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Village Budget For Year Beginning May 1, 1989
mk 3udget FISCAL YEAR 1989-1990 &Q1aE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 1989 - 1990 BUDGET ' TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ' BUDGET MESSAGE - -MAYOR BERNARD FORREST ----------------------------- BUDGET SUMMARIES -- Revenue and Expenditures------------------ - - - - -- 1 ' BUDGET SUMMARIES -- Revenue and Expenditures------------------ - - - - -- 2 COMPARISON OF 1985 -89 PROPERTY TAX LEVIES------------------- - - - - -- 3 ' SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULES AND CHARTS--------------------------- - - - - -- 4 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES------------------ - - - - -- 5 ' BUDGET CALENDAR--------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 6 BUDGET SUMMARY - Administration----------------------------- - - - - -- 7 ' BUDGET SUMMARY - Police Department-------------------------- - - - - -- 8 BUDGET SUMMARY - Public Works Department-------------------- - - - - -- 9 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE -- Employees Full Time-------------------- - - - - -- 10 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE -- Employees Part Time-------------------- - - - - -- 11 1 SECTION ' GENERAL FUND------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 1 POLICE------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 2 YOUTHBOUND-------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 3 ENHANCED 9 -1 -1 FUND----------------------------------------- - - - - -- 4 PUBLIC WORKS - Street Division------------------------------ - - - - -- 5 PUBLIC WORKS - Sewer Division------------------------------- - - - - -- 6 ' PUBLIC WORKS - Water Division------------------------------- - - - - -- 7 SCAVENGER SERVICE------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 8 ' GARAGE------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 9 MOTORFUEL TAX---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 10 PENSIONS - Police------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 11 PENSIONS - I. M. R. F.----------------------------------------- - - - - -- 11 ' CAPITAL PROJECTS-------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 12 DEBTSERVICE------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 13 ' PUBLIC BENEFIT---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 14 MUNICIPAL AUDIT FUND---------------------------------------- - - - - -- 15 EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY---------------------- - - - - -- 16 PARKING LOTS------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 17 ' TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM-------------------------------------- - - - - -- 18 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION REPLACEMENT FUND-------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 19 LIBRARY----------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 20 EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Administration-------------------- - - - - -- Appendix A EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Police Department----------------- - - - - -- Appendix B EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Enhanced 9 -1 -1 Fund--------------- - - - - -- Appendix B -1 EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Public Works - Street Division---- - - - - -- Appendix C -1 EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Public Works - Sewer Division----- - - - - -- Appendix C -2 EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Public Works - Water Division----- - - - - -- Appendix C -3 EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Public Works - Garage Division---- - - - - -- Appendix C -4 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE-------------------------- - - - - -- Appendix D BOND RETIREMENT FUND---------------------------------- - - - - -- Appendix E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD Elected Officials Bernard Forrest, Mayor James L. Marovitz, Trustee Edwin B. Seidman, Trustee Cynthia J. Marty, Trustee Vernon E. Swanson, Trustee Harriet E. Rosenthal, Trustee J. Robert York, Trustee VILLAGE MANAGER Robert D. Franz DEPARTMENT HEADS George J. Valentine, Treasurer and Finance Director Richard C. Brandt, Chief of Police James E. Soyka, Director of Public Works & Engineering Barbara Houpt, Director of Community Development Kent S. Street, Administrative Assistant H U Q i O 1 1 Z 1� �o � w J ' J } W W C7 Z .ar O J � � H Q (n W Z O F- _ 0 CO < OZ Co O0 ¢ �O 0 N Z O m CO N Z QW W ..t m m FW- ,d � LU a 0 QQ x m .� Z Q. U. O 1- O `> < ¢ N _ ¢ I2 o W =Y: w 2: � w (n W Z O F- _ 0 CO < OZ Co O0 ¢ �O N Z O N Z W YZ z a U. ui O 0 ¢ N _ ¢ o U W =Y: w 2: � w CD Z QD F- W J ¢ Z c O ~ W Z Z �= w 3 F- w w z Z W H '-' W w z �-. N c w cr w < w ¢O O J F- N ~ N y., o N¢ O O 7 C Q w¢ coW Lo 3 U _Z lL ¢ Q U z a¢ CL Uo co ¢ d ui a N Z O N Z W z a U. ui O ¢ _ ¢ o W =Y: U �W CD Z w w w O Z N ~ W Z N W z Z CO N Q w < w ¢O O ¢ O o UO O �Z w¢ d Lo C U _Z lL = Q U z �r Uo co ¢ d ui a J ui _ � F- N Z O N Z W z a U. O ¢ _ ¢ o W =Y: U ►- w w cl: O U c- O Z ~ Z N W z Z CO N Q w < w ¢O O ¢ o ui O w¢ Lo U _Z lL = Q U z �r co ¢ d J _ CS. F- N Z O N Z W a U. O ¢ _ ¢ o W =Y: J U cl: O U c- O a < a F- O Z < w ui U Q �r BUDGET MESSAGE ' Each new fiscal year provides us with an opportunity to review the past and, at the same time, look forward to the future. By doing so, we are able to learn from our experience as we plan for the challenges ahead. Indeed, we are fortunate in ' Deerfield to have a reputation as a community that has balanced the relationship between strong heritage and inevitable change. The Village remains committed to maintain that tradition as we approve a financial plan for the next fiscal year. The combined total budget for 1989 -90 is $13,239,542. This amount, which in- cludes all funds, is the result of an extensive budget review process that began in January and ends with tonight's public hearing and final action by the Board. As is our practice, the operating budget is planned over a three year period, and the capital budget consists of a five year planning schedule. I am pleased that, as promised last year, the Village has eliminated the General Fund Property Tai: Levy. Unfortunately, this will not represent a significant change in local tax bills, since Deerfield receives only 10% of the total real estate taxes paid. Nevertheless, it reflects the expanded tax base in Deerfield and the results of our efforts to find alternative revenue sources. With the exception of the Library tax rate (which, by law, must levy through the Village), all Village tax rates are below the limits established by the State of Illinois for non -Home Rule municipalities. In short, we have been very prudent in exercizing our Home Rule taxing authority. With the exception of debt service related to our street and sewer rehabilitation programs and substantial State mandated pension increases, the Village has maintained a constant tax levy over the past ten years. In fact, the nondebt service levy has increased at a rate of less than 3% a year since 1981, far below the rate of inflation for that period. In approving this budget, the Village will convert a part -time planner to a full - time position in the Department of Community Development and add clerical per- sonnel in both the police and public works departments. To remain competitive in the municipal market, there will be a 6% increase in the employee salary plan. The 1989 -90 budget will continue, at increased levels, the Senior Subsidy Program and also the joint effort with the Deerfield Park District to provide seniors with basic services essential to their needs. Also continued are the 50/50 side- walk, curb and tree programs which encourage a shared responsibility for infra- structure improvements that benefit both the Village and individual property owners. It should be noted that this budget provides for a unique application of the 50/50 tree program involving the cooperation of the North Central Deerfield Homeowners Association in a beautification program along the Milwaukee Road railroad tracks. Two major items impacting the new budget are pension and health insurance costs. Funding requirements, established by the State Department of Insurance for the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, offer no alternative to municipal governments but to pass on increased pension costs to the taxpayers. As for health insurance, significant premium increases throughout the marketplace are being experienced in Deerfield as well. Even with cost - saving amendments to our health and hospitali- zation plan, insurance premiums represent a sizable portion of our total budget. Consistent with our objective to both improve and maintain our sanitary sewer system, it will be necessary to increase the sewer rate from $1.05 to $1.15 per hundred cubic feet. Based on average usage, this will amount to approximately a $12.00 increase per year for each homeowner. There will be no change in the water rates. Expenditures in the Street Fund continue to escalate while revenue sources remain relatively constant. More than any other fund, street operations include varied services such as: patching, sweeping, plowing, forestry work, traffic marking, and drainage improvements, to name a few. To continue these necessary programs, the price of vehicle stickers will be increased from $25 to $30. By raising this user fee, last increased in January 1982, those who benefit most will pay for these services. Senior Citizens will continue to pay only $1 for one car. As we adopt this budget, final plans are being; made to implement a residential recycling program in Deerfield. Exact details of the program and their corre- sponding costs are not known at this time. However, scavenger service rates must be adjusted in anticipation of recycling (soon to be mandated by the Illinois General Assembly) as well as annual adjustments agreed to by contract. The Village's plan is to provide curbside recycling opportunities to its resi- dents without diminishing the refuse.service as we now know it. Although several major capital projects were completed this year, others are planned for fiscal 189 -190. These include: approximately 1.5 miles of resur- facing under the Street Rehabilitation Program; construction of the turning lane and streetscape plans at the southwest corner of Deerfield and Waukegan Roads; completion of phase II of the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Program which involves extensive sewer work in the southwest quadrant; creek improvements in connection with the Lake Cook Road retention basin scheduled to begin construction next Fall; extensive streetscape projects on the old Marathon site, the Deerfield Road viaduct and entrances to the Village Center; construction of the Brickyards Park; completion of the new Public Works /Park District facility; and initial equip- ment purchases to implement emergency number 911, approved by the voters last November. The above projects, many of which were begun during the current budget period, represent a rather ambitious Capital Improvement Program for a community our size. The number and the extent of the projects are possible due to the Village lever- aging its funds with grants, Tax Increment Financing and direct contributions of developers. A major objective in the next fiscal year is to undertake a redevelopment project within the Village Center that would include a public - private joint venture. Through Tax Increment Financing, we have established a funding mechanism for gen- erating renovation projects in our downtown area. By acquiring key properties and completing phase I of the Robert York Avenue improvement, we have begun the much needed program to reestablish the Village Center as the focal point of our community. The timing is right, therefore, for moving forward with our redevelop- ment plans. As always, however, we will proceed cautiously to assure that the results are in the best interests of the entire community. In summary, this budget is the work of many people, both elected and appointed to serve you, the residents of Deerfield. It represents a good balance between what are often times competing priorities: tradition and change; basic needs and ex- panded programs; new services and available resources. We are indeed fortunate to be in a sound financial position, having lived within our resources for many years. Our objective will be to maintain that position, while continuing to pro- vide the high quality of services our residents have come to expect and enjoy. BERNARD FORREST Mayor April 17, 1989 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 1989 - 1990 BUDGET SUMMARIES *The total figures in the case of a municipality may be misleading. Only in some circumstances can a surplus in one fund be used to relieve a deficit in another. PAGE 1 ESTIMATED PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION REVENUES EXPENDITURES General $ 4,219,000 $ 4,283,542 Scavenger 1,172,000 1,196,350 Street and Bridge 969,500 998,440 Sewer 1,302,000 1,407,840 Water 2,035,000 2,213,940 Debt Service 1,785,600 1,842,600 Youthbound 17,500 19,660 Enhanced 911 78,000 150,510 TOTAL $11,578,600 $12,112,882 REVENUES AND FUNDS ESTIMATED CLASSIFICATION ON HAND IN TREASURY* EXPENDITURES Municipal Audit Fund $ 12,500 $ 12,500 IMRF 508,000 490,000 Emergency Services 5,000 6,700 Public Benefit 0 0 Parking Lots - Village Constructed 45,000 18,000 Parking Lots - Combined Funding 45,000 21,940 Motor Fuel Tax 658,850 61,000 Police Pension Fund 821,000 209,000 Village Garage 169,200 177,520 Transportation Program 6,500 6,500 Replacement Fund 765,923 123,500 TOTAL $ 3,036,973 $ 1,126,660 TOTAL VILLAGE FUNDS $14,615,573 $13,239,542 DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY $ 1,113,960 $ 1,113,960 TOTAL ALL FUNDS* $15,729,533 $14,353,502 *The total figures in the case of a municipality may be misleading. Only in some circumstances can a surplus in one fund be used to relieve a deficit in another. PAGE 1 SAGE 2 1 J 1 IAOOOOOOOOO OO OO OOOOOOOOOVlO0000000 M1000 000.00M 11 N0000 GOON 11 1 M1 OO OO O G OOOOO OOOdG OOOON OO OO OO N000 OOdf i O OOOOOOOII.1 0 //10 0 0 0V'10 00�f111t0 V'11llOY'11!'i00�0000000 M1 11 V"+ �f•-- r• --rfOG O^+�""1��00 f 11 �1 11 Fbll 1pl 011A000IAO�f 0110 V1NOM1MIA 0— M••-•O N'1�!)O�O�/'/0� t' V"r �Of�OOb�MO. 1 IA010�1010Nf �o Mf1' >fMf CC1fM fp N—NN Of O.�• --Ilf �N•O 11 �+ 11 CZ I10 —=11 �•+0MM10•NO• O" 11 M 11 1 .•r •�•�IA 1fl ."I MO O. � ••-IN �+ 10 M OfT f>D OI OIOD •0 N 11 1 + M �+ + 11 f 11 f N•••1 .--I + 11 M 11 1 •-1 11 •-+ 11 1 11 00 O II O 11 C) 1 O G^1 1 O 11 ^11 ."10 ✓1 II +11 001 I m L I [� m 11 M1 II ••-1� 1p .••n N O 11 V'r 11 Y� I 11 11 1 I O M 11 M 11 O 11 O 11 1 O N N 11 O O 11 . 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O UUU Dd O I- COMPARISON OF 1985 -1989 LEVIES DEBT SERVICE GROSS LEVY 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Purpose General 420,000 320,000 220,000 0 0 Street 220,000 240,000 240,000 330,000 330,000 Emergency Services 51000 5,000 51000 51000 51000 I.M.R.F. 300,000 325,000 177,000 190,000 280,000 F.I.C.A. 165,385 0 183,000 200,000 210,000 Police Pension 165,000 175,000 140,000 150,000 150,000 Audit 10,500 10,500 10,500 12,000 12,500 Scavenger 390,000 425,000 475,000 545,000 545,000 Public benefit 383,160 911,832 357,400 329,280 225,025 Debt Service (Net) 1,136,623 1,097,941 1,09x;,826 1,431,063 1,585,575 Budgeted Village Levies 2,647,123 2,598,441 2,547,326 2,863,063 3,118,075 Abatement (not budgeted) 0 1,097.941 1,096,826 1,431,063 1,585,575 Net Village Levy 2,647,123 2,596,441 2,547,326 2,863,063 3,118,075 Public Library 672,017 672,017 722,017 722,017 814,493 Total Levy 3,319,140 3,270,458 3,269,343 3,585,080 3,932,568 DEBT SERVICE GROSS LEVY 1,528,511 2,036,366 1,466,226 1,772,343 1,822,600 Reduction Replacement Tax 8,728 26,593 12,000 12,000 12,000 Total Reductions 8,728 26,593 12,000 12,000 12,000 Abatements Replacement Tax 25,000 30,000 35,000 45,000 45,000 Revenue Sharing 165,385 0 T.Z.F. 192,775 208,712 222,400 84,280 80,025 Other Budgeted Abatement 0 100,000 200,000 100,000 .Capitalized Interest 0 673,120 Total Budgeted Abatements 383,160 911,832 357,400 329,280 225,025 Total Budgeted Reductions and Abatements. 391,888 938,425 369,400 341,280 237,025 Net Budgeted Debt Levy 1,136,623 1,097.941 1,096,826 1,431,063 1,585,575 EAV 249,350,557 279,386,218 314,987,029 369,000,000 417,000,000 Tax Rate (per $100) Debt Service 0.456 0.393 0.348 0.388 0.380 Other Village 0.606 0.537 0.460 0.388 0.368 Total Village 1.062 0.930 0.809 0.776 0.748 PAGE 3 Chart 1 Budget Dollar 1 989 - 90 WHERE IT COMES FROM PAGE 4a � Chart 2 � Budget � 1989- Dollar 90 General Government 10.3% General Obligation Debt I1 13.9% ' Police 24.6% Including Pensions) 0 op po o00 ° o00 ° Public Works :45.*3% WHERE IT GOES �-ppo 0 00 0 0 °00 0 0 ' °Opp 0 00 o O0°0o 0p 0 ° 0 0o 00 0 0 ° Op p ° 00 0 ° 0 0 0 0 O° ° 0p °0 0 ° O 0 0 ° 0 0 0 co 0 p00000o 0 0 00 0 o °° ° ° o° ° ° oo °0 ° 0 0 ° ° ° o -:00 ° °o 0 10 00° °0000 ° 00 0 00 ° ° 0 0 0 co Water 16.7$ °�° ° °0 00 °° 0 0 0 coo 0 0 000 ° O ° 0 ° 00O ° 0O 00 0 00 0 000 0 Q 0 o 0 0 0 0 0:00 0 0000 0 000 0 00 G 00 00 0 0 O O 0 0 0° 0 00 0° 0 0° 0 ° 0 °0 0 ° 00 0 00 00 0 °° ° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 °0 0 0 0 0 0 0° ° 00 ° °0 0 °00 ° °0:.0 00 °000 0 00 0 00 °p ° 0o ° ° ° °pOo p° O 00° 00 °° °O ° 0° °00 ° C 00 0 0000 0 00 00 ° °0'c ° °0 °o °O Oo°a 00 :00 0 °O ° °0 00 °0° °O 00 00 p0 0 00000 0 0 0° 00 0 0 0 °00 0 00 0000 0 0o 0 00 00 0 0 0:0. 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 00 0 0 0 0 O p 000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0° O ° 0 0 00 ° 0 0 0 ° ° Scavenger 9.0% 00 ° 0 °00 0 0 O 00p00000 °000° °00 ° Op ° 00 0 0 000 0 °000 0 00.0 00° 0 00° 00 0° 00 0° 0 ° °00 0 ° 0 0° 0 ° ° 0 ° ° 0 ° 00 .0 0 0 0 ° o o ° p o0 00 0 000 °0 °o ° °o °o °oo ° °° o ° t -ap- ° 00 0 0 0 °O0 °oOO ° °p° °0 °00 ° oo ° 0,00 o ° °000 000000 ° °p000 0000 00 °O 000000000 0°00 0000 00o0p °00 ^ °0D0 °pp 0 O00G DO0 °°0 °00 0000 000 Sewer - 10.6$ 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 ° O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 ° 00 0. 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0° 00000 -:0- 0 0. 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Bill Q Yllooe Portion THIS GRAPH IS BASED ON AN ACTUAL TAX BILL RECEIVED BY THE SAME RESIDENCE OVER A SEVEN YEAR PERIOD, AS THE GRAPH ILLUSTRATES, THE VILLAGE RECEIVES A COMPARATIVELY SMALL PORTION OF THE ANNUAL PROPERTY TAX BILL. PAGE 4d 400 - 3&o_ 300 - 260 - 150 - 100 - 5D - D- Annual Equalized Assessed Valuation 79 80 81 82 83 B4 85 8fi 87 88 Year DEVELOPMENT HAS EXPANDED THE ECONOMIC BASES OF THE VILLAGE AND THE OTHER OVERLAPPING TAXING BODIES. THIS GRAPH DOES NOT INCLUDE THE EAV OF $42,500,000 FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD TIF DISTRICT, PAGE 4e 0 x 0 1.1 1- o.Q - 0.8 0.7 - 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0,2 — 0 VI LLAG E TAX RATE Pr,r Ono hundred dollars of EAV 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 Year of Tax Levy THIS CHART SHOWS THE CHANGE IN THE VILLAGE TAX RATE PER ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS OF EQUALIZED ASSESSED VALUATION OVER A TEN YEAR PERIOD, PAGE 4f 8- 7- 6- 6- 4 - i U 3- 2- 1- Annual Revenues and Expenditures Garerrmentof Funds 79 so 81 © Reenues 82 W 84 85 es 87 88 audoe« T Expenditures THE CHART ABOVE ILLUSTRATES THAT VILLAGE REVENUES HAVE EQUALLED OR SURPASSED EXPENDITURES FOR THE LAST 10 YEARS IN THE GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS, THIS INDICATES THAT THE VILLAGE IS IN A STABLE OR IMPROVING ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT, PAGE 4g 4 Fm kq 114, q6, pip 79 so 81 © Reenues 82 W 84 85 es 87 88 audoe« T Expenditures THE CHART ABOVE ILLUSTRATES THAT VILLAGE REVENUES HAVE EQUALLED OR SURPASSED EXPENDITURES FOR THE LAST 10 YEARS IN THE GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS, THIS INDICATES THAT THE VILLAGE IS IN A STABLE OR IMPROVING ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT, PAGE 4g VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The Village of Deerfield, Illinois, was incorporated April 14, 1903. The Village operates under a Board /Manager form of government and provides the following services -as authorized by its charter: public safety (police), highways and streets, sanitation, health and social services, culture- recreation, public improvements, community development ' and general administrative services. The accounting policies of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, conform ' to generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to governments. The following is a summary of the more significant policies. A. Reporting Entity and Its Services ' This report includes all of the funds of the Village. It also includes all activities considered to be part of (controlled by or dependent on) the Village. B. Basis of Presentation - Fund Accounting ' The accounts of the Village are organized on the basis of funds, each-of which is considered a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of ' self- balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues, and expenditures, or expenses, as appropriate. Government resources are allocated to and accounted for in ' individual funds based upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. General Fund - The General Fund is the general operating fund of the Village. