O-66-071 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -66 -7 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE VIIIrOF CHAPTER 13 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD OF 1963, AS AMENDED (RELATING TO PUBLIC DANCES) BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIE'LD) LAKE. AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That Article VIII of Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code ONE: of the Village of Deerfield of 1963, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking said 4rti cle in its entire-ty a,nd substituting ifin-1 ieu thereof the following: "Article VIII. Public Dances 13.801 Def i n i ti on.) ''Public fiance" as used in this Article shall mean and include any dance open to the public generally or any class of persons generally for which a fee is charged for admission or other form of consideration paid jor,admission thereto and specifically excluding any dance conducted by any religious, charitable, educational or elee- mosynary institution or any municipal or quasi- municipal ,corporation. 13.802 License required.) It shall be unlawful to operate or conduct a public dance in the Village without having first obtained a license, therefor as is herein provided. 13.,803 Applications.) Applications for such license shall be made in accordance with.the general provisions of this Code relating thereto and in addition shall specify the following: (a) Name and address of person, firm or corporation_ conducting such dance (if firm or corporation, names and addresses of firm or principal shareholders and name and address of person in charge of dance. . ' (b.) Class of persons, if any, to whom admission is restricted. (c) Amount of admission fee or other form of consider- ation for admission. (d) Location of premises on which dance is to be conducted and description of facilities. (e) Number of persons anticipated to attend. (f) Names and.addresses of manager, if any, and all employees and supervisory personnel. (g) Opening and closing hours. Such appl- lcatitons shall be made for each dance for which a license is eegOested, provided that if the applicant desires a license for more than one dance within a period of one monthr;aa ;- monthly license may be issued as hereinafter provided, but the.applicant shall supply the above information with respect to each dance proposed to.be held within said monthly period. No appl.ication,for a permit, either individual or monthly, shall be made less than thirty (30) days prior to the date upon which the.first dance is.to be held for which a license -is sought. 13.804 it shall be the duty of the Village Manager, upon receipt of an application, to cause an investigation to be made � 4 by the appropriate officers or employees of the Village of the character'of each applicant and of the premises upon which the dance is proposed to be conducted. 13.805 (a) No license shall be issued to a person who has been convicted.;of a felony or who is not of good moral character and reputation, nor to a firm or corpora- tion if any of the members of such firm or any of the principal shareholders of sai.d corporation have been convicted of a felony or are not of good moral character and reputation, nor to a-person,,firm or corporation if the person named as.manager or operator has been convicted of a felony or is not of good moral character and reputation. (b) No license shall be issued unless, based on the number of persons anticipated to attend, the premises and building in which the dance is to *be held shall be in full compl1ance with all the provisions of this Code applicable thereto and the applicable Jaws and regulations of any other.governmental body or agency having jurisdiction thereof and if under the provisions of this Code or applicable laws or regulations such premises,and building are adequate for only a limited number of persons, the license shall so state and the licensee shall not permit more than such number of persons to be on the premises or within the building. .13.806 Fee.) The fee for a license for a single dance shall,be in accordance with the follow:i.ng schedule: No. of Persons in Attendance Amount 0 - 100 $20.00 100 - 200 40.00 200 - 300 60.00 The fee for a monthly license shall equal the total of the fees for each dance held or proposed to.be held during the month for which, the license is requested computed in accordance with the above schedule. In the event the number -of ::persons attending any dance is greater than the number estimated by the licensee in his application, to the extent that the fee determined and paid by the licensee in accordance:-:with the above schedule would be increased, the ,licensee shall immedi- ately,yupon notice, pay such additional fee. .13.807 A licensee shall not permit any of the following on the premises,or „within the building when such dance is held during the hours of operation and for a reasonable period both before and after: (a) The possession by any persons in attendance or any employee of the licensee of any alcoholic beverages or of any drugs the possession or use of which are made unlawful by the statutes of the state. (b) Lewd, lascivious, indecent or immoral conduct or acts by persons in attendance or,by any employees of licensee. (c) Intermittent or continuous loud-or objectionable noises which are audible beyond the property line of the premises on which the dance is conducted.. (d) Trespassing in any form by persons in attendance or employees of licensee on pr,i,vate property adjoining or ,,neighboring the premises on which the dance.is.conducted. (e) Any unlawful conduct or acts by the persons in attendance or employees of the licensee. Repeated violations of the foregoing prohibitions, irrespective of whether the licensee shall have taken reasonable precautions to prevent same, shall warrant the revocation of a license by the Village Manager or the denial of a future license to such licensee. 13.808 It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to investigate or to cause to be investigated by members of the police department, the conduct of each dance licensed hereunder during the hours of operation, the number of persons in attendance, and, if necessary., to assign one or more members of the department to.the premises to assure the orderly conduct thereof in accord- '. ance with the provisions hereof. The Chief of Police shall report the results of his investigation to the Village Manager and in the case of monthly licenses, shall make a written report to the President and Board of Trustees as to the conduct of said dance, the necessity, if any, of assigning thereto members of the police department and the notice of any violation of the provisions of this Code. 13.809 Penalty.) Any person violating any of the provisions of this Article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not to exceed $500.00." SECTION ' That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict TWO: herwith, are, to the extent of such conflict, thereby repealed. