O-63-20ORDINANCE NO. 0 -63 -20 ANNEXATION ORDINANCE Whereas the following described property is unincorporated territory containing less than sixty (60) acres and is wholly within and bounded by the Village of Deerfield, County of Lake, State of I 1 1 i not s: Parcel #I: West-130 feet of East 448 feet of South 335.08' feet of East 50'rods, Southeast quarter, Southeast gyarter Section 30, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian. Parcel #2• Lots 2, 3, and 4-of Edward Horenberger's•subdivision, Southeast quarter, Section 30, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the-Third Principal Meridian. Now, Therefore, Be It Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, that: Section 1. The preamble of this ordinance is found to be true. Section 2. The above described property is hereby annexed to the Village of Deerfield, County of Lake, State of I l linohs.., Passed this 6th day of May, 1963. APPROVED: ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK David C. Whitney VILLAGE PRESIDENT RECORDED: May 27 , 1963 - Doc-. #1186767 ORDINANCE NO.-6 3 -, ANNEXATION ORDINANCE Whereas the following described property is unincorporated territory containing less than sixty (60) acres and is wholly within and bounded by the Village of Deerfield, County of Lake, State of Illinois: Parcel Wl: West 130 feet of East 448 feet of South 335.08 feet of East 51 rods, Southeast quarter, Southeast quarter, Section 30, Township 43 North, Range 12 East of the Third Principal Meridian. Parcel #2: Lots 2, 3, and 4 of Edward Horenberger's subdivision, Southeast quarter, Section 30, Township 43 North, Range 12 East of the Third.Principal Meridian.. Now, Therefore, Be It Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, that: Section 1. The preamble of this ordinance is found to be true. Section 2. The above described property is hereby annexed to the Village of Deerfield, County of Lake, State of Illinois. Passed thisv day of 1963. APPROVED: ATTEST: q �. -6. _?z 1, VILLAGE CLERK VILLAGE PRESI EN RAT ' 0/` VIZ ZA 6,6- of Aire coOrlyrv, zzLlNois -2® ; /� r ��.p �^ •�i c�� ®y r�: � �I/41 IV L-4 ,-t� p� V, try 2Ari /I�cTIa loo lia� ,,1,,::3T 1 30 Y'R,"� .` C77 1:oL ,1 `i 8 1774-77t` 7 OF ASS T 51 RODS, SOU bHEA-9T QUnRTL2R q SOUTH f,1 . 7; -A6 JlNGHYP 43 NOZTH R RANGE 12 FA, :-A OF .THS, THIR PARCEL 2o* ,4y 29 39 AND 44 OF E10ARD HOR,NTBLRGLR9 `.; GOUTHL",0 iT QUARTERS SECTION 30g To1NSHIP 43 NORTH,, RANG!,,', 12 THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. N �1 7-o -/-a, 2.75 Acres N A/ `,:' VILLAGE d'¢ C \ b y D : �+ b .` L, ` �'• /1/o rtfi+ /i/s e .Sa v �fi 3 3 .$" D 8 rC76' / 30. 0 268.0 So S Sco /c /"= /00 0 N �1 N ` C \ b y �I is h b L, 0 N �1 N ` C \ b y �I is h b S'o u f'h 1117C QP � �M N /24 1 /44 DE'A'R F /4'Z- D. V /LLAGE o� OEEiPF /�'LD STATE OF ILLINOIS) ss COUNTY OF LAS ) $ 9 RONALD Do LARSMq, A REGISTERED ILLINOIS LAND SURVE.°YOR9 DC HEREBY QV'- l,TlF°Y THAT THIS PLAT REPRESENTS THI LANDS ;1l- �oRlBEEJ IN THE ABCV CAPTION PY 1 bd14 ��"� ��'aN: °� a mm:,a 63 - 20 DAS D AT 7AUKEGAZ9 jj'LJJ�CJS n UaY 22 V',63 aodQOa000000�o ` oo�.o �.�•� -� -7 �o?aoo 44 I i A t i s � A /90. 0 J, o �A Fi /e Aso. 3o - ¢3 - /z �1 N y �I is /90. 