4 This 29th day of July, 1959. i,PPROVED: G. E. Holmquist Village President ATTEST: Catherine Price Village Clerk