HELP financial statements for year ended April 30, 2015 and Independent Auditors' Report April 30, 2015 and 2014 High-Level Excess Liability Pool Basic Financial Statements Page PRINCIPAL OFFICIALS 3 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT 4 - 5 MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 6 - 10 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Statements of Net Position 11 Statements of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position - Budget and Actual 12 Statements of Cash Flows 13 Notes to the Financial Statements 14 - 21 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION (Unaudited) Ten-Year Claims Development Information 23 - 25 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Term III and Term II Combining Statement of Net Position 27 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position 28 CONTENTS David Erb, Mount Prospect Chairman Christine Tromp, Elk Grove Village Secretary Eric Burk, Village of Deerfield Treasurer April 30, 2015 High-Level Excess Liability Pool PRINCIPAL OFFICIALS -3- Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Auditor's Responsibility (Continued) High-LevelExcessLiabilityPool'smanagement is responsibleforthepreparationandfairpresentation of these financialstatements in accordancewithaccountingprinciplesgenerallyaccepted in theUnitedStates of America. Management is alsoresponsibleforthedesign,implementation,andmaintenance of internalcontrolrelevant to the preparationandfairpresentation of financialstatementsthatarefreefrommaterialmisstatement,whetherdue to fraud or error. An auditinvolvesperformingprocedures to obtainauditevidenceabouttheamountsanddisclosures in the financialstatements.Theproceduresselecteddepend on theauditor'sjudgment,includingtheassessment of the risks of materialmisstatement of thefinancialstatements,whetherdue to fraud or error.In makingthoserisk assessments,theauditorconsidersinternalcontrolrelevant to theentity'spreparationandfairpresentation of the financialstatements in order to designauditproceduresthatareappropriate in thecircumstances,but not forthe purpose of expressing an opinion on theeffectiveness of theentity'sinternalcontrol.Accordingly,we express no suchopinion.An auditalsoincludesevaluatingtheappropriateness of accountingpoliciesusedandthe reasonableness of significantaccountingestimatesmadebymanagement,as well as evaluatingtheoverall presentation of the financial statements. We believethattheauditevidence we haveobtained is sufficientandappropriate to provideabasisforouraudit opinion. INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT Members of the Board of Directors High-Level Excess Liability Pool Deerfield, Illinois We haveauditedtheaccompanyingstatements of netposition,statements of revenues,expensesandchanges in netposition-budgetandactual,andstatements of cashflows of High-LevelExcessLiabilityPool,as of andfor theyearsendedApril30,2015and2014,andtherelatednotes to thefinancialstatements,whichcollectively comprise High-Level Excess Liability Pool's basic financial statements, as listed in the table of contents. Ourresponsibility is to express an opinion on thesefinancialstatementsbased on ouraudit.We conductedour audit in accordancewithauditingstandardsgenerallyaccepted in theUnitedStates of America.Thosestandards requirethat we planandperformtheaudit to obtainreasonableassuranceaboutwhetherthefinancialstatements are free from material misstatement. Report on the Financial Statements Members of the Board of Directors High-Level Excess Liability Pool Mount Prospect, Illinois Opinion Other Matters Required Supplementary Information Other Information Deerfield, Illinois August 19, 2015 (Continued) MILLER, COOPER & CO., LTD. Certified Public Accountants Ourauditwasconductedforthepurpose of forming an opinion on thefinancialstatementsthatcollectivelycomprise theHigh-LevelExcessLiabilityPool'sbasicfinancialstatements.Theotherschedules,listed in thetable of contents as supplementaryinformation,arepresentedforpurposes of additionalanalysisandare not arequiredpart of the basicfinancialstatements.Suchinformation is theresponsibility of managementandwasderivedfromandrelates directly to theunderlyingaccountingandotherrecordsused to preparethebasicfinancialstatements.Such informationhasbeensubjected to theauditingproceduresapplied in theaudit of thebasicfinancialstatementsand certainadditionalprocedures,includingcomparingandreconcilingsuchinformationdirectly to theunderlying accountingandotherrecordsused to preparethefinancialstatements or to thefinancialstatementsthemselves,and otheradditionalprocedures in accordancewithauditingstandardsgenerallyaccepted in theUnitedStates of America. In ouropinion,thesupplementaryinformation