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds - Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than special assessments or major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. The following funds are Special Revenue Funds: Youthbound, Enhanced 911, Street, Motor Fuel Tax, IMRF, Public Benefit, Municipal Audit, Emergency Services, Transportation, Replacement and Library. Debt Service Fund - Debt Service Funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long -term debt principal, interest, and related costs. The Debt Service Fund ' has been treated as a single fund and budgeted in a like manner by the Village. Capital Projects Funds - Capital Projects Funds are used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities (other than those financed by Proprietary Funds, Special Assessment Funds, and Trust Funds). These projects are budgeted in the Capital Projects Budget. PAGE 5a Enterprise Funds - Enterprise Funds are used to account for operations (a) that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises - where the intent of the governing body is that the costs (expenses, including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges; or (b) where the governing body has decided that periodic determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred, and /or net income is appropriate for capital maintenance, public policy, management control, accountability, or other purposes. The Village has the following Enterprise Funds: Water, Sewer, Refuse and Parking Lot Funds. Internal Service Funds - Internal Service Funds are used to account for the financing of goods or services provided by one department or agency to other departments or agencies of the Village, or to other governments, on a cost - reimbursement basis. The Village has one Internal Service Fund which is the Garage Fund. Trust and Agency Funds - Trust and Agency Funds are used to account for assets held by the Village in a trustee capacity or as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governments, and /or other funds. These include Pension Trust, and Agency Funds. Pension Trust Funds are accounted for in essentially the same manner as proprietary funds since capital maintenance is critical. Agency Funds are custodial in nature (assets equal liabilities) and do not involve measurement of results of operations. The Police Pension Fund is the only Trust Fund within the Village. C. Basis of Accounting Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures or expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in the annual budget. All Governmental Funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available as net current assets. The Village's share of State - assessed income taxes, gross receipts, and sales taxes are considered "measurable" when in the hands of intermediary collecting governments and are recognized as revenue at that time. Anticipated refunds of such taxes are recorded as liabilities and reductions of revenue when they are measurable and their validity seems certain. Property Tax is considered revenue (for budgetary purposes) in the year levied. Expenditures are generally recognized under the modified accrual basis of accounting when the related fund liability is incurred. Agency Fund assets and liabilities are accounted for on the modified accrual basis. All Proprietary Funds and Pension Trust Funds are accounted for using the accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they are earned, and their expenses are recognized when they are incurred. Unbilled Waterworks and Sewerage Fund utility service receivables are recorded at year end. PAGE 5b STANDARD BUDGET CALENDAR FOR FISCAL YEAR 1939 - 1990 February 7 - All departmental budgets returned to Village Manager for review. February 7 -17 - Manager completes reviews with department heads. February 20 - Completed budgets to Finance Department for computation and typing; further review when necessary. March 3 - Budget to Mayor and Board of Trustees for review. March 6 -17 - Review by Mayor and Board of Trustees. March 20 - Commence budget review meetings. March 20 - Adopt ordinance calling for tentative budget and publication. March 23 - Legal publication of notice of public inspection of budget. March 24 - Proposed budget placed on file for review by public. April 6 - Notice of budget hearing. April 17 - Public hearing and Board meeting and passage of the budget. PAGE 6 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET 1989 - 1990 ACCOUNT 1989 -90 1988 -89 INCREASE PERCENT NUMBER DESCRIPTION PROPOSED BUDGET (DECREASE) CHANGE 5115 Benefits $ 110,400 $ 90,000 $ 20,400 22.7 5116 Apparel 200 300 (100) (33.3) 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 19,500 17,500 2,000 11.4 5213 Printing and Advertising 12,000 12,000 0 0.0 5214 Communications 24,700 23,000 1,700 7.4 5315 Insurance 71,600 71,600 0 0.0 5316 Professional 154,000 193,000 (39,000) (20.2) 5317 Contractual 60,000 55,000 5,000 9.1 5216 Utility Services 2,500 2,000 500 25.0 5419 Petroleum Products 2,000 2,000 0 0.0 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 25,500 64,500 (39,000) (60.5) 5215 Rental Property Repairs 4,000 3,000 1,000 33.3 5218 Miscellaneous 35,000 30,000 5,000 16.7 5318 Senior Assistance 38,000 25,000 13,000 52.0 5231 MV Maintenance 6,000 6,000 0 0.0 5412 Supplies 23,500 20,000 3,500 17.5 5428 Materials 2,000 2,000 0 0.0 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 1,000 1,000 0 0.0 6111 Equipment 10,000 6,000 4,000 66.7 6212 Motor Vehicles 0 16,000 (16,000) (100.0) TOTAL (without salaries) $ 601,900 $ 639,900 $ (38,000) (5.9) 5111 Salaries TOTAL Per Capita Cost Number of Employees: Full time Part time PAGE 7 789,280 771,150 18,130 2.4 $1,391,180 $1,411,050 $ (19,870) (1.4) $77.29 $78.39 18 18 6 6 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET 1989 - 1990 ACCOUNT 1989 -90 1988 -89 INCREASE PERCENT NUMBER DESCRIPTION PROPOSED BUDGET (DECREASE) CHANGE 5115 Benefits $ 270,840 $ 203,152 $ 67,688 33.3 5116 Apparel 29,900 20,650 9,250 44.8 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 321550 32,690 (140) (0.`4) 5213 Printing and Advertising 6,400 6,400 0 0.0 5214 Communications 32,100 34,700 (2,600) (7.5) 5315 Insurance 141,300 w 141,300 D' 0.0 5316 Professional 5;500 5,900 (400) (6.8) 5317 Contractual 72,950 65,590 7,360 11.2 5419 Petroleum Products 29,000 29,000 0 0.0 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 30,500 21,200 9,300 43.9 5218 Miscellaneous 11,300 7,000 4,300 61.4 5231 MV Maintenance 39,400 33,040 6,360 19.3 5412 Supplies 26,730 27,730 (1,000) (3.6) 6111 Equipment 20,740 46,850 (26,110) (55.7) 6212 Motor Vehicles 91,000 40,000 51,000 127.5 TOTAL (without salaries) $ 840,210 $ 715,202 $ 125,008 17.5 5111 Salaries 2,052,152 1,899,070 153,082 8.1 TOTAL $2,892,362 $2,614,272 $ 278,090 10.6 Per Capita Cost $160.69 $145.24 Number of Employees: Full time 50 50 Part time 10 9 PAGE 8 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET 1989 - 1990 ACCOUNT 1989 -90 1988 -89 INCREASE PERCENT NUMBER DESCRIPTION PROPOSED BUDGET (DECREASE) CHANGE 5115 Benefits $ 166,410 $ 141,240 $ 25,170 17.8 5116 Apparel 7,300 7,300 0 0.0 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 6,700 3,200 3,500 109.4 5213 Printing and Advertising 8,900 8,700 200 2.3 5214 Communications 33,080 24,810 8,270 33.3 5315 Insurance 182,600 182,600 0 0.0 5316 Professional 35,950 33,650 2,300 6.8 5317 Contractual 249,400 223,100 26,300 11.8 5216 Utility Services 362,100 357,800 4,300 1.2 5419 Petroleum Products 34,200 33,600 600 1.8 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 251,600 247,800 3,800 1.5 5210 Equipment Rental 14,500 14,500 0 0.0 5425 Salt 32,500 32,000 500 1.6 5221 Occupancy 30,000 30,000 0 0.0 5218 Miscellaneous 14,900 10,900 4,000 36.7 5427 Aggregates 60,100 52,600 7,500 14.3 5426 Chlorine 9,000 8,000 1,000 12.5 5432 Purchase of Water 1,300,000 1,250,000 50,000 4.0 5231 MV Maintenance 53,550 52,000 1,550 3.0 5412 Supplies 103,450 95,750 7,700 8.0 5428 Materials 109,300 102,000 7,300 7.2 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 4,000 3,900 100 2.6 6111 Equipment 86,100 64,645 21,455 33.2 5429 Street Signs 6,800 6,800 0 0.0 6212 Motor Vehicles 45,000 0 45,000 100.0 6415 Improvements -Other Than Bldg. 187,000 180,000 7,000 3.9 7316 Depreciation 68,500 68,500 0 0.0 7116 Bond Principal 45,000 45,000 0 0.0 7217 Bond Interest 1,000 2,000 (1,000) (50.0) 7317 Vehicle +Equipment Replacement 126,000 122,500 3,500 2.9 TOTAL (without salaries) $3,634,940 $3,404,895 $ 230,045 6.8 5111 Salaries TOTAL Per Capita Cost Number of Employees: Full time PAGE 9 Part time 1,162,800 1,071,870 90,930 8.5 $4,797,740 $4,476,765 $ 320,975 7.2 $266.54 $248.71 32 31 1 1 ul w w 0 A a w x H w w x w A w � w W H F A F W 0 W 44 C7 fn W rJ; a O a H � a 4( O ON O ON co co CO 00 00 t` 00 n 00 �0 O �0 O 00 Ln co e1• 00 IV Oo M co M 00 N co N 00 00 F z w Z F W a a w A MOI-N%0 V'h -100N 1111n Mn O r+ ti N O M -4 t"• N Ln fn t•- " CO N to er M 00 O� -4 ti N 01 V' �1-N111 M10--+OON helm -W to .-1 ^1 N 01 V. 1`N 11) M%0000N LnInM.1 N -4 .4 N 01 .t'- 4r-N1n M10000N 1n 111 M-4 N -4 .-1 N Oi V'•••1 r N Ln MkO OON &n to M"'1 N 1-1 .-1 N as ef'�(-N U1 M%0 O co r4 Mulm M N -4 N 01 �r — r- fV 111 M%00 CON cN to MM •+ -4 rl N Q• - V�r-N1n M1O0<ON N1nMM -+ H -4 N O% F F w z z u O w za H � Qa QF O w H Q a a H F w w z Z En mw V' > ••O H HZ W W En H QF z0U z C7A �4F a HHH H �+oa Vi a AE-104 aF3H wF QUw W W W U1M HEn 0 U W Z U H F H W W W W z a 4t4zz3HZ W HuaUUm =O a x<H aHwa x awZU mxOr'H F 1 -1aHZ0 0FF- 1w900004 > UwwUaacnAm00.A.u> -0. a a F O F ca w En O C14 0 a a x PAGE 10 W W O a a z W A W W � H H w H A a w W F E A a � a A o z m z Q Q a a x H W a w O Ri .2. M 1n PAGE 11 I I I O� I I O I I I I I O� I I I r+0a0� 00 -400 ONOn %0 I 1 1 1 0 1 I 0 I I I I I I I 0 I I I OOMOr+ 00•'400 ONOO n 0 1 .-� .. I n I 0 I I I 1 I n 1 I 1 O O M O-4 0 0 0 0 O N O O n 0 1 .� to I I 0 I I I I Ch co I I Ln I 0 I I 1 t!1 I I I OOMOr+ 00000 r+MO� n co I 1 .r c' I 0 I I -W I I 1 o O M O O 0 0 0 0 0 -4 M O N Cm 0 1 M I I 0 I I I M I I 1 O O N O O 00000 M O O N n I N I 0 I I N I I I O O N O O O O O O O M O O N n 0 1 I � 0 I 1 I I I U z Q O H I W z a H O a a. F F O W E-H a 1 CC. a F z F I W W z Z 1 LncnEn I <;� > ••o HZ 1-iz W I a W(nH F z0U I z 0A�4E Q H H H z i z�oa M04 Ada w 1 C>♦E3E wE aUw F I C7 UWZUHFFW W WWZ a �I ��LZZOHzwHC_7(�UU".�' ,T,O alawz�wzaH3aaa IarzQH aHwaaaHH Ea DE-4 wlHaHzOOAEEw400004 A 1 >uU4wua.4wmm00.a.0 >4 a. A w En O a O a a GENERAL FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED REVENUE: Property Tax $ 328,280 $ 120,000 $ 0 $ 0 Municipal Sales Tax 1,788,844 1,890,000 1,997,300 2,160,000 State Income Tax 476,920 463,000 506,000 560,000 Hotel Tax 212,149 500,000 552,700 625,000 Beer - Liquor Licenses 45,313 45,000 50,300 48,000 Food Licenses 4,130 4,500 4,470 4,500 Other Business Licenses 9,817 8,000 9,030 9,000 Animal Licenses 4,559 6,000 7,000 6,500 Vehicle Stickers 0 0 0 0 Non - Business Licenses 31,348 30,000 34,550 32,000 Building Permits 131,300 125,000 262,250 125,000. Special Police Services 13,537 28,000 17,590 17,500 Dispatching Services 30,856 31,000 27,090 26,500 Engineering Charges 3,016 5,000 10,710 6,000 Ordinance Violations 240,597 235,000 212,580 220,000 Interest Earnings 277,105 215,000 276,720 200,000 Rental Income 38,525 38,320 40,009 33,500 Miscellaneous 25,910 19,500 22,679 20,500 False Alarms 18,860 22,000 27,200 28,000 Franchise Fees - Cable TV 89,589 75,000 79,700 80,000 Franchise Fees - Telephone 47,791 45,000 46,340 45,000 State Grants 11703 5,000 10,170 8,000 Sale of Land 140,806 0 0 0 Transfer Charges 36,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 Transfer to Other Funds (157,255) (31,000) (63,150) (81,000) Other Transfers 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE $3,839,700 $3,924,320 $4,176,238 $4,219,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,463,534 $4,025,322 $3,728,447 $4,283,542 NET CHANGE $ 376,166 $ (101,002) $ 447,791 $ (64,542) 1 -1 GENERAL FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED REVENUE: Property Tax Municipal Sales Tax State Income Tax Hotel Tax Beer - Liquor Licenses Food Licenses Other Business Licenses Animal Licenses Vehicle Stickers Non - Business Licenses Building Permits Special Police Services Dispatching Services Engineering Charges Ordinance Violations Interest Earnings Rental Income Miscellaneous False Alarms Franchise Fees - Cable TV Franchise Fees - Telephone State Grants Sale of Land Transfer Charges Transfer to Other Funds Other Transfers TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 1 =2 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 0 $ 0 2,300,000 2,500,000 560,000 584,000 700,000 850,000 48,000 48,000 4,500 4,500 9,000 9,000 6,500 6,500 0 0 32,000 32,000 125,000 1252000 17,500 17,500 26,500 26,500 6,000 6,000 220,000 220,000 185,000 185,000 15,500 1,500 20,500 20,500 28,000 28,000 80,000 83,000 47,000 48,000 8,000 8,000 0 0 45,000 54,000 (106,000) (131,000) $4,378,000 $4,726,000 $4,424,630 $4,646,930 $ (46,630) $ 79,070 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION VILLAGE CLERK The V,c,?.Q.a.ge Cte&k iz uzpons-ibte Jot the maintenance o6 the o6 the Vit a.ge ass requited by etatute and by the Mayan and Board Ct e)Lk acts a s curto dian o � the V.i Ua.g e s eat which i,6 requited on pubWhes tegat notices, ovetusee6 VitZa.ge etecti.ons, and pe)L omns stated in statute on, otd.inance. MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES o j b.iciat tecotdz of T&urteed. The many documents, other duties as The .begizZati.ve branch of the Vitta.ge iz kuponzib& bon intenputi.ng the wizhes of the community and detenmi.n.ing the poti.c%ez under which the Vittage ope&ates . The people e.e.ect the Mayon and s.ix Trustees who z e&ve gtatiz . BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COUNCILS There are nineteen .independent commizz ionz, councitz, and boa&d6 authoti.zed by the Mayon and Ttu6tees on tequited by State taw that ate appointed to advice and ass-ust the Board o j Trustees in itz pot i.c y decus.ionz . These councitz at'6 o conduct hearings that pe&ta.in to them. junction. Att po.6iti.on6 on these councie6 ate non- zataAi.ed. 1. Board of LocaZ Imptovement6 - Consizts ob seven membeu (the ayot and the boaAd o )ustees). Make tecommendati.onz to the T&urteez tega&d.ing those thing.6 that it 6eeU shoutd be done to .i.mptove the Vitia.ge by apeciat a6seszment, speci.a2 taxation, or othe&wize. The V,cUage CZe&k is secnetcfty to the Boatd. 2. Pta.n Commizs.ion - Conzist6 o6 seven membeu peus the Mayor (ex- o66iciol, z etving three- year o vetta.pping terns, except the Ma yot who zetves a bout -year term. Membeu are appointed by the Mayan with the advice and consent o6 the Board o6 Trustees and the chaivman .v6 daignated Got a one -year term in the same manner. The Pta.nning Commizz ion .c6 rezpon6 ibte to the Boated o6 Trustees Got hoZdi.ng pub.ei.c heat.ings and making ,Lecommendat.ioa tegatd- ing the Comp&ehenstive PZa.n, annexation, sub -d.iva ion, and zoning (ta.nd use, ratio o6 bu i td.i.ng to Ya.nd area, and bu i td.ing height) . 3. Board of Zoning Appeatz - Has seven membeu who serve 6.ive -yea& ove4tapping terms. ppointed by the Mayo& with the advice and consent o j the Board o j Ttusteez . Res po nz.ibte to the Boatd o j Trustees to heat and make tecommendationz on app.ei.cati.ons Got vaAi,ationz to the ptovizion s of the zoning otd.inance and heat and twee on appeatz atom o &dews o& decizion z made by the adm.in- i.6ttati.ve o66.icet en6otci,ng zoning otd.inance. 1 -3 4. Board aJ Poti.ce Commissioners - Consists of three members, each s elc.ving ee- year ov ppk.ng terms. No mote than two members may be Jam the same potiticat paAty. Appointed by the Mayot with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees. Rupon- s.ibte 6ot att appointments, pxomot.ions, and ddsmdssa z in the police Jotce; conducts entta.nce and ptomotiona2 examinations. 5. Pot ice Pension Board - Has Jive members who serve two - year terms, inc&ding two civi ians appointed by the Mayor, two members etected Jtom the po i.ce Jorce, and one member e.E'ected Jtom the bene6 ic,i axi.e b o f the pension Jund. Determines et ig.ibiti t y o6 appt icants , d.istx.ibutes funds, manages, invests, and contxoL6 the pot ice pension Jund. 6. Safety Council - Consists of seven members appointed by the Mayot w advice and consent of the Board o6 Trustees, saving three -year ovextapping terms. Respons.ibte to the Board of Trustees to study and make tecommendations regarding V,c,?.P.a.ge satiety prabtems. 7. Board o f Building Appeatz - Consists o f seven members appointed by. the Mayox with e advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, to serve Jive -year oveJct&pp.i.ng teems. The members ate xespou bte to the Board of Trustees to heat appeatz on decisions made by the Buitding Commizz ioner enJorci.ng the buitd- .ing oxd.inances and to recommend action to the Board of Trustees tegatding such appeals. The Board hotds hearings and mates tecom- mendati.ans to the Boatd of Trustees tegaxding changes in the buitd.ing codes and makes recommendations regatd.ing issuance of buitd.ing pvunitz Jox non- xesident-i,a e. stnuctuAes . k. youth Councie - Consists of twe.2ve members appointed by the Mayot with e a v ce and consent of the Board of Trustees Jot three - yeat oveAiapp.ing teams. Studies and investigates activities which might .involve ox contribute to the deZinquency of 1uve- n tes and makes tecommendati,on3 to the V.i Uag e Mayor and Board of Trustees xegatd.ing tegiz ation of action to protect the youth o J the V.c Uag e. 9. Human Reeations Commizz ion - Conzizts aJ seven members appointed by the MayoA with e advice and consent of the Board of Trustees Jot three year ovexta.pp.ing terms. Studies and recom- mends means aJ devetop.ing better xebations between people, cooperates with the State and Pedeut agencies, and .issues such pubti.cat.ions and teports as it and the Board o J Trustees cons.idet in the pub.ei.c .interest. 10. Manpowet Commission - Consists of jive members appointed by the ayox with e a ce and consent o J the Board o J Trustees Jon three- year oveAZa.pp ing term. Reviews pozzibte appointees to the V.iUage boards, commissions, and counciZz and makes tecommendati,ons to the Mayor and Board of Trustees. 1 -4 1 1 17. Appeatance Review Committee - Consists of Jive members appointed by the Mayo& wcth tFe—a-Hvkce and consent o6 the Boatd of Ttustees Got three yeaA terms. Respons.ibte jot tev.cew.i,ng extet.iot design o J new and temode.2ed bu td ings . 18. SizteA City Committee - Consists o6 Jive members appointed by the ' ayot with e a vice and consent o6 the Board o6 Tturtees Jot .indejin,ite term. Communicates with and maintains 6r i.endt y te&tions with Lud.inghausen.. Getmany. 19. R2ood AdvizoAy Committee - Consists o6 seven members appointed by the ayon with e a vice and consent o6 the Boatd of Ttustees t Jot .inde6.indte teams. Respons.ibte Jot making tecommendat%ons to the Mayon and Boatd of Trustees tegatd.ing imptovements to the storm and sans taty s eweA systems. 1 -5 1 11. EZec Aicat Commission - Consists o6 6ive members appointed by the ayon with e a vice and consent of the Boated of TAUstees Jot bout -yeaA cotetm.inous teams of untit their successors ate appointed. Respons.ibte to the Board o6 Ttustees to recommend standatds, spec ib.ications, and Autes and Aegutati.ons governing the .insta ttea ti.on, aP.tena Lion, and use o J eZec thicat equipment in the Vittage. 12. BmeAgency SeAv.ices and Dizastet Agency - Conzats ob a ditectox and such addition additionat mem ears as the diAectoA setec z. Respons.ibte box the adminattation, tta.cning, and operation ob 'the Agency. 13. ViUa.ge CenteA Diztu.ct Devetopment and Redevetopment Commission - Consists o6 nine mem ens appointed y the Mayok w4,th the a vt,ce ' and consent o6 the Board of Txustees. This Commission advizes, mattes p.ea.ns ox initiates on matteu which d iAectt y ox ,indiAec tty abject the devetopment ox tedeveeopment o6 the Vitta.ge Centex ' D.c6tA.ict. 14. Bnetgy Advczoty and Resoutce Recovety Commission - Consists o6 seven mem ets appointed y the Mayo& with e a vice and consent o f the Board o6 Txu.atea , box three - yeaA o veAZapp ing tetras . To teseatch and devetop a comptehens.ive enehgy plan Jot the V.c,e&ge and advise the cotpotate authotiti.es in this tegatd. This Com- mission atz o expZotes ways and means o J .i,mplementing a Aecyce i.ng ptogtam in the V-c tage. 13. Cabte Advizoty Board - Consists of seven membeu, appointed by e Mayot with e advice and consent of the Board of Ttustees, Jot jive-yeaA oveA.Upping tew. To serve as a scAeen.ing body Jot aee issues .invoZv.ing cable tetevis ion. ' 16. Cemetery Association - Consists o6 three members appointed by e Mayot with e advice and consent o6 the Board o6 Txustees Jot inde6.in.ite teams. Attange Jot the cafe and maintenance o6 ' the Deet6.ietd Cemetexy. 