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect THREE: from and after its passage, approval and publ.i.cation, as provided by law. AYES: FIVE (5) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: ONE (1) PASSED this 21st day of March, A.D. 1966. APPROVED this 21st day of March, A.D. 1966. ATTEST: Village Clerk H, Ross: -Finney Village President Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of-Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, the 22nd day of March, A.D. 1966.. V I L L A G E O F D E E R F I E L D ORDINANCE NO. 0 -66- 7 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE VIII OF CHAPTER 13 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD OF 19632 AS AMENDED (RELATING TO PUBLIC DANCES) PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE 21st DAY OF March , 1966 Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, the 22nd day of March , A.D. 1966. ORDINANCE NO. 0 -66- 7 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE VIII OF CHAPTER 13 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD OF 1963) AS AMENDED (RELATING TO PUBLIC DANCES) BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD,'LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That Article VIII of Chapter 13 of the Municipal ONE: Code of the Village of Deerfield of 1963, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking said article in its entirety and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Article VIII. Public Dances 13.801 Definition.) "Public dance" as used in this Article shall mean and include any dance open to the public generally or any class of persons generally for which a fee is charged for admission or other form of consideration paid for admission thereto and specifically excluding any dance con- ducted by any religious, charitable, educational or eleemosynary institution or any municipal or quasi- municipal corporation. 13.802 License required.) It shall be unlawful to operate or conduct a public dance in the Village without having first obtained a license therefor as is herein provided. 13.803 Applications.) Applications for such license shall be made in accordance with the general provisions of this Code relating thereto and in addition shall specify the following: 2 . (a) Name and address of person, firm or corporation conducting such dance (if firm or corporation, names and addresses of members of firm or principal shareholders and name and address of person in charge of dance. (b) Class of persons, if any, to whom admission is restricted. (c) Amount of admission fee or other form of consideration for admission. (d) Location of premises on which dance is to be conducted and description of facilities. (e) Number of persons anticipated to attend. (f) Names and addresses of manager, if any, and all employes and supervisory personnel. (g) Opening and closing hours. Such applications shall be made for each dance for which a license is requested, provided that if the applicant desires a license for more than one dance within a period of one month, a monthly license may be issued as hereinafter provided, but the applicant shall supply the above information with respect to each dance proposed to be held within said monthly period. No application for a permit, either individual or monthly, shall be made less than thirty (30) days prior to the date upon which the first dance is to be held for which a license is sought. 13.804 It shall be the duty of the Village Manager, upon receipt of an application, to cause an investigation to be made by the appropriate officers or employees of the Village of the character of each applicant and of the premises upon which the dance is proposed to be con- ducted. 13.805 (a) No license shall be issued to a person who has been convicted of a felony or who is not of good . 3 . moral character and reputation, nor to a firm or corporation if any of the members of such firm or any of the principal shareholders of said corporation have been convicted of a felony or are not of good moral character and reputation, nor to a person, firm or corporation if the person named as manager or operator has been convicted of a felony or is not of good moral character and reputation. (b) No license shall be issued unless, based on the number of persons anticipated to attend, the premises and building in which the dance is to be held shall be in full compliance with all the provisions of this Code applicable thereto and the applicable laws and regulations ^of any other governmental body or agency having jurisdiction thereof and if under the provisions of this Code or appli- cable laws or regulations such premises and building are adequate for only a limited number of persons, the license shall so state and the licensee shall not permit more than such number of persons to be on the premises or within the building. 13.806 Fee.) The fee for a license for a single dance shall be in accordance with the following schedule: No. of Persons in Attendance Amount 0 - 100 $20.00 100 - 200 40.00 200 - 300 60.00 The fee for a monthly license shall equal the total of the fees for each dance held or proposed to be held during the month for which the license is requested computed in accordance with the above schedule. In the event the number of persons attending any dance is greater than the number estimated by the licensee in his application, to the extent that the fee determined and paid by the licensee in accordance with the above schedule would be increased, the licensee shall immediately, upon notice, pay such additional fee. . 4 . 13.807 A licensee shall not permit any of the following on the premises or within the building when such dance is held during the hours of operation and for a reasonable period both before and after: (a) The possession by any persons in attendance or any employee of the licensee of any alcoholic beverages or of any drugs the possession or use of which are made unlawful by the statutes of the state. (b)- Lewd, lascivious, indecent or immoral con- duct or acts by persons in attendance or by any employees of licensee. (c) Intermittent or continuous loud or objectionable noises which are audible beyond the property line of the premises on which the dance is conducted. (d) Trespassing in any form by persons in attendance or employees of licensee on private property adjoining or neighboring the premises on which the dance is conducted. (e) Any unlawful conduct or acts by the persons in attendance or employees of the licensee. Repeated violations of the foregoing prohibitions, irrespec- tive of whether the licensee shall have taken reasonable precautions to prevent same, shall warrant the revocation of a license by the Village Manager or the denial of a future license to such licensee. 13.808 It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to investigate or to cause to be investigated by members of the police department, the conduct of each dance licensed hereunder during the hours of operation, the number of persons in attendance, and, if necessary, to assign one or more members of the department to the premises to assure the orderly conduct thereof in accordance with the provisions hereof. The Chief of Police shall report the results of his investigation to the Village Manager and in the case of monthly licenses, shall make a written report to the President and Board of Trustees as to the conduct of said dance, the necessity,if any, of assigning thereto members . 5 . of the police department and the notice of any violation of the provisions of this Code. 13.809 Penalty.) Any person violating any of the provisions of this Article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not to exceed $500.00." SECTION That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in TWO: conflict herewith, are, to the extent of such conflict, thereby repealed. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and THREE: effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. AYES: FIVE (5) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: ONE (�U) PASSED this 21 st day of March ) A.D . 1966. APPROVED this 21st day of March , A.D . 1966. P Village President ATTEST: - Village Clerk V I L L A G E O F D E E R F I E L D ORDINANCE NO. 0 -66- 6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 20.201 (THROUGH STREETS) AND SECTION 20.203(b) (STOP STREETS) OF ARTICLE II OF.CHAPTER 20 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD OF 1963, AS AMENDED . i. LAW OFFICES PEDERSEN $¢ 110UPT 13S SOUTH LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60603