is fairlystated in allmaterialrespects in relation to thebasicfinancial statements as a whole. In ouropinion,thefinancialstatementsreferred to abovepresentfairly,in allmaterialrespects,thefinancialposition of High-LevelExcessLiabilityPool,as of April30,2015and2014,andtheresults of itsoperationsandcashflows for the years then ended, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Accountingprinciplesgenerallyaccepted in theUnitedStates of Americarequirethatthemanagement'sdiscussion andanalysis on pages6through9andten-yearclaimsdevelopmentinformation on pages22through24bepresented to supplementthebasicfinancialstatements.Suchinformation,although not apart of thebasicfinancialstatements, is requiredbytheGovernmentalAccountingStandardsBoardwhoconsiders it to be an essentialpart of financial reportingforplacingthebasicfinancialstatements in an appropriateoperational,economic,or historicalcontext.We haveappliedcertainlimitedprocedures to therequiredsupplementaryinformation in accordancewithauditing standardsgenerallyaccepted in theUnitedStates of America,whichconsisted of inquiries of managementaboutthe methods of preparingtheinformationandcomparingtheinformationforconsistencywithmanagement'sresponses to ourinquiries,thebasicfinancialstatements,andotherknowledge we obtainedduringouraudit of thebasicfinancial statements.We donot express an opinion or provideanyassurance on theinformationbecausethelimitedprocedures do not provide us with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance. High-Level Excess Liability Pool Management’s Discussion and Analysis FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 -6- Management of the High-Level Excess Liability Pool (HELP) offers this narrative overview and analysis of the financial activities of HELP, for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2015. We encourage readers to consider the information presented here in conjunction with HELP’s financial statements and notes to the financial statements, to enhance their understanding of HELP’s financial performance. HIGH-LEVEL EXCESS LIABILITY POOL – OVERVIEW HELP is a public entity risk pool established by fifteen municipalities, in Illinois, to provide excess liability coverage (Currently $13,000,000 of coverage after a $2,000,000 self-insured retention). HELP was organized on April 1, 1987 with an initial term of 11 years through April 30, 1998. The agreement was extended for a second term that ran through April 30, 2008. A third term was approved to further extend the agreement through April 30, 2018. Thirteen municipalities make up the pool’s membership for Term III. The purpose of the pool is to act as a joint self-insurance pool for the purpose of seeking the prevention or lessening of liability claims for injuries to persons or property or claims for errors and omissions made against the members. HELP is governed by a Board of Directors which consists of one appointed representative from each member municipality. Each Director has an equal vote. The officers of HELP are appointed by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors determines the general policies of HELP; makes all appropriations; approves contracts; adopts resolutions providing for the issuance of debt by HELP; adopts bylaws, rules, and regulations; and exercises such powers and performs such duties as may be prescribed in the Agency Agreement or the bylaws. During this fiscal year, there were 13 member municipalities taking part in Term III: Village of Arlington Heights, Village of Deerfield, City of Des Plaines, Elk Grove Village, Village of Glenview, Village of Hoffman Estates, Village of Lincolnshire, Village of Mount Prospect, City of Park Ridge, Village of Skokie, Village of Streamwood, City of Wheaton, and the Village of Winnetka. Two additional members who terminated their membership at the conclusion of Term II, Village of Chicago Ridge and Village of Oak Lawn, are still liable for any claims that arose during the Term II period but have not yet been reported at this time. The following discussion provides an assessment by management of the current financial position, results of operations, cash flow and liquidity, and changes in financial position for HELP. Information presented in this discussion supplements the financial statements, schedules, and exhibits of the 2015 Annual Financial Report. FINANCIAL POSITION Total assets for HELP decreased from $11,974,068 to $8,378,195 as a result of a large settlement against a member that was paid in 2015. Assets are comprised of cash, cash equivalents, investments, and account receivables. The HELP investment portfolio consists of $2,712,947 of common stocks held in the form of an