17. Appeatance Review Committee - Consists of Jive members appointed by the Mayo& wcth tFe—a-Hvkce and consent o6 the Boatd of Ttustees Got three yeaA terms. Respons.ibte jot tev.cew.i,ng extet.iot design o J new and temode.2ed bu td ings . 18. SizteA City Committee - Consists o6 Jive members appointed by the ' ayot with e a vice and consent o6 the Board o6 Tturtees Jot .indejin,ite term. Communicates with and maintains 6r i.endt y te&tions with Lud.inghausen.. Getmany. 19. R2ood AdvizoAy Committee - Consists o6 seven members appointed by the ayon with e a vice and consent o6 the Boatd of Ttustees t Jot .inde6.indte teams. Respons.ibte Jot making tecommendat%ons to the Mayon and Boatd of Trustees tegatd.ing imptovements to the storm and sans taty s eweA systems. 1 -5 1 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT The Admdniztrative Department .us .6ta &d by three 6uU time people, the V.cUage Manager, Adm.in ztrative A.6.6i.6tant, one .sectetaty and two pant time pelus ovus . The Department'b obJectivu are to: 1. k.6une that the Board ob Ttusteez is suppZi.ed with tetevant data needed to make policy decisi.ou and to be .in6ormed; atzo mak,ez necaufty 6otiow -up to cvft y out Board poZi.c i a . 2. Provide diAecti.on to the opetatc:ng depaA,tmentz .6o that the A activitiez are in harmony with the expectationb o6 the Board and VitZa.ge te6.ident6. 3. Encoutage innovative appnoachu in management of departmental 4. Respond to inputb Jrom .ind.iv.iduat,6 and gtoupa in zuch a manner ass to devetop and maintain cooperative reZatio"h.ip6 between the Vittage otgan.izati.on6 and the community 6or the bene6 t o6 the enti to V.i,P&ge. FINANCE DEPARTMENT The positi.onb ob Ditectot o� Finance and Tteazuhet ate ttad ti.onatty hetd by one pe Eon who cootdinatu a t of the b.inanc,ia2 aj6" o6 the Vittage. He utab&6heb and mainta.i,n.6 necu.6oty contnot6 and aupetvi.6u the emptoyee,6 and ac t,i.viti.eb o6 the Finance Depattment. The junctions of thin Depattment are to: 1. Cottect, and upon authorization, d.izbuue att jund,6. 2. E.6tabti,6h putcchaz.ing ptocedu)Lu to obtain the but pob.6.ibte value bor each dottat .6pent on equipment and .6upptiu 3. E.6tab&6h and operate accounting .6y .6tem,6 in conjotmance with good accounting ptactice and .6tatutory tequiAementz. 4. A6zi6t the Vittage e Manager in budget ptepalcat i,o n and budgetary contAol. 5. A6.6izt the Vittage Manager in peAzonnet adm.inizttration. 6. Procure and adm.in i ztet an adequate .i.nzutance program, inc buding �ixe, c"uaPty, wo,%keAz' compenzation, and group hea?,th and Zije .ins utance. 1 -6 7. Attange 6or 6inancing of capitat impAovement.6. 8. Invent tempoAahi,by .id-e junda. 9. Aaa.ust in otheA pAoject,s " aaa.igned by the Village Manager. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Th.i5 Deparc tmen t .c5 headed by the Di tectoA o � Community Devetopment. The Depa tment'a major junctionz are to: 1. En6oAce the bui ding code. 2. En6oAce zoning oAd.inaneea. 3. Futn A .injamat.ion to a zizt the Ptan Commizz ion and Vittage Boated on matteu before them. 4. Review pt td jot thew Aeeat.ionzhip to the Comprehenz ive Ptan, Zoning OAd.inancea, Subdivdz.ion OAd.inaneea, the ojbi.c,i.ae map and good dea.ign pti.neiptu. 5. Maintain the ojjie iat map and eomprehen3.ive p&n. 6. PAepane Aea eat ch atud.iea and AepoAtJs on future ptan,, . ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The Engineet ing Department iz headed by the DitectoA o j Pubt i.c Worhts . The junctionz of thin Department are to: 1. Oveuee att engineeting activiti a within the Vitta.ge. 2. Conduct eng.ineexing atud.iea . 3. Eatimate eoata and jeea. 4. Review aubd.iviz ion pta.ns and spec i6icat.ionz. 5. Superviz e Vitteag e pro jeetta . 6. Supenvae conztAuction activiti.ea. 7. Act " teehnicat adv.v oA to the MayoA and Board o f TAUateea. 1 -7 F— Z W F- CC N Q U d r LLJ d-) D V) •r W 4-) co �--� 4-) F- N Q F- L N O ►-. 3 Z Q W.' OD Imo'- aLoM01 to 1ol001r+Lo0cnMQcn000 00 CtiloNNf'') 01 r�I- U) 1�0Mr1LO'•-I Q1 r+ N to O M 00 N N L(i r( (\i r-i '. i 1� L.f)1-.a1NC0 01 1�lt*- 01q*-0N00 CIO t'T0000 00 -::d-Lo N LDO 011 00 M Lo Ln -;:f- M k.0 r- M 1-1 o) •-+ M LO O m ra 01 Lf� r1 w n w r-� r- l0 .--d M O N N l0 0) CIJOIO 00 LnlprtMCtl�t�01r♦NNN 00 R*, U) O a) U) Ln N 0) 00 00 1.0 d -4 r-•1 N 00 Ln r-1 N N M tt rl w n n n n I: M 1 N O N ri N Ln 0nCt000N M N000)ko00011-00LO C) LO 00 C0 N r-1 Ct• 00 M 00 to N M N '--1 Ln N M 4 0) M 00 ::r co ct 00 N 1� r-1 w w w w Iz N �--1 ri N N r-( N E O N N i. N r. .N O O r CZ d E E O (0 U N •O 3 a) +J z S- S.- O O a E +-) N 4- I _ M: r- r0 O Ln D 00 O d' r L r0 0) •r LLJ m F- (0 U +) -4 4-) 0_ i N C3 0) O N r- O O N i-) Z rd co 0 0) (0 U r- }-) •r 1-1 .O = -0 = N 0- r• E 0 L "0 O N •r d 4- Q L J (0-pr•r N S- (n d Or� aJ '-"' C.7 r• O -P to r0 O Q 00 Z n- N O N U m (D Ln -0 C) O = O m -0 N (0 —'d 2 r0 0) O •--1 r to ra N O = (n N (D U = s F- +•) to r N J r0 !n N = 0) 0 = r i-) r U r N N (0 = Q = O N r0 = N O (n "0 (v (0 E Ln F- CU ^ N= S.- •r CO r r r N X: •r 0 1(U = O N 0 • -) i = N F- •F) d N (0 •r 0) 4-) LL_ O 0) •r CU N r F- 4) O aJ U N 0 Ln 0 0= = L 0_ -0 4-) 0) 0) UJ r 3 U •r .}) O N = •r [1 CO •r r (O •r •r to rO U S- a) •r J = 0_ O O E 1Z -W Q. U) Ln-0 L i (n 3V)J w U -- EQ4- (V O = U -0 (O r0 •r 4) E r• _ -P O O N 0) (n •r D_' Q VS C'3 M: Ln ^ r- r- -P r0 (6 0 U M z = N 0 Y L rO U 0 = = r- = '0 r0 r- r N +-) r > 0 0 (O = M 0 U N iM =W=OLair -O0U it >< m U3Q::- ��'70 =0-IV 00 >. k BUDGET CATEGORIES Personal Services 5111,5113,5114 Other Services 5210,5211,5214,5215,5216 5231 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED •1-• •t 1989 -90 BUDGET PROPOSED OVER /UNDER 1988 -89 BUDGET $ 695,660 $ 771,150 $ 674,250 $ 789,280 $ 18,130 52,387 98,500 46,671 62,700 (35,800) Contractual 363,715 434,600 493,290 434,000 (600) 5115,5315,5316,5317,5318 Commodities 84,539 84,800 92,130 95,200 10,400 5116,5212,5213,5218,5419 5424,5425,5426,5427,5428 5429,5431,5434 Capital Outlay 15,760 22,000 21,460 10,000 (12,000) 6111,6212,6415,6513,7316 TOTALS $1,212,062 $1,411,050 $1,327,802 $1,391,180 $ (19,870) 1 -9 BUDGET CATEGORY Personal Services 5111,5113,5114 Other Services 5210,5211,5214,5215,5216 5231 Contractual 5115,5315,5316,5317,5318 Commodities 5116,5212,5213,5218,5419 5424,5425,5426,5427,5428 5429,5431,5434 Capital Outlay 6111,6212,6415,6513,7316 TOTALS 1 -10 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY PROJECTED 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 795,280 $ 800,280 59,200 57,200 442,600 445,600 84,200 86,700 17,000 20,000 $1,398,280 $1,409,780 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ANALYSIS 1989 - 1990 PROPOSED BUDGET $1,391,180 1988 - 1989 BUDGET 1,411,050 DECREASE $ (19,870) PERSONAL SERVICES: (5111 -- Salaries; 5113 -- Overtime; 5114 - -Part Time) Annual Salary Adjustment $36,448 Reductions: Part Time Planning Aide (18,000) Decrease in Retiree's Separation Benefits (8,000) Position Changes (22,000) Addition of Planning Assistant in Administration 30,000 Miscellaneous Decreases (318) CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES: (5210 -- Equipment Rental; 5211 -- Repairs & Maintenance; 5214 -- Communications; 5215 -- Rental Property Repairs; 5216- - Utility Services; 5231 - -MV Maintenance) Increase in Rental Property Repairs Increase in Utility Services Increase in Communications Increase in Repairs and Maintenance Decrease in Remodeling CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES ICONTRACTUAL SERVICES: Increase in Decrease in Increase in Decrease in Corporati Increase in Increase in (5115 -- Benefits; 5315- - Insurance; 5316 -- Professional; 5317 -- Contractual; 5318- - Senior Assistance) Contractual Computer Maintenance Contractual Other Cost of Medical Insurance Professional - )n Counsel Professional Other Senior Assistance CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,000 500 1,700 1,000 (40,000) 5,000 (3,200) 20,400 (32,000) 1,200 8,000 $ 18,130 (35,800) (600) 1 -11 COMMODITIES: (5116 -- Apparel; 5212 -- Travel, Training, etc.; 5213 -- Printing & Advertising; 5419 -- Petroleum Products; 5424 - -Mis- cellaneous; 5424 - -Dog Pound; 5428- - Materials; 5431-- SmallTools & Equipment; 5434 -- Supplies) Increase in Travel, Training, etc. Increase in Rental Property Taxes Increase in Supplies Miscellaneous Increases CHANGES IN COMMODITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY: (6111 -- Equipment; 6212 - -Motor Vehicles; 6513 - -Land Acquisition) Decrease in Motor Vehicles Increase in Land Acquisition CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL DECREASE 1 -12 $ 2,000 4,000 3,500 900 (16,000) 4,000 $10,400 (12,000) $ (19,870) EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION GENERAL 10 -1001 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5213 Printing and Advertising 5214 Communications 5315 Insurance 5316 Professional 5317 Contractual 5216 Utility Services 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5210 Equipment Rental 5215 Rental Property Repairs 5218 Miscellaneous 5318 Senior Assistance 5231 MV Maintenance 5412 Supplies 5428 Materials 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 6111 Equipment 6212 Motor Vehicles 6513 Land Acquisition 6415 Improvements -Other Than Bldg. TOTAL Per Capita Cost $ 611,940 $ 658,250 $ 572,890 $ 683,280 15,323 7,900 10,880 11,000 68,396 105,000 90,480 95,000 71,305 90,000 77,240 110,400 181 300 150 200 12,865 17,500 17,960 19,500 12,034 12,000 12,740 12,000 16,489 23,000 21,580 24,700 65,870 71,600 68,500 71,600 166,646 193,000 121,200 154,000 50,144 55,000 197,759 60,000 2,064 2,000 2,250 2,500 2,093 2,000 1,190 2,000 28,058 64,500 15,621 25,500 408 0 0 0 1,326 3,000 3,680 4,000 36,015 30,000 37,830 35,000 9,750 25,000 28,590 38,000 4,042 6,000 3,540 6,000 19,385 20,000 21,061 23,500 1,827 2,000 1,180 2,000 140 1,000 20 1,000 5,209 6,000 5,460 10,000 8,500 16,000 16,000 0 2,051 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $1,212,062 $1,411,050 $1,327,802 $1,391,180 $78.39 $77.29 1 -13 POLICE DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF THE POLICE MISSION The m.izzion of the Potice Department iz to protect ti. e and pxopett:y, ptuave the peace; and to pxov.ide aexv.ice, in a pxoieaationat manner, to the community. The Poti ce Department ha3 ten continuing goad that accompWh thin m-iu zion. Prevention of chime Detmence of ct me Apprehenz.ion o b o b j endeu Recovery and retutn of property Movement o6 tAaJJic Proviz ion of aerv.iced unavai eabte bxom other pubti,c or private wetiare agenciez Prevention o6 .bubstance abuse in the community Education ob juven teb to their tuponzibiLitiez beboxe the taw Education of the pubt is in the 6tep-6 it can take to reduce the pxobabitit %eb o f becoming the victim o b cn iminat attack PaAticipation in and imptementation o6 Dizadtex and Dizoxdex .6 erv.icu In addition to these continuing goa z the Dee LJ ietd Pot ice Department wilt .cmptement the JoUow.ing .innovative goaU during the next 6izca.b yea) L: 1. Comptet ing the deveeopment and .cmptementation of a 6tate of the art Management Information and Communication Sybtem. 2. Implementing the Jiut phase o J the F 911 .6 ybtem by making necebzany mod.ii.icationz in the Commun.icationz room. The actu.at .imptementation o6 the E 911 sy .6tem w.i,Pt take peace in the next biz cat yeah. 3. Develop chime prevention and inboxmati,ve progxamz in conjunc- tion with the cable teZev.v6.ion bydtem .ao that .in6ormat i,on can be presented oven the cabt.e teeeviz ion zyztem. 2 -1 POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 1989 -90 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED OVER /UNDER 1988 -89 BUDGET CATEGORIES BUDGET Personal Services 5111,5113,5114 Other Services 5211,5214,5231 Contractual 5115,5315,5316,5317 Commodities 5116,5212,5213,5419,5424 5434,5412 Capital Outlay 6111,6212 TOTALS 2 =2 $1,677,979 $1,899,070 $1,799,690 $2,052,152 $ 153,082 68,379 88,940 66,539 102,000 330,666 415,942 356,716 490,590 82,392 123,470 99,740 135,880 13,060 74,648 12,410 92,055 86,850 77,959 111,740 24,890 $2,251,472 $2,614,272 $2,400,645 $2,892,362 $ 278,090 BUDGET CATEGORY Personal Services 5111,5113,5114 Other Services 5211,5214,5231 Contractual 5115,5315,5316,5317 Commodities 5116,5212,5213,5419,5424 5434,5412 Capital Outlay 6111,6212 TOTALS POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY PROJECTED 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED $22204,200 $2,315,400 92,100 98,700 510,800 543,600 137,250 142,450 82,000 137,000 $3,026,350 $3,237,150 2 -3 POLICE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ANALYSIS 1989 - 1990 PROPOSED BUDGET $2,892,362 1988 - 1989 BUDGET 2,614,272 INCREASE $ 278,090 PERSONAL SERVICES: (5111 -- Salaries; 5113 -- Overtime; 5114 - -Part Time) Annual Salary Increases $ 84,562 Scheduled Step Increases 4,093 Increase One Full Time Dispatcher 27,914 Decrease One Community Service Officer (25,008) Add One Partime Records Clerk 9,360 Increase in Overtime 4,470 Adjustments for Full Year Positions 47,691 CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES: (5211 -- Repairs & Maintenance; 5214 -- Communications; 5231- - MV Maintenance) Increase in Repairs & Maintenance - Renovation of Social Worker's and Youth Director's Office (Annex) 15,000 Decrease in Administration Maintenance (4,500) Decrease in Communications (11900) Increase (Patrol) in Motor Vehicle Maintenance 4,110 Other Increases 350 CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES CONTRACTUAL: (5115 -- Benefits; 5315 -- Insurance; 5316 -- Professional; 5317 - -Con- tractual) Increase in Benefits: Cost of Medical Insurance 67,688 Decrease in Professional (400) Increase in Contractual - Mobile Data Terminal 3,600 Integrated Computer Concept 6,000 MDT Network 3,000 Miscellaneous Decreases (5,240) CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2 -4 $153,082 13,060 74,648 COMMODITIES: (5116 -- Apparel; 5212 -- Travel, Train- ing, etc.; 5213 -- Printing & Advertising; 5419 -- Petroleum Products; 5424 - -Mis- cellaneous; 5434 -- Supplies) Increase in Apparel (Not Budgeted but In- creased Last Year Decrease in Supplies Increase in Cost of New Police Commission Exams Miscellaneous Decreases CHANGES IN COMMODITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY: (5411 -- Equipment; 5412 - -Motor Vehicles) Decrease in Equipment Increase in Motor Vehicles (Replacement of Marked Squads) CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL INCREASE $ 9,250 (1,000) 4,300 (140) (26,110) 51,000 $ 12,410 24,890 $278,090 2 -5 Z N W U � •r CL' N Q •r a .4_1 W r0 p .4-> N W U AC J O O 3 CL 2 -6 00 • LO 00 M —i Z O_ F- U Z O LL 00 NCt 04.0w ctl0r1 .-f N -I M LO r4 M .�M Nd w w w O G1 LO e4 N -4 O LO 0) 1� 0) L0 01 —4 mcM N00N MOLD N ri I- N 4c*' l0 CV 00 w w 0 4 N a M � Rd, 00 1-- 00 LO mct MNO l0—m ,ct r{ Lo N M d• Ct N co r♦ 00 M O l0 Lo r--1 Kt 00 t0 P� t-, 00 N1-I1�l OEM r�l r4 Ci' l0 00 M LO rl rl C; w w O ct —1 N M M co N n �O N C Q) X •r Q) U U C Q +> L C � cu N N Q) n U L O rn = E C r- N O 4J O Q) �--r i O Q) +J Q) +-> L L. Cl) N X L -P 4- O Q •r C F—U-0 EU W to O -P C L C r- N 4-) 4- C O Q) U Q) Q! Q) fN Q •r C C r- r •r Y N -0 L O 4- •r Q) •r rp U 4- U r •r Q) L 4- Y E E 'p >-, 4- •r r-- U a- CL f6 L •r •r C U rO F- RS U L rp s- L r6 •r i UQ F- aU U>- F-- EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUND POLICE SUMMARY GENERAL ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries $1,578,987 $1,742,700 $1,667,571 $1,881,622 5113 Overtime 54,745 95,450 84,830 99,920 5114 Part Time 44,247 60,920 47,289 70,610 5115 Benefits 157,761 203,152 170,900 270,840 5116 Apparel 18,648 20,650 24,350 29,900 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 15,344 32,690 22,139 32,550 5213 Printing and Advertising 4,801 6,400 6,000 6,400 5214 Communications 25,193 34,700 26,100 32,100 5315 Insurance 127,727 141,300 131,470 141,300 5316 Professional 31429 5,900 3,480 5,500 5317 Contractual 41,748 65,590 50,866 72,950 5419 Petroleum Products 20,190 29,000 19,830 29,000 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 12,751 21,200 12,229 30,500 5218 Miscellaneous 4,256 7,000 10,680 11,300 5231 MV Maintenance 30,434 33,040 28,210 39,400 5412 Supplies 19,154 27,730 16,741 26,730 6111 Equipment 13,554 46,850 38,959 20,740 6212 Motor Vehicles 78,502 40,000 39,000 91,000 TOTAL $2,251,472 $2,614,272 $2,400,645 $2,892,362 Per Capita Cost $145.24 $160.69 2 -7 F- Z w H 4 a w 0 w U_ J O d O O q::r w rn LO N I O 0) l0 CL 00 O m d4 Q m w 00 F- I M: 00 0--4 Ol N w 0) 11') w 00 N 0 1 0 00 O O 00 q:t co Ol 47q J 00 Q Co 1 '- U 00 Q 0) r4 0 d SZ U p O 00 01 O O Lo l0 w n r-4 Iz M} 00 +f} t\ n N 4Oct r-q LO Ol co lD LO bR th p L t\ n O Lf) 00 w N tf} -4 kR M Ol 4b4 N ^ C w M —1 LO d w � d I c� w Q w��dd 3Zi�t3��07 �d i� o oil Co u 5- Q Gi S� o� S:LoZi ei r d w i U, O t � U O� s col 4d� --st t o o 'AIM Cl) -0 d Z3 fi �i Z3 d yi p d d s w 41 S� d 5 V tj h� J G3 O S 4.,) O -9 C O I -Q cdl tj +: d o44) Ei S�d S� w m °d� t:� � V Z3 o Cs) -0 0� O +� d Cl) d '�' ei coJ S �S rn �� sc�a O .� ..� � .� � � w d � Z3 0 • d s o T3 4d s 1- ZS sS w�� cl dZ3U CjCdJ ~'� O K� O J C3 C7 S � °1 i O o tS O d d dS� o c s SL S' o A o fi O Ci ' Zi A ci td CI O O (zJ Q) v i� 3 O v Zi = O W CT Cn I O m CL 00 O 0) =4 CL orn W 00 F- I Q 00 E: co F- N W F- CT W 00 C'3 1 m 00 =D 00 co CT J 00 Q 00 � 1 F- t� U 00 Q Q1 F- Z W E F- Q a w W U J O CL Ct N 0) O �-� O CV lD 00 Ol —i co tf b4 l0 tc} O N tp t,4 t,4 O 00 O CT CV �--i d' b4 b4 O O ko � I� CV M .1 00 Lf) b4 O� CV bq lt} t\ � l� n lD CV � C+ ) M bq C3 o S ds o r-. rn �' S� 3� S c� o � C.) d S d s� oo`-• o d � � -d d s PA- c) O d c) st t; d c) O CA 1 d S O cJS O O S F V ? C) o O S' `2 'h' r ) "Z d "d S� :> S� `A ' d �i O d C3 d 1�� d O O �° O '° P-4 S CI CAS+: d d r o O� S� S � ' `2 - ' d c°) t:� Z3 t3 N d h� o cV� C3 S� o` S J, v` or-L s�° Zio c) E-4= S S� d� w o ° SL ps V S•� O d fi' +�'� d V d c°)� d t3 fi iC.