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ORDINANCE NO. 0 -66 -8 AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD APRIL 23, . 1966, IN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES,ILLINOIS WHEREAS, fifty (5P) voters of the Village of Deerfield have signed and presented to the Village Clerk a Petition asking for the establishment and maintenance of a free public library in and for the Village of Deerfield, and further requesting the holding of a special election for the purpose of voting on the question of establishing and maintaining a free public library, all in accordance with the require- ments of Chapter 81 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, 1965. NOW, THEREFORE,,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That for the purpose•of submitting to the legal ONE: voters of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, the question of the establish- ment and maintenance of a free public library in said Village and for the election of six (6) persons as library directors, a.s provided in Chapter 81 of the Illinois-Revised Statutes, 1965, and all other laws supplementary thereto, there is hereby.called a special election to be held in the Village of Deerfield on the 23rd day of April, 1966, between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. of said day at the several polling places hereafter. :described in Section Two hereof. SECTION That notice-of sa'id election shall be published in TWO:. the DEERFIELD REVIEW, a newspaper published in and having a general circulation in said Village; said publication to be not more than thirty nor less than fifteen days prior .to the date of said election, and that said notice shall be in substan- tially the following form :. NOTICE OF ELECTION Public Notice is hereby.given that on the 23rd day of April, 1966, a Special Election will be held in the Village of •Deerf i,e ld, •Lake and Cook Counties, I l 1 i not s, at which election there will be submitted to the voters of said Village the following proposition: "Shall a free public library be established and maintained in the Vi page of 'Deerfield, Counties ; of.; =Lake and Cook, Illinois ?" At such election there a:ls6 shall be elected six'(6) library directors; two (2) such directors to serve until April 18, 1967; two (2) such directors to serve until April 15, 19691, and two (2) such directors to serve until April 20, 1.971. Such library directors shall hold their offices for-the terms indicated and until their successors are e-lectdd and qualified as by statute made and provided. The polling places-and precincts for such election shall be as follows: Precinct No. 1 shall consist of al.l that part of the Village lying South of the center line of Deerfield Road and West of the West Fork of the North Branch :'iof -.;the,�-ChicagorRiver (West drainage ditch). Polling Place: Wilmot School Wilmot and Deerfield Roads Deerfield, Illinois e Precinct No. 2 shall consist of all that part of the Village lying South of the center line of Deerfield Road and East of the West Fork of the North Branch of the Chicago River (West drainage ditch), Polling Place: Alan B, Shepard.Junior High School Franken and Grove Streets Deerfield, Illinois Precinct No. 3 shall consist of all -that part of the Village lying North of the center line of Deerfield Road and East of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul s Pacific Railroad right -of -way. Polling Place: Deerfield Village Hall 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois Precinct No. 4 shall consist of all that part of the Village lying North of the center line of Deerfield Road and West of -the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul 6 . Pacific Railroad right -of -way. Polling Place :. Maplewood School Clay and Alden Courts Deerfield, Illinois The polls for said election will be opened at 6 :00 A.M. and will be closed at 6 :00 P.M., C.S.T. on the date of said election. All persons qualified to vote at regular village elections are quali- fied to vote on said question and candidates. Voters must vote at the polling place designated for.the election precinct in which they reside. By order of the President and ,Board of Trustees of the.Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counti,.6� I 1 1 i not s.' Dated this day of 1966. Village President A ATTEST: Village Clerk SECTION That for said election the Village of Deerfield shall be THREE: divided into four (4) election precincts, the boundaries thereof and the polling places therefor being as herein above set forth in Section Two of this Ordinance,•and the ballots to be used at said Special election shall be in substantially the following form: (a) Form of ballot for the establishment of a free public library. (Instructions to.Voters: Place a cross (Win the square opposite the word indicating the way you desire to vote on the following proposition.) Shall a free public library be established and,maintained in the Village of Deerfield, Counties of Lake and Cook Illinois? YES NO On the back of the ballot shall appear the following: OFFICIAL