O-64-50ORDINANCE NO. 0 -64 -50 ZONING AMENDMENT "M" MANUFACTURING DISTRICT WHEREAS the question of adopting the following ordinance was referred to the Plan Commission which held a public hearing thereon after due notice as required'by law, now therefore: BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, that: Paragraph one of Section XV of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village is hereby amended as follows: "l. Establishment: There is hereby established an M Manufacturing Zoning District. It shall'be unlawful to use or permit the use of any land or structure in an M District for any use not permitted by the terms of this section, or.in violation of any of the regulations contained therein. No use shall be so conducted as to endanger the general welfare of the owners or occupants of premises in.the Village, or of the public." Paragraph 2c of the said section is hereby amended to read as follows: 11c. All production, processing, cleaning, servicing, storage, or repair of materials, goods, products or equipment shall take place within a completely enclosed building; provided that storage may be outside a building if it is in a place enclosed by a solid wall, embankment or fence not less than six :,feet nor more than eight feet high, or a solid bank of evergreens not less than six feet in height, and except that no outside storage shall be permitted within five hundred (500) f6et of a residential district. Any existing non - conforming use shall be discontinued or enclosed as herein required by July 10, 1976." Paragraphs 2e,, 2g, and 4AA of the said section are hereby repealed. Paragraph 2f shall be changed to 2e. The paragraph formerly known as paragraph 4B1 of said section is hereby amended to read as follows: AA - Storage Warehouses BB - Any other use compatible with or similar to the uses described as permitted in the section that comply with the general regulations applicable to the manufacturing district and are not prohibited by any section of th -It zoning ordinance or any other ordinance of the Village." Paragraph 6 of said section is hereby amended by changing the phrase "less than three (3) acres" to read "less than five (5) acres." Paragraph 7 shall be added to read as follows: Off- Street Parking Requirements - Off- street parking facilities for motor vehicles shall be provided in accordance with the regulations of Section XV 1 . PASSED this 16th day of November, 1964. ATTEST: C lerk APPROVED: I. K. Hearn Mayor PUBLISHED: November 26xh, 1964 in the Deerfield Review. fl 1 - ORDINANCE NO. 0 -64 -50 AMENDMENT ZONING END EN T "M" MANUFACTURING DISTRICT WHEREAS the question of adopting the following ordinance was referred to the Plan Commission which held a public hearing thereon after due notice as required by law, now therefore: BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, that: Paragraph one of Section XV of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village is hereby amended as follows: "1. Establishment: There is hereby established an M Manufacturing Zoning District. It shall be unlawful to use or permit the use of any land or structure in an M District for any use not permitted by the terms of this section, or in violation of any of the regulations contained therein. No use shall be so conducted as to endanger the general welfare of the owners or occupants of premises in the Village, or of the public. " Paragraph 2c of the said section is hereby amended to read as folio WE: "c. All production, processing, cleaning, servicing, storage, or repair of materials, goods, products or equipment shall take place within a completely enclosed building; provided that storage may be outside a building if it is in a place enclosed by a solid wall, embankment or fence not less than six feet nor more than eight feet high, or a solid bank of evergreens not less than six feet in height, and except that no outside storage shall be permitted within five hundred (500) . feet of a residential district. Any existing non - conforming use shall be discontinued or enclosed as herein required by July 10, 1976. " Paragraphs 2e, 2g, and 4A1 of the said section are hereby repealed. Paragraph 2f shall be changed to 2e. The paragraph formerly known as paragraph 4B1 of said section is hereby amended to read as follows: M Manufacturing Amendment Page 2. AA - Storage Warehouses. BB - Any other use compatible with or similar to the uses described as permitted in this section that comply with the general regulations applicable to the manufacturing district and are not prohibited by any section of this zoning ordinance or any other ordinance of the Village. Paragraph 6 of said section is hereby amended by changing the phrase "less than three (3) acres"' to read 'less than five ($) acres." Paragraph 7 shall be added to read as follows: Off - Street Parking Requirements - Off- street parking facilities for motor vehicles shall be provided in accordance with the regulations of Section XVI. PASSED this 16th day of November , 1964. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: Clerk Published: November 26th, 1964 in the Deerfield Review