O-65-15ORDINANCE NO. 0 -65 -15
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village
of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that:
Section 1. A public hearing has been held by the Plan Commission
of the Village of Deerfield, pursuant to notice published not less than
fifteen days prior thereto, as required by law, and the Plan Commission
has sent its recommendation to the Mayor and Board of Trustees relating
to the property described below.
Section 2. The zoning ordinance of.the Village, as amended, is
hereby further amended by reclassifying the following described property
from its present classification to R -IA, one family district, with a
minimum area of 12,000 square feet per lot:
That part of the southeast 1/4 of Section 20, Township 43
North, Range 12, East of the 3rd Principal Meridan described .
as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of the south-
east 1/4 of said Section; thence north on the east line of
said quarter Section line, 1294.76 feet; thence westerly
parallel with the north line of said quarter section, 2333.73
feet to the easterly Right -of -Way Line of Waule gan Road;
thence southeasterly along said Right -of -Way Line, 1369.05
feet to the south line of said quarter section; thence east
on said south line 1874.45 feet to the place of beginning,
except that portion lying south of proposed North Avenue, as
shown on the tentative plat of subdivision dated January 28,
1965 and revised April 28, 1965.
Section 3. The zoning map of the Village is hereby ordered amended
to effectuate this change.
Passed this 17th day of May, 1965.
H. Ross Finney
PUBLISHED: May 27, 1965 in the Deerfield Review.
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -65 -15
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of
Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that:
Section 1. A public hearing has been held by the Plan Commission
of the Village of Deerfield, pursuant to notice published not less than
fifteen days prior thereto, as required by law, and the Plan Commission
has sent its recommendation to the Mayor and Board of Trustees relating
to the property described below.
Section 2. The zoning ordinance of the Village, as amended, is
hereby further amended by reclassifying the following described property
from its present classification to R -IA, one family district, with a
minimum area of 12,000 square feet per lot:
That part of the southeast 1/4 of Section 20, Township 43
North, Range 12 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian described
as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of the south-
east 1/4 of said Section; thence north on the east line of
said quarter Section line, 1294.76 feet; thence westerly
parallel with the north line of said quarter section, 2333,73
feet to the easterly Right -of -Way Line of Waukegan Road;
thence southeasterly along said Right -of' =Way Line, 1369.05
feet to the south line of said quarter section; thence east
on said south line 1874.45 feet to the place of beginning,
except that portion lying south of proposed North Avenue, as
shown on the tentative plat of subdivision dated January 28,
1965 and revised April 28, 1965.
Section 3. The zoning map of the Village is hereby ordered amended
to effectuate this change.
Passed this 17th day of May, 1965.
PUBLISHED: May 27, 1965 in the Deerfield Review.
ORDINANCE NO. "O- ;65 -15 -'
BE lT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of. Trustees of they vi llage of
.Deerfield* Lake. and Cook Count.es,'ilil-nois, that;. :
Suction is -A public.hearing has hewn held -by the �Plan_.Comr,iusion
of the Village of Deerfield, .pursuant to,notice gabli,shed not less than
fifteen days prior thereto, 'as required by Jaw, and the - :Plan''Commission
hiss sent its recommendation to the Mo' r and' Board -of Trustees relating
•to the property described below.".
section-2. The zoning o.rdlnance' of the• Vi l lage,.. as amended., is
hereby further amended by reclassifying.the following described,-
from its present 4lasslficatlon to R -IA, one family district.,, with a
minimuno area of 12,000 square feet. per-)ot:
-Tha t part of the southeast 1/4 of Section 20, Township 43
North, Mange 12'Eas't of the 3rd Principal Meridlan described
as follows: Beeginning e.t the southeast corner of the south-
east 1/4 of said Section thence north on the east line of
said quarter Section- lino,- 12)4.76 feet; thence-westerly
parallel with the north line of said -quarter section, 233973
feet to the eatterly_'Right -of -Way Line of Waukegan Road;
thence southeasterly along said Right- �ofWWaV Line$, '1369.05
feet to the south line of said quarter section; thence east
on said south line 1874.45 feet to-the place of beginnin g.
except that portion lying south of.proposed North Avenues, as
shown on the tentative piat of subdivision dated January 28.
1965 and revised Ap l-I 28, 1965:
section 3. The_ zohIng map of the 'J.i'llagi� is hereby ordered amended
to. effectuate this chanua.
Passed'-thl's.17th day'_of Ma y .1965;
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of
the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that:
Section 1.i A public hearing has been held by the Plan Com-
mission of the Village of Deerfield, pursuant to notice published not
less than fifteen days prior thereto, as required by law, and the Plan
Commission has sent its recommendation to the Mayor and Board of
Trustees relating to the property described below.
Section 2. The zoning ordinance of the Village, as amended,
is hereby further amended by reclassifying the following described
property from its present classification to R -1A, one family district,
with a minimum area of 12Y000 square feet per lot:
That part of the southeast 1/4 of Section 20, Township 4.3
North, Range 12 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian described
as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of the southeast
1/4 of said Section; thence north on the east line of said
quarter Section Line, 1294.76 feet; thence westerly parallel
with the north line of said quarter section, 2333.73 feet to the
easterly Right -of -Way Line of Waukegan Road; thence south-
easterly along said Right -of -Way Line, 1369.05 feet to the
south line of said quarter section; thence east on said south
line, 1874-45 feet o, pile place of b ginning, except that por io
Lying south o orth venue, !�"`
�Sectioi� V The zonin ma� Villa a i hereb ordered
3 g P g
amended to effectuate this change.
Passed this fl t day of 1965.
-ru_,t J