�s O ds O d d O s Ci O° d O O O �12 d rn d s O 2 -9 F- Z w F- Q d w 0 w U J O a. �2 =10 D O N O N w 0) Cf m l0 N I et M O 011 a 00 U7 N O Cn b9 O On CC • -� N 00 N b9 cn O Ln w 00 O It H 1 O t0 Q � w w � a) M O F- V) b4 w w N 6� F- 0) to N N w 00 lfl d il� LD 1 00 N m 00 0) w O co 6R M m Q1 1� r-i N 64 tf? J 00 N N N U 00 N Q Q7 Ln LO � � N w N H4 b4 st d � 1 5' dS d S N= QJd��o�s•dZ3 cj -d cm '.4m t�� ��3� QqS� 0 o -IL ts d o o 1 1 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND POLICE ADMINISTRATION GENERAL 10 -6040 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5213 Printing and Advertising 5214 Communications 5315 Insurance 5316 Professional 5317 Contractual 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5218 Miscellaneous 5231 MV Maintenance 5412 Supplies 6111 Equipment 6212 Motor Vehicles TOTAL Per Capita Cost $ 343,067 $ 355,950 $ 357,850 $ 439,700 724 3,150 3,310 3,500 13,580 15,750 15,720 28,500 33,713 39,570 37,020 63,800 394 3,750 3,750 4,500 3,075 5,600 5,110 5,800 4,801 6,400 6,000 6,400 25,193 34,700 26,100 32,100 127,727 141,300 131,470 141,300 3,429 5,900 3,480 5,500 22,973 38,500 25,991 45,400 354 1,000 980 1,000 10,484 16,500 9,119 12,000 4,256 7,000 10,680 11,300 1,033 2,000 1,410 2,000 13,124 13,500 6,961 12,200 11,816 26,000 25,000 13,800 0 8,000 7,000 9,000 S 619,742 $ 724,570 $ 676,951 $ 837,800 $40.25 $46.54 2 -11 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND POLICE INVESTIGATIONS GENERAL 10 -6043 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries $ 114,850 $ 120,750 $ 91,950 $ 138,000 5113 Overtime 4,448 9,350 6,400 8,000 5115 Benefits 13,053 15,210 10,810 16,700 5116 Apparel 1,093 1,200 1,800 1,800 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 174 1,250 970 1,100 5317 Contractual 13,783 27,090 24,875 27,550 5419 Petroleum Products 584 1,000 850 1,000 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 52 1,800 710 1,000 5231 MV Maintenance 3,182 2,750 2,300 4,000 5412 Supplies 1,950 4,500 4,030 5,000 6111 Equipment 0 8,950 2,870 1,500 6212 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 12,000 TOTAL $ 153,169 $ 193,850 $ 147,563 $ 217,650 Per Capita Cost $10.77 $12.09 2 -12 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND POLICE PATROL GENERAL 10 -6044 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90- 5111 Salaries $ 993,495 $1,125,800 $1,105,940 $1,151,682 5113 Overtime 32,935 50,400 53,770 56,000 5114 Part Time 30,667 45,170 31,570 42,110 5115 Benefits 97,968 131,060 111,321 168,920 5116 Apparel 16,478 14,900 18,000 22,400 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 11,664 24,240 15,619 24,050 5419 Petroleum Products 18,227 25,000 17,000 25,000 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 1,056 2,000 2,000 2,000 5231 MV Maintenance 25,946 25,790 22,000 29,900 5412 Supplies 4,004 8,800 5,120 8,600 6111 Equipment 1,738 10,600 9,750 3,940 6212 Motor Vehicles 78,502 32,000 32,000 70,000 TOTAL $1,312,678 $1,495,760 $1,424,091 $1,604,602 Per Capita Cost $83.10 $89.14 2 -13 POLICE ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime TOTAL Per Capita Cost 2 =14 EXPENDITURES FUNCTION SPECIAL DETAILS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 FUND GENERAL 10 -6047 PROPOSED 1989 -90 $ 93 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 13,549 26,250 17,980 26,820 $ 13,641 $ 26,250 $ 17,980 $ 26,820 $1.46 $1.49 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND POLICE YOUTH & SOCIAL SERVICES GENERAL 10 -6048 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries $ 127,483 $ 140,200 $ 111,830 $ 152,240 5113 Overtime 3,090 6,300 3,370 5,600 5115 Benefits 13,028 17,312 11,750 21,420 5116 Apparel 683 800 800 1,200 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 431 1,600 440 1,600 5317 Contractual 4,992 0 0 0 5419 Petroleum Products 1,025 2,000 1,000 2,000 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 1,159 900 400 15,500 5231 MV Maintenance 274 2,500 2,500 3,500 5412 Supplies 77 930 630 930 6111 Equipment 0 1,300 1,340 1,500 TOTAL $ 152,242 $ 173,842 $ 134,060 $ 205,490 Per Capita Cost $9.66 $11.42 2 -15 1 YOUT}BOUND The "you thbound" pxogxam o � the Deet6ief -d Pot ice 'Department tis a ' unique and very succu.66ut youth pxoject. Pof -ice DepaAtmentb have employed the pxacti.ce o6 "btati.on adjurtmentz" in juvenile c"u lion many years. The adjustment way uzua ty Um.c ted to the xexunn to paxentat ' curtody with an admonihment. Too obten the admonition way intexpxe ted a� meaningtez.6 and xepeat viotati.onz occutrAed. Youthbound ha3 added a di.menzion to the 6tati.on adjustment by permitting continued poZi,ce contact ' with the juveni to in a poziti.ve betting with an opportunity box xeappxai,- bat and attdtud.inat change. ' youthbound paxt is ipant,6 axe not neceb.6"y o ij endeu . Many axe oxd.inaxy youtha who tike the out- oi- dooxa. Thiz pxov.ides an a6 jiAmati.ve eompoziti,on to the gxoup and exeatea an atmo .6phexe o6 mutual tx"t and ' undeutand ing between pot ice ojb.ieeu and the youth of the community. Reeentty, youthbound became invotved with the .achoot dvstri.ct'.b ' BxpeAienee Bated Education pxogxam. youthbound o�jeu suppoxt to the pxogxa.m in the ptaeement of high .behoot .6tudent6 az obaexveu .intexn /ztaj j in the pxogxam. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 -1 YOUTHBOUND FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED REVENUE: Project Income (Fees) Village Share TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 3 -2 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED $ 7,210 $ 10,500 $ 12,600 $ 13,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 $ 11,210 $ 14,500 $ 16,600 $ 17,500 $ 15,757 $ 15,650 $ 17,480 $ 19,660 $ (4,547) $ (1,150) $ (880) $ (2,160) YOUTHBOUND FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED REVENUE: Project Income (Fees) Village Share TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 14,500 $ 16,000 4,000 4,000 $ 18,500 $ 20,000 $ 20,620 $ 21,780 $ (2,120) $ (1,780) 3 -3 DEPARTMENT YOUTH BOUND ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5214 Communications 5315 Insurance 5317 Contractual 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5231 MV Maintenance 5412 Supplies 6111 Equipment TOTAL Per Capita Cost 3 -4 EXPENDITURES SUMMARY FUND YOUTHBOUND ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 $ 779 $ 1,100 $ 500 $ 600 1,582 1,600 1,110 1,300 395 _650 110 110 1,544 1,000 5,340 5,950 628 900 10 900 4,086 200 200 400 5,895 3,500 2,480 2,500 849 5,200 6,230 6,700 0 1,500 1,500 1,200 $ 15,757 $ 15,650 $ 17,480 $ 19,660 $0.87 $1.09 1 1 rENHANCED 9 -1 -1 FUND rTo provide Village residents with immediate access to emergency ser- vices- -Fire, Police, or Ambulance - -by dialing 9 -1 -1. This program will begin during the 1989 -90 fiscal year with actual implementation occurring during the 1990 -91 fiscal year. By referendum the citizens of Deerfield agreed to pay a 50� per month per telephone surcharge to have the Enhanced 9 -1 -1 Program. 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4-1 ENHANCED 911 FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED REVENUE: Telephone Surcharge TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: Repairs and Maintenance Contractual Miscellaneous Equipment Improvements -Other Than Bldg. TOTAL EXPENSE NET CHANGE 4 -2 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED $ 0 $ 0 $ 6,500 $ 78,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 6,500 $ 78,000 0 0 0 9,110 0 0 0 13,000 0 0 0 2,000 0 0 0 104,000 0 0 0 22,400 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 150,510 $ 0 $ 0 $ 6,500 $ (72,510) ENHANCED 911 FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED REVENUE: Telephone Surcharge TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: Repairs and Maintenance Contractual Miscellaneous Equipment Improvements -Other Than Bldg. TOTAL EXPENSE NET CHANGE 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 78,000 $ 78,000 $ 78,000 $ 78,000 0 0 52,000 23,400 0 0 60,000 0 $ 112,000 $ 23,400 $ (34,000) $ 54,600 4 -3 r r r r r rREVENUE: STREET FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED TOTAL EXPENDITURES I NET CHANGE 1987 -88 1988 -89 1983 -89 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED $ 246,210 $ 330,000 $ 330,000 $ 330,000 180,000 Property Tax Levy 180,000 Motor Fuel Tax r Vehicle Licenses 277,390 50/50 Program 16,215 Train Station Maintenance r Interest Earned 1,500 Miscellaneous 1,500 State Highway Maintenance r Transfer to General 30,230 Transfer from Parking Revenue rTOTAL REVENUE 6,530 Transfer from General 23,753 TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS TOTAL EXPENDITURES I NET CHANGE 1987 -88 1988 -89 1983 -89 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED $ 246,210 $ 330,000 $ 330,000 $ 330,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 190,000 156,159 270,000 277,390 330,000 16,215 30,000 13,120 30,000 1,500 11500 1,500 12500 32,927 22,000 30,230 22,000 8,348 51000 6,530 51000 23,753 18,000 20,140 210000 (15,000) 0 0 0 20,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 $ 670,112 $ 886,500 $ 888,909 $ 969,500 150,000 0 0 0 $ 820,112 $ 886,500 $ 888,909 $ 969,500 $ 724,542 $ 884,520 $ 808,427 $ 998,440 $ 95,571 $ 1,980 $ 80,482 $ (28,940) •5 -1 STREET FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy Motor Fuel Tax Vehicle Licenses 50/50 Program Train Station Maintenance Interest Earned Miscellaneous State Highway Maintenance Transfer to General Transfer from Parking Revenue TOTAL REVENUE Transfer from General TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 5 -2 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 330,000 $ 330,000 195,000 200,000 330,000 330,000 18,000 18,000 1,500 1,500 22,000 22,000 5,000 5,000 22,000 24,000 0 0 40,000 40,000 $ 963,500 $ 970,500 0 0 $ 963,500 $ 970,500 $ 953,410 $ 961,360 $ 10,090 $ 9,140 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY .;. M 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED OVER /UNDER 1988 -89 BUDGET CATEGORIES BUDGET Personal Services $ 245,248 $ 279,420 $ 256,775 $ 307,130 $ 27,710 5111,5113,5114 Other Services 149,231 5211,5214,5231,5210,5216 Contractual 177,456 5115,5315,5316,5317,5318 Commodities 152,607 5116,521225213,5419,5424 5434,5429,543125428,5427 5425 157,730 144,020 169,000 11,270 214,370 183,098 237,260 22,890 164,500 157,427 175,000 10,500 Capital Outlay 0 68,500 67,107 110,050 41,550 6111,7317,6212 ..TOTALS $ 724,542 $ 884,520 $ 808,427 $ 998,440 $ 113,920 5 -3 BUDGET CATEGORY Personal Services 5111,5113,5114 Other Services 5211,5214,5231,5210,5216 Contractual 5115,5315,5316,5317,5318 Commodities 5116,5212,5213,5419,5424 5434,5429,5431,5428,5427 5425 Capital Outlay 6111,7317,6212 TOTALS 5 -4 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY PROJECTED 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 311,870 $ 311,870 167,500 167,500 234,540 241,990 175,500 176,000 64,000 64,000 $ 953,410 $ 961,360 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Street Division Budget Analysis 1989 - 1990 PROPOSED BUDGET $ 998,440 1988 - 1989 BUDGET 884,520 INCREASE $ 113,920 PERSONAL SERVICES: (5111 -- Salaries; 5113 -- Overtime; 5114 -- Part -Time) ' Annual Salary Adjustments Increase in Overtime for Leaf Removal Miscellaneous Increases ' CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES: (5210 -- Equipment Rental; 5211 -- Repairs & Maintenance; 5214- - Communications; 5216 -- Utility Services; 5231 - -MV Maintenance) Increase in Repairs & Maintenance: New Leaf Box Repairs to Leaf Trucks Refinish Floor at Railroad Station Miscellaneous Increases Increase in Communications: Airtime for Pagers Miscellaneous Increase in Motor Vehicle Maintenance CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: (5115 -- Benefits; 5315- - Insurance; 5316 -- Professional; 5317 -- Contractual) Increase in Cost of Medical Insurance Decrease in Professional Services (Garage Survey) Decrease in Railroad Station Maintenance Increase in Contractual: 50/50 Sidewalk /Curb New Tree Spraying Program Increase in Tree Trimming Program Increase in Tree Planting - North Central Deerfield Neighborhood Assn. 50/50 Parkway Tree Program CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $ 18,810 7,700 1,200 3,000 2,000 1,500 1,800 2,400 70 500 $27,710 11,270 5,790 (1,700) (5,000) 2,000 3,000 3,000 10,000 5,800 22,890 5 -5 COMMODITIES: (5116 -- Apparel; 5212 -- Travel, Train- ing, etc.; 5213 -- Printing & Advertis- ing; 5419 -- Petroleum Products; 5424- - Miscellaneous; 5425 Salt; 5427 -- Aggregates; 5428 -- Materials; 5429 -- Street Signs; 5431 - -Small Tools & Equipment; 5434 -- Supplies) Increase in Travel, Training, etc. Increase in Cost of Safety Equipment Increase in Cost of Aggregates Increase in Cost of Materials Miscellaneous Increases CHANGES IN COMMODITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY: (6111 -- Equipment; 6212 - -Motor Vehicles; 7317 -- Vehicles & Equipment Replacement) Increase in Equipment - See Appendix C -1 Increase in Motor Vehicles: Purchase of New Dump Truck with Plow Increase in Allocation for Vehicle & Equipment Replacement CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL INCREASE M. $ 1,200 800 5,600 1,700 1,200 5,800 33,750 2,000 $ 10,500 41,550 $113,920 Z LL) V) w O U Q •r •r rl N +J LLJ r V) Q > •r r +J (n Q (0 Y +J tY 4-) N O a) L i U +J O ►-+ N 3 J 00 rl r-% 00 0) I L1i co 01 r♦ Z O U Z 0 LL_ NOM 4c\10 0 r-_ 0 ONr+ ('M (MO ct r" LO 00 r-Nko ON 100 0 N00 OOr-I N ONd co ON00 000cM 10000 n � mt ^ N -*- w w w w w 00 ri LO M CO a)OM Lnt\r0 0CY)0 OLr) 10NO 00 r�N 00 -•+Oct tOMO O MO OEM t0 M LO 00 O� l0 O O O1 rt M N d' O N O Q) ::3- CY) w w w ^ N N LO 00 M M 00 r�L1)r� ct0)O Orno ONN 1000 X0000 r�M 10010 NCO ON00 000cM 0)) r) 1000ct N n N 0) N -*- N K:t O M M O w 00 ri LO 00 00 a M 00 0010 0000 N000 0000 ENO r�Orn 00 nr -+L(i OLo:*- -4NO 00)00 01 110N 00 r{ LO f\ N ct' O m n 00 n w 00 rl w r l M w 00 ri LO Ln 00 5 -7 i a E Z N L C ^ rO "d +J a N U L ^ (O O L U O 0 . ^ N .� ^Z a) i N"G v N r a) C >- -0 V) () L U -0 a) 0 ^ N ^ ^ m O U +J Z i N Q 0 i-) L ^ r Q R) (U •� N r- 'p .0 0 ^ -0 a) a) V) 0_ a) N E i .X O LL S- S- S- Z L (0 a) CO 0 3 L Ln (0— (O O >- N> D U a) a) i >- L i r0 +J +•� C r C a) () a) -a () _0 Ln U L O tY O ut a) U t6 0 0 r .0 U .0 Q a) C 0) N r �O U U C U +J C O i J E r E E C •- +) r a) rO O CL () E }) rO J U •r O C to r• r F- tT� C Z O Z Z 0 +) -0 0 ^ a) C O 0)— U L C M a) a) +J L •r N U C U 0) LLJ N 0) U ='D >, a) 'r �G r C +J i-) r a) W a) 0 S J � Q = -P +UJ (0 U L 4JJ CO >) > C 3 C (v aaJ N -0 N aa)) 0Y rt) L C> (O 0 •r 0 0) 3 3 m o 0) E GL U )O O i E V1 X: •r N N •r rO r' r0 +J S- -0 r E C. a) (O N J LD J J r •r a) X rT C U rl a) (n = m >) V) 0 rO CD +J Q •r C r0 •r w rt +) +J •-) +J +J +J i•) N — a) :7— •r 4- V) N V) .0 3 a) a) a) a) a) a) O S- -0 d I S. 3 4- a) 4- a a) U -ld a) a) a) Cl) a) a) a) ,L U W i rO C L L a) L L co (0 +) +J +J +J +J •1-) +J O 0 0 d F- (n F- F- J I- H U Cl. N N :n (n (n N (n = (n U k 5 -7 EXPENDITURES FUND PUBLIC WORKS SUMMARY STREET ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries $ 194,271 $ 238,330 $ 211,944 $ 257,140 5113 Overtime 38,919 24,820 28,981 33,720 5114 Part Time 12,057 16,270 15,849 16,270 5115 Benefits 24,197 36,470 25,634 42,260 5116 Apparel 1,490 1,800 1,160 1,800 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 1,811 1,000 1,161 2,200 5213 Printing and Advertising 797 4,400 3,010 4,600 5214 Communications 2,101 5,430 5,180 7,900 5315 Insurance 47,488 48,600 42,439 48,600 5316 Professional 625 2,200 470 500 5317 Contractual 105,146 127,100 114,555 145,900 5216 Utility Services 58,505 65,400 53,549 65,400 5419 Petroleum Products 12,065 17,000 15,251 17,300 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 63,524 49,800 52,650 58,100 5210 Equipment Rental 495 8,500 2,000 8,500 5425 Salt 35,259 32,000 32.000 32,500 5218 Miscellaneous 5,255 2,700 3,160 3,500 5427 Aggregates 33,410 38,100 41,956 43,700 5231 MV Maintenance 24,607 28,600 30,640 29,100 5412 Supplies 4,967 9,400 8,289 9,500 5428 Materials 52,445 50,800 44,139 52,500 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 404 800 801 900 6111 Equipment 0 7,500 6,107 13,300 5429.Street Signs 4,706 6,500 6,500 6,500 6212 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 33,750 7317 Vehicle +Equip Replacement 0 61,000 61,000 63,000 TOTAL $ 724,542 $ 884,520 $ 808,427 $ 998,440 Per Capita Cost $49.14 $55.47 M. 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I F-- Z W E H C O Q •r D_ N W •r Y 3 a�i L U +� CA ►-+ N J CD a 00 wrn v) I d co O On D_ p m W 00 F— 1 m co N W �-rn w CO D co O co DO Cn ri Q O � I H t\ U 00 Q c) r-1 O m o Lo o rn o �t o 00 p N N r-1 N lfT < q M b4 Or U-) rl �H bit b9 00 00 O .-i O lD In 01 C7 00 lD M M r-i bq b9 b4 rd 00 O � ct X) lr M M Q w N N —1 N b9 lD b4 M 64 00 M �t 0 LO co bq 64 b4 Ol M 00 rl ri � w n N O 00 1-1 M M � 69 b4 �°c1 � O •O V U v � S' � o � d U �•� d d F O cJ d d �tJC—)d'�� h�cis3rn �+sk d d d a O `AS�~ o) Qd li ci o wc +q_ds Cr • � �? ` v � • '� �y s1 v � c3 cs� � O O d=:. i3 1 �+ d O �O a) ►�' C> O fi' V S� w�� 01°�0�' •mss �� �doa st ri o� °' oaf !t S V S' N CI S cJ ol rj Qlq T3 � 'h� o '� � V � 'mot ^'h� � � d `•2 �i �� Z3 � '� dOddt'dS'd Q4 s V U I`� C7 `Q t' ae `Q S� h' iq t1 5 -9 H Z W cr- Q d W Cl N Y OC O 3 U_ J m 0 a 5 -10 O O •r O O L N Cl O I ct O C:J- O N O W C) CC) ti O N CV M 00) LO ^ (M Q_ 00 bH Ln bR bA •--� O all O LO N = —1 rr o rn O Co 0 W 00 N M LO F— I 00 N Z: 00 Cn C91 �-+ 011 00 V N N bq bR br} W ►— Cn O LO O Cn O W 00 00 M O '� C.7 I C'h Cn t\ 0 00 R M ^ b4 I� O 00 bF I\ bFi m CF) 00 LO ' "I ra � J 00 C\l N U 00 r-I ri bF} Efi bA w 1 V $� C—� CMd��d ��•�++ cJ Q] S S a O 4L O V V d d p 0O O V 1 d N O 1 t3 mod+ _ w p o1 3 c.1 • ' ocji zil dI-• ° o�� d cJ 3 �'Zi V d m S� fi' o rs cm ci sam oci fi v?' st i� s! -9 o d� dJ CS c°J dZ3 O t'oo�� = d tS�C1 Z� d O S? � � w N Z3 0�� d ti CA O7 O ``� cl ' Z3 � •CI ��� � � S � cJ T3 NO o Zi -1� �I d d d tt d d c) •f1 O �cJ d o QL P. �+d•'sh' � ° s � � � �-� d 3�• �� oo vj o� �i'1 ov�i � cdc� d O� S CJ C) w rv�+ �-T! v F- Z W F- a w m N Y O 3 U J m CL C O O Q1 L N p 0 M O N O 00 O w 0) O M t� G 0:; N I c^ O O) Lr� OC N C1. 00 b9 1.0 t�A O .N-i 00 4.R bq a Oat O W 00 ^ M l0 F- I N '+ c^ 7- 00 tf ) N bA} b4 W F- 0) r1 O N O w 00 O^ OM 00 00 00 00 C7 1 O qt tZ G 00 b4 O b4 �j b4 N m Ol N 00 N 1-4 —1 —4 69 b9 b4 J 00 O) ko O Q 00 4 r4 I" 00 ko U 00 '� M Q 0) b4 b4 64 d I d d Z3 U U 30 N d U O 140 PL S� �+ S� iL L a d O Im �3 3 0 =dML -S�cJ�' oQ .o Ln 3 C3 o o Sl •k' d V q d Zi Zi `Q O `p o V d ra) o o� ci+�'►�'� o j^ �� 3�d d d oc) dN S�w S�S EZ3 Zt d t3 fi' � 00 S� o� d 23 O c? CL Z3 O cJ •► d d C3 O o� a `a 44) o 00 ►t S :L ts CL CM Z3 ° -Z) ' `2 � a Ie� d U C3 Z3 d d d b tcJ v C' v d Z. d 5 -11 F- Z W I- a W M N 0 3 U_ J m Cl. 5 -12 C O •r v N i Ln 0O W CT) N I O. Cn CL 00 O Cn a O Cn W 00 H I Q 00 M: 00 ►-� C11 F- r1 N W I— 01 W 00 Cr} 1 0 00 ZD 00 Co Ql J 00 Q 00 = 1 U 00 Q 0) ko o CC) ,__; to b4 M M b4 O I\ t\ N b4 N O M N 00 b4 M N 404 0) t\ n d• N {,4 d —10 O S V S V W r U O O7 Z3 •�d.� � d �' O 03 "Q � � •� � cv � d .CZ �S o v 0� U 6 W v o �pwvvii o�v U �,� �O� fir•' S' ',� I 7 d O Z3 d CA c) d o� w 3 �2� -aZ3oN �3ds�Ct��:> O U S k O Z3 ti G$ O V O d vt:� S O ci'� 3 d d S t3' S s d Si 0 d d O N b4 lD OD ri b4 b' U O N C� tD b4 O M N H4 O r-I w M M b4 O N O N 419- d st .'4= o� c� Qj Z3 d � uo ci HQ4 Sw rj d Gi O d ,o O E X�o ds dM ti �Zt d oo c� 3 of ON H Z W F- n. W m N Y O 3 U_ J co n a C O •r N Q: v L N oO Wrn N I 0-00 O m '4 a m 0) W co F- I Q 00 Y: O �-- Ol N W �- 0) W 00 co OD m —1 J 00 Q 00 =) I F— r� U 00 Q Ol 00 O �o O 4 o O CO c W 00 ,n b9 M lPCT M b� '"i co M M N m 0) bq b9 bF! b4 O LO N O M 01 n O 00 bq bq b4 N O M O 0) O O m 0) N O 0) q::r N ^, LO O N O +� 00 bq bc} b4 R:jl 01 N Ol 1.4 .--1 CY 1-4 U M Ln n w w O w 00 N r1 N N b4 b4 bt} 64 O V a V a C3 F- -ley O 1 i i � A� V a ,• � tea+ � ~ d• -5��+' cd1 -t d o c3 d S + -jz� � d G3 k d G3 d O O +: �E�S'Zi • Zi V d • � ., � cn ., p `1.� d �o � d `Q�•� 'h' �1 � d 'L3 Qi`p `� d � ZS cJ d J O s fi L 40 �+ le 3 d cn d Z3 .>� ti + o d o 3 v cmv?o d ciZ3d v t3 od O c1 oWI ws t iZ�' w O' S' O • d P- � �� O O � d CS] � tY U v 0 •� O� CLt ell d L� c3 t +: Zi d Zi d d r' Q- C) 3 0 5 �S:! S zt O ci d d d 0 5 -13 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5115 Benefits 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5213 Printing and Advertising 5214 Communications 5315 Insurance 5316 Professional 5317 Contractual 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5218 Miscellaneous 5231 MV Maintenance 5412 Supplies 7317 Vehicle +Equip Replacement TOTAL Per Capita Cost 5 -14 BUDGET ESTIMATE 1988 -89 1988 -89 FUND STREET 20 -2110 PROPOSED 1989 -90 $ 41,526 $ 37,300 $ 38,874 $ 44,410 84 3,900 0 3,900 5,060 6,650 4,763 5,450 1,490 1,800 1,160 1,800 1,811 1,000 1,161 2,200 797 4,400 3,010 4,600 1,885 4,630 4,380 6,100 47,488 48,600 42,439 48,600 625 2,200 470 500 11842 1,200 1,780 1,200 1,399 1,200 2,140 1,500 610 1,500 610 1,500 3,962 2,200 2,200 2,200 1,843 2,000 2,641 2,500 1,769 3,000 2,820 3,000 0 61,000 61,000 63,000 $ 112,190 $ 182,580 $ 169,448 $ 192,460 $10.14 $10.69 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS FUNCTION STREET CLEANING FUND STREET 20 -2111 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED ' AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989x90 5111 Salaries $ 13,107 $ 13,500 $ 14,740 $ 20,790 5113 Overtime 1,339 1,160 1,700 1,200 5115 Benefits 1,965 3,190 1,280 3,570 ' 5317 Contractual 2,225 3,700 3,700 3,700 5419 Petroleum Products 1,835 1,500 1,500 1,500 ' 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 6,232 5,500 5,500 5,500 5210 Equipment Rental 0 1,500 0 1,500 5231 MV Maintenance 1,572 4,000 4,000 4,000 ' 5412 Supplies 1,682 1,800 1,700 1,800 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 1 179 500 500 500 TOTAL $ 30,135 $ 36,350 $ 34,618 $ 44,060 ' Per Capita Cost $2.02 $2.45 5 -15 DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5317 Contractual 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5231 MV Maintenance 5428 Materials 5429 Street Signs TOTAL Per Capita Cost ,5 -16 EXPENDITURES FUNCTION FUND TRAFFIC MARKING STREET 20 -2112 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMLTE PROPOSED 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 $ 16,390 $ 13,130 $ 12,140 $ 23,870 132 320 230 320 2,285 2,730 2,700 2,730 2,122 4,370 1,760 4,130 10,398 10,000 10,000 10,000 81 500 340 500 541 800 230 800 153 1,000 600 1,000 1,682 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,706 6,500 6,500 6,500 $ 38,488 $ 43,350 $ 38,500 $ 53,850 $2.41 $2.99 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS PAVEMENT PATCHING STREET 20 -2113 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries $ 30,287 $ 33,540 $ 39,790 $ 43,950 5113 Overtime 163 1,260 500 1,260 5115 Benefits 3,611 7,230 4,000 7,600 5419 Petroleum Products 1,149 2,000 1,300 2,000 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 1,006 5,500 5,500 5,500 5427 Aggregates 30,811 30,800 30,800 33,900 5231 MV Maintenance 3,799 5,000 5,960 5,000 5412 Supplies 0 600 400 600 5428 Materials 897 2,000 1,570 2,000 6111 Equipment 0 0 0 3,300 TOTAL $ 71,724 $ 87,930 $ 89,820 $ 105,110 Per Capita Cost $4.89 $5.84 5 -17 PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5210 Equipment Rental 5427 Aggregates 5231 MV Maintenance 5428 Materials 6111 Equipment TOTAL Per Capita Cost 5 -18 EXPENDITURES FUNCTION FUND TARRING CRACKS STREET 20 -2114 