Village Budget For Year Beginning May 1, 2008- �r. ... �i 2008/09 Budget Revenues Grants 3.7% User Fees 5.1% Motor Fuel Tax 1.2% New debt 11.1% Other 4.0% TIF Increment Tax 10.0% Interfund Transfers - 8.9% Cash Balances 5.4% Sewer Charges Water Charges Telecomm. Tax 5.7% 9.5% 1.4% Village Property Tax 7.5% Municipal S Aes Tax 14.9;5 Interest Earnings 3.7% State Income Tax 3.7% _Hotel Tax 4.4% 2008/09 Budget Expenditures (by function) Miscellaneous Interfund Transfers 4.6% General Government 0.4% 10.0 0/0 ' Economic Incentives Police Pens. Payments 1.8% 3.5% Infrastructure 22.3 °,b TIF Debt Service 4.8% General obligation Debt Police (Inc. E911) 5.7% 17.6% Scavenger 4.0% Street 5.8% _Sewer 8.7% Water 10.7% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ANNUAL BUDGET MAY 15 2008 TO APRIL 30, 2009 ELECTED OFFICIALS Steven M. Harris, Mayor Robert Benton, Trustee Harriet Rosenthal, Trustee Michelle Feldman, Trustee William Seiden, Trustee Tom Jester, Trustee Barbara Struthers, Trustee VILLAGE MANAGER Kent Street DEPARTMENT HEADS Robert W. Fialkowski, Director of Finance/Treasurer John J. Sliozis, Chief of Police Barbara K. Little, Director of Public Works and Engineering Clint Case, Building & Code Enforcement Supervisor Jeff Ryckaert, Village Planner Phillip Kiraly, Assistant Village Manager 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY INFORMATION Page Village Manager's.Transmittal Message ...................................................::....... ....:.........................1 GFOAAward .................................................................:................................... ............................... 7 Budget Summaries and Fund Balance Projections .......................................... ............................... 8 Budget Summary ( Detail) .....................................................................:............ .............................10 BudgetRequests .................................................................. ............................... Proposed 2007 Property Tax Levy ........................ WaterFund Summary ........................................................................ ............................... Major Revenues — 4 -Year Detail .......................................:..:..:.:..................... ............................... 13 Major Budget Policies and Objectives ............................................................ ............................... 17 Major Revenue Discussion ..........................................................................:.. ..........:.................... 21 BudgetCalendar .......:..................................................................................... ............................... 25 PersonnelDetail ................................................:................................................ .............................26 BudgetRequests .................................................................. ............................... Supplemental Information — Village Overview.......: ........................................ ......................:........ 27 Organization Chart .................................................. .................................................... Inside back cover ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (Summary) .................................................... ................:.............. 30 Finance Department .........:.......... Mayor and Board of Trustees ............................................................ ............................... 33 Manager's Office ................................................................................ ............................... 36 Community Development .................................................................. ............................... 39 EngineeringDivision .......................................................................... ............................... 42 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE DEPARTMENT Police Department Summary ............................................................. ............................... 47 Mission Statement, Goals and Accomplishments ............................. ............................... 48 BudgetRequests ............................................................................... ............................... 50 PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC WORKS Street Division Summary ................................................................... ............................... 52 Goals and Accomplishments ................................................ ............................... 53 BudgetRequests .................................................................. ............................... 55 WaterFund Summary ........................................................................ ............................... 57 Goals and Accomplishments ................................................ ............................... 58 BudgetRequests .................................................................. ............................... 60 SewerFund Summary ....................................................................... ............................... 62 Goals and Accomplishments ................................................ ............................... 63 BudgetRequests .................................................................. ............................... 67 GarageFund ...................................................................................... ............................... 69 19 CAPITAL PROJECTS Page CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Capital Projects Funds — Summary .................................................... ............................... 70 Infrastructure Replacement/MFTNERF ............................................ ............................... 71 Tax Increment Financing Districts ..................................................... ............................... 73 5 Year Capital. Improvement Program ............................................... ............................... 76 SUPPORT FUNDS MISCELLANEOUS FUNDS Support Funds — Summary ................................................................ ............................... 80 Debt Service /Police Pension ................. .........:............................... ..................:............ . 81 Refuse Collection /Commuter Station Parking Lots ........................... ................ ................ 84 LIBRARY SYSTEM (A Component Unit) BudgetRequest .................................................................................. ............................... 86 APPENDICES A — Equipment Purchases ( non- VERF) ............................................. ............................... 87 B— Glossary ..................................................................................... ............................... 88 C — Summary of Significant Accounting and Budgeting Policies ...... ............................... 92 11 ' 1 Z �CO) o� �3 33 �M O< ' z 1 1 1 1 1 1 r J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD BUDGET MESSAGE ' Municipal government provides a wide range of basic services on which we all depend: police protection, potable water and snow plowing to name a few. The ability of an elected board to supply these services in an effective and efficient manner depends on its financial decisions. That ' is why of all issues considered by the Village Board over the course of a year none is more important than adoption of the annual budget. The total budget for 2008 -09 is $45,159,691, excluding the Library (a component unit) budget, ' which is $3,239,984. This represents a 12.4% decrease from last year's amended budget and reflects reduced Interfund transfers and capital projects offset by higher personnel costs in the operating funds. The operating component of the budget is $20,687,102, which is a 10% decrease from the prior year. This budget reflects the maintenance of current programs and service levels while continuing a ' substantial capital project program to replace aging infrastructure. Reflecting the slower economic conditions locally and statewide and a stable population, there are no new full -time positions in this budget. ' PLANNING PROCESSES This budget continues the implementation of recommendations contained in significant planning ' studies that were completed in the last four years. The revisions to the Village of Deerfield Comprehensive Plan recommended that the northwest quadrant of the downtown remain primarily institutional, as it currently contains the Village Hall /Police Department complex, the main ' administration and activity center for the Deerfield Park District, the Deerfield Public Library, and the First Presbyterian Church, along with a major SBC phone system building and the commuter train station. In addition, the redevelopment plan for the Village Center Tax Increment Financing ' District provided for the expansion of the municipal center. That project was completed in FY 07/08. This budget proposes the termination of the Village's second and only remaining TIF district on December 31, 2008. This will provide the additional equalized assessed value from the district to the Village taxing bodies one year earlier than originally anticipated. The proposed ' redevelopment of the northwest quadrant with a mixed use of commercial and residential is on hold due to overall slowdown in new economic activity in these areas. ' This budget contains substantial improvements to the satellite facilities as recommended to be completed immediately by the Stanley comprehensive sewer system study. In addition, this budget contains funds to perform a design study on the rebuilding of the wastewater treatment ' plant. Construction of the rebuilt plant is anticipated to begin in FY 09/10. Due to rising costs of raw materials, energy and personnel, rate increases for both the water and sewer usage fees are included in the amount of 4.5 %. These rate increases are sufficient to fund the operating expenses in these departments. The Board has indicated a preference to fund the capital ' expenses of the Village through other sources of revenue. Most recently, a substantial portion of the capital program including street, water and sewer projects were funded through the use of available reserves, primarily from the General Fund. An intensive review of the future funding for ' the capital projects during the budget review sessions for this year has resulted in a funding program for FY 08/09 that includes a new $5.0 million bond issue, reserves in the Infrastructure t 850 WAUKEGAN ROAD DEERFIELD ILLINOIS 60015 TELEPHONE 847.945.5000 WWW.DEERFIELD4 LORG Replacement Fund (IRF), motor fuel taxes and the existing funding sources to the IRF, primarily a portion of the home rule sales tax. An additional 0.5% home rule sales tax, effective January 1, 2009, will be sent to the General Fund. This will raise the Village rate to 1.0 %, which is comparable to surrounding towns. A year to year review of the available reserves will be done to determine the amount of funds available from the General Fund to use towards capital project funding or offsetting the debt service requirements of future debt issues. The village organizes its budget under several funds. Following are brief highlights of each major fund. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND This is the basic operating fund of the Village, which includes revenues and expenditures of all governmental activities, except those funds that must be accounted for independently under Illinois law. Revenues: The 2008 -09 General Fund has projected new revenues of $15,100,250. An increase of 9% is projected in the base Sales Tax that reflects the actual levels received in prior years; no increase is predicted this year. The Hotel Room Tax is expected to also remain the same as the actual value from FY 07108. This source has shown some consistency despite the economic downturn primarily due to the strength in the local commercial economy that includes the corporate headquarters of a number of large companies. The local share of the state income tax shows a 2% increase; this is the amount predicted by the Illinois Municipal League. The budget anticipates using $818,181 of reserves; this is a decrease from the last budget of 84% and is due to no anticipated transfers to the Infrastructure Fund for the annual capital projects program. During the budget process, it was determined that additional funds were necessary to offset the steadily increasing operating costs in the departments under this fund. An additional 0.5% Home Rule sales tax was approved effective January 1, 2009. This increase, which for this partial year will generate $600,000 ($1.8 million for the full year) will be used to fund operations and to potentially offset debt service requirements for future capital project funding. Expenditures: Total expenses for the General Corporate Fund are estimated at $15,918,431, which is a 17% decrease from the same budget number last year. As previously indicated, there was a $4,000,000 total fund transfer to the Infrastructure Fund last year that is not budgeted for this year. Without this transfer, budget to budget the increase is 4.4% primarily due to personnel costs, including wage increases, health insurance benefits and pension cost. Village operations are very labor intensive. The largest single operating cost relates to personnel, representing 68% of the General Fund. Highlights of this year's budget include: A 3.50% increase in wages to non -union and public works union personnel. The union contract with the police patrol officers expired on April 30, 2007 and a new agreement remains unresolved as of the budget passage. ➢ No additional full time personnel in the General Fund departments are requested in this budget. ➢ The budget for development incentive rebates increased 14% to $800,000 in the Finance Department due to increased activity 2 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 associated with the Walgreen National incentive agreement. ➢ A 6% increase in the budgeted cost of health insurance although it is expected that due to participation in the Intergovernmental Personnel Benefit Cooperative the actual increase will be less than this amount. WATER AND SEWER FUNDS The water and sewer utility systems operated by Deerfield are intended to be self- funding, based upon user charges for services. Revenues for operations are derived primarily from services furnished to utility customers. Other sources are interest earnings from cash investedj on a short- term basis, and connection fees from new construction where the Village's prior investments in its utilities operate to the advantage of new customers who did not share in that initial investment. Water Budget: Expenditures are projected at $4,846,110 (decrease of 44 %) against new revenues of $4,428,000 (- 0.2 %). Due to the Village of Riverwoods changing their source of water to the Village of Northbrook, we will see a net revenue decrease of $250,000. This is offset by a 4.5% increase in the water rate. The major water projects are being funded in the Infrastructure Replacement Fund (IRF) due to inability of water revenues to generate sufficient excess funds for capital projects. No new personnel are in this budget. The projected deficit, if realized, will be funded using available reserves. We expect Highland Park to increase our water rate 5.4% to $1.57 per 100 cubic feet effective May 1 st. They are continuing a series of annual water rate increases to provide for the reconstruction of their treatment facilities. This budget includes an increase in water rates for Deerfield customers from $3.28 to $3.43 (4.5 %) as of May 1st. Sewer Budget: The Sewer Fund expenditures are projected at $3,925,686 against new revenues of $2,760,000. No substantial capital expenditures are included in this budget; those were also transferred to the IRF. Increased power, material and personnel costs are outstripping the revenue in this fund. A 4.5% rate increase is also included effective May 1. No new personnel are in this budget. Due to the ongoing problem of insufficient revenues in the both of these funds, but primarily the Sewer Fund, the Board will undertake a broad based review of the funding mechanism for these utility operations. Operations are currently funded entirely from user charges. Alternative sources will be examined, including using property taxes as part of the funding along with folding these funds into the General Fund. Due to the flexible revenue capabilities of the Village through its home rule status, the Village is not restricted in the use of taxes and fees for funding its operations. SCAVENGER(REFUSE)FUND The Village is in the third year of a renewed five -year contract with Veolia (formerly Onyx Waste) Environmental Systems, Inc. The first year saw no increase in the collection rate for refuse but thereafter there are annual price adjustments based on the Consumer Price Index. There is an additional charge to the recycling fee for the use of new wheeled collection carts. The property tax levy dedicated for this purpose is proposed to increase by 4% to maintain pace with the increased cost of the service. No increase in the portion paid by the residential user is proposed at this time. Adjustments will continue to be needed in the future in either the tax levy or user fee to avoid a deficit in the fund balance. 3 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND The MFT Budget projects State allotments of approximately $525,000, which is nearly unchanged from last year. This year we continue using the entire allotment for capital outlay.in the street rehab program. PENSION FUNDS For employees covered by the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, the Village contributes 11.55% (an increase of 5% from 2007) of each person's total salary plus the employer's contribution of 7.65% for Social Security and Medicare coverage. The employee contributes 4.5% for IMRF and 7.65% for Social. Security and Medicare coverage. The employer's share is now expensed in each operating function, and is projected to increase to 11.66% in calendar 2009 (1% increase). The Police Pension Fund is also expensed through the Police Department budget and is financed through General Fund revenues. The contribution is actuarially determined as adequate for funding pension payments and for amortizing the .actuarial reserve deficiency. Sworn police covered by this .fund contribute 9.91% of their. basic wages but do not participate in Social Security. Additional income is derived from investment earnings. This contribution increased 7% in FY 2008 to $698,335 (22.3% of salaries) due to higher salary levels.. The contribution should continue to increase in the future as the salaries increase and as the covered employees age. CAPITAL PROJECTS The most obvious benefit of establishing a capital budget is the encouragement given to planning at all levels. It is an extremely valuable decision - making device used to 1) stabilize the volume of capital improvements at some relatively uniform level, and 2) coordinate the capital costs and their financing with the attendant debt service demands on the operating budget. This five year funding plan has been extremely helpful both in scheduling major projects and in determining their financing. More than any other part of the budget, capital projects warrant detailed discussion between Board and staff. Good financial management dictates that we review closely the major expenditures required in the future to maintain the community's infrastructure. Once long -range plans and projects are determined, priorities must be set and a funding program approved. Major capital projects scheduled for 2008 -09 include: ➢ Continuation of the Street Rehabilitation Program ($1,550,000) ➢ Sanitary sewer lift station replacements — various locations ($2,690,000) ➢ Sidewalk Improvement, south side Deerfield Rd., Rosemary to Carlisle ($300,000) ➢ Sanitary sewer inflow /infiltration study ($200,000) ➢ North Wilmot project ($1,350,000) ➢ Wastewater treatment plant design study ($900,000) ➢ Carlisle /Carriageway infrastructure replacement project ($500,000) This is an aggressive but attainable program that will require the full attention of staff and additional funding from the issuance of new debt. The projects presented utilize a combination of grants, new revenue and fund balances along with the proceeds of a $5 million issue. Projects planned beyond FY 2009 including costs involved with the alternative chosen for the WRF will require substantial additional funding that will likely involve a debt issue of a much larger size. VEHICLE /EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND This fund includes purchases of vehicles and equipment amounting to more than $5,000. Each operating department is charged an annual amount to offset these more expensive items from 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r ' impacting the budget in any one given year. This year's proposed expenditures amount to $1,321,700. More details can be found in the Capital Projects Funds section. tASSESSED VALUATION The following is Deerfield's 2005* equalized assessed valuation by class of property: ' COUNTY % OF LAKE* COOK * TOTAL* TOTAL ' Residential $916,636,733 $1,719,319 $918,356,052 70.0% Commercial 137,815,975 170,067,078. 307,883,053 24.7% ' Industrial 2,238,825 17,154,952 19,393,777 1.6% Total $1,056,691,533 $188,941,349 $1,245,632,882 100% Over the past ten years, the taxable assessed valuations have increased as follows: ' Year Amount ** % Increase ' 1997 648,880,301 3.9 1998 677,651,742 4.4 1999 701,084,856 3.5 2000 737,589,929 5.2 ' 2001 800,595,252 8.5 2002 871, 070, 465 8.8 2003 921, 735, 951 5.8 t2004 992,399,806 7.2 2005 1,245,632,882 25.5 2006 1, 371, 881,605 10.9 * EAV by classification for 2006 is not yet available. Total EAV for 2007 is not yet available. ' DEBT SERVICE FUND ' Although issued as General Obligation debt, all debt due in fiscal 2008/09 is supported by alternate revenue sources. No new debt was issued in FY 2007/08. As of 04/30/08, Deerfield's total outstanding bonded General Obligation debt of $8,585,000 is 0.63% of its total 2006 assessed valuation. When considering that non -Home Rule communities are allowed a ratio of ' 8.6 %, the Village, as a Home Rule community, can be proud of its low debt service obligations. Deerfield currently has a Aaa rating from Moody's Investors Service, Inc., an accomplishment ' shared by only 60 municipalities in the United States. This rating was reaffirmed in September 2006. PROPERTY TAX LEVY The 2008 Property Tax Levy is projected at $3,370,610. This represents an increase of 19% from the 2007 levy in an attempt to keep pace with increases in costs for the underlying funds and to ' reflect the estimated first year debt service of the new bond issue. This levy is distributed as follows: $841,360 to the Refuse Fund, $2,084,250 to the General Corporate Fund, $45,000 to the 1 Infrastructure Maintenance Fund and $400,000 for the debt service. Village property taxes for 2007 represent 3,1% of the total property tax bill in the Village. . SUMMARY Preparing the annual budget is a very thorough and time consuming process and one that the village board takes very seriously. As fellow taxpayers, they too want to hold the line on taxes, but without sacrificing the number and quality of services rendered. I wish to acknowledge the efforts of all departments in compiling this document and to thank them for their professional support: Special. thanks are extended to the. Director of Finance and all finance department personnel who do the majority of the budget preparation. We hope that you find it both informative and helpful in implementing our financial plan for fiscal year beginning May 1, 2008. KENT STREET Village Manager 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Village of Deerfield Illinois For the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2007 ''"� President Executive Director The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) presented a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to the Village of Deerfield, Illinois for its annual budget for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2007. In order to receive this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a policy document, as an operations guide, as a financial plan, and as a communications device. This award is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current budget continues to conform to program requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another award. 7 General Sewer Water Refuse (Solid Waste) Garage MFT Police Pension Debt Service Infrastructure . Replacement TIF II Parking Lots Project 29 Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Enhanced 911 COMBINED VILLAGE FUNDS Deerfield Library $16,968,193 $14,472,210 $18,981,862 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ' 2007-2008 4,0409466 475,582 BUDGET SUMMARIES BY FUND 8 1,507,802 6,428,500 7,596,877 t 51112007 413012008 1,483,500 AUDITED PROJECTED PROJECTED BEGINNING NEW PROJECTED ENDING ' FUND FUND BALANCE REVENUES EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE General Sewer Water Refuse (Solid Waste) Garage MFT Police Pension Debt Service Infrastructure . Replacement TIF II Parking Lots Project 29 Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Enhanced 911 COMBINED VILLAGE FUNDS Deerfield Library $16,968,193 $14,472,210 $18,981,862 $12,458,541 1,995,048 2,521,000 4,0409466 475,582 ' 8 1,507,802 6,428,500 7,596,877 339,425 432,257 1,483,500 1,660,225 255,532 16,616 307,000 364,125 (40,509) ' 648,606 554,000 600,000 602,606 24,154,765 533,758 1,734,000 2,256,000 1,419,153 2,217,000 24,469,612 572,758 ' 818,201 2,936,500 2,300,000 1,454,701 700,622 .4,685,000 4,264,000 1,121,622 t 638,218 225,000 217,180 646,038 158,370 5,000 163,370 0 ' 3,111,281 611,344 255,086 3,467,539 623,803 318,000 276,842 664,961 ' $52,307,540 $38,537,054 $44,356,186 46,488,408 3,196,249 2,795,192 2,806,853 3,184,588 t Certain funds are restricted in that available funds may only be used for expenditures allowed within said fund. Figures for enterprise funds represent available cash balances. Available balance is based on audited prior year end totals. 1 1 1 1 1 8 � 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 2008 -.2009 BUDGET SUMMARIES BY FUND IDeerfield Library 3,184,588 2,739,984 3,239,984 2,684,588 1 Certain funds are restricted in that available funds may only be used for expenditures allowed within said fund. Figures for enterprise funds represent available cash balances. ' Available balance is based on estimated Y rior year end totals. P 1 1 1 1 1 1 N 511/2008 4130/2009 ' ESTIMATED BEGINNING BUDGET NEW BUDGET PROJECTED ENDING FUND FUND BALANCE REVENUES EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE .'General. $12,458,541. .$15,100,250 $15,918,431 $11,640,360 . Sewer 475,582 2,760,000 3,925,686 (690,104) . Water 3391425 4,428,000 4,846,110 (78,685) 'Refuse (Solid Waste) 255,532 1,492,860 1,794,287 (45,895) Garage (40,509) 316,500 358,875 (82,884) MFT 602,606 550,000 600,000 552,606 Pension 24,469,612 1,934,400 1,588,650 24,815,362 'Police Debt Service 572,758 2,575,000 2,571,000 576,758 Infrastructure 1,454,701 7,740,400 9,483,000 (287,899) 'Replacement TIF II 1,121,622 4,610,000 2,155,000 3,576,622 Parking Lots 646,038 218,000 326,340 537,698 'Vehicle Project 29 & Equipment 0 0 0 0 Replacement 3,467,539 674,203 1,321,700 2,820,042 Enhanced 911 664,961 314,000 270,612 708,349 ' COMBINED VILLAGE FUNDS $46,488,408 $42,713,613 $45,159,691 44,042,330 IDeerfield Library 3,184,588 2,739,984 3,239,984 2,684,588 1 Certain funds are restricted in that available funds may only be used for expenditures allowed within said fund. Figures for enterprise funds represent available cash balances. ' Available balance is based on estimated Y rior year end totals. P 1 1 1 1 1 1 N BUDGET SUMMARY AND HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Revenue Police Debt Infrastr. Item • General Sewer Water Refuse Garaae MFT Pension Service Reol. TIF 2 Taxes: Property Tax 2,094,250 841,360 400,000 45,000 TIF Increment Taxes 4,500,000 Home Rule Sales Tax 1,400,000 850,000 Replacement Tax 75,000 20,000 Motor Fuel 525,000 Sales Tax 4,500,000 Local Use Tax 245,000 State Income Tax 1,650,000 Hotel -Motel Tax 2,000,000 License & Permits Liquor /Food 79,000 Other Business Lic 78,000 Vehicle 345,000 Building Permits 600,000 Non - Business Lic 11,000 Charges: Police Services 272,500 False Alarms 35,000 Dispatching Serve 79,000 User Fees 2,558,000 4,299,000 628,500 3,500 Penalties Rental Income 25,000 345,000 Fran Fees - Cable 245,000 Telecom. Charges 310,000 50/60 Program Interfund Charges 315,000 790,000 Engineering Fees 2,000 Misc Rev Interest Earnings 520,000 16,000 41,000 14,000 500 25,000 800,000 25,000 12,000 110,000 Grants 6,000 160,000 1,484,900 Miscellaneous 154,000 27,000 88,000 9,000 1,000 0 Employee Cont 344,400 Ordin Violations 193,500 Bond Proceeds 5,000,000 Transfers: Transfer Charges 21,000 Transf Pking General 160,000 From General Fund Trans to Debt Service 2,130,000 TIF Surplus Distribution Misc Trans 15,100,250 2,760,000 4,428,000 1,492,8601 316,500 550,000 1,934,400 2,575,000 7,740,400 4,610,000 TOTAL NEW REVENUE 818,181 1,165,686 418,110 301,427 1 42,375 50,000 (345,750) (4,000) 1,742,600 (2,455,000) (To) /From Reserve TOTAL RESOURCES 15,918,431 3,925,686 4,846,110 1,794,2871 358,875 600,000 1,588,650 2,571,000 9,483,000 2,155,000 EXP. CATEGORIES: 10,877,586 1,709,180 962,038 96,500 206,850 Personnel Other Services 119,350 12,500 6,400 0 1,900 Contractual 3,437,950 690,100 566,150 1,669,612 29,700 12,250 1,683,000 25,000 Commodities 737,560 553,400 2,424,307 10,5001 112,900 Capital Outlay 127,650 888,500 353,000 0 5,000 600,000 7,800,000 0 Debt Service 478,820 2,571,000 Pension Payments 1,576,400 Transfers 618,335 72,006 55,395 17,675 2,525 2,130,000 TIF Rebate TOTAL EXPEND. 