O-65-16ORDINANCE NO. 0 -65 -16 CONDITIONAL USE BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village conditional use be allowed. The findings of fact of the Plan Commission are hereby approved. i Section 2. A conditional use shall be permitted on the following described property, to permit the construction of a church and accessory buildings thereon: Lots 147 and 148, the East1102.0 feet of Lot 149 and the East one half of Lot 150, all in J. S. Hovland's First Addition to Deerfield in the S. W. 1 4 A of Section 3.2, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, all in Lake County, Illinois. I Passed this 7th day of June, 1965. APPROVED: H. Ross Finney President ATTEST: , Clerk Published: June 17, 1965 in the Deerfield Review. 1 of Deerfield, Cook and Lake Counties, I 1 1 i not s, that: Section 1. A public hearing has been held by the Plan Commission of the Village of Dee field, pursuant to notice published at least fifteen days prior thereto, on the question of permitting the conditional use described below. Said P,lanjCommission has recommended that the conditional use be allowed. The findings of fact of the Plan Commission are hereby approved. i Section 2. A conditional use shall be permitted on the following described property, to permit the construction of a church and accessory buildings thereon: Lots 147 and 148, the East1102.0 feet of Lot 149 and the East one half of Lot 150, all in J. S. Hovland's First Addition to Deerfield in the S. W. 1 4 A of Section 3.2, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, all in Lake County, Illinois. I Passed this 7th day of June, 1965. APPROVED: H. Ross Finney President ATTEST: , Clerk Published: June 17, 1965 in the Deerfield Review. 1 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -65 -16 CONDITIONAL USE BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, that: Section 1. A public hearing has been held by the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, pursuant to notice published at least fifteen days prior thereto, on the question of permitting the conditional use described below. Said Plan Commission has recommended that the conditional use be allowed. The findings of fact of the Plan Commission are hereby approved. Section 2. A conditional use shall be permitted on the following described property, to permit the construction of a church and accessory buildings thereon: Lots 147 and 148, the East 102.0 feet of Lot 149 and the East one half of Lot 150, all in J. S. Hovlandts First Addition to Deerfield in the S.W. 1/4 of Section 32, Township 43 North, Range 12 East of the Third Principal Meridian, all in Lake County, Illinois. Passed this 7th day of June , 1965. APPROVED: L , President ATTEST: Clerk Published June 17,1965 in the .Deerfield Review. ORDINANCE MD. �',� OIA i ',: BE IT ORDAMD by the President and Hoard of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Cook and Lake Counties, 1111noia, beat; lied . A public hearing has boon held by the Plan Comission of the Villsge of Deerfield, pursuant to notice published at least fifteen days prior hereto, on the question of p*mIttIM the conditional use described baler. Said. Plow Commission has that the conditional use be allowed. The findings of fact of the Flan Coaratssion are hereby *"roved. SWIM 1. A condit kmal arse shall be permitted on the following, described property, to permit the construction of a church and accessory btxitdit+gs there": Lots 157 and 143, the East 102.0 fast of Lot 149 and the last one half of Lot IS05 all to J. S. Doviand's First Addition to Deerfield in the S.W. 1/4 of Station 320 Township 43 North, Reenge 12 last, of the Tb rd VrJncipal Meridian, all to Lake County, Illinois. Passed this day of , 1955. AMST: Mirk APPROVED: 3 ?ras t ORUMCE NO. BE IT OVAIM by the President send Board Of Tnutses of the Village of fterfleld, Cook and Lake Comties, 1111nols, tMt: MRIJM 1. A public hearing has been held by the Plan Coaeei"IM of the Village of Dearfield, purawmt to notice published at least fiftw*s days prior theretol on the question of pa aittift the c"ditional use described below. Said Plan Commission has rs- aw nnited that the eon"tianal use be allowed. The findings of fact of the F1a4 Coeaeaission are hersby +appmved. Eee� 2. d conditieftl use shrll be ieeraitted ozi the follow described proyerty, to Remit the CMWtMtion of a church and accessory buildings thereon: Lots 147 and 1119 the Suet 102.0 meet of Lot 149 and the ust ane hall" of Lot i50. all in d. S. Noviend's First Addition to flirerlleld in the S.W. IA of 5ectim 121, Towoahip 49 north, Rasgp 12 last of the Third Principal. Hertdian, all in take Cooaty, Illinois. Passed this day of AT236ta Ce avrmvEn: w OIDDUMZ NO. BB n OR uAlm by time P"wldaat aAd. MM34 of 1"ataes of that VLUANP of Owtrfleld, Cook aM Lake Comities, 3lltswts, tats f t +.;�,,.1. A. POU10 iwarsa; has bow %eli by the Plm Commisssso of tiar V11140 Of DoMeWd, PWWMbt to notiaa PUbIlaled at xaast ftltoft dmta prior tboret'o, on the 4u estum of Drrattt3ft the aaadit mal tea deaartbad bear. Raid ilea C"#ow has rooandod that tin caaiitlomal use be &UOWA. %U rbdiap of toot of the Flom Cowlea3aa are hereby Offvrvsd. ! ft 2. A tta"I "a owl be Don4ttnd re the loilorift deerued pa"*rty, to vomit the ertrutation of a o> IN and aefeaaury build s their i Lot* 1147 "d 14t9 the $sat 102.0 feet of Lot lM* aadt tie Ullt oat half of Lot ISOa all to J. B. liervlaod'a llrst Addttlm to Dratrft*14 in the B.W. 1A of Beatlem t2, vomlob4 41 worth, ImMe 12 fart of the Turd trlao4al. Mosrldlan, all In Lek* Couaiy, ullmis. 1"a"Od tl4 day of . , loss. *%?V S MOW Ads