O-65-02ORDINANCE N0. 0 -65 -2
'Rear yard variation
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Zoning Board of-Appeals
of the Village of Deerfield on the first day of December, 1964, pursuant
to notice.theref6r published not less than fifteen days prior thereto;
WHEREAS,'said Board has recommended the granting of the variation
described below:
NOW,:THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of
Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois,
that: a
Section 1. , A variation is hereby granted from the provisions of
t he .rear yard -set -back requirements of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village,
particularly Section XII -A', paragraph C, referring to.the R -8 use district,
to permit a rear yard of. forty -two feet on Lot 118 in Colony Point Unit #2,
a subdivision in the Village of Deerfield,.Cook and Lake Counti:e$, Illinois.
Passed this 4th day of January, 1965.
I. K. Hearn
Village Clerk
Published: January 14, 1965 in the Deerfield Reva.ew.
1 i
Ordinance No. o-65-2
Rear yard variation
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Zoning Board
of Appeals of the Village of Deerfield on the first day of
December, 1964, pursuant to notice therefor published not
less than fifteen days prior thereto; and
WHEREAS, said Board has recommended the granting of the
variation described below:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and
Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield,Lake and Cook
Counties, Illinois, that:
Section 1. A variation is hereby granted from the
provisions of the rear yard set -back requirements of the
zoning ordinance of the Village, particularly Section XII -A,
paragraph C, referring to the R -8 use district, to permit a
rear yard of forty -two feet on Lot 118 in Colony Point
Unit #2, a subdivision in the Village of Deerfield, Cook and
Lake Counties, Illinois.
Passed this 4th
Village Clerk
day of January 196#.
-- Village President
Published: January 14, 1965 in the Deerfield Review
Ordinance No. 0-65-2
Rear yard variation
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Zoning Board
of Appeals of the Village of Deerfield on the first day of
December, 1964, pursuant to notice therefor published not
less than fifteen days prior thereto; and
WHEREAS, said Board has recommended the granting of the
variation described below:
NOW, THEREFORIEj, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and
Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield,Lake and Cook
Counties, Illinois, that:
Section 1. A variation is hereby granted from the
provisions of the rear yard set -back requirements of the
zoning ordinance of the Village, particularly Section XII -A,
paragraph C, referring to the R -8 use district, to permit a
rear yard of forty -two feet on Lot 118 in Colony Point
Unit #2, a subdivision in the Village of Deerfield, Cook and
Lake Counties, Illinois,
Passed this 4th day of January 196#.
Village Clerk
Village President
Published: January 14, 19f S i n the Doo r f i e 1 d Review
I r
Ordinance No. 0-65-2
Rear yard variatlonr�
SEAS, a public hearing was held by the Zoning Board
of Appeals of the Village of Deerfield on the first day of
December, 1964, pursuant to notice therefor published not
less than fifteen days prior thereto; and
ifflElt M, said Board has recommended the granting of the
variation described below:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and
Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield,Lake and Cook
Counties, Illinois, that:
Section 1. A variation is hereby granted from the
provisions of the rear yard set -back requirements of the
zoning ordinance of the Village, particularly Section XII -A,
paragraph C, referring to the R-8 use district, to permit a
rear yard of forty -two feet on Lot 118 in Colony Point
Unit #2, a subdivision in the Village of Deerfield, Cook and
Lake Counties, Illinois.
Passed this 4th day of January , 1964.
Village Clerk
Village President
Pub l i shed : January 14, l9f S in the Deerfield Review
Ordinance No. 0-65-2
Rear yard variat on
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Zoning Board
of Appeals of the Village of Deerfield on the first day of
December, 1964, pursuant to notice therefor published not
less than fifteen days prior thereto; and
WHEREAS, said Board has recommended the grMiting of the
variation described below:
IOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and
Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield,Lake and Cook
Counties, Illinois, that:
Section 1. A variation is hereby granted from the
provisions of the rear yard set -back requirements of the
zoning ordinance of the Village, particularly Section.Xll -A,
paragraph C, referring to the R -8 use district, to permit a
rear yard of forty -two feet on Lot 118 in Colony Point
Unit #2, a subdivision in the Village of Deerfield, Cook and
Lake Counties, Illinois.
Passed this 4th day of January 1964.
Village President
Village Clerk
Published: January 14, 1965 in the Deerfield Review