15,918,4311 3,925,6861 4,846,1101 1,794,2871 358,8751 600,000 1,5i-8,6501 2,571,0001 9,483,0001 2,155,000 10 BUDGET SUMMARY AND HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE 2008 -09 2007 -08 2007 -08 Parking Equip. TOTAL Est TOTAL 2006.07 Lots Replace. E -911 BUDGET Actual BUDGET Actual 11 Taxes: 3,380,610 2,860,000 2,970,610 3,063,249 Property Tax 4,500,000 4,530,000 4,367,200 4,216,384 TIF Increment Taxes 2,250,000 1,675,000 1,700,000 1,832,282 Home Rule Sales Tax 95,000 95,000 95,000 94,489 Replacement Tax 525,000 529,000 524,970 543,723 Motor Fuel 4,500,000 4,400,000 4,100,000 4,533,261 Sales Tax 245,000 239,500 252,030 237,011 Local Use Tax 1,650,000 1,659,060 1,618,200 1,552,501 State Income Tax' 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,925,000. 2,007,355 Hotel -Motel Tax 0 License & Permits 79,000 71,000 82,000 72,395 Liquor /Food 78,000 86,000 78,000 11,020 Other Business Lic 345,000 345,000 340,000 332,209 Vehicle 600,000 600,000 600,000 926,004 Building Permits 11,000 28,000 31,000 112,416 Non - Business Lic Charges: 272,500 262,500 308,600 245,782 Police Services 35,000 35,000 40,000 35,744 False Alarms 79,000 79,000 79,000 81,456 Dispatching Serve 203,000 7,692,000 7,501,000 7,572,000 7,450,857 User Fees 0 0 0 0 Penalties 370,000 25,000 25,000 40,260 Rental Income 245,000 245,000 210,000 249,514 Fran Fees - Cable 300,000 610,000 610,000 613,000 632,128 Telecom. Charges 0 65,000 0 65,598 50150 Program 584,203 1,689,203 1,515,344 1,566,344 1,448,708 Interfund Charges 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 Engineering Fees Misc Rev 15,000 90,000 14,000 1,681,500 1,777,000 1,509,000 4,514,469 Interest Earnings 1,650,900 6,000 1,650,900 218,293 State /Fed Grants 279,000 402,100 284,500 424,598 Miscellaneous 344,400 335,000 328,000 312,452 Employee Contributions 193,500 198,050 208,500 239,668 Ordin Violations 5,000,000 0 Bond Proceeds Transfers: 21,000 12,000 12,000 1,600,000 Transfer Charges 160,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 Transf Pking to General 0 0 4,000,000 0 MFT to General 2,130,000 2,216,000 2,216,000 2,302,000 Trans to Debt Service 0 3,500 0 122,011 TIF Surplus Distribution 0 4,000,000 0 2,400,000 Misc. Transfers TOTAL NEW REVENUE (To) /From Reserve 218,000 674,203 314,000 42,713,613 38,537,054 39,438,854 42,047,837 108,340 647,497 (43,388) 2,446,078 5,555,762 12,110,770 (1,268,404) 326,340 1,321,700 270,612 45,159,691 44,092,816 51,549,624 40,779,433 TOTAL RESOURCES EXP. CATEGORIES: 35,780 13,887,934 13,112,931 13,401,914 11,728,251 Personnel 140,150 105,000 123,250 72,861 Other Services 117,360 120,545 8,351,667 6,352,437 8,177,432 5,406,149 Contractual 7,200 " 75,000 3,920,867 3,989,730 3,984,830 3,478,723 Commodities 6,000 1,321,700 23,800 11,125,650 9,570,108 14,876,050 9,364,002 Capital Outlay 3,049,820 2,694,820 2,694,820 2,785,105 Debt Service 1,576,400 1,405,446 1,428,984 1,268,464 Pension Payments 01 51,267 3,107,203 6,862,344 6,862,344 6,608,106 Transfers 0 0 0 67,772 TIF Rebate 326,34 1,321,700 270,612 45,159,691 44,092,816 51,549,624 40,779,433 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 11 2008 Property Tax Levy with Five Year Comparison EAV for 2005 includes TIF 1 increment. GLENCOE WINNETKA LAKE FOREST WHEELING W ILMETTE SKOKIE BUFFALO GROVE HIGHLAND PK. NORTHFIELD GLENVIEW NORTHBROOK DEERFIELD LINCOLNSHIRE REPRESENTATIVE TAX RATES -- NEIGHBORING MUNICIPALITIES 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 $TAX RATE/$100 EAV 12 Proposed % 11{, 2OQ4 X005 2006 2007 2008 Change . , ,... General 1,282,250 1,985,000 1,985,000 1,984,950 2,084,250 5.0% Infrastructure 330,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 0.0% Scavenger 778,000 809,000 809,000 808,950 841,360 4.0% Debt Service (net) 0 0 0 0 400,000 N/A 2,390,250 29839,000 2,8399000 29838,900 393709610 Total Village 18.7% Library 2,006,984 2,357,350 2,496,433 2,625,000 2,756,250 5.0% Combined Levy 4,397,234 5,196,350 5,335,433 5,463,900 6,126,860 12.1% Tax Rate History EAV 992,399,806 1,245,632,882 1,371,881,605 1,454,194,501 1,526,900,000 5.0% Tax Rate (est) (est) Village 0.244 0.244 0.194 0.195 0.221 13.1% Library 0.204 0.203 0.171 0.181 0.181 0.0% Combined 0.448 0.447 0.365 0.376 0.401 6.8% EAV for 2005 includes TIF 1 increment. GLENCOE WINNETKA LAKE FOREST WHEELING W ILMETTE SKOKIE BUFFALO GROVE HIGHLAND PK. NORTHFIELD GLENVIEW NORTHBROOK DEERFIELD LINCOLNSHIRE REPRESENTATIVE TAX RATES -- NEIGHBORING MUNICIPALITIES 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 $TAX RATE/$100 EAV 12 BUDGET SUMMARY - FOUR YEAR COMPARISON YR,END YR.END BUDGET .. EST.YR.END BUDGET % CHG BUDG FUND /REVENUE SOURCE. FYO 5 /06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09. FY08 - >09 . GENERAL FUND (10) (3,056,195) 563,017 5,275,717 4,509,652 818,181 - 84.49% Taxes---------------- - - - - -- 16,140,444 19,248,297 18,981,862 15,918,431 - 17.30% - Corporate Property 1,279,318 2,124,612 2,084,250 11985,000 2,084,250 0.00% -TIF Surplus 0 0 0 0 0 N/A -Sales 4,480,112 4,533,261 4,100,000 4,400,000 4,500,000 9.76% -Home Rule Sales 937,937 916,141 850,000 825,000 1,400,000 64.71% -Hotel /Motel. 1,867,267 2,007,355 11925,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 3.90% =State Income 1,407,511 .1,552,5011 1,618,200 1,659,060 1,650,000 1.97% -State Use.Tax 221,953 237,011.. .252,030 .239,500 245,000 - 2:79% -Prior year Property, Tax• 12,681 28,721 0 6,900 0 N/A..'.. -Pers. Prop. Replace. .103,892 94,489 75,000 75;000 75,000 0.00% -Telecommunications Tax 305,226 323,358 295,000 310,000 310,000 5.08% Fines------------ - - - --- - CourULocal Ordinance . 244,100 239,668 208,500 198,650 193,500 -7.19% License Fees - -- - -- - Business 91,156 80,054 78,000 86,000 78,000 0.00% - Liquor 64,750 72,395 71,000 71,000 71,000. 0.00% - Vehicle 324,993 332,209. 340,000 345,000. 345,000 1.47% -Other .3,225 2,475 11,000 3,600 3,000 - 72.73% Permit Fees _____- - Building 1,623,161 926,004 600,000 600,000 600,000 0.00% -Other 44,506 401907 31,000 25,000 8,000 - 74.19% Inspection Fees -- - - - - - Engineering 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.00% Other------- __- _- __- __ - - - -- --- -_ -__- - Dispatching Services 77,922 81,456 79,000 79,000 79,000 0.00% - Interest Earned (net) 502,372 962,767 480,000 600,000 520,000 8.33% - Special Police Services 221,425 240,088 308,600 262,500 262,500 - 14.94% - Activity . Donations 56,109 72,601. 65,000 60,000 65,000 0.00% - Grants 21,108 2,228 6,000 6,000 6,000 0.00% - Transfers In 712,229 130,000 142,000 142,000 181,000 27.46% -Cable Franchise Fees 224,540 249,514 230,000 245,000 245,000 6.52% - Auction Proceeds 0 20,870 5,000 12,000 5,000 0.00% - Rental Income 7,965 40,260 25,000 25,000 25,000 0.00% -False Alarm Fees 37,019 35,744 40,000 35,000 35,000 - 12.50% - Miscellaneous 162,139 230,799 51,000 175,200 112,000 119.61% TOTAL NEW REVENUE 15,034,616 15,577,428 13,972,580 14,472,210 15,100,250 8.07% Adjustment (To) From Fund Balance (3,056,195) 563,017 5,275,717 4,509,652 818,181 - 84.49% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 11,978,421 16,140,444 19,248,297 18,981,862 15,918,431 - 17.30% EVlE4tlilltri= ,6= F' .0 ffelffiagmamm WATER FUND (50) -Water Sales 4,635,151 4,250,938 4,271,500 4,271,500 4,262,000 -0.22% - Interest Earned 32,844 83,604 45,000 35,000 41,000 -8.89% - Miscellaneous TOTAL NEW REVENUE ' Adjustment (To) From Retained Earnings TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1 1 1 241,166 136,369 2,101,000 2,122,000 125,000 4,909,161 4,470,911 6,417,500 6,428,500 4,428,000 1 13 110 - 94.05% - 31.00% - 81.70% -44.31% BUDGET SUMMARY - FOUR YEAR COMPARISON YR.END YR.END BUDGET EST.YR.END BUDGET . % CHG BUDG FUND /REVENUE SOURCE FY 05/06 FY 06/07 F.Y. 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08%09 FY08 - >09 SEWER FUND (54) 273,075 261,711 300,000 300,000 315,000 5.00% -Sewer Use Fees 1,788,238 2,372,061 2,449,000 2,400,000 2,558,000 4.45% - Interest Earned 2,024 29,357 5,000 45,000 15,000 200.00% - Miscellaneous 183,400 1,670,833 .187,000 76,000 187.000 0.00% TOTAL NEW REVENUE 1,973,662 4,072,251 2,641,000 2,521,000 2,760,000 4.51% Adjustment (To) 333,607 240,315 367,425 364,125 358,875 -2.33% From Retained Earnings 123,672 (1,743,7.17) 5,175,976 1,519,466 1,165,686 -77.48%. TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES. 2,097,334 2,328,534. 7,816,976 4,040;466 . 3,.925,686 - 49.780/to fgl�fp fptup l�4gtlf(GQII f�111 ItI�L 1(h�IpI III IIull�lUflllfdNV°fr I JGi3 'r fi48 N�IJ fI Ul490 6 =1Mf NMMIRMIMMI70011114tp M. tFaIvuIGQ9G 3910=109Mli�IIM, 335,000 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND (14) . 5.00% - Invest. Income 1,626,984 2,588,930 700,000 700,000 - Intergov. Transfer In 540,581 543,723 524,970 529,000: 525,000 0.01% - Interest Inc. /Misc. 16,932 36,204 25,000 25,000' 25,000 0.00% TOTAL NEW REVENUE 557,513 579,927 549,970 554,000 550,000 0.01% Adjustment (To) 2.67% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,187,485 1,276,646 1,441,234 1,419,153 From Fund Balance 48,595 12,419 50,030 46,000 50,000 - 0.06% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 606,108 592,346. 600,000 600,000 600,000 0.00% snx�ir�isnnuwmn�amimeeimi�nnrmvmmnm, nrcnnmzunmxnnx�mxn�nMxnnmmrmnirnmamani�n+ nmammnnmmirmnmmxmm�mmGamai�nGrmr nmrvmraimnranri± em! mmaiammcnrtmirmnnmixmnrnxxnrrnnrc7izmmm :rmemannxmi, nr xnnmwmxnnn�mnnnsnmmmn «aimroancnnxmcnnwreani�nn <xncu GARAGE FUND (70) - Charges for Service 273,075 261,711 300,000 300,000 315,000 5.00% - Interest Earned /Misc. 10,4V 41 1,500 7,600 1,500 .0.00% TOTAL NEW REVENUE 283,542 .261,752 301,500 307,000 316,500 4.98% Adjustment (To) 24,762 39,581 15,000 20,000 25,000 66.67% From Fund Balance 50,065 (21,437): 65,925 57,125 42,375 - 35.72% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 333,607 240,315 367,425 364,125 358,875 -2.33% POLICE PENSION FUND (80) (24,162) 561,019 (34,000) (39,000) (4,000) - 88.24% - Employer Contribution 575,395 654,414 750,000 699,000 790,000 5.33% - Employee Contrib, 307,452 312,452 328,000 335,000 344,400 5.00% - Invest. Income 1,626,984 2,588,930 700,000 700,000 800,000 14.29% TOTAL NEW REVENUE 2,509,831 3,555,796 1,778,000 1,734,000 1,934,400 8.80% Adjustment (To) From Fund Balance (1,322,346) (2,279,150) (336,766) (314,847) (345,750) 2.67% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,187,485 1,276,646 1,441,234 1,419,153 1,588,650 10.23% DEBT SERVICE FUND (35) -Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 0 N/A - Property Taxes 0 0 20,000 20,000 420,000 2000.00% - Transfer From TIF 2 1,877,250 2,302,000 2,216,000 2,216,000 2,130,000 -3.88% - Interest Earned 24,762 39,581 15,000 20,000 25,000 66.67% TOTAL NEW REVENUE 1,902,012 2,341,581 2,251,000 2,256,000, 2,575,000 14.39% Adjustment (To) 1 0 0 0 0 N/A From Fund Balance (24,162) 561,019 (34,000) (39,000) (4,000) - 88.24% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,877,850 . r, ��n.ounce.uusMrtxnMnrtaennnreonau "Mm . 2,902,600 AenrmrtnroemmmM, 2,217,000 2,217,000 2,571,000 15.97% ivmuevm�nrornns TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT 1 - Lake Cook Rd (25) - investment Income 197,219 67,772 0 0 0 NIA - Increment Prop. Tax 10,880,340 0 0 0 0 N/A -Other 0 0 0 0 0 N/A TOTAL NEW REVENUE 11,077,559 67,772 0 0 0 N/A Adjustment (To) From Fund Balance 1 0 0 0 0 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 11,077,560 67,772 0 0 0 N/A 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 BUDGET SUMMARY - FOUR YEAR COMPARISON YR.END YR.END BUDGET EST.YR.END BUDGET.. % CHG BUDG FUND /REVENUE SOURCE FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08 - >09 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT 2 - Village Center (26) 2,400,000 2,000,000 2,000;000 0 - Grants 12,480 75,000 0 0 0 N/A - Investment Income 188,983 394,592 150,000 155,000 110,000 - 26.67% - Increment Prop. Tax 4,121,570 4,216,384. 4,367,200 ' 4,530,000 4,500,000 3.04 % - Otherlrransfers In 2,999 0 0 0 0 N/A TOTAL NEW REVENUE 4,326,032 4,685,976 4,517,200 4,685,000 4,610,000 2.05% Adjustment (To) TOTAL NEW REVENUE 1,934,623 3,606,840 4,391,400 2,936,500 7,740,400 From. Fund Balance (1,943,058) 2,054,671 (236,200) '(421,000) (2,455,000) 939:37% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,382;974. 6,740,647 4,281,000 '4,264,000 2;155,000 - 49.66 % INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT (22) - Transfers In 0 2,400,000 2,000,000 2,000;000 0 - 100.00% -Home Rule Sales Tax 937,937 916,141 850,000 850,000 850,000 0.00% - Property Tax 334,305 50,414 45,000 .45,000 45,000 0.00% - Rental Income /Impact Fee 0 0 0 0 345,000 N/A- -Other (TIF Surplus /Grants /Bond Proc.) 623,942 220,216 1,488,400 .3,500 6,488,400 335.93 %' - Interest Earned- 38;439 20.069 8.000 38.000 12.000 50.00% TOTAL NEW REVENUE 1,934,623 3,606,840 4,391,400 2,936,500 7,740,400 .76.26% Adjustment (To) From Fund Balance _1,667,422 215,144 (74,700) . (736,500) 1,742.600 - 2432.80% TOTAL EXPENDITURES . 3,602,045 3,821,984 4,316;700. 2,200,000 99,,p4�8p3,,000 119.68% MR, I y !. :, . I ��� .N le IL! 9 F GWIilWV :IWUiU4YlYIWiWIGIWIYU4iIG4: ;M � VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND (21) - Interfund Transfer 509,737 532,583 516,344 516,344 584,203 13.14% - interest/Misc. 78,996 179.258 50,000 95,000 90.000 80.00% TOTAL NEW REVENUE 588,733 711,841 566,344 611,344 674,203 19.04% Adjustment (To) From Fund Balance _(364,736) (358,286) (301,144) (356,258) 647,497 - 315.01% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 223,997 353,555 265,200 255,086 1,321,700 398.38% � EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM (911) (17) - Surcharge Revenue 283,858 308,770 318,000 300,000 300,000 - 5.66% -Grant 9,995 0 0 0 0 N/A - Interest 12,600 30,299 12,000 18,000 14,000 16.67% TOTAL NEW REVENUE 306,453 339,069 330,000 318,000 314,000 -4.85% Adjustment (To) From Fund Balance (98,439) (82,419) (34,500) (41,158) (43,388) 25.76% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 208,014 256,650 295,500 276,842 270,612 - 8.42% SOLID WASTE SYSTEM (58) -User Fees 615,349 623,681 645,000 624,500 628,500 - 2.56% - Property Taxes 786,228 859,502 841,360 830,000 841,360 0.00% - Miscellaneous 26,149 7,279 9,000 9,000 9,000 0.00% - Interest 14,402 38,569 10,000 20,000 14,000 40.00% TOTAL NEW REVENUE 1,442,128 1,529,031 1,505,360 1,483,500 1,492,860 - 0.83% Adjustment (To) From Fund Balance (36,924) (32,483) 225,315 176,725 301,427 33.78% TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1,405,204 1,496,548 1,730,675 1,660,225 1,794,287 3.68% 15 BUDGET SUMMARY - FOUR YEAR COMPARISON YR.END' YR.END BUDGET EST.YR.END BUDGET % CHG BUDG. FUND /REVENUE SOURCE FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08 -509 1 COMM. STATION PARKING (60) -User Fees 206,205 204,177 203,000 205,000 203,000 0.00% ' -Misc. Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 N/A - Interest 17,551 V,334 11,000 20,000 15,000 36.36% TOTAL NEW REVENUE 223,756 .241,511 214,000 225,000 218,000 1.87% ' Adjustment (To) From Fund Balances (24,997) 4,642 52,840 (7,820) 108,340 105.03% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 246,I ,1'i 53 266,8x 4 0ry 217, 1 8' 0 3 26,340 11�IiM blin 1'�U � flt l � Flgll�Nl�lll I198qqIl��G�,W7W5�UG91ff 1 1 I ` l ���Ibryry l 'E I''p�II � WIUryryi}}L I PROJEC - Miscellan - Interest 5,289 6,152 3,000 5,000 0 - 100.000/( TOTAL NEW REVENUE 5,289 6,152 3,000 5,000 0 - 100.00% ' Adjustment (To) From Fund Balance (5,289) (6,152) (2,500) (5,000) .0 - 100.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 500 0 0 - 100.00% ' TOTAL NEW REVENUES 47,074,910 42,047,838 39,438,854 38,537,054 42,713,613'. 8.30% Adjustment (To) From Fund Balance (5,421,807) (1,268,404) 12,110,770 5,555,762 •2,446,078 - 79.80% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 41,653,103 40,779,434 51,549,624 44,092,816 45,159,691 .- 12.40% 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 w 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 VILLAGE PROPERTY TAX RATE - $/$100 OF EQUALIZED ASSESSED VALUATION 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 TAX YEAR (' estimated/ +projected) 16 2005 2006 2007' 2008+ 1 ' MAJOR BUDGET POLICIES AND OBJECTIVES ' VILLAGE GOALS • To maintain a safe, healthy atmosphere in which to live and work. • To provide for the Village's long -term financial stability. ' To respond in an efficient and effective manner to community needs. MAJOR BUDGET POLICIES FOR THIS FISCAL YEAR ' • Base Salary Increase - :3.50 %. No additional personnel in. any departments. • Continuation of the implementation of recommendations from sewer system study: focus on the ' satellite: facilities and complete a design study for the treatment plant reconstruction. • 4.5% increase in water and sewer rates • No fund balance drawdown from the General ,Fund for capital project financing. ' Issuance of $5.0 million in new debt to continue the capital improvements program. • Minimal increase in the property tax levy for operations; additional tax levy for debt service of new issue but with a mid -year review towards abating with alternate revenues or use of fund balance. ' MAJOR CAPITAL PROJECTS ' Infrastructure Improvements: Replacement of utilities and street reconstruction of Wilmot Road north of Deerfield Road and on Carlisle /Carriageway. Street Rehabilitation & Sidewalk Replacement Proiect. Funded through Motor Fuel Tax and ' Infrastructure Replacement Funds. Sewer Fund Study Implementation: Repair and replacement of critical mechanical components of ' the system and rehabilitation /replacement of satellite pumping and treatment facilities. Design study for the reconstruction of the treatment plant. Carryover from FY 2007/08. ' Deerfield Road Sidewalk Replacement: Replacement and widening of the sidewalk on the south side of Deerfield Road from Rosemary to Carlisle. Carryover from FY 2007/08. Water Main Relocation and Replacement. Along Wilmot Road north of Lake Cook Road as part of ' the Lake Cook Road overpass improvement (Illinois Tollway Authority project). ANALYSIS OF MAJOR BUDGET POLICIES AND OBJECTIVES; EFFECTS OF PLANNING PROCESSES ' The Village Board reviewed the proposed capital projects for a five year period early in FY 2004/05 toward developing stable financing for FY 2005/06 and beyond. A financing program was developed at that ' time that incorporated the use of a 0.25% home rule sales tax, uncommitted fund balances and debt issuance as needed. Entering this budget process, it was necessary to determine alternative sources of funding due to the substantial capital needs .within the next five years. Also, operating revenues were not keeping pace with operating expenses due to the slowdown in the overall economy and in building activity. ' The Board examined the projections out five years with an eye towards minimizing the need to raise property taxes to fund operations. ' As a result, the Board has elected to provide a stable source of funding for operations in the General Fund by approving an additional 0.5% home rule sales tax effective January 1, 2009. Increases in the water and sewer rates in the amount of 4.5% each were also approved, effective May 1, 2008, to fund operations in ' these two funds. Overall, the resultant 1 % home rule sales tax will now be split 75% to the General Fund and 25% to the IRF. An annual review of the need to extend the property tax levy to fund the new debt service or whether the operating results primarily in the General Fund will allow for abatement with excess reserves. 17 This budget continues the use entirely for capital projects of Motor Fuel Tax funds that were previously used for road operating maintenance costs. And, as previously indicated, there will be a $5.0 million issue at the beginning of the fiscal year to fund capital projects. Due to the structural deficit in the Sewer Fund operations it is necessary to review the current user fee for adequacy into the future. Unlike neighboring communities, the sewer operations, including the sewage treatment plant, are entirely funded from the user fee. Alternate revenue sources will be examined in the coming fiscal year to resolve the ongoing deficit in this fund. Among the alternates to be reviewed will be the use of a combination of user fees and property taxes and the possibility of folding the fund into the General Fund to utilize the varied revenues available in that fund. BUDGET PROCESS The budget is a master financial plan that represents services that will be provided to the community and the sources of funds required to perform these services.. The budget developed by the Village is regulated through the Illinois Statutes and local ordinance. Pursuant'to state statute, the Village is a home rule municipality and as such it has, among other powers: (1) a wider range of revenue options available, (2) no tax rate maximum, and (3) the ability to issue general obligation debt without limit. The Village has been sparing in the use of the tax levy and until FY 2004/05 the only home rule revenue source utilized by the Village had been a 6% hotel tax. That tax will provide projected revenue of $2.0 million in FY 08/09. The Budget Act allows for control of the budget at the fund level. However, the Village requires its department heads to control their budgets at the departmental level.. The budget process is analyzed in two parts - the operating budget and the capital program. The capital project plan has a longer term, and the current year component is incorporated into the operating budget. The operating and capital budgets are developed with a focus on long -term solvency. To maintain a long -term focus, the Village uses presentations of projected figures for the operating budget for two future years, in addition to the budget year, as well as the five -year capital project budget. Budget Amendment. While it is rare for the Village to amend the budget, the Village can do so. Two - thirds of the corporate authorities then holding office may revise the budget, providing that funds are available for the designated purpose. Debt Issues. No new debt was issued in FY 2007/08. Outstanding debt as of April 30, 2008, includes $4,000,000 Series 1998 used for TIF 2 public improvements and being serviced by TIF 2 revenues and $2,185,000 Series 2003, used to advance refund the bulk of the Series 1997 issue. The Series 2003 issue is being serviced from water system revenue. As indicated above, new debt will be necessary this year to support the current year's capital program; the anticipated size will be $5.0 million. Presuming that the Village will continue to maintain its Aaa bond rating, this and future debt issues will be general obligation with the potential for service with alternate revenue sources. Operating Budget. The budget process is a continuous one for Village staff, the Village Manager and members of the Board of Trustees. There are regular reviews of priorities and goals and the means to accomplish them. In joint meetings with department heads, supervisors prepare their operating budgets, which are reviewed and adjusted by the department head, prior to further review by the Finance Director and the Village Manager. After these reviews by the Village staff, the preliminary budget is prepared and sent to the Mayor and Board of Trustees. At that point, the Board meets as a Committee of the Whole to review and discuss proposed operating expenditures, existing and potential revenue sources, and requirements of the Village's capital project needs. Specific programs and projects are addressed as they relate to the present and future needs of the Village residents. Capital Program. In its capital projects program, the Village identifies long lasting construction expenditures in excess of $10,000. These expenditures are shown in the Capital Projects Fund Section. These projects are initiated from a number of sources, including the Director of Public Works and 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' Engineering, other Village personnel, the Village Board, members of the public, or outside professional consultants. These items are prioritized by staff members, including the Director of Public Works and Engineering, the Village Manager.and the Finance Director. They are then submitted to the Village. Board for consideration, prior to presentation at a.public hearing. During the process of prioritization,. the available ' methods of financing are also reviewed. Effects of Capital Projects on Operating Budget. Major capital projects in this year's budget include: ' • Street, Sidewalk and Curb Rehabilitation Projects. These projects will not significantly reduce maintenance costs. With the square footage expected; we anticipate an ongoing reduction of ' $10,000 per year in lower patching costs and.avoidance of slip and fall liabilities. • Replace Miscellaneous Equipment and Structure Repair in WRF. These projects are designed to result in more efficient equipment which will decrease electricity use by approximately 5% for this ' function, or about $300 annually, and to reduce the need for unanticipated emergency repairs in the amount of $10,000. ' • Water System Water Main Replacement Projects. Due to history of problems. with these mains, it is estimated that these projects will reduce the incidence of water main breaks by three breaks per year, at an average cost per break of $3,000, for a total savings of $9,000 per year. ' • Street and Sanitary Sewer Improvements. It is difficult to quantify the savings from an improved road surface; however, it is estimated that overall savings from the replaced sanitary sewers and house ' service will result in approximately $10,000 in reduced overtime and equipment costs due to the high incidence of sewer backups in this area. FUND DESCRIPTIONSIBASIS OF BUDGETARY ACCOUNTING Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures or expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in the annual budget. The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) shows the ' status of the Village's finances on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). In most cases this conforms to the way the Village prepares its budget. An exception is the treatment of depreciation expenses, which are not shown in the budget, but the full purchase price of equipment and capital improvements are, while purchases of capital improvements are depreciated in the CAFR pursuant to GAAP ' (the Village's capital asset threshold is $25,000). Also, the Village will be implementing the requirements for disclosing liabilities due to other post employment benefits (OPEB) required by GASB but will not, as of this point, be funding these costs nor showing the increase in the liability in the annual budget. All Governmental Funds. (General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Capital Project Funds) are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they ' become measurable and available as net current assets. The Village's share of State - assessed income taxes, gross receipts, and sales taxes are considered "measurable" when in the hands of intermediary collecting governments and are recognized as revenue at that time. Anticipated refunds of such taxes are recorded as liabilities and reductions of revenue when they are measurable and their validity seems certain. ' The Village has the following governmental -ty pe funds: ■ General Fund — Accounts for the operations of the Finance, Administration, Engineering, Community ' Development, Police and Street Departments. ■ Motor Fuel Tax Fund — Accounts for activity funded by the state share of tax on the use of motor fuels. ' Enhanced 911 Fund — Accounts for the operation of the E911 emergency response system and is funded by a per line charge on land -based and cellular phones. • Tax Increment Financing District — A fund to provide for the redevelopment plans funded by incremental property tax. ' • Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund — Established to account for the funds set aside annually for the replacement of certain vehicles and other equipment. 