O-65-36ORDINANCE NO. 0 -65 -36
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Plan Commission of the
Village of Deerfield,•pursuantt to notice therefor published not less
than fifteen days prior thereto, as required by law; and
WHEREAS, said Plan Commission has recommended changes to the front
and side .yard requirements of the.zoning ordinance, pursuant to said public
NOW, THEREFORE, BE.IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees
of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois; that:
Section 1. The zoning ordinance of the village, as amended, is hereby
further amended by changing Section XIV, paragraph D to read as follows:
D. • Areas - No building or strucutre: nor the enlargement of any
building or structure shall be hereafter erected or main-
tained.unless the following yards, setbacks, and lot areas
are provided and.maintained in connection with such building,
structure., or enlargement.
1. Front Yard -.Each lot shall have a front yard setback
of not :l-ess than five feet in depth as measured from
the property line.
2. Side Yards
a. Each lot not having a secondary means of access
from an alley or private drive shall have one side
yard of not less than twelve feet in width.
b. Corner Lots - The width of any side yard which abuts
a street shall be not less than five feet as
measured from the property line.
C. Lots abutting residential zones The width of any
side yard which abuts a residential zone shall be
not less than fifty feet.
d. Where a side yard is not required by this zoning
ordinance, the structure or building may be built
on the lot line, provided that if the building is
not built on the lot line, a minimum side yard of
five feet shall be maintained.
e. Each lot shall have a rear yard of not less
than ten feet; the depth of any rear yard which
abuts a street or residential zone shall be not
less than fifty feet.
3.' Parking Area - The parking of private automobiles shall
be permitted within side and rear yard areas, but no
parking space or private access driveway shall be closer
than fifteen feet to any lot zoned for residential use.
4. Lot Area -Any principal use, together with all accessory
uses, shall be located on a lot having an area of not less
than ten thousand square feet, except that any smaller lot,
W' du'1 recorded prior to the adoption of this
y p provisions, may
be used for any purpose permitted 'in this section provided
that all other requirements of this ordinance are observed.
5. Lot Width - Each lot shall have a width at the building
setback line of not less than fifty feet.'
Section 2. This amendment shall be in full force and effect.from
and after its passage, approval and publlication, as provided by law.
Passed this 16th day of August, 1965.
H. Ross Finney
` President
PUBLISHED: August 25, 1965 in the Deerfield Review.
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -65-36
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Plan Commission of the
Village of Deerfield, pursuant to notice therefor published not less
than fifteen days prior thereto, as required by law; and
WHEREAS, said Plan Commission has recommended changes to the front
and side yard requirements of the zoning ordinance, pursuant to said
public hearing.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees
of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that:
Section 1. The zoning ordinance of the village, as amended, is
hereby further amended by changing Section XIV, paragraph D to read
as follows:
D. Areas - No building or structure nor the enlargement
of any building or structure shall be hereafter erected
or maintained unless the following yards, setbacks, and
lot areas are provided and maintained in connection
with such building, structure, or enlargement.
1. Front Yard - Each lot shall have a front yard set
back of not less than five feet in depth as measured
from the property line.
2. Side Yards
a. Each lot not having a secondary means of access
from an alley or private drive shall have one
side yard of not less than twelve feet in width.
b. Corner Lots - The width of any side yard which abuts
a street shall be not less than five feet as measured
from the property line.
c. Lots abutting residential zones - The width of
any side yard which abuts a residential zone shall be
not less than fifty feet.
d. Where a side yard is not required by this
zoning ordinance, the structure or building may
be built on the lot line, provided that if the
building is not built on the lot line, a minimum
side yard of five feet shall be maintained.
e. Each lot shall have a rear yard of not less than
ten feet; the depth of any rear yard which abuts
a street or residential zone shall be not less
than fifty feet.
3. Parking Area - The parking of private automobiles
shall be permitted within side and rear yard areas,
but no parking space or private access driveway
shall be closer than fifteen feet to any lot zoned
for residential use.
4. Lot Area - Any principal use, together with all
accessory uses, shall be located on a lot having an
area of not less than ten thousand square feet,
except that any smaller lot, duly recorded prior
to the adoption of this provision, may be used for
any purpose permitted in this section provided that
all other requirements of this ordinance are observed.
5. Lot Width - Each lot shall have a width at the building
setback line of not less than fifty feet.
Section 2. This amendment shall be in full force and effect from
and after its passage;..approval and publication, as provided by law.
Passed this 16th day of August , 1965.
� i .t-e
PUBLISHED: August 25, 1965 in the Deerfield Review.
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