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 $ 14,911 $ 19,140 $ 19,620 $ 22,980 1,223 630 240 630 2,692 2,730 2,670 2,730 1,272 1,660 2,741 3,980 1,155 3,000 2,100 3,000 3,008 1,900 1,900 1,900 0 2,500 0 2,500 14 500 770 600 1,488 1,400 1,150 1,400 11,648 15,000 12,940 15,000 0 6,500 5,107 0 $ 37,412 $ 54,960 $ 49,238 $ 54,720 $3.05 $3.04 DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES FUNCTION DRAINAGE STRUCTURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 FUND STREET 20 -2115 PROPOSED 1989 -90 5111 Salaries $ 8,529 $ 7,650 $ 11,830 $ 11,230 5113 Overtime 751 950 360 950 5115 Benefits 1,094 1,570 1,250 1,950 5419 Petroleum Products 90 300 300 300 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 3,569 2,300 2,300 2,300 5427 Aggregates 1,451 1,000 1,120 1,200 5231 MV Maintenance 599 2,000 3,930 2,000 5428 Materials 1,176 2,000 3,560 2,000 TOTAL $ 17,259 $ 17,770 $ 24,650 $ 21,930 Per Capita Cost $0.99 $1.22 5 -19 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS LIGHTS & SIGNALS STREET 20 -2116 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries $ 8,380 $ 7,000 $ 11,600 $ 11,280 5113 Overtime 913 1,160 2,660 1,200 5115 Benefits 1,101 1,470 1,090 1,950 5317 Contractual 27,654 31,000 31,000 31,000 5216 Utility Services 58,505 65,400 53,549 65,400 5419 Petroleum Products 393 800 520 800 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 97 1,000 3,340 2,000 5210 Equipment Rental 335 1,000 0 1,000 5427 Aggregates 451 300 240 400 5231 MV Maintenance 1,131 1,500 1,280 1,500 5428 Materials 12,859 10,000 10,000 10,000 TOTAL Per Capita Cost 5 -20 $ 111,819 $ 120,630 $ 115,279 $ 126,530 $6.70 $7.03 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE STREET 20 -2117 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries $ 6,449 $ 20,400 $ 6,300 $ 10,000 5113 Overtime 2,202 1,160 4,590 2,200 5115 Benefits 711 720 290 1,740 5317 Contractual 43,391 53,700 46,810 55,700 5419 Petroleum Products 1,250 600 500 600 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 3,959 3,000 2,620 3,000 5210 Equipment Rental 160 2,000 2,000 2,000 5218 Miscellaneous 1,292 500 960 1,300 5427 Aggregates 682 1,000 4,630 2,000 5231 MV Maintenance 1,718 1,000 990 1,000 5428 Materials 9,676 2,200 4,140 5,000 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 226 300 301 400 TOTAL $ 71,716 $ 86,580 $ 74,130 $ 84,940 Per Capita Cost $4.81 $4.72 5 -21 PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5115 Benefits 5214 Communications 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5210 Equipment Rental 5425 Salt 5427 Aggregates 5231 MV Maintenance 5412 Supplies 5428 Materials 6111 Equipment 6212 Motor Vehicles TOTAL Per Capita Cost 5 -22 EXPENDITURES FUNCTION FUND SNOW AND ICE CONTROL STREET 20 -2118 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIEAILE PROPOSED 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 $ 24,291 $ 38,850 $ 20,990 $ 24,620 24,021 9,870 9,370 9,900 2,753 1,510 2,811 4,260 216 800 800 1,800 3,323 5,300 5,300 5,300 29,707 18,000 18,000 18,000 0 1,000 0 1,000 35,259 32,000 32,000 32,500 0 4,000 4,006 5,000 10,530 7,000 7,000 7,000 1,002 2,500 2,240 2,500 2,568 2,000 1,350 2,000 0 0 0 9,000 0 0 0 22,500 $ 133,670 $ 122,830 $ 104,367 $ 145,380 $6.82 $8.08 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS LEAF REMOVAL STREET 20 -2119 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries $ 8,587 $ 12,760 $ 7,190 $ 1,$30 5113 Overtime 6,828 2,300 7,050 10,000 5115 Benefits 1,124 2,760 891 330 5419 Petroleum Products 775 500 500 500 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 6,790 4,000 5,320 8,000 5231 MV Maintenance 739 1,500 740 1,500 5412 Supplies 135 0 80 100 6212 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 11,250 TOTAL $ 24,979 $ 23,820 $ 21,770 $ 33,510 Per Capita Cost $1.32 $1.86 5 -23 DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5317 Contractual 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5210 Equipment Rental 5231 MV Maintenance 5428 Materials 6111 Equipment TOTAL Per Capita Cost 5 -24 EXPENDITURES FUNCTION FUND TREE REMOVAL STREET 20 -2120 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 $ 7,518 $ 7,000 $ 6,960 $ 14,230 756 630 480 630 2,892 4,300 4,140 4,300 914 1,580 1,200 2,460 9,591 15,000 10,060 21,000 102 400 200 400 1,334 600 900 1,000 0 500 0 500 617 700 660 700 297 2,200 210 1,100 $ 24,020 $ 33,410 $ 25.310 $ 46,820 $1.86 $2.60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS FUNCTION TREE PLANTING FUND STREET 20 -2121 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries $ 3,939 $ 7,650 $ 5,590 $ 9,990 5113 Overtime 94 420 182 420 5115 Benefits 1,184 2,520 450 1,730 5317 Contractual 4,181 4,200 4,200 20,000 5419 Petroleum Products 233 400 260 400 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 247 300 70 300 5231 MV Maintenance 213 500 70 500 5428 Materials 104 500 220 500 TOTAL $ 10,194 $ 16,490 $ 11,041 $ 33,P40 Per Capita Cost $0.92 $1.88 5. -25 DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5317 Contractual 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5427 Aggregates 5412 Supplies 5428 Materials TOTAL Per Capita Cost 5 -26 EXPENDITURES FUNCTION TRAIN STATION MAINTENANCE ACTUAL 1987 -88 FUND STREET 20 -2122 BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 $ 8,747 $ 14,030 $ 8,890 $ 9,070 271 950 1,110 1,000 2,275 3,780 3,730 3,780 830 720 2,080 1,570 5,864 8,300 7,006 3,300 1,887 2,400 2,900 4,800 0 500 390 600 379 1,500 1,050 1,500 8,366 7,900 3,150 7,900 $ 28,619 $ 40,080 $ 30,307 $ 33,520 $2.23 $1.86 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS WEED CONTROL STREET 20 -2123 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries $ 1,608 $ 6,380 $ 7,430 $ 8,890 5113 Overtime 143 110 10 410 5114 Part Time 1,913 2,730 2,610 2,730 5115 Benefits 458 520 1,029 1,540 5419 Petroleum Products 281 500 290 500 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 4,536 3,000 3,460 3,500 5231 MV Maintenance 205 1,000 1,620 1,000 5428 Materials 3,173 3,000 3,000 3,000 6111 Equipment 0 500 500 500 TOTAL $ 12,317 $ 17,740 $ 19,950 $ 21,770 Per Capita Cost $0.99 $1.21 5 -27 SEWER FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED REVENUE: ' Sewer Charges Surcharges Permits and Fees Penalties Other Charges for Services Interest Earned Miscellaneous Construction Res - Collections Transfer to Construction Res. TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE ' Transfer from Construction Fd. Transfer from Depreciation Res iTOTAL REVENUES AND RESERVES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE $ 934,476 $ 980,000 $1,053,540 $1,150,000* 56,051 50,000 52,400 50,000 18,610 20,000 25,260 20,000 8',932 10,000 10,500 11,000 539 1,000 2,840 1,000 56,281 55,000 52,420 70,000 6,888 0 0 0 45,325 44,000 46,790 48,000 0 (44,000) (462790) (48,000) $1,127,101 $1,116,000 $1,196,960 $1,302,000 0 0 0 0 0 77,500 77,500 51,000 $1,127,101 $1,193,500 $1,274,460 $1,353,000 $1,074,076 $1,358,510 $1,244,465 $1,407,840 $ 53,025 $ (165,010) $ 29,995 $ (54,840) *Beginning May 1, 1989, there will be an increase of 10¢ per 100 cubic feet in Sewer Charges. 6 -1 SEWER FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Sewer Charges Surcharges Permits and Fees Penalties Other Charges for Services Interest Earned Miscellaneous Construction Res - Collections Transfer to Construction Res. TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE Transfer from Construction Fd. Transfer from Depreciation Res TOTAL REVENUES AND RESERVES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE W4 $1,175,000 $1,200,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 15,000 11,000 11,000 1,000 1,000 70,000 70,000 0 0 48,000 48,000 (48,000) (48,000) $1,322,000 $1,347,000 0 0 107,000 85,000 $1,429,000 $1,432,000 $1,343,230 $1,346,200 $ 85,770 $ 85,800 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER FUND 6 -3 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 1989 -90 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED OVER /UNDER 1988 -89 BUDGET CATEGORIES BUDGET Personal Services $ 443,536 $ 478,230 $ 473,599 $ 510,710 $ 32,480 5111,5113,5114 Other Services 263,212 409,430 340,420 413,030 3,600 5211,5214,5231,5210,5216 Contractual 199,367 231,450 197,589 225,600 (5,850) 5115,5315,5316,5317 Commodities 98,861 110,400 105,517 119,000 8,600 5116,5212,5213,5221,5419 5424,5434,5427,5428,5431 5426,5429 Capital Outlay 69,099 129,000 127,340 139,500 10,500 7317,6111,6212,6415,7316 TOTALS $1,074,076 $1,358,510 $1,244,465 $1,407,840 $ 49,330 6 -3 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER FUND Capital Outlay 7317,6111,6212,6415,7316 TOTALS 6 -4 61,000 38,500 $1,343,230 $1,346,200 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY PROJECTED 1990 -91 1991 -92 BUDGET CATEGORY PROJECTED PROJECTED Personal Services $ 515,460 $ 515,460 5111,5113,5114 Other Services 410,030 417,430 5211,5214,5231,5210,5216 Contractual 236,340 250,010 5115,5315,5316,5317 Commodities 120,400 124,800 5116,5212,5213,5221,5419 5424,5434,5427,5428,5431 5426,5429 Capital Outlay 7317,6111,6212,6415,7316 TOTALS 6 -4 61,000 38,500 $1,343,230 $1,346,200 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Sewer Division Budget Analysis 1989 - 1990 PROPOSED BUDGET $1,407,840 1988 - 1989 BUDGET 1,358,510 INCREASE $ 49,330 PERSONAL SERVICES: (5111 -- Salaries; 5113 -- Overtime; 5114 - -Part Time) ' Annual Salary Adjustments Reclassification of: One Operator II to Maintenance Operator ' III; Two Operators I to Operators II CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES ' OTHER SERVICES: (5210 -- Equipment Rental; 5211 -- Repairs & Maintenance; 5214 -- ' Communications; 5216 -- Utility Services; 5231 - -MV Maintenance) Decrease in Repairs & Maintenance: Completion of Tuckpointing of Buildings Increase in Communication: Airtime for New Digital Pagers Increase in Water Usage - STP CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: (5115 -- Benefits; 5315- - Insurance; 5316 -- Professional; 5317 -- Contractual) Increase in Cost of Medical Insurance Decrease in Professional Services: Completion of Energy Audit Miscellaneous Decrease CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMODITIES: (5116 -- Apparel; 5212 -- Travel, Training, etc.; 5213 -- Printing & Advertising; 5221 -- Occupancy; 5419 -- Petroleum Products; 5424 -- Miscellaneous; 5426 -- Chlorine; 5427 -- Aggregates; 5428 -- Materials; 5429 -- Street Signs; 5431 - -Small Tools & Equipment; 5434 -- Supplies) $27,000 5,480 (4,500) 4,100 4,000 11,150 (16,000) (1,000) $ 32,480 3,600 (5,850) 6 -5 Increase in Travel, Training, etc. $ 11000 Increase in Chlorine for Warwick Pump Station 1,000 Increase in Cost for Materials 2,200 Increase in Cost for Laboratory Supplies 4,400 CHANGES IN COMMODITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY: (6111 -- Equipment; 6212 - -Motor Vehicles; 6415 -- Improvements, Not Bldg.; 7316 - Depreciation; 7317 -- Vehicle & Equipment Replacement) $ 8,600 Increase in Equipment - See Appendix C -2 11,500 Decrease in Allocation for Vehicle & Equip- ment Replacement (11000) CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY 10,500 TOTAL INCREASE .. $ 49,330 m ri Ln O U Q O r Q- r +-) LLI N N � •r •r > N r (o Y +� � to O L 3 a) Y 3 s- o N 3 J m a n 00 01 .-i L) 00 0) r-1 Z O I-- U Z LL 41 *k *Ic a) * o k K o is K K o k K* * o cv C) 00 00 Ln C) Ln r` LO tD 4:d- r` ^ 0 0 Lo Ln N M rl% ~ C) t0 C) cli . i N to N nM L C) O M w C w N N N N •k C U a) � = O O U R) 'O is o is k o * * * o is * * * * o OO-4 10M00 r r-1 LO -•4d 000)0 ml- 0)LO � m 4 N —4 M to N tt N N to N to to d 00 w N r-( M w O C a) (C) a) O w �--� Ln N LL. O Cr J F- O O a) O C O r-I U M •r CL' - O i-- a) Cl (n a) (n L a) O a) O +' ::- 'o •r C O C CL' i 0 Y +) r •r (o (A I— (1) +•) (1) (0 O O O O •►c o k k o is * o is K k k is K o 00 ^ ct :t to M 'zt d M O to to Ln t+•) O a) -4 o Lf)r"-4 NO Mfl_01 00 -C*-N N I-% NNE I� N N r1 N w 00 Ln w w Cc (nc(o +•)+J(A +)a)O O c (a a) O ►-» L •-'� r- t) L a) (n M ►-+ M: N U O a) a) (a •r O (v r• a) k o 44-- k k K k k Ic o jc o is is K k o is Lnr-(O toNic 110 q*-0 OLnM r�CF) U)01• --c Ln O O N O N E O r- N M •-c �--c Irr 00 w w (6 (O to '- q q*- 00 -4 w Ol O O 4J +•) +.> N n E E E O (n 4-) 00 r-4 •r •r •r a) Q a) r-I i L L a) a) N c c c E E E 0-0 0 0 0 L 3r 41 N C O •r � to U +� X Ln LLI L 4- a) O 3 a) L (n a) .a L O (o Z '- O C += N to 00 ot) 0) E L C O •r N 'p a) C � ro C � L O U O :r. C ca a) E L a) () L - O X N (o (o m m to � S- .0 4- rt) -P O 4- ..O L a)OO E():3La) :3 a) C7 bM: Z LL- N CL k K o ZOZ K K 6 -7 a) r- (o to C N p1 C U a) � = O O U R) 'O •r O +) (A L (a S. a) N C L.L r o) C +) r (L) i-t a) a) r a C O (n 0-4-) V) Q) t1 N O +•> r O C a) (C) a) (o a) O C .0 Ln C. LL. O Cr J F- C. C O a) O C O 'O a) U a ro C •r CL' - O i-- a) Cl (n a) (n L a) O a) O +' ::- 'o •r C O C CL' i 0 Y +) r •r (o (A I— (1) +•) (1) (0 O O O O (n U +) L a) +3 U Y O C •r N- > 0 E (o +P r N V a) O r O -P a) > O L N L L> r— O L 0) O_ E U-0 •r m i 1- U a) CU a) to r - a) c (n N a) 4J L O 3 s- 3: 3: u 4-C3 Cc (nc(o +•)+J(A +)a)O Q) a) x c (a a) O ►-» L L ro > r- t) L a) (n V) N W ►-+ M: N U O a) a) (a •r O (v r• a) L E a) Q) U X c +-) a) 0- 4 M i i i L i L O O >> N L U 6- 4 to (n O ro ro (o (6 (O to a (A +J +) (A -P +•) -P 4J +•) +.> N E 4J E E E E O (n 4-) •r •r •r •r •r •r a) Q a) L a) L i L L a) a) C C C c c c E E E 0-0 0 0 0 L 3r (o (0 (o to (o (C O O O +) C +J d•-� +•) +•) +P a) C Ln N N (n (n (J) = to = (n r-•+ to N N N (/) Z ►-c N C O •r � to U +� X Ln LLI L 4- a) O 3 a) L (n a) .a L O (o Z '- O C += N to 00 ot) 0) E L C O •r N 'p a) C � ro C � L O U O :r. C ca a) E L a) () L - O X N (o (o m m to � S- .0 4- rt) -P O 4- ..O L a)OO E():3La) :3 a) C7 bM: Z LL- N CL k K o ZOZ K K 6 -7 F-- Z Lil z F- N C U Q O r Q. r +-) LO N Ln Q •r •r i •{•) Ln r (0 Y +) Ln O S- :r. C) Y 3 L u a) o -� Ln 3 J m n CL . 0 r\ 00 C) r-1 Ln O Ql r••1 Z O U z LL. Ln kD r- Ln M 0 —1 O t.0 �D tD 0 w w w w r-1 ql*, 00 r-4 r4 ri kD M 00 r-i r-1 O� 01 N f\ lD ct w w rid C ri N U-) lD Ln N C) lD M lD O w w w w r-I N •--I p1 N r-I 0) l.o iO Or�I- M N Cf tD w w w w r-4 qr CD r" r•1 2 3 N � C � H O C C r fC O r- N r- O O t0 � (D •O F- C v O Ln V) •r � � C1 r- O C " N r H O C C o. ro $ +) •p Q) U D L rZ :3 N N N =3 ErJ 'a '0 U = N C) C) rl W m m U L •L C) •r w N rnRS L rnrn4-) r6 E O _0 _0 L) 3 •r r- = = Cu C) S- i r- V) d U V) Ln W EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUND PUBLIC WORKS SUMMARY SEWER ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries $ 423,932 $ 454,920 $ 456,109 $ 487,400 5113 Overtime 11,912 15,230 10,629 15,230 5114 Part Time 7,692 81080 6,860 8,080 5115 Benefits 51,807 67,250 57,679 78,400 5116 Apparel 2,592 3,200 3,020 3,200 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 1,624 1,100 1,978 2,100 5213 Printing and Advertising 769 1,100 110 1,100 5214 Communications 9,993 8,430 11,519 12,530 5315 Insurance 82,258 90,300 79,999 90,300 5316 Professional 300 23,200 17,260 6,200 5317 Contractual 65,002 50,700 42,650 50,700 5216 Utility Services 175,533 205,300 168,000 209,300 5419 Petroleum Products 12,979 11,200 10,909 11,500 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 68,647 177,300 146,650 172,800 5210 Equipment Rental 1,423 5,000 240 5,000 5221 Occupancy 12,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 5218 Miscellaneous 5,834 5,700 5,460 5,700 5427 Aggregates 6,547 8,500 8,500 9,400 5426 Chlorine 11,553 7,000 7,000 8,000 5231 MV Maintenance 7,616 13,400 14,010 13,400 5412 Supplies 26,125 31,300 27,550 35,700 5428 Materials 18,130 25,000 25,000 26,000 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 708 1,000 990 19000 6111 Equipment 599 29,500 27,800 41,000 5429 Street Signs 0 300 0 300 7316 Depreciation 68,500 68,500 68,500 68,500 7317 Vehicle +Equip Replacement 0 31,000 31,040 30,000 TOTAL $1,074,076 $1,358,510 $1,244,465 $1,407,840 Per Capita Cost $75.47 $78.21 WO SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND The Board of Trustees have established a special annual sewer charge for major maintenance and repair to the Village Sewer System at the rate of $8.00 per year to be billed and paid quarterly together with the regular water and sewer bill. The projected balance in this fund is as follows: 1989 -90 1990 -91 1991 -92 1992 -93 Projected Balance - May 1 $335,000 $381,000 $427,000 $474,000 Estimated Receipts 46,000 46,000 47,000 47,000 Available Funds $381,000 $427,000 $474,000 $521,000 Total Expenditures $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 AVAILABLE FUNDS $381,000 $427,000 $474,000 $521,000 6 -10 F- Z W F- Q a LtJ N O 3 U J CD O a C O L. N 3 GJ N 0O W O1 Ln 1 001 CL co 001 = r--I CL orn w co � I Q 00 E 00 H O1 N W 1- O1 L►J 00 O O 0 O m 0) J 00 Q 00 � 1 U CO Q 01 4 01 �O b4 M b4 Zi t3 O d U O M w O N H4 rn w Q1 O lD O N b4 -4 M O n t.0 -1 64 I V d d .t PL 'tic' o o � �s r•� o �s 3� p O S: j -° O ► �F q 4o d O d LU3 d IL) l° Z3 v IL) cnO3ou� a o w 6R N M O 0 w r-1 d' ct I� ^ 6R M M LO t\ O N= QL ° o st d O OZ- d o �Qd � t3 •.t3� � s d st V O � N O ' `� �a '1•� � E O C/) o - o� d SLl•- O d O �+ d u •�+ o �' v Q o V IQ � S �' •� '�' � u d o o�� d o %0 462 d •dQ Z h uo 0 ZE S� �'F- V Q�oor\ cA •? ' � o� S2 0� � ZS j o S le + S ow %S� �'T's d d Z- O w t3 O `A +: 'd D- d 01 s i t o a J' S tj C$ -4r, .e -40 '(1 .O `� -O 'y ti u Q 6 -11 Z W Q W im N Y O 3 U_ J m CL 6 -12 i_ 0 •N i 3 N N 0 O --1 O r\ O W M O 00 (n 1 O On 00 ^ r1 ^ CL 00 tf? d LO r1 O a) kl ? N d to tR a OW 00 Qi kD F- I LO r-1 Q 00 w m 00 Ct p 1 00 N to to W W 00 00 OM 00 00 L7 1 O M 0 00 r� ^ 00 m 0) b4 r� -4 .--I 00 b4 ta4 J 00 r1 Q 00 1p N =:) I LO F- ^ w w U 00.,.:.. O -1 Q Cn 00 rl rl � 64 tf4 Z07 s• o t3 Q. .o 3 d � O N=.00 ZS =1 p i�1 st d S' O 0 oss st � d O st d -0 uo i� O d •� of o) orn 0� � d �J d d 01 zs -d ^ �' u2 F- tmlt st O oho t t$ � d V 4' t O V .0" ' +� a "-Z), se t ` Zi d q � •C1 � E o) cs1 +; Z3 SZ Zi ZS m - a�Z3 w t QL t Q.) o k O st ti d Z3 d� -t ' S;: O oo��� r 3� a�� 3 aE 4W w No t -Z � c d st st dS: tt ti V ti o ti `Q 4c O d O d 'O-t S QZS'4.