19 Infrastructure Replacement Fund — Established in 1989 for the purpose of maintaining, repairing and renovating the capital assets of the Village. Debt Service Fund — To account for the accumulation of resources to pay.for the long -term debt. . Expenditures are generally recognized under the modified accrual basis of accounting when the related fund liability is incurred. The Village charges operating departments for equipment and motor vehicles based on the current replacement cost and estimated years of usage. These funds are accumulated in the Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund until the equipment or motor vehicles are purchased. Agency Fund assets and liabilities are accounted for on the modified accrual basis. The.Village has the following agency funds:. ■ Deposit Fund — To account for.monies on deposit with the Village that are being held on a temporary basis. All Proprietary Funds and Pension Trust Funds (Enterprise, Internal Service, Police Pension) are accounted for using the accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they are earned, and their expenses are recognized when they are incurred. Unbilled Waterworks and Sewerage Fund utility service receivables are recorded at year -end. The Village has the following proprietary, internal service and pension trust funds: • Water Fund — Accounts for all activity relative to the acceptance, storage and delivery of water to the residents. • Sewer Fund — Accounts for all activity relative to the operation of the sanitary sewer system, including the transportation of sewerage to the Village owned and operated sewerage treatment plant. • Refuse Fund — The Village contracts with a private firm to collect and dispose of residential solid waste, residential recyclable materials and landscape waste. This fund provides for the revenues and expenses of this operation. • Commuter Parking Lot Fund — Provides for the activity necessary to operate and maintain the various commuter - parking facilities within the Village, including the commuter train station. • Garage Fund — Provides for the maintenance of Village -owned vehicles through operation of a vehicle maintenance facility in the public works complex. All operating departments are charged for work on their vehicles. ■ Police Pension Fund — As established by state statute, provides for the pension and disability benefits of sworn Village police officers, and is funded by employee and employer contributions, and investment income of the fund. Independently administered by a board of trustees as established in the state pension code. INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT The Village believes that ongoing maintenance of its infrastructure and equipment is of prime importance to reduce the risk of emergency repairs and avoid the cost increases of deferred maintenance. To finance capital projects, the Village utilizes standard capital raising techniques such as General Obligation and Revenue Bond Issues, as well as pay -as- you -go practices when reasonable. Two examples of the pay - as- you -go program are (A) the Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund and (B) the Infrastructure Replacement Fund. The purpose of the Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund is to keep annual expenses in balance while providing sufficient funds for the replacement of vehicles and major equipment items that cost in excess of $5,000. The Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund is fully funded. The Village also has established an Infrastructure Replacement Fund to provide funding for ongoing maintenance of the Village's infrastructure, primarily streets and underground improvements. The Village will issue $5.0 million in general obligation debt for capital projects budgeted in the IRF this year. MAJOR REVENUES O 1 ' Property Tax - $3,370,610. The General Fund's second largest revenue item is the property tax. Deerfield is a home rule municipality, and, as such, has no limit on. the amount it can levy for property taxes. (The Village collection on its property tax levy. has averaged 99% over the last five years). Without the ' estimated levy for the new debt, the proposed property tax levy is 4.6% above last. year. Other revenues or use of fund balance will offset the increased costs in the applicable funds. The property tax components are: General Corporate — 62 %, Refuse Services — 25 %, Infrastructure Fund —1 %, Debt Service —12 %. ' EQUALIZED ASSESSED VALUATION ' 2006 Total $1,371,881,605 $74,101,285 $1,445,982,890 *The Village's first TIF District was terminated for the 2005 tax year. ' Sales Tax - $4,500,000 regular /$2,250,000 home rule -Sales tax, which is now the.Village's largest single General Fund revenue item, is a 1 % tax (regular) on the exchange of all tangible. personal property within the Village, and the Home Rule tax, which is currently 0.5% on items that are not titled (autos) or ' groceries. This tax is collected by the State and remitted to the Village. As indicated above, the home rule tax will be increased to a full 1 % effective January 1, 2009. This revenue source stagnated last year with estimated regular sales tax decreasing about 1 % after ' years of positive growth. Based on this recent activity and the state of the local and area economy, the projection is for the tax revenue to remain unchanged from the actual amount this past year. Any economic recovery will assist this source; there are no new large scale retailers anticipated to open in the fiscal year. This will be the fourth full year of the home rule sales tax of 0.5 %, with half going to the General Fund and half to the Infrastructure Replacement Fund. The increased amount will only be effective for four months of the fiscal year; the projection is that this source will also remain unchanged from the prior year. For the full ' year, the total revenue should be $3.4 million. The difference is due to the exemption of groceries and drugs from the home rule tax. Income Tax - $1,650,000 projected - The Village receives a portion of the State of Illinois Income t Tax receipts which is distributed by formula based on population. This projection is based on the estimates of the Illinois Municipal League and is up 2% from last. year. The Village's population is stable to any increase would be due to increased economic activity in the state. The State economic recovery has slowed but not ' stopped and this estimate reflects that continued recovery. However, this revenue source is subject to the discretion of the state legislature and can be decreased or totally retained by state legislative action. ' Hotel /Motel Tax - $2,000,000 projected - This revenue source had been substantially affected by the downturn in business travel since fiscal year 2001 -02 but has recovered within the last year and is now back at pre -2001 levels. This revenue source is very sensitive to the economy and other external sources as our six hotels cater mainly to the business traveler. Increased building of hotel rooms in the local market does not ' appear at this time to have affected the recovery; it appears that the increased office occupancy and activity related to the recent expansions by the corporate headquarters located in Deerfield is supporting the higher 21 1 Tax Levy Year Net for Taxing Purposes. Incremental. Total ' (TIF) Valuation 1997 648,880,301 143,759,549 792,639,850 1998 677,651,742 155,971,065 833,622,807 1999 701, 085, 856 171, 071, 736 872,157, 592 ' 2000 737,589,929 180,615,291 918,205,220 2001 800,595,252 206,572,239 1,007,167,491 2002 2003 871,070,465 921,735,951 221,617,893 223, 387,645 1,092,688,358 1,145,123, 596 2004 992,399,806 235,599,719 1,227,999,525 ' 2005* 2006: Cook County 1,245,632,882 196,502,058 66,888,404 0 1.,311,416,290 196,502,058 Lake County 1,175,379,547 74.101,285 1,249.480.832 ' 2006 Total $1,371,881,605 $74,101,285 $1,445,982,890 *The Village's first TIF District was terminated for the 2005 tax year. ' Sales Tax - $4,500,000 regular /$2,250,000 home rule -Sales tax, which is now the.Village's largest single General Fund revenue item, is a 1 % tax (regular) on the exchange of all tangible. personal property within the Village, and the Home Rule tax, which is currently 0.5% on items that are not titled (autos) or ' groceries. This tax is collected by the State and remitted to the Village. As indicated above, the home rule tax will be increased to a full 1 % effective January 1, 2009. This revenue source stagnated last year with estimated regular sales tax decreasing about 1 % after ' years of positive growth. Based on this recent activity and the state of the local and area economy, the projection is for the tax revenue to remain unchanged from the actual amount this past year. Any economic recovery will assist this source; there are no new large scale retailers anticipated to open in the fiscal year. This will be the fourth full year of the home rule sales tax of 0.5 %, with half going to the General Fund and half to the Infrastructure Replacement Fund. The increased amount will only be effective for four months of the fiscal year; the projection is that this source will also remain unchanged from the prior year. For the full ' year, the total revenue should be $3.4 million. The difference is due to the exemption of groceries and drugs from the home rule tax. Income Tax - $1,650,000 projected - The Village receives a portion of the State of Illinois Income t Tax receipts which is distributed by formula based on population. This projection is based on the estimates of the Illinois Municipal League and is up 2% from last. year. The Village's population is stable to any increase would be due to increased economic activity in the state. The State economic recovery has slowed but not ' stopped and this estimate reflects that continued recovery. However, this revenue source is subject to the discretion of the state legislature and can be decreased or totally retained by state legislative action. ' Hotel /Motel Tax - $2,000,000 projected - This revenue source had been substantially affected by the downturn in business travel since fiscal year 2001 -02 but has recovered within the last year and is now back at pre -2001 levels. This revenue source is very sensitive to the economy and other external sources as our six hotels cater mainly to the business traveler. Increased building of hotel rooms in the local market does not ' appear at this time to have affected the recovery; it appears that the increased office occupancy and activity related to the recent expansions by the corporate headquarters located in Deerfield is supporting the higher 21 1 hotel rates and occupancies. The Village levies a 6% tax on room occupancy charges pursuant to its home rule authority. Investment Earnings - $1,681,500 projected - The largest portion is earned in the Police Pension Fund, where $800,000 is budgeted from a combination of equities and fixed income securities. The projections are based on existing investments.and on amounts to be invested in the coming year. Although short-term interest rates have risen over the past year, the spending down of fund balances for operations and capital projects has decreased the investable assets. Building Permit Revenue - $600,000 projected - This revenue, which is tied directly to building and remodeling activity in the Village, has .declined due to the dramatic slowdown in new residential (tear -down) activity. However, it has stabilized as commercial (office) and residential remodeling activity remains strong. A review of the fees charged will be conducted this fiscal year and rates will be adjusted as necessary. User Charges - Village budget policy requires that those funds that can be reasonably financed by a user charge be so financed: Water - $4,299,000, the budgeted amount for water sales, is based on the rate. of $3.43 per 100 cubic feet. This rate reflects a raise of 4.5% this year to reflect a higher wholesale rate from the City of Highland Park and increased operating expenses in this fund. In addition, water usage has been growing slightly due to new development and higher landscape use. Usage can,fluctuate widely from year to year depending on the summer rain fall total; much of the usage during this period is for.landscape purposes. See the discussion just below on possible additional impacts to this revenue. In addition, the Village's largest customer, the Village of Riverwoods, has activated its new connection to the Village of Northbrook and will be taking the majority of its water from that new source. This will reduce the revenue to the fund, which will be partially offset by the savings in the wholesale cost of this water. Sewer - $2,558,000, the budgeted amount for sewer charges, is based on current usage and sewer charge of $2.42 per 100 cubic feet. This rate reflects an increase of 4.5% as previously discussed. This revenue fluctuates with water usage. Refuse - $628,500, the budgeted amount for refuse billing, is based on the existing rate and the existing number of homes. Residential refuse billing was last increased on 5/1/01. The contractual refuse service is funded through a combination of user charges and a property tax levy that is being increased this year. The Village renewed its contract with the waste hauler, Veolia, for an additional five year period effective January 1, 2006. The basic charge was unchanged for the first year; however, the Village elected to convert the recycling process to wheeled carts from bins and an additional charge will be incurred for the lease of these carts. The Board has chosen to continue its policy of not increasing the direct charge to the residential user. Since the number of homes in the Village is stable, this revenue has not changed substantially in the past few years; it has actually declined slightly as owners change from twice a week to once a week pickup. FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE FUNDS Fund - The fund is a self - balancing group of accounts that includes revenues, expenditures, assets and liabilities. Each fund has some specific purpose; funding a pension, providing 'for the treatment of sewage, or funding capital maintenance or replacement programs. The way to distinguish a fund from an activity is that a fund will have exclusive revenue items as well as expenditures. Normally expenses are to be balanced with revenues within a fund. Generally the funds of the Village are in sound condition and, if the budget performs as projected, they will continue to have available balances by year -end. As indicated above, the revised sewer rates will enable that fund to balance operating expenditures with operating expenses. 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 fl �I 1 1 �1 1 1 FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE VILLAGE The Village continues to be in excellent financial condition. This is indicated by: • Moody's bond rating of Aaa. • Continued stability in sales tax revenue. • Substantial increases in equalized assessed valuation. • Debt levels are very low compared to national levels. • Continued full required funding contribution of pension costs. • Continuing maintenance of the Village plant and equipment. • . Full funding of the Vehicle. and Equipment Replacement Fund. FUTURE YEARS' PROJECTIONS The Village projects its Operating Fund two years into the future. Estimates are conservative. The Village is assuming a general increase of 3 % for items not guaranteed by contract or other similar surety. PERSONNEL There are no additional full -time personnel added in this budget. Due to the slow growth in revenues and the relatively stable population numbers, it is not anticipated that significant additional personnel will be . necessary into the future. As employee turnover occurs due to retirements and departures, positions are reevaluated to ensure that the manpower is necessary and that the proper skill sets are acquired as positions are filled. DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES ' The focus of the Village over the past ten years has been in the redevelopment of the downtown which has been substantially completed. With the completion of the Village Hall addition /remodeling, the public sector investment in the area will be complete. The Village solicited and received development ' proposals for the vacant parking lots in the northwest quadrant; it remains to be seen if the Village Board will move forward on any of the plans presented. Interest in this development has waned somewhat due to the overall slowdown in the real estate market. ' Although the residential property values have continued to rise, albeit at a much slower pace, the activity in the form of redevelopment of existing properties, primarily through single - family teardowns, has eased considerably over the past year coincident with the general slowdown in housing sales. There were 70 single family residential permits issued in 2007. This is three less than the year before due to the combined effect of diminished market demand and higher interest rates that is slowing the speculative side of the market. However, total permits issued for all types increased from 1,228 to 1,270, reversing a trend. ' The Village is fortunate to have become the headquarters location for a number of large, international pharmaceutical and health related industries including long established firms Walgreens, Baxter, and, new to the Village, firms such as Takeda North America and Astellas. Fortune Brands also recently relocated its ' corporate headquarters into the Village, joining its subsidiary Jim Beam Co. These firms are filling and remodeling existing office buildings and attracting support companies to the area. This activity continues to provide a foundation for the micro - economy of the immediate area and has helped support local businesses I and residential housing due to the influx of new employees. Banks also continue to locate in town, most recently, Deerfield Trust and Savings, a branch of Northbrook Trust, Amcore and National City Bank. ' This continued interest in the residential and commercial development of the Village should ensure future strength in the property values of the Village. Staff is constantly reviewing service delivery in all areas to ensure that our high service levels are maintained through this growth. 1 23 MI 1 1 1 1 EAV GROWTH 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 TAX YEAR ❑TAX BASE EAV ■TIF 1 EAV ■TIF 2 EAV 24 BUDGET CALENDAR ' BUDGET PREPARATION AND LEGISLATIVE ENACTMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008 -09 OPERATING TIMETABLE - Preparation of department budgets - All departmental budgets requests entered into Munis budget module - Manager reviews budget with department heads; further review when necessary - Budget to Mayor and Board of Trustees for review - Review by Mayor and Board of Trustees - Adopt ordinance calling for tentative budget and publication - Commence budget review meetings - Legal publication of notice of public inspection of budget & public hearing - Proposed budget placed on file for review by public April 7 - Public hearing on proposed budget ' April 21 - Board meeting and passage of the budget May 1 - Budget Effective Date ' May 1 -April 30 - Implement and Administer Budget May 1 -April 30 - Review of Progress toward Goals and Objectives December 1 ' .all 2008 - Board Commentary on 2008 -09 Budget 25 RESPONSIBILITY CENTER Department heads, staff Department heads, staff Village Manager, Finance Director, Department heads Finance Department Mayor and Board of Trustees Board of Trustees Mayor and Board of Trustees, Finance Director, Department heads Staff Staff Mayor and Board of Trustees, Staff Ordinance by Mayor and Board of Trustees Staff Staff, Mayor and Board of Trustees Mayor and Board of Trustees ' DATES " January 1 -18 ' January 18 January 21 - ' February 8 . February 22 February.23 - March 14 February 19 March 3 March 1 March 1 OPERATING TIMETABLE - Preparation of department budgets - All departmental budgets requests entered into Munis budget module - Manager reviews budget with department heads; further review when necessary - Budget to Mayor and Board of Trustees for review - Review by Mayor and Board of Trustees - Adopt ordinance calling for tentative budget and publication - Commence budget review meetings - Legal publication of notice of public inspection of budget & public hearing - Proposed budget placed on file for review by public April 7 - Public hearing on proposed budget ' April 21 - Board meeting and passage of the budget May 1 - Budget Effective Date ' May 1 -April 30 - Implement and Administer Budget May 1 -April 30 - Review of Progress toward Goals and Objectives December 1 ' .all 2008 - Board Commentary on 2008 -09 Budget 25 RESPONSIBILITY CENTER Department heads, staff Department heads, staff Village Manager, Finance Director, Department heads Finance Department Mayor and Board of Trustees Board of Trustees Mayor and Board of Trustees, Finance Director, Department heads Staff Staff Mayor and Board of Trustees, Staff Ordinance by Mayor and Board of Trustees Staff Staff, Mayor and Board of Trustees Mayor and Board of Trustees Village of Deerfield Budgeted Full Time Employees DEPARTMENT /FYE 4 -30 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1 2007 2008 2009 VILLAGE MANAGER 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 FINANCE 7 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 ENGINEERING 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 PUBLIC WORKS: ADMINISTRATION 3 3. 3 3 2 4 4 4 STREETS, 7 7 7 7 .7 7 7 7 UTILITIES MAINTENANCE 13 13 13 13 13. 14 15 15 SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 GARAGE 2 2 2 2 2 2 .2 2 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 33 33 33 33 32 35 36 36 POLICE: 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.0 ADMINISTRATION 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 COMMUNICATIONS 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 INVESTIGATIONS/YOUTH 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 PATROL 32 32 32 32 32 31 31 31 TOTAL POLICE 55 55 55 55 55 53 53 53 TOTAL 1 1041 1051 1051 10 51 1071 1111 1121 112 DEPARTMENT /FYE 4 -30 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 VILLAGE MANAGER 0.2 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 FINANCE 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 ENGINEERING 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.3 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.6 PUBLIC WORKS: STREETS 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.2 1.2 1.5 UTILITIES MAINTENANCE 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.7 SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 1.8 3.0 3.5 POLICE: ADMINISTRATION 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 COMMUNICATIONS 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.0 INVESTIGATIONS/YOUTH 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 PATROL 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 TOTAL POLICE 2.5 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 3.6 3.6 TOTAL 1 7.61 7.91 7.81 7.8 6.1 5.5 7.7 8.8 26 [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION The Village at a Glance Incorporated in 1903 and located 27 miles north of downtown Chicago, the Village is predominantly a community of single - family homes. The 2000 Census recorded a population of 18,420 and 6,518 housing units within a land area of 7.0 square miles. The Village's population has increased by 7.4% from 1980, whereas the number of housing units in the Village has grown by 20 %, indicating .a continuing trend toward smaller household sizes. Year Population Housing Units 1980 .17,430 .5,489 1990 17,327 6,052 2000 ..18,420 6,518 Deerfield is recognized as one of the State's wealthiest communities. In the 2000 Census, Deerfield's median family income of $118,683 was. 2.2 times greater than the statewide median of $55,545. The Village's $342,900 Median Home Value at the 2000 Census was 262% greater than the statewide median of $130,800. Recent sales data indicate the median value. has increased to $495,000. This increase in existing property value has resulted in a dramatic increase in the equalized assessed valuation (EAV) over the past two years. Following a 26% increase in tax levy year 2005, the EAV increased 10% in 2006 and is projected to increase by 9% in 2007.to $1,495,000,000. The 2005 increase includes $171,000,000 in EAV in increment value from the Lake Cook Road tax increment financing district, which terminated on December 31, 2004 and became part of the taxable EAV for the 2005 tax levy year. The Commercial Tax Base In addition to the residential areas of Deerfield, the Village's tax base also includes a number of corporate headquarters facilities and other commercial establishments. The Village's larger office buildings are located primarily along the north -south 1 -294 Tollway, which is in the western part of the Village, and the east -west Lake Cook Road corridor, a four -lane road near the southern boundary of the Village. Other commercial areas include Deerfield's downtown business district, which has undergone a major redevelopment, and various retail and service firms along Waukegan Road and Deerfield Road. The following table lists the largest taxpayers in the Village. Taxpayer Carr America Realty Group Cornerstone Deerfield LLC Walgreen Companys Baxter International CRM Properties Estate of James Campbell Deloit & Touche Marriott Corp. RREEF Mgmt Business Properties Parkway North Office Center Corporate 500 Center Office Center Office Buildings (4) Retail Center Arbor Lake Center Hyatt Campus Office Park Hotels Commercial /Retail /Apartment 27 Equalized Assessed Valuation (2006) Percentage of Total Village Assessed Valuation $31,332,217 2.5% 23,525,127 1.9% 20,994,738 1.7% 18,065,850 1.5% 12,183,928 1.0% 8,408,001 0.7% 7,947,876 0.6% 6,898,301 0.6% 6,132,516 0.5% 135,488,554 10.9% The table below lists the ten largest employers in the Village as determined by a January 2006 canvass of employers. Employer Walgreen Company (2) Takeda Pharmaceuticals Baxter International (3) Kinetek Astellas Pharma US Illinois Student Assistance Comm Dade Behring . Deerfield School District 109 Fortune Brands Twp High School District 113 (4) Shand Morahan Business /Service # of Employees(1) Corporate Headquarters 2,500 North American Headquarters 1,200 Health Care Products 1,000 Motion Control Systems 1,000 North American Headquarters 1,000 Student Loans. (State Agency) 550 Corporate Headquarters — Health Care 400 Elementary School District 400 Corporate Headquarters 350 High School District 246 Insurance 240 Notes: 1. Excludes the Village's larger retail establishments, which include Whole Foods, Jewel -Osco, Best Buy, Sportmart, Barnes & Noble, Borders Books and Music, Office Max, Office Depot and Home Depot. 2. The employment number shown above includes the corporate headquarters complex and employees of WHI, a subsidiary of the Walgreen Company, which has offices in another location in the Village. 3. Includes only those employees located in Deerfield. Excludes the employees at Baxter's corporate headquarters, which is adjacent to the Village in unincorporated Lake County. 