O-64-09ORDINANCE NO. 044 -9 ANNEXATION ORDINANCE WHEREAS, a petition has been received signed by all of the owners of record or property described below, there being no electors residing therein; and WHEREAS, said property is contiguous to the Village of Deerfield and not in any other municipality: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, I l l i not s, that: Section 1. The President and Board of Trustees hereby find that the statements in the.preambles to this ordinance are true. Section 2. The following described territory is hereby annexed to the Village of Deerfield: Section 3. A certified copy of this ordinance, together with an accurate map of the territory hereby annexed, shall be recorded with the Recorder of Deeds of Lake County, Illinois. Passed this 6th day of April, 1964. AYES: Five NAYS: None APPROVED: ATTEST: -6 J�A Village Clerk James E. Mandler Village President pro tem Recorded May 12, 1964 - Doc. 1225070 The South East Quarter of the North East Quarter of Section 30, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, Lake County, Illinois, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on a line 633 feet West of the East line of said Quarter Quarter and 1037.45 feet South of the North line of said Quarter Quarter; thence East in a straight line, a distance of 197.39 feet to a point 435.61 feet West-of the East line of said Quarter.Quarter and 1072 feet South of the North line of said Quarter Quarter; thence East on a line parallel to the North line of said Quarter Quarter 402.61 feet to a point on the West .line of Wilmot Road and 33 feet West of the East line of said Quarter Quarter; thence North -and parallel to the East line of _ said Quarter Quarter, 40 feet to a point'on a line 1032 feet South of the North line of said Quarter Quarter; thence West on a; -.sine 1032 feet South of and parallel to the North line of said Quarter Quarter, 200 feet to a point 233 feet West of the East line of said Quarter Quarter; thence West on a line 1012 feet South of and,parallel to the North line of said Quarter Quarter, 202.61 feet to a point 435.61 feet West of the East line of said Quarter Quarter and 1013.45 feet South of the North line of said Quarter Quarter; thence South on a line 633 feet West of and parallel to the East line of said Quarter Quarter, a distance of 60 feet to the place of beginning, for the purpose of dedicating the same for street purposes. Section 3. A certified copy of this ordinance, together with an accurate map of the territory hereby annexed, shall be recorded with the Recorder of Deeds of Lake County, Illinois. Passed this 6th day of April, 1964. AYES: Five NAYS: None APPROVED: ATTEST: -6 J�A Village Clerk James E. Mandler Village President pro tem Recorded May 12, 1964 - Doc. 1225070 ORDINANCE NO,. 0- 6449 k 71 ANNEXATION '.ORDINANCE' WHEREAS, a' petition has, been- '.received signed by all of the owners of •record of property de*scri-bed-•below,. there ,being, no electors. residing' therein;. and WHEREAS, said. property, is 'con'tiguou's to, . the Village of Deerfield •and not in any-other municipality:.: NOW;" THEREFORE,' BE IT : ORDAINED by.:the President and Board of Trustees .of the Village' of ,Deerfield, Illinois, .that:, Section 1; The'President and Board.of Trustees hereby. find_ that'•, .the statements in 'the preambles'' to- 'this ordinance are true•...• : , • - section 2.• The . following• territory•'is hereby 'annexed to th'e,'Village of Deerfield: ''The South. East .Quart'er : of the North .East Quarter of YSec,tion;..30,, .,Township.,- 4 3':North•, ..Range:- 12, East.., of 'the Third Principal Meridian, `Lake County, Illinois, more .particularly.,described 'as follows: Beginning at a point :on a line . 