� O E O V O st y� V V -a t3 O d u o ti o n 3 O V '4N1 � v wo� 3 t; Its 0 ti QQ 3 01 Q v d d d +: S o• O d S d Z3 GA m O 10� •(� b d O d d ti Z3 o e t� ti � � d �� r�4 ' se � � � a,r O 1- U ►-� + 01 E 3 F- it 4 2 1-+ 3 •e K1 -' F- Q- ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H Z W t- a W N Y O 3 U J m a 0 0 •r N i 3 N N co O W 0) cP N 1 00 a 00 1\ O 0) O a ^ rt orn LO w 00 � 1 � ¢ 0 w 00 1-M N N ^ W 00 C3 1 Ln 00 w 00 C CC) 01 LO r♦ M w tr4 J 00 ¢ 00 n I' O H 1\ U 00 Cr ¢ 0) O I ^� I O CSC � � • � CA a ° •� � � O � •It> d+ O `p u O a o-S� -S2 V-CS S odi 4 d zn � � � �:' d •� c� a obi � a� a�+� � � 'k 1- 3�s�o? u� Zi w cY 3 d po i o m zs) rnQ,� m OS`pcvo o tZ�. h t d C3 • o a r''CSdCA) o dpi d (z) 4w d �3 ri Cn Z3 �14= GL O A d d fi' �' S te' O d O Cl) C) st 3 3 kZ�s 3 3 u O �3swo Q -se s��o3� k�drJd t'�u fi c1 3 t+ - d o �0.0S: z3i 1— •�•� ' Z ti s � s2 � rn • � o ^3 0 �° •emu �`ao o fi' 2: o� 'w o 3 Q t3 � vo t5 K N d -V ° d 6 -13 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION SEWER 21 -2328 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries $ 55,653 $ 59,370 $ 61,840 $ 67,780 5113 Overtime 0 530 110 530 5115 Benefits 7,614 10,030 7,830 8,240 5116 Apparel 1,262 1,500 1,500 1,500 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 223 200 319 550 5213 Printing and Advertising 616 100 60 100 5214 Communications 2,655 3,030 4,349 4,430 5315 Insurance 82,258 90,300 79,999 90,300 5316 Professional 300 2,200 260 200 5317 Contractual 678 1,200 700 1,200 5419 Petroleum Products 1,810 700 1,330 1,000 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 164 1,300 1,300 1,300 5221 Occupancy 12,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 5218 Miscellaneous 946 700 460 700 5231 MV Maintenance 120 900 1,910 900 5412 Supplies 7317 Vehicle +Equip Replacement TOTAL Per Capita Cost 6 -14 732 600 690 700 0 17,000 17,040 16,000 $ 167,031 $ 204,660 $ 194,695 $ 210,430 $11.37 $11.69 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS CLEANING & MAINTENANCE SEWER 21 -2329 ACCOUNT NUMBER, 'ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries $ 46,177 $ 51,050 $ 49,410 $ 54,600 5113 Overtime 2,468 4,620 2,320 4,620 5114 Part Time 2,289 2,520 2,450 2,520 5115 Benefits 5,910 8,650 5,620 10,070 5317 Contractual 616 10,000 7,580 10,000 5419 Petroleum Products 579 1,500 610 1,500 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 2,604 5,000 5,000 5,000 5210 Equipment Rental 240 3,000 240 3,000 5218 Miscellaneous 1,063 2,000 2,000 2,000 5427 Aggregates 1,326 1,000 11000 1,100 5231 MV Maintenance 2,561 4,000 4,000 4,000 5412 Supplies 15,444 20,100 15,481 20,100 5428 Materials 3,278 7,000 7,000 7,000 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 205 300 300 300 6111 Equipment 0 12,700 11,000 6,300 TOTAL $ 84,759 $ 133,440 $ 114,010 $ 132,110 Per Capita Cost $7.41 $7.34 6 -15 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION SEWER 21 -2330 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries $ 69,582 $ 83,100 $ 69,120 $ 82,760 5113 Overtime 302 2,200 320 2,200 5114 Part Time 1,017 1,260 1,260 1,260 5115 Benefits 8,720 12,270 8,430 15,260 5317 Contractual 40,684 5,000 0 5,000 5419 Petroleum Products 2,690 2,000 1,970 2,000 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 3,966 7,500 7,500 7,500 5210 Equipment Rental 0 1,000 0 1,000 5427 Aggregates 1,424 5,000 51000 51500 5231 MV Maintenance 2,967 5,500 5,500 5,500 5412 Supplies 372 2,000 1,300 2,000 5428 Materials 8,989 14,000 14,000 14,000 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 48 200 200 200 TOTAL $ 140,761 $ 141,030 $ 114,599 $ 144,180 Per Capita Cost $7.84 $8.01 6 -16 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS TREATMENT PLANT SEWER 21 -2331 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries $ 252,520 $ 261,400 $ 275,740 $ 282,260 5113 Overtime 9,142 7,880 7,880 7,880 5114-Part Time 4,386, 4,300 3,150 4,300 5115 Benefits 29,563 36,300 35,800 44,830 5116 Apparel 1,329 1,700 1,520 1,700 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 1,401 900 1,660 1,550 5213 Printing and Advertising 153 1,000 50 1,000 5214 Communications 7,338 5,400 7,170 8,100 5316 Professional 0 21,000 17,000 6,000 5317 Contractual 23,024 34,500 34,371 34,500 5216 Utility Services 175,533 205,300 168,000 209,300 5419 Petroleum Products 7,901 7,000 7,000 7,000 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 61,914 163,500 132,849 159,000 5210 Equipment Rental 1,183 1,000 0 1,000 5218 Miscellaneous 3,825 3,000 3,000 3,000 5427 Aggregates 3,797 2,500 2,500 2,800 5426 Chlorine 11,553 7,000 7,000 8,000 5231 MV Maintenance 1,968 3,000 2,600 3,000 5412 Supplies 9,577 8,600 10,080 12,900 5428 Materials 5,863 4,000 4,000 5,000 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 456 500 490 500 6111 Equipment 599 16,800 16,800 34,700 5429 Street Signs 0 300 0 300 7316 Depreciation 68,500 68,500 68,500 68,500 7317 Vehicle +Equip Replacement 0 14,000 14,000 14,000 TOTAL $ 681,524 $ 879,380 $ 821,160 $ 921,120 Per Capita Cost $48.85 $51.17 6 -17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 WATER FUND 7 -1 SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED REVENUE: Water Sales $1,942,436 $1,825,000 $2,050,930 $1,925,000 Penalties 22,154 25,000 25,360 25,000 Permits 16,169 20,000 33,860 20,000 Interest Earnings 41,002 50,000 63,890 65,000 Miscellaneous 3,328 0 15,230 0 TOTAL REVENUE $2,025,089 $1,920,000 $2,189,270 $2,035,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,804,820 $2,068,830 $2,054,342 $2,213,940 NET CHANGE $ 220,269 $ (148,830) $ 134,928 $ (178,940) 7 -1 REVENUE: Water Sales Penalties Permits Interest Earnings Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 7 -2 WATER FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED $1,925,000 $1,925,000 25,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 60,000 50,000 $2,0309000 $2,020,000 $1,994,280 $2,188,550 $ 35,720 $ (168,550) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WATER FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Commodities 1,361,484 1,311,750 1,481,883 1,372,050 60,300 5116,5212,5213,5221,5419 5424,5434,5427,5428,5431 5426,5432 Capital Outlay 53,050 278,580 1267870 299,850 21,270 6111,7116,7217,7316,7317 6212,6415 TOTALS $1,804,820 $2,068,830 $2,054,342 $2,213,940 $ 145,110 7 -3 1989 -90 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED OVER /UNDER 1988 -89 BUDGET CATEGORIES BUDGET Personal Services $ 202,683 $ 238,660 $ 247,120 $, 264,960 $ . 26,300 5111,5113,5114 Other Services 101,242 122,050 96,389 123,300 1,250 5211,5214,5231,5210,5216 Contractual 86,361 117,790 102,081 153,780 35,990 5115,5315,5316,5317 Commodities 1,361,484 1,311,750 1,481,883 1,372,050 60,300 5116,5212,5213,5221,5419 5424,5434,5427,5428,5431 5426,5432 Capital Outlay 53,050 278,580 1267870 299,850 21,270 6111,7116,7217,7316,7317 6212,6415 TOTALS $1,804,820 $2,068,830 $2,054,342 $2,213,940 $ 145,110 7 -3 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WATER FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY PROJECTED 1990 -91 1991 -92 BUDGET CATEGORY PROJECTED PROJECTED Personal Services $ 269,710 $ 269,710 5111,5113,5114 Other Services 5211,5214,5231;5210,5216 Contractual 5115,5315,5316,5317 Commodities 5116,5212,5213,5221,5419 5424,5434,5427,5428,5431 5426,5432 Capital Outlay 6111,7116,7217,7316,7317 6212,6415 TOTALS 7 -4 123,300 123,300 160,020 222,190 1,388,950 1,374,050 52,300 199,300 $1,994,280 $2,188,550 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Water Division Budget Analysis 1989 - 1990 PROPOSED BUDGET $2,213,940 1988 - 1989 BUDGET 2,068,830 INCREASE $ 145,110 PERSONAL SERVICES: (5111 -- Salaries; 5113 -- Overtime; 5114 - -Part Time) Annual Salary Adjustments $23,220 Rate Adjustments for Summer Employees 3,080 CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES: (5211 -- Repairs & Maintenance; 5214- - Communications; 5210-- Equipmment Rental; 5216 -- Utility Services; 5231 - -MV Maintenance) Miscellaneous 200 Increase in Motor Vehicle Maintenance 1,050 CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: (5115 -- Benefits; 5315- - Insurance; 5316 -- Professional; 5317 -- Contractual) Increase in Cost of Medical Insurance 7,490 Increase in Professional - See Capital Projects 19A 18,000 Miscellaneous Increases 3,000 Increase in Valve Staging Program 7,500 CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMODITIES: (5116 -- Apparel; 5212 -- Travel, Training, etc.; 5213 -- Printing & Advertising; 5221- - Occupancy; 5419 - Petroleum Products; 5424 -- Miscellaneous; 5426 -- Chlorine; 5427 -- Aggregates; 5428 -- Materials; 5431 - -Small Tools & Equipment; 5432 -- Purchase of Water; 5434 -- Supplies) $26,300 1,250 35,990 7 -5 Increase in Travel, Training, etc. $ 11100 Increase in New Equipment for Safety Program 3,200 Increase in Cost of Aggregates 1,500 Increase in Cost of Materials 4,500 Increase in Purchase of Water 50,000 CHANGES IN COMMODITIES $ 60,300 CAPITAL OUTLAY: (6111 -- Equipment; 6212- -Motor Vehicles; 6415-- Improvements- Not Bldgs.; 7116 - -Bond Prin- cipal; 7217- -Bond Interest; 7316-- Depreciation*; 7317 -- Vehicles & Equip - ment Replacement) Increase in Equipment - See Appendix C -3 1,020 Increase in Motor Vehicle - 1/3 Cost of Truck with Plow 11,250 Increase in Improvements -Other Than Building - See Capital Project Nos. 19 and 20 7,000 Decrease in Bond Interest (11000) Increase in Allocation for Vehicle & Equipment Replacement 3,000 CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY 21,270 TOTAL INCREASE $ 145,110 7 -6 00 to rq '-4 N r\ %D 0) tD ch O CO t'- cY -4 O N -4 -�O- e-4 r�l tD t\ O C 00 1T 0) M N 1-4 M 01 In q::r M M O r-_ OD W R*- "4 4 M p N N M M � w w .--i N N n Lnr- tD Nr�01 tD• 4r\ OM 00 LoOO tDOOqcjl ANN N 1 I O Cn .-a n -4 q::r Ln L) tD M M O 00 a) t7 00 -4 1 1 Ol 00 rl M N M M M r-4 w N N t0 I In 00 tD M 00 R*, O ri r-1 Ln rf tD O .--t O M r,- 00 tD r- R* LO 1 1 O M Ct N r" '-•t N 00 0) r� M M O m O::r 00 O I I m O .-4 N M r4 r� N .-•t w N N 7 -7 Ln a)Ln^ NNN R::rOtD LTrtGt 00 0 OoLom *-00d Kr 1 00 N 4::31 M M Lo 00 Ol rt tD O Ol r-- r�l 00 N O I 1 LT 00 N M tD r+ M ri w N N F- Z LLI F- to C U Q O •r CL r F� W N N � •r •r > 4) Ln r f0 Y im +� N O S- (1) Y +- L � 3 3 J m O "D a a) S- (7 a) to (A C � r� m 1Lf L U r U .� Lta L a) r Q) (1) 4- +-) O C O f0 J b 3 s N O C r O L O r r- � Q• +•� � f73 •r •f7 a) Ln C U m t a) r Y •r () to a) •r L r tp r- i-) m J L •fly a) N a) U Z 4-) '0 J N 1T O C O L Ln N N O d N to a) •r P+ •r O O t� U •r MID O C fly 4- C Ln >> � >> U Z 0 C 0. V) d f0 N C1 a) L r N >� •r a O rrr- p E -�4 a) +� Q) •r t0 +) L (o -0 N U cc to to LL_ O ea C CL' O ay 'a 4-) a) C Y () O 0) V) to a) O L U a) c C C Q Q Q Li () L Lo m L 1n a) ss a) L a) U In C U E •L7 W a) •r •a 0 L m Y O i-) •r CL' t0 +•) O L N 4-) +j a) L 0 a) a) a) a) m >) C f13 r- L Vf 4•) (V L L a) O r (v -W +) C a) = M Ln a v) a y U= to +-) a) a) f z to +J a C. n (a •r J L CL a) 41 a) L •n a) to +j +.) a) a O E E E 3 f0 a) -p f0 •r C' a) Ln 'D F- 3 a) a) _ 4- Ln M: f0 (o to to a) Q M M 4 Ln In In r U •r 2 to to a) U N C to O to C f0 L •r LL L a) L L •r X L a) L r a) 1 L a) a) L L S- =3 v > a) a) > w a) > O a) N (V to S- 4J a) N > a a) a) C +� i. 3 L a-) +J +-) 3 L m +1 O +- C a) O +) O r 4•) +) +) C 1L) a) a) •r M to a) a) 0) a) a) L to r = = a) L fa f0 t0 to ¢3N z LA- 3 >. 2: X: ZLnm M: LL- 3 U-= Ln M: LL- >. 333 7 -7 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUND PUBLIC WORKS SUMMARY WATER ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries $ 162,584 $ 199,150 $ 193,940 $ 222,370 5113 Overtime 22,809 19,240 28,310 19,240 5114 Part Time 17,290 20,270 24,870 23,350 5115 Benefits 21,575 27,490 24,731 34,980 5116 Apparel 1,882 1,800 1,925 1,800 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 659 600 680 1,700 5213 Printing and Advertising 1,167 2,800 1,738 2,800 5214 Communications 10,637 9,850 9,349 10,050 5315 Insurance 25,378 36,900 30,800 36,900 5316 Professional 1,760 8,200 2,800 29,200 5317 Contractual 37,649 45,200 43,750 52,700 5216 Utility Services 75,062 85,500 61,780 85,500 5419 Petroleum Products 3,698 4,600 4,651 4,600 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 4,468 15,700 13,511 15,700 5210 Equipment Rental 0 1,000 100 1,000 5221 Occupancy 12,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 5218 Miscellaneous 3,129 2,300 2,900 5,500 5427 Aggregates 10,928 6,000 6,000 7,000 5426 Chlorine 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 5432 Purchase of Water 1,274,619 1,250,000 1,407,700 1,300,000 5231 MV Maintenance 11,074 10,000 11,649 11,050 5412 Supplies 1,299 1,350 1,860 1,850 5428 Materials 51,804 25,700 37,820 30,200 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 299 600 610 600 6111 Equipment 2,137 21,580 21,580 22,600 6212 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 11,250 6415 Improvements -Other Than Bldg. 0 180,000 28,000 187,000 7116 Bond Principal 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 7217 Bond Interest 5,913 2,000 2,290 1,000 7317 Vehicle +Equip Replacement 0 30,000 30,000 33,000 TOTAL $1,804,820 $29068,830 $2,054,342 $2,213,940 Per Capita Cost $114.94 $123.00 F- Z W F- Q CL W Cz N Y 0 3 U_ J m a O O •r D N 3 c0 W Cn N I a00 O Cn a = m W O F- I Q 00 00 H 0) F- r1 N W F- 011 W OD C7 I O 00 O 00 GO 01 J co Q 00 � I F• n U 00 Q oll r-I co M r♦ b4 In N b4 O d C-1 U 0 n am N 64 Ol M O N b4 O t0 00 r♦ N li4 n n 00 w N r\ ri 2! Z3 c M: s+ Zi S~ o t ri NO t� 4u Woo! d `�.� g d3 moo° rn 3�v d d ` =:b d ti 1 � ►��,'O d dtic°1tti °ok° 0���33a a � ,Q o o� r3 •� a� � o F- Q4q`poh'k 0 r, N 4.44 t\ Cn 64 U d r d z d 0 N On 00 r\ M b4 N O kO w rl N 64 O co O LO M b4 N t\ M w C) l0 .-1 to O o is ice C.%)3d� 1490 -9 ��Z3 uO C m O Q �QqoQi d� Q•� �z d 1) C3 Z3 F- d w o� ei aOOO t' Ln d Ol d d to -t.' o t3 ZE .fin 3 st d d Zi d � V � � d O d v? •C> � C3 Q � E V � � w d � � 3 I C3 � 12 d w o d of cr Q� Q d 3 . . 7 -9 Z LtJ ¢ 0 a •r LtJ 0 Q •r Y � a 3 � 0-4 3 J m a 7 -10 0O w 0) N I O 0) a 00 O 0) = rI CL p 0) W 00 ¢ 00 M: 00 ►-� Ol F- ri N W F- 0) L1J 00 0 00 OD m o, r.{ J 00 ¢,,.00. � 1 U 00 ¢ m —I 0 t\ M 00 bR M r� 00 40c} O O O r♦ 4A O N N n N l0 LO w r+ 4A O M rl r-1 w r--1 H9 0) O 0) ct ^ 4f} 00 r\ 4r9 LLi O w 1.0 44 O M 00 01 w 414 CD G �'t d d QcJ C4) �N ae � 17,�� �'�c1� OS' •`C� �-L o� g • � � 3 •�+ 'h' � cJ d sto� 7 M Q` d a 4N) st ra)���°� �) t$ � N CAS ° d dpi ad d p ice- V2 d V o Qd� ZE kf} 00 r--i M w N Ui H9 I d� d N=' o `40 E o � o o d N= � d O CA e-+ QL O rn M ri N N b4 N M w LO O w N O M 00 C 0 w N 4,H O N CO w O 00 w r♦ N J F- 0 F- M LO N w r♦ w rl I '� S2 + O ae �•d � .L`' •4d�J d lZ> IQ N 3 ° � ci o a1 hJd G �'t d d QcJ C4) �N ae � 17,�� �'�c1� OS' •`C� �-L o� g • � � 3 •�+ 'h' � cJ d sto� 7 M Q` d a 4N) st ra)���°� �) t$ � N CAS ° d dpi ad d p ice- V2 d V o Qd� ZE kf} 00 r--i M w N Ui H9 I d� d N=' o `40 E o � o o d N= � d O CA e-+ QL O rn M ri N N b4 N M w LO O w N O M 00 C 0 w N 4,H O N CO w O 00 w r♦ N J F- 0 F- EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION WATER 30 -2224 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries 5115 Benefits 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5213 Printing and Advertising 5214 Communications 5315 Insurance 5316 Professional 5317 Contractual 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5221 Occupancy 5218 Miscellaneous 5231 MV Maintenance 5412 Supplies 7116 Bond Principal 7217 Bond Interest 7317 Vehicle +Equip Replacement TOTAL Per Capita Cost $ 57,398 $ 59,370 $ 61,840 $ 67,780 7,333 9,520 7,830 8,240 1;852 1,800 ,. 1,925 1,800 659 300 680 1,100 1,167 700 530 700 10,628 9,850 9,349 10,050 25,378 36,900 30,800 36,900 300 3,700 0 23,200 306 1,000 60 1,000 586 700 750 700 0 800 0 800 12,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 1,703 300 900 1,000 1,429 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,224 500 1,240 1,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 5,913 2,000 2,290 1,000 0 30,000 30,000 33,000 $ 172,877 $ 218,640 $ 209,394 $ 249,470 $12.15 $13.86 7 -11 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS MAIN &FIRE HYDRANT MAINTENANCE WATER 30 -2225 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries $ 28,106 $ 52,510 $ 42,030 $ 37,630 5113 Overtime 11,862 12,100 16,090 12,100 5114 Part Time 16,453 19,320 23,980 22,400 5115 Benefits 4,909 5,620 7,121 6,940 5317 Contractual 31,407 33,900 33,900 40,900 5419 Petroleum Products 1,513 1,900 1,900 1,900 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 3,364 10,500 10,500 10,500 5210 Equipment Rental 0 1,000 100 1,000 5218 Miscellaneous 541 400 400 2,900 5427 Aggregates 10,928 6,000 6,000 7,000 5231 MV Maintenance 4,498 3,950 5,650 5,000 5428 Materials 46,491 21,500 33,620 26,000 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 299 300 310 300 6111 Equipment 0 5,080 5,080 6,100 6212 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 11,250 6415 Improvements -Other Than Bldg. 0 180,000 28,000 187,000 TOTAL $ 160,372 $ 354,080 $ 214,682 $ 378,920 Per Capita Cost $19.67 $21.05 7 -12 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS DISTRIBUTION WATER 30 -2226 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries $ 41,638 $ 48,460 $ 54,760 $ 79,130 5113 Overtime 10,277 6,300 11,670 6,300 5115 Benefits 4,830 6,020 5,590 12,820 5213 Printing and Advertising 0 1,100 1,120 1,100 5316 Professional 1,460 1,500 1,800 3,000 5317 Contractual 5,261 8,100 8,100 8,600 5216 Utility Services 75,062 85,500 61,780 85,500 5419 Petroleum Products 471 1,000 1,000 1,000 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 860 3,000 2,010 3,000 5218 Miscellaneous 827 1,300 1,300 1,300 5426 Chlorine 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 5432 Purchase of Water 1,274,619 1,250,000 1,407,700 1,300,000 5231 MV Maintenance 1,720 2,150 2,670 2,150 5412 Supplies 75 500 520 500 5428 Materials 1,941 1,200 1,200 1,200 6111 Equipment 213 0 0 0 TOTAL $1,419,253 $1,417,130 $1,562,220 $1,506,600 Per Capita Cost $78.73 $83.70 7 -13 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS METER MAINTENANCE WATER 30 -2227 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5213 Printing and Advertising 5214 Communications 5316 Professional 5317 Contractual 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5218 Miscellaneous 5231 MV Maintenance 5412 Supplies 5428 Materials 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 6111 Equipment TOTAL Per Capita Cost 7 -14 $ 35,442 $ 38,810 $ 35,310 $ 37,830 670 840 550 840 837 950 890 950 4,503 6,30 4,191 6,980 29 0 0 0 0 300 0 600 0 1,000 88 1,000 9 0 0 0 0 3,000 1,000 3,000 675 2,200 1,690 2,200 1,128 1,000 1,000 1,000 244 1,400 1,000 1,400 58 300 300 300 3,429 2,700 2,128 2,700 0 350 100 350 3,371 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 300 300 300 1,924 16,500 16,500 16,500 $ 52,318 $ 78,980 $ 68,045 $ 78,950 $4.39 $4.39 REFUSE FUND. SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED REVENUE: Refuse Billing $ 448,134 $ 470,000 $ 515,380 $ 605,000 Interest Earnings 37,764 11,000 29,210 15,000 Property Tax Levy 485,998 475,000 545,000 545,000 Miscellaneous 528 0 0 0 Penalties 4,893 7,000 6,930 7,000 TOTAL REVENUE $ 977,317 $ 963,000 $1,096,519 $1,172,000 EXPENDITURES: Contractual Services 929,651 1,000,000 1,055,920 1,180,000 Other Charges 15,385 2,000 800 1,000 Occupancy 12,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Insurance 228 1,000 460 350 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 957,265 $1,018,000 $1,072,181 $1,196,350 NET CHANGE $ 20,052 $ (55,000) $ 24,338 $ (24,350) REVENUE: Refuse Billing Interest Earnings Property Tax Levy Miscellaneous Penalties TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: Contractual Services Other Charges Occupancy Insurance TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 6 REFUSE FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 605,000 $ 605,000 15,000 15,000 545,000 545,000 0 0 7,000 7,000 $1,172,000 $1,172,000 1,300,000 1,500,000 1,000 1,000 15,000 15,000 350 350 $1,316,350 $1,516,350 $ (144,350) $ (344,350) 1 GARAGE ' Gaxage peuonnet (a Fa)Leman and a mechanic) axe xeapona.ibte box the oveuU opexaaion ob the gata.ge tacit ty. This .inc2.udu maintenance ob 6 adm.iniztAation ' caxa, 14 police- xetated card, 25 public woxhz vehi.ct a, and 34 vax.iouz pieces ob cont�cacxaxs' ulated equipment. The contxactoxa' equipment .include 17 anow pkawa, 2 backhoea, 2 banm tAa.ctou, 5 Lawn mowexa, 6 chain wawa, one t a et 6 - pxo pett ed paint ztA i.pa, one a nowbtowex, two a.idewa k pxowa , 3 g enna tong , two bunt end koadeU , 6 watex pumps and 2 aih compxeaaoxa. ' A chaxge is made to the vani,oua V.c,Uage depaxtmenta by budgetary Junctions Jot paxta and tabox on veh.iclea and equipment aexviced by the garage. The - gaxage is xeapou ibte box contucting bon aexv.ice beam outside xepaiA aexv.ice companies f ox mafox body and tuum,isa.ion wa k. The Foxeman acts in an advtisoxy capacity tev.iewing the apecib.icafii.onz box ' the punchaz e o b new veh,ic tea and equipment and xepta.cement patts . Dieaet and gaaoti.ne bue z axe at zo chaxged back to the depahtmentz and ' allocated to the budget expend tunes by junction. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 -1 GARAGE FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED UFA 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED REVENUE: Administration $ 3,944 $ 8,000 $ 3,040 $ 4,000 Police 20,018 16,300 19,690 22,000 Street 82,679 75,300 75,890 80,000 Sewer 20,373 40,550 18,850 30,000 Water 17,555 23,900 22,000 28,000 Parking Lots 267 2,000 2,780 3,000 Emergency Services 1,518 2,050 730 1,200 Youthbound 5,000 6,000 1,530 1,000 TOTAL REVENUE $ 151,354 $ 174,100 $ 144,510 $ 169,200 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 176,351 $ 164,905 $ 163,535 $ 177,520 NET CHANGE $ (24,997) $ 9,195 $ (19,025) $ (8,320) UFA GARAGE FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Administration Police Street Sewer Water Parking Lots Emergency Services Youthbound TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE $ 4,000 $ 4,000 22,000 22,000 80,000 80,000 30,000 30,000 28,000 28,000 3,000 3,000 1,200 1,200 1,000 1,000 $ 169,200 $ 169,200 $ 177,330 $ 182,150 $ (8,130) $ (12,950) 9 -3 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Garage Budget Analysis 1989 - 1990 PROPOSED BUDGET $177,520 1988 - 1989 BUDGET 164,905 INCREASE $ 12,615 PERSONAL SERVICES: (5111 -- Salaries; 5113 -- Overtime) Annual Salary Adjustments $4,440 CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES $4,440 OTHER SERVICES: (5211 -- Repairs & Maintenance; 5214- - Communications; 5216 -- Utility Services) Increase in Communications: Purchase of Four 2 -Way Radios 1,500 Miscellaneous Increases 300 CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES 1,800 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: (5115 -- Benefits; 5315- - Insurance; 5316 -- Professional; 5317 -- Contractual) Increase in Medical Insurance 740 CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 740 COMMODITIES: (5116 -- Apparel; 5212 -- Travel, Training, etc.; 5213 -- Printing & Advertising; 5419 -- Petroleum Products; 5424 -- Miscellaneous; 5428- - Materials; 5431 - -Small Tools & Equipment; 5434 -- Supplies; Increase in Cost of Materials 300 Increase in Cost of Supplies 2,700 CHANGES IN COMMODITIES 9 -4 3,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY: (6111 -- Equipment; 6212 - -Motor Vehicles; 7317 -- Vehicles & Equipment Replacement) Increase in Equipment - See Appendix C -4 $3,135 Decrease in Vehicle & Equipment Replacement (500) CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL INCREASE 2,635 $ 12,615 9 -5 DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE GARAGE 23 -2732 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 5111 Salaries $ 64,419 $ 69,990 $ 72,601 $ 74,500 5113 Overtime 7,691 5,570 5,300 5,500 5115 Benefits 7,630 10,030 9,570 10,770 5116 Apparel 360 500 175 500 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 161 500 410 700 5213 Printing and Advertising 0 400 210 400 5214 Communications 859 1,100 720 2,600 5315 Insurance 6,379 6,800 6,010 6,800 5316 Professional 0 50 0 50 5317 Contractual 181 100 30 100 5216 Utility Services 813 1,600 870 1,900 5419 Petroleum Products 353 800 220 800 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5,272 5,000 5,000 5,000 5218 Miscellaneous 527 200 100 200 5412 Supplies 77,056 53,700 53,650 56,400 5428 Materials 348 500 600 600 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 1,430 1,500 1,500 1,500 6111 Equipment 2,872 6,065 6,070 9,200 7317 Vehicle +Equip Replacement 0 500 500 0 TOTAL S 176,351 $ 164,905 $ 163,535 $ 177,520 Per Capita�Cost $9.16 $9.86 94 VOTOR FUEL TAX The motor juet tax iz cotiected by the State o j I P.?,i noiz and iz a 6tat 13 centa peA gaP,bon abtet Juty 1, 1985. The tax iz then appontc:oned in accord- ance with a tathex compt-ex �mmuta.; ajtet cenxain deducti.onz, 32 percent of the temaining motor juet tax iz a Located to the mun is t.patiti,ea of the State on a pet capita ia. bazi.6 . In addition, 2% o f the State' .6 poet i.o n o f aaZu tax coUecti.ona ate diztf►,ibuted to the Vitia.ge. Motors 6uet tax junda Witt continue to be utilized accotd.ing to State teguiatc.onz jot the jotZowing punpoaea: ' 1. Street conattucti,on of tecouttuction to imptove tta�j is capacity. i2. IataUat.ion of tta�j.ic a.igna, b.igna&, and conttoa. 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 3. S.idewaxrz tepai t and tepZa.cement. 4. The pubti.c beneJ t ahate o6 new atteet .imptovementd when cettai.n cA teki.a ate met in connection with a apec i.at aaae,6ament project. 10 -1 10 -2 000 O N O 00 O O O 1 LLB O O LO rl O 00 0) O 0) 0000 00 r, O 00 w O 0 w 0) 00 O O 0 I O O w 0) � Ol L 0) 00 mt '-t M r1 0 M N O LD Q1 Lp M O I 0) N 4b4 0 N O� 6q w ra bq N Ol p OD O 1 O 00 LL. 00 d4 0) 4- r-I O 000 C X O O Q -r- O LO 0 0 4-) O t0 O J U LO W r � r- O w LL Cl 00 w w w w I� O O a � Q � O Ol C F- V o C 9.0 tio LO M O U S- LO b4 b4 tR 0 d4 N 64 10 -2 000 O O 00 O O O O LLB O O LO O 00 O O LO 0000 00 O 00 w O 0 w 00 00 O O 0 O w 0) � Lw L M 00 mt '-t M 0 M N kO LD I-I Lp M O N 4b4 69 N I� 6q w bq 4b4 64 d4 000 O O 00 O O O O LO 0 0 LO O 00 O O LO COO O O co w w O w O w 00 w w w w I� O O w r w Ln C11 l.fi � Ol C m 'Ct r'•I d M N 9.0 LO M Ol N LO b4 b4 tR 64 d4 b4 64 O O O O O O O O O O O Lo 0 0 LO O 00 O O Ln 0000 00 O w O O w w O w O w 00 w w w w M O Ln w 00 O r r• rt t\ 0R*l O Ct m M N l0 Lt) 0) LO M CO r♦ N LO 64 b4 b4 bR 64 64 b4 000 O O 00 O O O O LIB O O Ln O 00 O O LO O0 0 0 00 O O O w w O w O w 00 w w w n ri U-) t0 w N w O La M O1 C M OMO � 0000 MN LO N � M n C) �} 6A 6q tl�l b:3 64 b4 J rE0 Q i F- O S- 0 jt •r E +-) t0 t6 i > O O O C i O C CC G- w O Q •r LLJ N 'D IT 4-) >- U C C U C t0 •r O Q (A to t i LLJ 4-) O C 1T U +> >- O LL- O C +-) N 0 E O Q O 4-+ J ra N Q i i +� R' r0-i N U GJ Q +) (A i -P m Ct LLJ C 4- Q N Iv U a) O O U ~ r i (0 Q L O C LLJ Q t0 tC F- N 41 i-) U J m L. N F- N O Z Q F- r• O U 4) O W m cm O Z L U F- i to .a F- a •r N LL LL- O N N Uj Z C O F- LLJ •r O O r! N Q N C O LL- X: O LLJ co " X: E Q F- >- � r♦ I rl rl rl r1 O N C7) C7) t6 b a_ 0_ 00 -P 4--i i- i GJ O 4- 4- O O CC � w n M Ct E E (v 4) 4--1 -P 4J -P U U 41 N •r7 •n 00 i i 0- C- -P 41 •r •r G1 Cl U U 1 PENSIONS ' The V.c,Q,Q.age contAibutu to two pension jund6 as nequ,ited by State .taw: POLICE PENSION FUND The Pot ice Pen ion Fund iz nequi)Led by State taw jot att communitia ob overt 5,000 popuZatii,on. The fund .cis adm.in ztened by a Potite -Pen ion Board made up of jive membeu . Two arse active members of the department, two are jum the c ctizenz o b the community, and one iz etec ted atom the benej.ic cariez o f the fund. They ate changed with the .investment o6 the funds cottected room the active pex6onnet and by a speciat tax " the contn.ibuti.on o� the community. 1. M. R. F. I . M. R. F. coves ViZZage emptoyees with the exception o j bwoxn poZi.ce pwonne.2. The I.M.R. F. payment .inctudes the employee pottion o� soc iat .6ecux ty az weft as the necersany contrii.but.ion bon the State pZa.n. The cuAAent empto yen co ntrubutio n iz 17.610 o� s atan y . The hate i.6 bet by I.M. R. F. on a combination o6 jactou .incZu.d.ing the cuAAent soc iat security nequiAement. 11 -1 POLICE PENSION FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED REVENUE: Payroll Deduction $ 107,902 $ 115,000 $ 107,000 $ 115,000 Property Tax Levy 144,528 150,000 150,000 150,000 Replacement Tax 5,496 6,000 6,890 6,000 Interest Earnings 473,179 450,000 499,170 550,000 Miscellaneous 218 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE $ 731,323 $ 721,000 $ 763,061 $ 821,000 EXPENDITURES: Pensions 87,859 131,500 88,910 188,000 Separation Refunds 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 Miscellaneous 53 500 1,590 1,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 87,912 $ 152,000 $ 110,500 $ 209,000 NET CHANGE $ 643,411 $ 569,000 $ 652,561 $ 612,000 11 -2 REVENUE: Payroll Deduction Property Tax Levy Replacement Tax Interest Earnings Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: Pensions Separation Refunds Miscellaneous TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE POLICE PENSION FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 120,000 $ 125,000 170,000 180,000 6,000 6,000 625,000 700,000 $ 921,000 $1,011,000 190,500 193,000 20,000 20,000 1,000 1,000 $ 211,500 $ 214,000 $ 709,500 $ 797,000 11 -3 IMRF FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED EXPENDITURES: IMRF Village Contribution 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 FICA Village Contribution ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED REVENUE: 0 0 40,000 45,000 Property Tax Levy $ 333,410 $ 190,000 $ 190,000 $ 280,000 Property Tax Levy - FICA 0 200,000 200,000 210,000 Replacement Tax 6,995 8,000 8,000 8,000 Interest Earnings 12,796 14,000 9,940 10,000 Other Revenue 404 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE $ 353,604 $ 412,000 $ 407,940 $ 508,000 EXPENDITURES: IMRF Village Contribution 348,698 395,000 220,000 275,000 FICA Village Contribution 0 0 155,000 170,000 FICA Library Contribution 0 0 40,000 45,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 348,698 $ 395,000 $ 415,000 $ 490,000 NET CHANGE $ 4,906 $ 17,000 $ (7,060) $ 18,000 11 -4 IMRF FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy $ 300,000 $ 320,000 Property Tax Levy - FICA 225,000 240,000 Replacement Tax 8,000 8,000 Interest Earnings 10,000 10,000 Other Revenue 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE $ 543,000 $ 578,000 EXPENDITURES: IMRF Village Contribution 300,000 320,000 FICA Village Contribution 185,000 190,000 FICA Library Contribution 50,000 50,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 535,000 $ 560,000 NET CHANGE $ 8,000 $ 18,000 11 -5 O O 0 w LO b4 L a O (n i-) U a O L a C O Z •r O +) r-i U F- O Q L LLI N Q C r- 4 O N U Z O -D U C b O N LL aT C N •r U-1 r F- •r ►-� O m J I- C CL r 4-) ul •r C7 U C ro J S- o LL- V) U a O L a N Q Z LL. O W U 0 N d• 0) 1 M Ol 01 r•r M 01 I N 0) Ol r♦ N 0l 1 .--r Ol Ol rl I O 0) m r-4 O Ol 1 Ol co m ri I- U W 7 0 a 12 -1 C C • -° C o • 000 (noo0 x,000 •r 000 x000 > w ^ > w w w •r O 0 l0 •r O O lD Q ri r♦ Q ri rl 4.4 b4 b4 J*q b4 b4 4-) 4-) a l l l a l l l L E 4-) b L E +•) tO X X X X N L N L r6 H LT m F- F� F� - 1 O I O L L r r r r- LT a-.i a IT 4-) IZ a a s a C a C C O C O O O O •r 01 a •r Q1 a >) -0 � Li Li LL. U U U 4-) rO 4-) +•) (0 4-) L L L S- r0r a S- r- N 4- rt — .r a L r- N 4- O 00 O a •r O ro a •r a r0 +J +) +J 4•) tL LL_ LL. CL> N �� � F-I~- F- 0 ) 0 O O O O O C:) O O O O O O w 00 O ^ l0 w lD O rr 00 N N rr N LO N i H4 O O o 00 0 O O O O O O O O O 00 w w O t0 ^ LO Ln O r. r: N N C) d. N N ift O O O 0o O O O O O O O O O O O O o0 ^ O ^ w lD lD O O N N ON M N Obi l0 W} M b4 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O � l0 In N N M N O I'D O o O O O O 00 O O O O o O 0 0 0 0 O O o O 0 0 w ^ lO w lfl C) I� ch r7 LO Ln N N Ol M N l0 lO ri b4 b�} a � •^ C I O N O 4 ^ L•r- a C 0) Q) 4-) E a U 0 ro C C U U E m E U C •r O r0 r +) O ro L co a C ro +-> S- O L 0 0 L U rO C U a a= LO "0 V) Lf) 001 C C a 0 C Y Z) N O •r -0 C \ C O O ro S.. \ L O O 0- L r6 C Q) 4J L •P C +� M LT b 3 C 0 LO d LO IZ a C •r N O C 3 rO U +..t y •r (0 C Y O) O I •O 4- r0 Y 4- C .0 C r0 2: O C •r a • • JO O L— O a L r 2: U r0 •r 41 O 4, L C 0 to E O rO a s 3 L U C O O ro C o 3 C act 4-) a:3 a aU N O L a O U I U a rG L +-) 06 a L C +-) > L LT Q +-) ^ C F- L) •r d 7 4.> r •r r0 >) 4-) r+J a L U a -0 a •r N N 0) -r W ro L/) ro a s a +) C r r C LT C C C S- 7) O O a 4- L E C O C J a rO C O ro >.,. - a O C r6 >) CQ' rt +J ro OUP Q •rJLLJU E— U a r 341 r N tN L U I O 4- L C L L rC C a s 4- •r CL +J a s C 7 4- C L 'O Q) F- O F- r0 - f a L r6 .O +> > L LT H O •r CO O O C LL- L LL Cl) I 0 3 � W W U V) V) U ro M: CL LLJ 12 -1 O O O w LO tf} S_ O O N U CU O S- a C O Z •r O +� U Q S- W N in C 0••r O to U Z O 0 U C ro O N U- tT C Ln r W r � •r m J w I— C � O LL •r Q � U •r N CS U Q .a C ro J S_ O LL. N U tU O S- a 12 -2 N Z LL Li O W U O (n CT M CT ra M CT CV CT CT r--I CV CT CT CT 1-4 CT O CT CT r-1 r• . . . H U W '7 O CY tl n U O O Li O N O cr O tf} O W ^ I C'3 O Q co Ln J M =) J tf Q ►-� W > co co -0 rn v S_ •r I O CS O N O � N N V) r-+ C C C O O m LL. O O O O O O w LO O Lo O .•-r LC') ri '-1 b4 tii O O O O O LO O O O O O LO O O O O O LO .O N S_ •r O Q N CU w O N CT N •r C C O O LL m O O O O O M C O O U Y +.t O 0- O CU U M S- >> S_ S- O b N N O .0 O O r— CU •r � N O N N Cm Cl m U LL ►.-r H O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O i f�o LO ri tf} •� U O O O O O O O 0 0 O O O O O O O w O O ^ O O LC) O O O O Cb r" M O N ri ta4 •� U O O 3 C CU S- N C O O +J O E Q rt O O CT Z7 p vrn •r r•I 4- S. C (11 •r I N +•� '0 O E r r U •r C 3 �--r O CT r - ro C •� U � •r iC ro �L •r N '0 CV L E L _g_- -hG O CU u1 r0 O U ro O �- +) N S- _0 LL. C J 3 N C C S_ >> C CT C N S_ CV O r O ro rO S- .r O O O (0 -0 4-) S r S- U r— r m CL ro m S_ •r C O r N +•> +-) CV S_ L +•> N N C CL i-) 41 U CU N (0 PJ r ro ro -lL N W U> r 3 4- r CO m U U C Cl) C O Q ^ 4- O r (O ro U ^ O S_ +•) S_ N +) +) 4- 3 E (D ^ C r +) = C Cll .0 X- +•> r0 (0 ro r \ S- Z 3 O +-) N +•) N Cl) 4•) U N _0 "0 O I •r r0 C C L E= C C -0 _0 _0 O O +) 4- O 4) 41 O O 00 +) S- ro of - ro ro ro z O 1 N O I U r C •r U Z O C N S- O O O 3 O = O r •r i-) N -0 O> m r LY LY r C O C— S_ r L U O Q O rCS r0 O O O O •N N O +) (A I C +-) •r >, N ro CU L -0 4••> >> CU 4- 0) O O O CT S- a) i-) +•) C _C C +-) (10-0 U rC CT S- r O O O r C'3 > "0 •r S- O CU r- N O O =3 3,.-0 O N U U U (n Q r•- vN N U LY CT C Cr O S_ -NG r Z o25 CV •r CL C O 3 +•) r S- U C1) CU CL U N •r 0-0 +J W U 4-> C N (v m CU •r .Y Y -NC •r m N 4- CT S_ C N O N C 3 .0 L 4- ro ro ro 4- m CU S- U Cl- ro N E N O -0 +J a) 4- J J J 4- U U CU Q S_ (0-0 r S_ U -0 CO > CO r0 U N 4-J r C'3 CV C O 4- •r S- S_ Q O (n 3 = r0 = O CY H ro -0 U CO 14 CV y I O O 3 C CU S- N C O O +J O E Q rt O O CT Z7 p vrn •r r•I 4- S. C (11 •r I N +•� '0 O E r r U •r C 3 �--r O O O LO H4 L a) O N U a) O i a C O Z •r O •F) U Q L w 4-) w N O C 1-4 O N U Z O '0 U C ro O N Li IT C c/•i •r w m J h- C ►� O � •r Q U •r N U Q C J S- o LL- 0 L 1 O Z LL- CD w U O N M tT 0) .-••1 M 01 N Q) 01 ri N Q) r+ r-i O') O O) • • U w 7 O tY a 0 O O O r-•+ O O O O O O LC) O N —4 GC OG G G w w LO Ln O) N (V r+ 6R b4 .w .w 00 00 O) r+ I aJ O S- 0 a) N it .� O U r � C > LL O a) .� m O F- O O O O O ri O O O O O O O O O O O M M 1-4 M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O w w w lD O O O O N l0 N b4 r( LO Gf cz L O 1 () •r (O (0 F— 3 ct +) i..) +-3 -:1- Ln 4 a) •r (O —4 C >) .. :4z a) C •F) =4z a) -0 i-) L M t0 r E 4-) O N L 4-) Ln r- O a) cn C aJ O Cn a) '- (1) U O L Q) LL. N 1 .a (n (0 K r 4.) N co (0 r U (O +) N O I "d .0 C 1 IZ a) 0) U C C C CL C (0 C a) ots a) CU a) C.0 a.. V) O (0— Q) O E a' O 4-- ]C iZ 1 C •r C •r L C •r (1) O N L C r •-) L C: 4-) (1) +-) •r+) L OO (0 C O O L U a) O L U •F) a) i U a) C::r 3 •-� 3 •r a� � 3 •r a� � N a� aJ � 3 v M a) +-) (3) L aJ +) a) i O L a) i a) > 06 E N C) N (0 C4-) N (0 C i-) 4-1 C i-) N¢ 1 O C +.) � •r N 4 r (n ou V) •r N N U U •r >)•r i-) 0) C >>•r C C >> C-0 (3) r w J L r- C C O L— C O r cz C O L (6 (a 4-) .{.t '7 co •r (O w U M •r w U r w U co E o (0 = O L 4-)-C i 4-).0 O S.- +-) L L Y O Q' a) •r CO •r (0 O' CU r a) r- IZ 3 C .0 r0 rt) -0 C .0 (0-0 C 3 (0 .n C •I--) •r a) (0 a) O (O O O a) (0 N (0 a U N V/ =Cr V) Of -D ✓) NOS w w cY) Lci 1� L N (O •r i-� •r •F� C C N E (D U C (0 (0 r— 4 SZ C E a) 0) L L E O a +•) >> U c/1 U rtS C r- 4- L1 O O aJ L i +-) a) i E 'G (O a) a) Q r N N -0 r L � C U a) N U (O N O r C 4-J a. O a) S- S- •F) o CO •r a) > L O O a C •IJ i a) L L L •r 3 3 � au au a) N Ln i 12-3 00 co co •r • •r o o • •r • •r •r IT I IT N N Q Q• 1 1S C7, W O O r r a a1 a a) a) a a1 a1 IY w w > > •r N N N Q) 0 0) O O 0 0) N N N O O O C C . .-r r•-i C C C •r • •r L L • •r • "D •O ' 'O 'O C c c 3 3 c c C C c C C C O o o a aJ O O O O O O O O LL. U U. N N L LL. m m m L LL. LL- O O O r-•+ O O O O O O LC) O N —4 GC OG G G w w LO Ln O) N (V r+ 6R b4 .w .w 00 00 O) r+ I aJ O S- 0 a) N it .� O U r � C > LL O a) .� m O F- O O O O O ri O O O O O O O O O O O M M 1-4 M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O w w w lD O O O O N l0 N b4 r( LO Gf cz L O 1 () •r (O (0 F— 3 ct +) i..) +-3 -:1- Ln 4 a) •r (O —4 C >) .. :4z a) C •F) =4z a) -0 i-) L M t0 r E 4-) O N L 4-) Ln r- O a) cn C aJ O Cn a) '- (1) U O L Q) LL. N 1 .a (n (0 K r 4.) N co (0 r U (O +) N O I "d .0 C 1 IZ a) 0) U C C C CL C (0 C a) ots a) CU a) C.0 a.. V) O (0— Q) O E a' O 4-- ]C iZ 1 C •r C •r L C •r (1) O N L C r •-) L C: 4-) (1) +-) •r+) L OO (0 C O O L U a) O L U •F) a) i U a) C::r 3 •-� 3 •r a� � 3 •r a� � N a� aJ � 3 v M a) +-) (3) L aJ +) a) i O L a) i a) > 06 E N C) N (0 C4-) N (0 C i-) 4-1 C i-) N¢ 1 O C +.) � •r N 4 r (n ou V) •r N N U U •r >)•r i-) 0) C >>•r C C >> C-0 (3) r w J L r- C C O L— C O r cz C O L (6 (a 4-) .{.t '7 co •r (O w U M •r w U r w U co E o (0 = O L 4-)-C i 4-).0 O S.- +-) L L Y O Q' a) •r CO •r (0 O' CU r a) r- IZ 3 C .0 r0 rt) -0 C .0 (0-0 C 3 (0 .n C •I--) •r a) (0 a) O (O O O a) (0 N (0 a U N V/ =Cr V) Of -D ✓) NOS w w cY) Lci 1� L N (O •r i-� •r •F� C C N E (D U C (0 (0 r— 4 SZ C E a) 0) L L E O a +•) >> U c/1 U rtS C r- 4- L1 O O aJ L i +-) a) i E 'G (O a) a) Q r N N -0 r L � C U a) N U (O N O r C 4-J a. O a) S- S- •F) o CO •r a) > L O O a C •IJ i a) L L L •r 3 3 � au au a) N Ln i 12-3 —4 GC OG G G w w LO Ln O) N (V r+ 6R b4 .w .w 00 00 O) r+ I aJ O S- 0 a) N it .� O U r � C > LL O a) .� m O F- O O O O O ri O O O O O O O O O O O M M 1-4 M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O w w w lD O O O O N l0 N b4 r( LO Gf cz L O 1 () •r (O (0 F— 3 ct +) i..) +-3 -:1- Ln 4 a) •r (O —4 C >) .. :4z a) C •F) =4z a) -0 i-) L M t0 r E 4-) O N L 4-) Ln r- O a) cn C aJ O Cn a) '- (1) U O L Q) LL. N 1 .a (n (0 K r 4.) N co (0 r U (O +) N O I "d .0 C 1 IZ a) 0) U C C C CL C (0 C a) ots a) CU a) C.0 a.. V) O (0— Q) O E a' O 4-- ]C iZ 1 C •r C •r L C •r (1) O N L C r •-) L C: 4-) (1) +-) •r+) L OO (0 C O O L U a) O L U •F) a) i U a) C::r 3 •-� 3 •r a� � 3 •r a� � N a� aJ � 3 v M a) +-) (3) L aJ +) a) i O L a) i a) > 06 E N C) N (0 C4-) N (0 C i-) 4-1 C i-) N¢ 1 O C +.) � •r N 4 r (n ou V) •r N N U U •r >)•r i-) 0) C >>•r C C >> C-0 (3) r w J L r- C C O L— C O r cz C O L (6 (a 4-) .{.t '7 co •r (O w U M •r w U r w U co E o (0 = O L 4-)-C i 4-).0 O S.- +-) L L Y O Q' a) •r CO •r (0 O' CU r a) r- IZ 3 C .0 r0 rt) -0 C .0 (0-0 C 3 (0 .n C •I--) •r a) (0 a) O (O O O a) (0 N (0 a U N V/ =Cr V) Of -D ✓) NOS w w cY) Lci 1� L N (O •r i-� •r •F� C C N E (D U C (0 (0 r— 4 SZ C E a) 0) L L E O a +•) >> U c/1 U rtS C r- 4- L1 O O aJ L i +-) a) i E 'G (O a) a) Q r N N -0 r L � C U a) N U (O N O r C 4-J a. O a) S- S- •F) o CO •r a) > L O O a C •IJ i a) L L L •r 3 3 � au au a) N Ln i 12-3 L N (O •r i-� •r •F� C C N E (D U C (0 (0 r— 4 SZ C E a) 0) L L E O a +•) >> U c/1 U rtS C r- 4- L1 O O aJ L i +-) a) i E 'G (O a) a) Q r N N -0 r L � C U a) N U (O N O r C 4-J a. O a) S- S- •F) o CO •r a) > L O O a C •IJ i a) L L L •r 3 3 � au au a) N Ln i 12-3 O O 0 Ln (04 L a O N U a •,7 O S- 0 Z •r C) Q L W 0 � C �r O N U Z O •0 U C O V) U- C N •r W r F— •r Cn J Q w � •r Q � U •r N O• U Q C ro J L O U- V) .I.) U a O S- 0- 12 -4 N Z LL LL O LLJ U O N M 0) 0) ri M 01 N 01 0) rl N CT r♦ O m 0) • f— U Lt! '7 C) CL C O 4-) 4-) 4-) •r 4j = i +) r L c o (n a rt -0 V) 3 RS E E E a E +) c a M- a 0- rl V) E O V) a a O a a •r •r •r 04-) a a a N •r > > > > C > > > > i L L L L 0' C7 O' L L L L c- Q) a a a W W W E a a a (31 W V) V) 0 V) 4-) 4-) V) V) V) N O a v a v LL LL LL a a a a LL U Ln L L O CL r < 0 _r_ V1 F- - -04-- i a 3 3 3 LL N L U 3 C C C C U Q ro V) C C O C C (n O O O O 1 I I a ro O O O O I •r •r •r •r LD O Z — •r •r •r •r O 4.) .i•) 4-) 4-) 0) Q1 Q) 4-) 4-) 4-) 4..) 0) (O RS ro co O C C ^ (O (O (O (O C •r •r •r •r •r •r •r U •r •r •r •r •r U U U U +) Z r O (n U U U U +) a (1) a a (O (O (0 J a a a a to L i L i L L L L i S. L L a Cl a CL a) a a LL a C1 CL C1 a CI) Q) a a a a c- a) a 0) a >Z 0 0 0 o O o o F- C) o 0 0 0 r r a U "0 r- rO a a O O O O O U 1 -0 - C X ro O U U >) U a '0 U a rO F- ro co L C C r a LLJ L i (n O O O O O r r- a O O J a (D +) N N CO U CO CD C LLJ C1 C1 +) U U I i i d N '- I N N O O O O O O O O s 0 C1 O (O a 0 a r a O C L r Q OO CL' r-) F— 4- O O O O � w w O w O w w lO w Lo w .--) n CO O 00 Lf) N rl ri K::r N ri .C; U '0 a 4- b4 L r r) ,C r- E C6 C O •r = i +) r L c o (n a rt -0 V) 3 RS 0 o N a E +) a M- 4-) 3 •r V) E O V) 4-) E [r (6 04-) a O N CL r0 C r• CO L CL i i 4-) L > V) •r LL +) C1 O O -04- a •r C E L V) E *a 4-) +) C (D •r 4-) 4-) O a O ro rO O a J r- L) rts +) r 0)+) U Ln L L O CL r < 0 _r_ V1 F- - -04-- i a a 0) N +-) 0) LL N L U Z U 0 •r V) O U Q ro V) C S- 1 O (n Q r- J (6 4-) rO J a ro r O) O +) S- -1 i-) Ln LD O Z — r- LEI C C i-) V) O O r- Cl C a z ro 3 .O 1 Cl) r O i i 4) O a c 'O N a U O ro E a r- -0 a 0 U L F— O i •r z4z 1.0 0) r r- r a i -14 •r V) +) lO a +) Z r O (n '0 C LL i a-) U U i O 0 r- C L) 4- +) C C O ro r4 N N •r i-) 4- a C r O 4- a •I•) O 0 r s V) > >) L V) a 0) O O U tt +) +) v a a C- o o +) a LU a a LLJ r r a U "0 r- rO a a CL' U U 1 -0 - C X ro O U U >) U a '0 U a rO F- ro co L C C r a LLJ L i (n (O L ro 0) C co 0) L +.) r r- a O O J a (D +) -a r— co r -0 O r- -0 CD C LLJ C1 C1 +) U U I i i I C C C1 +-) CL 0 U Cl O I co o a a s a a C s 0 C1 O (O a 0 a r a a r• C L r Q CL' r-) F— 4- N O CL 3 W N (6 .C; U '0 a 4- 0) L r r) ,C r- E C6 ri O O 0 Lr) i v 0 N 4•.) U a) O L CL C O Z •r O +•) �-+ U H O Q L W N i C )--) O N U Z O •n U C O N LL C Ln r W r F- •r F--I m J I— C CL •r Q i-) U r N CT U Q 7 C J S- o LL N •I-) U a) •n O i IZ N Z LL LL. O W U 0 Ln �t rn M Cll M al N On On —I N 0) .-I Ql Cr ra r♦ Ql O m C)1 r♦ • H U W 7 O d O O O O O O O O O Ln 00 O I� -4 b4 O O O O N a) O O 00 O LO U a) •r O O a) ra +) (1) > L1 U > L a) O L O IY L a) N +) N v LL. Ln a) tY � I tY LL. •r 3 a) a) C U C O 1 C O U C +J IT C a..) r0 C a) r0 r r {•) r U +-) C U a) r0 •r a i i ra S- (0 O CO •r a) L O L ra S- 0 O Cl O O O O O O O O O Ln 00 O I� -4 b4 O O O O O O O O O O 00 O LO U a) (A a) O rd U L L Ln L C r O co (o M 4-) a) C C Q U > O a) a O S- L) 4-J w L a) C +- N LL. •r LL N a) !Y r 1 a) a) Of Q' I U C I +) I C O C ra •r 0) (1) Q) C 4-) C E C a) r0 a) i-) 0) C 4.J (0 O CO •r a) L O L ra S- (1) W (1) a a a a) O o 0 O O O O O O O O O O 00 O LO M —I O N N (1) i i •r O dU a) O W Ln tY I 3 N U I C r6 Q) C C a1 +� C fa •r S- 0 rt3 a) � a 0 0 co 0 0 N (1) 0 O Ln L L O O O 00 •r O Ln Ln N co N N > IZ U > > i O O i L a) i a) a) N +) N N a) IL N a) a) Of Q' I of N 3 a) C U C C O I C O O a) i-) 0) C 4.J +-) ra C O r6 r0 U +- C U U CU r0 •r a) a) L L r6 i i >Z a) M: n. n CU a v a) o O o 0 N N (1) i i •r O dU a) O W Ln tY I 3 N U I C r6 Q) C C a1 +� C fa •r S- 0 rt3 a) � a 0 0 00 0 0 i 0 O Ln O O O O 00 Ln Ln Ln N co N N 12-5 i a) N a) i L L !Z O a i E O a) E O U i +� •r d o) •r •r •r O •r L CL N OL Q) C O CL r0 O r0 CL r a) C Cl) M O r i L 4- V) O r rt) •r N d O a) 0) "O r r0 •r 4-) C 3 ►� C U (U C C L 3+) r0 O a) ra O L C a) O r0 a) r0 U O N+) a) O r Q CD O Ln +) r C N L N +-) L U i U N -0 r C ¢ 3 ra rO v rI a) (a 3 O ra •r rO +J r- cr- thz C .— t0 +-) S- (0 N CC 4- N r (A ra Q' 4- a) Q) r rl r E r- N N C Q) r- f 7 C r Q> L-) rZIIZ Gh J = C rr4tt ra O C r r N J O U ra U O ra CO W r0 LL M U C L = i a) U O i 4-) i a) ::4z O a) --o Q 0) a) r- C r a) r r tT +) a) •r O •r ra a) •r O a O Q) •r O O •r 4- C N O U U 4- ra N a) J U 4- r0 E ra U 4- ra ra Ln C.— �- r a) CO .r .0 > ra •r .0 Q L (U.— -C O 4J U r r- L L +•) O E r- L L •r L r- L L L 1 L CO W r r- 0- ra a) (n E O a r[) a) =3 a) LL (0 a) a) N I O 7 r- O a) r > ra a) L a) — > IS > a) — > > It a) r- O ra U U O W a'4- CL'U OW O CL'U O O W LL 4J N • C C O Q � L N +) > 3 X `--) W F- Q Ql 3 .