4. Includes only those employees who work at Deerfield High School (the District also operates a high school in neighboring Highland Park). The following municipal services and facilities are available in the Village of Deerfield: Number of Full -Time Employees (FTE) 119.7 Miles of Streets 76 Miles of Alleys 4 Miles of Sewers 151 Police Protection: Number of Stations 1 Numbers of Police Officers (authorized) 39 Library Services: Number of Branch Libraries 1 Number of Books 175,000 Circulation 342,922 Recreation Facilities: Number of Parks and Playgrounds 20 Park Area in Acres 360 Municipal Water Utility: Service Locations 6,783 Average Daily Water Pumped (gals) 3,323,234 Miles of Water Mains 84 Municipal and Other Governmental Services The Village of Deerfield is governed by a President/Mayor and Board of six Trustees, all of who are elected on an at -large basis. Pursuant to a referendum on April 15, 1975, the Village is a home rule unit under Illinois law. In 1952, the Village adopted an ordinance creating the position of Village Manager. The Manager is responsible for the day -to -day operations of the Village and its employees, of which 39 are sworn police officers. The Village has 28 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 the day -to -day operations of the Village and its employees, of which 39 are sworn police officers. The Village has collective bargaining units among Village employees representing the patrol officers and public works employees. The Village has a complex of governmental buildings including the Village Hall (constructed in 1959 and remodeled in 1988/89), the Police Building addition to the Village Hall (constructed in July, 1980, and remodeled in 2002) and the Village Hall Annex constructed in 1959. The Village's $1,500,000 public library was constructed in 1971. Recent interior improvements to the library have included an elevator and other accessibility improvements and a new fiction room in the lower level, completed in 1995. The main floor was renovated in 1998. In 1988 the Village and the Deerfield Park District constructed a $3,300,000 public works garage. An enhanced 911 telephone emergency system was installed in 1991. Construction of a $5.5 million senior center was completed in September, 2003. The Village began construction on an addition to the existing Village Hall in FY 2007 and initial occupancy will occur in July, 2007. Final work will then commence on remodeling the former administrative offices to accommodate the Community Development department with occupancy expected in early 2008. Deerfield has purchased Lake Michigan water from the City of Highland Park on a contractual basis since 1913. The Village maintains three pumps at the reservoir in Highland Park and has 84 miles of water mains through which approximately one billion gallons of water per year flow. The Village has a one million gallon elevated tank, a 4.3 million gallon underground reservoir and a newly completed 2.0 million gallon underground reservoir. The adjacent Village of Riverwoods purchases approximately one -third of its water supply from Deerfield (the balance of Riverwoods is served by private wells). Highland Park is currently negotiating a new water services agreement with its contract customers in anticipation of reconstructing their water treatment facility. This new agreement is expected to be approved in late 2007 and will likely continue annual increases in the wholesale cost of water to Deerfield. The Village is served by separate sanitary (75 miles) and storm (75 miles) sewers with sanitary treatment provided by the Village owned sewage treatment plant. The Village's most recent treatment plant expansion was completed in 1978. The Village's 25% share of the $4.7 million cost was funded with general obligation bonds. The plant has a hydraulic design capacity sufficient to serve a population of 30,000. The Village anticipates this capacity will be sufficient for the foreseeable future. However, a study has been completed that recommended alternatives to the future of this plant. Significant work is anticipated in this year's budget on the satellite facilities along with a design study to determine the extent and cost of reconstruction of the current facility. Due to the expected costs, a substantial bond issue will likely be necessary as early as FY 2009 to fund the work. 2008/09 Budget Expenditures (by function) Police Pens. Payments 3.5% Infrastructure 22.3% TIF Debt Service 4.8% Interfund Transfers 0.4% Miscellaneous 4.8% General Obligation Debt Police (Inc. E911) 17 6% 5.7% Pk-*] General Government 10.0% Economic Incentives 1.8% street 5.8% Sewer 8.7% i i i �_ water 10.7% 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 FJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -09 ADMIN. SUMMARY (FINANCE, VILLAGE MANAGER, COMM. DEVELOP., ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS* ENGINEERING 13% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 23% VILLAGE MANAGER 23% *does not include transfers out or economic development payments 30 kNCE DEPT. 41% ACTUAL FY 06/07 BUDGET FY 07/08 EST EXPEND FY 07/08 BUDGET FY 08/09 % CHG BUDG FY08 -FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 2,478,655 2,746,624 2,729,591 2,884,260 5.01% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 27,871 41,100 26,800 36,200 - 11.92% CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,595,629 2,071,672 1,984,150 2,115,550 2.12% COMMODITIES 32,846 71,650 70,850 77,500 8.16% UTILITIES 37,193 49,450 45,100 46,100 - 6.77% CAPITAL OUTLAY 38,670 358,300 337,000 49,000 - 86.32% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 9,976 48,000 55,000 48,000 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 1 3,45 348 1 4,050,634 4,050,634 54 950 - 98.64% 7,671,188 1 9,437,430 1 9,299,1251 5,311,560 TOTAL 1 - 43.72% ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS* ENGINEERING 13% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 23% VILLAGE MANAGER 23% *does not include transfers out or economic development payments 30 kNCE DEPT. 41% 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FINANCE DEPARTMENT The Village's Finance Department provides all accounting services, performs investment and cash ' management activities and coordinates capital financing, purchasing, budget preparation and control, payroll processing, risk management including medical insurance, police pension processing and accounting, as well as annual audit preparation and compliance and overall information technology coordination. As ' required by statute, the Director of Finance, as Treasurer, provides regular reports on the fiscal condition of the Village to. the Mayor and Board of Trustees. The Department is also responsible overall for human resources, risk management and information technology. ' The Finance Department is staffed by the Director of Finance, an Assistant Finance Director, Computer Systems. Coordinator, accountant, computer technician, two principal accounting. clerks, a finance clerk, a cashier- receptionist and a building custodian. No changes in staffing occurred during the past year. The ' current principal accounting clerk for payroll has announced her retirement. Additional funds have been budgeted in regular salaries to allow for an overlap of positions as the current cashier receptionist trains for .this position. ' The Director of Finance/Treasurer coordinates all of the financial affairs of the Village, establishes and maintains necessary controls,.and supervises the employees and activities of the Finance Department. ' The Departmental Obiectives for the 2008 -09 fiscal year are as follows: Review finance department processes and implement new processes as necessary. ' Rewrite the following policies: o Corporate investment policy o Village purchasing policy o Village budget policy 1 Complete the annual Budget and comprehensive financial report and apply for the respective GFOA awards in each of these categories (annually). ' Seek proposals for credit card processing to implement acceptance for Village utility billing (carryover). ' Initiate the process to terminate the Village Center TIF District early on December 31, 2008 to allow for the local taxing districts to obtain the benefit of the increased assessed value a year early. ' Replace servers running the Village financial information system, file sharing, e-mail and computer - aided dispatch. Prepare necessary documents to issue $5.0 million in new debt for capital project funding. t Accomplishments 2007 -08 fiscal year (`denotes 07/08 Departmental Obiective): ' Completed the 2007 -08 annual budget document, applied for and received the GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the seventeenth consecutive year.* ' Completed the 2006 -07 comprehensive annual financial report, applied for and received the GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the twenty -third consecutive year.* ' Prepared the annual report and conducted the statutory annual Tax Increment Financing Joint Review Board meeting for the Village Center TIF District.* 1 1 31 Moved into the new finance department facility in early FY 07/08, including data processing and security setup.* Completed an actuarial analysis of the liability for other post employment benefits (OPEB) as required by GASB (Statement 45) and implemented the posting of the liability beginning with the 07/08 fiscal year (early implementation).` Completed installation of new network -based phone system including hardware and software. Assisted Community Development Department .in the, implementation of the Permits and Code Enforcement module in the financial information system. This is the last module to be completed. Assisted in the implementation of electronic packets for the Village Board meetings and weekly communication. This involved the establishment of file building procedures and set -up of new lap top computers for each Board member. Developed and issued a request for qualifications for a new financial advisor for the Village debt issuance. Evaluated and selected a new FA for future bond issues. Work Statistics Water, Sewer and Garbage Bills Issued Invoices Processed Vehicle Licenses sold and Transferred Investment Transactions % Interest Earnings - Village 90 -Day T -Bill Benchmark % Rate 101111- 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2007 2008 (est.) actual (est.) 31,154 30,696 30,816 30,250 30,550 29,712 29,900 3,595 3,751 3,250 3,300 3,325 3,500 3,600 12,856 12,625 12,720 12,760 12,800 13,100 13,200 49 32 25 25 30 35 42 3.89 3.06 3.40 3.80 5.00 4.30 3.50 1.62 1.04 1.50 3.00 4.95 4.36 3.00 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -09 FINANCE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08 ->FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 953,060 1,034,965 1,006,965 1,108,586 7.11% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 15,542 23,600 11,100 16,600 - 29.66% CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,251,326 1,330,100 1,277,000 1,392,350 4.68% COMMODITIES 10,434 29,000 25,000 27,000 -6.90% UTILITIES 20,659 30,000 22,500 27,000 - 10.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 12,204 42,200 42,200 28,500 - 32.46% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 3,434,667 4,034,667 4,034,667 36,750 - 99.09% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1 5,697,892 1 6,524,532 1 6,419,432 1 2,636,786 1 - 59.59% 32 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES ' The legislative branch of the Village is responsible for interpreting the wishes of the community and determining the policies under which the Village operates. The people elect the Mayor and six Trustees to four year overlapping terms for which they receive no compensation. BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COUNCILS There are twenty independent commissions, councils, and boards authorized by the Mayor and Trustees ' or required by State law that are appointed to advise and assist the Board of Trustees in its policy decisions. These councils also conduct hearings that pertain to their function. All positions on these boards are non - salaried. . 1. Board of Local Improvements - Consists of seven members (the Mayor and the Board of Trustees). Makes recommendations to the Trustees regarding those things that it feels should be done to improve the Village by special assessment, special taxation, or otherwise. ' The Village Clerk is secretary to the Board. 2. Plan Commission - Consists of seven members plus the Mayor (ex- officio), serving ' three -year overlapping terms, except the Mayor who serves a four -year term. Members are appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, and the chairman is designated for a one -year term in the same manner. The Planning Commission ' is responsible to the Board of Trustees for holding public hearings and making recommendations regarding the Comprehensive Plan, annexation, sub - division, and zoning (land use, ratio of building to land area, and building height). ' 3. Board of Zoning Appeals - Has seven members who serve five year overlapping terms. Appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees. Responsible to the Board of Trustees to hear and make recommendations on applications for variations ' to the provisions of the zoning ordinance, and to hear and rule on appeals from orders or decisions made by the administrative officer enforcing the zoning ordinance. ' 4. Board of Police Commissioners - Consists of three members, each serving three -year overlapping terms. Appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees. Responsible for all appointments, promotions, and dismissals involving sworn officers, and conducts entrance and promotional examinations. ' 5. Police Pension Board - Has five members who serve two -year terms, including two civilians appointed by the Mayor, two members elected from the police force, and one ' member elected from the beneficiaries of the pension fund. Determines eligibility of applicants, distributes funds, manages, invests, and controls the police pension fund. ' 6. Safety Council - Consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, serving three -year overlapping terms. Responsible to the Board of Trustees to study and make recommendations regarding Village safety issues relating to traffic. ' 7. Board of Building Appeals - Consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, to serve five -year overlapping terms. The tmembers are responsible to the Board of Trustees to hear appeals on decisions made by ' 33 the Building Commissioner enforcing the building ordinances.and to recommend action to the Board. of Trustees regarding such appeals. The.. Board holds hearings and makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding changes in the building codes. 8. Youth Council - Consists of twelve members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees for three -year overlapping terms. Studies and investigates activities which might involve or contribute to the delinquency of juveniles and makes recommendations to the Village Mayor and Board of Trustees regarding legislation or action . to protect the youth of the Village. 9. Human Relations Commission - Consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees for three -year overlapping terms. Studies and recommends means of developing better relations between people, cooperates with the State and Federal agencies, and issues such publications and reports as it and the Board of Trustees consider in the public interest. 10. Manpower Commission - Consists . of five members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees for three -year overlapping terms.. Reviews possible appointees to the Village boards, commissions, and councils and makes recommendations to the Mayor and Board of Trustees. 11. Electrical Commission - Consists . of five members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees for four -year coterminous terms or until their successors are appointed. Responsible to the Board of Trustees to recommend standards, specifications, and rules and regulations governing the installation, alteration, and use of electrical equipment in the Village. 12. Emergency Services and Disaster Agency - Consists of a director and such additional members as the director selects. Responsible for the administration, training and operation of the Agency. 13. Village Center District Development and Redevelopment Commission - Consists of nine members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees. This Commission advises the Board on matters that affect the development or redevelopment of the Village Center District. 14. Energy Advisory and Resource Recovery Commission — Consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees for three year overlapping terms. Its responsibilities include advising the Board and initiating matters related to the recovery of resources (recycling) and energy conservation. 15. Cable and Telecommunications Commission - Consists of nine members, appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, for three -year overlapping terms. Regulates the use of the Village's right -of -way by telecommunications service providers. Administers the Village's Public Access TV System, including operating the Deerfield InfoChannel. Resolves customer service complaints from residents. 16. Cemetery Association - Consists of three members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees for indefinite terms. Arrange for the care and maintenance of the Deerfield Cemetery. 17. Appearance Review Committee - Consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees for three -year terms. Responsible for 34 1 ' reviewing exterior design of new and remodeled buildings in the Village Center and in C -2 Outlying Commercial Districts. ' 18. Sister City Committee - Consists of five members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees for indefinite terms. Communicates with and maintains friendly relations with Ludinghausen, Germany. ' 19. Stormwater Management Committee - Consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent.of the Board of Trustees for indefinite terms. Responsible . for making: recommendations to the Mayor and Board of Trustees regarding improvements ' to the storm and sanitary sewer systems. 20. Fine Arts Commission - Consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor with the ' advice and consent of the Board of Trustees for three year overlapping terms. Responsible for promoting and. encouraging the artistic and cultural environment within the Village. ' VILLAGE CLERK The Village Clerk is responsible for the maintenance of the official records of the Village as required by statute and by the Mayor and Board of Trustees. The Clerk acts as custodian of the Village seal which is '. required on many documents,- publishes legal notices, oversees Village elections, and performs other duties as stated in statute or ordinance. Appointed by the Mayor and Board of Trustees, the Village Manager serves as the Village Clerk. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 35 VILLAGE MANAGER'S OFFICE Personnel in the Village Manager's Office serve to join the legislative branch of the Village to its operating departments. As provided by ordinance, the Village Manager advises the Mayor and Board of Trustees on policy decisions and acts as Chief Administrative Officer, supervising-the activities of all department heads and directing the day -to -day operations of the Village. The Village Manager is also appointed Village Clerk by the Mayor and Board of Trustees. The Village Manager's Office is staffed by the Village Manager /Clerk, Assistant Village. Manager, Deputy Village Clerk/Executive Secretary, a part-time Administrative Intern and two part time Secretaries to the Boards and Commissions. All of the activities of the various boards and commissions are included in the Village Manager's budget. The Departmental Objectives for the 2008 -2009 fiscal year are as follows: 1. Provide the Mayor and Board of Trustees relevant and timely information and advice necessary to evaluate and make policy decisions. 2. Direct and advise operating departments in order to meet service levels established by the Mayor and Board of Trustees. 3. Encourage citizen participation in Village activities through public information materials, press releases and cable TV programming. 4. In conjunction with the Village Attorney, coordinate. the preparation of ordinances, resolutions, contracts, agreements and other documents for consideration by the Mayor and Board of Trustees. 5. Represent the Village in working with federal, state, regional and local agencies, governments and community groups, as well as private enterprises and not - for - profit organizations. 6. Encourage strategic and operational improvements through innovation and professional development. 7. Oversee franchise agreements with various utilities doing business within the corporate limits of the Village. 8. Oversee the human resources function for the Village. Develop a motivated workforce through professional employee evaluations, training and competitive levels of compensation. 9. Perform the statutory duties required of the Village Clerk's office. 10. Publish D- Tales, a bi- monthly newsletter mailed to every household and business in the Village, and program the Village InfoChannel to provide all residents with up -to -date information. 11. Oversee the Village's Geographical Information System (GIS) operation and participate on the Consortium Board of Directors. 12. Provide staff support for the Fine Arts Commission, Cable and Telecommunications Commission, Energy and Recycling Commission, Cemetery Commission and Family Days Commission. In addition to these continuing goals, the Village Manager's Department will complete the following projects during the 2008 -2009 fiscal year: 1. Monitor internal operations of all departments to ensure appropriate levels of manpower and resources. Undertake an internal manpower study. 2. Update all Village job descriptions utilizing the model developed for the Police Department in 2007. KR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3. Oversee the complete redesign and redevelopment of the Village's website, www.deerfield- il.org. 4. Continue to offer staff support to the Northwest Quadrant Redevelopment Committee and the Village Board. as additional progress is made in the potential redevelopment of Village-owned_ properties along Deerfield Road. 5. Work with Com Ed representatives to develop and implement appropriate action plans in an effort to improve electrical system reliability. 6. Oversee the construction of a cellular communications tower on the Village Hall site to enhance the cellular coverage in the north half of the Village. 7. Complete the renegotiation of the patrol. officers' collective bargaining agreement. Begin the planning for renegotiation of the public works department collective bargaining agreement set to . expire in April 2009. 8. Continue to work toward a regional approach for workforce /affordable housing. 9. Research and make recommendations to the Mayor and Board of Trustees related to the potential annexation of the Baxter properties on Saunders Road. 10. Work with the renewed Energy and Recycling Commission as it changes its focus to recourse sustainability and green initiatives. 11. Begin preparations for the spring 2009 municipal elections. 12. Refocus efforts and make appropriate recommendations to the Mayor and Board of Trustees related to economic development and redevelopment within the community. Accomplishments During 2007 -2008 1. Transitioned to a new Village Manager, Kent Street, who began his employment with the Village in September, 2007. The Assistant Village Manager served as Interim Manager from June to September, 2007 forllowing the retirement of long -time Village Manager, Bob Franz. 2. Completed the expansion and renovation of the Deerfield Village Hall. Oversaw the relocation of the Village Manager /Clerk's Office and Community Development and Finance Departments into the new office space. 3. Developed electronic packets for all weekly distributions to the Mayor and Board of Trustees. Also began to post full agenda packets on the Village's website. 4. Oversaw the installation of cellular communications facilities on the Village -owned water tank on Kates Road. 5. Monitored the installation of facilities in the Village related to AT &T's new television enterprise, U- Verse. 6. Advertized and filled open positions in the Public Works, Police and Finance Departments. 7. Coordinated harassment training for all Village staff and began planning for more additional training for all departments. 8. Provided staff support for special events planning including Family Days, Deerfield Festival of Fine Arts, and Community Services Day. 9. Coordinated the installation of the Centennial Sculpture on the front lawn of the Village Hall. 37 Work Statistics, Ordinances Passed Resolutions Passed Village Board Meetings D -Tales Published Business Licenses Issued Liquor Licenses Issued Vending Licenses Issued Parking Permits Issued Distributions to Mayor and Board Community Development Group Meetings Cable and Telecommunications Commission Meetings Energy and Recycling Commission Meetings. Fine Arts Commission Meetings 101210- 2004 2005.... 2006.. 2007 73 54 61 44 10 15 9 20 24 24 24 24 6 6 6 6 94 90 89 88 36 32 34 30 200 148 139 140 731 732 714 733 52 52 52 52 24 23 25 23 7 8 10 5 1 1 0 0 5 9 7 9 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -09 VILLAGE MANAGER PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08 -FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 641,542 590,893 597,610 565,274 =4.34% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 4,303 5,000 3,200 5,000 0.00% CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 127,197 363,100 350,600 400,100 10.19% COMMODITIES 2,739 12,600 17,200 14,500 15.08% UTILITIES 819 1,600 1,600 1,600 0.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 23,776 301,000 279,000 14,000 - 95.35% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 9,976 48,000 55,000 48,000 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 3,600 3,600 3,600 2,571 - 28.58% DEPARTMENT TOTAL I 813,952 1 1,325,793 1 1,307,810 1 1,051,045 1 - 20.72% 0] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ' Description of Responsibilities: The Community Development Department is responsible for all aspects of planning, building, and zoning. The Department administers and enforces the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Building Codes. The Department is responsible for providing staff assistance to a number of commissions. The Department provides t analysis and technical assistance on all items that come before the. Plan Commission, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Village Center Development Commission, the Appearance Review Commission, the Electrical Commission, the Board of Building Appeals, and various task forces, as well as coordinates the activities of these ' commissions. Building plan review, permit approval; inspectional services, zoning compliance approvals for new businesses, and maintaining records of approved plans are also provided by the Department. . ' Staff Consists of: 1. Code Enforcer ' The Department's objectives for the 2008 -09 fiscal year: • Continue to settle into the renovated Village Hall o the most efficient services to residents and memb ' . 0 Complete the Census Bureau's Local Update of C that all residential housing units in the Village rece • Provide staff support services for the Plan Commi ' Development Commission, the Appearance Revi for which the Department is responsible. • Prepare the Department's updated webpage for ' information and documents. • Continue to train the department's new part time e • Continue to learn and become experienced with t and processing of items such as building permits, ' . Continue the process of entering data into the Information System (GIS). • Continue removing non - essential items from the P ' conversion of these paper files to electronic files. Continue to enforce the adopted window sign reg continue to work with businesses so they have an ' • Maintain the Official Map, Comprehensive Pla Subdivision Code along with building plans, subdi • Prepare research studies and reports on future pla • Continue to work on the issue of affordable hous ' facing the Village. • Continue to develop handouts for the public which and the zoning approval process and which synthe ' • Continue to be involved with the review and de Center District projects. • Be advisory to the Energy and Recycling Commiss ' 39 ffices, find the best utilization of space, and provide ent Supervisor ers of the public. 2. Principal Planner ' 3. 4. Assistant Code Enforcement Supervisor Building Inspector ssion, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Village Center 5. Planner 6. Secretaries II (two) ' 7. Secretary I (part time) ' The Department's objectives for the 2008 -09 fiscal year: • Continue to settle into the renovated Village Hall o the most efficient services to residents and memb ' . 0 Complete the Census Bureau's Local Update of C that all residential housing units in the Village rece • Provide staff support services for the Plan Commi ' Development Commission, the Appearance Revi for which the Department is responsible. • Prepare the Department's updated webpage for ' information and documents. • Continue to train the department's new part time e • Continue to learn and become experienced with t and processing of items such as building permits, ' . Continue the process of entering data into the Information System (GIS). • Continue removing non - essential items from the P ' conversion of these paper files to electronic files. Continue to enforce the adopted window sign reg continue to work with businesses so they have an ' • Maintain the Official Map, Comprehensive Pla Subdivision Code along with building plans, subdi • Prepare research studies and reports on future pla • Continue to work on the issue of affordable hous ' facing the Village. • Continue to develop handouts for the public which and the zoning approval process and which synthe ' • Continue to be involved with the review and de Center District projects. • Be advisory to the Energy and Recycling Commiss ' 39 ffices, find the best utilization of space, and provide ers of the public. ensus Addresses (LUCA) program, in order to ensure ive a 2010 Census Bureau questionnaire. ssion, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Village Center ew Commission, and other boards and commissions the Village's new website with updated online forms, mployee for the position of Secretary I. he Munis computer module to help increase efficiency inspections, violations, fees, and zoning applications. land records data layer in the Village's Geographic Ian Commission files and begin planning for the ulations in the C -1 and C -2 Commercial Districts and understanding of the new regulations. n, Zoning Ordinance, Development Code, and the vision plats, and approved development plans. ns as necessary. ing to seek solutions to the affordable housing issues will summarize the requirements for building permits size the procedures mandated by the various codes. velopment of planning and zoning efforts for Village ion on sustainability issues including green initiatives. Continue to explore methods of digitally scanning, retrieving and storing all documents required to be maintained by the Department. Review codes and ordinances for possible amendments and revisions as necessary. Accomplishments for 2007 -08: • Performed 2,580 building inspections. • Reviewed and issued 1,103 permits. • Moved from the Community Development Department's temporary location in the basement of the Fire Station, to the new offices in the renovated Village Hall: • Responded to many zoning inquiries, requests for zoning data, building code inquiries, property data, interpretation of codes, demographic data, and other inquiries. • Participated in extensive training in the Munis computer module and went live in Munis, which will be used to help track permits, inspections, fees, violations and zoning applications. • Participated in the Village Website Redesign Committee by assisting in the goals and objectives for a new Village website and participating in selecting a design firm. • Adopted window sign regulations for the Village's commercial districts to improve the aesthetic quality of the Village. • Photographed and measured all window signage in the C -1 and C -2 zoning districts that was in place at the time that the window signage regulations were adopted to create a catalog of grandfathered signs. • Installed a community banner pole at the northeast corner of Deerfield Road and Waukegan Road and designed and ordered new banners for the pole. • Completed a build -out estimate for the Village of Deerfiield's possible future population growth, which will be used in the design of the Village's new wastewater treatment plant. • Worked on Village approval for the following major projects: the Deerfield Park District Recreation Center in Lake Cook Plaza, Textura renovations at 1405 Lake Cook Road, Deerfield Bank & Trust in Shopper's Court and the renovations to Shopper's Court, additions and renovations to the North Shore Chinese Church, several Special Use approvals for Deerfield Square, several local government special use requests, and many other smaller land use petitions. • Supplemented and updated the online Zoning Ordinance, Zoning Map, and Comprehensive Plan. • Developed amendments to the text of the Zoning Ordinance as needed. • Worked on the Request for Proposals (RFPs) for the northwest quadrant of the Village Center. • Required petitioner's submittals to the Board of Trustees and Commission's recommendations and minutes to be in an electronic format. • Completed the yearly boundary and annexation survey for the Census Bureau. 