633 feet West of :•the East line of -said Quarter Quarter and,1073.45 'feet South of the North .line of said..Quarter' Quarter;,- thence East in a.straight.line, a: distance of,:197.39.. feet to a point x+35;.61 'feet West.. of the East line of said. Quarter .Quarter. and 1072- feet, South of the' North line .of said,.Quarter Quarter`; thence East on. a line parallel to,'the North line of said Quarter Quarter-402.61 feet - to a point on the West line of Wilmot Road .and 33 feet West of the East line of said :Quarter 'Quarter; . thence• -North and pparallel to .the East line of said.Quarter Quarter, 40 feet to a point on a line 1032_feet South of the North line of said.Quarter Quarter; thence West on a line 1032 feet South of . and :parallel- to the North line of-'said ' Quarter Quarter,' 200 feet to •a' point 233 feet West • of the East line of said Quarter Quarter;:thence North on a line: 233'.feet West of the Bast line of said- Quarter Quarter; 20 feet .to a point 1.012 feet_ South, of the North 'line of said Quarter Quarter; thence West on a -Tine -.1012 feet South of and 'parallel to the North line of said Quarter Quarter; 202.61 feet . to a point 435..61 feet ' West 'of the ' East . line 'of .said Quarter Quarter.; 'thenc-e West in a straight line ...to -a point 633 feet West of 'the East line of said :.Quarter '• Quarter _ a.nd, 1013.45'. feet South of the North line, of said Quarter. Quarter; thence South on a line 633. feet; Wes of and parallel to the East line of for Street of part of the South East Quarter of the North East Quarter of Section 30, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridan, Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois. `F4,,v0.2 EOURT ,0 Q4 �t W W J Q V dd' 9,2 -72 -92-73 ,. 2 0 0 •e' oRly " WEST OF NECD>;NEQOFSE %4, 92-6-9 OF NE` /a OF SEC. 30-43 of NE 14,0F SEC.30 -43- 1 2 49-r. G/ ' O� 0 � o O q -d s � � a V � 0 C'4 0 v qO 33 !1 - cn O Q - w 0 v, o 0 ' w � W � Z W 33 P\ J K p0 V L1 Scwe .'/ '! /gyp ' K� 0 oy 0 1013AS SOUTH AN0.633.0'wE5r 1032..O'50UTH AND 233.0 OF NECOU QOFSEI /40FNE14 WEST OF NE CORNEROF.SEl4 of SEC.30.43-U. OFW!4o• SEG.30 -43 -12 L 197, 39' 202 . F1 ' �►/ti'F k E N LA1rF ELEAMote ffEREBY � 197.39' _ 402 .61' 197.39 '1-- 10'72.0'50UTH AND 435.61 1013.45.SOUTH AND 633.0 - WESTOF NE CORNER OF 5'"l %4 9,2 -72 -92-73 ,. 2 0 0 •e' oRly " WEST OF NECD>;NEQOFSE %4, 92-6-9 OF NE` /a OF SEC. 30-43 of NE 14,0F SEC.30 -43- 1 2 49-r. G/ ' O� 0 � o O q -d s � � a V � 0 C'4 0 v qO 33 !1 - cn O Q - w 0 v, o 0 ' w � W � Z W 33 P\ J K p0 V L1 Scwe .'/ '! /gyp ' State of, Illinois " Counties of- Cook . , S5 and.Lake - CERTIFICATE The. under.signed.' hereby certifies that she is the, Clerk of the .Village of Deerfield, And that. as. such she is the keeper of the records thereof The undersigned further certifies that the attached is a true and accurate copy of:an Annexation - Ordinance passed pro tem " by 'a two thirds (2/3) vote, ,'by the 'President /and Board 'of Trustees • of the Village of Deerfield, , at , a ' regular . meeting on April 6 =, 1964,.and•that the attached map is a true and correct - copy" of the area thereby. annexed. WITNESS my hand and seal , this 10th day of Apr F.I. , 196 . Village Clerk • �t •.k \V e'1�'i' � (J� iL {'�\ t itfT„� ig' . " • ' ray t jti Lt ��' 1 a BA.�•� y, y' e t /� { ' } •t FILED. FOR" RECORD IN RECORD E j�;�a" �'•' ' % +' .OFFICE LAKE,COUNTY, ILLINOIS N fs5 *t,i "'a r Y '� ti .. JJi `��������� „r�`�A/ t !}Y �4y��,7,0�••3t���+ *� t t r t ., V FRANK J NU N aor -RECORDER S7ii1Q DEDICATION The Grantors, Jens,' E. Petersen and Elizabeth R, Petersen, of the Village of Deerfield,_ County. of Lake, State .of Illinois, for and in 'consideration of .the: sum of One Dollar to them. in hand paid, .'grant, dedicate; . and .convey unto the • Village _of Deerfield, a municipal :corporation "of Illinois,, the -following . described property in. Lake,;Courity; Illinois:' The South East,-Quarter of the North East Quarter of Section. 30,' Township 43 North, Rarige 12,East . of the Third Principal;:Meridian, .Lake County,.' Illinois, more, particularly - described as - follows: Beginning at a point on a line 633 feet West of. the East •line ,of said . Quarter •Quarter and :1073.x+5 feet South of the' North line of said 'Quarter Quarter; thence East in a straight line, a distance of 197.39 feet-to a point 435.61 feet'-West of the East' line - of said Quarter Quarter. and 1072 feet South of the North line of said Quarter Quarter;•- thence.Eas. on a line parallel to.the -North line of said .Quarter • Quarter 402.61 feet .to.