BALLOT Ballot for,voting on the question of establishing a free public library in the Vi l-lage of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, at a special election held April 23, 1966. Election Precinct No. Polling Place: (Facsimile signature) Village Clerk of the Village ,of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, I l l i not s (b) Form of ballot,for election of library directors. (Instructions to Voters: Place a cross (x) in the square opposite the name of the persons for whom you desire to vote for library directors.)'' OFFICIAL BALLOT For Library Director to serve until April 18, 1967 (Vote for two) . Candidate • Candidate ;7J: For Library Director to serve until April 15, 1969 (vote for two) • Candidate • Candidate 1 Y For Library Director to serve until April 20, 1971 (vote for two) Candidate . Candidate On the back of the ballot shall appear the following: OFFICIAL BALLOT Ballot for voting on the question of electing six (6) library directors in the Village of Deerfield, Lake. and Cook Counties, I11'1'nois, at a special election held April 23, 1966. Election Precinct Number Polling Place: Facsimile signature) Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illin ©is SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby ordered to have asample FOUR: bf.`each:)ballot published once in the DEERFIELD REVIEW, the same being a newspaper published and of general circulation in said Village, not less than five (5) days prior to the date set for said election, and to procure and prepare all necessary election material for holding and conducting said election under the laws of the State of Illinois. SECTION That for said election the following persons are hereby FIVE: appointed to serve as judges of said election at the polling places indicated, and such persons so appointed shall qualify and serve as provided by the laws of the State of Illinois there- unto enabling: Precinct No. 1 Precinct No. 2 Ada Moen Grace Ward Carmel i to Marquardt June Leegler Elizabeth Schleicher Marie Kahila Lucille Wallington Mary Kirst Shird:6y Kodym Ruth Scheskie Precinct No. 3 Precinct No. 4 Mabel Holt- Harold Gamso Joanne Gourley Mary Fosdick Elva Furo Helen Williams Mary Sayre Naomi Clampitt Pauling Rundell Lois Varick SECTION That this•Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from SIX: and after its passage and approval as provided by law. AYES: FIVE (5) NAYS: N6NE (0) ABSENT: ONE (1) PASSED this 21st day of March, AD. 1966 - APPROVED this 21st day of March,.A.D. 1906. _ H. Ross Finney ATTEST: � PA-Ca Village Clerk Village President 1 ORDINANCE N0. 0 -66- 8 AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD APRIL 23, 1966, IN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, fifty (50) voters of the Village of Deerfield have signed and presented to the Village Clerk a Petition asking for the establishment and maintenance of a free public library in and for the Village of Deerfield, and further requesting the holding of a special election for the purpose of voting on the question of establishing and maintaining a free public library, all in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 81 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, 1965. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That for the purpose of submitting to the ONE: legal voters of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, the question of the establishment and maintenance of a free public library in said Village and for the election of six (6) persobs as library directors, as provided in Chapter 81 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, 1965, and all other laws supplementary thereto, there is hereby called a special election to be held in the Village of Deerfield on the 23rd day of April, 1966, between the hours of 6:00 A.M.* and 6 :00 P.M. of said day at the several polling places hereafter described in Section Two hereof. SECTION TWO: Village; said pub than fifteen days said notice shall That notice of said election shall be published in the DEERFIELD REVIEW, a newspaper published in and having a general circulation in said lication to be not more than thirty nor less prior to the date of said election, and that be in substantially the following form: 2 NOTICE OF ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that on the 23rd day of April, 1966, a Special Election will be held in the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, at which election there will be submitted to the voters of said Village the following proposition: "Shall a free public library be established and maintained in the Village of Deerfield, Counties of Lake and Cook, Illinois ?" At such election there also shall be elected six (6) library directors; two (2) such directors to serve until April 182 1967; two (2) such directors to serve until April 15, 1969; and two (2) such directors to serve until April 20, 1971. Such library directors shall hold their offices for the terms indicated and until their successors are elected and qualified as by statute made and provided. The polling places and precincts