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2002 2003 . 2004 2005 2006 2007 37 87 1 PERSONNEL SERVICES 73 Work Statistics ' Permits: 194 Residences 169 Additions and Alterations ' Garages ' Garage Sale and Temporary Use Permits 23 Miscellaneous ' Total Permits ' Hoard of Zoning Appeals Public Hearings 178 VCDC Meetings 807 Appearance Review Commission Meetings . Plan Commission: ' Public Hearings 1,296 Continued Public Hearings ' Substantial Conformance Petitions Prefiling Conferences 1,228. Miscellaneous Requests 5. Comprehensive Plan Meetings ' 11 8 Streetscape Design Task Force 10 Residential Redevelopment Review T.F. 8 Window Signage Committee ' 6 11 101330 2002 2003 . 2004 2005 2006 2007 37 87 47 PERSONNEL SERVICES 73 TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT ' CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 194 COMMODITIES 169 UTILITIE 34 S ' CAPITAL OUTLAY 23 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 250 TRANSFERS OUT ' DEPARTMENT TOTAL 178 170 807 774 934 727 1 861 1,296 1,318 2002 2003 . 2004 2005 2006 2007 37 87 47 85 73 70 168 186 194 170 169 156 34 26 36 19 23 13 250 245 239 237 178 170 807 774 934 727 785 861 1,296 1,318 1,379 1238 1,228. 1270 5. 6 8 11 8 5 10 9 8 7 7 6 11 13. 11 13 12 9 26 19 20 22 24 19 2 2 7 6 6 4 3 4 5 1 6 2 5 5 12 17 19 14 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 2 3 2 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 12 11 11 3 8 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008.09 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 708,108 ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG 8,000 FY 06107 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08 -FY09 708,108 806,916 789,316 842,400 4.40% 4,495 8,000 8,000 8,000 0.00% 94,536 160,500 132,500 139,100 - 13.33% 13,946 23,150 20,150 25,500 10.15% 12,829 14,100 15,000 12,500 - 11.35% _ 915 9,600 10,300 1,000 - 89.58% 0 0 0 0 N/A 3,000 3,000 3,000 6,143 104.77% 837,829 1 1,025,266 1 978,266 1 1,034,643 1 0.91% 41 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The Engineering Department provides technical design services and oversight for Village construction projects, reviews development plans to assure compliance with Village ordinances, supervises operation of the Wastewater Reclamation Facility, and advises the Mayor and Board, as well as other departments on engineering matters. The department is supervised by the Director of Public Works and Engineering and staffed by one Assistant Director of Public Works, one Assistant Village Engineer, one Staff Engineer and an Engineering Inspector. The Departmental Objectives for the 2008 -09 fiscal year are as follows: • Define and supervise Village construction projects. • Continue to upgrade and structure engineering and public works data keeping, data organization and data relationships. • Continue to manage and oversee the Geographic Information System (GIS), • Continue to review commercial and residential development plans with respect to drainage and grading impacts. • Review, evaluate, and approve applications relative to the Village Tree Ordinance. • Initiate study and design for future infrastructure replacement. Major projects planned for 2008 -09 are: Street Rehabilitation Program — The scope of the Street Rehabilitation Project is to reconstruct or rehabilitate portions of the existing Village owned roadway network and utilities. Streets tentatively identified for this year's program include Oakmont Drive, W. St. Andrews Lane, E. St Andrews Lane, Tamarisk Lane, Birchwood Avenue, Knollwood Road, and Kenton Road. Other roads that are scheduled for concrete patching are Sequoia Lane, Montgomery Drive, Elizabeth Court, Laurel Avenue, Manor Drive, and Margate Terrace. • Waukegan Road Improvements (High School to north Village limit) — The scope of this project is to increase roadway capacity and improve the safety at the intersections of Waukegan Road (IL Rte. 43) at High school Drive (the southern entrance to Deerfield High school) and IL Rte. 43 at the northern entrance of Deerfield High School. The project is expected to be bid in spring of 2008 with roadway construction to commence in summer of 2008. • Waukegan Road Improvements (Cadwell's Corners to north Village limit) — Waukegan Road (IL Rte. 43) between Lake Cook Road and the northern limit of the Village of Deerfield is in rapidly deteriorating condition, and the geometric characteristics of the route provide a low level of service, particularly during peak traffic periods, leading to travel delays and unsafe conditions. Currently, the Illinois Department of Transportation has programmed $1.5Million for the resurfacing of IL Rte. 43 from High School Drive to Central Avenue within their Multi Year Program. The Village of Deerfield Public Works and Engineering Department wishes to spearhead the reconstruction of IL Rte. 43 by entering into a cost participation agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation. • Bridge Replacement — The Federal Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program (HBRRP) is designed to provide funding to local agencies for the rehabilitation or reconstruction of bridges that are under local jurisdiction. The Village awarded an engineering services contract to the URS Corporation in December of 2007 for the rehabilitation of Hazel Avenue Bridge and Wilmot Road Bridge. The planning and design process is expected to be complete by December of 2008. • Lake Cook Road — The Cook County Highway Department (CCHD) is currently in the design and land acquisition process for the reconstruction of Lake Cook Road between Birchwood Avenue and Waukegan Road (IL Rte.43). CCHD plans to begin the reconstruction of Lake Cook Road in early 2009. 42 1 1 1 1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 Pavement Condition Survey — Historically, the Public. Works and Engineering Department has maintained a ranking..list of roadway and utility conditions. The Department draws .upon the ranking list to forecast areas that will require roadway and utility rehabilitation. Additionally,, the use of laser, sonar, and digital. video will enable IMS to provide detailed information in regard to the projected remaining life of existing roads, and provide a precise street sign and parkway tree inventory including location inventory. The survey will begin in the fall of 2008 and should conclude before April of 2009. • Bikeway (Sidewalk) Improvements / South Side of Deerfield Road; Rosemary Terrace to Carlisle Avenue — The scope of work for this project will be the reconstruction of the sidewalk along. the south side of Deerfield Road between Rosemary Terrace and Middle Fork. of the North Branch of the. Chicago River (just east of Carlisle Avenue). in an effort.to provide safer passage for pedestrians. The new design will include approximately 4,000 linear feet of five -foot wide sidewalk. Construction is expected to begin in the summer of 2008. • Bikeway (Sidewalk) Improvements / North Side Lake Cook Road; Pine Street to. Wilmot Road — Cook County Highway Department (CCHD) has agreed to share, 50% CCHD /50% Village, in the cost of the installation of a new sidewalk as. part of their road construction contract. The project will include approximately 4,.000 linear feet of new five -foot wide sidewalk along the north side of Lake Cook Road. • Waukegan Road /Chestnut at Deerbrook Mall — The existing traffic signal at the intersection of Waukegan Road (IL Rte. 43) and the Chestnut Street/Deerbook Mall Entrance is scheduled. for reconstruction as part of the Cook County Highway Department (CCHD) Lake Cook Road /IL Rte. 43 reconstruction project. Design of the traffic signal began in late 2007 and is expected to be complete in June of 2008. • Pedestrian Traffic Signal Repair and Upgrades — The Public Works and Engineering Department Will be upgrading traffic signals to facilitate safe crossing for pedestrians, to improve operations, ' and reduce maintenance. Work will be done at 8 locations throughout the Village of Deerfield. Included in the scope of the project will be the installation of pedestrian signals at the intersection of Kates Road and Corporate 500 Drive, improved push buttons at signalized intersections along ' Deerfield Road, and new signal control equipment at the intersection of Deerfield Road and Carlisle Avenue. • Waukegan Road Signal Improvements; Countdown Signals and Battery Backup — The Illinois ' Department of Transportation (IDOT) is completing the design phase of a traffic signal modernization project that will include all of the traffic signals along Waukegan Road (IL Rte. 43) between Lake Cook Road and Half Day Road (IL Rte. 22). The Department of Public Works and ' Engineering is coordinating with IDOT to install battery back up units (UPS) and pedestrian countdown signals at each of the upgraded traffic signals on Waukegan Road within project limits. • Remote Meter Reading System — The Orion meter installation program was originally chosen to t obtain more frequent and accurate meter readings from residential and commercial accounts. As we presently operate on a three -month reading schedule for residential and once a month for commercial accounts, the Orion system will ultimately allow for all meters to be read every month ' with a drive -by method rather than physically reading each individual meter. • Carlisle /Carriage Way Infrastructure Improvement Project — The purpose of the Carlisle Avenue and Carriage Way Infrastructure Rehabilitation project is to reconstruct or rehabilitate portions of ' the existing .Village owned infrastructure. The project limits are Carlisle Avenue between Deerfield Road and Briarwood Nature Area and Carriage Way between Foxhunt Trail and Briarwood Nature Area. The scope of the overall work for the improvement will include the complete removal and ' replacement of the existing roadway, water main replacement, point repairs on storm and sanitary sewer systems, lighting system upgrades, and sidewalk replacement as needed. An engineering services contract was awarded to URS Corporation in late 2007 and the project is currently in the design phase. Construction is expected to begin in June of 2009, will be phased over two years, ' and will be complete in 2010. 1 43 Wilmot Road North; Montgomery to Garand — The purpose of the Wilmot Road North Infrastructure Rehabilitation project is to reconstruct or rehabilitate portions of the existing Village owned infrastructure. The project limits are Wilmot Road between Montgomery Road and Garand Avenue, falling just short of the Wilmot Road Bridge which is currently being redesigned and will be reconstructed at a later date. The scope of the overall work for the improvement will include the complete removal and replacement of the existing roadway, water main replacement, installing new storm sewer, point repair on the sanitary sewer system, and sidewalk replacement as needed. An engineering services contract was awarded to the Ciorba Group in early 2007 and the project is currently out for bids. Construction is expected to begin in April of 2008 and will be complete in June of 2008. Wilmot Road South; Lake Cook Road to Deerfield Road The purpose of the Wilmot Road South Infrastructure. Rehabilitation project -is to reconstruct or rehabilitate portions of the existing Village owned infrastructure. The project limits are Wilmot Road between Lake Cook Road and Deerfield Road. The scope of the overall work for the improvement will include removal and replacement of the existing roadway, water main, and new storm sewer as well as point repair on the sanitary sewer system. Sidewalk will. be replaced as needed. An engineering. services contract was awarded to the Ciorba Group in early 2007. Design engineering is expected to be complete in 2008. Hazel Avenue and Chestnut Street Infrastructure Improvement — The purpose of the Hazel Avenue Infrastructure Rehabilitation project is to reconstruct or rehabilitate portions of the 'existing Village owned infrastructure. The project limits are Hazel Avenue between Wilmot Road and chestnut Street. The scope of the overall work for the improvement will include removal and replacement of the existing roadway, water main replacement, new storm and sanitary sewer systems, lighting system upgrades, and sidewalk replacement as needed. An engineering services contract was awarded to the URS Corporation in late 2007 and the project is currently in the design phase. Design engineering is expected to be complete in 2008. • Deerfield Road Pedestrian Underpass — The Village has studied creating a tunneled pedestrian path behind the existing Metra bridge abutments and found it to be feasible. CMAQ and ITEP funds have been allocated to this project. Design engineering will be completed in 2008 -09 if matching Village funds are allocated. • Deerfield /Chestnut/Park Retaining Wall— The purpose of this project is to enhance the appearance of the retaining wall on the northeast corner of the intersection at Deerfield Road and Chestnut Street and replace in kind the existing railroad tie retaining wall at the northwest corner of Deerfield Road and Park Lane. The existing retaining wall is in poor condition and does not match the Village Center Streetscape. • Public Works Storage Yard Improvements — The storage yard is used to store most of the materials used by Public Works and it is also used by the Park District. To assist in maintaining the storage yard and its facilities, maintenance and minor improvements will be completed throughout the year. • Public Works Building Interior Improvements — The Public Works office renovation was first introduced during a Committee of the Whole in July 2007. The project consists of minor modification to the space on the second floor to allow for additional office space for current staff. The first floor modifications will solve some operational and safety issues and create work stations for some of the line supervisors to complete paperwork. • Replace Village Entrance Signs — The purpose of this project is improve the appearance of the existing Village of Deerfield entrance signs. Six entrance signs are proposed to be reviewed over the next three years. • Reservoir 29A Telemetry — The Department of Engineering and Public Works and the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC) has identified the need for remote access and control of the pump system at Reservoir 29A. The new telemetry unit will provide MWRDGC remote access to the pumps at the reservoir through their Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system (SCADA). This system will enable close supervision during off peak hours. The new telemetry will provide full access and control of the system 7 days a week, 24 hours a day 44 1 1 1 �J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Accomplishments in 2007- 2008:. • The third phase of inspection for trees infected with Dutch elm disease was completed in 2007. Trees ' identified with the disease have been removed. Urban Forest Management also completed a survey for the Emerald Ash Borer. None were found. ' • As part of the Village's ongoing efforts to preserve premium trees and help replenish trees that are removed due to natural causes and construction, the Engineering 'Department has reviewed and approved approximately 235 permit applications for removal of trees (not including the Dutch elm diseased trees). In addition to these permit applications, the Village has reviewed approximately ' 135 applications for the removal of trees related to construction permit. applications, • Removed approximately 2500 cubic yards of excavation material from Public Works Storage Yard. ' • Managed and oversaw the ClaVinia Subdivision Water Main construction which was completed on time and under budget. • Managed and oversaw the Crabtree Lane Infrastructure Improvement construction with the ' assistance of Gewalt, Hamilton and Associates. • Designed and constructed the 2007 Street Rehabilitation Program. Approximately 1.9 miles were rehabilitated. Concrete and asphalt patching was also completed at various locations. ' Utilized Infrastructure Management Software (IMS) for planning public projects. • Continued to work with Geographic Information System (GIS) staff. ' • Continue to upgrade and structure the engineering and public works record keeping, data organization and data relationships. ' Managed and oversaw construction of sidewalk and curb replacement at various locations. • Worked with Village's consulting engineer to complete engineering for the northern section of the Wilmot Road Rehabilitation Project. ' Worked with RJN Group and Sewer Department to complete inflow and infiltration /outflow study. • Worked with engineering firm of Gewalt Hamilton and Associates to design improvements for the ' far north section of Waukegan Road at Deerfield High School. • Worked with Baxter and Woodman and contractor to complete tennis court reconstruction at Mitchell Park. t • Worked with Cook County Highway Department and consultants for Lake Cook Road Utility Rehabilitation. t • Assisted in the selection of Strand Associates to perform the Design Basis Study for replacement of the existing Wastewater Reclamation Facility. • Worked with EarthTech on competing Phase I and Phase II engineering plans for the East Side Lift ' Station. • Worked with Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick to complete the installation of 75 new permanent benchmark monuments. Information is being coordinated with our GIS system and will be available ' online this year. • Prepared requests for engineering services proposals (RFPs) for various infrastructure replacement projects. ' • Assisted residents and architects /engineers with development of drainage plans. Reviewed grading and drainage plans for new homes, home additions, and commercial ' projects. • Prepared and published the Consumer Confidence Report on water quality. ' 45 • Oversaw the lining of approximately 2,250 feet of storm sewer and 4,743 feet of deteriorated sanitary sewer in various locations. • Monitored the conditions and groundwater at Reservoir 29A and cooperated with the offices of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District. • Finalized year four and prepared year -five goals in a report to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency for compliance with National Pollutant Elimination Discharge System mandates. • Submitted grant applications for funding for bridge replacements, CMAQ for multiple locations, and Safe Routes to School. • Completed modernization of six Village =owned and maintained traffic signals with the assistance of a grant from the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation. This included LED signal lenses, pedestrian countdown signals, and battery backup units. • Held an open -house meeting for residents regarding bikeway (sidewalk) improvements on the south side of Deerfield Road from Rosemary Terrace to Carlisle Avenue. Work Statistics 2002 , 2003 V 2004 i 2005 ! 2006 Number of Purchase Payments Processed 1 106 1 1 130 162 148 182 _____._.___.. ._....__.._.___..�.._..._._._ -. _ Letters of Credit Received 6 _149__ r 3! _..__......_._........._....._...._._ 7 ............ 1 6_; ..--- _._...__.._...._....._.... 11 1 8 Number of Projects Administered. :_...__._... 122,570 55... 224,050 '..._._45 - 15.59% 59......... -._. .._.........__._..._...._ -...._ _ - - -- Number of Grading /Drainage Permits Issued -- ...... ................. _ - - -� - .-- 89 -58. -- ._..._1...._..._42...- 175 150 , 165 135 _ Number ofRight- of_Way Opening Permits Issued 6,000 5,000 43 75 1 60 65 Number of Tree Permits Issued - ! - ' - 210 217 1 235 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -09 102110- ENGINEERING PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL I BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 1 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08 -►FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 175,945 313,850 335,700 368,000 17.25% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 3,531 4,500 4,500 6,600 46.67% CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 122,570 217,972 224,050 184,000 - 15.59% COMMODITIES 5,727 6,900 8,500 10,500 52.17% UTILITIES 2,886 3,750 6,000 5,000 33.33% CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,775 5,500 5,500 5,500 0.00% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 9,081 9,367 9,367 9,486 1.27% DEPARTMENT TOTAL I 321,515 I 561,839 46 593,617 1 589,086 1 4.85% 1 i 1 1 cn v Dc M 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r C! 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 POLICF - SIIMMARV PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06107 I FY 07/08 I FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08 -> FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 6,039,289 6,671,040 6,458,660 6,900,405 3.44% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 37,636 68,150 68,150 76,950 12.91% CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 436,678 571,050 531,300 593,800 3.98% COMMODITIES 108,340 141,500 134,500 143,960 1.74% UTILITIES 41,281 43,500 31,500 41,500 -4.60% CAPITAL OUTLAY 16,454 42,150 42,150 43,050 2.14% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 178,214 171,572 171,572 166,235 -3.11% N/A DEPARTMENT TOTAL 6,857,892 1 7,708,962 1 7,437,832 1 7,965,900 1 3.33% INVE SPEC DETAIL 4% POLICE DEPT. BUDGET BY DIVISION COMMUNICATIONS 10% (does not include E911 Fund expenditures) 47 ISTRATION 28% PATROL 48% POLICE DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF THE POLICE MISSION . The mission for every member of the Deerfield Police Department is to consistently seek and find ways to ' affirmatively promote, preserve and deliver a feeling of security, safety and quality services to members of the community. The Police Department has ten continuing goals that accomplish this mission: ' Prevention of crime Apprehension of offenders .. ' Recovery and return of property Safe movement of traffic Provision of services unavailable from other public or private welfare agencies Prevention of substance abuse in the community ' Education of juveniles informing them of their legal responsibilities Education. of the public in the steps it can take to reduce the probabilities of becoming the victim of criminal.attack ' Participation in the implementation of disaster and disorder services In addition to these continuing goals, the Deerfield Police Department will complete the following projects during the 2008 -2009 fiscal year: ' Continuing to work in conjunction with the University of Illinios- Chicago, the Department will complete work on a five -year Strategic Plan designed to be regularly reviewed and updated. The process is expected to ' be complete by June of 2008. The Department is expected to complete its first reaccreditation process with receipt of award from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) at the summer conference (July ' 2008). Working with Public Works and Infrastructure Management Services (IMS) the Department will conduct an inventory of enforcement related signs thoughout the community. The intent of the project is to link ' each sign to an appropriate ordinance and establish a replacement schedule for signs needing replacement. ' The Department will implement a web -based mass notification system that will allow phone contact with the entire Village in less than 20 minutes. The system will also allow residents to sign up for email and cell phone notification. ' Agency members and command staff will participate in a disaster table top exercise facilitated by the Lake -Cook Critical Incident Protocol partnership. The exercise will incorporate public and private facilities and services. ' 1 1 1 1 48 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Accomplishments During 2007 -2008 In partnership with the University of Illinois- Chicago (UIC) Graduate Program in Public Administration and the College of Urban. Planning and Pulic Affairs, the Department utilized the assistance of four graduate. students to complete a departmental task analysis. The analysis included indentification.of essential tasks and duties related to each Police Department position in addition to identifying the necessary knowledge base and abilities required to perform the job. The information was subsequently used to update job descriptions within the Department. During fiscal year 2007 the Department began its first reaccreditation process since receiving the initial reward in July of 2005. A "mock assessment" by members of the Illinois Police Accreditation Coalition was conducted in January. The final step, an on -site visit by members of the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), to confirm the Department's compliance with 459 national standards was held during the week of April 14th: The Department is awaiting the final results at the time of this report. In 2007 the Department conducted a survey of the citizens of Deerfield regarding their opionons and attitudes of the Police Department. In summary, 97% of the respondents indicated they felt safe or very safe.. Fewer than 9% of the, respondents scored the Department "average" or below. The results were very consistent with a similar survery conducted in 2004. The Department again teamed with students of the University of Illinois- Chicago (UIC) to develop a five - year Strategic Plan that will be designed as an evolving document that can be reviewed, updated and brought in line with the best interest of the community. The project is currently in its initial phase but will include work with business and community leaders, local governing bodies, school district leaders and other organization working in the community. STATISTICAL SUMMARY Calls for Service Accidents: Personal Inury Property Traffic Tickets Parking Citations Crime Index* Criminal Arrests Domestic Trouble Vandalism Traffic Enforcement Index (Tickets per Injury Accident) 2004 2005 2006 2007 11,908 11,417 12,247 14,151 90 100 85 89 641 776 586 658 3,836 4,140 4,119 4,278 3,260 2,332 2,625 2,692 196 250 304 209 463 498 532 528 82 107 112 94 82 56 73 61 38.7 41.4 48.4 41.4 *Crime Index: Index crimes, as defined by the International Association of Chiefs of Police Committee on Uniform Crime Reports, includes "Violent Crimes" — murder, non - negligent manslaughter, aggravated criminal sexual assault, robbery, aggravated battery, and aggravated assault. Also included are "Property Crimes" — burglary, theft, larceny, motor vehicle theft and arson. 49 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 106010- POLICE -ADMINISTRATION. PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 1 FY08 -FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,267,977 11395;912 1,335,800 1,449,164 3.81% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 6,324 19,000 19,000 27,500 44.74% CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 365,165 514,250 474,000 526,500 2.38% COMMODITIES 36,694 52,500 45,500 53,000 0.95% UTILITIES 36,349 37,000 25,000 35,000 - 5.41% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 1050 10,350 8,800 - 14.98% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS . 0 0. 0 0 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 178,214 171.,572 171,572 166,235 - 3.11% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1 1,890,723 1 2,200,584 1 2,081;222 1 2,266,1991 2.98% 106020- POLICE - COMMUNICATIONS PERSONNEL SERVICES 728,138 ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET Yo CHG BUDG 2,597 5,300 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 728,138 800,738 767,160 819,995 2.40% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 2,597 5,300 5,300 5,600 5.66% CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 390 500 500 500 0.00% COMMODITIES 0 0 0 0 N/A UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,262 7,000 7,000 5,000 - 28.57% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 0 0 N/A DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1 735,387 1 813,5381 779,960 1 831.0951 2.16% 4nanss- POLICE - INVESTIGATIONSIYOUTH PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06107 I FY 07108 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08 -FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 718,799 820,022 786,500 788,207 -3.88% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 5,052 6,950 6,950 6,950 0.00% CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,073 5,700 6,200 6,200 8.77% COMMODITIES 10,359 14,000 14,000 15,960 14.00% UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,120 5,500 5,500 9,750 77.27% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 0 0 N/A DEPARTMENT TOTAL I 742,4031 852,172 I 819,1501 827,0671 - 2.95% 50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 106034 POLICE - PATROL PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL' BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 1 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08109 FY08 -+FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 3,149,834, 3,335,068 3,246,400 3,517,989 5.48% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 23,663 36,900 36,900 36,900 0.00% CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 66,050 50,600 50,600 60,600 19.76% COMMODITIES 61,287 75,000 75,000 75,000 0.00% UTILITIES 4,932 6,500 6,500 6,500 0.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,072 19,300 19,300 19,500 1.04% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0. _ . 