equity index fund and $5,665,248 invested in money market funds held through The Illinois Funds and the Illinois Metropolitan Investment Fund. High-Level Excess Liability Pool Management’s Discussion and Analysis FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 -7- FINANCIAL POSITION (Continued) Total liabilities consist primarily of a claims reserve totaling $3,230,000, a decrease of $4,420,000 from the prior year. Net position increased from $4,324,068 to $5,145,556 as a result of the current year member contributions and decrease in the claims reserve. Table 1 Statement of Net Position 2015 2014 Current Assets Cash, cash equivalents, and investments $ 8,378,195 $ 11,571,361 Accounts receivable - 402,707 Total Assets $ 8,378,195 $ 11,974,068 Current Liabilities Claims reserve Accounts payable $ 3,230,000 2,639 $ 7,650,000 - Total Liabilities 3,232,639 7,650,000 Total Net Position 5,145,556 4,324,068 Total Liabilities and Net Position $ 8,378,195 $ 11,974,068 RESULTS OF OPERATIONS Total operating revenues for 2015 were $989,811, an increase from $900,600 in 2014. The entire amount of operating revenues came from member contributions. The amount of the member contributions from year to year is determined annually at a regular Board of Directors meeting. The increase in member contributions was in line with HELP’s long term plan to increase surplus as a result of the negative claim experience over the past two years. Total operating expenses, net of reinsurance reimbursements decreased from $7,164,745 to a benefit of $65,424. This was due to lower claims expenses in 2015 and amounts received from the reinsurance provider. Excluding claims expense from the total; operating expenses were essentially flat year to year. High-Level Excess Liability Pool Management’s Discussion and Analysis FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 -8- RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (Continued) Table 2 Changes in Net Position 2015 2014 Total Operating Revenues $ 989,811 $ 900,600 Total Operating Expenses, Net of Reinsurance Reimbursements (65,424) 7,164,745 Total Nonoperating Revenues 248,413 424,408 Member distributions Member contributions (4,100,000) 3,617,840 - - Increase (Decrease) in Net Position 821,488 (5,839,737) Net Position Beginning of Year 4,324,068 10,163,805 End of Year $ 5,145,556 $ 4,324,068 BUDGETING HIGHLIGHTS The fiscal year for HELP runs from May 1 through April 30. The annual budget is approved at the first quarterly meeting of the calendar year, prior to the start of the fiscal year. For fiscal year 2014/2015, the annual budget was approved on March 21, 2014. There were no amendments to the original 2014/2015 budget. Table 3 below reflects the original budget and actual revenues and expenses for HELP. High-Level Excess Liability Pool Management’s Discussion and Analysis FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 -9- BUDGETING HIGHLIGHTS (Continued) Table 3 HELP Annual Budget Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Original Budget Actual Operating Revenues Member Contributions $ 982,311 $ 989,811 Total Operating Revenues 982,311 989,811 Operating Expenses Expenses, net of reinsurance reimbursements 2,485,000 __(65,424) Total Operating Expenses 2,485,000 (65,424) Nonoperating Revenues Unrealized Gains - 310,768 Investment income <loss> 170,000 (62,355) Total Nonoperating Revenue 170,000 248,413 Income (Loss) Before Contributions and Distributions Member distributions Member contributions Decrease in Net Position - -_ $ (1,332,689) (4,100,000) 3,617,840 $ 821,488 CASH FLOW AND LIQUIDITY Cash flow from operating, investing, and financing activities decreased due to claims paid and member distributions to two former members. FACTORS BEARING ON THE FUTURE External factors potentially having an impact to the financial stability and functioning of HELP include adverse claims activity and adverse pooling legislation. HELP pooled coverage attaches above $2,000,000. A single large claim or catastrophic event with multiple claimants could shrink reserves or result in a supplemental payment from its members. Measures are in place at member organizations that work to minimize the likelihood and impact of adverse claims on the pool. Adverse pooling legislation is anything that works against sound practices of insurance pools such as set enrollment periods or minimum membership commitments. HELP’s legal counsel and insurance consultant have been proactive in reviewing the by-laws in the event adverse pooling legislation is passed. High-Level Excess Liability Pool Management’s Discussion and Analysis FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 -10- REQUEST FOR INFORMATION This financial