0 J, o �A Fi /e Aso. 3o - ¢3 - /z r' r r i STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )..SS COUNTY OF LAKE ) The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly elected, qualified'aid,,acting Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Copk Counties, Illinois; and that the attached ordinance is a true and accurate copy of an ordinance duly passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village at a regular meeting thereof held on the 6th day of May, 1963. Dated this 24th day of May, 1963. .a, < +•y: ;tfq }°� °° d y�� � i rat!] >� o ;t. (� o eet-� 6 4� Catherine B. Price Village Clerk ORDINANCE NO. -63 -20 ANNEXATION ORDINANCE Whereas the - following described property is unincorporated territory containi* leas than sixty.(60) acres and is wholly within and bounded by the Village of Deeerfield y County of Lake, State of Illinois: Parcel 01: West 130 feet of East 448 feet of South 335.08 feet of East 51 rods, Southeast quarter, Southeast quarter, Section 30, Township 43 Norths Range 12 East of the Third Principal Meridian. Parcel #2s Lets 20 30 and 4 of Edward Horenberger's subdivision, Southeast quarters Section 300 Township 43 North, Ranges 12 East of tide Third Principal Meridian. Now, Therefore„ Be It Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village: of Deerfield$ that: Section 1. The preamble of this ordinance is found to be trues. Elct qn 2. The above described property is hereby - anneexeed to the Village of Deerfield„ County of Lake, State of Illinois. Passed this 6th- day of May , 1983. Doc. 11.86767 FILED FOR RECORD IN RECORDERS OFFICE LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS MAY 2703 -1 9 qp APF'ROVEn i �� rRANK 3. Nuemue 11BCORDER o' ATTEST: MME MERF L RZ A T I - 0/27 YA r101V Z- /I /&" c- U CY /V i 7 I-e- / z v G" / -) 6 3 2 0 1 TH7 --• �71 "T 130 FRE-7 ':Z"T 448 1) lh, p 'A 57,, "-'ODE &EdOUTHEASST QJT 'Rm S' 0j U T 43 NOETH, 1RAIMP 12 FE6S--,T OF M- TK.A� ll il'h-X",'—< ",,' 2-? Y:011S, 2, 39 AWP 4 OF QUARTERP K-CTION 309 TCU'RSH172 43 NOifffig H IH - THIRD PRINCIPAL FZRIDIAN. c,-,= s Al VIZ A (5,C 07- %-4 44 /30-0 269• o So s .4 00 C41 o m �G tu rh N Aj N o M DZYR FleZ- lRY rn 4-4-9- 0 O 0 X 1� a Sur, a -4 /ire e SE j- s � c- 3c, - 4491.0 jj�!OAV- STAT;, OF 2:L7'-INOIS) VIL I- A 6 e' 0 7e' ) Cou-ny OF x'AKE ) 19 ROVALD D. LARSEW, A INCIS. SURVEYOR fl DC HEREBY ANM IFY THAT THIS P7,AT REPFX-SENTS THl,,' -.4 .— IN THE AW', CAPTION A, T," --1 �:T7 Ski Z) W 63 -.20 0 CAN,, jytLyLDX-'S, LAY 229 1-363 ----------- ------ 0 viler "'e'. S 5, 41 -A , r ab 1 } 5 ORDINANCE NO. 6.320*_ ANNEXATION.ORDINANCE Whereas .the.following described property is unincorporated territory containing leas than suety (60). acres and is wholly within and bounded by the Village of Deerfield, County of Lake, State of Illinois: Parcel #1: West 130 feet of East 448 feet of South 335.08 feet of East 51 rods, Southeast quarter, Southeast quarter, Section 30., Township 43 North, Range 12 East of the Third Principal Meridian. Parcel #2t Lots 2, 3, and 4 of Edward Horenberger's subdivision* Southeast quarter, Section 300 Township 43 North, Range 12 East of the Third Principal Meridian. Nowt' Therefore$ Be It Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees. of the Village of Deerfield, thats Section 1. The preamble of this ordinance is found to be true. Section 2. The above - described property is hereby annexed to the Villages of Deerfield, County of Lakee, State of Illinois. Passed this °fit day 'of i�1 ' Maw _b 1963. lip . ATTEST: a� APPROVED: