Ordinance No. 0 -65-35
Amendment to side yard requirements of
B -1, Business District.
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Plan Commission of the
Village of Deerfield, pursuant to notice therefor published "not less
than fifteen days prior thereto, as required by law; and
WHEREAS, said Plan Commission has recommended changes to the side
yard requirements of the zoning ordinance, pursuant to said public hearing,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED. by the President and Board of Trustees
of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that:
Section 1. The zoning ordinance of the village, as amended, is
hereby further.amended _ by adding to Section XIII, paragraph D, sub-
paragraph 2, the following sub - paragraph:
D -2 -d. Where a side yard is not required by this zoning
ordinance, the structure or building ma.y be built to the lot
line, provided that if the building is not built to the lot
line, a minimum side yard of five feet shall be maintained.
Section 2. This amendment shall be in full force and effect from and
after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law.
Passed this 16th day of August, 1965.
H. Ross Finney
Published: August 25, 1965 in the Deerfield Review.
Ordinance No. 0 -65 -35
Amendment to side yard requirements
of B -1 Business District
'WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Plan Commission
of the Village of Deerfield,. pursuant to notice. therefor pub-
lished not less than fifteen days prior thereto, as required
by law; and
WHEREAS, said Plan Commission has recommended changes to
the side yard requirements of the zoning ordinance, pursuant to
saidppublic hearing.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board
of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties,
Illinois, that:
.Section 1. The zoning ordinance of the village, as
amended, is hereby further amended by adding to Section XIII,
paragraph D, sub - paragraph 2, the following sub - paragraph:
D-2 -d. Where a side yard is not required by
this zoning ordinance, the structure or building
may be built to the lot line, provided that if
the building is not built to the lot line, a-
minimum side yard of five feet shall be.maintained.
Section 2. This amendment shall be in full force and
effect from and after its passage, approval and publication,
as provided by law.
Passed this 16th day of August , 1965.
Published: August 25, 1965; in the Deerfield Review.
Q Ig W. - ---
Amendment to side yard V*quirementiv
of D-1 bainess District
WRER * a publie bearing was held. by the .Plan Comisesi1 .
of the Village of Dererfield# pursuant to notice therefor pu'o-
lisehed not lose then fifteen days prior thiretos ae required
by l.awi and
WIRRFAS# said Plan. Commission ion has r"omraeit 4el~d ahftgees to
the sl deg .yard requIrements.of the zoning ordilre mes purvus t to
Laid pubIU" heir#
crows =RMR9 IT oRDAIM by t4ess: ' Presldetnt also Boo
of T'ft>eteea of the 'Village of Deerfields lake and Cook Counties#
Illinals, that:
e►ot#.P. a The azo>ning ord nance of the villages ae
amendelyds Is hereby further amended by Adding to Section Xtlls
paragrOph D. *' Sub- para;T&ph .+2t the following Sub- paragraph:
D-2*d• Who" a idde bard to not required by
thile :zoning ordtnmcea the structure or building
le8y be built to the lot lines provl4ed that if
they building is not built to the lot llnop a
minim= aide yard of 'klve 'foet Man be Maintained,
Sec Lion This seendmetit, shall be in ' tll force and
-effect from and after its p4 aag,es approval and p011oations
as provided by' lave
eed th.8 16th ,.,.► day of August s 19654,
H .. Ross Finney
Atteset t
Catherine B. Price
pLtbllfllhidi August '25, ..i965` i n the Deerfield Rev i ew.