report is designed to provide a general overview of HELP’s finances for all those with an interest. Questions concerning any of the information provided in this report or requests for additional financial information should be addressed to Mr. Eric Burk, Finance Director, Village of Deerfield, 850 Waukegan Road, Deerfield Illinois 60015. BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ASSETS 2015 2014 CURRENT ASSETS Cash, cash equivalents, and investments $8,378,195$11,571,361 Accounts receivable -402,707 Total assets $8,378,195$11,974,068 LIABILITIES AND NET POSITION CURRENT LIABILITIES Claims reserve $3,230,000$7,650,000 Accounts payable 2,639 - Total liabilities 3,232,6397,650,000 NET POSITION Unrestricted 5,145,5564,324,068 Total liabilities and net position $8,378,195$11,974,068 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. High-Level Excess Liability Pool STATEMENTS OF NET POSITION April 30, 2015 and 2014 -11- BudgetActualBudgetActual Operating revenues Member contributions $982,311$989,811$900,600$900,600 Total operating revenues 982,311989,811900,600900,600 Operating expenses Risk management consultants 40,00040,50039,00039,500 Excess insurance 400,000276,582400,000270,582 Attorneys' fees Case review 10,00021,01510,00038,875 Corporate matters 12,0006,43912,0005,774 Auditing fees 15,0009,85015,0009,610 Surety bonds 2,000 -2,000 - Meeting expenses 2,000 -2,0002,370 Membership dues 4,0002,4304,0002,518 Office supplies -308 -308 Actuary fees -5,250 -- Claims expense, net of reinsurance reimbursements (See Note E)2,000,000(427,798)3,000,0006,795,208 Total operating expenses, net of reinsurance reimbursements 2,485,000(65,424)3,484,0007,164,745 Operating income (loss)(1,502,689)1,055,235(2,583,400)(6,264,145) Nonoperating revenues Unrealized gains -310,768 -406,657 Investment income (loss)170,000(62,355)220,00017,751 Total nonoperating revenues 170,000248,413220,000424,408 Income (loss) before contributions and distributions $(1,332,689)1,303,648$(2,363,400)(5,839,737) Member distributions (4,100,000) - Member contributions 3,617,840 - INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET POSITION 821,488 (5,839,737) Net position Beginning of year 4,324,068 10,163,805 End of year $5,145,556 $4,324,068 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. 2015 High-Level Excess Liability Pool STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND Years Ended April 30, 2015 and 2014 CHANGES IN NET POSITION - BUDGET AND ACTUAL 2014 -12- 2015 2014 Cash flows from operating activities Cash received from members $989,811$900,600 Cash paid to suppliers (362,374)(369,537) Claims paid (3,586,856)(4,247,915) Net cash used in operating activities (2,959,419)(3,716,852) Cash flows from investing activities Investment income (loss)(62,355)17,751 Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (62,355)17,751 Cash flows from financing activities Member distributions, net of Term III contributions (482,160)- Net cash used in financing activities (482,160)- DECREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (3,503,934)(3,699,101) Cash and cash equivalents Beginning of year 9,169,18212,868,283 End of year $5,665,248$9,169,182 Reconciliation Cash and cash equivalents $5,665,248$9,169,182 Investments 2,712,9472,402,179 Total cash, cash equivalents, and investments $8,378,195$11,571,361 Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash used in operating activities Operating income (loss)$1,055,235$(6,264,145) Adjustments to reconcile operating loss to net cash provided by operating activities Accounts receivable 402,707(402,707) Accounts payable 2,639 - Claims reserve (4,420,000)2,950,000 Net cash used in operating activities $(2,959,419)$(3,716,852) Supplemental noncash investing activities Change in market value of investments $310,768$406,657 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. High-Level Excess Liability Pool STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS Years Ended April 30, 2015 and 2014 -13- 1. Years Member Pool Pool Total Ended Risk OccurrenceExcess Risk April 30,Responsibility LimitCoverage Financed 1988 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $-$2,000,000 1989-1994 1,000,000 5,000,000 -6,000,000 1995-1996 1,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 11,000,000 1997-1999 1,000,000 2,000,000 8,000,000 11,000,000 2000 1,000,000 2,000,000 10,000,000 13,000,000 2001 1,000,000 2,000,000 12,000,000 15,000,000 2002 1,000,000 3,000,000 8,000,000 12,000,000 2003 1,000,000 3,000,000 7,000,000 11,000,000 2004 2,000,000 3,000,000 7,000,000 12,000,000 2005-2013 2,000,000 4,000,000 6,000,000 12,000,000 2014-2015 2,000,000 4,000,000 9,000,000 15,000,000 NOTE A - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES High-Level Excess Liability Pool NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended April 30, 2015 and 2014 Thefinancialstatements of theHigh-LevelExcessLiabilityPool(thePool)havebeenprepared in conformitywith accountingprinciplesgenerallyaccepted in theUnitedStates of America(GAAP),as applied to thistype of governmententity.TheGovernmentalAccountingStandardsBoard(GASB)is theacceptedstandard-settingbody forestablishinggovernmentalaccountingandfinancialreportingprinciples.Themoresignificant of thePool's accounting policies are described below. In evaluating how to definethePoolforfinancialreportingpurposes,managementhasconsideredallpotential componentunits.Thedecision to includeapotentialcomponentunit in thereportingentitywasmadeby applyingthecriteriasetforthbyGASB.Basedupontheapplication of GASBcriteria,thereare no potential componentunits to beincluded in thePool'sreportingentity.ThePool is defined as ajointventureunderthese standards. Reporting Entity and its Services ThePoolwasorganized on April1,1987.TheTerm II agreementexpired on April30,2008,andwasextended foranotherten-yearterm(Term III),with an expirationdate of April30,2018.Thepurpose of thePool is to act as ajointself-insurancepoolforthepurpose of seekingtheprevention or lessening of liabilityclaimsfor injuries to persons or property or claimsforerrorsandomissionsmadeagainstthemembersandotherparties includedwithinthescope of coverage of thePool.Theamount of coverageprovided to themembersbythe Pool for subsequent years is as follows: -14- High-Level Excess Liability Pool NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended April 30, 2015 and 2014 1. % Share % Share Assets,Assets, Liabilities,CumulativeLiabilities,Cumulative and Net Contributions and Net Contributions 12.65 % $ 804,801 11.65 % $ 2,784,342 * - - 2.51 600,646 3.72 236,450 3.52 841,004 11.05 702,956 9.90 2,365,731 8.23 523,969 7.61 1,819,670 9.53 606,283 7.42 1,774,167 10.04 638,859 8.04 1,921,762 2.51 159,883 1.67 398,217 8.31 529,044 7.32 1,750,396 * - - 9.25 2,210,513 6.21 395,383 5.76 1,376,666 10.25 652,577 9.53 2,278,434 5.25 334,133 4.41 1,054,527 8.06 512,623 7.42 1,772,513 4.19 266,454 3.99 952,517 100.00 % $6,363,415 100.00 % $23,901,105 City of Des Plaines Village of Skokie Village of Streamwood Term III Village of Glenview City of Park Ridge Thefollowingwerepercentages of sharesandcumulativecontributionsforthemembers of thePool as of April 30, 2015: Reporting Entity and its Services (Continued) EntitiesjoiningthePoolmustremainmembersforaminimum of tenyears.Entitiesapplyingformembership in thePoolmay do so on approval of atwo-thirdsvote of theBoard of thePool.Underwritingandrate-setting policieshavebeenestablishedafterconsultationwithactuaries.Membersaresubject to asupplemental contribution in the event of deficiencies. Village of Arlington Heights Village of Hoffman Estates Elk Grove Village Village of Chicago Ridge *TheVillage of ChicagoRidgeandtheVillage of OakLawnterminatedtheirmembershipsafterTerm II and are not covered under Term III. City of Wheaton Village of Winnetka Village of Oak Lawn Term II Village of Deerfield Village of Lincolnshire Village of Mount Prospect NOTE A - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) -15- High-Level Excess Liability Pool NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended April 30, 2015 and 2014 1. 2.Fund Accounting 3.Basis of Accounting 4. DuringtheyearendedApril30,2015,thePooldistributed$4,100,000fromTerm II.Amountscontributed to Term III totaled$3,617,840andtheremaining$482,160wasdistributed to theVillage of ChicagoRidge and the Village of Oak Lawn. Reporting Entity and its Services (Continued) The Pool provides risk management services to its member municipalities,a) ThePooloperates as asingleproprietaryfund,morespecifically asan enterprisefund.Proprietaryfundsare used to accountforactivitiessimilar to thosefound in theprivatesector,wherethedetermination of netincome is necessary or useful to soundfinancialadministration.Servicesfromsuchactivitiesareprovided to outside parties. Its operations are such that: Members fund the Pool to cover the costs of providing such services. Budgets Budgetsareadopted on abasisconsistentwithGAAP.AnnualbudgetsareadoptedforthePool.Allannual budgets lapse at fiscal year-end. NOTE A - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) and The accounting and financial reporting treatment applied to a fund is determined by its measurement focus. Theaccrualbasis of accounting is utilizedbyproprietaryfundtypes.Underthismethod,revenuesarerecorded when earned and expenses are recorded at the time liabilities are incurred. b) Allproprietaryfundsareaccountedfor