-r 12-5 O O O LO S- 0 N V a) O i CL C O Z •r 0 +•) V 4 S- 4-) W (A � C V) U Z O U C O N LL_ M C Ln r W r F— •r ►� O m J n F— C d •r U •r N Q V Q C J S- o LL- V) -P U a) •r7 O i CL 12 -6 N Z O LL_ LL_ O W U O 0 Ln rn M O) 0) —4 M C7) N rn r-r CV 0) O) r-� -I C) O 0) 01 • F- U W '7 O CL C C C C C C C c C C O O O 00 00 •r •r O •r O O •r •r •r N N •r N •r •r N N N N •r •r N •r N N •r •r •r •r > > •r > •r •r > > > > •r > •r > > •r •r •r •r •r •r •r 0 •r L L L L L L L L L L O O a) a) a a) a) aJ a) a) 'O +•) +-> -P -P +•j 4--14-) +•) -P a-.) a) ro ro r0 rO ro ro ro ro m ro O 3 3 3 3 3 3 s 3 3 3 C O O O O O i t r i F r F r r r U- O LO U) O 0)0) Q) Q) L C C C C C C C C C C a •r •r •r •r •r •r •r •r •r •r m. +-) +••) +) +) +) +-) +-) +J +� + O (0 r0 rO r6 r0 r0 r0 ro r0 ro L L L L L i t L L L a) a) a) v a) a) a) a) v a) a) > 0-0- a. 0-0- a a a. m. a_ a) 00 O 00 00 O 00 0 O 00 O 00 LO LO O LO C0 LO r q .--r O O O O O O O O O w Ln Ln O w w w LC) l Lf) l0 .-1 r-•( LO O O O O O O O O O O O O LO U) O O O O O O O O O O LC) LO O w w w w 00 Lf) l0 Lf) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Lf) Lf) O w w O w w 000 w O LO 4Z LC) t.0 0 025 4-) w N 4-) (A N a) O C a) N 3 = O 0) ro N +-) E 'r' •O m. +j E Y E (A -0 4-- ro •r S- c O U O a) ro O L (0 L (1) "O a) S- -r Lt O V) Um > o E 4- 3 4- U L >, •• v O O c O O a) L \ r- +-) 3 > C (a C r r aJ r0 CL a) aJ r C C O •r 3 •r- O r0 L +) V) 4-) ro a) L (0 R) O d' Q) N CT f— N (0 r a) C m m O C M: 3 U r- II) > S- S- ro 0) O E +•) 0) O C V) D) O 4-) (n >>•r C •r L1J (1) C ro C/) +•) CD O C •r r-( C •r Q) O C •r C (L) +) a) +-r '7 C •r U N w •r +•) V i •r +) U a) •r •r +-) >) > N E N O C 4- X U a) E L U Y C •r i U c L O L U L L a) a) () rt5 CL LLJ LLI -0 O "a a) O c — O a) O — CO O a) O Q) aJ O F- U F- Cl. '7 a) L r a) L ro > a) L r a L s > N r0 U 025 025 O CL 4- a) C +J F— l0 L C +j LC• O +) •r L r a) W •r •r N r-I a) •r N a) m. > C r3 Y Y N CL +) 4- 0) C 'O N V) C r Q7 C C a) (O +-) aJ r Q L O m. O L C O a) •- a C O r- Y C C O •r- m a) aJ = ca Z 0 0 rO LLI ra C a) LLI U +-> = LL) U r- U +.) •r W U (0 J M: LL U U CL +•) a) rO ro rO •r a N +•) L Q Q a) (A LM > 4-) a) +•) 3 a) N C a) 0-' +-) a) a) U N a) ro -0 a) (A _0 ro -0 N L L O (0-0 .- r +j r0 .n V C l (N Y r Ln r0 = O r C •r C rO +4--) L r0 ro a) r0 •r F- L-) +) LL! r i Ln r r 3 (N U 3 s _J a_ LLJ C. LLJ o O N M F-- F- L.f) CV CV CV CV N CV Cn CV O O O w LO bar i Q) O N U Q) O i a_ C O Z •r O +) r--r U F- O Q i LLJ N 1= C P-r O N U Z O 'o U C RS O N U- C N r � •0 W r F- •r r-•r O m J Q F- C ►-+ 0 d •r Q +) U r N Q U Q C J S- o LL N a••) U 0 .In O i a N Cl Z LL- LL O W U O N O M Ol 01 M I N 0) O) r--I N O� 1 ri Ol 01 ri Ol 1 O 011 Ol r+ I F- U LU 7 O a O O c c O p0 O O o c o O O 0 w w r O •r O M L ) O O •r •r }� O > > O ^ t,A bq •r � •r 1 I m p •r i w w rl_ Ol Q) i i-) 0 M O Q) Q) C O .••� Ln (1) O U lO U U U U U U U 4-) 4-) 4-) N NQ)c LL C LL LL LL LL LL LL r y O p" �-4 r-- r- 4 0-4 � F- m F- F- F- F- F- F- c c c O p0 0 o c o O r r O •r O 00 O O •r •r }� O > > O ^ •r •r � •r Q p •r i w w rl_ Ol i i-) M O Q) Q) C O Q) (1) O U lO i i U 4-) 4-) 4-) N NQ)c 0) a I 1 ro 7 •r r- C C •r Q) O O r •r >= U U 4..i 4-) I 1 1 ro to3�3-R J JJ i i00 Q) Q) Ln Lo LL LL LL- lm. 0. 0 4 1-1 i-4 O O F- F- F- O O O O O O -4 O N r--I O O O O O O w w -4 O N ra O p0 O O O 00 O O 0 00 O ^ O w 0 w w rl_ Ol 0 M O N lO r� O O O O O O O O O w C7 C ri O Lc M M tD 00 00 O 00 O 00 O O O O 00 00 O ^ 00 w O 00 ^ w n w —4 w w ^ ri O Lo Lr N O r•-4 to Ul N ri m I` am CY N l[) C O t ro •N i C � U -O rt (� ro Q .w n O N "C E -) Q) 4- \ i C O LL) O) ra N O Q) ro C r- Y X � r- = •r d S- Cl) ro v roL)E or 4) U Y r v1 +•) E Q) 3 n. 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N bo? OOOOO O OOOO O Ln 000 w n w O w w LC) M Ln Ln LC) N ri M f- Z W ^ ^ W F- C.f3 U Z W W �CLZ N Q W F- Q W U' t-4. _ p Q F- U ^tl'W O'QW �O �WCL F - W=> =W Q W CL O Q Q W= Ln >. 3 =JCl- W J = Zv W¢O(n �O Z C'3 CO ^ W F- cU CL = — W r+to O o-r CC) YUZZ OF- wZ I W . 4 = a) CD OW Ln�C3W Or4CL' �--� N>- UULnCL"W Cr- ZOLn0)F- > �F- W W W I Q - QCL'F -4 ....0 ►-i [1 Z = == W J >= CL =Z Z F -> Z 0 W =LnLntn::cJ O'WF -0LL, m CL O In In L/) Q W [Y U C3 M W CD F- O U ►-+ U U Z LLI -j .� [Y 1 1 C1' 1 ►-� W CY Z W LnW: :Z M W F- <=W<M =F- _ >OZZZ LL- LL- 3LL_LL- NLL_MCLF - =Z F- La_QWC)0C)0 +r -+W =oC WQZ= LnX:U- OOMcoco -cn33 3 O3WLL- y 12 -9. DEBT SERVICE The Debt SeAvice Fund iz uzed Jon paying genenat obti.gati.on deba ineu4Aed by the Vittage. The kevy yean iz zomewhat diije.Aent jum the ' actuak payment yean. The pno pen ty tax. i.6 t evied in .6 uch a 6" hio n so that the V,i,Uage w.iU neeeive 6undz in time to pay the pk i.ne i.pat and intetut a,5 it becomez payable. The tax .bevy .6chedute .us included �.n the budget az ' Appendix F. 13 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DEBT SERVICE FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy Receipts from Other Funds Replacement Tax Interest Earned Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: Bond Principal and Interest Miscellaneous TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED $1,148,224 $1,300,950 $1,431,063 $1,585,575 222,400 84,280 84,280 80,025 48,682 40,000 49,460 45,000 127,932 100,000 93,620 75,000 1,391 0 0 0 $1,548,629 $1,525,230 $1,658,422 $1,785,600 1,430,725 1,425,638 1,471,125 1,822,600 (736) 15,000 14,182 20,000 $1,429,989 $1,440,638 $1,485,307 $1,842,600 $ 118,640 $ 84,592 $ 173,115 $ (57,000) 13 -2 DEBT SERVICE FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy Receipts from Other Funds Replacement Tax Interest Earned Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: Bond Principal and Interest Miscellaneous TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 13 -3 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED $1,822,451 $1,822,213 75,650 96,150 45,000 45,000 75,000 75,000 0 0 $2,018,101 $2,038,363 1,822,451 1,822,213 20,000 20,000 $1,842,451 $1,842,213 $ 175,650 $ 196,150 I PUBLIC BENEFIT The pubti.c bene� t potti.on o6 f-ocat .i.mpnovementz in6taUed undo the ' bpeci,a2 uzuzment pucedune o6 6inanci.ng .c6 paid Jam th,i6 6und. 14 -1 PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy Interest Earnings Other Charges Beginning Cash Balances TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE EXPENDITURES: Other Expense Contractual TOTAL EXPENDITURES REMAINING CASH BALANCE 14 -2 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65,273 65,273 65,273 $ 0 $ 65,273 $ 65,273 $ 65,273 0 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ $ 0 $ 65,273 $ 0 65,273 0 0 0 $ 65,273 65,273 $ 0 PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy $ 0 $ 0 Interest Earnings 0 0 Other Charges 0 0 Beginning Cash Balances 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE $ 0 $ 0 EXPENDITURES: Other Expense 0 0 Contractual 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 0 $ 0 REMAINING CASH BALANCE $ 0 $ 0 14 -3 MUNICIPAL AUDIT ' The muni.c i.pat audit is an independent, outzide audit conducted by a 6i.m engaged by the Mayon and Board o6 T4urteu on an annual basin as uqui&ed by State taw. Thebe are ewunatked �undfs that can only be expended bon audit t punpozez. The amount Levied .i,6 dezigned to be the exact cost of the audit. 1 1 1 15 -1 MUNICIPAL AUDIT FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy $ 10,772 $ 12,000 $ 12,000 $ 12,500 Miscellaneous 49 0 10 0 TOTAL REVENUES $ 10,821 $ 12,000 $ 12,010 $ 12,500 EXPENDITURES: Contractual 10,850 12,000 11,200 12,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 10,850 $ 12,000 $ 11,200 $ 12,500 NET CHANGE $ (29) $ 0 $ 810 $ 0 15 -2 REVENUE: Property Tax Levy Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Contractual TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 15 -3 MUNICIPAL AUDIT FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 13,000 $ 13,000 $ 13,000 $ 13,000 13,000 13,000 $ 13,000 $ 13,000 $ 0 $ 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY The Emergency Se vice,6 and Dizasteh Agency .6upeuedez the Civic Debense Agency and now buicaUy retatu to natunat di,6asteu cawed by jZoodb and xornadoa. The Agency a,Uo prepanez a pta.n of action to be taken ij man -made ddzazteu occur buch as tta%n, a )Lcta�t and tuck accidence where cargo -i,nvoZvu pozenti.at danger to ouA Village res,i,dentz. 16 -1 EMERGENCY SERVICES FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy $ 5,129 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Miscellaneous 6 0 5 0 TOTAL REVENUE $ 5,136 $ 5,000 $ 5,005 $ 5,000 EXPENDITURES: Travel, Training, etc. 496 600 600 700 Communications 1,747 1,400 1,590 1,500 Insurance 365 600 80 600 Contractual 156 300 180 300 Utility Services 116 100 50 100 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 1,488 1,300 940 1,300 Petroleum Products 0 200 200 200 Repairs and Maintenance 737 800 100 1,000 Supplies 211 500 0 500 Equipment 0 500 2,500 500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 5,316 $ 6,300 $ 6,238 $ 6,700 NET CHANGE $ (181) $ (1,300) $ (1,234) $ (1,700) 16 -2 EMERGENCY SERVICES FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: Travel, Training, etc. Communications Insurance Contractual Utility Services Motor Vehicle Maintenance Petroleum Products Repairs and Maintenance Supplies Equipment TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 700 700 1,500 1,500 600 600 300 300 100 100 1,300 1,300 200 200 1,000 1,000 500 500 $ 6,700 $ 6,700 $ (1,700) $ (1,700) 16 -3 PARKING LOTS The Paxking Lot Section coui t6 o� expenditures fox the maintenance and operation o6 the commuter parking .dote. They are bxoken down into Zote coutructed with V.c,P,eage 6unde onky and .dote coutAu.cted with both Vittage and FedexaZ junde. The parking Zote are: NUMBER LOCATION SPACES CONSTRUCTION FUNDING Lot 1 Cheetnut, Noxth o j Txa.in Station D) i.ve 78 Vittage Lot 2 Paxk Avenue (Eaet Side) 34 Vittage Lot 3 Aeceed Avenue on Stxeet Paxking 14 V.c.Qta.g e Lot 4 Marathon Lot 87 Vittage Lot 5 Deexb.letd 9 Etm 91 Vittage and Federae Lot 6 Around Ra,c koad Station 187 V.c,P,eage and Fedetcae Lot 7 Park Avenue ((Oust Side) 91 Vittage and Fedeut Lot 8 EZm Stxeet 32 ViP.eage Lot 9 Eem Stxeet 51 Vittage Lot 10 Petexzon Lane 20 V.c,Ptage 17 -1 PARKING LOT FUND - VILLAGE SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED REVENUE: Collections TOTAL REVENUES Transfer to Street Fund TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES: Salaries Benefits Insurance Utility Services Repairs and Maintenance Supplies Aggregates Materials Contractual Equipment TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE $ 34,468 $ 36,000 $ 52,300 $ 657000 710 311 340 380 $ 34,468 $ 36,000 $ 52,300 $ 65,000 (10,000) (15,000) (15,000) (207000) $ 24,468 $ 21,000 $ 37,300 $ 45,000 3,837 4,100 5,450 4,300 244 180 581 710 311 340 380 340 3,685 6,800 2,410 6,800 55 1,000 2,780 1,000 189 500 420 500 0 200 0 250 13 1,000 3,100 1,500 0 0 0 2,500 0 100 0 100 $ 8,335 $ 14,220 $ 15,121 $ 18,000 $ 16,134 $ 6,780 $ 22,179 $ 27,000 17-2 PARKING LOT FUND - VILLAGE SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Collections $ 657000 $ 657000 TOTAL REVENUES $ 65,000 $ 65,000 Transfer to Street Fund (20,000) (20,000) TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS $ 45,000 $ 45,000 EXPENDITURES: Salaries 4,300 4,300 Benefits 820 940 Insurance 340 340 Utility Services 6,800 6,800 Repairs and Maintenance 1,000 1,000 Supplies 500 500 Aggregates 250 250 Materials 1,500 1,500 Contractual 2,500 2,500 Equipment 100 100 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 18,110 $ 18,230 NET CHANGE $ 26,890 $ 26,770 17 -3 PARKING LOT FUND - COMBINED SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED REVENUE: Collections TOTAL REVENUES Transfer to Street Fund TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES: Salaries Benefits Insurance Utility Services Repairs and Maintenance Property Rentals Supplies Aggregates Materials Contractual Equipment TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE $ 56,713 $ 55,000 $ 66,160 $ 65,000 2,300 661 1,000 $ 56,713 $ 55,000 $ 66,160 $ 65,000 (10,000) (15,000) (15,000) (20,000) $ 46,713 $ 40,000 $ 51,160 $ 45,000 3,198 4,000 229 190 311 40 2,633 2,300 661 1,000 7,440 7,500 217 500 0 500 160 800 0 0 0 500 $ 14,848 $ 17,330 $ 4,049 4,200 490 600 380 40 1,950 2,300 1,000 2,500 7,500 7,500 0 500 0 500 280 800 0 2,500 500 500 16,149 $ 21,940 $ 31,865 $ 22,670 $ 35,011 $ 23,060 17 -4 PARKING LOT FUND - COMBINED SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Collections $ 65,000 $ 65,000 TOTAL REVENUES $ 65,000 $ 65,000 Transfer to Street Fund (20,000) (20,000) TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS $ 45,000 $ 45,000 EXPENDITURES: Salaries 4,200 4,200 Benefits 690 790 Insurance 40 40 Utility Services 2,300 2,300 Repairs and Maintenance 2,500 2,500 Property Rentals 7,500 7,500 Supplies 500 500 Aggregates 500 500 Materials 800 800 Contractual 2,500 2,500 Equipment 500 500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 22,030 $ 22,130 NET CHANGE $ 22,970 $ 22,870 17 -5 TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM In August, 1981, a Taxi Subsidy Program was established for senior ' citizens and the handicapped. This was a major program change which eliminated the Dial -A -Ride Program. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 -1 REVENUE: Grant Village Contribution TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: Contractual TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 18 -2 TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED 1987 -88 ACTUAL 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED $ 7,170 $ 4,500 $ 2,450 $ 4,500 27000 2,000 21000 2,000 6,500 $ 9,170 $ 6,500 $ 4,450 $ 6,500 5,115 6,500 5,920 6,500 $ 5,115 $ 6,500 $ 5,920 $ 6,500 $ 4,055 $ 0 $ (1,470) $ 0 REVENUE: Grant Village Contribution TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: Contractual TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 4,500 $ 4,500 2,000 2,000 $ 6,500 $ 6,500 6,500 6,500 $ 6,500 $ 6,500 $ 0 $ 0 18 -3 t PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPLACEMENT FUND The punpo6 e o j the fund iz to amortize the neptacement co6t v � cWa.in ' vi tag e equipment oven it,5 ub e�ut Zi, e. Fah the purpose o6 tW 6und, capita e equipment eZigibte Jon nepf- acement i,6 de6ined u any veh,icte on .Gunge tegu mty neptaced equipment .item having a "e6ut t i6 e o6 more than one yeah and having a ' vaEue of $5,000 on mane at the time o6 punchu e. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 -1 REPLACEMENT FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED REVENUE: Depreciation Charges: Street Sewer Sewerage Treatment Plant Water Garage Interest Earnings TOTAL REVENUE Beginning Cash Balance FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR YEAR EXPENDITURES: Equipment Motor Vehicles Total Expenditures REMAINING CASH BALANCE 19 -2 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED $ 0 $ 61,000 $ 61,670 $ 63,000 0 17,000 17,040 16,000 0 14,000 14,040 14,000 0 30,000 30,000 33,000 0 500 510 0 51,296 30,000 52,410 45,000 $ 51,296 $ 152,500 $ 175,670 $ 171,000 568,784 487,199 490,903 594,923 $ 620,080 $ 639,699 $ 666,573 $ 765,923 118,383 74,800 14,070 123,500 10,794 0 57,580 0 $ 129,177 $ 74,800 $ 71,650 $ 123,500 $ 490,903 $ 564,899 $ 594,923 $ 642,423 REPLACEMENT FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED REVENUE: Depreciation Charges: Street Sewer Sewerage Treatment Plant Water Garage Interest Earnings TOTAL REVENUE Beginning Cash Balance FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR YEAR EXPENDITURES: Equipment Motor Vehicles Total Expenditures REMAINING CASH BALANCE 1990 -91 1991 -92 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 63,000 $ 63,000 16,000 16,000 14,000 14,000 33,000 33,000 0 0 50,000 50,000 $ 176,000 $ 176,000 642,423 646,923 $ 818,423 $ 822,923 121,500 51,600 50,000 40,000 $ 171,500 $ 91,600 $ 646,923 $ 731,323 19 -3 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY (not included in municipal budget) Source of Funds and Expenditures actual and projected account number 60 -9090 ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries -- Professional 5114 Salaries - -Non Professional 5115 Benefits 5211 Repairs, Maintenance of Building and Equipment, Building Supplies 5212 Education -- Travel, Dues, etc. 5213 Printing 5214 Communication 5216 Utilities 5220 Binding 5224 Periodicals 5224 Books 5224 Audio Visual 5224 Film Rental 5315 Insurance 5316 Professional Services 5317 Contractual: Equipment Rental, Maintenance & Xerox 5320 Special Library Programs 5320 Data Base 5320 Cataloging Service 5424 Miscellaneous 5434 Supplies (Library and Office) 6111 New Equipment 6415 Improvements - -Other Than Buildings SUB TOTAL Automation Project TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE BUDGET 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 $219,561 295,419 30,000 39,000 8,000 5,000 8,000 700 1,000 26,000 86,000 18,000 -0- 12,000 6,000 11,000 5,000 1,500 5,000 400 21,000 35,000 90,888 $219,561 287,127 26,000 34,246 12,089 2,777 6,450 326 651 22,570 84,110 18,000 57 10,806 5,000 10,000 2,675 811 2,071 1,416 20,000 23,245 78,800 $924,468 $868,788 72,000 71,000 $996,468 $939,788 SOURCE OF FUNDS 229,837 323,373 41,500 95,000 10,000 7,000 9,500 1,000 2,500 33,000 96,000 25,000 -0- 20,000 6,000 17,000 6,500 2,000 7,000 1,000 23,000 22,000 50,000 $1,028,210 85,750 $1,113,960 Property Tax Levy $722,017 $814,493 Personal Property Replacement Tax 16,000 16,000 Non - Resident Fees 15,000 15,000 Fees, Fines and Penalties 22,696 23,000 Gifts 500 500 Reciprocal Borrowing 2,000 3,500 Xerox 15,000 15,000 Interest 25,000 25,000 Grants 17,255 17,467 Videos 21,000 24,000 Reserve for Repairs & Replacement plus Improvement 140,000 160,000 TOTALS $996,468 $1,113,960 20 -1 DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY Work Statistics CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT: Materials Circulated - Books Records Puzzles Paintings Video (Suburban Audio Visual) Film Talking Books Interlibrary Loans Miscellaneous Rental Books Video Tape Collection Overdue Notices Mailed (After 3 -4 weeks) Registered Borrowers PROCESSING DEPARTMENT: Materials Purchased and Received - Books Records, Compact Discs, and Tapes Prints Miscellaneous Video Cassettes Total Materials Processed PROGRAMMING - ADULT AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT: Programs - Adult's Sponsored or Conducted by Library Staff Children's Sponsored or Conducted by Library Staff Meeting Room Use by Groups .. . .. . .. .. ... .. . .. .. . . .. .. . 195,738 192,698 200,634 194,790 13,389 11,643 14,497 17,238 762 536 533 567 552 595 567 518 81 77 49 2 40 7 55 141 641 576 565 670 2,089 2,176 2,532 2,527 728 499 484 (see puzzles) 1,029 352 -- -- 16,674 22,422 27,597 32,515 231,723 ** 231,581 ** 247,513 ** 248,968 ** 3,227 3,300 9,000 7,200 12,656 12,164 6,047 4,563 6,366 5,464 324 397 571 247 0 0 0 0 46 24 18 57 299 275 330 240 6,716* 5,259* 7,285* 6,008* 15 * ** 22 * ** 30 * ** 38 * ** 106 * ** 155 * ** 180 * ** 190 * ** Outside the Library 171 * ** Adult Reference Inquiries 10,908 ** Children's Reference Inquiries 4,830 ** * Figures through February 13, 1989 (87/88 - th ** February, March, April Figures Estimated * ** Figures through February, 1989 20 -2 181 * ** 166 * ** 13,690 ** 15,728 ** 10,679 ** 15,552 ** rough March 6, 1988) 252 * ** 16,444 ** 19,350 ** APPENDIX A Administrative Department Equipment Request 1989 - 1990 Equipment Office Furniture for Annex Office Equipment and Furnishings for Village Hall Chairs for Board Room Budget $ 2,500 2,500 5,000 TOTAL $10,000 APPENDIX B Police Department Equipment Request 1989 - 1990 0 Equipment Budget Two (2) Auto Boot Immobilizers $ 800 Video Imager /Printer 5,000 Computer Hardware 8,000 Portable Telephone 1,000 Three (3) Umitrol Units 1,500 Twelve (12) Flashlights 1,440 Photo Processor 1,500 Furniture (Youth Social Workers) 1,500 TOTAL $20,740 Equipment New Radio Console Transmitter Call Check Equipment Modify Telephone APPENDIX B -1 Enhanced 9 -1 -1 Fund Equipment Request 1989 - 1990 Budget $ 80,000 10,000 6,000 TOTAL $104,000 APPENDIX C -1 Public Works Department Equipment Request Street Division 1989 - 1990 Equipment 1/3 Cost of Impulse Hammer U Box Salt Spreader Chain Saw Lawn Mower Budget $ 3,300 9,000 500 500 TOTAL $13,300 APPENDIX C -2 Public Works Department Equipment Request Sewer Division 1989 - 1990 Equipment Budget 1/3 Cost of Impulse Hammer $ 3,300 Two (2) Root Cutters @ $1,500 3,000 WRF Upgrade Variable Speed Pump at East Side Lift Station 28,000 ARC Welder 2,000 PH Meter 11000 Hand Held 2 -Way Radio 700 Portable Gas Detector 3,000 TOTAL $41,000 APPENDIX C -3 Public Works Department Equipment Request Water Division 1989 - 1990 Equipment Budget 2" Trash Pump $ 1,300 3" Trash Pump 1,500 1/3 Cost of Impulse Hammer 3,300 Water .Meters, @ -. $75 each, 16,500 TOTAL $22,600 APPENDIX C -4 Public Works Department Equipment Request Garage Division 1989 - 1990 Equipment Budget One (1) Transmission Jack $ 1,700 Asbestos Vacuum 4,000 Drill Press 3,200 Shop Vacuum 300 TOTAL $ 9,200 CU r v L U N X_ CU O a) Z U LU tp CL r a a Q O N r U t CU a 1 a rn r♦ M 1 N CT CT r� N CT 1 ri Cif CT ri r+ Cn O CT (T r� O I CT 00 CT r-i O F- LU CL O Q W J W C� O Z Q W Y Q Z'. 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