•a. point on- -the West line of Wilmot „Road `and 33 .feet.. West- -'of the East line of said•Quarter Quarter; thence.North' and pparallel` to the East line, of said .Quarter; Quarter, �F0 feet to a point on aline 1032 feet :South of the North line of said Quarter Quarter; thence.West on aline 1032 feet' South - of• and parallel : to ' the North line of said Quarter Quarter,= 200 feet to a •point 233 feet West of the East line of said-Quarter Quarter; thence - North on a line 233 , feet. West of the, East' line of said Quarter Quarter, 20' 'feet to . a point 1012 feet South- of the North. line • of said Quarter Quarter; thence West .on' a_•line 1012 --feet South of and parallel to the North line' of said Quarter Quarter, 202,61- feet to..a point 435.61 feet West of _the .East: line of said Quarter.Quarter;,`thence'West in a straight line to a point 633. feet. West of-the * East line 'of said Quarter Quarter: and 1013. -x+5. feet South of. the .North line of said •Quarter Quarter; thence South on•a''line 633 feet West .of and parallel to the East line" of said Quarter Quarter, a •distance of 60 feet' to the place' of. beginning; for , the purpose ''of dedicating ' the same for - street * purposes, . to be used•by the said Grantee for street, highway, and public utility purposes only,- and, hereby release, and waive all. rights- under. and by virtue of .th :e. homestead exemption laws ,of the State o,f 'Illinois.; ,r Y { ens E. P terse . 4�e� * r liza eth. R. Petersen ,, Dated: (,L� ' Gy_�i� � 4 STATE OF:ILLINOIS COUNTY OF Ch06- E . -SS I, i a' Notary Public in ' and for said County, in the' State aforesaid, .do hereby certify that Jens E.. Petersen. and.._Elizab -eth R. ' Petersen, personally known to me to be the same- persons' whose names are sub scribed to the foregoing instrument-;: - appeared before me this day in person, 'arid 1acknowledged that. they ' signed, sealed,' and delivered-the-said instrument ,as . their free and voluntary ,.act'.,-for the .uses and purpose's therein. set-forth, including - the. release and waiver of the right .`of 'homestead. "GIVEN under my hand and notarial seal this of !. 1964• ° 1 h V •t � 4 . y1dt � �` -Not y Publi FILED FOR RECORD IN RECORDE.Rt OFFICE LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS .. ��.MAYJ 1964 =1100 FRANK 1w N ' ;.s RECORDER Y RESOLUTION BE IT'RESOLVED by the President, and Board of Trustees of the Village of.Deerfield, Lake and Cook County.Illinois, that the dedication on the,part.o•f the grantors, JENS E,.PETERSEN and ELIZABETH •,R. PETERSEN, of the 'Village of .Deerfield, County of 'Cook and Lake, State of Illinois;, of the'follo'wing.described' property: j The • South,.East :Quart,er -of the North East' Quarter of Section' 30,` Township' '43 . North, Range 12, ' East of the` Third Principal Meridian, Lake-County, Illinois, more particularly described as follows: Beginning: at a poi'n't on a line' 633 feet .West of the Ea.st� fine of 'said 'Quart.er. .Quarter and 1073.x+5 feet South:of the'North line of said Quarter Quarter; thence East: in a 'straight line,' •a distance of •197.39 feet to ,a point x±35.61 feet West. of the East line.- . of said Quarter Quarter and •1072 .feet •'South of the North line of-said Quarter Quarter;,thence East on a line parallel to the North line of - said.Quarter. Quarter--402.61-feet to a point on the-West line of Wilmot Road. and 33 feet West of the,East line of said Quarter Quarter; thence North:and parallel to the.East line;of said,Quarter.