0 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 0 - 0 0 0 N/A DEPARTMENT TOTAL 3,314,838 3,523,368 1 3,434,700 1 3,716,489 5.48% 106061- POLICE - SPECIAL DETAIL 48,600 48,600 51,267 PERSONNEL SERVICES 176020- 174,541 319,300 322,800 E 911 FUND 325,050 1.80% ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 [lo FY08 -FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 176020- 174,541 319,300 322,800 E 911 FUND 325,050 1.80% PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET I EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUOG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08 -FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 N/A TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 0 0 0 0 N/A CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 90,220 109,000 94,870 120,545 10.59% COMMODITIES 0 0 0 0 N/A UTILITIES 69,931 75,000 70,000 75,000 0.00% OTHER EXPENSES 0 0 0 0 N/A DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 38,016 62,900 63,372 23,800 - 62.16% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 58,483 48,600 48,600 51,267 5.49% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1 256,6501 295,500 1 276,842 1 270,612 1 -8.42% 51 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 *-0 OC ' ;a W N n r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 STREET DIVISION - SUMMARY DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1 1,741,3631 2,101,9051 2,244,9051 2,640,9701 25.65% STREET DIVISION EXPENDITURES SNOW & ICE TRAIN STN. MAINT. REMOVAL 4% 19° STI ADMINISTRATION 4U% 52 FORESTRY 14% ACTUAL FY 06/07 BUDGET FY 07/08 EST EXPEND FY 07/08 BUDGET FY 08/09 % CHG BUDG FY08 ->FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 848,168 1,033,290 1,127,290 1,092,920 5.77% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 2,684 3,300 3,300 6,200 87.88% CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 382,424 551,450 482,050 728,600 32.12% COMMODITIES 310,381 290,700 425,600 375,500 29.17% UTILITIES 55,004 50,750 49,750 53,000 4.43% CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,812 9,500 9,000 35,600 274.74% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 10,975 35,000 20,000 185,000 428.57% TRANSFERS OUT 127,915 127,915 127,915 164,150 28.33% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1 1,741,3631 2,101,9051 2,244,9051 2,640,9701 25.65% STREET DIVISION EXPENDITURES SNOW & ICE TRAIN STN. MAINT. REMOVAL 4% 19° STI ADMINISTRATION 4U% 52 FORESTRY 14% 1 1 1 1 I� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • Weed and grass cutting on Village owned property was ongoing. • Trees on Village property were maintained in -house and by contract. Sawvell Tree Service ' completed work under the 2007 tree removal contract. 170 dead or diseased parkway trees were removed. 507 trees were trimmed. • Watering of landscaped islands at entrance features continued through spring, summer and fall. ' • Gasoline and diesel fuel were purchased on an as- needed basis at the lowest quoted price. • Monthly reports were submitted to the Finance Department for department expenditures. ' • Manpower was supplied for miscellaneous events including the electronics pickup, household hazardous waste collection, Farmer's Market, Memorial Day and Veterans Day setup, Art Festival setup, Community Services Day and Fourth of July Family Days. The Department also installed ' miscellaneous holiday decorations, including streetscape tree lighting. 53 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION The primary and continuing goals of the Street Department are: ' To maintain streets during all seasons. • To keep all pavement marking lines visible throughout the Village. ' • To install and maintain street signs so they are legible under all weather conditions. • To repair and maintain street inlets, catch basins and inlet connection lines. ' • ` To repair and maintain all streetlights and traffic signals. . homeowners half • To plant trees with sharing the cost. • To maintain and repair the interior of the railroad station. ' To cut weeds and grass on Village -owned property. • To maintain trees in Village right -of -way. ' To maintain adequate supplies of gasoline and diesel fuel and to keep the equipment in good working order. Fuel is charged to expenditures of specific departments according to usage. ' Accomplishments during 2007 -2008: • Kept all streets in drivable condition in all seasons. • Removed and disposed of 6198 cubic yards of leaves. ' • Swept 2515 miles of street and removed 1003 cubic yards of debris. • 4,691 tons of salt were used with 4,107 total man hours expended for snow and ice removal during ' the 2007 -08 snow season. 515 tons of winter sand mix were also used. • Pavement patching was continually performed as needed. ' • 140 replacement signs were fabricated and installed. • 4,144 lineal feet of traffic marking were replaced as part of the Street Rehabilitation Program. • 4 streetlight poles were replaced. 172 repairs to streetlight wires were made using 750 feet of wire. ' Approximately 210 streetlight lamps were replaced. • 74 parkway trees were planted under the 50 -50 Program. ' • Maintenance was performed daily at the downtown Metra station and repairs were made as needed. The interior of the station was painted and the floors were sanded and refinished. The benches were also refinished. • Weed and grass cutting on Village owned property was ongoing. • Trees on Village property were maintained in -house and by contract. Sawvell Tree Service ' completed work under the 2007 tree removal contract. 170 dead or diseased parkway trees were removed. 507 trees were trimmed. • Watering of landscaped islands at entrance features continued through spring, summer and fall. ' • Gasoline and diesel fuel were purchased on an as- needed basis at the lowest quoted price. • Monthly reports were submitted to the Finance Department for department expenditures. ' • Manpower was supplied for miscellaneous events including the electronics pickup, household hazardous waste collection, Farmer's Market, Memorial Day and Veterans Day setup, Art Festival setup, Community Services Day and Fourth of July Family Days. The Department also installed ' miscellaneous holiday decorations, including streetscape tree lighting. 53 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION Work Statistics CALENDAR YEARS 2002 - 2007 Cleaning Streets Swept (Miles) . Streets Swept (Cubic Yards Debris) Traffic Marking Traffic Marking (Lineal Feet) Pavement Patching Pre -Mix Patching Materials Used (Tons) Drainage Structures Catch Basins Cleaned (Number) Street Lights and Traffic Signals Street Signs Erected or Replaced Street Light Standards Replaced Street Light Cable Repairs Street Lamps Replaced Snow and Ice Control Snow and Ice Control (Man Hours) Rock Salt Used (Tons) Tree Removal Trees Removed (Number) Tree Planting Trees Planted (Number) Weed Control Parkway Mowing (Lineal Feet) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 3,439 3,496 3,997 2,793 2,164 .2,515 1,120 2,215 2,380 1,215 884 1,003 51,437 46,041 26,660 1,072 412 344 280 2,363 4,144 135 60 168 480 480 480 380 149 125 397 413 1,020 455 163 140 3 4 3 3 5 5 140 180 260 270 160 172 205 215 280 255 180 210 1,202 1,069 2,048 3,778 936 3,257 2,465 2,305 3,290 4,165 1,129 7,250 42 44 45 64 62 70 44 27 64 170 66 74 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,00 54 1 102010- BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 STREET -ADMINISTRATION ACTUAL BUDGET EXPEND . BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES 2,100 FY 06/07 TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT ' I FY 08/09 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 128,050. COMMODITIES 9.75% UTILITIES 12,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 12,800 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 9,580 TRANSFERS OUT ' DEPARTMENT TOTAL -6.67% 1,072 2,000 1,500 3,600 102036- ' PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT N/A CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 127,915 127,915 COMMODITIES 28.33% ' UTILITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ' TRANSFERS OUT ' DEPARTMENT TOTAL ' 102037- 1 PERSONNEL SERVICES TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT ' CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMODITIES UTILITIES ' CAPITAL OUTLAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TRANSFERS OUT ' DEPARTMENT TOTAL BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 STREET -ADMINISTRATION 197,713 ACTUAL BUDGET EXPEND . BUDGET %CHG BUDG 2,100 FY 06/07 I FY 07108 J'EST FY 07/08 I FY 08/09 FY08 -FY09 197,713 260,200 252,900 267,000 2.61% 1,959 2,100 2,100 6,200 195.24% 110,208 139,950 128,050. 153,600 9.75% .11,532 12,000 12,800 12,800 6.67% 9,580 11,250 9,250 10,500 -6.67% 1,072 2,000 1,500 3,600 80.00% 0 0 0 0 N/A 127,915 127,915 127,915 164,150 28.33% 459,9791 555,4151 534,5151 617, 850 1 11.24% STREET SNOW & ICE CONTROL 130,175 ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG 0 FY 06/07 I FY 07/08 1 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 1 FY08 -►FY09 130,175 126,300 226,800 145,930 15.54% 0 0 0 0 N/A 72,622 72,500 82,500 90,500 24.83% 217,979 164,000 320,500 244,000 48.78% 0 0 0 0 N/A 1,400 2,500 2,500 27,000 980.00% 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 N/A 422,176 1 365,300 1 632,300 1 507,430 1 38.91% STREET - FORESTRY 37,976 ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG 0 FY 06/07 1 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 1 FY08 -►FY09 37,976 74,000 78,500 78,750 6.42% 0 0 0 0 N/A 104,372 165,500 99,000 341,500 106.34% 3,333 4,500 7,100 8,500 88.89% 0 0 0 0 N/A 1,340 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.00% 10,975 15,000 15,000 125,000 733.33% 0 0 0 0 N/A 157,9961 264,000 1 204,6001 558,7501 111.65% 55 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 102038- STREET -TRAIN STATION MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 I FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08 -FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 9,994 15,390 13,690 15,290 - 0.65% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 0 0 0 0 N/A CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 20,314 26,500 19,500 82,000 209.43% COMMODITIES 2,105 4,200 4,200 4,200 0.00 % UTILITIES (9) 500 500 500 0.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 N/A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 0 0 N/A DEPARTMENT TOTAL I 32,4041 46,5901 37,8901 101,9901 118.91% 102050- STREET- MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06 107 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 I FY 08/09 I FY08 -iFY09 . PERSONNEL SERVICES 472,310 557,400 555,400 585,950 5.12% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 725 1,200 1,200 0 - 100.00% CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 74,908 147,000 153,000 166,000 12.93% COMMODITIES 75,432 106,000 81,000 106,000 0.00% UTILITIES 45,433 39,000 40,000 42,000 7.69% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 N/A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 20,000 5,000 225,000 1025.00% TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 0 0 N/A DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1 668,8081 870,600 1 835,600 1 1,124,9501 29.22% 56 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2007 -2008 WATER FUND - SUMMARY ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY07 -FY08 PERSONNEL SERVICES 767,767 931,100 901,400 962,038 3.32% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 1,540 2,900 2,100 6,400 120.69% CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 369,131 834,250 518,400 462,850 - 44.52% COMMODITIES 2,168,205 2,487,380 2,447,830 2,424,307 -2.54% UTILITIES 110,723 98,300 98,300 103,300 5.09% DEBT SERVICE 482,505 477,820 477,820 478,820 0.21% CAPITAL OUTLAY 106,091 115,000 109,500 253,000 120.00% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 267,751 3,714,000 3,000,000 100,000 - 97.31% TRANSFERS OUT 41,527 41,527 41,527 55,395 33.40% TOTAL - 44.31% 4,315,240 8,702,277 7,596,877 4,846,110 WATER FUND EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION 15% METER MAINT. no/ MAIN IAINTENANCE 18% DISTRIBUTION 53% 57 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WATER DIVISION The primary and continuing goals of the Water Department are: • To provide fresh and safe potable water to Village residents by continuously monitoring and testing the water and implementing E.P.A. regulations. • To maintain, repair and replace water main, water services and fire hydrants as needed, and to upgrade and improve the distribution system. • To maintain an elevated tank, thirteen water pumps, three underground reservoirs, and a booster station with a capacity of over six million gallons. This includes all controls for.monitoring the system. • To install, repair, replace, and test all. water meters and take meter .readings of all residential and commercial establishments. within the Village. The Water Department will implement the following projects during the 2008 -09 Budget year: Assist the Engineering Department as needed with day -to -day activities and water system improvement projects and planning. This includes Lake Cook Road Water Main Replacement and Wilmot Road.Water Main Replacement. •' Flush all fire hydrants in the distribution system. • Replace five- hydrants and rebuild ten meter pits. • Install 980 new Orion meter reading systems for remote meter reading and continue to install new Orion meter reading systems for new construction as well as replacement meters. Accomplishments during 2007 -2008 • Completed water sampling and testing as required by the EPA. Took over 230 bacteriological samples and completed four rounds of trihalomethane and HAAS sampling. Continued to monitor for chlorine residuals, phosphorus, pH and turbidities. • Completed a thorough internal and external inspection of the elevated tank.. Minor repairs were identified and completed. • Competed inspection of Richfield Reservoir. • Read 2,261 meters every month. • The Department monitored construction projects and assisted the engineers and contractors with various infrastructure improvement projects and planning. • Replaced 3 two -port hydrants with new type three -port hydrants. • Reconstructed 3 valve vaults. Repaired 17 valves. • Installed 972 new Orion meter reading systems on new construction and replacement meters as needed. Worked with IT staff to computerize entries. • Published and distributed a drinking water Consumer Confidence Report per the Federal Drinking Water regulations. • Responded to 77 main breaks, 10 service leaks and 3387 Julie locate requests. • Tested and flushed all 1,234 fire hydrants in the system. • Repaired 34 hydrants. 58 1 1 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WATER DIVISION Work Statistics CALENDAR YEARS 2002 -2007 A02. Main and Fire Hydrant Maintenance Water Main Breaks Repaired Service Leaks Repaired New Fire Hydrants Installed Fire Hydrants Tested Valves Repaired.. B Box Adjustments Julie Locations Valve Vaults Reconstruction Distribution Annual Water Pumpage (in Billions of Gallons) Services Checked for Leaks Water Sample Analysis (Bacteriological) Water Sample Analysis (Lead) Water Sample Analysis (Trihalomethane) (IEPA Required) Meter Maintenance Meter Pits Repaired Meters Replaced New Meters Installed Meters Tested Frozen Water Services Water Meters Read Final Meter Readings "Reread" Meter Readings Shut -Off Notices for Delinquent Water Bills Meters Sealed Frozen Meters 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 68 110 107 141 62 77 14 9 .7 5 8 10 6 4 11 4 1 3 1,133 1,199 1,199 1,199 1,227 1,234 55 27 31 26 24 17 127 77 88 56 29 39 2,099 2,825 3,066 3,371 3,296 3,387 11 5 9 6 3 3 1.037 1.094 1.094 1.217 1.094 1.14 214 96 161 119 186 182 240 240 240 240 240 240 30 0 0 30 30 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 25 7 6 5 3 5 32 92 53 44 24 96 47 80 345 465 873 972 17 10 6 2 8 9 2 1 3 0 0 0 27,132 27,132 27,132 27,132 27,132 27,132 412 370 523 570 486 401 312 252 265 931 796 535 546 353 704 549 363 453 48 80 41 67 129 111 2 4 3 0 0 0 59 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 502010- WATER DEPT. ADMINISTRATION PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08 ->FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 196,280 258,750 255,350 285,870 10.48% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 1,540 2,900 2,100 6,400 120.69% CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 110,800 173,200 139,300 148,900 - 14.03% COMMODITIES 4,755 7,100 9;800 9,800 38.03% UTILITIES 15,499 16,000 16,000 16,000 0.00% DEBT SERVICE 482,505 477,820 477,820 478,820 0.21% CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.00% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 41,527 41,527 41,527 55,395 33.40% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1 853,9061 978,2971 942,8971 1,002,1851 2.44% 502031- WATER DEPT. DISTRIBUTION PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET I EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 1 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08 ->FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 80,573 110,750 104,750 113,958 2.90% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 0 0 0 0 N/A CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 75,964 121,750 75,750 72,350 - 40.57% COMMODITIES 2,063,554 2,300,480 2,299,230 2,267,207 - 1.45% UTILITIES 95,224 82,300 82,300 87,300 6.08% CAPITAL OUTLAY 14,318 8,000 2,500 43,000 437.50% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 267,751 664,000 0 303,000 - 54.37% TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 0 0 N/A DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1 2,597,384 1 3,287,280 1 2,564,530 1 2,.886,815 1 - 12.18% M- 1 502050- BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 WATER DEPT. MAIN MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET %CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 I FY 07/08 I FY 07/08 I FY 08/09 FY08 ->FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 367,966 409,100 388,100 406,760 -0.57% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 0 0 0 0 N/A CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 179,319 529,200 293,250 231,500 - 56.25% COMMODITIES 98,349 170,206 134,200 140,200 - 17.63% UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,414 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.00% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 3,050,000 3,000,000 100,000 - 96.72% TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 0 0 N/A DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1 648,048 1 4,165,5001 3,822,5501 885,4601 - 78.74% 502054- WATER DEPT. METER MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 I FY 07/08 I FY 07/08 FY 08/09 I FY08 ->FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 122,948 152,500 153,200 161,450 5.87% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 0 0 0 0 N/A CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,048 16,100 10,100 10,100 0.00% COMMODITIES 1,547 9,600 4,600 7,100 - 26.04% UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 88,359 99,000 99,000 202,000 104.04% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 0 0 N/A DEPARTMENT TOTAL I 215,9021 271,200 I 266,900 I 380,650 I 40.36% 61 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 SEWER FUND - SUMMARY ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08 ->FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,367,500 1,646,880 1,578,620 1,709,180 3.78% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 4,805 6,400 3,750 12,500 95.31% CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 331,879 1,264,700 655,600 690,100 - 45.43% COMMODITIES 156,186 266,400 203,400 253,400 - 4.88% UTILITIES 258,787 292,800 269,800 300,000 2.46% DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 17,025 52,000 36,500 53,500 2.88% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 129,556 4,225,000 1,230,000 835,000 - 80.24% TRANSFERS OUT 62,796 62,796 62,796 72,006 14.67% TOTAL - 49.78% 2,328,534 1 7,816,9761 4,040,466 1 3,925,686 TREATMENT PLANT 54% SEWER FUND DIVISIONS 62 ADMINISTRATION 13% LINE )INSTRUCTION 26% FENANCE 7% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER DIVISION The primary and continuing goals of the Sewer Department are: • To continue to maintain, clean, and repair the sanitary and storm sewer systems and be able to respond effectively and efficiently to emergency situations. • To locate sewer lines for JULIE (Joint Utility Locating Information for Excavators). • To treat and dispose of all sewage in an environmentally approved manner. • To maintain and operate the main sewage treatment plant, six lift stations, and various emergency. equipment. • To maintain a laboratory facility and to test for required parameters under our NPDES permit with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. The Village of Deerfield is one of the few municipalities . in the area to operate its own Wastewater Reclamation Facility (WRF). The WRF has been in operation since 1956. In order to accommodate the development boom, a major expansion of the facility occurred in 1975. The WRF treats and processes all sewage from the Village of Deerfield, as well as the sewage from a portion of the Village of Bannockburn and a small portion from the City of Highland Park. The facility has the capacity to process eight million gallons of sewage per day and is also able to treat an additional. ten million gallons per day as part of excess flow in the event of a storm. This is well within the EPA regulations for flow control. . The WRF is designed to remove 95% of pollutants from the original sewage. The WRF is proud to say they have met or exceeded this requirement every year for the last seventeen years, with an average rate of 98 %. In addition to the main facility, Deerfield operates six sewage pumping stations, two storm water pumping stations and the Bannockburn Retention Basin. The maintenance and operation of these auxiliary facilities is an essential part of the overall wastewater reclamation process. Deerfield also monitors Reservoir 29A located at Lake Cook Road and Pfingsten. Observations are reported to the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. The WRF facility is staffed seven days a week, every day of the year, including holidays. Additional coverage is provided during evening hours, as needed, to control excess flow or repair mechanical problems. WRF staff includes eight full -time employees. Many of the interim repairs recommended in the 2005 Wastewater Treatment Plant Infrastructure Study have been completed. The 2008 -09 Budget reflects repairs and improvements needed to operate the existing WRF for the next five years. Plans are underway to initiate design of a new treatment facility beginning with the WRF Design Basis Study. The new treatment facility is estimated to be completed within five years of the Design Basis Study approval. Major improvements planned for WRF satellite facilities reflect our commitment to rehabilitate, replace and upgrade facilities as necessary to retain reliable sanitary sewer service to the residents of Deerfield. ' The following will be implemented in the 2008 -09 fiscal Year: • Reline approximately 4,000 lineal feet of sewers. ' • Work with the Engineering and Building and Zoning Departments to inspect all storm and sanitary sewer repairs and reinstatements. • The Department will continue to focus on reducing storm water infiltration into the sanitary sewer ' system. They will work with an engineering consultant to assess the system and determine a cost effective correction action plan based on information from the recently completed Inflow and Infiltration Study. ' • Work with the Engineering Department on the design of various projects, including 2008 Street Rehabilitation, Wilmot Road Rehabilitation, and Carlisle /Carriageway Infrastructure improvement. 1 63 1 • Televise 45,000 feet of sewers. • Clean 60,000 feet of sewers. ' WRF Maintenance and Improvements (Main Plant) ' • Complete WRF Design Basis Study and WRF design. • Replace grinder packs for raw sewage influent lines • Rehabilitate excess flow pumps at WRF ' • Overhaul aerated grit tank. • Purchase spare parts for primary clarifier repairs. ' • Replaced bearing assembly on the secondary lift pump. • Replace scum pumps on primary Anaerobic Digester #1 & #2. ' • Replace submersible pumps on Aerobic Digester #2 and #3. WRF Maintenance and Improvements (Satellite Facilities) ' • Warwick Road Storm Treatment Station piping and valves to improve. operations. • Design and construct Deerbrook Lift Station Replacement ' • Construct North Avenue Lift Station Replacement • Begin construction of the East Side Lift Station replacement. ' • Complete Pfingsten Road Lift Station improvements —power transfer switch and portable power connection. ' • Complete Wilmot Road Lift Station bypass and safety improvements • Replace fence at the Warwick Road Lift Station. • Design Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) for East Side Lift Station and ' North Avenue Lift Station. The following projects were completed 2007 -08 fiscal year: ' WRF Maintenance and Improvements (Main Plant) • Consultant authorized by Board to complete the Design Basis Study required by the Illinois ' Environmental Protection Agency to identify design parameters for a new wastewater treatment facility. • Repaired electrical service into the WRF Main Control Building. , • Replaced thirty valves servicing Digesters 1, 2 and 3. • Replaced check valve and pipe supports on three submersible excess flow pumps. ' • Replaced security gate at entrance to the WRF on Hackberry. • Repaired deteriorated effluent spillway at the creek. • Completed Digester Building #3 basement ventilation improvements. ' • Purchased spare parts for three sewage wet wells in lieu of modifying system as originally planned. • Replaced sewage grinder on one of three raw sewage influent lines. ' • Purchased equipment to install a second deodorizing station at the WRF. • Purchased 350' of hose for cleaning sludge out of the excess flow tanks in event of equipment failure. ' • Installed one additional vault to allow access to sewage control valves. 64 1 ' WRF Maintenance and Improvements (Satellite Facilities) • Completed design for replacement of the North Avenue Lift Station. • Replaced gas chlorine disinfection. systems with a "dry tablet" system at the Deerfield Road and . ' Warwick Road Storm Stations. • Completed underground diesel fuel tank improvements at the Deerfield Road and Warwick Road Pump Stations. ' • power Replaced transfer switches at Warwick Road and Wilmot Road Pump Stations p R p • Replaced main door and frame at Warwick Road Storm Station. ' . Purchased a six -inch portable pump for dewatering and bypass use. • Purchased and installed new grinder pack for East Side Lift Station. ' • Rebuilt WRF #1 aeration blower. • Repaired generator /blower building roof. ' • Replaced upper bearing assembly in south secondary lift pump. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 65 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER DIVISION Work Statistics CALENDAR YEARS 2002 - 2002. 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Cleaning and Maintenance Sanitary Sewer Stoppages 14 11 .11 10 11 7 Sanitary Sewer Cleaned (in feet) 175,925 51,385. 70,800 38,120 38,035 38,300 Sanitary Excavation Openings 14 11 7 20 .19 9 Sanitary Infiltrations Found 19 12 19 12 11 17 Sanitary Manholes Rebuilt. (in.-house) 11 23 28 12 9 9 Sanitary Sewers Televised (in feet) 17,277 6,236 12,800 17,659 13,000 24,600 Homes Dye or Smoke Tested 112 90 13 685 130 440 Sewer Pipe Replaced (in- house) 150 93 162 145 60 Construction Storm Sewers Cleaned 30,625 17,415 21,750 20,275 33,520 12,040 Inlets Cleaned 88 82 113 92 149 83 Storm Excavation Openings 32 42 38 34 26 28 Storm Infiltrations Found 16 15 10 15 14 85 Storm Structures Reconstructed (in- house) 18 33 30 25 20 19 Storm Sewers Televised (in feet) 11,424 3,370 9,200 9,525 12,600 11,075 Street Inlet Covers Replaced 14 25 30 61 53 41 New Storm Sewers or Laterals Installed (in feet) (in- house) 547 1,036 244 933 175 257 Inlets Dye or Smoke Tested 49 73 87 92 92 96 Street Inlets Replaced (in- house) 15 35 34 38 28 29 Wastewater Treatment Plant Sanitary Sewage Pumped (in million gallons) 1,133 1,068 1,134 1,025 1,270 1,082 Primary Sludge (in thousand gallons) 5,333 4,985 5,254 5,310 5,312 5,352 Sodium Hypochlorite Used (gallons)(disinfection) 26,735 26,520 27,000 22,500 24,350 22,500 Sludge Beds Cleaned 90 69 74 76 78 71 Sludge Beds Drawn 82 82 60 79 75 67 Electric Current Used (in thousand K.W.H.) 1,983 2,040 2,085 1,942 2,038 2,234 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 542010- SEWER DEPT. ADMINISTRATION PERSONNEL SERVICES '231,941 ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUD.G 1,392 1,600 FY 06/07 I FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08 -►FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES '231,941 248,310 206,950 252,700 1.77% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 1,392 1,600 1,600 5,400 237.50% CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 140,183 200,350 181,550 187,200 -6.56% COMMODITIES 5,030 6,000 8,500 8,500 41.67 %. UTILITIES 5,556 4;800 4,800 5,000 4.17 %. DEBT SERVICE, 0 0 0 0 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,000 3,500 1,500. 6,500 85.71% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 50,929 50,929 50,929 56,105 10.16% DEPARTMENT TOTAL I 436,031 I 515,489 ! 