on aflow of economicresourcesmeasurementfocus.Withthis measurementfocus,allassetsandallliabilitiesassociatedwiththeoperation of thesefundsareincluded in the statement of netposition.Proprietaryfund-typeoperatingstatementspresentincreases(e.g.,revenues)and decreases (e.g., expenses) in total net position. -16- High-Level Excess Liability Pool NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended April 30, 2015 and 2014 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Forpurposes of thestatement of cashflows,thePoolconsidersallhighlyliquidinvestmentswithamaturity of three months or less, when purchased, to be cash equivalents. Investments Use of Estimates Member Contributions MembercontributionsaredeterminedeachyearbytheformulaapprovedbytheBoard of Directorsand as defined in HELP'sby-laws.Thepoolcontributionformula is based on amember'srevenues,miles of streets, full-timeequivalentemployeesandtotalnumber of statelicensedvehiclesandfirevehicles.Contributionsare earned in the membership year to which they apply. Cash Equivalents NOTE A - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Claims Reserve Liabilities ThePoolestablishesclaimsreserveliabilitiesbasedupon an estimate of theultimatecost of claimsthathave beenreportedbut not settledand of claimsthathavebeenincurredbut not reported.Thelength of timefor whichsuchcostsmustbeestimatedvariesdepending on theindividualfactsandcircumstances.Adjustments to claims reserve liabilities are charged or credited to expense in the period in which the adjustments are made. Investmentsarecarried at fairvalue.Thereportedvalue of thepool is thesame as thefairvalue of thepool shares. Investments in mutual funds are stated at share price which is substantially the same as fair value. In preparingfinancialstatements,management is required to makeestimatesandassumptionsthataffectthe reportedamounts of assetsandliabilities,thedisclosure of contingentassetsandliabilities at thedate of the financialstatements,andthereportedamounts of revenuesandexpensesduringthereportingperiod.Because thefinalresolution of potentiallylargeclaimsagainstthePool is uncertain,managementbelievesthatactual results could differ materially from those estimates. -17- High-Level Excess Liability Pool NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended April 30, 2015 and 2014 NOTE B - LEGAL COMPLIANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY - BUDGETS 1. Permitted Deposits and Investments Fair ValueLess than 1Equities The Illinois Funds $2,949,735 $2,949,735 $- Illinois Metropolitan Investment Fund 2,715,5132,715,513 - Mutual Fund - Equities 2,712,947 -2,712,947 Total cash, cash equivalents and investments $8,378,195 $5,665,248 $2,712,947 Type Thebudgetincludesinformation on thepastyear,currentyearestimates,andrequestedamountsforthenextfiscal year. NOTE C - DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS Theproposedbudget is presented to thegoverningbodyforreview.Thegoverningbodymayaddto,subtract from, or change amounts, but may not change the form of the budget. ThePool'sinvestmentpolicy is morerestrictivethanstatestatutes.ThePool'sdepositsandinvestmentsare limited to approvedbanksandspecificallyauthorizedinvestmentsincludingbonds,notes,bills,andotherfull faithandcreditU.S.Governmentsecurities,mortgage-backedsecurities,theIllinoisFunds(StateTreasurer- Managedinvestmentpool),IllinoisMetropolitanInvestmentFund(IMET)(short-termlocalgovernment investmentpool),corporatebonds,andfixedincomeandequitysecurities(withcreditrisklimited to 45%of the portfolio). Maturities (In Years) Thebudgetmaybeamendedbyamajorityvote of theBoard.No amendmentswerepassedfortheyearsended April 30, 2015 or April 30, 2014. As of April 30, 2015, the Pool had the following cash, cash equivalents and investment maturities. -18- High-Level Excess Liability Pool NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended April 30, 2015 and 2014 1. Permitted Deposits and Investments (Continued) Fair ValueLess than 1Equities The Illinois Funds $4,387,015 $4,387,015 $- Illinois Metropolitan Investment Fund 4,782,1674,782,167 - Mutual Fund - Equities 2,402,179 -2,402,179 Total cash, cash equivalents and investments $11,571,361 $9,169,182 $2,402,179 2. 