O-59-081 C\4 CYJ d C� 1 1 129 ORDINANCE 0 -.59 -8 'BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield,-Illinois, that: The provisions of the 1955 Edition of the National Building Code pre- pared and recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters together with the December 1957 amendment thereto, are hereby adopted as the regu- lations governing the construction of any building or structure in the village other than one or two family residence buildings, and it shall be unlawful to erect, construct, repair or remodel any such building or structure in the village in violation of,.or without compliance with those regulations. Wherever in the said building code it is provided that anything must be done to the approval or subject to the direction of, the Building Commis- sioner of any other officer of the village, this shall be construed to give such officer only the discretion of determining whether the rules or standards established by ordinance have been complied with; and no such provision shall be construed as giving any officer of the village discretionary powers as to what such regulations or standards shall be or power to enforce such regu- lations or ordinance provision in an arbitrary or discriminatory manner. The building regulations adopted by reference herein shall be construed as supplemental to and in addition to the provisions of the building ordinance of the village,.and in the event of a conflict between the provisions of such adopted regulations and a specific proiision of the ordinances, the latter shall be followed: PROVIDED FURTHER that Section 1007 of the said National Building Code shall read as follows, as adopted: 1007. Prefabricated chimneys may be used proViding they comply with the following requirements: Precast sectional chimneys meeting approval of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. where the flue gas temperatures from appliances do not exceed 1000 F continuously and do not exceed 1400 F for infrequent brief periods of forced firing. Each chimney shall be an assembly of approximately 2- foot -long sections,consisting of fire clay flue lining encased in insulating material not less than 3" thick with an external jacket of cement- asbestos. The cement - asbestos jacket shall be not less than 3/16 inch thick. Sheet'metal,draw -band for each joint, acid- 130 resisting, high- temperature chimney cement for joint sealing, suitable ceiling or floor supports, cement - asbestos rain cap and down -draft diverter, above roof housing of approved weather resisting material, flashing, and all other accessories required for a complete installation shall be furnished. PASSED: This 14th day of January, 1959. ril Attest: co, Vi l-lage Clerk PUBLISHED: January 22, 1959 in the Deerfield Review. 1 1 L r f ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the village of Deerfield, Illinois that: The provisions of the 1955 Edition of the National Building code prepared and recommended by the National Board of Fire Under- writers together with the December 1957 amendment�.thereto, are hereby adopted as the regulations governing the - construction of any build- ing or structure in the village other than one or two family residence buildings, and it shall be unlawful to erect, construct, repair or re- model any such building or structure in the village in violation of, or without compliance with those regulations. Wherever in the said building code it is provided that anything must be done to the approval br, or subject to the direction of, the Building Commissioner or any other officer of the village, this shall be construed to give such officer only the discretion of determining whether the rules or standards established. by ordinance have been com- plied with; and no such provision shall be construed as giving any offi- cer of the village discretionary powers as to what such regulations or standards shall be or power to enforce such regulations or ordinance provision in an arbitrary or discriminatory manner. The building regulations adopted by reference herein shall be construed as supplemental to and in addition to the provisions of the building ordinance of the village, and in the event of a conflict between the provisions of such adopted regulations and a specific provision of the ordinances, the latter shall be followed; PROVIDED FURTHER that Section 1007 of the said National Building Code shall read as follows, as adopted: 1007. Prefabricated chimneys may be used providing they comply with the following requirements: Precast sectional chimneys meeting approval of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. where the flue gas temperatures from appliances do not exceed 1000 F continuously and do not --- exceed 1400 F for infrequent brief periods of forced firing. Each chimney shall be an assembly of approximately 2 -foot -long sections, consisting of fire clay flue lining encased in insulating material not less 6 an 3" thick with an external jacket of cement - asbestos. The cement - asbestos jacket sh'alr be`not' less than 3/16 inch thick. Sheet metal draw -band for each joint, acid - resisting, high - temperature chimney cement for joint sealing, suit- able ceiling or floor supports, cement - asbestos- rain cap and down -draft diverter, above roof housing of approved weather resisting, material, flashing and all other accessories required for a complete installation shalt be furnished. I -2- PASSED this !_ :day of Attest: Approved: 19A i age er age re ant PUBLISHED: r