455,8291 521,4051 1.15% 542031- SEWER DEPT. LINE CONSTRUCTION PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 I FY 07/08 FY 07/08 I FY 08109 FY08�FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 198,073 259,420 246,520 264,400, 1.92% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 0 0 0 0 N /A, . CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 55,904 239,500 111,000 90,500 - 62.21% COMMODITIES 50,722 78,200 59,700 80,200 2.56% UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 12,000 NIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 60,066 3,780,000 910,000 793,000 - 79.02% TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 0 0 N/A DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1 364,765 1 4,357,120 1 1,327,220 1 1,240,1001 - 71.54% Cpl 542051- BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 SEWER DEPT. MAIN MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL SERVICES TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMODITIES UTILITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TRANSFERS OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL 199,441 ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG 0 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 I FY 07/08 I FY 08/09 I FY08 -►FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMODITIES UTILITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TRANSFERS OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL 199,441 213,400 202,400 225,500 5.67% 0 0 0 0 N/A 11,594 39,500 19,500 30,000 - 24.05% 12,846. 34,200 19,500 34,200 0.00% 0 0 0 0 NIA 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 N/A 223,881 1 287,1001 241;400 1 289,700 1 0.91% 5d2A52 SEWER DEPT. WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 I FY 07/08 I FY 07/08 I FY 08/09 I FY08 -►FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 738,045 925,750 922,750 966,580 4.41% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 3,413 4,800 2,150 7,100 47.92% CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 124,198 785,350 343,550 407,400 - 48.13% COMMODITIES 87,588 148,000 115,700 170,500 15.20% UTILITIES 253,231 288,000 265,000 295,000 2.43% CAPITAL OUTLAY 16,025 48,500 35,000 35,000 - 27.84% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 69,490 445,000 320,000 242,000 - 45.62% TRANSFERS OUT 11,867 11,867 11,867 11,867 0.00% DEPARTMENTTOTAL 1 1,303,8571 2,657,267 1 2,016,0171 2,135,4471 - 19.64% m 1 PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION GARAGE DEPARTMENT Garage personnel, consisting of a mechanic and associate, mechanic, are responsible. for the overall ' operation of the garage facility. This includes repair and maintenance of 10 administration cars, 18 police - related cars, 27 Public Works vehicles, and 93 various pieces of construction and maintenance related equipment. The equipment includes 25 snow plows, 3 backhoes, 2 front end loaders, 2 mower ' tractors, 3 Bobcats, 1 sidewalk plow, 5 snow blowers (2 machine mounted and 3 walk behind), 1 street sweeper, three 20 -cubic yard self - loading leaf vacuum trailers, one 14 -cubic yard self - loading leaf vacuum trailer, 1 lighting trailer, 4 air compressors, 8 salt spreaders, 6 generators, 6 lawn.mowers, 6 chain saws, 6 cement saws, 8 trailers and 2 water jets. Garage personnel also maintain the Public ' Works building and equipment. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A charge is made to the various village departments by budgetary functions for parts and labor on vehicles and equipment serviced by the Garage. The mechanic initiated a request for computerized billing and invoicing. He worked with finance and IT personnel to develop this essential tool. The Garage. is responsible for contracting for service from outside repair service companies for major building work and major equipment body and transmission work. . The mechanic also prepares written specifications for the purchase of new vehicles as well as maintains inventory. Garage personnel continue to maintain the Village of Deerfield Public Works Building, equipment and vehicles in excellent operating condition. The following will be implemented in the 2008 -2009 fiscal year: The mechanic will prepare specifications and supervise the bidding for: • Replacement for John Deere Tractor • Replacement for pick -up truck and plow # 601 • Replacement for pick -up truck and plow # 603 • Replacement for 36,220 GVWR dump truck and plow # 803 • Replacement for four -wheel vacuum street sweeper # 814 Accomplishments During Fiscal Year 2007 -2008: The Department prepared specifications and supervised the bidding of three new replacement vehicles — one new 4 -wheel drive pickup truck for the Water Department (Fleet #600), and two new 4 -wheel drive dump trucks, one for the Water Department (Fleet 705), and one for the Sewer Department (Fleet #706). BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 702050- GARAGE FUND PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08 —>FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 143,273 240,500 217,500 206,850 - 13.99% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 50 900 900 1,900 111.11% CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 12,018 24,400 19,100 25,000 2.46% COMMODITIES 78,671 86,400 111,400 112,900 30.67% UTILITIES 3,778 4,700 4,700 4,700 0.00% DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 8,000 8,000 5,000 - 37.50% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 2,525 2,525 2,525 2,525 0.00% DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1 240,315 1 367,425 1 364,125 1 358,875 1 -2.33% e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 vn O'a ' n> �r 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS - SUMMARY ACTUAL I BUDGET I EST EXPEND BUDGET I % CHG BUDG FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 1 FY 08109 FY08 ->FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 N/A TRAINING 8 DEVELOPMENT 0 0 0 0 N/A CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 865,482 1,046,700 445,000 1,708,000 63.18% COMMODITIES 0 0 0 0 N/A UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 N/A OTHER EXPENSES 67,772 0 0 0 N/A DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 945,901 865,200 855,086 1,921,700 122.11% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 7,395,149 5,335,000 3,803,000 7,800,000 46.20% TRANSFERS OUT 2,302,000 2,216,000 2,216,000 2,130,000 - 3.88% TOTAL 43.29% 11,576,304 9,462,900 7,31'9,086 13,559,700 VILLAGE ( TIF 16° CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS MOTOR FUEL TAX 4% INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACE 70% 70 VEH & EQUIP REPLACE 10% 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 �J 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS The Village has a number of sources from which capital projects are funded. These include the funds described in this section and also the General, Water and Sewer Funds. As part of the annual budget process, the Village prepares a five -year capital improvement program (CIP), which is updated for the budget year. The capital project program for FY 2008 -09 is more fully described in the Transmittal Letter and in the Major Budget Policies and Objectives section. The CIP is presented in this section in tabular form, along with those capital projects funds as described below. INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT This fund was established in 1989 for the purpose of maintaining, repairing and renovating the capital assets of the Village. The primary sources of funding have been residual equity transfers (primarily from the General Fund), a 0,25% home rule sales tax established in 2005, MFT revenue and investment earnings. The Sidewalk/Curb Program is also accounted for in this fund. This is used for public sidewalks that require replacement and new installations as planned. As part of the .planning for the substantial projects contained in this CIP and beyond, it is planned to ' continue to utilize existing revenue sources, including a 0.25% home rule sales tax, a small property tax levy, all MFT funds, the anticipated. impact and ground lease fees from the three billboards on the 29A property and a $5 million bond issue. The major projects anticipated for this year are: '. • North Wilmot Road Project, including engineering and construction and the replacement of underground utilities throughout the project area ' Carlisle /Carriageway Project, also including replacement of underground utilities and road reconstruction • Sanitary sewer lift stations rehabilitation and replacement throughout the Village (Sewer Fund) • Annual street rehabilitation project from IRF and MFT funds. ' Design study for the reconstruction of the sewerage treatment plant. ' MOTOR FUEL TAX Motor fuel tax is a share of the state - imposed and collected fuel tax. The sharing is based on a per- capita formula derived by the state legislature and is expected to yield $28.40 per person this year, slightly down ' from last year. State regulations strictly control the use of these funds and include the following eligible items: street construction, maintenance or reconstruction; bridge repair; traffic signal installation and maintenance; and sidewalk repair and maintenance. The Village intends to use all the funds this year towards the street rehabilitation project, replacing property tax revenue which will be diverted to the General Fund that will replace funds previously transferred from MFT and used for maintenance of the roadway. VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT ' This fund is established to amortize the replacement cost of certain Village equipment over its useful life. For inclusion into this schedule, capital equipment is defined as any vehicle or regularly replaced equipment item having a useful life of more than one year and a value of $5,000 or more at the time of ' the purchase. Over the past two years, a number of items that were not previously included in the 1 71 schedule have been added and the appropriate contributions included in the operating divisions. A list of the items to be replaced this fiscal year follows: • UPS battery replacement, E 911 system - $17,000 • Server replacements (5) -'$65,000 • Copier /network printer replacements (2) - $30,000. • Fuel dispensing software and control system - $20,000 • Replace PW #814 sweeper - $247,600 • Replace PW #803 dump truck - $118,500 • Replace PW #804 dump truck - $118,500 • Replace PW 1 ton pick up (2) - $82,800 • Replace PW # 860 dump truck - $107,500 • Replace salt spreader, #806 - $22,300 • Replace #815 air compressor - $28,500 • Replace engineering vehicles (2) — $44,000 • Replace 10 Police patrol cars - $280,000 • Replace Police vehicle - $25,000 • Replace Police mobile data terminals and radios - $105,000 • Replace (8) defibrillators - $10,000 72 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 222082- INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET I EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 FY 07/08 I FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08 -FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 N/A TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 0 0 0 0 N/A CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 393,546 1,001,700 400,000 1,683,000 ,68.01% COMMODITIES 0 0 0 0 N/A UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 N/A CAPITAL. IMPROVEMENTS 3,428,438 3,315,000 1,800,000 7,800,000 135.29% TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 0 0 N/A FUND TOTAL. 1 3,821,984 1 4,316,7001 2,200,000 1 9,483,0001 119.68% 142050- MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 1 FY08 -FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 N/A TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 0 0 0 0 N/A CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 N/A COMMODITIES 0 0 0 0 N/A UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 N/A DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 592,346 600,000 600,000 600,000 0.00% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 0 0 N/A DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1 592,3461 600,000 1 600,000 1 600,000 1 0.00% 211150- VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUNn PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL I BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 I FY 08/09 I FY08 ->FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 N/A TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 0 0 0 0 N/A CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 N/A COMMODITIES 0 0 0 0 N/A UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 353,555 265,200 255,086 873,500 229.37% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 0 0 N/A DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1 353,5551 265,200 1 255,086 1 873,500 1 229.37% 73- 1 LAKE COOK ROAD TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT r (TIF 1) The Lake Cook Road TIF District was established in 1982 to redevelop an area in the southern part of the Village approximately paralleling Lake Cook Road. The redevelopment projects in this district have been completed. The Village Board terminated this District as of December 31, 2004. The 2005 equalized assessed ' valuation was the first year that this additional value was available to the taxing districts. Overall, approximately $170,000.,000 in additional EAV was added in both Cook and Lake Counties. FY 2006/07 . was the final budget year for this fund.. ' VILLAGE CENTER TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT ' (TIF 2) The Village Center TIF District was established in .1986 to redevelop the area commonly referred to as ' Downtown Deerfield approximately centered at the intersection of Waukegan and Deerfield Roads. Over the past several years, a number of properties were acquired by the Village and developers and subsequently combined. These combined tracts have been substantially redeveloped with new t commercial and residential uses. Using bond proceeds to be serviced by TIF revenues, the Village has undertaken major infrastructure improvements, including new roadway and intersection work, parking lot improvements and streetscape enhancements throughout the downtown area. ' The District terminates pursuant to statute in 2009. Since the all the redevelopment program and projects have been completed in the District, and to allow for the other taxing districts to access the assessed value more quickly, it is anticipated that the Village will approve and early termination of the district on ' December 31, 2008. This will allow the 2009 tax levy of the other districts to capture the additional EAV. The Objectives for the 2008 -09 fiscal year are as follows: ' Determine the feasibility of an early termination of the district. Continue debt service payment and final payment on outstanding project costs. ' Accomplishments 2007 -08 fiscal year: Generated sufficient TIF increment revenues to fully fund the debt service requirements of the ' 1998 issue. Received and narrowed to two alternatives development plans for the NW quadrant. ' Completed the new addition to the Village Hall containing the new administrative offices and Council Room. Finance and Administration occupied the new area in July, 2007 and the t remodeling of the former administrative offices was completed and allowed for the occupancy by Community Development in early 2008. 1 1 74 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 251180- LAKE COOK ROAD TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08-�FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 N/A TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 0 0 0 0 N/A CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0. 0, 0 N/A COMMODITIES 0 0 0 0 N/A UTILITIES. 0 0 0 0 N/A OTHER EXPENSES. 67,772 0 0 0 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 N/A . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS .0 0 0 0 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 0 0 N/A FUND TOTAL I 67,772 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 N/A 261180- VILLAGE CENTER TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT PERSONNEL SERVICES TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMODITIES UTILITIES . OTHER EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TRANSFERS OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL 14 a 12 10 9 6 4 2 0 ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG 0 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08-�FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMODITIES UTILITIES . OTHER EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TRANSFERS OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL 14 a 12 10 9 6 4 2 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 N/A 471,936 45,000 45,000 105,000 133.33% 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 N/A 3,966,711 2,020,000 2,003,000 20,000 - 99.01% 2,302,000 2,216,000 2,216,000 2,130,000 - 3.88% 6,740,647 I 4,281,000 1 4,264,000 I 2,255,000 I - 47.33% TIF INCREMENT REVENUE 1997 1999 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 FISCAL YEAR -TIF 1 CIF 2 75 LL I � Q' 0 a' w - a' a' O � � � 7 7 7 LL !L LL LL LL � IM1L ILL IY Y O. �ia'.a' _ I� O OI O LL (�(�(� I O 0 O 0 O O 0 0 0 O O LLLLLL a O010S I O O, M 0 m m m I r r 00 C 0 O O O C C U 00 O C y� d m m m 01010 O �0 IO 1 I �I �I 0: p LLLL NRNILLILLiLL ILLOO BOO Of0 f00 OOO ^t0 LL Nic N LLyN aN ��"I�, UI IU LLj,LL�0LL LL A � I � , U' cl) ch l � I � I O.. 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Q 7 LL a r N N H Q= cu C, V vC C O m cc ¢ N N 100 LL C Z W 0 C > i 1 i 1 1 1 r I 1 1 1 r 1 z vo 1 � 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 fl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 SIIPPART FIWnS - SUMMARY PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET I % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 I FY 07/08 I FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08 ->FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,352,059 1,561,464 1,505,316 1,708,680 9.43% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 0 0 0 0 N/A CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,480,234 1,704,210 1,621,967 1,789,922 5.03% COMMODITIES 11,861 17,500 18,200 17,700 1.14% UTILITIES 7,681 8,800 8,800 9,300 5.68% OTHER EXPENSES 0 0 0 0 N/A DEBT SERVICE 2,302,600 2,217,000 2,217,000 2,571,000 15.97% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 6,000 1,500 6,000 0.00% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 740,775 140,775 140,775 177,675 26.21% TOTAL 1 5,895,210 1 5,655,749 1 5,513,558 1 6,280,277 1 11.04% POLICE PEI 25% SUPPORT FUNDS COMMUTER PARKING LOTS 5% REFUSE 29% - ERVICE ND 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 li 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DEBT SERVICE FUND ' The Debt Service Fund is used for paying general obligation debt incurred by the Village. The levy year is somewhat different from the actual payment year. The property tax is levied in such a fashion so that the Village will receive funds in time to pay the principal and interest as it becomes payable. However, ' as indicated below, the Village does not currently levy any property tax to service debt. A new debt issuance in the amount of $5 million will be necessary this year. Schedule of General Obligation Debt Outstanding .t Currently the Village has two general obligation bond issues outstanding: ' General Obligation Bonds, Series 1998. This $17,000,000 bond issue was authorized for the purpose of downtown redevelopment. The Bond Issue is a General Obligation Bond Issue, however, it is being repaid from TIF 2 funds. The Village anticipates continuing this abatement. ' General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2003. This $3,460,000 bond issue was authorized to advance refund the Series 1997 issue. The original issue was used for financing water system improvements. The Village has abated all prior debt service levies using water system revenue and intends ' to continue doing so. t GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT Retirement Schedule Principal and Interest -- (Levy Year Basis) ' Refunding Series. 2003 General Obligation TAX LEVY 02/03/03 Series 1998 — 4/15/98 ' YEAR $3,460,000 (1) $17,000,000 (2) TOTAL 2008 482,365 2,043,500 2,525,865 2009 479,827 479,827 ' 2010 481,125 481,125 2011 481,275 481,275 ' TOTALS 1,924,592 2,043,500 3,968,092 (1) Source of Funds - Water Revenues ' (2) Source of Funds - TIF 2 Revenues 1 1 1 1 81 1 PENSION FUNDS The Village contributes to two pension funds as required by State Law. ' Police Pension Fund The Police Pension Fund is required by State law for all communities of over 5,000 in population. A ' Police Pension Board, made up of five members, administers the fund. Two are active members of the department, two are from the citizens of the community, and one is elected from the beneficiaries of the fund. They are charged with the investment of the funds collected from the active personnel, contributed. by ' the employer (Village) and investment income. Patrol officers contribute 9.91% of their base salary toward the Police Pension Fund. The Village (employer) contribution is determined annual) based on an actuarial analysis of the ' 9. Y Y fund pursuant to state statute. The Village has contributed 100% of the actuarially determined required contribution (reflected as an expense in the Police Department budget) in the past and plans to continue full I funding in the future. . The Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 0MRF) ' IMRF covers Village employees with the exception of sworn police personnel. The current employer pension contribution for IMRF is 11.55% of salary. Due to recent retirements in the Village and the effects of actuarial smoothing, this rate is expected to increase to 11.66% in 2009. The Village also ' contributes 6.20% for the employers portion of social security taxes for all employees, other than sworn police personnel and 1.45% for the employer's portion of Medicare taxes for all employees covered by Medicare. The Village contributes 100% of its required contribution based on the calculation by the IMRF. ' FUNDING PROGRESSION ' Based on the Actuarial Accrued Liability (AAL): Actuarial Valuation Illinois Municipal Retirement ' Date Police Pension Fund (4130) Fund (12/31) 1995 N/A 79.65% 1996 N/A 84.29% t 1997 124.22% 89.80% 1998 122.40% 95.61% 1999 120.00% 98.91% 2000 113.50% 104.75% ' 2001 93.00% 103.29% 2002 92.67% 96.10% 2003 92.09% 93.79% ' 2004 82.72% 81.71% 2005 84.76% 82.54% 2006 83.11% 77.94% 2007 82.00% 75.09% ' 1 1 82 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3570M BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 DEBT SERVICE FUND PERSONNEL SERVICES TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMODITIES UTILITIES DEBT SERVICE. CAPITAL OUTLAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TRANSFERS OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL 806010- 0 ACTUAL BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG 0 FY 06107 I FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08 -►FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMODITIES UTILITIES DEBT SERVICE. CAPITAL OUTLAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TRANSFERS OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL 806010- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,302,600 2,217,000 0 0 0 0 600,000 0 0 N/A 2,902,600 2,217,000 POLICE PENSION FUND 0 0 0 0 0 2;217,000 0 0 0 17, 0 0 '0 0 0 2,571,000 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15.97% N/A N/A N/A 15.97% PERSONNEL SERVICES TRAINING& DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMODITIES UTILITIES OTHER EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TRANSFERS OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1,268,464 ACTUAL I BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG 0 FY 06107 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08 -4FY09 . PERSONNEL SERVICES TRAINING& DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMODITIES UTILITIES OTHER EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TRANSFERS OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1,268,464 1,428,984 1,405,446 1,576,400 10.32% 0 0 0 0 N/A 8,182 12,250 13,707 12,250 0.00% 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 N/A 1,276,646 1 1,441,2341 1,419,1531 1,588,6501 10.23% 83 REFUSE FUND ' The Refuse Fund is an enterprise fund established to provide for the collection of residential solid , waste, household recycling, and landscape debris. Refuse collection is provided through a contract with a private waster hauler. This multi -year contract provides rates that are adjusted annually by the CPI. The Village coordinates this service, offering once or twice a week curbside pick -up. ' The service is funded through a combination of user fees and a property tax levy. The property tax levy provides for a. subsidization of. the once a week fee; if the user desires twice a week he is responsible for the additional cost. There is a proposed 4% increase in the property tax levy for this , purpose in this budget. The direct user fee will not be raised at this time. The Village also provides an expanded leaf collection program. During the fall, each home ' receives four weekly collections of leaves raked to the curb. The Village maintains four leaf vacuum machines for this purpose. Residents also have the option to bag the waste during this time and throughout the year, with a per -bag fee assessed through the use of stickers. The Village renewed its contract with the waste hauler, Veolia (formerly ONYX), for an additional 1 five year period effective January 1, 2006. The basic charge was unchanged for the first year; however, the Village elected to convert the recycling process to wheeled carts from bins and an additional charge ' will be incurred for the lease of these carts. PARKING LOTS (COMMUTER STATION) The Village maintains and operates nine commuter train station parking lots with a total of 675 t spaces. These are broken down by source of funding, with six lots (320 spaces) built with Village funds and reserved for Village residents. The remaining lots were built with Federal assistance and are open to any users. The lots are a combination of pay - per -day and permit. Village personnel collect fees and ' police personnel enforce the parking restrictions. Since the Lake -Cook Road station and lots opened a number of years ago, the use of the ' downtown lots has stabilized below capacity. Parking fees are used to maintain the lots (including snow removal) and the station. The parking rates were increased from $1 per day to $1.50 per day effective January 1, 2005 and this budget represents no change in this fee. The increased rate adequately funds the necessary maintenance and capital expenditures for the station and lots. ' 1 1 1 1 84 1 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 REFUSE FUND ACTUAL . .' 5820XX- ' % CHG BUDG 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES 1 FY 07/08 TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 08/09 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ' COMMODITIES 3.52% UTILITIES 10,300 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10,500 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 .TRANSFERS OUT ' DEPARTMENT TOTAL N/A 0 ' 6020XX- 0 N/A 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT N/A . 10,775 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10,775. ' COMMODITIES UTILITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY ' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TRANSFERS OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1 1 1 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 REFUSE FUND 51,879 ACTUAL . BUDGET I EST EXPEND BUDGET. I % CHG BUDG 0 FY 06107 1 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 ' FY 08/09 FY08 ->FY09 51,879 96,700 65,750 96,500 - 0.21% 0 0 0 0 N/A 1,422,463 1,612,900 1,572,700 1,669,612 3.52% 11,431 10,300 11,000 10,500 1.94% 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 N/A . 10,775 10;775 10,775. 17,675 64.04.% 1,496,548 1 1,730,675 1 1,660,2251 1,794.2871 3.68% COMMUTER PARKING LOTS 31,716 ACTUAL I BUDGET EST EXPEND BUDGET % CHG BUDG 0 FY 06/07 1 FY 07/08 1 FY 07/08 I FY 08/09 FY08 ->FY09 31,716 35,780 .34,120 35,780 0.00% 0 0 0 .0 N/A 49,589 79,060 36,060 109,560 38.58% 430 7,200 7,200 7,200 0.00% 7,681 8,800 8,800 9,300 5.68% 0 6,000 1,500 6,000 0.00% 0 0 0 0 N/A 130,000 130,000 130,000 134,000 3.08% 219,4161 266,840 1 217,680 1 301,840 1 13.12% 85 BUDGET REQUEST - FY 2008 -2009 9880XX- DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY (COMPONENT UNITI PERSONNEL SERVICES ACTUAL I BUDGET I 'EST EXPEND BUDGET. % CHG BUDG TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 1 FY08->FY09 PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,555,168 1,807,853 1,807,853 1,981,698 9.62% TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 14,427 19,000 19,000 40,000 110.53% CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 585,009 408,147 244,000 615,000 50.68% COMMODITIES 44,918 427,000 405,000 407,000 - 4.68% UTILITIES 11,450 1.5,000 11,000 15,000 0.00% OTHER EXPENSES 1,360 0 0 0 N/A DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 52,180 340,000 70,000 181,286 - 46.68% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 N/A TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 0 0 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1 2,264,512 1 3,017,000 1 2,556,853 1 3,239,984 1 7.39% 980001- DEERFIELD LIBRARY (COMPONENT UNIT) - REVENUES TAXES ACTUAL I BUDGET I EST REVENUE BUDGET % CHG BUDG INTERGOVERNMENTAL FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY08 ->FY09 TAXES 2,653,976 2,625,000 2,357,692 2,605,984 -0.72% INTERGOVERNMENTAL 22,537 16,000 34,500 27,000 68.75% FEES & FINES 79,557 67,000 70,000 61,000 -8.96% INVESTMENT INCOME 181,710 25,000 80,000 40,000 60.00% MISCELLANEOUS 56,083 34,000 3,000 6,000 - 82.35% TOTAL REVENUES 1 2,993,8631 2,767,000 1 2,545,192 I 2,739,9841 -0.98% As a component unit, the Library budget is not reported under the Village budget. :. 