•Quarter, 40 feet to a point; -on -a line., 1032 feet South of the North line of said Quarter Quarter; thence•West -on a line 1032T feet South of and.parallel to'the.North line of said Quarter. Quarter, •200 feet to .a point 233 feet West of the East line of said Quarter.Quarter; thence North on. a- line 233 feet West of the East. line.'of said Quarter Quarter, 20 feet to a point 1012 feet South of-the North line of said Quarter Quarter;-.., _ thence West on aline 1012 feet-South-of and parallel to'the North line of.said Quarter Quarter, 202.61 feet to a point 435.61 feet.'West of the East line.of said Quarter Quarter; ' thence West in a straight line to a point 633 feet West of the-East-line of said Quarter Quarter,and 1013;45 feet South of 'the North line,of.said Quarter Quarter; thence South on ,a line 633 feet_ West, of .,and parallel 'to the East line of - sand Quarter Quarter, a distance of. 60 feet to' the. . place.of.•beginning, for the purpose.-of dedicating the. same for street.purposes is hereby••accepted on the part of the. Village of Deerfield, this 6th dayof Ap r i i. APPROVED: _Village President pro tem Attest: Village Clerk• :. . for Street of part of the South East Quarter of the North East Quarter of Section 30, Township 43 North, 'Range 12, East'of the Third Principal Meridan, Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois. `c�iC9T�c�J �9 2 o�w �t4 a J Q V 6d' 0 5 0� I -92 -7Z 0 ° 0 W w 33 - K 0 V J SG4LE -'/ '� /G3p � a P w 1013AS SOUtH A04o633.0'wEsr 11D3L- ;0 50UTH AND 233.0' 0FNECa2Nf2oFSEI140FNEt /4. WEST OF WECQ2NER0FSEl4 92 -7-3 Q AF SEC. 30- 43-12. OFUE!40F SrZA0 -43 - {z Q O 197.39' 202.61 ' c 2 0 0.O' 33. vim, L.B%rE ELEAIVOQ yE•eEBY DEGVGdTED O 3 j yam- Q o 197,39' 402 ,6'I' , Q 197.39 10�3.45�SoviH nN06�3.0 10-772 AND 435.61 z ,L WEST OF NECD>'`NE20FSE' I k1 EST OF NE CoPwER0:- 5E� /¢ 92-6-9 O OF NE` %Q OF SEC 3U -43 -12 OF NE' /40F SEC. 30 -41-12 Q u, 0 W w 33 - K 0 V J SG4LE -'/ '� /G3p � a P STATE OF ILLINOIS ) LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES ) SS The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois and that the attached is a true and accurate copy of a resolution accepting the dedication of a tract of land for street purposes which was passed by the President pro tem and Board of Trustees of the said Village at a regular meeting thereof held April 6, 1964. Dated this 14th day of April, 1964. * < 4,'; �j 4 Cf ti r .r } Village Clerk x.,225 ®69 DOC ............. __ ...� ». _ FILED FOR RECORD IN RECORDERS OFFICE LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS MAY 121964 -11 00 AM oRnNx�/ Za RECORDER J STATE OF ILLINOIS SS COUNTY OF LAKE PETITION TO ANNEX To the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield: The undersigned, being all of the owners of record and all of the electors residing in the following described property, hereby respectfully request that said property be annexed to the Village of Deerfield. Said property is con- tiguous to the Village of Deerfield and is not in any other city, village or incorporated: The South East Quarter of the North East Quarter of Section 30, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, Lake County, Illinois, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on a line 633 feet West of the East line of said Quarter Quarter and 1073.45 feet South of the North line of said-Quarter Quarter; thence East in a straight line, a distance of 197.39 feet to a point 435.61 feet West of the East line of said Quarter Quarter and 1072 feet South of the North line of said Quarter Quarter; thence East on a line parallel to the North line of said Quarter Quarter 402.61 feet-to a point on the West line of Wilmot Road and 33 feet West of the East line of said Quarter Quarter; thence North and arallel to the East line of said Quarter Quarter, &0 feet to a point on a line 1032 feet South of the North line of said Quarter Quarter; thence West on a line 1032 feet South of and parallel to the North line of said Quarter Quarter, 200 feet to a point 233 feet West of the East line of said Quarter Quarter; thence North on a line 233 feet West of the East line of said Quarter Quarter, 20 feet to a point 1012 feet South of the North line of said Quarter Quarter; thence West on a line 1012-feet South of and parallel to the North line of said Quarter Quarter, 202.61 feet to a point 435.61 feet West of the East line of said Quarter Quarter; thence West in a straight line to a point 633 feet West of the East line of said Quarter Quarter and 1013.45 feet South of the North line of said Quarter Quarter; thence South on a line 633 feet West of and parallel to the East line of -1- said Quarter Quarter, a distance of 60 feet to the place of beginning, for the purpose of dedicating the same for street purposes. Respectfully submitted, A-, - .. 