for such election shall be as follows.: Precinct No. 1 shall consist of all that part of the Village lying South of the center line of Deerfield Road and West of the West Fork of the North Branch of the Chicago River (West drainage ditch). Polling Place: Wilmot School Wilmot and Deerfield Roads Deerfield, Illinois Precinct No. 2 shall consist of all that part of the Village lying South of the center line of Deerfield Road and East of the West Fork of the North Branch of the Chicago River (West drainage ditch). : 3 : Polling Place: Alan B. Shepard Junior High School Franken and Grove Streets Deerfield, Illinois Precinct No. 3 shall consist of all that part of the Village lying'North of the center line of Deerfield Road and East of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad right -of -way. Polling Place: Deerfield Village Hall 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois Precinct No. 4 shall consist of all that part of the Village lying'North of the center line of Deerfield Road and West of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad right -of -way. Polling Place: Maplewood School Clay and Alden Courts Deerfield, Illinois The polls for said election will be opened at 6:00 A.M. and will be closdd at 6 :00 P.M.', C.S.T. on the date of said election. All persons qualified to vote at regular village elections are qualified to vote on said question and candidates. Voters must vote at the polling place ddsignated for the election precinct in which they reside. By order of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois. Dated this - day of , 1966. Village President ATTEST: Village Clerk SECTION That for said election the Village of Deer - THREE: field shall be divided into four (4) election precincts, the boundaries thereof and the polling places therefor being as hereinabove set forth in Section Two of this Ordinance, and the ballots to be used at said special election shall be in substantially the following form: (a) Form of.ballot for the establishment of a free public library. (Instructions to Voters: Place a cross (x) in the square opposite the word indicating the way you desire to vote on the following proposition.) Shall a free public library be YES established and maintained in Village of Deerfield, Counties .the of Lake and Cook, Illinois? NO On the back of the ballot shall appear the following: OFFICIAL BALLOT Ballot for voting on the question of establishing a free public library in the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, at a special election held April 23, 1966. Election Precinct Number Polling Place: (Facsimile signature) Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois 5 . (b) Form of ballot for election of library directors. (Instructions to Voters: Place a cross (x) in the square opposite the name of the persons for whom you desire to vote for library directors.) OFFICIAL BALLOT For Library Director to serve until April 18, 1967 (vote for two) Q Candidate =Candidate For Library Director to serve until April 15, 1969 (vote for two) Candidate Candidate For Library Director to serve until April 20, 1971 (vote for two) Candidate Q Candidate a 6 On the back of the ballot shall appear the following: OFFICIAL BALLOT Ballot for voting on the question of electing six (6) library directors in the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, at a special election held April 23, 1966. Election Precinct Number Polling Place: (facsimile signature) Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby ordered to FOUR: have a sample of each ballot published once in the DEERFIELD REVIEW, the same being a newspaper published and of general circulation in said Village, not less than five (5) days prior to the date set for said elec- tion, and to procure and prepare all necessary election material for holding and conducting said election under the laws of the State of Illinois. SECTION That for said election the following persons FIVE: are hereby appointed to serve as judges of said election at the polling places indicated, and such persons so appointed shall qualify and serve-as provided by the laws of the State of Illinois thereunto enabling: Precinct No. 1 Ada Moen Carmelita Marquardt Elizabeth Schleicher Lucille Wallington Shirley Kodym Precinct No. 2 Grace Ward June Laegler Marie Kahila Mary Kirst Ruth Scheskie 7 Precinct No. 3 Precinct No. 4 Mabel Holt Harold Gamso Joanne Gourley Mary Fosdick Elva Furo Helen Williams Mary Sayre Naomi Clampitt Pauline Rundell Lois Varick SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force SIX: and effect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. AYES: FIVE (5) NAYS: NOW `(0) ABSENT: ONE (1) PASSED this 21 st day of March A.D'.' 1966. APPROVED this 21st day of March 2 A . 1966. Village President ATTEST: Village Clerk a V I L L A G E O F D E E R F I E L D ORDINANCE NO. 0 -66- 8 AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD APRIL 23, 1966, IN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS LAW OFFICES PEDERSEN 8e 110UPPT 135 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60603 K i