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D m z v m N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 r� 1 1 1 1 1 F 1 APPENDIX A - EQUIPMENT REQUESTS CONTAINED IN ' OPERATING BUDGETS ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION ' Finance Department $28,500 Laptop computers (3) replacement and staff 7,500 ' Mail Archiving system Digital projector 13,000 1,500 Misc.. 6,500 Administration $3,500 1 HR computer (carryover) 1,000 Laptop for Boardroom console 2,500 Engineering Division (Public Works) $5,500. ' Personal Computer Replacement (4) 5,500 POLICE DEPARTMENT Administration Division $8,800 Communications Division $5,000 InvestigationsNouth /DARE /Social Services $9,750 ' Patrol Division E911 Fund $19,500 $23,800 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ' Street Division $35,600 Administration Desktop Computer (2) 3,600 Snow & Ice Control ' Small snow /sidewalk equipment 2,000 Calcium Chloride Machine 25,000 Forestry ' Lawn mowers and maintenance equipment 5,000 Sewer Division $39,500 ' Administration Sewer camera accessories 2,200 Color printer 3,000 Desktop Computer 1,300 t Wastewater Treatment Facility Generator for lift station power 20,000 Lab Meter for chemical testing (carryover) 4,000 Grease pump 5,000 ' Generator batteries 2,000 Replacement computers 2,000 Water Division $252,000 ' Distribution Scada system computer upgrade (carryover) 8,000 ' Pump replacement and drive Main & Hydrant Maintenance 35,000 Dewatering Pump (2 @ $1,500) 3,000 Generator 1,500 ' Miscellaneous 2,500 Meter Maintenance Water Meters (replacement program) 200,000 Orion software upgrade 2,000 ' Vehicle Maintenance (Garage) Replacement shelving /overhead lighting $5,000 ' 87 1 APPENDIX B ' GLOSSARY ' ABATEMENT -- A complete or partial cancellation of a levy imposed by a government. ACCOUNT -- A term used to identify an individual asset, liability, expenditure, revenue, or fund balance.. ' ACCOUNTING SYSTEM -- The total structure of records and procedures that discover, record, classify, summarize, and report information on the financial position and results of operations of a ' Government or any of its funds, fund types, balanced account groups, or organization components.. ACTIVITY -- The smallest unit of budgetary accountability and control which encompasses specific and ' distinguishable lines of work performed by an organizational unit for the purpose of accomplishing a function for which the government is responsible. ACTUARIAL RESERVE DEFICIENCY -- The excess of the actuarial accrued liabilities at the date of ' valuation of the retirement system over the available assets on hand to meet such liabilities; or the excess of accrued and prospective liabilities over the present and prospective assets. APPROPRIATION -- legal authorization granted by a legislative body to make expenditures and to incur ' obligations for specific purposes. An appropriation is usually limited in amount and as to the time when it may be expended. ASSESSED VALUATION -- A valuation set upon real estate or other property by a government as a basis ' for levying taxes. ASSET -- Property owned by a government which has monetary value. AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE — The balance of funds above the recommended minimum fund balance. ' BALANCED BUDGET — A budget is balanced when the proposed expenditures are equal to the expected or estimated new revenues plus the available fund balance at the beginning of the fiscal year. ' BOND -- A written promise, generally under seal, to pay a specified sum of money, called the face value, at a fixed time in the future, called the date of maturity, and carrying interest at a fixed rate, usually payable periodically. ' BONDED DEBT -- That portion of indebtedness represented by outstanding bonds. BUDGET -- A plan of financial operation embodying an estimate of proposed expenditures for a given period ' and the proposed means of financing them. BUDGET AMENDMENT -- A legal procedure utilized by the governing board to revise a budget. ' BUDGET DOCUMENT -- The instrument used by the budget- making authority to present a comprehensive financial plan of operations of the governing board. BUDGET MESSAGE -- A general discussion of the proposed budget as presented in writing by the budget ' making authority to the legislative body. BUDGET ORDINANCE -- The official enactment by the governing board to legally authorize the government ' administration to operations of the governing board. BUDGETARY CONTROL -- The control or management of a government or enterprise in accordance with an approved budget for the purpose of keeping expenditures within the limitations of available ' appropriations and available revenues. CAPITAL ASSETS -- Assets of significant value and having a useful life of several years. Capital assets are also called fixed assets. ' 88 1 1 1 CAPITAL BUDGET -= A plan of proposed capital outlays and the means of financing. them for the current ' fiscal period. CAPITAL IMPORVEMENTS BUDGET -- A plan of proposed capital expenditures and the means of financing them. This is usually part of the complete annual budget which includes both operating ' and capital outlays. CAPITAL OUTLAY -- Expenditures which result in the acquisition of or addition to fixed assets. CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND -- A fund created to account for :financial resources to be used for the ' acquisition or construction of major capital facilities and equipment, other than those financed by proprietary funds, special assessment funds, and trust funds. ' CHART OF ACCOUNTS -= The classification system used by the government to organize the accounting for various funds. COMMODITIES -- Consumable items used by the governmental departments. Examples include office ' supplies, vehicle and maintenance supplies, gasoline, etc. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES.-- Services rendered to governmental departments and agencies by private ' firms, individuals, or other government agencies. Examples include utilities, insurance, and professional services. DEBT -- An obligation resulting from the borrowing of money of from the purchase of goods and services.. Debts of governments include bonds, time warrants, lease- purchase agreements, notes and ' floating debt. DEBT LIMIT -- The maximum amount of gross or net debt which is legally permitted by State Statute. ' DEBT SERVICE FUND -- A fund established to account for the accumulation of resources for, and then payment of, general long term debt principal and interest. DEPARTMENT -= A major administrative organization unit of the government which indicates overall ' management responsibility for one or more activities. DEPRECIATION -- (1) Expiration in service life of fixed assets, other than wasting assets, attributable to wear and tear through use and lapse of time, obsolescence, inadequacy, or other physical or ' functional cause. (2) The portion of the cost of a fixed asset charged as an expense during a particular period. NOTE: The cost of such asset prorated over the estimated service life of such asset is charged off as an expense. ' ENTERPRISE FUND -- A fund established to account for operations (a) that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises, where the intent of the governing body is that then costs (expenses, including depreciation) or providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges; or (b) where the ' governing body has decided that periodic determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred, and /or net income is appropriate for capital maintenance, public policy, management control, accountability, or other purposes. ' EQUALIZED ASSESSED VALUATION (EAV) -- The assessed valuation of real property, raised or lowered by an equalizing factor as applied by a countrywide and a statewide authority, so that all property is assessed at a consistent level for purposes of levying taxes. Currently, equalized valuation of real ' property is 1/3 of fair market value. I ESTIMATED REVENUE -- The amount of projected revenue to be collected during the fiscal year. The ' amount of revenue budgeted is the amount approved by the Board of Trustees. EXPENDITURES -- Decreases in net financial resources. Expenditures include current operating expenses which require the current or future use of net current assets, debt service, and capital outlays. ' 89 EXPENSES -- Decreases in net total assets. Expenses represent the total cost of operations during a 1 period regardless of the timing of related expenditures. FISCAL PERIOD -- Any period at the end of which a government determines its financial position and the ' results of its operations. FISCAL YEAR -- A twelve (12) month period to which the annual operating budget applies and at the end of which a government determines its financial position and the results of its operations. FIXED ASSETS -- Assets of a long term nature which are intended to continue to be held or used, such as land, buildings, improvements other than buildings, machinery and equipment. FUND -- A, fiscal and accounting entity with a'self- balancing set of accounts recording cash and other 9 Y 9 9 financial resources, together with all related liabilities and residual equities or balances, and changes therein, which are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations. ' FUND BALANCE -- All accounts necessary to set forth the financial position and results of operations of a fund. FUND EQUITY -- An equity account reflecting the unreserved accumulated earnings of the enterprise fund. GENERAL FUND -- The fund used to account for all financial resources except those required to be ' accounted for in another fund. The most common General Fund is the Corporate Fund. GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS -- Bonds for the payment of which the full faith and credit of the issuing government are pledged. ' GENERAL REVENUE -- The revenues of a government other than those derived from the retained earnings in an enterprise fund. If a portion of the net income in an enterprise fund is contributed to another non - enterprise fund, such as the Corporate Fund, the amounts transferred constitute general ' revenue of the government. GOAL -- A statement of broad direction, purpose, or intent, based on the needs of the community. 1 IMRF -- An abbreviation for Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, a pension fund covering Village employees who work over 1,000 hours per year, with the exception of sworn police personnel. INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE -- Revenue received from another government, such as the State of , Illinois, or other political subdivisions, for a specified purpose. INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICE FUND -- A fund established to finance and account for services and commodities furnished by a designated department or agency to other departments and agencies ' within a single governmental unit. INVESTMENTS -- Cash held in interest bearing accounts, securities and real estate held for the production of revenues in the form of interest, dividends, rentals, or lease payments. The term does not ' include fixed assets used in governmental operations. LEVY -- (VERB) To impose taxes, special assessments, or service charges for the support of governmental activities. (NOUN) The total amount of taxes, special assessments, or service charges imposed ' by a government. LONG TERM DEBT -- Debt with a maturity of more than one year after the date of issuance. ' METRA -- An abbreviation for the Northeast Illinois Regional Commuter Railroad Corporations which manages and operates the commuter trains and commuter buses in the Village. NET INCOME -- Proprietary fund excess of operating revenues, non - operating revenues, and operating ' transfers -in over operating expenses, non - operating expenses, and operating transfers -out. 90 1 1 ' OBJECT -- As used in expenditure classification, this term applies to the article purchased or the service obtained (as distinguished from the results obtained from expenditures). Examples are personnel ' services, contractual services, commodities, capital outlay and other expenditure classifications. OPERATING BUDGET -- The portion of the budget that pertains to daily operations that provide basic governmental services. The operating budget. contains appropriations for such expenditures as ' personnel, supplies, utilities, materials, services, etc. OPERATING EXPENSES -- Proprietary ry fund expenses which are directly related to the fund's primary service activities. 1 .. OPERATING INCOME - -.The excess of`proprietary fund operating revenues over operating expenses. OPERATING REVENUES -- Proprietary fund revenues which are directly related to the fund's primary 1 service activities. They consist primarily of charges for services. PENSION TRUST FUND -- A Trust Fund used to account for public employee retirement systems. Pension Trust Funds are accounted for in essentially the same manner as proprietary funds, but.with an ' important expanded emphasis on required fund balance reserves. PERSONNEL SERVICES -- Items of expenditures in the operating budget for salaries and benefits paid for ' services performed by Village employees. RESERVE -- An account used to indicate that a portion of fund equity is legally restricted. RESOURCES -- Total dollars available for appropriations including estimated revenues, fund transfers, and ' beginning fund balances. REVENUES -- Increases in governmental fund type, net current assets, and residual equity transfers. ' SOURCE OF REVENUE -- Revenues are classified according to their source or point of origin. SPECIAL REVENUE FUND -- A fund used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other ' than special assessments, expendable trusts, or for major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditure for specified purposes. TAX LEVY -- The total amount to be raised by general property taxes for operating and debt service ' purposes specified in the Tax Levy Ordinance. TAX LEVY ORDINANCE -- An ordinance by means of which taxes are levied. ' TAX RATE LIMIT -- The maximum rate at which a government may levy a tax. Overall tax rate limits usually restrict levies for all purposes and of all governments, state and local, having jurisdiction in a given area. ' TAXES -- Compulsory charges levied by a government for the purpose of financing services performed for the common public benefit. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF) — A municipal financing mechanism used to renovate declining areas ' that uses the increase in taxable property value to generate revenue for a set period of time to offset the costs of allowable public and private investment in the area. TRUST FUNDS -- Funds used to account for assets held by a government in a trustee capacity for ' individuals, private organization, other governments, and /or other funds. USER CHARGES OR FEES -- The payment of a fee for direct receipt of a public service by the party benefiting from the service. 1 1 91 1 APPENDIX C ' SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT FINANCIAL, ACCOUNTING AND BUDGETING POLICIES The accounting policies of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, conform to generally accepted accountin principles as ' 9p 9 9 Y p 9p P applicable to governments. The following is a summary of the significant policies. Reporting Entity and Its Services ' The Village of Deerfield, Illinois, was incorporated April 14, 1903. The Village operates under a Council /Manager , form of government and provides the following services as authorized by. its charter: public safety (police), highways and streets, water supply, sanitation, public improvements, community development and general administrative services. Accounting, , Auditin and Financial Reporting Policies ' • An independent audit will be performed annually. ' • The Village will produce annual financial reports in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) as outlined by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. • The Finance Department will report.to the Mayor and Board of Trustees and to the departments on a ' monthly basis the amount of funds expensed or expended for the month and year -to -date vs. budget and projected. • The Finance Department will also report on an ad hoc basis on any other financial items that will affect the Village's financial picture. ' Basis of Presentation - Fund Accounting The accounts of the Village are organized on the basis of funds, each of which is considered a separate 1 accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self - balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues, and expenditures, or expenses, as appropriate. ' Government resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. General Fund - The General Fund is the general operating fund of the Village. It is used to account for all ' financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. The following operating functions are reported in the General Fund: Administration Finance Engineering Police ' Community Development Road and Bridge ' Special Revenue Funds - Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue p p sources (other than special assessments or major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. The following funds are Special Revenue Funds: ' Enhanced 911 Motor Fuel Tax ' Debt Service Fund - Debt Service Funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long -term debt principal, interest, and related costs. The Debt Service Fund has been treated as a single fund and budgeted in a like manner by the Village. The individual issues are accounted for ' separately within this fund. 92 ' 1 ' Capital Proiect Funds Capital Project Funds account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities (other than those financed by Proprietary Funds, Special Assessment ' Funds, and Trust Funds). The following funds are Capital Project Funds: Infrastructure Replacement Fund Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund '. Village Center Tax Increment Financing. District (TIF 2) . Enterprise Funds - Enterprise Funds are used to. account for operations (a) that are financed and operated in a ' manner similar to private business enterprises, where the intent of the governing body is that the costs (expenses, including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges; or (b) where the governing body has decided that periodic determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred, and /or net income is appropriate for capital maintenance, ' public policy, management control, accountability, or other purposes. The Village has the following Enterprise Funds: ' Water Fund Sewer Fund Refuse Fund Parking Lot Fund Internal Service Funds - Internal Service Funds are used to account for the financing of goods or services ' provided by one department or agency to other departments or agencies of the Village, or to other governments, on a cost - reimbursement basis. The only such fund is the Garage Fund. Trust and Agency Funds - Trust and Agency Funds are used to account for assets held by the Village in a trustee ' capacity or as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governments, and /or other funds. These include Pension Trust and Agency Funds. Pension Trust Funds are accounted for in essentially the same manner as proprietary funds since capital maintenance is critical. Agency Funds are custodial in nature (assets ' equal liabilities) and do not involve measurement of results of operations. The Police Pension Fund is the only Trust Fund within the Village. ' Component Unit - Deerfield Public Library - The Deerfield Public Library has a separately elected seven - member board that annually determines its budget and resulting tax levy. Upon approval of the Government, the levy is submitted to the County. All debt of the Library is secured by the full faith and credit of the Government, which is wholly liable for the debt. The Library, while servicing the general population of the Government, does not provide ' services entirely to the Government. Because the Library possesses the characteristics of a legally separate government and does not service the primary government, the Library is reported as a component unit in this budget. ' Basis of Accounting t Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures or expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in the annual budget. All Governmental Funds (General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, and Capital Project Funds) are accounted for ' using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available as net current assets. The Village's share of State - assessed income taxes, gross receipts, and sales taxes are considered "measurable" when in the hands of intermediary collecting governments and are ' recognized as revenue at that time. Anticipated refunds of such taxes are recorded as liabilities and reductions of revenue when they are measurable and their validity seems certain. Expenditures are generally recognized under the modified accrual basis of accounting when the related fund liability is incurred. ' Agency Fund assets and liabilities are accounted for on the modified accrual basis. 1 93 1 All Proprietary Funds and Pension Trust Funds (Enterprise, Internal Service, and Police Pension) are accounted ' for. using. the accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they are. earned, and their expenses are recognized when they are incurred. Unbilled. Waterworks and Sewerage Fund utility service receivables are recorded at year -end. Budget Presentation Basis Exceptions ' 9 P The budget differs in its presentation from the annual financial report in that depreciation in all funds is not , budgeted. In addition, due to statutory requirements and the lag in collecting property tax revenue inherent in the Equalized Assessed Valuation* $1,371,881,605 Illinois property tax system, budgeted property tax revenue represents the request for levy; this revenue will not all be received within the budget year. Similarly, the budgeted expenses and revenue for the debt service levies are 107,124,428 those required by the bond ordinances. Due to the lag, actual revenues and expenses will. not match the budget ' numbers. ' Balanced Budget ' The Village considers .the budget at the fund level to be balanced if the budgeted expenditures are matched by *2006 value includes increment from expired TIF District #1 budgeted new revenues and available fund balances, as necessary. The accounting level of control is at the ' department level or, in the absence of such, at the fund level, and the departments are additionally responsible for maintaining expenditures within the major categories of the function level. ' Debt Policy t The Village of Deerfield is a home rule municipality and, as such, has no statutory debt limitations. If, however, the Village were a non -home rule municipality, according to Illinois statutes, its available debt limit would be as I follows: 5/1/07 5/1/06 ' Equalized Assessed Valuation* $1,371,881,605 $1,245,632,882 Non - Home -Rule Debt Limit - 8.6% 117,981,818 107,124,428 necessity of the project. (2) The Village will not issue long -term debt for short-term projects. The life of the Amount of Debt Applicable to Limit 0 0 ' Legal Debt Margin Available 117,981,818 107,124,428 *2006 value includes increment from expired TIF District #1 Capital Projects Funding ' All remaining debt outstanding has alternative revenues (TIF and water revenue) pledged for debt service. The figures demonstrate that the Village has been prudent in its use of its home rule debt authority. The Village's ' current bond rating is Aaa by Moody's, reaffirmed in September 2006. The Village's policies in the issuance of debt are: (1) to attempt to keep a relatively even debt service levy, allowing it to increase as new equalized assessed valuation is available and as capital needs arise. The t Village must reconcile the quest for a stable levy with the fact that delayed improvements or maintenance often has a higher true cost. Summarily, the goal to keep an even debt service levy must be balanced against the necessity of the project. (2) The Village will not issue long -term debt for short-term projects. The life of the ' financing must not exceed the life of the project. The use of long -term debt is subject to review and approval by the Board of Trustees. ' Capital Projects Funding The Village believes that ongoing maintenance of its infrastructure and equipment is of prime importance to ' reduce the risk of emergency repairs and avoid the cost increases of deferred maintenance. To finance capital projects, the Village utilizes standard capital raising techniques such as General Obligation and Revenue Bond Issues, as well as pay -as- you -go practices when reasonable. Two examples of the pay -as- you -go program are (A) the Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund and (B) the Infrastructure Replacement Fund. The purpose ' of the Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund is to keep annual expenses in balance and stable while 94 1 1 ' providing sufficient funds for the replacement of vehicles and major equipment items that cost in excess of $5,000.. The Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund is fully funded. The Village also has established an Infrastructure Replacement. Fund to provide funding for ongoing maintenance of the Village's infrastructure,: ' primarily streets and underground improvements. The Village will issue. $5,000,000 in new debt during the year for capital projects this year. Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting Policies 1. An independent audit will be performed annually. 2. The. Village will. produce annual financial reports in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting ' Principles (GAAP) as outlined by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. 3. The Finance Department will .report to the Mayor and Board of Trustees and to the departments on a monthly basis the amount of funds expensed or expended for the month and year -to -date vs. budget and ' projected. 4. The Finance Department will also report_ on an ad hoc basis on any other financial items that will affect the Village's financial picture. Investment Policies The Village maintains formal investment policies for the general corporate funds and the police pension fund. ' In summary, the policies cite controlling state statutes and differ in the allowable investment types and duration objective. The corporate funds are typically restricted to and invested . in short term government and government agency issues, with duration of less than five years. The pension fund's focus is more long term ' and is allowed, within statutory limits, to invest in equities and longer -term bonds. The investment policies are reviewed on a regular basis. Investment reports are regularly presented to the governing bodies. tFixed Asset Policy Property, including equipment, represents a significant investment of tax revenue by the residents of the Village. Since the assets are durable goods used in providing services to the residents, it is essential that they ' be accounted for in the most efficient and practical manner possible. Property assets of the Village are numbered for inventory control. All property items valued at $500 or more shall be recorded in the inventory system. General Fixed Assets General fixed assets are those fixed assets of the Village that are not accounted for in an Enterprise, Trust, or ' Intra- governmental Service Fund. Fixed assets are those assets that possess the following attributes: 1. A tangible nature; ' 2. A useful life extending beyond the year of acquisition; and 3. A significant value (greater than $25,000). These assets shall be accounted for in the annual financial report of the Village. ' Property Assets ' Non -fixed asset property items are those items valued at greater than $500. These items shall be recorded and controlled in the Village's property control program and are the responsibility of the department in which they are located. ' Classification of Fixed Assets ' Fixed assets shall be classified by the following categories: land, buildings, improvements other than buildings, machinery and equipment, and construction in progress. 1 95 Capitalization Policy The Village of Deerfiield's capitalization policy provides that all items that cost less than $25,000 shall be expensed rather than treated as a fixed asset. This policy is established recognizing that items under this limit are not sufficiently material from an accounting basis to include them on the Village's financial statements. Sufficient control of all property with a value greater than $500 is maintained through the inventory control system. Procedures for Updating the Fixed Assets and Property Control Record The Finance Department is responsible for maintaining the fixed assets control system. All property with a value greater than $500.shall be maintained in this system. Any property with an original value of greater than $500 that is no longer useful to the Village shall be disposed in a manner consistent with state: statute and shall be deleted from the control system record. ' Village of Deerfieldi. Illinois ' .' • � •" e : . ,- . Village , Residents Village Board Village Village Boards and ' Attorney Manager Commissions „ Assistant Village Manager . Police Finance Community Public Works & ' Department Department ' Development Engineering Dept. y ' `Patrol Accounting Permits, ` Engineering Inspections &Plan Inspection & Review Review Investigations & Budgeting Planning Water Supply. Youth , Communications . Payroll Code Sewer ' Enforcement„ Maintenance &' Sewage Treatment ' -Records Utility.Billing & Zoning & Vehicle & Building, Customer Service Appearance Maintenance. Review .: Risk Road & Bridge Management ; Maintenance ' Treasury . 1 1 1 1 l�� 1 1 1 ,J 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1