1�f C) I Jens i.. Yetersen E1 abeth R. Petersen AFFIDAVIT STATE OF ILLINOIS SS COUNTY OF LAKE The undersigned being one of the persons who signed the foregoing Petition, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that: 1. The statements in the foregoing Petition are true. 2. Said Petition is signed by all of the electors in said area, and by all of the owners of property in said area. Subscribed and swornto before me this __2 day of 1 or STATE OF ;LLS H=IS 3S Comm OF LAU L TION W AN= To the Board of Trusrtees Of the V411age of peertiold t . Trio underssignod, being, all of the owners of record an+d t all of the olecto, vs.-IresIdIAS In the following described . property, hereby respectfully request that said property be a mexed to - the - illage of Deerfield. Said property is con- tiguous to the VIII&ge of - ; sorfield and is not in any other city, v.11ago or ineorporateds The South Last Quarter of the Worth East Quertor of Section 30, Township 43 Worths Range 12, East of the Miird Principal Meridian, Lake County, Illinois # more particularl Ue scribed as follows; Beginning at a paint . on a 633 feet West of the East, line of said Quarter Quarter and 14T3.45 feet South of the North line of said. Quarter Quarterl thence East Ina straight line, a distance of 197.39 feet to a point 435.61 feet West of that East line of s*id Quarter Quarter and 1072 Feet South of the North line of said Quarter Quarter; thence let on at line parallel to the North line of said Quarter Quarter ,402.61 feet to a point on the West line of Wilmot Road and 33 feet West of the East line of said Quarter Quartesrt thence North .and lei to the East lithe. of said Quarter Quarters 4 foot to a point on a line 1032 feet South of the North line of said Quarter tarter; thence West on a line 1032 feet Routh of and parallel ,to the North lino. of said Quarter Quarter, 240 . feet to a point 233 feat West of the East line of add, Quartos Quarter; thence, North on a :line 233 feet West of the East line of said Quarter Quarter, . 20 feet to a point 1012 feet South -of the Forth line of said Quarter Quarter; thence West on a lane 1012 feet South of and parallel to the North line of said Quarter Quarter, 202.61 fetest to a point 435.61 feet West of the Sant line of said Quarter Qwu tarj 'thence hest In a straight line to a point 633 foot Wssst of the East line of said Quarter Quarter lend 1013,45 feet South of the Borth line of said Quarter Quarter; thence South on a line 633 feet West of and parallel to the East line of 4 said Quarter Quarter, - o. distance of 60 feet to than plaae of beginni ngo for the purpose of dedicating the same for street purposes. Respectfully subm ittedf ens a ersen EIIRSetri 11. Peferson MIWAVIT STATE OF IMIi ICS C©WI M OF LAIS The undersigned being one of the persons who signed the foregoing petition* being first duly sworno deposes and that s. 1. The .statements In the foregoing petition are tare. 9. said Petition is ilpod by all of the electors in said an, ant ' by All of the smote of property in said area. Subsoribed and avornto before so this day of r 1964. SO e 4 State of Illinois Counties Qf Cook SS. and late CER`1m, CAT'E The undersigned . hereby certifies that she In the Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, and that as ,such she is they peeper of the records � thcreo,f 4 T undersigned further certifies that the attached Is a.true and accurate copy of an Annexation Ordinance passed by a two-thirds '(2/3) vote, by the Pr'esiident and Board of Trustees of the Village of IDeorf field, at a zle ;ular meeting on , - 1964, and that the attached map is a true and correct copy of the area thereby annexed. 