3. As of April 30, 2014, the Pool had the following cash, cash equivalents and investment maturities. Type Credit Risk Maturities (In Years) During2015,thePoolmade an adjustment to write-offcertainIMETinvestmentstotalingapproximately $77,000. The write-off is included in investment income. There were no write-offs during 2014. ThePool'sinvestmentpolicydoes not limitinvestmentmaturities as ameans of managingitsexposure to fair valuelossesarisingfromincreasinginterestrates.Theobjective is to maintainacoreportfoliowithmaturities in the one-to-three-year range. As of April30,2015,TheIllinoisFundsMoneyMarketFundwasrated AAAm byStandard&Poor's.The IllinoisFunds is not registeredwiththeSEC.TheIllinoisFunds is sponsoredbytheStateTreasurer in accordancewithstatelaw.Thefairvalue of thepositions in TheIllinoisFunds is thesame as thevalue of The IllinoisFundsshares.IMETwasestablished asan activelymanagedinvestmentfundforIllinoisunits of local governmentandforotherofficialcustodians of publicfunds.TheFund is managed so as to maintainastable $1.00shareprice.As of April30,2015,theIMETinvestmentswererated AA byStandard&Poor'sandAaa by Moody's. NOTE C - DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS (Continued) Interest Rate Risk -19- High-Level Excess Liability Pool NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended April 30, 2015 and 2014 4. 5. NOTE C - DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS (Continued) It is thepolicy of thePool to diversifyitsinvestmentportfolio.Investmentsshallbediversified to eliminatethe risk of lossresulting in overconcentration in asecurity,maturity,issuer,or class of securities.ThePool's investmentpolicyrequiresthePool to diversifyitsinvestmentsbyinvestmenttype.Diversificationby investmenttype is as follows:Bonds,notes,bills,andotherfullfaithandcreditU.S.Governmentsecurities- 100%maximum;mortgage-backedsecurities-30%maximum;theIllinoisFunds-100%maximum;Illinois MetropolitanInvestmentFund(IMET)-100%maximum;corporatebonds-30%maximum;andfixedincome and equity securities - 40% maximum. Concentration of Credit Risk Custodial Credit Risk For an investment,custodialcreditrisk is theriskthat,in theevent of thefailure of thecounterparty,thePool will not beable to recoverthevalue of itsinvestments or collateralsecuritiesthatare in thepossession of an outside party. As of April 30, 2015, the Pool's investments were in compliance with their policy. Thereareseveralclaimsandlegalactionspendingagainstmembers of thePool.Managementandtheirlegal counselbelievethatcertainactionsagainstthememberscouldresult in losses to thePool.Except as discussed in Note E,no additionalamountshavebeenrecorded as lossesbecauseunfavorableoutcomesare not probableand cannot be reasonably estimated. NOTE D - CONTINGENT LIABILITIES - LITIGATION -20- High-Level Excess Liability Pool NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended April 30, 2015 and 2014 2015 2014 Unpaid claims and claims adjustment expenses at the beginning of the fiscal year $ 7,650,000 $ 4,700,000 Incurred claims and claims adjustment expenses Provision for insured events of the current fiscal year 780,000 700,000 Increases (decreases) in provision for insured events of prior fiscal years (1,613,144) 6,497,915 Total incurred claims and claims adjustment expenses (833,144) 7,197,915 Payments Claims and claims adjustment expenses attributable to insured events of the current fiscal year - - Claims and claims adjustment expenses attributable to insured events of the prior fiscal year 3,586,856 4,247,915 Total payments 3,586,856 4,247,915 Total unpaid claims and claims adjustment expenses at the end of the fiscal year $ 3,230,000 $ 7,650,000 NOTE F - SUBSEQUENT EVENT Claimsexpense,as reported on theStatement of Revenues,ExpendituresandChanges in NetPosition-Budget and Actual, is net of reinsurance reimbursements totaling $2,060,821 and $0 for 2015 and 2014, respectively. ManagementhasevaluatedsubsequenteventsthroughAugust19,2015,thedatethesefinancialstatementswere available to beissued.Managementhasdeterminedthat no events or transactionshaveoccurredsubsequent to the statement of net position date that require disclosure in the financial statements. As discussed in Note A,thePoolestablishesaliabilityforbothreportedandunreportedinsuredevents,which includesestimates of futurepaymentsforbothclaimsandlossesandrelatedclaimsadjustmentexpenses.The schedulebelowpresentsthechanges in theclaimsreservefortheyearsendedApril30,2015and2014, respectively. NOTE E - CLAIMS RESERVE LIABILITIES -21- REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION (Unaudited) Ten-Year Claims Development Information High-Level Excess Liability Pool REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION April 30, 2015 Thetable on thefollowingpagesillustrates how thePool'searnedrevenuesandinvestmentincome compare to relatedcosts of lossesandotherexpensesassumedbythePool as of theend of each of thelast fiscaltenyears.Therows of thetablearedefined as follows:(1)Thislineshowsthetotal of eachfiscal year'srequiredcontributionsandinvestmentrevenues,net of excessinsurance.(2)Thislineshowseach fiscalyear'sotheroperatingcosts of thepool,includingoverheadandclaimsexpense not allocable to individualclaims.