14ITN.ESS raft hand and seal this day of s 1964' village er I7 ORDINANCE VD, WMAPAS, a petition has been received signed by all of the owners of record of property described belout there being no, electors residing therein; and W ,,itUAS# 'said props rty is contiguous to the Villa&* of D"rf leld and not In any other ounicipalitys NOW* ZILMMI :: BL IT OFail INN by the President and Board of Trusteeo . of the Village of Deerfield, 111 nols, that t Section 1. The President and Board of Trustees. heroby find that the at4t*4ents in tho preambles to this ordinamer are true, Sect on 2, The fgl,lowing terri tc zy is hereby annexed to the Vi.11aae. of Deorf.leldt The South Laot �;uarter of the north Last Cuarter of Section 30: Townehip 43 North, i s 12* Bast of the 'T'hi.rd, Principal Meri.di.an# Lake County* 111inolst more particularly described as followst Beginning at a point on a lines 633 feet West .of . the at 1.in* cat said Quarter Quarter and 1003.45 feet South o: the North line of saLd 4;uarter Quartsrf thence East in asp straight lino >a< dietaance of 1.97.39 feet to a point 435.61 toot West of the last line of said Q &rtor Quarter and 1072 feet South of the North nine of ';sabaid -", rter Quarteri theme 1Ast on a Line paaraall4l , to tho .Worth 11vw of aold - Quarter 4 carter 402.61 fcct to a paint con the Meat line of Wilmot Road and 33 feet Wbat of" 'tha- at line of ld Quarter (,u rteri. thenc* NorUi and parallel to that East line of sdd Quarter' 4usa to r, 40 feet to a point on a line 1032 f"eot South of the' North line of said Quartatr Quarter ti eenoee west an a line 1032 feet South of and Parallel to that Forth line of said Quarter Quagarteer, 200 feet to to paint 233 feat Meat of the Last line ,of said Quarter Quarter; thence North on as line 233 feat 'West of the lust Line of said Quortor Quaarte7r,# 20 feet to a point 1012 Poet Zouth of the North lire of said Quarter Quartelrj the=* West on a line .1012 feet South off` vA parallel to the North line of said Quarter Quarters. 2D2,01 feet to as point 435.61 toot West of the East line of said Quarter Quarter thence Went in a ,straight line to a point 633 feet West or the .last line of ,a*i.d Quarter r Quarter and 1013.45 feet South of the . North lino of sold Quarter Quartorl thence South on a ,11no, 633 foot West of and parallel to the FA st linear of J said Quarter Quarter* a diatanc * cif 160 Peet to the place . 'cf beginniz r for. the purpose of dedioat ng tA* same `car atreet P Aorta. SO4tion 3. A certifieed 'onpy of . thla ordinance: together with axa accurate mp of the territory hemby annexed) *hall be reoorded. with the Recorder of Deeds of County# 1111 ols. Passed - thia Oay of , 39646 XAYSa 7he G moray# den's E, Paterseen' and Elisabeth R. Paterson, of the Village of Deerfield► Count-y of Lakes State of 111imis, for and In consideration of-the sum of One Dolltsr to them in hand paidt grants dedicate, and convey unto the Village of Dberfield, a municipal Corp oration of Illinois, the following desertbed property in Lake County, Illinois .The south East Quarter of the North East Quarter of section 34, Township 43 Northa mange 12,East of the Third Principal Meridian* hake County, Yllin>ois, more particularly described as follows Beginning at a point on a line 633 feet 'Meet of the Zast line of said' Quarter Quarter and 1073.45 feet South of the North line of said Quarter Quarter; thence East in a straight line, a distance of 197 *39 feet to a point 435.61 feet West of the East lisle of said Quarter Quarter and 1072 feet South of the. North 1ine of said Quarter Quarters thence East on a line parallel to the North line of said Quarter Quarter 442.61 feet to a point on the west line of Wilmot Roan and 33 feet West of the East line of said Quarter Quarters thence North and paraallel to the East line of said Quarter Quarters feet to a point