(3)ThislineshowsthePool'sincurredclaimsandallocatedclaimsadjustmentexpenses (bothpaidandaccrued)as originallyreported at theend of thefirstyear in whichtheeventthattriggered coverageunderthecontractoccurred(calledpolicyyear).(4)Thissection of tenrowsshowsthe cumulativeamountspaid as of theend of successiveyearsforeachpolicyyear.(5)Thissection of ten rowsshows how eachpolicyyear'sincurredclaimsincreased or decreased as of theend of successive years.Thisannualreestimationresultsfromnewinformationreceived on knownclaimsandreevaluation of existinginformation on knownclaims,as well as emergence of newclaims not previouslyknown.(6) Thislinecomparesthelatestreestimatedincurredclaimsamount to theamountoriginallyestablished(line 3),andshowswhetherthislatestestimate of claimscost is greater or lessthanoriginallythought.As data forindividualpolicyyearsmature,thecorrelationbetweenoriginalestimatesandreestimatedamounts is commonlyused to evaluatetheaccuracy of incurredclaimscurrentlyrecognized in lessmaturepolicy years. The columns of the table show data for successive policy years. -23- Ten-Year Claims Development Information (Continued) 2006200720082009 1. Required contributions and investment revenues Direct earned $2,377,597 $2,741,042 $1,346,104$1,006,549 Excess insurance (345,468)(371,772)(373,109)(321,981) Net earned 2,032,1292,369,270972,995684,568 2. Unallocated expenses 42,27163,20452,72356,511 3. Estimated incurred claims and expense, end of policy year - - - - 4. Paid (cumulative) as of: End of policy year - - - - One year later - - - - Two years later - - - - Three years later - - - - Four years later - - - - Five years later - - - - Six years later - - - - Seven years later - - 4,000,000 Eight years later - - Nine years later - 5. Reestimated incurred claims and expense:- End of policy year - - - - One year later - - - - Two years later - - - - Three years later - - - - Four years later - - - 100,000 Five years later - - 1,500,000 - Six years later - - 5,000,000 Seven years later - - - Eight years later - - Nine years later - 6. Increase in estimated incurred claims and expense from the end of the policy year - - - - April 30, 2015 Ten-Year Claims Development Information High-Level Excess Liability Pool REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION -24- 201020112012201320142015 $921,911$915,654$906,732$921,534$918,351$927,456 (318,482)(275,421)(277,170)(275,591)(270,582)(276,582) 603,429640,233629,562645,943647,769650,874 58,43655,74159,27779,59698,95585,792 - - - - 700,000 780,000 - 2,000,000 - - - - - 2,000,000 - - - - 2,000,000 - - - 2,000,000 - - 2,000,000 - - - - - 700,000 780,000 - - - 1,000,000 1,500,000 - - 400,000 400,000 - 250,000 250,000 200,000 200,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 250,000 400,000 800,000 - -25- SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ASSETS Term IIITerm IITotal CURRENT ASSETS Cash, cash equivalents, and investments$4,101,701$4,276,494$8,378,195 Total assets $4,101,701$4,276,494$8,378,195 LIABILITIES AND NET POSITION CURRENT LIABILITIES Claims reserve $2,730,000$500,000$3,230,000 Accounts payable 1,655 984 2,639 Total liabilities 2,731,655500,9843,232,639 NET POSITION Unrestricted 1,370,0463,775,5105,145,556 Total liabilities and net position $4,101,701$4,276,494$8,378,195 High-Level Excess Liability Pool TERM III AND TERM II COMBINING STATEMENT OF NET POSITION April 30, 2015 -27- Term IIITerm IITotal Operating revenues Member contributions $989,811$-$989,811 Total operating revenues 989,811 -989,811 Operating expenses Risk management consultants 20,25020,25040,500 Excess insurance 276,582 -276,582 Attorneys' fees Case review 8,57112,44421,015 Corporate matters 3,3373,1026,439 Auditing fees 4,9254,9259,850 Membership dues 2,430 -2,430 Office supplies 154 154 308 Actuary fees 2,6252,6255,250 Claims expense, net of reinsurance reimbursements (419,823)(7,975)(427,798) Total operating expenses, net of reinsurance reimbursements (100,949)35,525(65,424) Operating income (loss)1,090,760(35,525)1,055,235 Nonoperating revenue Unrealized gains 99,754211,014310,768 Investment income (loss)(25,334)(37,021)(62,355) Total nonoperating revenue 74,420173,993248,413 Income before contributions and distributions1,165,180138,4681,303,648 Member distributions -(4,100,000)(4,100,000) Member contributions 3,617,840 -3,617,840 INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET POSITION4,783,020(3,961,532)821,488 Net position Beginning of year (3,412,974)7,737,0424,324,068 End of year $1,370,046$3,775,510$5,145,556 Year Ended April 30, 2015 High-Level Excess Liability Pool TERM III AND TERM II COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN NET POSITION -28-