on a 11ne 1032 feet South of the North line of said Quarter Quarter; thence West on a line 1032. feet South of and parallel to the North line of said Quarter Quarter,# Zap feet to a point 233 feet Meet of the East line of'said Quarter Quarters thence North on a line 233 feet West of the East line of add Quarter Quarter: 20 feet to a point 1012 feet South of the North line of said Quarter Quarters thence West on a line 1012 feet South of and parallel to the North line of said Quarter. Quarter, 202.61 feet to a point 435.61 feet West of the East line of amid Quarter Quarter; thence West in a. straight line to a point 633 feet West of the East line of said Quarter Quarter and 1013.45 feet south of the Forth lisle of said Quarter Quarters thence South on a line 633 feet Vest of and parallel to the East line of said Quarter Quarter, a distance of 60 feet to the place of beginniag for the purpose of dedicating the .same for street purposes, to be used by the said Grantee for-streett, highway, and public Utility purposes only, and hereby releaser and valve all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exeVtion laves of the State of 1111nolso ens a raen Eliz"Alsfh . Peterson Dateds STATE OF M=NOI S 0o� OP SS I, a Notary Public in and for said County: in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that :eas 2. Petersen and Elizabeth R. Petersen, personally known to me to be the same.persons whose names are sub. scribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person,* and acknowledged that they signed, staled, and delivered the said i.n trument as their free and voluntary acts for the uses and purposes therein set forths including the release and waiver of the right of homestead. omm ,undter ow hand and notarial seal this day of 1964, arq MM RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by.the President and Board of Trustees of the Village.of Deerfield, Lake'and Cook County Illinois, that the dedication on the part of the grantors, BENS E. PETERSEN and ELIZABETH R. PETERSERP of .the Village of Deerfield, County of Cook and Lake, State of Illinois, of the following described Property: The South Bast Quarter of the North FAst Quarter of 3ectioa 30, 'Township, 43; North. Rmnge . l2, East of the. third Principal'Neridian,-Lake County.. Illinoie, more particularly described his follows: Beginning at a point on a 11ne 633 Peet West�of the East line of said Quarter Quarter and 1073.45 feet South of the North line of said Quarter Quarter; thence East in a atraight line• a distance of 197.39 feet to a point 435.61 feet West of the East line of said Quarter Quarter and 1072 feet South of the -North line of said Quarter quarter; thence East on a line parallel to the North line of said Quarter Quarter 402.61 feet to a point on the West line of Wilmot .Road and 33 feet West of the Est line of said Quarter Quarter; thence North and parallel to the East line of said Quarter Quarters 40 feet to a point on a line 1032 .feet South of the North line of said Quarter Quarter; thence West on a line 1032 feet South of and paralle1 to the North line of said Quarter Quarters 200 feet to a point 233 feet West of the East line of said Quarter Quarter; thence North on'a line 233 feet West of the East line of said Quarter Quarter,-20 Peet to a point 1012 Feet South of the North line of-said. Quarter Quarter; thence West on a line 1012 feet South of and parallel to the North line of said Quarter Quarter, 202.61 feet to a point 435.61 feet West of the East line of said Quarter Quarter; thence West in a straight line to a point 633 feet West of the East line of said Quarter Quarter and 1013.45 feet South of the North line of said Quarter Quarterl thence South on a line 633 feet West of and parallel to the East line of said Quarter Quarter, a distance of 60 feet to the place of beginning, for the purpose of dedicating the same for street purposes Is hereby accepted on the part of the Village of Deerfieldr this dayof , 1964. Attests Village" MeR APPROVED: Village FresMnE